Love Thou Father And Mother *HF* (REPOST)

By Chastity

Love Thou Father: Michael Darkholme

Written By Daemon Darkholme (Draco)

(Our story begins in the Dragonfire Academy Training Room. Daemon Darkholme is hard at work trying out his new powers. He can still mutant into a demonic form, but he now has the ability of a full demon. However, he hasn’t gained the full potential of a demon. He has become physically stronger, gained fast healing abilities, his earlier powers have been magnified, he also has the ability to summon some minor dark spells. He battles the training robots like they are nothing. He doesn’t even have to turn into his demonic form to defeat them. Just in the middle of his training, the simulation stops. He looks around to find his Headmaster and Red Bishop, Steven Booth, at the door)

Daemon: “And you stopped the program because?”

Bishop: “Because I need to have a little conversation with you.”

Daemon: “And what might that be about?”

Bishop: “What happened to your father?”

(The question seems to take him off guard)

Daemon: “Come again.”

Bishop: “When you and your sister joined the club, you told us of the tragic deaths of your parents. That just happened to happen to happen the same day. But from what you told us, I have a feeling it wasn’t an accident.”

Daemon: “Are you trying to say something?”

Bishop: “Yes, I think you and your sister know more than you put on. And as the Bishop of this Court, it is my job to keep the facts in order.”

Daemon: “And if I refuse to continue this conversation?”

Bishop: “Then I will look at this as disloyalty to the Court and I will be forced to rip the information from your head. It’s hard for me to read your mind but I’m sure if I push my powers to the max I can get what I need. But then you would be a mindless goon.”

Daemon: “Chastity wouldn’t…”

Bishop: “I out rank Chastity so you will do as I say.”

Daemon: “Fine. You want the truth…I killed my father. And you know what, I’d do it again if I could. Now you know the truth, here’s the story.”

(Our story moves a few days before Chastity and Daemon’s parents were killed. Daemon woke up in a bed he didn’t recognize. A girl beside him he couldn’t remember. He rubbed his head and swore he would never drink again. He reached for his pants and put them on. As he put his shirt on, his new friend woke up)

Girl: “Where are you going?”

Daemon: “Home.”

Girl: “Are we still on for tonight?”

Daemon: “I doubt it.”

Girl: “Why?”

Daemon: “Look, when you go home with a guy and sleep with him after knowing him for an hour don’t expect him to stay for coffee.”

Girl: “We’ve been dating for a week.”

Daemon: “I really gotta stop drinking.”

(The girl picks up a lamp from off her table and throws it at him)

Girl: “You bastard.”

(The lamp hits him in the back. He turns around and his eyes begin to turn blood red. The girl starts to let out a scream, but it gets caught in her throat. Daemon heads for the door and rips it off the handles. He walks out of the condo and heads for his 1993 Mazda RX-7. Daemon did some major work to it. It was crimson red with designs on the front that looked like claw marks exposing grey paint. It could go from 0 to 60 mph in 5.3 seconds. He jumps in and pulls out a joint from his shirt pocket. He lights it and pulls off at 95 mph. Sex, drugs and money. This was the life of Daemon Darkholme. As he pulled into his family mansion, the gates opened for him and he saw that his father’s car was still in front of the house. He thought to himself, “shit”. He walked into the house and his father was standing on the balcony above the stairs waiting for him. Michael Darkholme was a tall man like his son. He was in his mid-forties and earned his first million at the age of twenty-seven. He was dressed in a very expensive tailor made suit. The look on his face showed he wasn’t happy to see his son)

Michael: “Shouldn’t you be at school?”

Daemon: “Shouldn’t you be at work?”

Michael: “I own the company, I do what I want. What’s your excuse?”

Daemon: “My father makes large donations to the school. I do what I want.”

Michael: “Look Daemon, I’m sick of this nonchalant attitude you carry around here. You stay out all night, don’t go to class…”

Daemon: “Yet I’m top of my class.”

Michael: “Well your sister is top of the school. Why can’t you be more like her?”

Chastity: “Because he doesn’t look as good in a skirt.”

(Daemon turned to see his sister standing in the doorway with one of her arrogant smiles. She is in her school uniform, buttoned up all over)

Michael: “Hello darling. You’re home early.”

Chastity: “My classes were cancelled today so I decided to come home. Oh and Daemon, since I didn’t see you in school I went by your classes to get you missed work.”

Daemon: Thank…you…Chastity.”

Michael: “I was just giving your brother a lecture on the importance of going to class. I won’t be funding your lifestyle forever.”

(He walks downstairs and gives Chastity a kiss. He gives Daemon and unpleased look)

Michael: “I’m serious Daemon. I won’t tolerate this behavior. Understood?”

Daemon: “Yes father.”

(Their father leaves out of the house and instantly Chastity changes. She snaps her fingers and her uniform turns into a short tight skirt with a sleeveless top. Her hair pinned in a bun falls down her back and make-up appears on her face. She walks over to the couch and flops down. Daemon and Chastity are the only ones who knows of their mutant powers)

Chastity: “Your such a loser Daemon.”

Daemon: “And you’re the biggest slut on campus.”

Chastity: “Such harsh words. A lady could be offended.”

Daemon: “Well when you find a lady, let me know. Oh and thanks for the work.”

(He turns the paperwork Chastity gave him into ashes. He walks over to the stairs and heads for his room. Halfway up the stairs, Chastity calls to him)

Chastity: “And can you make it a little bit harder to become the favorite child.”

(He responds by shooting a dark energy beam at her. He hits a vase to the side of her. She uses her powers to put it back together. Daemon passes his parents room and walks in. He goes over to his mother’s nightstand and pulls out a bottle of vodka. He knew where he got his lush genes. He drinks it straight from the bottle and heads for his room. He puts the bottle on his nightstand as he undresses. He turns on his answering machine as he jumps into his shower)

Message #1: “Hey Daemon, its Tracy. I didn’t see you in class and I was hoping you still wanted to hang out this weekend. My parents aren’t home. Call me.”

Daemon: “Doubt it.”

Message#12: “D it’s Travis. Making sure you still coming to Chase’s party tonight. I’m bringing my girl, so I hope you got a date. I’m telling you these last couple of weeks with Tracy have been the best. Well I’ll see you there.”

Daemon: “Loser. Maybe I will meet up with Tracy tonight.”

Message#30: “Hey you freak. I don’t know what you did to my sister, but when I see you I’m going to fuckin’ kill you.”

(Daemon cuts off his machine as he dries off. He picks up the phone and dials a number)

Tracy: “Hello.”

Daemon: “Hey Tracy, its Daemon.”

Tracy: “Hey D, I missed you in class today.”

Daemon: “I missed you too. I’ve been thinking about you all day.”

Tracy: “Really. I’ve been thinking about you too.”

Daemon: “So, what are you doing tonight?”

Tracy: “I’m suppose to be going to Chase’s party with Travis.”

Daemon: “That’s too bad. I wanted to see you tonight.”

Tracy: “Well I can cancel with him. I’d rather be with you anyway.”

Daemon: “Alright, I’ll call you when I’m on my way.”

Tracy: “Okay. Later.”

Daemon: “Later.”

(He hung up the phone with a “damn I’m good”. He changes his clothes and heads downstairs. By the look on Chastity’s face and her uniform restored he could tell who was home. They never got along, but they were so much a like)

Chastity: “You no Vivian, you should cut back on the liquor a little. They say drunken women loss their husbands attention faster.”

