Inner Reflections *HF*

By AshanteGrey

Inner Reflections

     Somewhere along the European Coast, a man stands stop a cliff, which overlooks the vast ocean while the ambient winds blow through his hair. Unfettered by the winds, the man merely looks onward.
     With his hood pulled back and his mask lying on the ground, he continues to look onward as the sun lowers itself into the slumbering ocean.
     Thoughts of another person begin to roam aimlessly through his mind as he reflects on battles of the past. Slayings of those who opposed him or stood in his way or opposed him had begun to make their mark on the darkened warrior’s soul.
     The Silent Winds of Death. A mantle which he earned with great determination, honor, and vigor. Yet the mantle’s curse has haunted his soul. His name is Ashante Grey. Also known as The Jian.
     The Jian is a master of the Martial arts as he has mastered virtually every Martial Art known to man. Revered by many as the “Lord of the Blade”, his twin katanas have served him well. A mutant with the ability to absorb virtually any form of energy and channel it back. A mutant who can freeze the molecules of anything around him with a mere thought. A man of such power whose Code of the Bushido, or “Way of the Samurai”, has kept him from going insane.
     His skills and abilities have been revered as the best money can buy. Joining into the Crimson Court of the Hellfire Club, The Jian became a knight under Chastity Darkholme. The Crimson Queen. The Jian served the Crimson Court well as he placed his life in their hands. Willing to die for the court, The Jian’s loyalty was unlike any other.
     But that loyalty was discarded when he was betrayed and left for dead at the Crimson Court Mansion. Feeling the impact of the betrayal, The Jian was ready to die. But was kept alive by a voice that encouraged him to survive. To live. To seek atonement for the sins committed against him. Thus he became Dark Ranger of the Darkfire Court. The Assassin of Darkness.
     The Jian endured countless battles, and executed countless people who stood in his way. Spilling their blood on the battlefield as he sent them to their demise. But now the souls of the fallen have returned to pay a visit. A visit which has caused the Silent Winds of Death to search within his own soul.
    “The Way of the Samurai is found in Death. I have become the Silent Winds of Death by choice because I fully realized my path. My way.
     I have fixed my heart according to the four vows of the Nabeshima Samurai, day and night.
     I have pressed forward to the absolute best at what I do. Yet the emptiness within me has consumed me like a delicacy.” He said with a grim voice as he drew his twin katanas and plunged them halfway into the ground.
     Plunging the two blades into the ground, a necklace fell to the ground with a small trinket attached to it. The inscription “Love, Jaksana” was written on the back as it opened up. Inside was a picture of a little girl holding a teddy bear.
     Noticing the necklace, The Jian picked up the necklace as he held the trinket in his other hand. Looking at the picture, The Jian couldn’t help but remember the little girl in the picture. It was the same little girl who gave him the necklace in the past.
     The Jian rushed toward a little girl as she watched a barrage of energy blasts scream through the air as they closed in fast.
     Acting as a barrier, The Jian stood in the path of the energy blasts, taking the brunt of the attack while protecting the child instinctively.
     “What am I doing? This girl is nothing to me! I’ve already achieved the objective.” He thought to himself as the energy blasts crashed into his war ravaged body.
     The little girl curled into a fetal position as she cried uncontrollably, hoping the nightmare would end. But the nightmare was real as it had taken the innocence of a young child’s heart.
     Absorbing the energy from the attacks, The Jian retaliated with a steady onslaught of Optic blasts and Energy blasts which rained heavily on his assailants. Within a short period of time, the immediate area was decimated.
     In the end, buildings were annihilated as they crumbled to their knees, and the nearby streets were littered with lifeless bodies and shattered dreams. Realizing his mission was accomplished, the Jian began to walk away.
     The little girl looked at the wandering warrior as she continued to cry, clinching onto her teddy bear. Her eyes never left The Jian as he began to leave.
     Turning around, The Jian looked at the young girl as he pulled back his hood and took off his mask. Approaching the little girl, he reached out for her.
     “Hardened rock is not suitable ground for a flower to bloom.” He told her as he carried her in his arms.
    For a long period of time, The Jian raised the little girl as his own. Teaching her many things in life that should be cherished rather than taken for granted. Showing her the many paths that life entails, The Jian became something of a father figure to the little girl as she grew into a young woman.
    At one point in time, The little girl gave The Jian a necklace and trinket that had her picture inside. The words, “Love Jaksana” were inscribed on the back of the trinket. Her way of saying “Thanks.”
    The Jian cherished the gift, as he knew it was a gift from her heart.
(End Flashback...)
     The Jian grasped the trinket tightly in his hand as he realized she was no more. One of many tragedies in the path upon which he has walked as the Silent Winds of Death. The Jian’s been able to have whatever his heart desired. But that which mattered most him has been swept away from him as swift as the winds. A tragic irony that has settled deep within his heart.
     “In the Kamigata area they have a sort of tiered lunch box they use for a single day when flower viewing. Upon returning, they throw them away, trampling them underfoot. The end is important in all things.” He thought to himself.
     “As the Winds of Change, the silent Winds of Death are constant. With no beginning or end, they continue to move on as though their paths have yet to be determined.” He said softly.
     Noticing a single white rose nearby, The Jian picked it up from the ground as a thorn pricked his finger, causing it to bleed.
     Within a few moments, the white rose became tainted with a small amount of crimson as a few teardrops fall and caresses the rose.
      The Jian laid the necklace onto the ground gently as he placed the rose on top. Not saying a word, the warrior rose to his feet as he drew the twin katanas and sheathed them slowly. Walking off the cliff, The Jian has tears begin to water up in his eyes.
      Not looking back, The Jian simply walked away as tears fell from his eyes.
      It was time for the Silent Winds of Death to move on. But all was not in vain.
      For the darkened warrior found something he never though he had. He found love.

The Jian
The Silent Winds of Death
Assassin of Darkness          
Former Crimson Knight
Dark Ranger of the Darkfire Court