All the Queen's Horse, All the Queen's Men *HF*

By Chastity

All the Queen’s Horses and All the Queen’s Men *HF*

(Ahh, the life of a Queen is magnificent. As I laid in my nice hot bubble bath this is all that ran through my head. Since I had gained the title of Queen, I have enjoyed every bliss filled moment it had to offer. The little trip with Ryan was wonderful. I enjoyed the break we had from the Court duties and Darkholme Internationals’ business. Now I laid back and let my mind drift into my thoughts. But my meditation is soon interrupted by a knock on my chamber door. I let out a small sigh as I remember that know that I am the Queen, I am on call 24/7)

Chastity: “Come in.”

(The door to my bathroom is open so as the door to my room swings open I see the young Hellion Spark walking in)

Spark: “Your majesty?”

Chastity: “I’m in here Scotty boy.”

(He slowly walks into my bathroom and pauses at the as he sees that I am in the tube. He turns his head and starts to walk the other way)

Spark: “I’m sorry…I didn’t know…I’ll come back later.”

Chastity: “I don’t have all day Scotty. If there is something you need spit it out.”

(He kept his head facing the other way as he began to speak)

Spark: “Headmaster Booth wanted…”

Chastity: “It is extremely rude of to turn your back on me while you speak. You never seen a woman bathe before?”

(He turned and made eye contact with me. I slowly lifted my bare arms and legs up and down in the tube as I continued to bathe. He spoke with uneasiness in his voice)

Spark: “Sorry my Queen. Headmaster Booth wanted to know if you would stop pass the Academy at your conveyance.”

Chastity: “Did he say what it was he needed?”

Spark: “No, just for you to meet with him.”

(I let out another sigh)

Chastity: “Very well. Tell Steven I will meet with him within the hour.”

(Spark bows his head and begins to rush out the door but before he can)

Chastity: “Hold on a second Scotty.”

(He came back to the doorway. I then rose out of the tube, while the suds and water dripped from my body)

Chastity: “Do you mind handing me the towel over there.”

(He stood there for a second with his mouth a little gaped opened)

Chastity: “Scotty boy, it’s not polite to stir.”

(He walked over picked the towel up and handed it to me as he ran out of my chambers. As he left I gave one of my seductive laughs. I threw the towel to the side as I stepped out of the tube. I didn’t really need the towel; I just like playing games with others. I raised my hands above my head as a jet of hot air flowed over my body and dried me off. I entered my room and got dress in a tight red business skirt suit. The skirt low cut (of course) and I wore no blouse or shirt under the suit jacket that was unbuttoned to the top of my red silk bra. My crystal pendent hung just above my chest. I gave myself the once over in the mirror as I licked my crimson red lips. I left my room and headed for Ryan’s chambers. When I walked in, he was standing by his window bathing in the sunlight. The sunrays seemed to lighten his dark blond hair. He was dressed in a tailor made Armani suit. I stood in the doorway for a second in awe of Ryan. Don’t get me wrong, this wasn’t some school girl crush that I had with him. Like most of the men in my life, Ryan had something that intrigued me. In his case it was the power. He had the power of a King at the tip of his finger and that is what drew my to him. I walked up to him slowly, wrapped my arms around him and laid my head in his back. He put his arms around mine)

Ryan: “Hello my Queen.”

Chastity: “Mmm, I like the sound of that.”

Ryan: “Not as much as I like saying it.”

(I let go of him and stepped back as he turned around to face me)

Ryan: “So what’s on your mind my dear?”

Chastity: “Nothing. I was just coming to tell you I will be away today on some business.”

Ryan: “Yeah, me too. There’s this family company that I just brought. I promised nothing would happen to their building and the workers would have a long and fruitful employment under me.”

Chastity: “And?”

Ryan: “And I plan on laying off all the workers, demolishing the building and replacing it with a parking lot for my new company.”

