New Arrival *HF*

By Chastity

New Arrivals*HF*

(The view was breathtaking. I was flying high in my private jet over the Atlantic Ocean on my way to England. The Queen herself had invited me to the Black Court of London. At first I turned the invitation down, but when I found out whom the Black Queen was I jumped on my jet immediately. This trip would do me some good after the altercation I had with the HellGoat last night. He had ruined my whole evening with Ryan. However, this trip would bring me to better spirits. I needed it; my birthday was a little over a week away. As my plane docked at the airport, a limo driver greeted me. He escorted me to my ride as my servants from the plane removed my bags from my jet and I was on my way. I had always loved coming to London. It was one of the most beautiful places I had ever been in my travels. And as I pulled up to the Black Court Estate I was in awe. It was a colossal castle over looking the ocean. It was much bigger than the Red Court Mansion. Yes, I was a little jealous. As I walked up to the door of the magnificent home, a man of great attraction greets me as three servants head to the limo to remove my belongings. He was slightly taller than me, which caused me to have to look up at him. His haunting neon green eyes entrapped me. He had caramel brown skin and a baldhead. He was dressed in blue jeans and a loose white shirt. I could see that my stay here would be fun. From his appearance I could tell that he was the Black Rook Xavier Bowes, also known as X. He has a body that was indestructible (and well built I may add), he can fly at the speed of sound and he also shoots beams of green energy from his hands and eyes. I could tell that he liked my short skintight red outfit by the way he was eyeing me. We stood there and flirted with one another without even speaking a word. He finally broke the silence with his deep voice)

X: “So, you must be the honorable Chastity Darkholme.”

Chastity: “Yes I am.”

X: “We have heard a lot about you.”

Chastity: “Nothing good I hope.”

(He flashed me a smile as a small black hole appeared behind him. Out stepped a small girl with pointy ears and light blue skin. She had pitch black eyes and long blond hair that hung over her shoulders, except for two French braids in the front. I knew she was Anya McCloud the Black Pawn. She was about 15 with the ability to open small holes in time and space. But don’t let her age fool you. She was well trained in variety of fighting styles. She may have been young, but this young girl was more matured than most adults at times. Her powers were far more advanced than just teleportation and she was well in tuned with her power for such a young age)

Anya: “X, Duncan wants you in the Briefing Room right away.”

X: “Okay, I’m on my way.”

(He turned back to me and flashed me another smile)

X: “I hope to be seeing more of you Ms. Darkholme.”

Chastity: “Oh, you will. And please call me Chastity.”

X: “Okay Chastity.”

(A field of green energy consumed his body and he flew off. I closed the door and walked over to Anya and patted her head)

Chastity: “Hey little one. You sure did get big since the last time I saw you.”

Anya: “That’s not all that changed.”

(She said as she touched her blue skin. The last time I saw her she did have her power but not the blue skin or the black eyes. As her power grew stronger her appearance shifted)

Chastity: “I think it’s cool. It gives you character and makes you unique. And believe me, boys like that.”

(She gave me one of her sweet smile)

Chastity: “So where is your sister?”

Anya: “Up in her office.”

(She opened up a portal)

Anya: “Come on I’ll take you.”

(She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hole. We stepped out into a large office. I feel in love with the Old English decorations around the room. It gave the room a calming feeling, where my office had more of an intense look. Anya tugged my arm and pointed to the center of the room. There sat a woman about the same age as me. She was dressed in an all black business skirt suit that didn’t reveal much skin and her long strawberry-blonde hair hung around her shoulders. Her cold grey eyes were locked onto the papers she was going over on her table. I smiled as I spoke her name)

Chastity: “Felicity, always working. Must you be such a bore.”

(She looked up and returned my smile)

Felicity: “Chastity.”

(A field of energy covered her body as she flew over to me. She landed just before me and we hugged each other and started to scream like little schoolgirls reuniting after summer vacation. Anya sighed)

Anya: “And I’m suppose to be the child.”

