The Weapon Zero Agenda *HF* (Prelude and Part 1)

By AshanteGrey

The Weapon Zero Agenda *HF*

(The Darkfire Castle...)

Amidst the Throne Room of the mysterious Castle of the Darkfire located in the Mediterranean, a head rolls from the shadowed background as it stopped near the center of the Room. The Dark Lord and Lady briefly view the head as the Dark Countess and Ranger emerge from the shadows.
"The task has been completed, My Lord." The Jian proclaimed as he bowed loyally.
"Maximillian Ignatius has been assassinated. The merger between DynaPlex Industries and Grey International is complete." Mystikal added with a shadowy grin.
The Dark Lord stood from his throne and clapped slightly while proceeding to the head, which lied on the floor. Standing over the head, a sadistic gleam glistened within his eyes.
"You see? Perhaps next time you'll actually consider what I have to say. Well Done, Jian and Mystikal. With the newest addition to our court NO ONE will dare oppose us, nor even think to stand in our way." He demanded as Monet followed, taking her place beside the Dark Lord.
"My Lord...Ignatius had a son at one time. But the latest intelligence shows no confirmation." Mysty noted.
"Where did you find him?" Nate pointed out toward the head.
"He was found in the Corporate Headquarters in Leningrad. Although I must admit the Soviet Army's special unit has potential. Or HAD potential that is." Mystikal replied.
"But with Mystikal's power and my prowess, Mr.Ignatius was of no difficulty at all. The Silent winds of Death are one of few inevitabilities in life. Many try to avoid it, but all succumb to it." The Jian said as he pulled back his hood and removed the mask from his head.
Deep within a fortified Mansion in Glasgow, Scotland a young man types away at a keyboard as he accesses what seem to be encrypted files. Foreshadowed with a growing determination, the young man unlocked the 512-bit encryption code as a written prophecy had emerged on screen.
His name is Dominique Ignatius, and he has only one thing in mind. To seek revenge on those who killed his father. While DynaPlex Industries may now belong to Grey International, the newly unlocked files held a danger upon the likes of which the World has never seen.
After a short period of time, Dominique found something, which caught him by surprise.
"Weapon Zero Protocols." The Computer announced.
"Weapon Zero?" He thought to himself.
"What exactly were you working on? He pondered as he began to briefly look over the data.
Looking further, Dominique noticed a picture of frightening familiarity. He couldn't help but wonder what the man's picture was doing there. Driven by unending curiosity, Dominique read closer into the data underneath the picture.
"I don't believe it.. I simply can't believe it." Dominique gasped.

Part 1:
Nate walked toward a nearby window in a trance like state. As though he had attuned himself to something unknown. The Dark Lord psionically scanned various areas of the world, closing in on the mind that he seeks.
“My Lord…. What is it?” Monet asked. Mystikal and The Jian felt overwhelmingly looming senses of concern fill the room. Within a few moments, Nate’s eyes lit up with raw power as he found the object of his affinity.
“I have found him.” Nate replied as the Darkfire Crest in the floor opened up. From below emerged a 360-degree holographic screen. Within the screen was a diagram of the Globe that rotated slowly.
Nate turned his attention to the holographic image while preparing to point out its exact location.
“Here.” Nate proclaimed as he pointed to a specific area in Western Russia.
Within seconds, the holographic globe shifted into a 3-D map of the specified location.
“Leningrad. Home of the GRU.” The Jian said softly.
“GRU?” Monet asked inquisitively.
“GRU stands for the Soviet Military Intelligence. They’re known for their heavy involvement of special weapons development and incorporation of mutants into their ranks. They have a special operative team known as Spetsnaz, which keep a tight patrol of the city. Most of them are commissioned under the late Maximillian Ignatius.” The Jian explained.
“You seem to have some extensive knowledge about the place.” Mysty told him telepathically.
Turning toward Mysty, Ashante noticed a grin emerge across her face.
“One should never forget.. I’m the best that money can buy. I am the perfect assassin.” The Jian replied mentally.
“Dominique Ignatius is located somewhere on these grounds known as the Ignatius Mansion. After I found him, I lost him. I have reason to believe there’s some form of psionic shielding among the grounds.” Nate explained.
“We must not allow this Dominique Ignatius character live any longer!” Monet demanded.
“I agree, my dear. And his life shall come to an.. Abrupt end. You, Jian, and Seven will complete the objective.” Nate ordered. “Seven has been informed of the mission at hand. He will meet you in Moscow.”
“Yes, My Lord.” Mystikal and The Jian replied as they bowed loyally to the Dark Lord. Both turned as they began to leave the throne room when Nate stopped them.
“Oh, and one more thing. Eliminate the objective with extreme prejudice” Nate sadistically ordered.
A cruel smile wrapped around the Dark Ranger’s face upon hearing those words. The Jian and Mystikal continued to exit the room with an insatiable determination to please the Dark Lord.

(To Be Continued...)