Chastity: “I couldn’t have handled the situation better myself. Hmm, speaking of handling…”

(I unbuttoned my suit jacket all the way and opened it so Ryan could see my bra)

Chastity: “There is something that needs your assistance. I have decided to start my on lingerie line. It’s made from a material that clings to your every curve and gives you all the support you need in lingerie, but also is so light and soft that feel like you are wearing absolutely nothing. See.”

(I walk closer to him and take his hand in mine. I extend his index finger and rub it against the fabric of my bra)

Ryan: “Yes, that is soft.”

Chastity: “I know. Anyway, I need someone to model a few of the designs for and I was hoping you could help me.”

Ryan: “And what do I get in return for my services?”

Chastity: “You get to help me take it off.”

Ryan: “Sounds tempting. I’ll be there.”

Chastity: “Like I had any doubt.”

(I let go of his finger and buttoned my jacket midway. I turned and headed for the door)

Ryan: “And Chastity.”

(I stopped at the door and tuned)

Chastity: “Yes.”

Ryan: “Don’t be late.”

Chastity: “I won’t.”

(And with that, I was out the door. I walked outside and was hit with blinding ray of sun. I materialized a pair of sunglasses in my hand, put them on and headed for my candy apple red Porsche. One of the guards was there to open the door for me as I slide in behind the wheel. I took a long look at this well-defined guard. Short brown hair, deep blue eyes, youthful face and in shaped body that showed beneath his uniform. I thought about amusing myself with him for a moment. Then I remembered that he was one of the Prime Sentinel Guards my brother had been working on and quickly drove off. Thank goodness the house servants were still human or I would never have any fun. I sped down the road with my hair flying in the wind. I could have easily teleported or flew to my destination, but I’ve taken a more laid back approach with my powers. True I am much stronger than I’ve ever been and I could use my powers to get to the Academy in a second. I just feel as though I know how powerful I am and I don’t need to show them off to prove it. As I pulled up to the Black Court’s estate, two guards stood at the gate)

Guard: “Good morning Ms. Darkholme. Mr. Booth is expecting you.”

(I didn’t even bother to respond to him as the gates opened. Another one of my brother’s guards. I drove up the driveway leading to the Academy. Once I pulled up, the guard there opened my door and parked my car. I walked into the towering building and approached the front desk. I knew the receptionist Ms. Jenkins from my days as Headmistress)

Ms. Jenkins: “Well hello Ms. Darkholme. It is a pleasure to see you again.”

(She is lying)

Chastity: “Like wise.”

(So am I)

Chastity: “I’m looking for Steven, is he in his office?”

Ms. Jenkins: “No, he is teaching one of his classes at the time. He should be done shortly.”

Chastity: “Than I shall meet him in his office. Thanks for the help.”

Ms. Jenkins: “You are so welcome.”

(As I walk away, I hear say the word “bitch” under her breath. I didn’t bother to retaliate because she was speaking the truth. Before I got to his office, I stopped at one of the chairs in the hall and hiked my right leg up on it so that I could adjust my garter belt. My actions drew the attention of another)

?????: “Well well well. Here’s a new face.”

(I turn around to see a new face at the Academy. He is about 5’8 tall with light brown oval shaped eyes and skin tone. Dark brown curly hair and shirtless well-defined high chest drenched in sweat with a towel around his neck. He was a very good-looking man. He walked a little closer to me from where he was standing)

?????: “My name is Amiral Essou, but everyone around here calls me Xeus. And your name is?”

Chastity: “Chastity. Chastity Darkholme.”

Xeus: “Oh so you are new here. If you need someone to show you around I would be much more than happy to do the honors.”

(He said this, as he looked my body up and down)

Chastity: Actually Mr. Essou…”

Xeus: “Call me Xeus.”

Chastity: Okay Xeus. I used to be the Headmistress here.”

Xeus: “Oh yeah, I heard of you. Your now the Red Queen.”

Chastity: “That is correct.”

