New Beginnings *HF*

By Chastity

New Beginnings *HF*


(The scene is a majestic room in a large dark castle set atop a cliff over looking the ocean. A tall man is set in a large chair facing the fireplace. In his hand he swirl a think dark red liquid around in a wineglass. He pushes a strand of his silvery purple hair from his face. His cold blue eyes turn an unholy yellow that seems to grow in intensity, as does the fire. He starts to take a sip from his glass, but his senses tell him another presence has entered the room. He then hears the faint sound of what could be hooves against wood. The room is consumed in a dark aura, which reveals the visitor’s identity)
Alucard: “I was wondering when you would pay a visit old master.”
Hellgoat: “Well, when I heard that my prized pupil had been resurrected I had to make an appearance and see this for myself.”
Alucard: “Nice to know you still care.”

(Alucard never rose from his seat nor turned his head to face his once master)
Hellgoat: “Now, now. Is that tone of voice truly necessary? I was once like a father to you and this is how repay my kindness.”
Alucard: “Father? Kindness?”

(Alucard finally rose from his seat and flung his glass into the fire. The flames roared from its place and seemed as if they could have consumed the entire room. Alucard stood face to face with Hellgoat’s demonic form and did not show a drop of fear. He was enraged)
Alucard: “Would a father have left me to the mercy of those witches? Was that your way of showing me kindness? Allowing them to entrap me in that fucking piece of rock.”

(Hellgoat could do nothing more than laugh)
Hellgoat: “When will you stop blaming others for your own pathetic mistakes? No one forced you to go after the Bloodstone sword. You always felt as though you were untouchable because your mutant abilities gave you a step up from other vampires. I’m pretty sure that long slumber showed you the truth.”
Alucard: “Well trust that I won’t make the same mistake twice. This time around I will be victorious. And all will bow before me. All!”

(Hellgoat’s laugh echoed through the entire castle)
Hellgoat: “Dear Alucard. Your arrogance will be the death of you my boy. You’ve barley started playing in the game and already you have failed.”
Alucard: “What are you talking about?”
Hellgoat: “I’m talking about Chastity Darkholme, the prize I have sought after as well. You thought by killing the members of her Court she would be weakened and ready for the taking. You are a fool. Instead of weakening her you have made her far stronger than before. Furthermore, you have caused my plans for her to alter as well. I thought I taught you better than that.”
Alucard: “Chastity’s new developments are a minor setback. I will have her and I will crush those who stand in my way.”

(Hellgoat could tell that was threat towards him)
Hellgoat: “We shall my boy. We…shall…see…”

(And like that, Hellgoat faded away. Frustrated, Alucard waved his hand at the fire, causing it to die out. He then stormed from the room)


(My opponent and I were at a stand still. We stared into one another’s eyes without moving an inch. We stood in a clear field, in what seemed to be a desert. He was dressed in an all black body suit that even covered his head. I was also dressed in a body suit, but was not as covered up. My arms and med-section were exposed. I had my hair pinned up in a bun with two chinese hairpins holding it up, along with two strands of hair that hung in front. This seemed to be my attire whenever I was in physical battle. I folded the strands of hair behind each ear and then folded my arms)
Chastity: “Are we going to wait all day?”

(My opponent ducked down to the ground and then rushed me. I was ready for him. I blocked his right kick and left punch. I then retaliated with a few blows of my own. We met one another step-by-step. He blocked my right palm attack and then ducked down with a quick sweep kick. I flipped in mid-air to avoid his attack and then landed both feet in his chest as he got back up to his feet. He stumbled back and I landed on my feet)
Chastity: “Oh come on. I expected more from you.”