Vivian: “Oh go read a book you little shrew. And address me as mother.”

Chastity: “If you knew the meaning of the word, I would.”

Vivian: “You know you may be able to fool your father with that goodie-goodie act. But I know you are nothing more than a little slut.”

Chastity: “Then I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

(Vivian slaps Chastity in the face. Daemon knew that his sister’s powers usually reacted to her emotions. So he could tell that the build up of wind was not a good thing. If Chastity lets loose, she could level the whole house. Out of concern for himself, Daemon stops the fight)

Daemon: “Hello mother.”

Vivian: “There’s my boy. Come give mommy a kiss.”

(Daemon ran downstairs and gave her a kiss on the cheek. He could smell the gin and tonic on her breath)

Vivian: “And what does my boy have planned for tonight?”

Daemon: “I’ve got a party to get to.”

Vivian: “That’s good to know. At least one my children has a life.”

Chastity: “Yeah I’ve got a life, it’s called sober. I doubt you ever heard of it before.”

(Chastity storms past them as she heads for her room)

Vivian: “Why can’t she be more like you?”

Daemon: “She couldn’t handle it.”

Vivian: “Do you need any money?”

Daemon: “Always.”

Vivian: “Well you know your father’s safe combination. Go have fun.”

Daemon: “Thanks mom.”

(Chastity might have been daddy’s little girl, but Daemon was mother’s favorite. This was the only working relationship in this family. Daemon and Michael hated each other, Chastity and Vivian hated each other, Daemon and Chastity hated each other and Michael and Vivian hated each other. It was your typical wealthy family scenario. Later that night Daemon is in Tracy’s room getting dress while she sleeps. She awakes as he sits on her bed and puts his shoes on)

Tracy: “Where are you going?”

Daemon: “I got a stop to make.”

Tracy: “Are you coming back?”

Daemon: “Of course I am.”

(Daemon leaves her house and jumps into his car. He pulls out the direction for Chase’s party as he pulls off. When he gets to the beach house, he is welcomed by all of the people their. Daemon was the most popular person in his school, next to Chastity. He was Captain of the football team, top in his class and every girl in school wanted to be with him. He loved his life. He walked pass the group where Chase, Travis and some other kids from school were. Travis had a sad face. Probably from the absence of his one love Tracy. This was the only reason Daemon came to the party, to see the effects of his exploits. He waved to the group but didn’t join them. He was heading off to finish his last joint, but he was stopped by his sister, who was dressed in her red loose skirt. Red was his sisters favorite color)

Daemon: “What, no books to read?”

Chastity: “I had to get out the house. Your gold digging lush of a mother was going on one of her benches again.”

Daemon: “It wouldn’t hurt you to be a little nice to her.”

Chastity: “It wouldn’t hurt for me to stick a large sword in my neck either. And why are you being so nice towards her anyway? You hate her just as much as I do.”

Daemon: “Hey, I got to have one of the parents on my side. And since you have got the father, I get the mother.”

Chastity: “I swear, I feel like we have no kind of connection with them.”

Daemon: “Hell, we don’t have a connection with each other for that matter.”

Chastity: “That’s because you’re a lazy prick.”

Daemon: “I love you too. What are you doing here anyway? I thought these parties were beneath the ice princess.”

Chastity: “They are, but in this matter I’ll make an exception.”

Daemon: “And what is that?”

(Chastity pulls a folder from under her arm and hands it to Daemon. He opens it and pulls out some photos of a familiar scene)

Daemon: “Hey, this is me and Tracy.”

Chastity: “Yeah, I heard your phone conversation. So, I thought I would follow you to catch little Tracy in the act. Now I know why she is so good in gymnastics”

Daemon: “And what did she do to offend you?”

Chastity: “Nothing really, she just annoys me.”

Daemon: “None of these show my face.”

Chastity: “That’s because these are for Travis. This one isn’t targeted for you, so there is no need to involve you. Though I am saving the pictures with your face for future plans.”

Daemon: “Well, happy hunting sis.”

Chastity: “You too.”

(They part ways and Chastity heads toward Travis. Daemon walks toward a dark corner of the beach. He pulls the joint from his pocket and puts it into his mouth. He looks for a light but can’t find one. Due to his heightened senses, he was able to hear the heartbeat of an approaching visitor. He looks up to see a tall Caucasian redhead girl walking his way. She was wearing a dress that came down to her knees. It was blowing in the wind showing off her smooth legs. Her hair is also dancing in the wind like red flames. She is carrying a bottle of tequila and he already knows this is a girl after his own heart)

Reds: “Need a light?”

(She takes the joint from Daemon’s mouth and put it in hers. She points her index finger at the tip of the joint and sparks a flame. She takes an inhale and looks to the sky as she exhales)

Girl: “Good stuff. I didn’t think I would be able to get some good stuff at this lame party.”

(She takes another inhale and passes it back to Daemon, who seems to be in aye of this girl. He takes it and inhales)

Daemon: “I haven’t seen you around school before. And I thought I had did all the pretty ones.”

Girl: “Smooth, I like that. No, I don’t go to your school. I was dragged to this party by one of my friends. Oh, I’m sorry. My name is Amber.”

Daemon: “Hi Amber, I’m Daemon. That was nice trick you have with the flame.”

Amber: “Thanks, you can say I have some control over fire. You got any tricks Daemon?”

Daemon: “Yeah.”

(Daemon takes the bottle from her and drinks the rest in one gulp. He throws the bottle in the air and shatters it with a blast of dark energy)

Amber: “That’s cute.”

Daemon: “Cute.”

(Daemon mutates into his demonic form and snatches Amber up as he flies into the sky. He catches her off guard and she lets out a small shriek followed by a laugh)

Daemon: “Are you impressed?”

Amber: “A little.”

Daemon: “Oh, should I do my nosedive?”

Amber: “NO!”

(She laughs)

Daemon: “I thought not.”

(They fly back to the ground and he turns back into his normal form)

Amber: “How about you give me a ride home. This party is boring the hell out of me.”

Daemon: “Whatever you say. Should we go by air?”

Amber: “No your car should do fine.”

(They say their good-byes and make their way to Daemon’s car. As they leave, Amber gets a few unfriendly looks from the other girls and she seems to like it. They speed down the road with the top down. Daemon loves how her hair dances in the wind like flames of a red fire and she seems to like the high-speed drive)

Amber: “So Daemon what’s your major?”

Daemon: “Business Management. My father wants me and my sister to take up the major so that we can run the business when he passes on.”

Amber: “What business?”

Daemon: “Oh, my parents own Darkholme, Inc.”

Amber: “You’re a Darkholme?”

Daemon: “Yeah, why?”

Amber: “Oh nothing.”

(He tries to press the matter but they are at her house and it is an amazing large mansion. She assured him she wasn’t royalty and they venture into her house)

Daemon: “So what did you mean earlier about me being a Darkholme?”

(Daemon turned to find that Amber decided to remove herself from her clothes. She throws her hand toward the fireplace and it bursts into flames. She walks over to Daemon and throws him to the ground. She is strong for a girl of her size. She jumps on top of him and rips off his shirt. And they (censored) and then (censored) followed by (censored) and to finish off she (censored). The next morning Daemon wakes up in the Kitchen, which is the last place him and Amber ended. He had seen every room in the house. He got off top of the refrigerator, do not ask, and looked through the house to find Amber. He found her standing in front of the patio in his shirt. He walks up from behind and he wraps his arms around her)

Amber: “Okay now I’m impressed.”