Xeus: “Too bad. I would have loved to sit in one of your classes.”

(He licked his lip and walked closer to me)

Xeus: “So, since you are no longer Headmistress here you don’t really hold any rank over me right?”

Chastity: “I guess you could say that.”

Xeus: “Well then…”

(He grabbed me around the waist and pulled me closer to him as he gave me a hard kiss with his tongue included. I pushed him away and slapped him so hard I could see a hand print on his left cheek. He smiled as he rubbed his face)

Xeus: “Mmmm, I like it rough.”

(I walked up to him and rubbed my finger down his chest)

Chastity: “So do I.”

(I walked off toward Steven’s office thinking of how I would miss being Headmistress around here. While I walked to Steven’s office, I could hear an aircraft over head. I guess the Academy was having visitors. As I entered his office, he was sitting at his desk reviewing some papers)

Chastity: “All work and no play as usual I see.”

Steven: “What can I say.”

(He rose from his chair and gave me a hardy handshake. Since I was now Queen, I didn’t see Steven as an obstacle any longer so the friction between us had died…for now)

Chastity: “So you wanted to see me.”

Steven: “It’s about your old position of Headmistress.”

Chastity: “Don’t tell me that stubborn Darkwolf had a change of heart.”

Steven: “Sorry to say no. I actually wanted your opinion about who could replace you.”

Chastity: “Need you even ask. You know who is perfect for the part.”

Steven: “Yes I know exactly who you mean. And I have talked to Darkwolf and he approves. I called you here because I thought you would like the honors of delivering the good news.”

Chastity: “You no me all too well.”

(I teleported away to my Red Rook Phoenix of Hellfire’s chamber door. I was glad that she would be the one to take my place as Headmistress. This way I would still have a little bit of its control in my hand. As I opened the door to her room, I am surprised to see it in shambles. Fox is sitting in the middle of the room motionless. I push some of the junk blocking the door away and enter the room)

Chastity: “I really think you should rethink this new look.”

POH: “Go away.”

Chastity: “But I have some goo…”


(She said this as she telekinetically threw a table at me. I stopped the table in mid-air and reduced it to dust)

Chastity: “Okay, what’s your problem?”

POH: “You wanna know my problem?”

(She got up from her position and turned toward me)

POH: “The problem is when everyone looks at me they see a nineteen-year-old girl. But when I look in the mirror everyday, I see a fifteen-year-old child. I’m so sick of this body.”

(She flung a chair at her mirror. I sighed and snapped my fingers. A small black clothed bag appeared in my right palm)

Chastity: “If I knew it was that big a deal I would have done this a long time ago.”

(I opened the bag and poured sand from it into my left hand. I dropped the bag to the ground and it vanished before it hit the ground. I closed my left hand tight and closed my eyes. When I reopened them, my eyes were glowing yellow with energy. I opened my hand, blew the sand and it made a circle around POH on the floor. The room became dark as the sand became lit with green flames. I closed my eyes again and began to chant)

Chastity: “I summoned forth the winds of time, break your boundaries and bend your will to mine.”

(The flames began to rise around POH)

Chastity: “Four seconds shall go while four years shall pass, no longer an illusion nor mind made mask.”

(The flames consumed POH. As the flames diminished, the room was lit again. POH stood from her crouched position and examined her body)

POH: “Is this?”

Chastity: “Yes, this is your real body. I just aged you four years. You are now truly nineteen.”

(I delighted grin graced her face)

Chastity: “Oh and by the way. You are the new Headmistress.”

(She looked up at me with her mouth gaped open)

POH: “Are you for real?”

Chastity: “Would I ever lie to you. I told you I would restore the power you once had. First Red Rook now Headmistress of the Marauders.”

POH: “Marauders?”

Chastity: “Yeah, Darkwolf and Rouge decided to reestablish the Academy’s original name.”

POH: “Hmmm, Marauders. I like the sound of it.”

