I Welcome You To The Birth of a Court *HF*

By Chastity

I Welcome You All, to the Crimson Court *HF*

(Emma Frost walks into her new office with a wide smile on her face. She walks over to her large desk that sits in front of the wall length windows. She sits in her new chair and lets out a sigh as she runs her fingers through her platinum blonde hair. The thought of her newly owned company makes everything she has done worth it. She was so full of her success that she hadn’t noticed the dark red rose laying on her desk. She then noticed that there was a letter underneath the rose. She picked up the rose and pricked her index finger. She sucked her index finger as a single drop of blood fell onto the letter. She picked up the letter and read the heading)

Emma: “From the office of Chastity Darkholme.”

(There was a picture of a rose under her name. She opened the letter and pulled out a small card. She read it a loud)

Emma: “Dear Emma Frost, You’ve been cordially invited to join the ranks of a new world…”

(Elsewhere sometime later, I stood at my office window looking over the grounds of the new estate. The builders were just finishing the construction of my Academy compound. When I decided to leave the Red Court, I already had the perfect location…New Orleans, Louisiana. Construction for my new Darkholme Academy had already started, so I decided I’d make it the new base of my new Court. It was a large Mansion a little smaller than that of the Red Court when I started. But I had already made it a little larger as well as rebuilding the Training Compound into the living and training quarters for my students. Everything was going as planned. I was waiting for my three o’clock meeting, but someone else already has plans on talking to me)

Hel: “Why is it that I arrived home from my date and find that all of my stuff is being moved.”

Chastity: “That’s because you’re no longer staying here.”

Hel: “What?”

(I could see the rage building up in her voice)

Chastity: “Calm down Hel. Please have a seat.”

(I gestured for her take a seat in front of my desk. She hesitated before she took it)

Chastity: “I never expected you to stay under me forever. My master plan is to plant my ideals into other powerful people, and than spread those principles across the world. That plan wouldn’t work if my pupils stayed attached to my skirt. In short, I have been talking to Darkwolf and Rouge, who were very pleased with the time you spent in the Academy. And they would love it if you rejoined them as their new Headmistress.”

Hel: “So, let me get this straight. You want me to step down as Bishop and take a lesser position in an Academy. And you think this would be good news to me?”

Chastity: “Actually this is more of a test.”

Hel: “A test?”

Chastity: “Yes. I am testing you to see if you were paying attention this whole time you were with me. Like the proud lioness, I am sending my cubs out into the world to see if they can survive. If you do have the potential I know you have, you won’t be among the lower ranks for long. And I know you are up for any challenge I give you. Do you understand?”

(With a wicked smile)

Hel: “Clearly.”

Chastity: “Well I wish you luck in your new future my dear. Your stuff should arrive at the Academy by the end of the day.”

(Hel got up and walked to the door. She stopped for a minute and turned back to me)

Hel: “You know there is an old saying, “The best way to honor your teacher, is by surpassing them”.”

Chastity: “I look forward to that day my dear.”

(She turned and was gone. Chastity’s intercom buzzed)

Secretary: “Ms. Darkholme, your three o’clock is here.”

Chastity: “Please, send her in.”

(In walked a Caucasian female around my height. She had platinum blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She was dressed very casually. Unlike me, she decided to keep her well-defined body covered)

Chastity: “Hello Ms. Frost.”

Frost: “Please, call me Emma.”

Chastity: “Okay Emma, please have a seat.”

(She sat across from me and crossed her legs)

Emma: “I understand that you had a business proposition for me.”

Chastity: “Straight to business I see. I like that. First let me congratulate you on your recent take over of your father’s company.”

Emma: “Thank you. My father always told me, “Blood may be thinker than water, but nothing is as thick as money and power”.”

Chastity: “Words to live by. Now as you know my company is expanding by the day. I have gained connections that most companies have killed for. I come to you with an offer. I am building a new sort of club. And I am in need of some staff to take care of my junior members. I would like it if you would join my club as the Headmistress to my Academy. Your membership with me would be extremely beneficial to both your company and yourself.”

(She thought it over for a second)

Emma: “Why not. The connections under Darkholme Internationals are legendary. I would be a fool to pass them up.”

Chastity: “Well then, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Crimson Court.”

