My First Days in the IHFC *HF* (REPOST)

By Chastity

My first days in the IHFC *HF*
By: Chastity

The Invitation

When I heard I was accepted into the IHFC I felt something that I had never felt before. I felt like I belong. Not just because it was among a club of mutants, but because it was among the elite. I had received the invitation while I was sitting at my desk. It stated, ?I, Lord Flynn Ryan, the RED KING of the InterNETional Hellfire Club, Welcome you to our ranks. You are also cordially invited to attend a small welcoming party tomorrow night at nine o' clock sharp. You are also invited to our quarterly party for both the IHFC and the BHC. Dress is semi-formal and in you clubs colors (in your case red). I hope to see you there. Again, welcome to the HELLFIRE CLUB!?. Not only had I just joined the elite IHFC, but I was also invited to one of their talked about parties. There was only one thing left to do, go shopping.

I had many red outfits, but an occasion like this needs something new. As I walked through doors of the luxury ballroom I drew much attention to myself. I was dressed in a crimson red Chinese full-length dress, flew in that very night from china. The dress was cut just around my cleavage and had slits up to my waist on both sides, which showed off my smooth legs, set in my crimson red high heels. Though I am only 19, I have the body of a 21-year-old woman. All my hair was up in a bun, held together by two Chinese pins, except for two strands of hair left out to drape the side of my face. My deep red lipstick enhanced my full lips. As I scanned the room I came across a lot of eyes fixed on me, but I didn't return anyone's gaze. I continued to scan the room as if I was looking for someone, but I wasn't. I saw many different people in all shapes and sizes. Some not even human. The people were dressed in red, white or black (to show what court they belonged to). Some mingled with their colors; others mixed with opposite colors. I saw my brother hanging on the wall with Scotty, Kyle and Luke (also known as red Hellions
Spark, Aguapyro and the Elemental). I had meet the three boys at a small welcome party earlier this week. The Party was just a meet and greet occasion, to help my brother and I better aquanaut ourselves with the other members. The Red King and Queen were not in attendance at the party. They had some important business to attend to. The Red Bishop hosted the event. He seems like very wise man and I could learn a lot from him. As I walked down the stairs that led to the main floor some people parted from my path many stirring and trying to gain my attention, but I paid them no mind. I headed for a group of people in red who surrounded the Red King and Queen. They were both dressed in the finest clothes. I was in awe of their presence. As a clearing formed in front of them, I slipped through to present myself. I bowed my head and said, “Lord Ryan and Lady Sometimes, allow me to present myself. I am Chastity Darkholme, my brother
and I are the new members of your club.”. Lord Ryan smiled and replied, “Aye yes, Ms. Darkholme. It’s apleasure to meet you. Sorry my queen and I were not able to attend your welcoming.”. I replied, “Your apology is not necessary. The mere honor of being
apart of the IHFC is enough for me.” He replied, “Well, I wish you the best of look in your future with use. Sorry, but my queen and I have something to attend to.”. I bowed my head and they gracefully headed to private area of the room. As I turned my head I saw a gentlemen approach me. He was one of the eyes fixed on me from earlier. I made way to dart from his path. It’s not that I’m not attracted to boys, it’s just hard to find one on my level. Someone who was different. I found myself heading outside gazing
up at the full moon. Since my powers work with the elements of the planet, I’m more comfortable outside than in. I was in the courtyard of the property. The air was cool and felt good against my bare skin. I began to close my eyes and became one with the elements. I do this from time to time to make myself feel more alive. My meditation was disturbed by the sound of water splashing. I turn to my right and through some bushes I saw a tall man throwing rocks into a large fountain. It takes me a minute but I remember the guy from my welcoming party. I think his name was Ian. He stayed to himself at the party. I guess he doesn’t do parties. He was, as I said, a tall man, with deep blue eyes and short brown hair. He wasn’t bad on the eyes. He wasn’t liked the other boys in the club. His personality was harder than the boys I’ve might in my life. Most of the boys that
approached me were blue-blooded rich boys. I was never interested in them because everything they had, I had and more. But Ian was different. I was for the first
time intrigued. I watched him from behind the bushes, which wasn’t like me. I’m not the watcher; I’m the one watched. But I was watching him like some naïve schoolgirl. All of a sudden, I felt something fly above me. Whatever it was rustled the bushes in front
of me. Ian’s attention came to me. He shouted, “Who’s there?”. I couldn’t move. I would be beyond humiliated if he found me in these bushes. He began to run towards me with great speed. My heart began to pound and I closed my eyes. I felt something flow through my body and the next thing I knew, I was falling into a pool. I pulled myself out the pool coughing up water. I was soaking wet. My hair and make-up was ruined.
But, with a glow in my eyes and a wave of me hands I was as good as new. The fact that my teleportation powers had just kicked in was of no matter to me. Nor was the question of what flew over me a concern. The only thought flowing through my mind was that for the first time in my life?I was attracted to a guy.

