Hell Fears A Woman Scorned *HF*

By Chastity

Hell Fears A Woman Scorned:

Madam Darkholme *HF*

The four Inner Circle members sit in attendance around a large round red oak table. There is the Red King Lord Ryan sitting on a throne fit for a king, Red Queen Lady Sometimes is seated on the left side of him in a chair like his but with more of a woman’s touch. On the right side of the king was the Red Bishop Steven Booth who seats in a chair that isn’t as lavish as the king and queen’s but was just as unique, following him was the Red Knight Wolfox St. Ranger. And to complete the circle was a chair like the Bishop and Rook’s, the only difference was that it was empty. That’s where I come in. I appear in the chair out of thin air. I am wearing a tight red strapless skirt that doesn’t leave much to the imagination. My hair was pinned up when I appeared but I snap my fingers and it now falls over my bare shoulders. The King is the first to speak, “Welcome to your first Inner Circle meeting Chastity.” “Thank you for the honor to sit amongst you all. I will not disappoint any of you.” “I know you won’t, if we had doubts we would have never approached you for the position. In these meetings we basically deal with old business and new business, that concerns the Court. Since this is you’re first meeting, you may sit back and absorb what goes on to get a hang of things.”. I nod my head and the meeting begins as the King speaks, “So is there any old business?”, the Queen was the first to speak, “My sister is doing well in the court. She is getting accustom to the rules and regulations, and I would also like to put her up for enrollment in the Dragonfire Academy.”, the Bishop was the one to answer her question, ‘that would be a splendid idea. We welcome newcomers into the Academy. Just let me run it past Darkwolf, but I’m sure she will be welcomed with open arms. On another note, the Robertson & Associates’ company on the West Coast still won’t sell. We can’t move on with the project unless that company is ours.”, the King turned to the Knight, “St. Ranger?” “I’m on it.” “Good then if that is all for the old business…let us move on. Any new business?”. Before anyone else could speak I cleared my throat and spoke up, “I have something.”. The rest of the IC had looks of surprise that the newcomer was ready to join in. The King smiled at me, “Please Chastity, the floor is yours.” “Thank you. I have been looking over the Court and figuring out what it is we are missing. We have the wealth, the power, and the status but there is one thing we are missing…a volume of members. We have the power but we lack the numbers. If we increased our numbers we could grab the attention of everyone around us. So, I have taken the liberty of organizing a group of scouts to keep monitoring the new spikes of mutant energy. I would rather go after those who powers are new and fresh so that we can mold them to fit the Court. Plus, those who make it will also be enrolling into the Academy, if that is okay with you Steven?” “Yes, it will do well for the Academy to gain more members.” “Well I have already found one good recruit for the Court and Academy, but there is just one more ‘test’ that she needs to pass.”, the King spoke in an acquisitive tone, “Is there any insight on the new recruit that you can give us?” “If I did that, the surprise would be ruined. Don’t worry though, I shall present her to you tonight.” “I can’t wait. Anything else?” “I’m glad you asked. The company on the West Coast, it just so happens that it was bought out by Darkholme Internationals this morning. And of course anything that belongs to me, belongs to the Court.”. St. Ranger shoots me an unhappy look, I give a wink out of spite. The King addresses the room, “Well this has been a incredible meeting and I see that Chastity will be fitting in perfectly. So if there is nothing else…then meeting is adjourned.”. We all rise from our sits and head for the door. Steven stops me in the hallway, “Chastity, may I have a word with you?” “Of course.” “Well I wanted to talk to you about your status at the Academy. I never expected one of my students to climb so high in such a short time. So at this point and time I would like you to stay on as a student, until I can figure out what else to do.” “That is fine by me, and I have no intention on leaving the Academy. But, I do plan on moving into the Red Court Mansion for the time being.” “That will be fine and I am glad to know you will be staying with the Academy. I can see a prosperous future with us in you.” “Have I ever let you down?” “No, and I know you never will.”.

With that we go our separate ways and I had to my new room, the ex-Red Rook’s room. I come in to see Ian Fitzroy packing up the last bet of his belongings. “Do you need any help Ian?”, he turns to greet me with a look that would scare small children. He answered in a vile tone, “I don’t need anything from you.”. And with that he returned to his packing. I smiled as I replied in a taunting tone, “Aww, don’t be like that Fitzroy. Can’t we be friends?”. He slams his box to the floor, runs to me and screams in my face, “Don’t you dare insult me. I have lost my place in the Inner Circle because of you bitch. So don’t cross me or you will be sorry. Do you understand me?”, my smile widens as I reply, “Oh, I understand you crystal clear.”, and with that I summon up a strong gust of wind that sends him flying across the room into the wall. I then walk over and stand over top of him as my eyes began to glow burning yellow. I watch as he twists in pure agony and pain as he feels his insides on fire, literally. “I seem to have this effect on most guys. Now Ian, make sure you understand me. The fact that I took your place as Red Rook means that you are weak and I am strong. You will never talk to me in that tone ever again. You will show the proper respect a Hellion shows a Rook. And if you ever cross me, you will be the one who’s sorry. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!”, and with that I increase the intensity of my powers and take pleasure in his scream of immense pain. Hidden behind the door in the hallway, the Red Queen watches the events as she whispers the words, “Very fascinating.”. Just before he is at the point of death, I release him. “And make sure that before you leave, my room is spotless.”, and with that I turn and walk out the room. As I enter the hall, the Queen greets me with a smile on her face. “Lady Sometimes, what do I owe the honor of your presence?” “Please Chastity, you are in the Inner Circle now. Call me Charlotte.” “Okay Charlotte, was there something I could do for you?” “Well, I was watching that display of power you just used against Ian and I have to say I am impressed. I have been watching you Chastity, and I like you. It’s good to have another woman in the Inner Circle. I don’t really have anyone to talk to on my level, so I was wondering if we could be friends?” “Of course we can be friends. I would like that very much.” “I’m glad to know that. How about we go on a shopping spree tomorrow?” “I can’t. I have classes.” “So I’ll write you a note. Come on Chas.” “Okay, I could never say no to shopping.” “Alright then it’s a done deal. I’ll talk to you later about it.” “Okay.”, and with that the Queen was gone down the hall.