(She opened a portal and left the room. For those of you who don’t know, Felicity is someone who I consider a close friend. I met her when I first found out about the Hellfire Clubs and we became friends instantly. Actually we were more than friends, we were more like sisters. When my family turned down the invitation to join the HC, we lost contact. Since her parents were the King and Queen of the Black Hellfire Club of London, they were real strict about who their daughter associated with. So me not being a HC member meant me not being in good favor with her parents. My soul purpose with joining the HC was so that I could stay in contact, but I had been so busy with my plans that I never got a chance to get in contact with her. Since the last time we saw one another, her parents stepped down from their role as King and Queen, and passed the titles down to Felicity and her brother Duncan. After we regained our senses and remembered who we were we stepped back from one another and blushed)

Felicity: “This is no way for two Queens to act.”

Chastity: “I know. But who cares? It’s been too long since I saw you last.”

Felicity: “Yes, the life of a Queen is truly chaos.”

Chastity: “And it is worth every minute of it.”

(We walk over to her desk)

Felicity: “So tell me about your Court.”

Chastity: “Growing stronger every day. And everyone works so well together. It is perfect, except my Bishop has to have morals.”

Felicity: “Sometimes morals can be a good thing.”

(I give her a wicked grin)

Chastity: “Not in my Court.”

(She takes a seat behind her desk and I took the seat across from her)

Felicity: “At least you don’t share the same blood as your King.”

Chastity: “Thank God for that. So, you know you have to come to my Birthday bash.”

Felicity: “You know I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m sure they could hold down the fort while I am away.”

Chastity: “I swear, everyone thinks the King is the one how runs the Court. But without us the Hellfire Courts would turn to dust.”

Felicity: “Ain’t that the truth.”

(Just then the doors to Felicity’s office swung open with great force. We turned to see a girl of Japanese decent about the same age as us with long pitch-black hair. She was dressed in an all white casual outfit with a white choker around her neck with a diamond in the center. The sunray from the window reflected off her feline eyes as she entered the room)

???????: “Hey girls.”

Chastity: “Hey Serenity.”

(I jumped from my seat and was about to repeat the same scene with Serenity as I did with Felicity, until she held out her hand to stop me)

Serenity: “I don’t do hugs.”

(We all laughed. I met Serenity the same time I met Felicity. Like Felicity, Serenity and I became close friends, but her father was the Bishop of the White Hellfire Court in Hong Kong so he felt the same way as Felicity’s parents about who his daughter associated with. Since the last time I met her, she had killed the White Queen of her Court after the Queen had killed Serenity’s father in an attempt to take over the Court. Naturally, Serenity took on the title of White Queen afterwards. So here we were, the Weird Sister of the Millennium. For those of you who don’t know, the Weird Sister were a set of identical triplet witches that could only be told apart by their hair color. One with slivery blond hair (like me), one with pitch-black hair (like Serenity) and one with strawberry-blond hair (like Felicity). The only other thing that was different between us was our basic personality. Where as I was the cunning one, Serenity was the strong one and Felicity was the kind-hearted one. We were different and the same at the same time. Just then, Felicity’s brother Duncan and my new friend X walked into the room. Duncan was a man of semi-attraction. Her had short red hair, with ice blue eyes. He didn’t dress like many Kings did, he was more of a normal guy. He possessed both Alpha class telepathy and telekinesis and the mind of a super computer, which made him a basic genius. As soon as they walked in, X and I began our silent flirt)

Duncan: “Felicity I need that report from the last mission of the Hellions.”

(She used her magnetism powers to lift the file from her desk and send it to her brother)

Felicity: “You remember Chastity don’t you Duncan.”

Duncan: “Oh, excuse my rudeness. How have you been Chastity?”

(My attention was still locked on X. I didn’t even no anyone else was in the room until Serenity elbowed me in the side)

Chastity: “What? Oh, hey Duncan. Sorry, I was day dreaming.”

Duncan: “I bet. We are glad to have you visiting us and hope you enjoy your stay here with us.”

Chastity: “I’m sure I will.”

(I returned my gaze to X. He sent me a playful look. Serenity elbowed me again as Felicity giggled in the background)

Serenity: “You don’t waste your time do you?”

Felicity: “Okay boys, us girls need some time to ourselves.”

Duncan: “We get the hint. We’ll see you ladies at dinner.”

(They walked out of the room and Felicity closed the door behind them)

Felicity: “I see someone is still up to their old ways.”

Chastity: “What can I say? I enjoy the company of others.”

Serenity: “I’m sure half the population of Las Vegas can testify to that.”

Chastity: “Funny.”

(Felicity started to laugh again)

Felicity: “I missed this, the three of us together. Serenity and I have been in touch, but it wasn’t the same without you Chastity.”