The Hunt

My new power of teleportation took a lot out of me. I went to Lord Ryan to inform him I was under the weather and would be leaving the party early. Lord Ryan offered to let me stay in one of the rooms on the other side of the property so I wouldn’t have to drive home. So I took a long hot bath to relax myself. Since I didn’t bring a change of clothes, and I didn’t want to use my powers to weaken me even more, so I slept in the nude. The silk sheets felt good against my skin and the bed felt like I was lying on a cloud. It wasn’t long before I fell asleep. As I drifted off, my mind replayed the event in the courtyard. And that’s where my dream began. This time I didn’t hide behind the bushes. I walked right over to Ian, he turned and looked me straight in the eye. It felt like we were starring at each other forever. Neither one of us moved and I fell into those deep blue eyes of his. He awoke me from my trance by brushing my face with his hand. He pulled my face up to his and I could fell his sweet breath against my skin. His lips came close to mine, but before they could connect I was awoken from my dream. I scanned the room to see who was there and as my eyes adjusted to the darkness I saw a tall man standing on the end of the bed. I than noticed this figure had large bat wings and my blood began to boil when I realized who it was. I picked up a vase sitting on the stand next to me, flung it at him and screamed, “Get out of here Draco!”. My quick brother dodged the vase and perched himself on a dresser. He looked like a gargoyl on the roof of a building. Draco smiled and
replied, “I don’t think our King would be pleased with you breaking his things.?” “I’ll put it together later, now what do you want?” “Oh, I was just flying by your window and it looked like you were having a good dream so I had to wake you up. I hope it wasn’t about Ian.” Through the darkness I could see a smile on Draco”s face. How did he know about Ian? Than it dawned on me. I could feel the anger swell in my throat as I said, “You’re the one who fly over me in the courtyard!” He let out a deep laugh as he replied, “It isn’t polite to spy.” “You bastard!” His laughter grew louder. My anger grew with his laughter. Than I looked at how he was perched on the dresser and an idea popped into my
head. In-between his laughter he said, “And to top it off when your teleportation power kicked in you landed in the pool. I was laughing so hard I couldn’t fly str…hey, why are your eyes glowing?” And with a flash of light my dear brother was turned to stone and was now perched outside my window. I stepped out of bed, still in the nude, and using my powers I dressed myself in a short red dress with the back out and knee high red boots. I snapped my fingers and a long red hooded cloak wrapped around my neck. I than used my powers to put the vase back together and place it back on the table. Controlling the wind I flew out my window and floated in front of my brother. “Now be a good brother and watch my room while I’m gone.” I kissed him on the forehead and flew off to explore the grounds.