(Elsewhere, a girl fell to her knees with tears rolling down her face. She looked around at what used to be here home. Now it seemed to become nothing more than a morgue. She saw her mother soaked in blood in one corner, her best friend’s body twisted in an unnatural way in the middle of the room, her trainer’s body leaned against a wall and his head on the other side of the room. And at her feet laid her ten-year-old sister, who looked so peaceful. She couldn’t bare it. Only a week earlier, she had lost her one true love in a battle. Now she saw everyone she loved dead. All because of her destiny. But the shock of her family was nowhere near as painful as when her little sister jumped at her with canine fangs exposed. Out of reflex, she took the spike from her hand and rammed it into her sister’s chest. For a second, the little ones face returned to its innocent look)

Girl: “Why sister?”

(The child then became nothing more than ashes. The girls face shattered. She killed her sister. Yes, she was already dead but that didn’t change anything. She dropped the steak from her hand and buried her tear filled face in her hands. Even though she was in an emotional state, her reflexes were always sharp. She heard something move in the shadows. She picked up her steak up and threw it into the shadow. She than heard a cold laughter)

???????: “Dear sweet Felicia. You really shouldn’t throw dangerous objects at someone who’s coming to offer a shoulder to cry one.”.”

Felicia: “Go to hell vampire.”

(Out of the shadows stepped a tall man with purplish sliver hair. Half of it hung around his shoulders; the rest was up in a ponytail. His eyes were a cold blue and his smile was captivating and dangerous. He was dressed in an older styled suit. He walked over to Felicia as she jumped into her defensive stand)

???????: “Please, that won’t be necessary. I am not here to fight you.”

Felicia: “That’s the first time I heard that one. You slaughter my family and then tell me you want to sit down and have a chat over tea.”

???????: “Sorry, I don’t drink tea. Never was my taste. And I didn’t kill your family.”

Felicia: “And I’m suppose to believe that.”

???????: “It really does not matter to me whether you believe me or not. I’m telling you’re the truth. And if I really did want to kill you…”

(Before Felicia could even think, the mystery man was behind her. He pinned both her arms behind her back with one hand and gripped her throat with the other. He put his face an inch away from hers)

???????: “…you’d already be dead.”

(No one had every gotten the best of her like this before. He’s strength was unmatched. As much as she tried, his grip never loosened. The more she fought, the tighter his grip got)

???????: “Don’t fight it. You’ll only make it harder on yourself.”

Felicia: “What do you want from me?”

???????: “My dear, it’s not what I want from you. It’s what I have to offer you. You have given your life to saving others, but for what. Kill one vampire, ten others will rise to take his place. While you save one life, a thousand die in the process. You try and try to make this world different, but nothing will ever change. And look around you.”

(He forced her to look at the death that consumed the room)

????????: “Everyone you loved is now dead. And there is nothing you could do to stop it. Yes, it is true that you saved the whole city from death, but who was here to save your family.”

(His words touched her deeply. Tears flowed heavily from her eyes. She knew what he was saying was wrong, but she was too tired to fight him. She was tired of fighting, tired of seeing the world pass her by, tired of being alone)

????????: “I can help you if you let me. I can take away all of the pain, all of the loneliness. I can free you Felicia. I can take away all the pain, but only if you want me to. Do you want me set you free? Do you want me to take away the pain?”

(His breath was against her neck. She could hear his words in her head. She wanted to be free. No more pain)

Felicia: “Yes, I want it.”

(He sunk his teeth into her neck. And she never felt so free. A few states over, the new recruits of the X-men train in the training room. The newest recruit, who went by Alisinn, seemed to be handling the training session very well. Her powers had become second nature to her. She had perfect control of her gifts, all but one. As she flew straight through one robot, she ascended into the air to get a better view of the rest of the session. Burnout was keeping a lot of the team covered with his energy blasts. Jungle Cat and Dorian were using their enhanced agility to dodge the attackers. While Ermac used his TK shield to protect the injured the session had made for them to save. Alisinn was just about to rejoin the battle, but she hadn’t even noticed that something had formed in the shadows above her. Before she could return to her teammates, a strong energy blast shot from the shadows. The blast hit Alisinn in her back and sent her crashing straight for Burnout. The blast had ripped most of her costume and exposed her bare skin)

Jungle Cat: “Burnout, look out!”