(He came at me again, but this time his attacks were fiercer than before. I was pushing myself to keep up with him. He finally caught me off guard and delivered a left open palm to my chest. He then grabbed my right arm, twisted me around and locked me in a chock hold. I couldn’t break his grip and it seemed to get tighter and tighter. I finally sent my right leg straight up and delivered a powerful kick to his head. I then rammed my right elbow into his ribs, loosening his grip. I grabbed hold of his wrist that once held me at bay and then pulled it behind him till I heard a cracking sound in his shoulder. As his arm went limp, I spun around to the front and then delivery an in-air roundhouse to his head. I heard one final crack in his neck before he dropped to his knees and fell to the ground)
Chastity: “End program.”

(Slowly the scenery and my opponent faded away. I was now standing in the Training Room of the White Court. I turned upward to see my self appointed trainer, Gene, standing in the viewing room. He spoke to me over the intercom)
Gene: “That was a good session Chas. You have improved 10% since your last sone. If we continue on this lesson I few more times…”
Chastity: “Raise it the session two levels.”
Gene: “But Chastity, I doubt…”

(I sent him a stern glare. In our short period of time knowing one another, Gene and I had become friends, but one thing he had learned was that I am the stubborn bitch that I have been rumored to be and I am never one to back down on anything)
Gene: “Your funeral.”

(He did as I asked and the session was about to begin. I had to make sure that I was in top shape, even without my powers. I couldn’t always depend on them. The tragedy of my Court had taught me that. It had been two months ago when it happened. In the aftermath, I couldn’t bare with the pain of those deaths on my hand. When Steven got news of what happened, he rushed to my side and demanded I stay at the Purple Court’s mansion until I was better. I was too weak to fight him. So I left with him and took refuge in a room of the mansion far off from anyone else. No one could find Draco or his friends. The warehouse his business was based had vanished into thin air. The fact that they couldn’t find my brother didn’t give me any comfort. Not knowing where he was or when he would strike next worried me. I was a mess. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep and didn’t even want to move from the bed. I couldn’t bear to look into the face of my own children. If I couldn’t even protect my own Court, how could I believe I could protect my children. I wasn’t one for company either. However, Supergrover!!! was by my side for awhile. He tried to comfort me and turn my dark emotions around, but nothing worked. Steven wanted to telepathically ease my pain, but that was out of the question. I knew they both meant well, but I was in no mood for cheering up. Through a cracked door, I could hear the two men who cared for me so much, plus a new visitor who was no more than another reminder of my lost)
Cronos: “How is she?”
Steven: “No change. She’s not eating; I hear her crying in the middle of the night. This is not a healthy state for her.”
SG!!!: “I’ve never seen her like this.”
Cronos: “When those of us who are as emotionally strong as Chastity fall, we fall hard.”
Steven: “We’ve tried everything to cheer her up, but nothing works.”
Cronos: “Let me try. Chastity and I share a bond.”

(Grover made an uncomfortable face)
Cronos: “Not of lovers, but a bond of ambitions. We are two of a kind. I know her just as I know myself. But I’m not the one she cares for.”

(Cronos placed his hand on Grover’s shoulder before he entered my room. He closed the door and lit one of his cigars. He paced about my room looking at me as I locked my eyes at the window. I couldn’t look him in the eyes)
Cronos: “I didn’t believe them. I could never imagine you in this state. It’s a sad sight to see if you ask me. Down right pathetic.”

(This was not the response I expected from someone trying to cheer me up)
Cronos: “How did I ever see you as an equal Queen? You talk like you’re all big and bad, but when it comes down to it you’re weak. I wasted my time lying by your side. You are not worthy to rule over anyone. And your children? They deserve a parent who will protect them. One who shall always be strong to lead them. Maybe Ryan should’ve got full rights to the children. I’m sure he could be afar better father than you could be a ever be a mother.”

(I could fill the blood start to boil in my body as well as a tear swelling in my eye. Cronos stood right in front of me and started laughing)
Cronos: “This is rich. Look at the little girl. She’s going to cry.”

(And that’s when I exploded. I rose from my bed and stood face to face with Cronos. My eye began to blaze with power)
Chastity: “How dare you come in here and talk to me in such a manner. You can say what you want about how I ran the Court, and yes I failed as a Queen, but don’t you ever in your life question my love for my children. No one can protect them as I can. And no one will ever come between me and them. No one!”