Serenity: “Yeah, Felicity is such as bore.”

(Felicity lifted Serenity up in the air)

Felicity: “Is that so.”

Serenity: “I was just joking.”

(We all laugh as she put her back on the ground. This was good. To seat and have fun with some dear friends. My devious nature usually causes people to be more withdrawn from me. To be honest, Serenity and Felicity are the only two friends I have. Everyone else is either a pawn in one of my plans or a plaything for me. After dinner, we all hit the town. Felicity takes us to every hot spot in London and of course we are given the VIP treatment being the guests of the Black Queen. We had the best time out. So good of time that as we returned to the Black Court, we watched the sunrise over a hill. We were all so tired, I retired to my room and decided I didn’t feel like putting on my nightgown, so I slept in the nude. This is when the dream returned. This time it was more real than before. The last time I had the dream it was intense, but I could tell it was a dream. This time I couldn’t tell if it was a dream or if this was really happening. Everything felt so real. I cold feel the cold slab of the rock alter against my naked back. The breeze was freezing against my bare skin, though I wasn’t shivering. I could also feel my crystal lying against my chest. I looked into to the sky to see a full moon that appeared reddish. I tried to move but my body was paralyzed. I would have felt alarmed but there was calming feeling flowing through my body. The four-cloaked figures were standing over me humming through chants and waving their hands. This time they didn’t hide their faces. I saw the one who seemed to be the second youngest out the four above my head dressed in his green robe. His calming green eyes glowed as if there was a flashlight behind it. Next was the youngest of the group dressed in her white robe standing to my left. Her long blond hair seemed to glow even in the pale moonlight. Her sky blue eyes were glowing as well. At my feet was the one who I guessed was the oldest of the group in his red robe. His glowing red eyes seemed to illuminate his brawny face. And lastly was the black haired beauty with the deep blue eyes in her blue robe standing to my right. Like the others her eyes were glowing intensely. This time I noticed something else I hadn’t seen before. Each of them had a symbol imprinted on their forehead. The symbols looked like that of the Yin and Yang but a little different. Each symbol was the same color as the robe they bared. Their chanting went on for what seemed like hours when like before they all stopped. Their eyes no longer glowed and they stepped back from me. Then out of the shadows stepped the leader of the group. The oldest of them all with hair like mine and eyes that reflected the further reaches of space. He too had the symbol on his forehead but his was black like his robe and eyes. He stepped to my left side and put his hands to his side. When he made them visible again he held a small blade. The handle was made of gold and shaped into a dragon at the end and the blade reflected the moonlight. He said something as his eyes began to flow with energy)

????????: “The vessel has been prepared and soon the Guardians born from nature shall arise. Let the trail begin.”

(He took the blade and started to carve something on my stomach. The blade burned my flesh and I tried to scream but my mouth did not release my pain. The pain was too much. He stopped and removed the blade from my stomach. Only to send it plunging into me again this time breaking my skin. As it stabbed me I awoke from the dream screaming. My body was covered in sweat. I ran my fingers through my hair as I tried to catch my breath. I threw the covers from my body to examine my stomach. There was no scar. I exhaled a deep breath and got up from my bed. It was morning. I entered my bathroom, took a long hot shower, got dressed and ventured out of my room. The events of the night before never left my head. I never experience something that intense before in my life. As I walked down the long hallway I passed what had to be X’s room. He was floating over his bed reading a book. I decided I needed to occupy my mind, so I knocked on his door and entered. He turned towards me and smiled. I forced myself to send him one in return)

X: “Well good morning Chastity. I hope you slept well.”

Chastity: “Like a baby.”

(I lied. He floated to his bed and threw his book to the floor)

X: “Was there something I could help you with?”

Chastity: “Yes there is.”

(I said this as I closed his door and walked over to his bed. I pushed him backwards, got on top of him and began kissing him hard. He returned my kisses and began running his hands up and down my body. I ripped his shirt and began biting him. He turned me on my back and began kissing my neck. My mind started to enjoy the pleasure he was giving me, but my ecstasy was cut short by this burning feeling in my stomach. It was the same feeling the blade from my dream gave me. My whole body began to get hot as my crystal around my neck started glowing green and visions from my dream played in my head. They were more than flashes, it was like I was going through the experience again. This time my screams came out. X stopped kissing me as I grabbed my head in pain. He tried to help me up to see what was wrong but an unseen force threw him across the room. I rose into the air consumed by a green light. As I floated in mid-air the whole castle began shake. Things fell from the shelves, walls started to creak, and the whole place was in chaos. With out warning everything stopped and I fell to the bed. I moaned in pain as I sat up. X got to his feet and started brushing himself off)

X: “I never had that effect on a girl before.”