(But her warning was to late. Alisinn had crashed into Burnout, knocking him down. Unaware that her skin was exposed, she tried to lift herself up. It took her a moment before she realized that her bare skin had come in direct contact with Burnout’s. Alisinn took her hand away immediately, but it was too late. She had already absorbed too much of his energy. His powers were too much for her. Her body exploded in one big energy blast. Ermac was safe from the blast with his TK shield still up. But Jungle Cat and Dorian weren’t so lucky. The training session had ended. Alisinn tried to run to her friend’s sides to help them but she realized that with her skin exposed she could do nothing. Ermac dropped his TK shield as Professor X entered the room. He went from to each fallen member trying to analyze the damage)

Professor X: “They’ll be fine. Ermac, take them to infirmary.”

(Ermac did as he was told and lifted each body with telekinesis. Before he left, he shot Alisinn a frightened look. She knew he blamed her for this. The Professor tried to go and console her but she stepped back as he got closer)

Alisinn: “STAY BACK!”

Professor X: “Alisinn, it wasn’t your fault.”

Alisinn: “Yes it was. I could have killed him. I should have stayed where I was.”

(Tears started to form in her eyes)

Professor X: “Alisinn, calm down. Let me help you.”

Alisinn: “No one can help me.”

(She took off and flew out of the room. Professor Xavier started to go after but stopped when he thought he heard laughter coming from the shadows of the room. Alisinn was already outside and heading to a spot she went to think. It was a small wooded area located across the water behind the Institute. She landed on her feet and fell to her knees as the tears flowed from her eyes. Her auburn brown hair with the single white streak danced in the wind. Suddenly a figure appeared behind her)

Chastity: “I hate to see a grown woman cry.”

(Alisinn got to her feet and got into defense mood. I merely laughed)

Chastity: “That really isn’t necessary.”

Alisinn: “Who are you?”

Chastity: “Someone who can give you the one thing that silly Institute can’t.”

Alisinn: “And that would be?”

Chastity: “A life.”

(I waved my hand and transformed the scenery. Alisinn’s clothes had changed as well. She was now dressed in a black strapless short skirt with two slits up the side. She hair was pinned up in a bun. She looked at the dress and her new surroundings, trying to figure out what was going on. She was standing in the middle of what seemed to be a dance floor. There were crowds of people around her. She tried to make sure she didn’t get too close since her skin was barely covered. She could see the crowd start to stop and stare at her. They also started to part ways and make room for someone who was heading for her. When the person finally reached the center of the room where she was standing, she saw that it was handsome young man. His short brown hair was perfectly curled, his eyes were a cold gray, his clothes looked as if they were made for him and his face was captivating. He got closer and closer to her. She wanted to move away, but something wouldn’t let her move. He was right in front of her. She couldn’t do anything but look into his beautiful eyes. He reached out to touch her and she knew what would happen next. He would touch her, fall into a coma and then everyone else would run screaming. It was the same story every time. But this time was different. His hand rubbed against her arms and nothing happened. She could feel is touch and her powers didn’t activate. His touch was warm and new. It had been so long since she felt anyone’s touch. His touch went up her arm, continued to her shoulder and then around her neck. He pulled her closer to him and lowered his head down to hers. She closed her eyes as he started to kiss her. His kiss was warm and inviting. She could feel his warmth all through her body. However, her pleasure was short lived because as soon as she began to lose herself in his kiss, it ended. She opened her eyes and found that she was back on her cliff and I stood in front of her)

Alisinn: “What was that?”

Chastity: “It was a glimpse of what could be. Since the first time you talked to Xavier, you hoped he could help you gain control of you powers. But he hasn’t and he probably never will.”

Alisinn: “He said it takes time. In a few years…”

Chastity: “Do you really want to wait that long? The more time goes by the more you’ll start to hate yourself. It will kill you inside to see people walking by holding hands, kissing the one they love and you will always know that you may never be able to do that. I can give you want Xavier can’t. And I can give it to you now. But it’s up to you if you want it.”

(Alisinn thought about it for a second and inside she knew that everything I said was true)

Alisinn: “How can you?”