(I summoned a ball of energy and knocked Cronos through my wall, pass Grover and Steven and into the next room. I walked over to the window, opened it and watched my children play in the courtyard)
Chastity: “Shauna, Nicholas, Nicole and Shane. Get your things together and be ready to leave in an hour and a half.”
Nicholas: “But mom…”

(Thunder roars and lightning flashes in the sky)
Chastity: “I said now!”
Kid’s In Unison: “Yes ma’am.”

(I walk out of the room where Steven and Grover are helping Cronos to his feet)
Chastity: “I thank you for your support Steven and it’s good to know you are always there to be by my side. But I must be going. It’s time I stood on my own two feet. And I would love to stay here with you, but I’ve decided to take Grover’s offer to join the White Court. If it still stands?”
Grover: “Your always welcome to join our family.”
Chastity: “Then it’s settled. Ready the flyer. And Cronos…”

(He looked up to meet my gaze)
Chastity: “…thanks.”

(I turned and left to take a much needed bath. Once I became an official member I took on the role of White Queen’s Assassin. And I asked for any job no matter how big or small. I finally realized I wasn’t as all-powerful as I thought. And I was going to do everything I could to prove myself to…well myself. And through my stay at the White Court, I began to grow close with the other members. But I grew closer to Grover than anyone else I have ever met. Back in the present, my next training session began. This one was more intense than the last. My opponent had wristbands with a blade sticking out of each one. I strained to keep up with him, but as long as I stayed focus on his moves I was fine. But halfway through the fight, everything seemed to freeze. I then felt a cold shadow consume my entire body, as everything around me seemed to freeze. I was frozen with everything around me. I could then hear a low toned voice saying my name. And as it spoke, everything around me faded away. I closed my eyes and reopened them to find that I was in another room. The room was completely black and empty. The only thing keeping the dark room lit was the two large windows that brought in the consuming glow of a full moon. As well as the night breeze that caused the deep red curtains that hung from the window to dance in the mid-air. The breeze was cold, but it seemed to warm my very soul. I found myself lost in thought as the breeze covered my body. It was as if it was calling me. The night had a mind of it’s own and it beckoned for me. The fact that I was now in a long silk red gown never seemed to bother me. As I danced with the wind, a strong figure wrapped his arms around my waist from my back. I wanted to twist in his grasp and see his face, but he would not allow it. He slowly blew into my ear. His breath was warm and sweet, as were his kisses that followed. I began to run my fingers through his silk hair that was draped down around his shoulders. His hands began to explore my body until they knew every each of it. I felt safe here. I felt free. Nothing mattered to me. All I knew was that being here with this man in the night’s essence was where I needed to be. That all faded away with one word from my mystery lover)
Lover: “Soon.”

(And with that it was all gone. And without warning my opponent had got the best of me. He delivered a kick so strong to my mid-section that I flew backwards and rolled into a ball. I tried to get to my feet but my opponent was already above me in the air, ready to show me the use of his wrist blades. There was no time to move, only time to react. I shot an energy blast at him that ended our battle. I tried to figure out what just happened. For some reason I blacked out and I have no idea why. Gene came running in the room rushing to my side)
Gene: “Chas, are you alright?”
Chastity: “Yes, I am fine.”

(I rose to my feet and dusted myself off)
Chastity: “I must be pushing myself to hard.”
Gene: “Well you were up all night studying to be Gomurr’s next apprentice. Plus you just did five training sessions back to back. You need to take it easy on yourself and get some rest.”
Chastity: “Yes that would be a good idea.”

(I said this as I began to walk out of the room. I materialized a towel in my hand and wrapped it around my neck. As soon as I walked out of the training room doors, I blur raced past with a gust of wind that followed. Not to far behind it was my sweet child Shauna. And she was sporting a new hair color of blue)
Shauna: “Shane, get back here you little creep. You better hope I don’t catch you.”