Daemon: “I bet you say that to all the guys you bring home and show the GRAND tour.”

Amber: “Actually I would have already had them leave.”

Daemon: “So what are the plans for the day?”

Amber: “I was going to show you off to my friends.”

Daemon: “Oh, so now I’m a trophy boy toy.”

Amber: “Do you have a problem with that?”

Daemon: “Not at all. But I need to go home and change.”

Amber: “That won’t be necessary. I sent one of my maids out to buy you something to wear.”

(She twists around in his arms and kisses him)

Daemon: “Then all we need to do is take a shower.”

(Daemon picks her up and runs upstairs to the bathroom to have a joint shower. They leave out to meet Amber’s friends at one of their houses. She informs him that they are all mutants and they attend the same school as her. As they pull up into the house they find the group of friends standing out front of the house. There are six in total. There is Trevor Morris, also known as Leech. He had the ability to cut off another mutant’s powers or make them his own. He can only do one person at a time. He was a Caucasian male about a foot taller than Daemon with short cut brown hair, dark brown eyes and his left eyebrow was pierced. Next to him was the twins Darrel and Dwayne Morris, also known as the Wonder Twins. Darrel had the ability of telepathy and Dwayne has the ability of telekinesis. They could also combine into one being with twice the combined power. They were both African American males shorter than Daemon. However, they were large in size. They had long sliver hair that hung around their neck. They both had one ice blue eye and one grey eye, but Darrel’s right eye was grey and Dwayne’s right eye was blue. Leaning on them filing her nails was Clarice E. Morris, also known as Eve. She had the ability to charge small objects with kinetic energy and turn them into explosive objects. She usually used long metallic darts. She was an African-American girl the same height as the twins. She had long purplish-black hair and amazing yellow eyes. Amber said that this was an illusion made by her brother Darrel. When her powers manifested, her skin turned purple and some strange marks appeared on her face. Then there was Bryan Hall, also known as Screwball. He was the clown of the group. He had the ability of shape shifting. He was a Caucasian male the same height as Amber, with short spiky blond hair. He wore blue shades that covered his red eyes. And last there was the leader of the group, Arron Anderson, also known as Overload. He has the ability to absorb energy from anything and redirect it as an energy blast. He had the same physical features as Daemon except his hair was longer and pitch black and as were his eye’s pupil. The Morris’, Arron and Amber’s fathers are co-owners in their company TriCom. Trevor and Bryan’s parents have companies that work with TriCom. They got out the car and walked over to the group)

Amber: “Hey guys. I want you to meet my new friend…Draco.”

(Daemon shot her a look, but he figured the name was to give a cool title like the others. He actually liked the name though)

Bryan: “Well let me give you a big group welcome.”

(He morphed into a marching band drummer beating on a drum that read, “Welcome Draco!”)

Dwayne: “Cut it out Screw-loose.”

(He shot Bryan with a TK blast and Bryan turned back to normal)

Bryan: “You’re no fun.”

Clarice: “You have to excuse him. Not all of us have reached past the age of five.”

(Bryan sticks a large tongue out at Clarice and she sticks her nail file on it. They all laugh. Amongst the laughter, Arron gets up and walks over to Daemon)

Arron: “So Draco, you should feel pretty lucky. Amber never brings any of her friends to meet us. She must think you’re pretty special.”

Amber: “He’s a Darkholme.”

(Daemon shots another look at her. Why was the fact that he was a Darkholme a big deal)

Trevor: “Well isn’t that something.”

Daemon: “What is the big deal about my name?”

Darrel: “You mean Amber didn’t tell you.”

Dwayne: “That’s not nice.”

Amber: “We were too busy to get into it last night.”

Clarice: “I bet.”

Daemon: “Okay, what is going on here.”

Arron: “Come inside and we’ll explain it to you.”

(They walk in to the large mansion and it is as big as Amber’s is. They all join into the Living Room. Arron stands before the fireplace as everyone takes a sit before him. They look like kids gathered around the campfire to here a story)

Arron: “Okay lets start from the beginning. There are places where only the most elite can join. And in those places there are people who basically run the world, though majority people don’t even know they exist. There is a whole world that no one even knows is there, though it is apart of their world too. The Hellfire Club controls this other world. They are the elite, the strong, the wealthiest people of this world and the next. It is divided into four Courts; the Black, the Red, the White and the Grey Courts. We all belong to the Black Court and they have been whispers of the promising Darkholme Clan becoming apart of us. “

Daemon: “Whoa, that’s a lot to take in.”

Amber: “But this would mean so much to you and your family. There are people that will kill their entire family to join us.”

Bryan: “And some have.”

(There is no laugh and Daemon sees that he is not joking this time)

Trevor: “The question now is do you want this?”

Darrel: “Do you want to be among the elite?”

Dwayne: “Do you want to be with people like you?”

Clarice: “Do you have what it takes to be one of us?”

Arron: “Well, do you?”

(Daemon didn’t hesitate to answer. He had finally found people like him. People that were worthy of the name friend. With eagerness in his voice he replied to all their questions)

Daemon: “Yes.”

Amber: “Well, we can help you. Our parents may not be high up in the Court, but they have enough power to push your invitation.”

Arron: “But first you would have to prove yourself to us.”

Daemon: “How?”

Clarice: “Oh, we have ways.”

(Trevor walks over to the window and pulls back the blinds)

Trevor: “That was a nice car you pulled up in.”

Clarice: “It looked like a 1993 Mazda RX-7, horsepower about 255, wheel base 95.5 inches, curb weight 2,789 lbs., fuel tank capacity 20.1 gallons, 6 cylinders, manual transmission and all disc brakes. Can go from about 0 to 60 mph in about 5.2 to 5.3 seconds.”

Daemon: “You sure do know your cars.”

Clarice: “What can I say, I like fast things.”

Arron: “Yeah, so do I. How about we race? If you win, we welcome you into our club and push for your family to join the Court. If you lose…well I’m sure you can guess what happens if you lose.”

Daemon: “Yeah I can guess. But it won’t happen.”

(They others in the group snicker at the remark. Arron just smiles. They drive off to a road where they often race. Daemon left before Arron so he didn’t see his car, but when it pulled up he didn’t need Clarice to tell him about it. It was a lime green 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS with the word “Overloaded” on the side. As he pulled up Clarice got out the car and joined the other on the sideline)

Amber: “Okay boys you get the point. The first to the finish line wins. Ready, set…GO!”

(The two cars speed off at top speed. Dwayne lifts everyone in a TK bubble and takes them to the finish line. The road is the slide of a cliff that looks over the oceanfront. One wrong move and you could take a quick deep. The two cars are neck and neck, Daemon on the left near the ocean and Arron on the right closer to the mountainside. Arron starts to ram his car into Daemon’s. This was all part of the game and neither boy cared what happened to the car because the cost of repairs meant nothing to them. They hit each other pretty good a couple of times, but Daemon had ways of getting out of these things. When Arron started to pull his car close to Daemon’s, Daemon hit his breaks and Arron’s car swerved in front of him. Daemon hit the gas and speed past Arron. But Arron lost control of the car and went into the ramp. His car was now hanging on the ledge. Daemon hit his brakes and jumped out the car. He mutated and grabbed the car just as it was going over the edge. He used all his strength to pull the car back onto the road. He checked on Arron and found that he was unconscious. The car started smoking, so Daemon ripped Arron’s car door off and flew to safety. Arron’s car exploded into flames just as they reached Daemon’s car. Daemon tried to get Arron to wake-up. They others must had seen the explosion because as soon as Arron began opening his eyes they flew over head)

Amber: “What happened?”