(I smiled pleasingly at her I snapped my fingers and opened a portal in the air. Out dropped a man about her height with a baldhead and what looked to be hospital attire. As if he was a patient. He laid on the ground motionless)

Chastity: “This is Timothy. He has been in a coma for the last year and the doctors think he will never wake up. He’s mother doesn’t want to let him go, but she doesn’t know how much she is hurting him more than she is hurting. I have seen inside of his mind. He is suffering. He wants to be set free so that he can finally rest peacefully. He is also a mutant with the ability to manifest a thin exoskeleton around his body. You can save him as well as help yourself. If you take in his power and absorb his energy you can gain his mutant ability as well as free him from his prison. And you can all this with one simple touch.”

Alisinn: “No! I can’t do that.”

Chastity: “Yes you can and you will. You know you want this. Think of the things you could do with his gift. And he wants to be set free. He is dying but his soul can’t escape without a little push. You won’t be killing him because as far as he is concerned he is already dead.”

(Alisinn looked at the man boy lying on the ground and felt a little sorry for him. But she also felt the longing to be able to touch another human being without killing them. And all she had to do was touch this man in front of her and her nightmare could finally be over. She hesitated for moment and then slowly walked over to Timothy. She looked at me one more time before she touched his cheek with her bare hand. In his coma state, his powers were not active so she didn’t have to deal with his exoskeleton. She could feel his energy slowly flow into her. His powers became hers. Not long after she touched his skin, she felt a new feeling in herself. It was like a burning hunger. The more she absorbed from him, the more she felt more alive. Part of her wanted to let go, but the other part wanted to feed. And her hunger grew larger and larger until she had sucked every single drop of energy from Timothy’s body. She let go of the body that was now decayed and took a moment to bath in this new feeling. Before she would always hold back and only take enough energy to hold onto the other person’s power. But today she gave into a hunger she never knew she had before. And it was heaven to her. She looked up at me as I walked over to her with an extended hand)

Chastity: “You feel that. The hunger to just let loose and take in all the power you can. Xavier will never be able to satisfy that hunger you desire. But if you join me, I’ll give you more than you can handle. You hunger will always be satisfied.”

(She looked at my hand before reaching out to take it. We touched hands and nothing happened. She smiled as she stood to her feet)

Chastity: “Welcome to the club Alisinn.”

Alisinn: “Please, that name is no longer fitting to me. I crave a new name for my new taste. Call me…Succubis.”

Chastity: “Hmm, I like that name. I agree it is very fitting.”

(I snap my fingers and another portal opens. Out of the portal walks a new associate of mine that goes by the name of tre. She jumped on board with my dear Cronos. She has been very useful in her short time with us)

Chastity: “tre dear, please show our new friend to her new home.”

tre: “As you wish my Queen.”

(tre gestured for Succubis to follow her. She flashed me a smile before she walked into the portal. It closed be hind them. I waved my hand at Timothy’s body and watched as it went up in flames. I was about to leave the scene when I decided to address the presence that was dwelling in the shadows the whole time)

Chastity: “Did you enjoy the show Hellgoat?”

(He never stepped from the shadows as he replied)

Hellgoat: “As always you know how to give me the best entertainment. So who is the stiff anyway?”

Chastity: “He was someone who once worked for me. He failed in a job I gave him so I decided he was of no use to me. I put him in that coma until I felt he would be of need to me again. I never truly thought he would. Boy was I wrong.”

Hellgoat: “You know you could have just trained her to use her low control over magnetism to develop her own exoskeleton.”

Chastity: “Yes and training takes time. I need my court up and running now. I’ve always been one to bring about results.”

Hellgoat: “You’re always full of surprises my dear. I thought you were suppose to be turning over a new leaf on life.”

Chastity: “I am. I’m taking charge and doing everything in my power to mold this world into a better place for my children. Everything I do from now on is for them. My children are all that matter to me and no one will stand in the way of their future. Now if you would excuse me my friend, I must pick my children up from class.”

(And with that I am gone. Elsewhere in regions unknown, a young male lies in a dark room with absolutely no light. His body is completely chained to a wall. The room was cold against his naked body. No matter how much he tries to free himself, it is of no use. He has lost track of how long he has been down here, but he knows it has been awhile. He thinks of how those filthy humans placed him here. He was foolish for allowing the hunters to capture him. If he ever does get free he will make everyone of them sorry for ever crossing him. Suddenly his enhanced hearing picks up some ruckus outside of his door. It sounds like a battle had erupted. He can hear screams of pain as wells as the sound of bone ripping from flesh. Then it all stopped. I moment passed before the door to the prisoner’s cell was opened. The light from the outside hurt his eyes. It took him a second to focus on the man that stood in the doorway. He was dressed in a very stylish suit and his purplish-silver hair hung around his neck. He walked over to the young man and ripped his chains from the wall with one hand. He stepped away from the now free prisoner and threw a bag at him)

???????: “Put the clothes on Jonathan.”

