The Weapon Zero Agenda *HF* (End Pt.1 and Pt.2)

By AshanteGrey

(Ignatius Mansion...Leningrad.)

Accessing various files from the computer, Dominique studied the data behind the Weapon Zero Protocols. Skimming through the journal entries of his late father, Dominique became increasingly determined to continue where he left off.

(Excerpts from Journal Entries.)

“According to my latest experimentation, it seems as though the Weapon Zero system is extremely taxing on the body. As it has killed the last few subjects who volunteered for testing. Two humans and one mutant. From the data retrieved from the autopsies, I’ve been able to conjecture that DNA pattern. A pattern different from human and mutant...Will be required for the Weapon Zero process to be completed.”

“After completing extensive testing in Bio-Genetic manipulation, I’ve been able to isolate a possible DNA strand that contains highly conductive levels for the Weapon Zero protocols. Upon completing blood analysis on all my employees, I found that my own DNA is structured closest to that required. The Doctors tell me my DNA is mutated. But I have no powers that I’m aware of. I shall begin compatibility experimentation soon.”

Dominique began to ponder the possibilities. Wondering if his DNA would be sufficient for the Weapon Zero system.

Picking up the phone, Dominique dialed a numerical code.

“I need a phlebotomist and a Blood Analysis team immediately.” He ordered sternly.

“Yes, Sir.”

“One more thing. Secrecy is absolute.”

“Yes sir. The crew will be there within five minutes...Six minutes tops.”

“Very well.” (Click)

Part 2:

Within two minutes, a Blood Analysis Team arrived at the Ignatius Mansion. Typing in a keycode before a successful retina scan, and handprint scan, the team entered the grounds. Escorted by a small entourage of armored Guards, the Blood Analysis Team made their way to Dominique’s location.

Upon their arrival, two guards opened the doors. Allowing them entrance into the chamber.

“Sir, the Blood Analysis Team’s here.”

“Very well.” Dominique replied as he turned around in his swiveling chair.

“Mr.Ignatius. I’m Mikhail. With me are Alexi, Piotr, and Katya. You requested us for some blood work?” He asked.

”Yes. I need you to draw some of my blood and conduct a full DNA analysis. I’ll require a report as soon as possible.” He demanded.

“Sir, if I may ask... What exactly are we looking for?” Alexi asked curiously.

With a slightly raised eyebrow, Dominique grinned. Scooting his chair to the side, Dominique revealed the computer screen as he typed in a small code. Paperwork began to print from a terminal nearby. Organizing the paperwork, Dominique handed them over to Mikhail.

“Actually, I was looking for this.”

Skimming over the paperwork, Mikhail’s eyes widened upon the realization of its significance.

“Bosh Moi!! Weapon Zero??!!” Mikhail gasped.


A sudden stillness shadowed the chamber as Mikhail began to remember his past involvement with the Weapon Zero Protocols. Remembering the concept behind Weapon Zero, Mikhail shuddered slightly as he also began to remember some of the failed experiments as well.

“God have mercy on us all if he succeeds.” He thought to himself.

While Mysty prepared for the task at hand in the War Chamber, she began to sense a presence closing in on her. Despite the vagueness of the presence, Mysty was neither worried or scared. But rather surprised.

“You weren’t expecting to surprise a telepath, were you?” she asked with a grin to her face.

Emotionless, Ashante began to scan the map for path trajectory and flight patterns. His sense of determination was immediately felt by Mystikal as she finished up her preparations for the mission.

“We’ll have to leave soon. Nightfall in Leningrad is in three hours.” The Jian said while checking his blades.

Within seconds, The Jian found himself levitating off the floor. The Jian looked over toward Mystikal as he realized she was behind the stunt.

“I can have us there within the hour.” She said winking at him.

“Just one problem..” The Jian replied as his eyes flashed with energy. “Openly using our powers in the Leningrad area will only force us to lose our tactical advantage. I have a small Jet ready to take us. We’ll arrive at our destination within the same amount of time. But we’ll also have the latest stealth protocols working for us as well.” He explained briefly.

“Whatever. Just take the fun out of things.” Mystikal replied.

Looking at her without saying a word, The Jian donned his mask and pulled his hood over his head.

“According to latest Intel, Seven’s been in Moscow gathering all the information he could. Including military patrol routes, flight patterns, and even structural blueprints of key locations which will prove useful to us in our mission. We can meet with Seven in Moscow and move in from there.” The Jian pointed out.

“Sounds like a plan to me. I’m ready when you are.” She replied with a devilish smile on her face.

“Just as long as I get some play time too.” She added.

The Jian slightly pulled down his glove as he revealed a device which encompassed his forearm. The fluid like design of the device fully expressed the complexity behind its advanced design. Punching in an encrypted code, the pair soon heard the roaring sounds of the Jet as it swooped down on the nearby landing area.

“Shall we?” The Jian asked