Dark Seduction *HF* (REPOST)

By Chastity

Dark Seduction *HF*

Chastity: “You know what to do right?”
DPII: “Of course. I have everything under control.”

(I watch as Dark Phoenix II, often known as Fox, walks down the long hallway of the Red Court mansion. I have taken her under my wing and plan on making her my protégé. While she goes off to complete her task, I follow up on my part. I head for Lord Ryan’s private chambers. I make sure that my outfit is on right before I walk into the door. I have on a short red skirt that comes just above my knees. There is a split one each side, exposing a little of my garter belt straps. I have on a red sheer top that is a v-neck cut. The v comes down to the middle of my chest, exposing my red bra and my crystal. My lipstick and nail polish are both crimson red. And to the complete the outfit was my long heeled red pumps. Style had always been my strong point. I knock on his door and HE answers for me to come in. As I enter the room, I see that he is once again hard at work at his desk. Once I enter, his gaze turns to me and I can tell that he likes my outfit)
Lord Ryan: “Hello Chastity.”
Chastity: “Hello Ryan.”

(My tone is low and sweet)
Lord Ryan: “And what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?”
Chastity: “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about something I felt needs to be dealt with.”

(I close the door behind me as I walk toward his desk. I take his hand and lead him to the fireplace)
Chastity: “Come Ryan. You can take a break for one second.”
Lord Ryan: “I guess I could.”

(He follows my lead to the fireplace. We stand in front of it and I look up into his eyes as I say my piece)
Chastity: “I know you must be tired doing all of this work by yourself. Why isn’t the Queen helping you?”
Lord Ryan: “Well, Charlotte hasn’t really learned the ropes of her Queen duties, but she is progressing while.”
Chastity: “I heard she’s not accomplishing her other Queenly duties either.”

(I rub my finger across his face. He hesitates before he removes my hand from his cheek)
Lord Ryan: “Chastity, I can’t. As King I am bound to be faithful to my Queen.”
Chastity: “And as Queen she is suppose to be devoted to you. But look at her, she turns you away every time you try to make a move on her. She hasn’t allowed you more than a kiss on her hand or cheek. In my eyes, that is not a Queen giving her all to her King.” Lord Ryan: “Charlotte is not like the other Queen’s before her. It will take time for her to fully take on the role.”
Chastity: “But do we have time. The Red Court is moving forward fast. And the Inner Circle is where the Court’s strength lies. You have been weeding out those who are weak from the IC, but you are still hesitant to remove the one weed that shouldn’t be here. A Queen is supposed to be one of the strongest links of the court, but look at her. Tell me you don’t feel the same.”

(He doesn’t answer me, but instead he turns his vision to the fire)
Chastity: “When I first heard of the Red Court, I heard so many great stories of its omnipotent power. This Court was burning bright.”

(I cause the flames of the fire to burn brighter and higher)
Chastity: “But I look at it now and feel disappointed. The once burning fire is now nothing.”

(I cause the flames to disappear)
Chastity: “And it’s all your fault.”

(The King spins around to me with fire in his eyes)
Lord Ryan: “Watch your tongue little Rook.”
Chastity: “It’s the truth. The Ryan I had heard great stories of was a man of great strength. I looked up to him and hoped I could stand by his side. The Ryan I once heard of would have never allowed his Queen to tell him no. Nor would he have allowed his court to fall to its knees. The Ryan I knew had fire in his eyes and a shadow that consumed the world in darkness. But look at you. You’re not the great Ryan I heard of. You’re nothing more than fraudulent comparison.”

(His eyes begin to glow red and I can tell that my words are having the effect I needed. Elsewhere, DPII has finally found the Queen in the Living Room)
DPII: “Hello, my Lady.”
Sometimes: “Hello Fox. How may I help you?”
DPII: “I was coming to inform you that Sir Daemon has could an IC meeting now to discuss the security of the Mansion. I was also coming to find out if you knew where Lord Ryan is? I tried using my TP to find him but I was having trouble reaching him.”
Sometimes: “That’s okay, he is in his private chambers. I will inform him of the meeting.”
DPII: “Thank you so much my lady. I must go and find Mr. Booth and I appreciate the help.”
Sometimes: “You are very welcomed.”