The Red Courts Property was huge. There was a mansion for the Inner Circle members, one for the Hellions, a guest house (which is where I was staying), a training building for the Hellions, a courtyard in front of a large ballroom (where all the parties were held) and a large pool. It was a wonderful sight from above. As I flew lower above the Training grounds I could see someone inside. I decided to come closer to see who it was. As I entered the building I saw a large figure having a sword fight with a practice dummy. Immediately I noticed it was Ian. He was shirtless and shoeless. His body was covered in sweat that caused his body to gleam in the moonlight coming from the glass roof. He was a great swordsman. He moved with such speed and grace that it would be hard to keep up with him, if you were someone who was untrained. My father had put me in swordsmen classes at the age of four. The swordsmen class combined with my ballet classes made me a better swordswoman than even my teacher. This time I wasn’t going to be shy. I was going to approach Ian with the confidence I always have. I cleared my voice and yelled, “You’re weak on your left side.” Ian stopped spun around to face me and replied, “Excuse me!” With an arrogant tone I answered, “Your weak on your left side. You leave it wide open for an attack.” “How dare you insult me technique. I am strong in every area, especiaclly my left side.” “Well you’ll never found out by fighting a dummy.” Ian glanced at the dummy than back at me, he smiled and said; “Is that a challenge?” I took my cloak off and as it fell to the ground my clothing morphed into a woman pirate’s outfit, of course in red. I moved my hand in a circular motion forming a cloud of smoke. The smoke began to take the shape of a sword and as I put my hand to where the handle, would be it became a real sword. I took the edge of the sword and made a semi-circle on the ground. Ian looked as if he was not impressed. He rushed to me with great speed and swung his sword as well. I blocked his attack and gave him a little smile but he kept his war face on. Our swords clang a couple of times before I saw my opening. I made a swift attack to his left, giving him a sharp cut to the side. He did a backward flip and rubbed his fingers against his side. He looked at the blood on his fingers and looked up at me. I had a small laugh and said, “I told you.” This time he returned my smile. He rushed me again. Our swords clang longer than before and with more force. Until Ian made two quick attacks cutting my leg and a piece of my hair. He smiled and said, “You get too cocky when you’re fighting.” I could’ve easily healed my hair, and myself but I choice to keep these war scars for know. Our sparing match went on for half the night. And it became more of a dance than a match. As the sun was coming up our dance had to end, we both made three more clangs and than froze. My sword was at his throat and his was at my heart. Both our swords edges were close enough to their targets that thew drew blood. Ian smiled and said, “A draw?”. I smiled and used my control over the wind to blow him across the room. I laughed and said, “For know.” He laughed as I walked off.

I flew back to my room with a smile on my face. Draco was still stoned on the roof. A gently pushed off the roof and before he hit the ground I turned him back to flesh. As he hit on the ground I laughed and said, “Good morning brother.” He replied with a blast of dark energy that just missed me. As I flew into the room I said, “Gee, I guess you’re not a morning person.” I closed the window as I flew in. On the ground Draco growled, “I begged mom and dad for a

CHAPTER 3 (Prelude):
What Dreams May Bring

Dear Diary,
The dreams are appearing again. Last night I had a dream that has haunted me for years. The dream first appeared when my power became active. Before I couldn't make them out but as the years go bye the dream becomes clearer. I'm lying outside under the moon on what I guess is a table or alter made of stone and there are five figures surrounding me. Their faces were shadowed by hooded cloaks, each in a different color. The figure to my upper right-side is dressed in green, the figure to my lower right-side is in blue, the one to my upper left-side in white, the one to my lower left-side in red and the one at my feet was dressed in black. The one at my feet stood the tallest of them all, I could tell he was the leader. The four figures to my side were chanting words, each in a different language that was strange to me. I spoke almost every language known to man, but these words they were unfamiliar and ancient. The one who stood at my feet said nothing. The chanting seemed to get louder as the dream went on. The only movement was of the four figures waving their hands over me. I could feel the earth around me come alive. It was like my mind, body and soul were all one with the elements. I never felt so empowered and calm. All of a sudden it all stopped. The four figures put their hands to their sides and slow stepped away from me. The figure at my feet slowly walks to my head. He moved his left-hand to me and my body slow began to rise, not be my own will. He than held out his right hand and in was a blue crystal. It shined with a light so bright that it lit the faces of the five figures; they were all unfamiliar. The one in blue was a woman with silky black hair and deep blue eyes. Looking into her eye was like looking into the deepest ocean. The one in red was a bald guy with a deep red beard and burning red eyes. When I looked into his eyes my whole body felt like I was on fire. The figure in green was another man with a strong face. He had short brown hair and deep green eyes. Looking into his eyes I saw fields of grass in the springtime. Next was the figure in white, she was the youngest of the group. She had blond hair and eyes that were a mixture of white and blue. It was like I was stirring into the sky. Lastly I gazed at the man in black who was standing in front of me. He was the oldest of them all. None of the others looked alike but they all looked like him in away. He had short white-blond hair and eyes that were completely black. As I stirred into his eyes I felt like I was falling into space. His hypnotic eyes were consuming me. The light of the crystal is what brought me back from the trance. As I looked to the crystal I saw that it was made into a necklace with the use of a small silver chain. The figure in black than took the chain and put it around my neck. The crystal hung at the middle of my chest. All the figures simultaneously spoke in the ancient language they spoke before. But this time I understood them. The light of the crystal grew brighter and brighter as the words of the figures echoed in my head, "You have been chosen." I woke up in a cold sweat in my new room at the Hellion mansion. I was breathing heavily and my head was spinning. It took me a minute to gain composure. When I did I felt something cold against my chest and hanging around my neck. A reached for it and felt a crystal on a chain. My eyes did not want to look at it but I did. It was the crystal from my dream. My initial reaction was to snatch it off and throw it across the room, but I couldn't. Something inside me wouldn't let me remove it. Even now I can't bring myself to remove it. What was this feeling controlling me? Where did this crystal come from? And what did this all mean?

