By Chastity


I had one more paper due for one of my classes, but as I looked through the Academy's library I was an able to find the book I needed. I went to Loki, who took care of the Library, to see if he could help me. He informed that the book I was looking for was not in our Library, but the Library at the Black Court was far more larger than our and probably had what I needed. So it was off to our neighbors I went. The Dragonfire Academy was located on the Black Court's estate. The Academy was meant to build a small bridge between the Courts; so far it seemed to be working. As I entered the large building, I realized I didn't know where I was going and there was no one around to ask for directions. So I decided to just venture through the halls to get a better fill of the place. Plus at the time I am only able to teleport to places I've been before, so walking through the halls would give me better excess to the Court in case I needed to get here. About five minutes into my walk I bumped into another person. I wasn't paying attention, so I didn't see who it was as I spoke, "Why don't you watch where your going idio…oh. I'm sorry my Lady, I didn't see where I was going." To my surprise the person I had bumped into was none other than the Black Queen Rouge. Though she replied with a kind voice, "No problem, I wasn't paying attention either. Hey, aren't you the new Red Rook Chastity Darkholme?" "Yes, I am also a member of the Academy under the order of Steven Booth." "So, what do we owe the pleasure of your visit to our Court?" "Well, I have a paper due soon and the book I needed is not available at the Academy. Loki said that I might be able to find what I needed in your Library. The only problem is I don't know where the Library is." "Well your headed in the wrong direction. The Library is located at the other end of this hallway, you can't miss it." "Thank you my lady." "Please, your one of use now. Call me Rouge." "Okay, Rouge.". Just then our conversation was interrupted by another figure rushing toward us, it was the Black King Darkwolf. He spoke with a cold tone that reminded me of someone else, "Rouge, we have a meeting in five minutes." "Okay, I was just entertaining our guest. Say hello to the new Red Rook Chastity Darkholme." "Hi.". His tone was cold and unemotional. He looked at me for a second and returned his eyes to Lady Rouge. "Let us go." "Fine, it was nice meeting you Chastity. Feel free to stop by anytime." "I will Lad…I mean Rouge. I shall do that.". And with that they were off down the hall. I returned on my journey to the Library. Rouge was right, the doorway to the Library was huge and I couldn't miss it. As I entered this large room I was taken back by how large it was. I began my search for the book I needed. I finally found it and as I pulled on it I felt something pull from the other side. I pulled again and the book was snatched from my hands. "Hey you jerk, I need that." "You snooze you lose.". My anger flared and I teleported to the other side of the shelf and was greeted by the Black Rook Nate Sommers. Before when I approached the King and Queen I was still Chastity the Red Hellion. Now enraged I was Chastity Darkholme, the Red Rook. "Look I need that book and I came a long way to get it. So hand it over, now." "I suggest you watch your tongue little girl. Do you know who I am?" "Yes I do. You are Nate Sommers, the Black Rook. Now, do you know who I am? I am Chastity Darkholme, the new Red Rook. So that puts me at the same level as you, so don't pull that title bullshit with me." "Look I got the book first, so it's mine. When I'm finished I'll let you know.". I know that I won't get the book from him in this tone, nor would it be good to take the book by force since we're trying to mend the bridge between the Courts. So I decided to take another approach. I turned my tone from anger to seduction, "You know what, you're right. You got the book first and I should respect that. Plus, we shouldn't fight about it. We're suppose to be becoming friends, not enemies.", I slow walk up closer to him and press my body against his. I felt his heart beat faster as I caressed his face with my hands and whispered, "Do you want to be my friend?". I leaned my face closer to his when suddenly the Black Mage Rune phased through the wall. "Nate, the King and Queen are looking fo…oh, am I interrupting?". I pulled away from Nate and replied, "No you are not. I should be on my way, it's getting late.". I touch Nate's cheek with my hand and whisper, "I'll see you later, friend.". And on that note I teleport away. Rune floats in the air as he says, "Did I say something wrong?". Nate gets ready to throw something at him, when he notices something, "She took the book."