(I walked over to the window and saw Shadow and Spark sparring)

Chastity: “Well I see someone who you could share the good news with.”

(She floats over to me and looks out the window. Her smile widens)

Chastity: “Now be a good girl and go play.”

(She gave me a wicked grin before she flew out the door. I snapped my fingers and restored the room back to the luxurious sight it once was. As I walked out of her room a bumped into to Steven in the hallway)

Steven: “So, how did she take the news.”

Chastity: “She loved the news of course.”

Steven: “I knew she would.”

Chastity: “Where are you on your way to?”

Steven: “Oh, I have a meeting with Darkwolf, Hawkeye and Supergrover!!! at the Black Court Mansion.”

Chastity: Aww, the Black, Grey and White Kings. Must be real important.”

Steven: “I’m going to present a proposal to combine the White and Grey Hellions with the Academy.”

Chastity: “Like that would ever happen.”

Steven: “Hey, you know how stubborn I am.”

Chastity: “I know. So they must have been that aircraft I saw earlier.”

Steven: “Yeah, they’re docked here at the Academy. Actually Cronos is here as well.”

Chastity: “Is he apart of the meeting?”

Steven: “No he was just accompanying Grover for the trip. Actually he is in the docking bay right now. He said their jet was making some noises on the ride over and he was going to take a look at it.”

Chastity: “Is that so. Well let my know how the meeting went.”

Steven: “I will.”

(We part ways and I head to the docking bay. As I enter I see that Cronos is working on the jet like Steven said. He has no shirt on and his metallic arms and chest are drenched in oil. He doesn’t hear me walk up behind him)


(He hits his head on whatever it was he was working on. He turned and saw me grinning at him. He didn’t seem amused)

Cronos: “Funny.”

Chastity: “I though it was.”

(I take a seat on the workbench across from him and cross my legs. He stops what he is doing and walk over to me)

Cronos: “So how are things going your Highness?”

Chastity: “Very well. Thanks for asking.”

Cronos: “And how is the King?”

Chastity: “A stallion in bed.”

(He flashes me another unamused look)

Cronos: “Thank you for sharing.”

Chastity: “Aww, come on now. You know no one could compare to you.”

(He walks closer to me and places his hands on the bench)

Cronos: “Is that so.”

Chastity: “Yes it is.”

(I wrap my legs around him)

Chastity: “So how long do you think the meeting will be?”

Cronos: “I say about two hours.”

Chastity: “You think you can handle it.”

Cronos: “I think I can cut it. I’ll just have to make our session shorter than usual.”

(We have one of our private “meetings”. About an hour and a half later, I leave the docking bay smoking a cigarette. I head to the training room to check up on my brother. As I enter the command room, he is evaluating Gauntlet and our new members, Phantom and Bane)

Chastity: “So how are our boys doing?”

Daemon: “Gauntlet’s performance has increased 215%. They work well together. It is like they have on mind.”

Chastity: “What about wolfy?”

Daemon: “I did a DNA scan and found no strand of the Homo Superior gene.”

Chastity: “So dog boy’s not a mutant.”

Daemon: “Nope. We have a real live werewolf on our hands.”

Chastity: “This will be interesting. Does he know?”

Daemon: “No. I didn’t see any reason to tell him as of yet.”

Chastity: “Just another secret to add to the Darkholme safe. You know we have that meeting at the company in an hour.”

Daemon: “I know. Just give me twenty minutes and I’ll be ready.”

Chastity: “Okay.”

(I leave out and go to see if Steven’s meeting had ended. As I pass a window, I see Shadow and Fox sparring. A weird way of flirting, but at times it can be effective. Later on that night, I was standing in front of my vanity mirror. Making sure that my new line of lingerie was fitting in all the right places. Ryan would enjoy the show I was about to give him. When suddenly, I felt a cold draft spread through my room. I have felt this way before)

Chastity: “What do you want?”

???????: “Can’t I just stop by for a friendly visit?”

