The Weapon Zero Agenda *HF* (Pt.3)

By AshanteGrey

Part 3:

Moscow, Russia....

As the barren arctic weather rages over the Russian lands, people make their way to the markets which outline the Red Square. The forums are quickly as people go about their business, and try to stay out of the Cold. But amongst the crowd are those gifted with special abilities. Among them is the one known only as Seven.

Surveying the immediate Area, Seven keeps an eye out for anyone who might be following him. Possibly KGB or GRU Agents. Seven kept moving throughout the crowds as he makes his way to the designated rendezvous point. Being careful to avoid practically al forms of detection, Seven proceeds onward.

Mystikal and The Jian soar through the skies as the Jet roars violently through the air. Flying with an uncanny expertise, The Jian maneuvers the Jet with great speed. But notices Mystikal’s expression.

“Something wrong?” Jian asked.

“I don’t know what I was thinking.. Referring to Nate as ’My Lord’? I must be losing my mind. Now he’s gonna have an ego so big, we’ll have to grease his head to get him through the doors.” She replied.

The Jian merely nodded, acknowledging what she said as he kept his mind on the mission at hand. Feeling a sense of uneasiness, The Jian instinctively looked toward the monitoring systems..

“I mean, what was I smoking?” Mysty asked. But then turned her attention to The Jian.

“Ashante, something wrong? You seem concerned.” She asked.

“Looks like we’re gonna have some company real soon.” He replied as he increased airspeed.

“I don’t see how. Especially with the latest in stealth protocols. How could we be..”

Within an instant, two missiles closed in on the Jet from below. Swerving out of the way, Jian maneuvered the Jet evasively while unleashing the ECM’s (Electromagnetic Countermeasures.) The Missiles took to the ECM’s as the explosion rippled through the Jet.

“Damn, That was close.” Jian said as he accessed other monitoring screens.

Mystikal glanced out the window and noticed a few more Jets, screaming through the skies in attack mode.

“Some stealth equipment you’ve got.” Mystikal sneered.

“Look! The Stealth protocols are fine. They must have tracked us by some other means.” He roared back as he tried to shake the enemy Jets.

Never mind, Ashante. You fly the Jet, and I’ll handle these guys here.” Mystikal ordered as she rose from her seat and made her way to the side hatch of the Jet. While getting up, Mystikal touched The Jian’s shoulder. The Jian felt kinda woozy, but soon regained his bearings as he steadied the Jet.

On the Astral Plane, Mystikal approached The Jian as she borrowed some of his power.

“Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.” She said as she faded back into the material plane.

“Wanna give me fair warning next time?” He said jokingly.

Mystikal merely turned back and winked at him as she prepared to jump out the Jet.

“You evade those incoming missiles. I’ll take care of these guys.” She ordered as he flew out the Jet.

Stabilizing herself in mid air, Mystikal’s eyes lit up with energy as she forged an incredible amount of energy which raced around her. Her body illuminating, Mystikal had a grin emerge on her face upon realizing what she could do.

Within moments, two Jets fired multiple volleys of missiles toward Mystikal with surgical accuracy. As the missiles closed in, Mystikal merely grinned further as she raised her clinched hands up to chest level.

“Who do you people think you are?!” Mystikal shouted about as she unleashed a telekinetic shockwave which rippled violently through the skies. The Shockwave screamed as it moved with swiftness, literally exploding the incoming missiles before they reached anywhere near her.

The two Jets screeched passed her with sound breaking speed while preparing to launch another attack. A third Jet swooped toward Mystikal as it prepared to launch its missiles. Sensing the opportunity at hand, Mystikal flew head on toward the Jet.

(Pilot Transmission..)

Ghost Rider to Lamprey.. Ghost Rider to Lamprey.. Target flying straight toward me. Cannot evade. Reinforcements nee--AAARRRGGGHHH!!!!!)

(End Transmission.)

As Mystikal flew toward the incoming Jet, she formed a sword of pure energy. Approaching

the Jet, She drove the energy blade down the center of the Jet, splitting it in half. As the Jet exploded, Mystikal remained in the midst of the smoke. With energy crackling around her, Mystikal’s fury increased while The Jian was busy evading the other Jets.