Arron: “Draco’s a better driver than me and he saved my life.”

Daemon: “It was nothing. I was going to go an finish the race, but I don’t the others would’ve been happy if I let you die.”

(Bryan morphs into a police officer)

Bryan: “Well I hope you boys learned your lesson.”

Arron: “Yeah never race against Draco.”

Dwayne: “So I guess this means we have a new member in the group.”

Trevor: “Yeah, let’s here it for the new Hellion Draco.”

Clarice: “Welcome to the club.”

Arron: “When I get home I’ll make sure that I press your families membership to my folks.”

Amber: “So shall I. The Bishop owes my father a favor.”

(Daemon can feel some joy and honor swell in his chest)

Bryan: “You know this call for a party.”

Darrel: “Can’t, our families are going on that business trip tonight.”

Arron: “Yeah, the monthly TriCom conference.”

Dwayne: “Where they drag their kids along to join in the fun festivities.”

Bryan: “God I hate those.”

Daemon: “When do you get back?”

Trevor: “Tuesday.”

(Amber wraps her arms around Daemon)

Amber: “But we’ll have plenty of time to celebrate once you’re a member.”

(She leans into kiss him and the rest of the group hoots and hollers. They say their good-byes and Daemon heads home. As he pulls up he sees his sister getting out of a long black limo. They meet up at the door)

Daemon: “This is new. When did you get friends?”

Chastity: “The same time you didn’t come straight home after you awoke from one of your nightstands. Did you forget where you lived again?”

Daemon: “Wow Chastity. With a wit like that, I don’t know why you haven’t found a boyfriend yet.”

Chastity: “Because boys aren’t on my level.”

Daemon: “Sure, if you want that to be your reason.”

(They walk into the house and they can see it’s the usual scene when their parent are home)

Michael: “How about you take a breather from the bottle hon.”

Vivian: “Well if I was getting some sort of pleasure from you, I wouldn’t have to look elsewhere for entertainment.”

Michael: “You need pleasure? I thought that’s what the pool boy was for?”

Vivian: “I would never. Well, not with the pool boy…”

Michael: “You disgust me.”

Vivian: “Then why don’t you just give me a divorce.”

Michael: “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction.”

(The Darkholme children walk up the stairs to their rooms. They know their parents will continue like this for the next hour or so. The only reason they were still married was because their father wanted to put up this happy family front. But behind the illusion was a totally different story. For the next couple of days, Daemon changes his nightlife. He decided he would chill out for a couple of days, until he was in the club. Plus he was feeling new feelings for Amber. She might be the one for him. He didn’t hear from her on Tuesday, but when he came home on Wednesday she was waiting at his door)

Daemon: “So you came to give me the good news in person?”

(The look on her face tells him that there is something wrong)

Amber: “I have some bad news.”

Daemon: “What? They didn’t think we where good enough for the club?”

Amber: “No, that’s not it. They were happy to have you all. Plus, my father is good at getting what his little girl wants.”

Daemon: “Then what happened?”

Amber: “Your parents turned them down.”

Daemon: “WHAT!”

(It took everything in his power to hold back his demonic form. He could feel the rage swell inside him)

Amber: “The Bishop himself approached your father yesterday. And he turned him down, very rudely from what I here.”

Daemon: “No…no. This can’t be happening.”

(Daemon put his head down and Amber walks over to his side and hugs him. He leans his head into her hair. They stay that way for a few minutes until Daemon pulls back and looks at her)

Daemon: “Wait, can’t they just accept me. You could see if your father could get the Bishop to get me into the club.”

(Amber looks at him without answering. And he can see a tear start to form in her eye)

Amber: “That’s the other thing. The Court doesn’t like to be turned down. The Bishop was insulted and took it out on my father. Now my father is extremely upset. And…”

(She pauses as tears start to fall down her face)

Daemon: “What is it?”

Amber: “He has forbid me to see you again. All our parents have forbid us to associate with your family. I’m sorry Daemon this is good-bye.”

(She kisses him, slides something in his hand and runs to her car. Daemon wanted to run after her but he knows as powerful as his love for her is, the Court had the power to block it. He storms in the house and almost breaks the door. At the top of his lungs he yells…)

Daemon: “FATHER!”

(His mother is the one to answer his call. She of course has a drink in her hand)

Vivian: “Can you keep it down Daemon. Mother has a headache.”

Daemon: “Where is he?”

Vivian: “Your father went to the cabin to do some work. He clams he couldn’t get any piece here.”

(Without any word, Daemon ran out the house, jumped in the car and speed off to the family cabin. It took him an hour to get there and his anger seemed to grow along the road. He birches into the cabin and found his father working at his desk)

Michael: “What the hell do you think you’re doing here?”

Daemon: “You do things just to anger me.”

Michael: “What are you talking about?”

Daemon: “The Black Court came to you yesterday and you turned them down.”

(Michael got up from his desk and walked over to his son as he laughed)

Daemon: “What’s so funny?”

Michael: “You always think everything is about you Daemon. My reasons for turning that filthy club down had nothing to do with you.”

Daemon: “Then why? Why would you turn down such an elite club?”

Michael: “It’s simple son, because it was full of those filthy mutants.”

Daemon: “What!”

(Daemon’s father had never expressed his feelings toward mutants before so his response caught him off guard. Michael turned his back to Daemon and walked over to the fireplace)

Michael: “Yes its true. I had heard about the club before and how most of the members were mutants. I couldn’t associate myself with such vermin. Why, if it was up to me every mutant on this planet would be enslaved or extinct.”

Daemon “And what about me and Chastity? What if you found out we were mutants?”

Michael: “You just be glad your not. I would hate to think what I might do with you two.”

(Daemon couldn’t hold back his anger any longer. Daemon hated people like his father. The fact that his father felt so strongly about mutants combined with the fact that he couldn’t see Amber again and he would never be in the elite club. He lost control and his demonic form came out. He let out a roar as his father turned around and turned a new shade of white)

Daemon: “I guess we all have our little secrets father.”

(Michael runs to his gun rack, but Daemon gets there first. Michael then runs for the door and heads for the woods that surround the cabin. Daemon let him go because he likes to hunt down his prey. Michael thought he was way ahead of Daemon, but then he felt a sharp pain in his back as he fell to the ground. He turned on his back to see Daemon standing over him, blood dripping from his claws. He tried to get up and run, but Daemon held him to the ground with his foot)

Daemon: “Oh, come on dad. Let’s have one of those father/son moments we see on T.V. You know, that moment in their lives that defines their relationship forever.”

(He rubs his claw against his father’s cheek)

Daemon: “But this’ll be a little different.”

(And with that Michael Darkholme screams echoes through the woods. It is the last sound he ever makes. Back in the present…)

Daemon: “Now you know the whole truth. Are you happy?”

(The Bishop doesn’t answer)

Daemon: “Then if you would excuse me, I have a meeting to attend.”

(A ripple goes through Daemon’s body as he fades away. He appears in a small room. He pulls a chain with a round gold disk on the end of it from under his shirt. It’s what Amber gave him the last time he saw her. On it was engraved: “Draco and Amber Always”)

Daemon: “Always.”

Love Thou Mother: Vivian Darkholme.

By: Chastity

(A Continuation of “Love Thou Father” Written By Draco)

(I am in a meeting with Lord Ryan in his private chambers. I lean over his shoulder as we go over the files from my prep school)

Lord Ryan: “Well done Chastity. You got some commendably results.”