Broken Walls

It is a cool breeze night. I stand out on the balcony at the Dragonfire Academy wearing my red silk nightgown. The breeze fills good against my skin. I always like to stand in the night breeze to clear my mind. There have been many events occurring since I joined the IHFC. First there is this crystal around my neck. It appeared out of my dream and every since I had it on I have felt a strong sense of clarity. My powers seem to be growing and the use of my powers doesn’t drain me as much as it used to. Then there is
the strange attack on my brother and me by the Undying (see: The End or the Beginning). I still am not aware of who the mystery master is that sent them after us. And I know that the only way I was able to detect the entities was by the strange crystal. It was as if it gave me a second sight to see things in a different light. The most consuming event is this relationship with Ian. One minute I think he cares about me and the next minute he is as cold as ice. And when I am about to forget about him and move on he does something to make me want to try harder for his love. The perfect example is when he came to my rescue when I was attacked by the Undying. He was the first to arrive. And after I checked with the Red Bishop, I found out that when he came to my rescue he was coming from the training grounds, located on the other side of the campus. Some might say he was just protecting his teammate, but I know different. I have seen Ian in battle before, yes he does defend his teammates in battle but he always keeps his game face on. When he came to my rescue I could see a different look in his eyes. It was a look of concern. He looked like if anything happened to me he would lose it. Maybe I was just looking at something that wasn’t really there, or maybe I just can’t accept rejection. As I scan the
grounds, I see a shadowed figure in the Courtyard. I can’t tell from here but it appears the figure is watching me. I act as if I don’t see them and walk into my room. As soon as I cross the doorway, I teleport to the Courtyard and appear just behind the figure. I try to take him by surprise but he blocks my attack. We fight for a minute before I catch him off guard and by making a swift kick to his chest. The blow knocks him into the moonlight and then I see his face, it’s Ian. “What are you doing spying on me?” “I wasn’t spying on you, I was just walking through the Courtyard.” “You’re lying, I saw you from my balcony.” “Think what you want, I don’t care.” He tries to walk pass me but I block his way. “Out of my way, I grow tired of your foolishness.” “And I grow tired of your attitude. You walk around here like you don’t care about anyone, but I know different.” “What are you babbling about?” “When you came to my rescue against the Undying.” “I was just passing by your window when I heard you scream.” “That’s funny, Mr. Booth told me you were in the training ground on the other side of the campus. You sure did get to my room awfully fast. In fact you had to pass the Tennis Court to get to me, yet you didn’t stop to help Draco and Kyle.” “They could take care of themselves. You are nothing but a weak little girl.” He pushes past me but as he bumps into me I summon up a gust of wind to knock him off his feet. “I’m not the one who's weak.” Ian jumps up, grabs my arms tightly and pulls me toward him. “I AM NOT WEAK.”, the force in his grasp and the look in his eyes would reduce most girls to tears. But I’m not most girls. I return his glare and break free of his grasp, “Yes you are. You’re weak and you are scared.
You fight these fillings you have because you think that if you express any kind of emotion, people will look at you as weak. You feel the same way I feel but you’re too scared to show it.” Ian turns his back to me, “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, “Yes I do because I’m just as scared as you are. I have never felt this way before and I don’t know what to do. What I do know is that I don’t want to go through this alone.”. Ian turns around in my arms and looks into my eyes. This time his gaze is warm and loving. I have never seen this look on him before. We gaze into each other eyes for what seem like an eternity. I am reminded of the dream I had the night I watched him in the Red Court’s Courtyard. Our trance is broken by the fall of raindrops on our heads, not by my doing. I start to go run for shelter but Ian pulls me to him and kisses me. His lips are sweet and warm, his embrace is soft and loving. I melt into his arms. The next thing I know he is lying me down on the ground, never taking his lips from mine. We made love in the Courtyard in the rain and that very night is when we became one.