(The Queen heads for the King’s chambers. I devious smile spreads across DPII’s face as she sends me a telepathic message. Back in the King’s chambers)
DPII: (telepathically) “She’s coming.”

(I look to Lord Ryan, who is burning with anger. It’s time to finish this so I smile at him hungrily)
Chastity: “There it is. This is the Ryan I have heard of. Can’t you feel it Ryan.”

(I step closer to him)
Chastity: “Can’t you feel that darkness trapped inside of you trying to get out.”
(I step in front of him, place right hand on his chest and the other on his cheek. I can feel him breathing heavily and his heart is racing)
Chastity: “Give in to the darkness Ryan. Let loose the King you once were. Give into me.”

(He pulls me into his arms and holds me tight. He lets his toothy grin turn into a hungry one just before he pulls his lips to mine. I can hear the sound of claw marks against the door. I know that the Queen is at the door. Suddenly we hear the door to Ryan’s chambers fly across the room into his desk. I spin around to see that the Queen has given into her Rage form)
Rage: “You evil slut. I will kill you.”

(She runs to me with blinding speed and aims her claws for me. I push Ryan to the side and rekindle the flames of the fire. I form a fireball from out the flames and then throw it at her. It hit her dead on and she fell to the ground. The burn wounds on her face quickly healed. She headed for me again but she was suddenly stopped in the air and inch from me. I hadn’t flinched one bit. I was ready for her but Steven stopped the attack. He telepathically got her to calm down and put her on her feet. She returned to her normal form)
Steven: “What is going on?”
Sometimes: “I’m so sick of this little whore. She has crossed me for the last time.”
Chastity: “Is that a threat? I don’t react well to threats.”

(I start to power up. A yellow field of energy can be seen around my body. The Queen starts to morph back into her Rage form, but the King stops us both)
Lord Ryan: “ENOUGH! If you two want to settle this, there is only on way.”

(We all know what he means. The Royal Challenge)
Sometimes: “That’s find by me. If Chastity wants my spot so much, then you’ll have to take it from me.”
Chastity: “Fine by me.”

(Steven thinks it is a bad idea but before he can respond, Charlotte pushes pass him and heads for her room. He looks to me, but I merely smile and teleport away. He than walks over to Ryan)
Steven: “What is happening?”

(Ryan smiles)
Lord Ryan: “It appears we may soon have a new Queen.”

(As I materialize in my secret chambers, Daemon, DPII, Gauntlet and Spark greet me. They are all anxious to hear the news)
Chastity: “Everything is in order.”

(They all let out a cheer of victory. Back in the Queen’s chambers, Steven phases through her wall. The scenery he gazes upon surprises him. The room is in shambles. He turns to his left as a dresser comes flying at him. He smashes it with his TK. He scans to find that the thrower was none other than his close friend the Queen. She was in her Rage mode)
Rage: “Get out of here.”
Steven: “Charlotte please calm down.”

(He tries to calm her down telepathically, but her Rage is too far gone)
Rage: “Stay out of my head Steven. I’m sick of no one here taking me seriously. After tonight, no one will question me.”
Steven: “This isn’t necessary. If you and Chastity will just sit aside this petty rivalry…”
Rage: “That slut is not my rival. And if you are not on my side, then I would appreciate it if you left my room.”
Steven: “Char…”
Rage: “NOW!”

(The fact that she lashed out at him didn’t matter. The fact that she tried to harm him telepathically did. Charlotte would have never lashed out at him in that manner. Rage was in full control now. He left the room and headed for the alternative solution. He teleported to my chambers. I sit meditating in the middle of the room, getting myself calmed for the match)
Steven: “Chastity, can I have a word with you?”
Chastity: “How may I help you Steven?”
Steven: “I want you to call off this match with Charlotte.”
Chastity: “You know as well as I that once a Queen calls the match, only she can stop it.”
Steven: “But she isn’t in her right mindset right now.”