Jonathan: “How do you no my name?”

???????: “That does not matter. Just put on the clothes.”

(Jonathan did as he was told and put on the clothes he found in the bag. It was a leather vest, army pants and some leather army boots. Jonathan figured he got this from one of the guards. He stood and stretched. His full body tribal tattoo was now visible)

???????: “Put on everything.”

(Jonathan looked through the bag and found some jewelry in the bag. They all had the same stone. There was two wristbands and a small necklace. He looked at the man who had freed him with a confused look)

????????: “There moonstones. I have charged them with some strong magic. It will increase your strength as if you were under the Full Moon. Actually it has twenty times the power of the Full Moon.”

(How did this man know so much about him? Not only did he know his name but he also knew he was a werewolf. He did as instructed and put the wristbands along with the necklace. As soon he had them on, he could feel the power inside the stones flow through his body. He felt as if the full moon was high in the sky. Before Jonathan could ask the mystery man for answers)

????????: “Now if you want some playtime, there should be a few guards on there way down here. There all yours.”

(Jonathan could hear them approaching. His sense had sharpened with his new toys. He would answers his questions later. Right now he wanted some payback. Back at the White Hellfire Court, I stood in the viewing room as I watched my children in action. Gomurr stood by my side observing the children. He had taught them so much in the short time they were under his teaching. Shauna had grown better control of her flying abilities as well as her fighting skills. She fought fiercely against her robot-sparing partner. Nicole flew overhead keeping a eye on everything as well as helping others when she was need all while keeping a mind link between them all. Gomurr had taught Nicholas how to focus his energy into certain forms. He could forge weapons composed of pure energy. He handled his energy sword as if it was a third limb. And my sweet little Shane…well I couldn’t really keep up with him. He was moving so fast it was hard to tell where he would end up. But they all acted as if they were sharing the same mind. They executed strategies without even saying a word (all due to the mind link made by Nicole). They even designed codenames for themselves. Gomurr said that it made it feel more real to them if they used codenames. They choose to use the names of their favorite Greek God and Goddess. Shauna took the name Airtimes, Nicole took Athena, Nicolas Aires and Shane Hermes. I was truly proud of how well they developed their gifts)

Chastity: “I want to thank you Gomurr. If it wasn’t for you I don’t know what I would have done. You really have done a great job with them.”

Gomurr: “The thanks is really not needed. They did most of the work. And they are quick learners. I’m pleased with the results as well. And their presence here has also been good for little Christian. It’s good for him to have kids his age to play with. Even though they won’t be his age for much longer.”

Chastity: “Still no lead on what is causing them to age so fast.”

Gomurr: “No leads as of yet. But don’t worry, I’m sure we will find the answer to that question.”

Chastity: “I hope so.”

(I looked to my watch)

Chastity: “Are they almost done?”

Gomurr: “Yes should be done soon.”

Chastity: “Good, I have to get them to their father’s soon.”

Gomurr: “I am surprised that you and Ryan are still speaking. After the way you parted I would think you two would be trying to kill one another.”

(He laughed, I didn’t)

Chastity: “Oh, we are trying to kill one another.

(He stopped laughing)

Chastity: “But the court awarded him partial custody, so I have no choose in the matter. For now.”

Gomurr: “Well it is good to have both parents playing a role in the children’s life.”

Chastity: “If you say so. Um, if you would excuse me. Nature calls.”