The last few months have been the greatest of my life. First I was accepted into the elite club of the InterNETional Hellfire Club's Red Court. After a month of being a member I was promoted to the Red Hellions and I was also enrolled into the Dragonfire Academy. My brother Draco and I have finally broken down the wall between us and things have been better than ever between us. We have even decided to merge our inherited companies and rename them under Darkholme International. And the most important event is the day I feel in love. I met Ian, I guy who was nothing like any guy I ever met, and I fell in love at first sight of him. And after a few battles with his emotions and mine, we are now together. My whole life has completely changed for the better. My mood and attitude toward others have changed, my company is growing stronger with the help of Draco and the IHFC, my powers are growing stronger and are becoming easier to use, I’m making new friends at the academy and I am doing very well in all of my classes and training. But as I said before, all things must come to an end.

It was a warm day and the breeze felt good. I was standing on my balcony, gazing over the academy’s estate. It was beautiful. I had still retained my property I was in possession of before I joined the club, but none of it compared to this. I used my control over the wind to take flight. I flew above the grounds to see the better view. I flew over the pool and hovered overhead as I watched my brother and the other students playing in the pool. Draco had really changed as well. He had finally found the friends he belonged with. I noticed a figure walking out of the pool house, it was our Headmaster Mr. Booth. He walked over to the pool and was almost splashed, if it wasn’t for his TK shielding. I couldn’t make out what he was saying from here but I watched as Draco climbed out of the pool and followed Mr. Booth into the building. He must be in trouble again. I paid it no mind and headed to my destination, the Training Building. I entered the building and watched as Ian was in his usual training mode. It had amazed me at how much he changed since we got together. It had been a little over a month since the night in the Courtyard. Since than his whole attitude has changed. He has even begun to warm up to the other students, where as before he would stay as far away from others as he could. I loved this man. The only way I knew how to show my love to him was being sneaking up on him and aiming my fist for his spine. Before I made contact, Ian spun around, grabbed my arm, twisted it behind my back and pulled me towards him. “You know it’s not polite to sneak up on others.” “And since when have you been concerned about being polite.”. A smiled appeared on his face that had it’s usual effect on me. Whenever I was near Ian my emotions grew strong. I could feel them flowing through my body. But when he smiled at me I could barely breath. My heart starts to pound and I can barely hear myself think. He started to open his mouth to say something, but before he could get his word out I put my lips to his. Every time we kissed it was like the first. I lost myself in him, our bodies became one whenever we touched. He loosened his grip of my arm and replaced his hand on my shoulder where the strap to me dressed laid. He started to slide it off my shoulder when I hear someone clearing their throat behind us. I turn around to see Headmaster Booth standing in the doorway. I pulled my strap back up and stepped away from Ian. I was embarrassed but Ian could care less. He spoke in his normally disrespectful tone, “What do you want Booth?” . Mr. Booth would normally respond to this by throwing Ian at a wall, but he restrained himself, “I need to speak with Miss Darkholme, in private.”. Ian crossed his arms and stood in front of me, “Anything you need to say the her, you can say in front of me.”. It is no secret that Ian and the Headmaster have no love loss between them, but I always tried my best to keep the peace. I put my hand on Ian’s shoulder, “Behave Ian. We can talk in your office Mr. Booth.”. I walk behind Mr. Booth and wink at Ian. And with that I teleport me and Mr. Booth to his office. He reappears in his chair and I reappear in the chair in front of his desk. Using this power has grown easier as well. “You sure have grown use to your new powers.” “What can I say, I’m a fast learner.” “That’s one of the reasons I asked you here. The King and I have been reviewing the members of the academy and the status of the club, and we feel that it is time that we rewarded our members for their work. We have already started by promoting your brother Draco to the Hellions.” “That’s great, know me and Draco can be in the Hellions together.” “Not exactly.”. I give him a puzzled look, what did he mean by that? He continues his sentence to ease my questioned look, “The King is feed up with the lazy attitude of the current Red Rook. So he has expressed his feeling of promoting you to that position.” “Me! You can’t be serious. Why not Scotty or Kyle, they’ve been here longer than me.” “But they haven’t impressed he King as much as you have.” “I’m not ready. My powers are not at the level of the Inner Circle.” “You’re lying to me. I’ve watched you at training and on the missions, you are holding back, and I know why. You have been holding back to spare the pride of others you have grown close to.”. I know exactly what he is talking about, and he is correct. I have been holding back my powers. I was afraid that if I showed my true powers to the others that things would change. I had made some real friends and I knew that they might treat me different if they saw how fast my powers grew. But most of all I was afraid of how Ian would react. He was a man of pride, and I doubt having a girlfriend stronger than him would help boost it. As I thought about it, I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I didn’t know what to do.