(I get up and walk to him)
Chastity: “Listen Steven. I know that you and Charlotte are friends, but you can see that she is not fit to be a Queen for our Court. And this is a great opportunity for me. If I when this match and become Queen, it will make all my dreams come true. And I want to do this not only for me, but for you.”
Steven: “For me?”
Chastity: “Yes. Steven, you are right. You are like a father to me. I need to make you proud. I also need to know that I have your support. It would mean more than anything to know that you believe in me.”
Steven: “Okay Chastity. I won’t take sides in this battle, nor will I fight it.”
Chastity: “Thank you Steven.”

(He teleports away. Daemon materializes to my left and DPII materializes to my right) DPII: “If I didn’t know any better, I would have thought you truly meant that.”
Daemon: “Yes dear sister, you deserve an Emmy.”
Chastity: “If you think that was good, wait for the main event.”

(We laugh in unison. Later that night we all stood in a deserted area. Charlotte and I stood across from one another. Lord Ryan, Steven, Daemon and DPII were standing in the audience)
Lord Ryan: “This is a match for the title of Queen between the present Red Queen Charlotte Sometimes and the Red Rook Chastity Darkholme. Normally the winner would take the title and the loser would take the position open. But the Queen has ordered that the loser be removed form the Court permanently. Let us begin the match.”
Rage: “I will kill you whore.”
Chastity: “Bring it on cow.”

(She comes at me with blinding speed and our battle begins. We throw blows, land a few and block a few. She catches me off guard and kicks me below the chin. As I hit the ground I trip her and she falls to the ground. I jump up and try to land my foot in her throat, but she dodges the attack. She gets to her feet and does a roundhouse kick. I catch her foot and flip her upwards. She does a somersault and does a double kick to my stomach. She drops on top of me and her claws are inches from my face. I push her and get to my feet. She comes at me again. She lands a chop to my throat, a kick to my ribs and backhand to my face. I fall to the ground as she stands before me with a victorious smile. I feel a cross my face and draw blood on my fingers. She drew first blood)
Chastity: “That’s it.”

(I shoot a beam of energy at her and she falls to the ground. I get to my feet and power up with the energy of the elements, magnifying my strength, speed and power. My eyes glow yellow and field of energy appears around my body. I fly to her with blinding speed and land a knee to her stomach. I land two punches to her face and then uppercut her into the air. I teleport above her and land my elbow into her ribs as she comes up. She then falls to the ground. She looks up at me as I charge up a beam of great energy. Daemon does a spell and casts a shield over the others)
Rage: “I don’t deserve this.”
Chastity: “You’re right…you don’t.”

(I let loose the beam and the impact from the blast is so immense that it causes Steven to back up Daemon’s shield, pushing both their powers to the max. As the dust settles, I float down to Charlotte’s lifeless body know in her normal form. Lord Ryan and the others come to join us)
Lord Ryan: “You know killing her was not necessary.”
Steven: “You took it too far Chastity.”
Chastity: “You two are over reacting.”

(I point to Charlotte as she moans and raises her body. In the heat of the moment they forgot she was immortal)
Lord Ryan: “Well this has been an exciting turn of events. It would seem that we have a new Queen.”

(He walks over to my side)
Lord Ryan: “All hail the new Queen Chastity Darkholme.”
Unison: “Hail Queen Chastity.”

(I victorious smile spreads on my face as I watch Steven help Charlotte up. Later that night in Steven’s chambers)
Steven: “So, what are you going to do now?”
Sometimes: “I’m don’t know. I’ll probably go spend sometime with Mystikal.”
Steven: “Are you going to be okay with this?”
Sometimes: “I’ll be fine Steven. All and all, I feel this will be beneficial to us all. Chastity’s a bitch, but she will do well as a Queen.”
Steven: “I hope you will still come and visit.”
Sometimes: “That goes without question Steven.”