Chastity: “Well I couldn’t have done it without your support. It means so much to me that you believe in me my Lord.”

Lord Ryan: “I can see that you are a potent women Chastity. I can also see that you will bring the Court back to where it should be. And please, call me Ryan.”

(He looks up at me as he said this. In his eyes I can see a man of great power)

Chastity: “Okay…Ryan. You know we sure do make a good team. With my ideas and your power, we could forge the Red Court into a great dynasty that brings fear to the heart of anyone who tries to oppose us.”

Lord Ryan: “Yes, we do make a good…team.”

(Suddenly there is a knock at the door and the Red Bishop, Steven Booth, enters the room)

Booth: “I thought I might find you here Chastity.”

Lord Ryan: “If you don’t mind Steven, Chastity and I are having a meeting.”

Booth: “And I am so sorry to disturb your private meeting. But, I really need to talk to Ms. Darkholme.”

(The sarcasm in Steven’s voice seems to anger the King. I don’t feel like pulling the two a part so I end the fight before it begins)

Chastity: “It’s okay my Lord. We can finish this later at the meeting.”

(I walk past Steven into the hallway and he follows behind me. I shoot the King a look before I leave and he smiles back. Once in the hallway)

Booth: “You and Lord Ryan sure are getting closer.”

Chastity: “What can I help you with Steven?”

Booth: “Oh, I was just talking to your brother about things.”

Chastity: “What things?”

Booth: “The death of your parents.”

(His answer surprises me but I am not unprepared for it. I knew that he was going to find someway to get back at me for the Prep school and I guess he was going to use my past) Booth: “He gave me his side of the story and now I wanted yours.”

Chastity: “I really don’t want to bring up things from my past. Some things are just better left behind.”

Booth: “I assure you Chastity, this is for your own good.”

Chastity: “Fine Steven if you must know…”

*A few days before the death of Chastity’s parents*

(My childhood was something must girls dreamed of. I grew up in a wealthy family, I went to the best schools, I was the leader of popular kids at every school I attended, I was top of my class academically, every girl wanted to be me and every guy wanted to be with me. Though I was a girl that had everything, I found my life to be very dull. I was in search of something more elite. I place full of people that were like me. That search came to an end when I made some new friends. It was my freshmen year in college. It was Friday and I was heading to my Physics Class. I came a little early because I needed to talk to me teacher Mr. Kevin Thompson. He was a tall man in his late twenties. He had short blond hair and cute blue eyes. As I stood at his door, he was writing some work on the board. I began unbuttoning my shirt and materialized a apple in my hand)

Chastity: “Hello Kevin.”

(He turns to meet me and a smile appears on his face. It is more of an uncomfortable smile that shows I make him nerves. He quickly turns back to the board)

Thompson: “Hello, Ms. Darkholme. How can I help you?”

Chastity: “Well…”

(I turn my tone seductive and slowly walk toward him)

Chastity: “I was wondering if I could miss today’s test. I’m not feeling so well.” Thompson: “You know that I don’t allow my tests to be missed. If you don’t make it there will not be a make-up test.”

Chastity: “Oh, come on Kevin. I’m doing so well in your class. I would hate for one missed test to effect my grade.”

Thompson: “Those are the rules Ms. Darkholme. And call me Mr. Thompson.”

(I take a seat on his desk facing his back and cross my legs)

Chastity: “Aww, don’t be so up tight…Kevin.”

(He turned to face me as I bit into the apple. I let a little drip down my chin and land on my chest. His eyes followed the drip and quickly returned to my face)

Chastity: “Mmm, forbidden fruit.”

Thompson: “I’m sorry Ms. Darkholme, but I have to ask you to please leave my room.” Chastity: “Why Kevin? Do I make you nerves?”

Thompson: “Yes…I mean no.”

(I let out a small giggle as I pull him closer to me)

Chastity: “Come on Kevin, I know you are tired of always having to be so uptight. Don’t you just want to give in to some things that are called wrong? Don’t you want a taste of the forbidden fruit?”

Thompson: “Yes.”

Chastity: “Then take a bite.”

(I hold the apple up to him. He looks at me then the apple and takes a huge bite. He pulls me closer to him and I lean my face towards his and whisper in his ear)

Chastity: “So, can I have that make-up test?”

Thompson: “Yes.”

(I slip myself from under his grasp and head to the door as I button me shirt)

Chastity: “Okay, I’ll see you Monday for the make-up.”

Thompson: “Hey, what about the forbidden fruit?”

(I turn to him and throw him my apple. He catches it)

Chastity: “Enjoy.”

(I walk out the room and head for my red Porsche. All of a sudden I hear someone call my name)

??????: “Chastity!”

(I know the voice too well. It’s Tracy Morgan. She has the hots for my brother, always follows me around and is just an all around pain in the ass. I contemplated if I should ignore her and run to my car, but then I think she will probably scream my name louder) Chastity: “What is it Tracy?”

Tracy: “Oh, I didn’t see your brother in class and was wondering if he was okay.” Chastity: “Oh yeah Daemon is fine. He just got sick off some cake he had yesterday.” Tracy: “I made that cake.”

Chastity: “Yeah, that’s right.”

Tracy: “Tell him I’m so sorry.”

Chastity: “I’m sure you’ll make it up to him.”

Tracy: “Huh?”

Chastity: “Oh, nothing. Was there anything else you wanted Tracy?”

Tracy: “Yeah.”

(She pulls some papers from her bag and hands them to me)

Tracy: “I went by Daemon’s and got all his work for him.”

Chastity: “Well isn’t that nice of you Tracy. I’ll make sue he gets them. Gotta go, see you later.”

Tracy: “Okay, I’ll see you later.”

(I walk over to the my car with the word “twit” in my head. I jump in my car and head for home. As I pull up, I see that both my father and my brother are home. I walk into the house and find them fighting as usual)

Michael: “Look Daemon, I’m sick of this nonchalant attitude you carry around here. You stay out all night, don’t go to class…”

Daemon: “Yet I’m top of my class.”

Michael: “Well your sister is top of the school. Why can’t you be more like her?” Chastity: “Because he doesn’t look as good in a skirt.”

(Daemon turned to me and gave me one of his “if looks could kill” and I returned it with one of my arrogant smiles)

Michael: “Hello darling. You’re home early.”

Chastity: “My classes were cancelled today so I decided to come home. Oh and Daemon, since I didn’t see you in school I went by your classes to get you missed work.”

Daemon: “Thank…you…Chastity.”

Michael: “I was just giving your brother a lecture on the importance of going to class. I won’t be funding your lifestyle forever.”

(He walks downstairs and gave me a kiss as he gives Daemon an unpleased look) Michael: “I’m serious Daemon. I won’t tolerate this behavior. Understood?”

Daemon: “Yes father.”

(Father leaves out of the house and instantly I change. I snap my fingers and my uniform turns into a short tight skirt with a sleeveless top. I remove the pins from out my hair and it falls down my back. Finally, I add make-up without even lifting a finger. I walk over to the couch and flop down. Daemon is the only one who knows of my mutant powers, and I’m the only one that knows about his)

Chastity: “Your such a loser Daemon.”

Daemon: “And you’re the biggest slut on campus.”

Chastity: “Such harsh words. A lady could be offended.”

Daemon: “Well when you find a lady, let me know. Oh and thanks for the work.”