I teleported back to my room at the Dragonfire Academy, to pick up some things. As I enter my room, a notice there is another presence already in the room. “I’m guessing you have the girl, Cronos?” “Yes we have obtained her and I have to say it was way too easy.” “She is a low-level TP, she wasn’t meant to be that difficult.” “Then what was the urgency in getting her now?” “Because, she is a piece in my game.” “You haven’t told me of the game.” “Because you don’t need to be concerned with the complete details. Just know that I see the world as a giant game board. And every person has a part. The girl is one of the pieces I need to win the game.”, I summon a small crystal ball from out of nowhere. The crystal appears to be black but, with a closer look, it appeared to contain the essence of a powerful force. One that looked like a giant bird made completely of black fire. “Well, what part of the game am I?” “You should know that by know.?, he smiles, “Shall I take you to her?” “She sooner the better.”, and with that he opens a portal to destinations unknown. He holds out his hand and I take it as we walk through the portal. We walk into a dark room lit only by white candle around the room. In the center of the room was a circle of candles surrounding a young girl on her knees crying. The girl had Jet black hair and deep, dark brown eyes. “So, is this is Marnie Fox?” “Of course Chastity. You ask and I deliver.”, I walk over to the circle and gain the girls attention, “Ms. Fox.”. She looks up at me with tears streaming down her face. I talk in a comforting tone, ”Don’t cry little one, I’m here to help you.” “Are you going to let me go?” “No, I’m going to help you grow stronger. Stronger than you ever imagined.” “But, I want to go home; and I want my powers back.” “I’m sorry, but while you are in this circle your power are useless.” “Please….let me go.”, she starts to cry harder and she starts to irritate me, “Okay, I’ll let you go. All you have to do is catch this ball.”. I through the ball at her and she catches it and looks up at me. I smile at her as I whisper some ancient words and watch as the ball seems to explode with energy. Marnie lets out a scream that echoed through the room. I watch as she falls to the ground and her jet-black hair turns fiery red. It takes a few minutes before she groans and pulls herself up from the floor. She examines her body as if she has never seen it before. She smiles as she screams, “I’m free. The Phoenix lives again.” “All thanks to me.”. My words seem to bring here out of a trance. She stands to her feet and walks toward the circle of candles as she stares me in the eyes. “Who are you?” “My name is Chastity Darkholme. I am the Red Rook of the Red Court.” “So, the Courts wish to gain my power again?” “No, I have freed you to bring power to me and my Court. I am here to teach you.” “Fool, do you know how many have tried to contain and control my power?” “What are you deaf? I’m not trying to control you, I’m trying to teach you. The body you posses is a fifteen year old girl, with low-level telepathy. She is young and her powers are ripe. With my help you can mold her powers to your liking. But remember one thing, you may have been able to overpower others you won’t have the same effect on me. Without my help you will be stuck in this weak state forever. But if you let me help you, you can be stronger than you have ever been before. So, do we have a deal?” “For know.”, and with that I snap my fingers and the candles around her die out. As she walks out her eye dart to Cronos, “He is working with me. So vengeance against him is off limits Phoenix.”. She smile sat him and I can see flames dance in her eyes. “The first order of business is that we get you a new wardrobe. I can’t present you to the Court looking like a child.”. And with that I teleport the three of us away.

Later on that night, the Inner Circle members wait patiently in the Grand Hall for my arrival. As I walk through the doors, all eyes turn to me. “Members of the Court, may I present to you Marnie Fox, the Dark PheonixII.”, as she walks into the room the others come to greet her. I had already taught her how to use her telepathy to alter her appearance, so she appeared older than she was (about 19). She stops in front of the King and bows her head, “I came to ask for admittance into your elite club. I hope to be worthy once again and stand by your sides.”. A wide smile crosses his face as he replies, “Ms. Fox, we welcome you to our Court with open arms. And we know that your future here will be of great prominence. Dear Knight, could you show her to one of our guest rooms.” “Yes, my Lord.”. As they leave the room, she smiles at me and with fire dancing in her eyes as she talks to me telepathically, “First step completed. The rest should be fun.”, she leaves the room with the Knight as the other IC members come toward me. The Bishop is the first to speak, “Didn’t I tell you she would be a great asset to use?” “Yes, you did and I think adding Chastity to the Circle was a grand idea and I can see the Red Court growing stronger already.” “Well, I thank you for the compliment. But, this is a time for celebration.”, I materialize a glass of wine into each members hand. “Long live the Red Court and my this be the beginning of greatness.” We clink our glasses as the other three cheer in unison, “Long live the Red Court.”.

After the celebration I walk into my new room and look over it. It is completely empty. I wave my hand and instantly it is well furnished. I walk over to my fireplace and ignite the flames as I let out a joyous laugh, “This is only the beginning.”.