The Jian moved through the skies with amazing swiftness as the enemy Jets closed in on him. Despite his uncanny piloting skills, the Jets match him move for move. Multiple volleys of laser fire and missiles were unleashed at The Jian’s Jet as he climbed the skies, gaining altitude at a rapidly fast rate.

“Damn!! These guys are good. Must be from Spetsnaz.” He thought to himself as he managed to get behind on of the pursuing Jets.

Within moments, Jian had locked onto the target as he armed a pair of thermite missiles. Firing the missiles, The Jian was determined to take out anyone who opposed him or stood in his way.


The Target Jet was destroyed as the two thermite missiles made impact along the fuselage, creating a devastating fireball in the sky that burned for a considerably long length of time. The Jian flew through the fireball in an attempt to shake off the other jet which was pursuing him.

“Jian, I’m on my way.” Mystikal said as he flew through the skies to catch up with them. Maneuvering through the skies with matrix-like precision, Mystikal flew as fast as she could to catch up with The Jian and whoever was pursuing him.

Jian continued to evade the oncoming Jet as incoming missiles closed in from below. Seeing a chance to make his escape, The Jian escaped from the plane, leaving the auto-pilot feature activated. In a vicious crossfire, the Jet was utterly destroyed as multiple Surface to Air missiles and laser fire from behind hit the Jet at the same time.

Enraged, The Jian powered up in a fury while his eyes lit up immensely.

“Those who oppose the Darkfire Court shall not live to tell about it!!” he shouted as energy formed immediately within his hands.

“DRAGONS....OF.....FURY!!!!” He shouted as he brought his hands together and unleashed a massive energy blast upon the ground where the SAM”s (Surface to Air Missiles) were launched.

The massive energy blast soon split into four separate blasts. Each forming the serpentine Dragons as they screamed down to the ground. Each energy blast devastated the area as violent explosions rippled through. Leaving nothing to spare in its wake, The Jian had neutralized the ground threat.

As Mystikal flew toward The Jian, a pair of fight Jets closed in fast on her. Flying within a tight formation, Jian noticed they were preparing to fire an unknown type of weapon. The Jian’s eyes lit up with energy as he attempted to inform Mystikal.

“Too late.” She said as she flew toward the first of the two Jets. In a furious rage, Mystikal unleashed a maelstrom of energy blasts which rained heavily on the Jet,destroying it completely.

The Jian flew toward the second Jet with his eyes and hands glowing bright with energy. After seeing what Mystikal had just done, Jian was determined to perform just as well. If not better. THe Jet closed in at mach 1 as The Jian flew directly into the Jet. With a sudden stop, The Jian raised his hand toward the Jet.

The Jet continued on course as the pilot punched the air brakes suddenly. Feeling the suddenly cease inmovement from the Jet, The Jain saw the perfect opportuniy. With his hand glowing incandescantly bright, He unleashed an energy blast of tremendous proportions.

“WHY DON’T YOU QUIT WHILE YOU’RE AHEAD??!!!” The Jian shouted in a rage as he covered the Jet in the awesome energy blast. The Jet slowed down greatly just before exploding. The shockwave from the explosion sent The Jian flying back several feet. But Mystikal telekintically stabilized him.

“Not bad, Ashante. I’ll give you a 7 for originality. But you lacked something.Although I can’t place my finger on it.” Mystikal told him sarcastically.

The Jian’s uniform was badly torn from the ensuing battle. With his twin Katanas still inplace, The Jian didn’t care about the rest of his uniform. Even if the top half of his uniform was nearly destroyed completely, he ignored the barren cold as it had no affect on him. instead, The Jian merely turned to the direction of Moscow’s location.

“There..” He said. “We’re approximately 15 minutes south of Moscow. WE can make the rendezvous point within 20 minutes.” Jian said coldly.

“Fine,Let’s go.” Mystikal replied as she took off. The Jian followed close behind her. As the two flew into Moscow, The Jian had two things in mind. Accomplishing the Objective, and seeing to it that no harm befell Mystikal.