(I left the viewing room in search of the bathroom. You would think I knew my way around this place by now. But it was still a maze to me. It took me what seemed like forever to the find the door I had used last time I was here. I walked right into the room without knocking and then I remembered something, this was the White King’s private bathroom. I walked in and found Supergrover!!! stepping out of the shower with his towel around his head; leaving the rest of his bare body exposed. He was drying his hair with his towel so he didn’t notice me coming in. But when he did I felt my cheeks get hot. I rushed out of the room and closed the door behind me. I sat back against the wall. Normally I would have made some kind of sultry remark if I had walked in on a naked man. But when I saw him standing there, I couldn’t even speak. I looked up at the mirror across from me and saw that I was blushing. I waved my hand and smashed the mirror. I’ve never met anyone who could make me blush. Not even Ian. When I realized how foolish I had acted, I waved my hand and put the mirror back together. Then Supergrover!!! came out with his towel around his waist. He hadn’t completely dried himself off, so there was still some water on his chest. The sunlight from the setting sun made it shine as it the water drops slowly rolled down his…sorry lost myself. Anyway…)

Chastity: “Sorry about that Blueboy. I really should have knocked.”

SG!!!: “And I really should start to lock the door when I’m in there.”

(We stood there for moment silently. SG!!! and I had become close in my many visits to the mansion with the kids. He had become a good friend, but I could feel some deeper feelings start to grow. I couldn’t help but look into those deep blue eyes of his. But I needed to gain my composure)

Chastity: “Well, I really should be getting back to the kids.”

(I started to walk off when he stopped me)

SG!!!: “Chastity.”

Chastity: “Yes.”

SG!!!: “Well, I was wondering if you had any free time. Maybe we could have a cup of coffee or something.”

Chastity: “Why Blue, are you asking me out?”

SG!!!: “I guess I am.”

Chastity: “Well, what kind of girl would I be if I turned down a friend? I’d love to have coffee with you. Just promise to wear more clothes next time.”

(We both laughed. I was going to walk over to him and make some kind of seductive move. But as soon as I walked over to him, I tripped on the rug. Supergrover!!! caught me in his arms. I looked up into his eyes)

Chastity: “Thanks.”

SG!!!: “Anytime.”

(We looked into one another’s eye for a moment. Then he started to lower his head down to mine. But before we could get in range of one another, my cell phone rang. I lifted myself to my own two feet and searched for my phone. I pulled it out and answered it)

Chastity: “This had better be good.”

Phone: “Ms. Darkholme, it’s Cleo. I think you should head over to the office right away.”

Chastity: “What is it?”

Phone: “It’s Mr. Darkholme. He stormed in here and is taking some of the files.”

Chastity: “I’m on my way.”

(I ended the call and turned to SG!!!)

Chastity: “Sorry, trouble at the office. Can you ask Gomurr to keep an eye on the kids and I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

SG!!!: “Actually, Gomurr has somewhere to be soon. But I have no problem with looking after them while you are away.”

Chastity: “Thanks again Blue. What would I do without you?”

(He flashed me his warming smile as I teleported away. I manifested in an empty elevator and pushed for the top floor. I did not know what Daemon was up to now. As I reached the office floor, the doors slowly opened. In front of me stood a tall man. I had never seen him in the office before. His face was captivating and his eyes were hypnotic. His purplish-silver hung around his neck. He had this aura around him that was dark and overwhelming. I felt weird in his presence. Then he spoke)

???????: “Excuse me.”

(He moved to the side and allowed me to step out of the elevator. I walked pass him and headed the main office. I turned once to see the man. As the elevator doors closed, he continued to stare at me. I walked into the main area of the office and was greeted by Cleo, my assistant)

Cleo: “He came in about an hour ago and started requesting some of the company files. I thought something might be wrong when I noticed all the files were to his old companies.”

Chastity: “Thank you Cleo. I’ll take it from here.”

(I walked into the room to find Daemon standing at the window. His black suit looked as if he was going to a funeral. He didn’t acknowledge the fact I had walked into the room, but I knew he knew I was there. I saw his briefcase on the desk open. I walked over and saw that everyone of the title documents that belonged to his companies was there)

Chastity: “What is this Daemon?”

Daemon: “I’m taking my companies back. All companies that were once under the title of DV8, Inc. still belongs to me. I talked to my lawyer and he has advised that this is all legal. It’s in the letter to the left of my briefcase.”

(I found the letter. It was addressed from the court that Daemon still held head ownership to his companies)

Daemon: “I’ll also be taking the lab. Seeing on how it’s mine anyway.”

Chastity: “What the hell is this Daemon? I don’t have time for this bull. What is your fucking problem?”