(I flashed a cold stir as I got up from the bed and pushed him to the side. I walked into the hallway as Felicity, Serenity, Anya and Duncan came running)

Felicity: “I think we are under attack.”

Chastity: “No we are not. My powers just seemed to go a little crazy for a second.”

Serenity: “Are you okay?”

Chastity: “Yes, I am fine. I just need to rest for a second.”

Anya: “I’ll help you.”

(Anya opened a portal to my room. She took my hand and walked me to it. We were now in my room)

Anya: “I’ll go get you some tea okay.”

Chastity: “Thanks Anya.”

(I laid on the bed as she left the room. I didn’t want to go to sleep for fear I might have the dream again. So I just stirred at the ceiling trying to figure out what the hell was going on with me. Anya came back and handed me the tea. I sat up, took a sip and placed the cup on the nightstand. She sat down next to me)

Chastity: “Thank you Anya.”

Anya: “No problem Chastity. Are feeling better?”

Chastity: “A little.”

Anya: “Well I’ll let you get your rest. There is a button on your bed post that will allow you to contact us if you need something.”

Chastity: “Okay.”

Anya: “I’ll be back later to check on you.”

(She opened a portal and was gone. I laid there for a few more hours until there was a knock at my door)

Chastity: “Come in.”

(The door opens and there stands Serenity and Felicity. They came in and each took a seat by my side)

Serenity: “How you feeling?”

Chastity: “Fine. I’m sorry for what happened.”

Felicity: “It’s no problem. This place is old it was bond to creak eventually. I’m just worried about you.”

Chastity: “I’m okay really. I was just having some kind of power surge that’s all.”

Serenity: “I guess X is real good at what he does.”

(I flash her an embarrassed smile as they both laugh. I didn’t want to tell them about the dream and visions. I never told anyone about them and I wasn’t trying to ruin my vacation because of a silly dream. But I knew it was more than just a dream. And the fact that my stomach started to burn again was about to prove the fact. I closed my eyes as the visions replayed again. Serenity and Felicity’s faces turned to worry as my crystal began glowing bright white and my body was consumed by white energy and the room was turned into a living tornado. They both were thrown from the bed and caught in the strong winds that flowed through the room. I started floating in the middle of the room as the furniture in the room got caught in the storm as well. When the vision stopped, so did the winds. I fell to the ground and passed out. When I woke up, everyone was standing over me with looks of concern)

Duncan: “She’s awake.”

(I got up from the medical table I was on. There were wires connecting me to a monitor)

Serenity: “How you feeling?”

Chastity: “Like someone hit me in the head with a sledgehammer. How long have I been out?”

Felicity: “About four hours.”

(I started to pull the wires from my arm)

Chastity: “So what’s the verdict?”

Duncan: “As far as we can tell, there is nothing wrong with you. We did a scan of you body and there was nothing out of the ordinary. As far as we can tell, your powers shouldn’t be reacting like this.”

Chastity: “Tell that to my head.”

X: “Should we contact you Court or something?”

Chastity: “No. I know they are probably busy right now in my absence. I’ll try and figure out what this is on my own.”

Felicity: “No you won’t.”

Serenity: “WE will help you and we won’t take no for an answer.”

(I gave them a reassuring smile. This two were really my sisters. Their friendship meant so much to me)

Chastity: “Thanks guys. But all I really need right now is hot shower.”

Serenity: “Do you need help to your room?”

X: “I could help.”

(Felicity slowed the blood in X’s head causing him to lose consciousness)

Chastity: “It’s okay I can make it.”