(He turns the paperwork I gave him into ashes. He walks over to the stairs and heads for his room. Halfway up the stairs, I call to him)

Chastity: “And can you make it a little bit harder to become the favorite child.”

(He responds by shooting a dark energy beam at a vase on the table next to me. I used my powers to put it back together. I watch TV until I get bored and decide to go spy on my brother. I over heard him talk to Tracy)

Daemon: “Hey Tracy, its Daemon. (pause) I missed you too. I’ve been thinking about you all day. (pause) So, what are you doing tonight? (pause) That’s too bad. I wanted to see you tonight. (pause) All right, I’ll call you when I’m on my way. (pause) Later.”

(Instantly I thought up a plan to get little Ms. Morgan. I head back to the Living Room and find that my mother is home. I change back into my uniform and walk downstairs to greet my loving mother)

Chastity: “You know Vivian, you should cut back on the liquor a little. They say drunken women loss their husbands attention faster”.

Vivian: “Oh go read a book you little shrew. And address me as mother.”

Chastity: “If you knew the meaning of the word, I would.”

Vivian: “You know you may be able to fool your father with that goodie-goodie act. But I know you are nothing more than a little slut.”

Chastity: “Then I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

(She slaps me in the face. Even though I had a good handle on my powers, when my emotions run loose I can’t control them. So as I felt the energy build up in me, I knew I had to get a hold of myself. I could feel the wind start to build. But mother couldn’t) Daemon: “Hello mother.”

Vivian: “There’s my boy. Come give mommy a kiss.”

(Daemon ran downstairs and gave her a kiss on the cheek. It’s a good thing he came when he did)

Vivian: “And what does my boy have planned for tonight?”

Daemon: “I’ve got a party to get to.”

Vivian: “That’s good to know. At least one my children has a life.”

Chastity: “Yeah I’ve got a life, it’s called sober. I doubt you ever heard of it before.”

(I push pass them as I head for my room. I slam my door behind me and decide to release the built up energy in my chest by melting the trophies on my table. I reconfigure them afterwards. I need to get out the house so I decide to go to my swordsman class. I don’t feel like confronting my mother and brother, so I use the tree on the side of my window to get to my car. As I enter my class I notice a new student in our class. I can’t see their face because of the face guard, but I can see that the person is very good. After I change into my training gear I decide to challenge them. I walk over to the new person and hit their sword with mine. This is where the battle begins. The rules of our matches are to stay in the ring and disarm your opponent. Our match is intense. My opponent has the reflexes of a cat. The other students stop and watch us in battle. Even the teacher can’t help but to be spellbound by us. We start to take the match to the next level. We start jumping out of the circle and flip around the room. We jump on tables, flip off walls but neither one of us give up. The teacher sees that there is a stalemate, so he stops the match. My opponent and me shake hands as we remove our masks. I watch black silk pours from beneath their headgear. It is about the same length as mine. I can see now that my opponent is another girl. She appears to be of Japanese decent with the most captivating yellow eyes, that reminds me of a cat)

????????: “Good match.”

Chastity: “You too.”

(She goes off to change and so do I. I try to catch her before she leaves, but I am too late. Disappointed I head over to my dance class. As I walk into the class I found that there is another new person in my class. All the other students are surrounding here as she dances gracefully. I stand on the sideline and have to admit I was in awe as well. She is about the same height and weight as me. She had strawberry-blonde hair that was pinned up in a bun. Her eyes were closed while she danced so I didn’t see them until she had finished. They were stone grey. The students clapped as she finished and the teacher had everyone start class. When we took our break I looked to she if I could fine the new student. I looked out the window into the Courtyard to find that she was sitting talking to none other than the girl from my swordsman class. The dancer had let her hair down and it was the same length as the swordsman and mine. I had to meet them both. I have never been a shy person, so I sat across from them and started to talk)

Chastity: “You two sure make a mark for newbies.”

(They look at me with a surprised look. I guess the others were too scared or shy to talk to them and they were surprised that I did)

Chastity: “Let me introduce myself. My name is Chastity Darkholme.”

(The two girls let out a small giggle)

Chastity: “What’s so funny?”

(The strawberry-blonde was the one to speak. She had an English accent)

Strawberry-blonde: “Nothing it was just your name. My name is Felicity McCloud and this is Serenity Khan.”

Chastity: “Oh, I see. Chastity, Felicity, Serenity…that is kind of eerie.”

Serenity: “We thought the same thing when we met.”

Chastity: “So, where are you guys from?”

Felicity: “Well, I’m from England and Serenity is from Hong Kong. Our families are here from for a conference.”

Chastity: “Are your families like some kind of government diplomats?”

(They laugh again)

Serenity: “Something like that.”

Chastity: “So have you seen the sights of New York?”

Serenity: “Mostly museums and symphonies.”

Felicity: “If I see one more museum, I’ll…”

(Just then, I feel the hair on the back of my neck start to stand on ends as the soda cans sitting next to Felicity and Serenity implode. The two girls look at each other then at me) Felicity: “Opps.”

(This time it is me that laughs. I wave my hand at the cans and bring them back to their original form. They give me a surprising look. I return the look with a smile)

Chastity: “I guess we all have our little secrets.”

(We all laugh)

Chastity: “I have the magikal powers of a witch. I’m guessing Felicity can control magnetism. What about you Serenity?”

Serenity: “I am a werecat. I can morph into a half cat, half woman. I have hyper senses and reflexes. Which helps in sword fighting.”

Felicity: “And I use my control to make myself lighter when dancing.”

Chastity: “Now this makes it real eerie. Three girls with close names, mutant powers and are accustom to being the center of attention.”

Felicity: “You know what this reminds me of, the Weird Sisters.”

Serenity: “Are you calling us weird?”

(Felicity and I laugh)

Chastity: “No, she’s talking about the three witch sisters from Macbeth. They were identical sisters that could only be told apart by their hair color.”

Felicity: “Yes, one with pure black hair…”

(She points at Serenity)

Felicity: “…one with slivery blond hair…”

(She points at me)

Felicity: “…and then their was the most beautiful one of all, the strawberry-blonde.”

(She throws her hair in the air as Serenity and I laugh)

Chastity: “Okay then sisters, how would you like for me to show you all the highlights of New York?”

Serenity: “Well, our families don’t really allow us to associate with people outside of our…circle.”

Chastity: “So, what is you circle?”

(They told me all about the elite group they belong to known as The Hellfire Club. The members of their clubs were government officials, royalty, people of great wealth and power. Majority of the members were mutants or people with super powers. The leaders of each Court were members of the Inner Circle. Felicity and Serenity’s parents were members of the Inner Circle’s of their countries here for a meeting with the New York Black Court. Felicity’s parents were the King and Queen of the Black Court of England and Serenity’s father was the Bishop of the White Court of Hong Kong. Since their parents were members of the Inner Circle, they were really selective of who they allowed their children to associate with)

Felicity: “But, we have ways of getting away. So, we will try our best to meet up with you tomorrow.”

(I look at my watch)

Chastity: “Well, I have to be leaving now.”

Serenity: “Already.”

Chastity: “Yeah, I have some other business I have to take care of.”

(I turn my hand in a circle and form a piece of paper with my address on it. I hand it to Serenity)

Chastity: “Well, meet me at this address tomorrow and I will show you why New York is the best state.”

Felicity: “We will do that.”

Serenity: “Later Chas.”