And I left the office without an answer and I sat in my room for two hours with no resolution. And as I sat at the Dining Room table I didn’t know what to do. But as Mr. Booth telepathically asked for my answer, I gave him one as Ian sat down next to me. He looked at me and I know he knew there was something wrong, but before he could ask Mr. Booth stood to make an announcement, “My students, this is a night of celebration. I have two very joyous announcements to make. First our dear Daemon Darkholme has been promoted into the Hellions for his excelling efforts in the court.”. There are cheers all around the room as well as a few “Way a go Draco!”. Mr. Booth cleared his throat to get their attention again. “And lastly but defiantly not the least, Miss Darkholme has done very well in her short time with us. And she has impressed us all. To show our appreciation for her dedication our King has bestowed the honor of the title Red Rook unto her, and she has accepted.”. This time there is no round of applause or loud cheers, just the look on their faces. It’s not a look of envy or jealousy. It’s the look of morn, like they have all just lost a dear friend. They all know that promotions change everything, especially when that promotion leads to the Inner Circle. The promoted no longer becomes your friend, but your superior. I turn to see Ian’s reaction but only find
an empty chair. He had left without my knowledge and I had never felt so alone. I excused myself from the table to look for him, but he was nowhere to be found.”

Somewhere unknown, Ian sits on a cliff looking over the vast ocean. He pulls a ring from out of his pocket and watches as the moonlight reflects from its diamond. He takes a long look at it before he throws it into the ocean.

The next morning I prepare to live for the Red Court’s estate, but there is a stop I have to make first and to my surprise the Training Room is not empty. I watch as Ian practices with more force than I have ever seen. I walk into the room and clear my throat. Ian acts as if he doesn’t hear me. I start to speak but he bets me to it, “What do you want?”. The cold tone in his voice has returned from the first time I met him. It was unexpected and it took me off guard for a minute. I replied, “I was about to leave.” “So.” “So I thought maybe after I went to talk to the Red King, we could hook up later.” “For what?” “Ian, please don’t act this.” “Like what Madam Darkholme.”. His words hurt me more than I ever thought possible. “Ian why are you acting like this. Things don’t have to change between us.” “They already changed when you accepted the position. Do you really think Lord Ryan will allow his Inner Circle to be with the lower minions?” “Ian?” “Look, can’t you see I’m busy training. I don’t have time to play with the high and mighty. So if don’t mind Madam Darkholme.”. I try to walk over to him but as I make the first step he turns to me, “JUST LEAVE!”. And I see something on Ian’s face I thought I would never see…a tear. But his tear is nothing compared to the many that pour from my eyes. I run from the room crying and Ian returns to training. I get around the hall and lean against the wall. I had given everything to him. My heart, my soul, my innocents…and when I need him the most he abandons me. I had opened my heart to someone for the first time and I was left with nothing but heartache. NEVER AGAIN! And as my anger grows, so does the light in my crystal. The light becomes so bright it seems to explode. The light feels the hall and the elements seem to react. The ground begins to shake, the wind begins to blow and a huge storm appears from out of nowhere. In the Training Room Ian is thrown to the air and as he lands on his back, his sword lands an inch away from his head. In the Headmasters office, Mr. Booth, Loki and Blackfire’s meeting is interrupted by bookshelves falling over and papers flying everywhere. Outside the other students stand waiting to see me off but their farewell is ruined by the storm. As storm fades away, they try and get up from the ground, I walk out from the building. My clothes are different. I stand in front them with my hair pinned back in a bun. I have a tight short red skirt on, showing more cleavage than necessary, with two small slits up the side and knee high boots with long heels, red of course. My face is without a smile. I walk past the other students like they are not even there. It is Spark who speaks first, “Hey Chas?”, but before he can get it out I throw him a cold look. I walk over to him and left him off his feet into the air, my true strength is something I had kept a secret. The others stand in amazement as I hold him in the air and with a cold tone, “Remember your place little boy and show respect. You will address me from know on as Madam Darkholme. Do you understand me?”. The lack of air doesn’t allow him to reply. I drop him to the ground and watch as he gasps for air. I look at the surprised faces on the others. I smile at them as I teleport away.