(I teleport myself to my room and I took another shower. I couldn’t understand what was going on but for the first time in my life, I was afraid. After I got dressed I took a look out my window and watched the full moon rise in the air. I think I was making sure it wasn’t red like my dream. I then left my room to join the others in the Living Room and I found there was a new figure among the group. I guy about my height stood next to the fireplace. His hair was blue and is eyes were completely white. He had markings on his face that looked like rune symbols and he was dressed in a long gray cloak)

Duncan: “I’m glad you could join us Chastity. I want you to meet our Bishop the Majestic. He was away on business but I thought I would get him to return to check on you. Since your powers are more in the magik realm, he would be better to see what was going on.”

Majestic: “If you would Ms. Darkholme.”

(He reached his hand out for me. I looked to Serenity and Felicity for support. They nodded to reassure me it would be fine. I needed answers so I decided to take the Majestic’s hand and get them. Though I was afraid of what I might find out)

Majestic: “Now, close you eyes my child and open your mind to me.”

(I did as he asked and I could feel him scanning my body spiritually. I let my defenses down for him to work his magik, which I never did before. And I would never do again because once my defense was down, there was nothing that could stop what was trying to get out. I could feel my stomach start to burn again. I took my hand from the Majestic and started to back away. He must have felt what was inside because he dropped to the ground)

Duncan: “What happened?”

(I watched as the flames from the fireplace started to rise a little and my crystal started to glow red. I knew what was about to happen next)

Chastity: “Anya give me a portal to an open field away from here.”

Anya: “But wh…”

Chastity: “NOW!”

(She opened up a portal without hesitation and I threw myself into it. I landed in the middle of a wide open plain as the visions began to play in my head again and a red energy started to cover my body. As it covered my body, flames covered the field. Anything that was in mile radius of me was reduced to dust by the fire. The fire was so intense that the heat from the flames caused my clothes to catch fire, though the flames didn’t burn my flesh. Once the visions stopped the fire faded into nothing. I feel to the ground as the others stepped out of one of Anya’s portals. They all rushed to my side)

Serenity: “We came as soon as the fire disappeared. We have to get you somewhere safe Chastity.”

Chastity: “No you have to get away from me now.”

(The burning feeling didn’t give me time to rest this time. I could feel the process begin again. The others watched as a marking on my stomach started to glow. I lifted into the air as my crystal began to glow blue. The energy consumed my body as an ice blast exploded from my hands and covered everything around me in ice, including my friends. This time when the visions stopped my crystal flashed different colors before it turned completely black. I opened my eyes and they too were black. I no longer had control over my body. I started to fly off to an unknown destination. Back in the ice field, X’s ice sculpture started to crack as green light started to escape from the openings. The ice shards exploded from his body as he used his green field to break free of the ice. Duncan and Felicity did the same with their telekinesis and magnetic field. They then freed Majestic, Anya and Serenity. Serenity fell to the ground as she was freed from her prison and wrapped her arms around herself)

Serenity: “I hate the cold.”

Felicity: “Duncan, can you tell where she went?”

Duncan: “Way ahead of you Felicity. She is headed east and from what I can tell she’s not alone.”

Serenity: “Anya and I will go back to the castle to the Soundbreaker jet.”

Felicity: “The rest of us will try and stop Chastity from going wherever she is headed.”

(As they started to follow out their plans, the Majestic stopped them)

Majestic: “Wait. That marking on Chastity’s stomach, it’s an ancient druid rune.”

Anya: “What does it mean?”

Majestic: “As far as I can tell it’s the symbol used for fertility.”

Serenity: “Fertility?”

Duncan: “Could this night get any weirder?”

Felicity: “It doesn’t matter right now, we have to go get her.”

(They all nod their heads and go their separate ways. Anya opens a portal and her and Serenity jump through to the castle. The rest of the team takes flight by their own powers and heads in the direction I took)

Felicity: “Don’t wait for us X. You are the fastest so get to her and keep her busy until we get there.”

(He did as he was told and sped off. It didn’t take long for him to catch up with me. My body senses him approaching and I stop over a large body of water. He stops just behind me)

X: “Chastity, where are you going? What is happening?”

(I turn to face him and my dark eyes stun him for a second)

X: “Chastity?”

(I don’t answer him. I merely raise my hand towards him and hit him with an energy blast of enormous strength. He is sent flying back the direction he came. He rams into the Majestic as the rest of the group joins the party. Duncan stops them with his telekinesis as Felicity flies to me. She encases me in a magnetic bubble)

Felicity: “I don’t know what’s wrong Chastity, but this must stop now.”