(I walk off to my car and drive to Tracy’s house. I see that Daemon has already arrived. I sneak over to her window and watch as they move into the act. It’s too sickening to watch my brother in action so I set my camera and let it take in the view. When I run out of film I head back to my car. I have no need for a photo store, because by using my powers I can develop my own film. I remove the film from the camera and wave my hand over it. It then becomes developed pictures. I scan the pictures and make sure I separate the pictures with Daemon’s face shown from the others. I place the non-Daemon picture into an envelope and head for Chase’s party. I change into another red outfit on the way. I love that color. My plan is to show the pictures of Tracy to her boyfriend Travis May. As I arrive at the party I see that Travis isn’t around. I decide to walk around until I see him arrive. I try to avoid people, because I hate meaning less conversation. But, I end up bumping into the Quarterback for our school, Marvin Silver. He was a Junior and every girl at school wanted to be with him, except me of course. The facts that I wasn’t interested, made him want me more)

Marvin: “Hey Chastity.”

Chastity: “Marvin.”

Marvin: “This is the first time I found you at a party. Are you looking for me?”

Chastity: “In your dreams.”

(I try to walk past him but he blocks my way)

Marvin: “Funny Chastity. You know if you keep on fighting this, you might give me the impression that you don’t care.”

Chastity: “I’ll keep that in mind.”

(I see Travis has arrived. I try to head to him, but Marvin blocks my way again. I know there is only one way to get past him. I move in closer to him, pressing my chest against his)

Chastity: “You know what Marvin, your right. I can’t fight it any longer. I wanted to be with you, but I was scared you didn’t really want me. Do you want me?”

Marvin: “Yes.”

Chastity: “Then meet me in Chase’s room in ten minutes. And I don’t have all day, so your clothes better be off as well as the lights. And I want you to take me when I walk through the door. I look it rough.”

Marvin: “I knew you wanted me.”

(He runs off into the house)

Chastity: “That was too easy.”

(I head over to Travis, but run into my brother instead)

Daemon: “What, no books to read?”

Chastity: “I had to get out the house. Your gold digging lush of a mother was going on one of her benches again.”

Daemon: “It wouldn’t hurt you to be a little nice to her.”

Chastity: “It wouldn’t hurt for me to stick a large sword in my neck either. And why are you being so nice towards her anyway? You hate her just as much as I do.”

Daemon: “Hey, I got to have one of the parents on my side. And since you have got the father, I get the mother.”

Chastity: “I swear, I feel like we have no kind of connection with them.”

Daemon: “Hell, we don’t have a connection with each other for that matter.”

Chastity: “That’s because you’re a lazy prick.”

Daemon: “I love you too. What are you doing here anyway? I thought these parties were beneath the ice princess.”

Chastity: “They are, but in this matter I’ll make an exception.”

Daemon: “And what is that?”

(I pull out the folder from under my arm and hand it to Daemon. He opens it and pulls out the photos)

Daemon: “Hey, this is me and Tracy.”

Chastity: “Yeah, I heard your phone conversation. So, I thought I would follow you to catch little Tracy in the act. Now I know why she is so good in gymnastics”

Daemon: “And what did she do to offend you?”

Chastity: “Nothing really, she just annoys me.”

Daemon: “None of these show my face.”

Chastity: “That’s because these are for Travis. This one isn’t targeted for you, so there is no need to involve you. Though I am saving the pictures with your face for future plans.” Daemon: “Well, happy hunting sis.”

Chastity: “You too.”

(I walk past him and head for Travis. He is sitting with Chase and some of the other members of the in crowd)

Chastity: “Hey Guys.”

Unison: “Hey Chastity.”

Chastity: “Oh Chase, Marvin said he had something to tell you. He told me to tell you to meet him in your room.”

Chase: “He probably bagged those Johnson twins. Later.”

(He runs off to the house. I can’t help but let out a little giggle. After this gets out, I doubt that too many girls will be after him)

Chastity: “Can I talk to you for a minute Travis?”

Travis: “Sure.”

(I walk him over to an empty spot)

Chastity: “Um, I really hate to show you this but you’re my friend and I don’t want to see you hurt.”

(I hand him the envelope. As he pulls the pictures out I watch as his face shatters) Chastity: “She was showing these pictures to me and told me about how she had you wrapped around her finger. She told me she was going to stand you up tonight so she could meet this guy. I’m sorry.”

(I pat him on the shoulder and walk off. I walk to my car with a victorious smile. The next day Felicity calls me and tells me she was going to meet me at my house and then we would meet up with Serenity. When she pulls up next to me, standing in an all red outfit next to my red Porsche, she was dressed in all black in her black Porsche, same make and model, we let out a loud laugh)

Felicity: “If you think this is funny, get in the car.”

(I get in the car and we go to pick up Serenity. As we pull up next to her dressed in an all white outfit next to her white Porsche, of course the same make and model, Felicity and I laugh again. Serenity looks at use like we are crazy. We tell her the story and she joins in the fun. We went to all the hot spots of New York. We shopped, teased boys who stared at us as we walked by and just had the most fun I have had in a long time. We were too tired to drive home, so Felicity ordered a limo to pick us up. As we pull up to my house) Felicity: “We had a ball.”

Serenity: “I’m telling you, we usually hate coming to these trips. But, this makes up for all the other times.”

Chastity: “Give me a call tomorrow if you guys can get away.”

Serenity: “No question.”

(We say our good-byes and I get out of the limo. I walk to the door as my brother pulls up. We meet at the door)

Daemon: “This is new. When did you get friends?”

Chastity: “The same time you didn’t come straight home after you awoke from one of your nightstands. Did you forget where you lived again?”

Daemon: “Wow Chastity. With a wit like that, I don’t know why you haven’t found a boyfriend yet.”

Chastity: “Because boys aren’t on my level.”

Daemon: “Sure, if you want that to be your reason.”

(We walk into the house and they can see it’s the usual scene when our parents are home) Michael: “How about you take a breather from the bottle hon.”

Vivian: “Well if I was getting some sort of pleasure from you, I wouldn’t have to look elsewhere for entertainment.”

Michael: “You need pleasure? I thought that’s what the pool boy was for?”

Vivian: “I would never. Well, not with the pool boy…”

Michael: “You disgust me.”

Vivian: “Then why don’t you just give me a divorce.”

Michael: “I wouldn’t give you the satisfaction.”

(My brother and I walk up the stairs to our rooms. We know our parents will continue like this for the next hour or so. The only reason they were still married was because father wanted to put up this happy family front. But behind the illusion was a totally different story. Since Serenity and Felicity were living Wednesday, we decided to spend everyday until then together. Each day was better than the last. Tuesday we decided to stay at my house. We sit in my room talking. Before they leave they tell me they have some good news)

Serenity: “Felicity and I were talking about how we would have difficulty keeping in touch with you once we went back to our countries.”

Felicity: “And the thought of losing our new sister was too much to think about.” Serenity: “So we asked around to see if your family qualified for membership. Come to find out that your family was already up for membership.”

Chastity: “So you mean I might become a member of the Hellfire Club.”

Felicity: “Not only that, but the Bishop himself is pushing your membership.”

Serenity: “By this time tomorrow, you will be a member of our circle. And then you can come see us whenever you want.”

(We relish in the news. The next day I wait for them to come and give me the news. But I get the wrong kind of news. I greet them and lead them to the Living Room. I can tell there is something wrong)

Serenity: “We have some bad news.”

(I watch as tears appear in their eyes)

Felicity: “Your parents turned the Court down. They refused membership into the Club.” Chastity: “No.”