(The two friends embrace in a hug as they say their good-bye. They get up and head for the first door. When Steven opens the door he finds me standing there)
Steven: “Chastity.”
Chastity: “Hello Steven. If you don’t mind I would like to have a word with Charlotte.”

(Steven doesn’t like the idea of leaving me in the room, but Charlotte gives him the OK to leave. As he walks out of the room, he closes his door behind him)
Chastity: “Charlotte, I wanted to make sure we left on a good note. I know some of the things I have done towards you may have been wrong, but it was nothing personal. If there was another way to have accomplished this believe me I would have taken it. I mean we started out to be friends. We went shopping, talked about girl stuff. I haven’t been able to do that in a long time. So I want to just wipe the slate clean and start over again. I know you may hate me, but can we bury that all here.”

(I reach my hand out to her. She hesitates before she shakes my hand)
Chastity: “Friends.”
Sometimes: “Friends.”

(We release each others hand)
Chastity: “Well I wish you luck. And please don’t hesitate to come visit us. You will always have a home here.”
Sometimes: “Thanks Chastity. And I wish you luck on your rule as Queen.”
Chastity: “Thanks.”

(We say our good-byes and she leaves the room. I teleport to my new chamber’s and find my brother and DPII there)
Daemon: “Everything is going as you planned sis.”
Chastity: “Did you have any doubt?”
DPII: “What about Aquapyro? His departure puts a ripple in your prep school objective.”
Chastity: “Don’t worry Fox, Kyle can be replaced.”
DPII: “I will miss him though.”
Chastity: “Why my dear Rook, do I detect a sense of a crush?”
DPII: “Maybe when I get older. I may be older than time, but my body is still sixteen.”
Daemon: “We say that heart felt good-bye between you and Charlotte. You sure do know how to play the pawns.”
Chastity: “I meant what I said Daemon. I really did like her, but she was in my way. You know I let no one stand in my way.”
Daemon: “Do I detect you getting soft.”
Chastity: “Would you really like to find out?’

(I flash him a look with my eyes glowing)
Daemon: “ Chill out Chas. I was just kidding. So how are going to end the night as the new Queen?”
Chastity: “With a bang.”

(Ryan sits in his chambers looking in his mirror. He was preparing for a little ritual he would usually perform with the new Queen. Charlotte was the only one that escaped that ritual by the wishes of Steven. Suddenly the lights in his room went out and the room was completely dark. When the lights came back, the room was covered with white candles and he could now see my reflection in the mirror. The new line of lingerie from Victoria’s Secret was the only thing that covered me, red of course. He smiled)

Lord Ryan: “Lady Chastity, what do I owe the honor of your visit?”
Chastity: “Well, I thought I would show you how I differ from the other Queens.”

(I walk up to his back, wrap my arms around his waist and lean my head on his shoulder)
Chastity: “Ryan, I don’t plan on standing by your side as your puppet or your whore, but as your equal. We are a lot alike and that is what will make this thing between us work. We have the same goals, hunger for power… passion.”

(I bite his ear)
Chastity: “But, talk is cheap. Let me show you what I mean.”

(Suddenly three figures enter the room. Each covered in black cloaks, so their figure nor face can be seen. They removed their cloaks to revel three copies of me in different lingerie. One blond, one brunette and one red head)
Chastity: “I couldn’t remember which was your favorite.”
Lord Ryan: “Chastity, I can see that I am going to enjoy having you by my side.”
Chastity: “Yes, you will.”

(We seal the deal of my Queen title that night. Later on that night as I sleep in Ryan’s bed, he stands at his patio door gazing upon me bathed in the moonlight. He is aware of the figure standing in the shadow)
Hellgoat: “I see you have found an equal.”
Lord Ryan: “Yes, Chastity will do well as Queen.”
Hellgoat: “I also see that she has delivered you back to my side.”
Lord Ryan: “Who said I ever left.”