(I smile at her and point down. She looks down to see a circle formed in the water. Before she can react, a jet of water explodes up towards her, covers her body and then freezes. The bubble around me fades. The remaining team heads toward me to continue the battle. My body wants to fight them but decides to finish the battle now by sending three powerful lightning from the sky on them. They all scream in pain. When the attack stops, they all fall into the water below. I smile and continue my journey. As I sped off, Anya and Serenity arrive in their jet to rescue their fallen friends. As my body continues on its journey, I try to regain control but to no avail. I finally reach what I guess is the destination my body was headed. I looked to see a variety of rock formations that looked so familiar to me. Not only was it the scene from my dreams, but I never really paid enough attention to notice that the scene from my dream was none other than Stonehenge. My body stopped just outside of the first set of stones and raised my hands. I could feel the energy of the earth flow through me as stones came to life and restored what I figured was the original formation of Stonehenge. Rocks that had fallen stood up and connected to other fallen stones until it was beautifully restored. My friends once again didn’t give up one me. I could hear their jet slowed just behind me. X jumped from the hanger door and sped to catch me. I stepped pass the first formation of rocks and felt the dome of dark energy incase the structure. X continued to speed towards the dome hoping to break through. He learned how foolish that idea was when as he rammed into the dome he was hit a blast of energy that sent him crashing to the ground. Majestic, Duncan and Felicity rushed from the landed jet and started to shot energy blasts at the dome. Their powers did nothing. Anya then tried to teleport to the other side, but as she entered her portal she reappeared having the same effect as X. Meanwhile back at the Red Court Mansion, Daemon is going over this week’s security system test when he stops and grabs his head. He can feel that his mystikal bond with me has been broken. And without a word he fades away and reappears outside the dome with rest of the group. He watches as heroic trio of Majestic, Felicity and Duncan fall to the ground as they have exhausted their powers. Daemon runs to their side)

Daemon: “What is going on? Where is my sister?”

(Without a word, Felicity pointed to the dark dome. Inside the dome, I can see outside though they cannot see me. My body lies on the stone alter in the center, my eyes close and I lose consciousness. A shadowy cloud exits from my mouth. It took form at my feet. He was dressed in a black robe with silvery blonde hair and deep black eyes. He was the leader from my dream. To my sides four of the stone formations that appeared like doorways were now lit with different color lights. Out stepped the other four members of my dream. They each come and stand behind the man in the black robe)

Black Robe: “The time is here my children. The births of the Guardians are upon us.”

Blue Robe: “Is she ready to go through the ritual?”

Black Robe: “Yes she is ready. She survived the trial of the elements and using the DNA of her Flesh Elemental lover the elemental energies will be given bodies to contain their powers. Shall we begin.”

(They all take their places. The “Green Robe” stands at my head, the “White Robe” stood to my left, the “Red Robe” stood at my feet, the “Blue Robe” stood to my right and the “Black Robe” walked around the alter. The other four stood far enough from me to give the Black Robe space to move between them and me)

Black Robe: “We are gathered here to night to bring about the coming of age. There are clouds of darkness that are forming to consume this planet. The time is now to bring forth the children born from the planet to rise up and protect it. The energies that give this planet life shall now be given flesh. So says I, Oberion.”

(As he finishes his words he raises his hands to the sky as a dark cloud begins to form above us. The Green Robe closes his eyes and than puts his hands together. As he opens them, a small ball of green energy is now in his right hand)

Green Robe: “I Xeno, Guardian of the North, call forth the energies of the earth. From the tallest tree to the smallest blade of grass. Bless the child born from the ground. Give them the strength and courage of a leader.”

(The ball glowed brighter than before. Next was the White Rode. She repeated the same move as the one before her except her ball was white)

White Robe: “I Ariel, Guardian of the East, call forth the energies of the air. The very life force of this planet. Bless the child fallen from the sky. Give them the wisdom of the ages and the ability to hear things other can not.”

(Her ball glows brighter as well. Next was the Red Robe, who repeated the process with his red ball)

Red Robe: “I Dru, Guardian of the South, call forth the energies of fire. The element that brings warmth to this world. Bless this child consumed by the flames. Give him the fire of warrior and the drive of ambition.”

(His ball glowed as the Blue Robe finished the process)

Blue Robe: “I Helena, Guardian of the West, call forth the energies of the water. The planets blood stream. Bless this child with the free spirit of a swift flowing river.”