(A tear forms in my eyes. Serenity and Felicity walk over to me. We gather in a group hug as we cry)

Serenity: “We were able to get away before we left.”

Felicity: “This is good-bye Chastity. But from this moment on we will always be sisters.” Serenity: “And next time we are in town we will meet again.”

(I nod my head as we let go of one another. They walk out the door after giving me one more mournful look. As they leave I walk to the Dinning Room and continue crying. I end up crying myself to sleep. I am awakened by my brother screaming through the house. I begin playing with the flames of the four candlesticks on my Dinning Room table. I make the flames dance about as my mind drifts. I didn’t even notice my mother walking into the room)

Vivian: “Filthy mutant.”

(I jump from my chair and turn to face her)

Vivian: “Your one of those filthy mutants.”

(I had always been careful about when I used my powers, but my secret was now out) Vivian: “To think I’ve been living with a filthy mutant.”

Chastity: “Well this filthy mutant came from your womb, so that doesn’t make you any cleaner.”

(She begins to laugh)

Chastity: “What’s so funny.”

Vivian: “You have given me the gift I always wanted. I must thank you Chastity. Chastity: “What are you talking about?”

Vivian: “You have given me the ammunition to destroy your father. When it gets out that you are a mutant it will seriously damage his power. Of course it will hurt you in the process. I doubt as many people will be looking up to you.”

(She laughs in a taunting tone. And I know that what she says is true. I can’t bare all this at once. The fact that I just lost my best friends combined with the thought that I might lose all that I have, causes my emotions to go off the chart. The flames of the candlesticks start to react to me. I can’t control my emotions nor my powers. The room starts to shake as I feel the energy swell inside me. Before my mother can run away, the flame of the candlesticks explodes with a burst of fire and wind. It blows my mother and I to opposite sides of the room. Flames know cover the room. I try to regain my composure and see that my mother is unconscious at the other end of the room. I still can’t gain my control of the flames as they spread through the house, nor can I save my mother. All I want to do is get away. This is actually the first time my teleportation powers kicked in. I felt my body fade away and the next thing I knew I was in the garden outside the house)

*Back in the present*

(My eyes fill with tears as my story comes to an end)

Chastity: “I had to sit there and watch as my mother died in the fire and I was helpless to do anything.”

Steven: “Chastity…I’m so sorry.”

Chastity: “It’s okay Steven, you didn’t know. I really would like to be alone right now.” Steven: “By all means.”

(I teleport away to my secret room where I once held Dark Phoenix II prisoner. I wipe my face as my victorious laughter echoes through the room. My brother is already in the room)

Daemon: “I guess the plan worked.”

Chastity: “Yes, he believed every word of it. It’s a good thing we made up these stories before hand in case someone questioned us.”

Daemon: “It’s also good that our mystical powers cause it hard to read our minds.” Chastity: “If they only knew the truth.”

*The true story*

(Back in the Dinning Room. She begins to laugh)

Chastity: “What’s so funny.”

Vivian: “Silly girl. You never came from my womb.”

Chastity: “What are you talking about?”

Vivian: “Why Chastity dear, you’re adopted.”

(The news made my wall crumble more)

Chastity: “You lying bitch.”

Vivian: “Oh, but it’s true. See I am not able to have children so to insure my marriage with my husband, I suggested adopting children. You know how he wanted to have that family image. I regret that now. But I must thank you Chastity, you have given me the ammunition to destroy your father. When it gets out that not only are you and your brother adopted, but you are also mutants it will seriously damage his power. Of course it will hurt you in the process. I doubt as many people will be looking up to you.”

(She laughs in a taunting tone. I know what she says is true. I can not allow her to take my life from me. I start to smile devilishly. She stops laughing)

Vivian: “And what are you smiling about?”

Chastity: “Why Vivian I can not allow you to go spilling your secrets. I have worked too hard to get where I am in life and I won’t let some over the hill lush take it from me.” Vivian: “Is that a threat?”

Chastity: “Oh, it’s much more than that.”

(I summon up a gust of wind to throw her against the wall. She smashes into the china closet and falls to the ground)

Chastity: “You know that saying, “Dead bitches tell know tale”.”

(I use the fire of the candlesticks to cover the room with flames)

Vivian: “Chastity please don’t leave me like this. I promise I want tell anyone.”

Chastity: “Sorry mother, I can’t take the chance. But you have no one to blame but yourself.”

(I walk out of the room as the flames spread through the house along with Vivian’s pleas. I walk out of the house and use my powers to fly to my father’s cabin. I have to make sure he can be trusted to keep the secret. As I arrive, I see my father running like his life depended on it. I descend before him as he bumps into me)

Chastity: “Father, what’s wrong?”

Michael: “Your brother’s a monster. We have to get away.”

Chastity: “What are you talking about?”

(Just then Daemon flew to the ground in his demonic form)

Chastity: “Daemon, what are you doing?”

Daemon: “Hello Chastity. Did you know that father hates mutants. Not only that, he would rather see them wiped off the face of the planet. If it was up to him, we would all be extinct.”

Michael: “We?”

(Father looks to me as I cause my eyes to glow)

Chastity: “We.”

(He runs from me and backs up against a tree. I wave my hands causing a vine to wrap around him and bind him to the tree)

Chastity: “Well it seems this family is just full of secrets. Guess what else Daemon, we’re adopted.”

Daemon: “No kidding.”

Chastity: “Yes it’s true. Vivian was going to tell the secret to the world, but I made sure she would take the secret to her grave.”

(I cause my hand to catch fire as tears gather in my father’s eyes. I make the flames fade away)

Chastity: “I have to get father’s files from his office. I know he would keep the adoption papers here. Now, you boys play nice.”

Daemon: “Oh, we will.”

(Daemon walks to Michael claws out as I fly toward the cabin. As I enter the room I here the screams of my father echo through the woods. I walk over to my father’s file cabinet, where he keeps every file he has, and scan to find the adoption papers. It takes me about fifteen minutes to find the papers. Daemon is still playing with father. As I go through the file, I find that three-year-old Daemon was found wondering through an ally carrying me. We were in funny clothing and had wristbands with only our first names on them. So our names were the one thing that was true in our lives. As I finish reading, Daemon walks in dripping in blood with a long smile on his face)

Chastity: “Did you have fun?”

Daemon: “Loads. You know we can’t let our adoptions get out.”

Chastity: “Oh, I know.”

(I throw the adoption papers in the air as they catch fire. No one ever connected the two deaths together)

*Back in the present*

(Steven Booth and Charlotte Sometimes gather in the main hall of the Red Court) Sometimes: “Do you know why this meeting was called?”

Steven: “No clues. Do you know where St. Ranger is?”

Sometimes: “Ryan didn’t tell you?”

Steven: “Tell me what.”

(Just then Lord Ryan enters the room with Daemon and myself by his side. Steven jumps from his chair)

Steven: “What is Daemon doing here? This is suppose to be an Inner Circle meeting only.”

Lord Ryan: “And that’s why he is here. Daemon is the new Red Knight.”

Steven: “What! Why wasn’t I consulted on the matter.”

Lord Ryan: “Well, Chastity and I both agreed for him to be promoted. And Charlotte thought it was a good idea as well. Plus, you talked so highly of him I didn’t think you would mind. So your vote wasn’t really necessary.”

(We join the table with the Bishop and Queen. Steven takes his sit. He would have fought the matter more, but he still felt guilty for pressing us about our past. As we sit I lean over to my brother and whisper)

Chastity: “Now, the final step will begin.”

(A sinister smile consumes his face)