(Daemon turned to face me. His eyes were colder than ever. As of lately Daemon hadn’t been acting himself. He was colder, darker and his powers had grown in an amazing pace. It almost frightened me)

Daemon: “I’m tired of being second fiddle to you Chas. Every since we were little, I had to fight to keep up with you. You were always little miss perfect. No matter what I did it was never as wonderful as you. And nothing has changed. I am so sick of living in your fucking shadow. And I know you have no plans on giving me some of the spotlight.”

Chastity: “What are you talking about?”

Daemon: “First when Steven left to rule over the Purple Court the position of Red Bishop was open. You passed me by and made Hel the new Bishop. That title should have been mine! And now with the formation of the new court, you passed me by again for the title of King and gave it to Cronos. I should have been King!”

Chastity: “I’m sick of your childish ramblings. This is why I hadn’t given you the title of Bishop or King, because your nothing more than an over grown child. You do nothing but whine about what you deserve when really you don’t deserve a damn thing. You may be the oldest Daemon, but I am surly the more mature one. And more powerful.”

(He came over to the desk and slammed his briefcase shut)

Daemon: “We’ll see about that.”

(It wasn’t what he said or how he said it the sent a chill down my back. But the fact that it sounded as there was another voice talking in tune with his. As if two people spoke at the same time. He took his briefcase and walked to the door)

Daemon: “Find yourself another lapdog. I quit.”

(And like that he was gone. I waved my hand and sent the desk flying across the room as I screamed. I hate it when things don’t go as I plan. And the lost of both my brother and his companies was going to put a serious dent in plans. A few hours later after nightfall, I stood at the front door of the Red Court Mansion. What used to be my home. I knocked and waited for one of the servants to come and let the kids in. But to my surprise someone I hadn’t seen before answered the door. Her beauty was dark and alluring. It didn’t take me long to realize that she was the new Red Queen Liya)

Liya: “Come in children. Your father has been waiting for you to arrive.”

(The kids and I did our good-bye hugs and then they ran into the house. This gave me time to talk to the new Queen)

Chastity: “So, you must be the new Queen. Liya I believe.”

Liya: “Yes. And I guess you must be the old Queen Chastity.”

(It’s not what she said, but how she said it. As if to say I have your title bitch)

Chastity: “Hmm, I wouldn’t be too quick to call someone else old my dear.”

Liya: “But as the years go by, my beauty will last forever. However, you on the other hand don’t have much longer to use those looks of yours. You’ll be nothing more than a used up tramp. But look on the brighter side, your half way there.”

Chastity: “Is that so? I really am pressed for time, but I would love to continue this conversation over a cup of coffee tomorrow at around noonish. It looks like you could really use the sun.”

Liya: “I’ve never been one for the sun. But if you would like, I could come and see you tonight. While you sleep.”

Chastity: “Sorry your not my type.”

(Before we could continue our verbal battle, Ryan walked into the picture)

Ryan: “Liya my love, the Inner Circle meeting is about to start.”

Liya: “Okay, I shall be on my way then. I guess we’ll finish our little talk later.”

Chastity: “Anytime.”

(We exchanged cold glares before she was gone)

Chastity: “Well I see someone sure has been busy as of late. If I knew you could be this productive I might have stayed by your side. Then again, you’re still would be the pathetic worm you are.”

Ryan: “Well I see that you have been fast at work building you own little court. I so will enjoy watching it fall.”

Chastity: “Over your dead body.”

(We exchange pleasant smile that drip poison)

Chastity: “I would love to continue this, but I must be living. I have more important places to be.”

Ryan: “Well someone has to stand on the corner. Why not you?”

Chastity: “Cute. But before I take my leave, I wanted to congratulate you and your lawyers on a good job in court. If it was up to me, you would never see those kids again.”

Ryan: “What can I say? They are well paid. Of course they had to be all fired since they couldn’t get me full custody.”

Chastity: “Well they probably would have, if they had pictures of the judge with an underage prostitute. But I guess I had the only copies.”

Ryan: “Dirty pool as usual my dear.”

Chastity: “I wouldn’t play any other way.”