(Her ball glowed. Oberion did the same as the others but his ball was black and much larger. He walked around to each person and his ball up to theirs. The smaller balls entered the larger one. After he had collected all the balls he walked back over to me and placed the ball on my stomach. It than phased itself into me)

Oberion: “It is complete. Let the vessel arise!”

(Slowly my crystal began to glow as my body started to float into the air. When I was about mid way up, I stopped and floated for a second before my whole body exploded with energy and shattered the dome around me as well as brought Stonehenge back to its normal state. I then fell toward the ground but Daemon caught me before I hit the ground)

Daemon: “I got you Chas.”

(The next day I was lying in the medical ward of the Red Court Mansion. Steven and the rest of the doctors went over my body from head to toe. They found nothing wrong with me. Nothing physical nor mystikal. Felicity and Serenity decided to come back with me. they said they didn’t want to leave my side until they knew what was wrong with me. For the next couple of days I was different. Constantly vomiting every morning, always eating more than I usually did and crabby to others (I know, more than usual). I didn’t even want to be touched by another man (I know, hell must be freezing over). But I finally found out why I was changing the day of my birthday. About 6:23 in the morning a got these incredible pains. I woke up screaming. Felicity and Serenity, who decided to take lodge in my room, rushed to my side)

Serenity: “Chastity, what’s wrong?”

Chastity: “I don’t know, but it hurts.”

(The pain had stopped)

Chastity: “Wait it’s gone.”

Felicity: “Maybe its just gas. You have been eating a lot lately.”

Serenity: “And didn’t gain a pound I might add.”

Chastity: “Funny.”

Serenity: “Are you sure you are okay?”

Chastity: “Yes I am fin….”

(The pain came back. Ten times worse than before. It felt like something was ripping trough my body. The scream I let out echoed through the house. As something started to happen)

Felicity: “Oh my god!”

(Ryan, Steven, Daemon and Phoenix all came through my door)

Ryan: “What is going on?”

(They all stirred in astonishment as my stomach had grew as if I had swallowed a extremely large beach ball)

Steven: “We have to get her to the medical room now!”

(They rushed to the medical ward. The doctors started to work on me to find out what was wrong as the Red IC, Serenity and Felicity stood outside. About thirty minutes after I entered, the doctor came out with my results)

Daemon: “What is wrong with my sister?”

Doctor: “Well, from what our tests show she’s going into labor.”

Unison: “Labor.”

Steven: “That’s impossible. Chastity can’t be giving birth.”

Doctor: “I know it sounds crazy but she is. Oh and she keeps screaming she hates you Ryan.”

Ryan: “Me?”

Doctor: “Yes. She said that you are the one that did this to her. She said she didn’t know how, but she knows whatever is inside of her is yours.”

Ryan: (stunned) “I’m going to have a baby.”

(I gave out another scream and the Doctor rushed back in the room)

Assistant: “Sir, it’s happening.”

Doctor: “Okay, lets go to work people.”

(About four hours later, everyone was standing outside the room where the baby would be brought. They waited by the window until the first nurse came through with a baby wrapped in pink blanket. The baby had brown curly hair and violet eyes)

Ryan: “It’s a girl. I have a daughter.”

Daemon: “And I have a niece.”

(He said with a large smile on his face. They all started to give a heartfelt Awww. Then a second nurse came out carrying a baby wrapped in a pick blanket. She had blond hair and yellow eyes)

Steven: “Twins!”

(Next came another nurse carrying a baby wrapped in a blue blanket. He too had blonde hair and but blue eyes)

Steven: “Oh dear.”

(There mouths dropped open as a forth nurse came out carrying another baby wrapped in a blue blanket. He too had blue eyes and blonde hair it was of a different texture than his brother’s)

Serenity: “She had quintuplets.”

(The next day I lied in my bed weak. This experience had totally drained my powers. Daemon, Phoenix, Serenity and Felicity were in my room. I had the servant make a place for the babies in my room. Even though I was too weak to take care of them, I still wanted to be near them. Ryan had been in my room with them every since I had them, but he had something that needed to be taken care of. It took me an hour to convince him it would be fine for him to go. My four friends each held a different baby. Serenity held the oldest one. She was the girl with the brown hair named Shauna Christine Darkholme-Jensen. Next Felicity held the blonde haired girl, who was the second born named Nicole Amanda Darkholme-Jensen. Then there was the third born boy that Daemon held. His name was Nicholas Adam Darkholme-Jensen. And lastly was the youngest boy held by Phoenix. His name was Shane Christopher Darkholme-Jensen)

Daemon: “I can’t believe this.”