(I turn around to see a tall male, with long pitch-black hair and dark cold eyes. He was in a black suit and had a very debonair appearance. Even though he has a very attractive appearance, I know that it is just an illusion for something that is much darker underneath)

Chastity: “What do you want HellGoat?”


(I had just left the Academy with the news of me becoming the new Red Rook. I sat in one of the Red Court Mansion’s guestrooms. I was sitting on the floor crying rivers of tears. I couldn’t believe how Ian reacted to my promotion and even though I was strong as I left the Academy, it was just an act for the other members. I couldn’t let them see how much he hurt me. As I cried, I could feel I cold draft grace my shoulder. It scared me. Then I heard a dry voice speak)

???????: “Don’t cry my child.”

(I looked up to see a large beast standing before me. He was not human. I tried to scream but it was caught in my throat)

???????: “Maybe I should give you a less frightening appearance.”

(I cloud of smoke surrounded his body. As it faded away, a handsome man replaced the beast. He was very attractive, but the fact that he was a monstrous beast a second ago did not ease me)

Chastity: “Who are you?”

???????: “I’m sorry, let me introduce myself. You can call me HellGoat.”

Chastity: “What do you want?”

HellGoat: “I’m here to help you.”

Chastity: “Help me. Help me do what?”

HellGoat: “Reach you full potential.”

(He holds his hand up and a flash of light blinds me. When I get my sight back, I am in a large ballroom. There are people kneeling before me. I am in a very exquisite dress with something holding my hair up. I feel in my hair and it feels like a crown)

Chastity: “What is going on?”

(HellGoat steps out of the crowd and walks to my side)

HellGoat: “This is what you are destined for. To have people bow at your feet. You are a powerful young girl and you must realize that you deserve much more than some pitiful Rook title. You should have more.”

(He turns me around to face two thrones. Ryan is sitting at one. He tells me to take a seat. I turn to the HellGoat and he is gone. I follow orders and sit next to Ryan as the crowd cheers in unison, “Hail Queen Chastity.”)

Chastity: “Queen?”

(The ballroom and crowd faded away and I was back in the guestroom sitting in a chair. HellGoat was standing in front of me)

HellGoat: “Yes Chastity. You have the potential to be Queen of this Court. And I am going to be the one to help you get there sweet Chastity.”

(I turned a cold stir to HellGoat as I rose from my seat)

Chastity: “And what’s in it for you?”

HellGoat: “To make you happy. That’s all.”

Chastity: “Bull. I know that nothing in this world is free. You have to want something in return so tell me.”

(He flashed me a wicked smile)

HellGoat: “Very well. Yes, I want something in return. This Club is becoming weak. Ryan is letting this club fall apart. I need someone to bring him back to my side. And restore his devious ways.”

Chastity: “And you think can I do it.”

HellGoat: “No Chastity, I know you can do it.”

(I walked around the room for a second and thought of his offer. It was of so tempting. I turned back to him and reached out my hand. He returned the jester and shock mine)

Chastity: “You know, I was once told you should never make a bond with the Devil.”

HellGoat: “Ha, who said I was the Devil?”

Chastity: “Who said I was talking about you?”

(He let out a echoing laugh as he faded away into nothing. His laughter was followed by his final words)

HellGoat: “I see this will be the start of a beautiful friendship.”


HellGoat: “Nothing my dear Queen. I just wanted to see how things were going.”

Chastity: “Things are going fine. I got what I wanted and you got what you wanted. Now if you would excuse me.”

(I got up from my seat and walked to the door. He grabbed me by the arm. His touch burned)

Chastity: “Let me go. This thing between us is over.”

HellGaot: “Sorry my dear girl. It is not over till I say so.”

(I powered up a ball of energy in my free hand)

Chastity: “I said, let me go!”

(He let me go and laughed)

HellGoat: “Do you really think your powers can compare to mine. You are way out of your league little girl.”

(He faded away into nothing but the chill in my room never left)