(I faded away. Later, I sat in the Crimson Court Grand Meeting Hall. We sat at the meeting roundtable. Cronos, the Crimson King sat to my right. Due to my brother’s absence, Succubis took the title of Crimson Bishop as well as the seat to my left. Next to her was another new member, The Jian, my Crimson Knight. He saved my life a few days ago and decided to put him into my company. His fighting skills proved he would be of great use to me. And closing the circle was tre, the Crimson Rook. My circle was complete. I raised my wine glass and the others followed my lead)

Chastity: “I would like to give a toast, to the birth of a new era, a new power and a new future. Long live the Crimson Court.”

Unison: “Long live the Crimson Court!”

(In an unknown dark castle over looking the ocean, another group of great power toasted their birth. And the one that would lead them stood in the center of the room)

???????: “My friends, we gather here to bare witness to the dawn of a new horizon. We have the power to bring both Heaven and Hell to its knees. Nothing will stand in our Dark Circle. I, Alucard, shall be you King. And I shall lead you into a world covered in shadows. I have hand picked you all to be apart of this. Now I want to know if you have what it takes. Because I will not take failure from anyone. So, my dear Felicia. Do you have want it takes?”

(He turned to the ex-slayer Felicia. Her long blonde hair was now pulled back into a ponytail that was hung over her head. She had changed her attire as well. Her clothes fit skin tight and covered very little of her body. She drank some kind of dark red liquid from her glass)

Felicia: “I have what it takes and much more.”

Alucard: “Very good my dear. What about you Jonathan?”

(Jonathan leaned against a wall with his arms folded. The candlesticks that decorated the room illuminated his cool gray eyes)

Jonathan: “I’m always up for some fun. But call me Wildchild. I always hated me name.”

Alucard: “Very well then. And lastly my dear demon lord.”

(Out of the shadows stepped Daemon. There was dark aura that surrounded his body and his eyes were pitch black. When he spoke, it sounded as if there was another voice added on to his)

Daemon: “If it’s all in the name of power, then I’m in. And the name is Draco.”

Alucard: “Very well Draco. I am glad to have you all on board. Soon my sweet Queen shall be home by my side. But until than, lets have some fun.”

(I cold chill spreads across the world as these four came together)


(I stood in what seemed to be a bedroom. There were red candle sets all through the room. In the center of the room was a large four-post bed. On it sat a man of what seemed to me to be the perfect body. There was a shadow that covered his face, but I could still see the purplish-silver hair that hung around his neck. He motioned for me to come closer. It was then that I had noticed I was naked as well. My body moved as if it was a puppet connected to strings. I could hear whispers echo through the room, but I couldn’t tell what they were saying or where they were coming from. I laid on the bed next to him and he climbed on top of me. His long hair shielded his face from my vision. His breath was warm and cooling against my bare skin. He began to kiss my body and each touch sent a chill of pure ecstasy though my body. He held my hands at bay with one hand, while the other explored my body. It was like he knew me more than I knew myself. He found every single hot spot on my body and he was pushing it to the max. He had worked his way down my body and was know coming back up toward my neck. I could feel his breath against my neck as he kissed and sucked on it. Then I felt something different. I could feel his bites getting more intense until he finally broke my skin. I could feel blood coming from my wound, but he continued to suck on it. I felt no pain. Only pleasure. he began making love to me as his sucking became more intense. My heart pounded faster, sweat beads covered our bodies. I never felt so full of bliss. He finally stopped after what seemed like forever. He raised his lips from my neck and whispered into my ear)

Lover: “Soon.”

(And just like that I woke up. My sheets were soaked with sweat. My heart was still racing. I ran my hand through my hair and got up from my bed. I went into my bathroom and splashed water in my face. As I opened my eyes I saw that there was some reddish dye mixed in with the water. I looked into the mirror and saw that there was dry blood on my neck that surrounded two small wounds)

Chastity: “What the fuck.”

(As I opened my mouth I noticed that I had some developments. My canine teeth seemed to be sharper than before. When I touched one, I pricked my finger. I sucked the blood from my finger and found that it had a new kind of taste to it. And I loved it. I took off my nightgown and walked over to my tub. Somehow it was already filled and waiting for me. But it wasn’t water that filled it. It was a thick dark red liquid. I slid into the warm liquid and allowed it to cover my body. I then slid me head under and allowed some of it to flow into my mouth. It was delicious. I awoke again and the dream had truly ended. I raced to the mirror to check myself. There were no enlarged canines, blood stains or wounds. It was all a dream. But it felt so real)

THE END.....