Chastity: “You can’t. Think how I feel. This was something I didn’t expect on my birthday.”

Serenity: “But what a wonderful gift. Four beautiful children in great health. The doctors did every test on them and everything came out good. So what is there to be worried about?”

Chastity: “Umm, let me think. I just went through some weird issue with my powers, underwent nine months of pregnancy in nine days and to top it off I now have four children at the healthy age of twenty. And you wonder why I worry?”

Daemon: “Don’t worry Chas. For right now let’s just be happy that the Darkholme name will carry on for another generation. And imagine how powerful these children will be being the offspring of both you and Ryan.”

Chastity: “I guess your right.”

(I smiled wickedly as I thought of the possibility these children could hold for me. With the combined power of Ryan and I the possibilities were endless. One month later, I was feeling better but I still wasn’t at full power. I decided that I would hire and extra servant to take care of the children. I had seen dozen of people but none of them really appealed to me. No I wasn’t looking for a handsome young plaything for myself, but I was looking for someone who I knew would give the children the same care I would. I was in the Living Room talking to a Ms. Jenkins. From the first moment she walked in the room I felt this warm feeling from her. I guess you can say she had a motherly aura around her)

Chastity: “So Ms. Jenkins, I see that you have had a long line of experience taking care of children.”

Jenkins: “Yes I have. My last family of kids had grown up and I figure it was time for me to move on to the next batch. There is nothing else I know other than taking care of children. And I love my job.”

Chastity: “Well I am very impressed.”

(And I was. But I knew she was the one Phoenix walked in the room carrying each of the children telekinetically. They were all crying)

Phoenix: “They just started crying and wouldn’t stop.”

Chastity: “Well these are the duties of a Godmother Fox.”

(I decided to make Phoenix the Godmother and Steven was given the title of Godfather, by Ryan’s wishes. I was about to get up and attend to them when Ms. Jenkins put her hands up)

Jenkins: “Please allow me.”

(She walked over to the children and started humming a lullaby. The children calmed down and started to smile. For some reason, the song she hummed sounded so familiar. The way the children reacted with her told me she was the one. I walked over to her)

Chastity: “I guess you got the job.”

(Later that night, Ryan and I were in his office looking up at the full moon)

Ryan: “I must say my love, you have given me much more than I could have over expected from you.”

Chastity: “And think of the possibility these children could mean. They will be the future of this Court. Every minute of their lives will prepare them to be the best there ever was and ever will be.”

Ryan: “I have great plans for our children. Great plans in deed.”

(The relationship between Ryan and I had not changed. We were not to people in love about to get married because they brought life into the world. No, we were two beings of great ambition that had just brought about the birth of the children of our future. Meanwhile, in the newly built nursery, Ms. Jenkins was attending to the sleeping children)

Jenkins: “You four are destined for such greatness. And as long as I am around I will make sure that you, your mother and your uncle will be protected from you Grandfather.”

(Suddenly, there was a strange air about the room. Ms. Jenkins grabbed her mouth as a strange symbol appeared on the children)

Jenkins: “They bare the mark.”

(On Shauna’s left hand appeared a symbol similar to that of a Yin and Yang symbol except it was green and blue. The symbol on Nicole’s appeared on his right arm was the same except it was red and yellow. Nicholas’ symbol was the same has Nicole’s and appeared on her forehead. Lastly Shane’s symbol appeared on the bottom of his right foot the same way as Shauna’s. Their bodies were then covered in different cocoons made of energy. Shauna’s was green, Nicole’s was yellow, Nicholas’ was red and Shane’s was blue. Ms. Jenkins formed an invisible bubble around herself as energy flew through the room. As the cocoon slowly faded from around the children, Ms. Jenkins put her hand to her mouth. She ran from to the intercom and called Ryan and I to the nursery. I teleported us both to the nursery. Ms. Jenkins stood at the door and pointed to the carriages that my children slept. We walked over to them and to our amazement the places that my one-month-old children laid only minutes ago, now stood four children who all appeared to be one year old)