(I grabbed Shauna as she flew by me and held her in her place)
Chastity: “Shauna, what is going on?”
Shauna: “Can’t you tell? That little weasel of a brother put blue hair dye in my shampoo. Look at my hair!”

(She pulled at her hair and her frustration grew. I took her hands from her hair and placed them to her side)
Chastity: “Calm down. It really isn’t that bad.”

(She looked at me as if I was another person. I smiled at her as I rubbed my fingers through her hair and returned it to its normal color. I turned her in front of the mirror behind her. Her face lit up by the sight of her hair back to normal)
Chastity: “And as for your brother, I’m sure if you two would just find away to play nice you would get along much better.”

(I waved my hand and in a puff of smoke, Shane appeared by my side with a ball and chain attached to his ankle. He looked up to my in shock and then looked at Shauna in fear)
Chastity: “Now you to run along and play.”

(Shauna pounded her fist into the other)
Shauna: “Yes mother.”

(Shauna picked up the ball with one hand and flew off pulling her brother along kicking and screaming. I headed to my room and came a across a beautiful melody that seemed to flow through the Hallway. I passed by the Lounge to find Mufasa playing on the piano as my talented daughter Nicole followed in stride with her violin. It still amazed me how good she was at such a young age. And I think Mufasa enjoyed having someone around to play with. I wondered how my other offspring was doing. Nicholas seemed to want to spend more time with his father then here at the Court. I really didn’t like him spending so much time with his father, but I was not going to stand between them. I returned to my room for a relaxing bath and a short nap. Two hours later, after a nice bath, I changed into a fresh change of clothes, a white blouse and some blue jeans. Yes you heard me, Chastity in blue jeans. Don’t get me wrong, the jeans were still two sizes too small but a little more comfortable than my normal attire. I headed for the White Queen’s, Nebula, office. She was sitting at her desk signing off on some papers. I walked in and sat at the edge of her desk. She greeted me with that friendly smile of hers. I never knew that being a Queen and being nice could go hand in hand)
Chastity: “Hey boss lady, got anything for me?”
Nebula: “Sorry to say, but not at this moment. Don’t you think you should take a rest? I mean you just came back from that mission in South America with Gene. Some would look at your enthusiasm as you trying to go after my job.”
Chastity: “Please Nebs, the last thing I need right now is the pressure of Queen. Plus I’m kind of enjoying the life of the lower Circle. Furthermore, the on-field experience is kind of refreshing.”
Nebula: “Well you sure have adapted well to the new title. But Chastity I think you need a night off. Maybe you should go find someone special to go out with for the evening. I could think of one overworked King that could use a night off as well.”
Chastity: “I can take a hint.”

(I slid off the desk and headed for the door)
Nebula: “There’s a new French restaurant opening up. I heard the mushroom chicken is utterly delicious. But you know how Grover is about public places.”
Chastity: “Not to worry, I think I finally found a solution to that problem.”

(I left her office and headed to Grover’s. On the way I bumped into Emma Frost, another new member of the White Court. She decided to join me in the relocation to the White Court. She also agreed to become a partner with me at Darkholme International. Her help was much needed. Business was going well too with the combined minds of Hel, Emma and I. We were a driving force)
Emma: “Howdy Chastity, where you on your way to?”
Chastity: “To see Grover. And you?”
Emma: “Got a date.”
Chastity: “New blonde hair, blue eyed model?”
Emma: “Nope, new brown haired, green eyed lawyer.”
Chastity: “Nice.”
Emma: “Let’s hope. All I need is another man intimidated by the fact that I could crash him with my shire will. Even without my powers.”
Chastity: “Not too many man can stand in the shadow of their woman.”
Emma: “Shadow? They’d be lucky if they could get from under my heel.”

(We share a laugh)
Chastity: “Well happy hunting dear.”
Emma: “Same to you.”

(We parted ways and I headed to Grover’s office. I stopped by Alice’s desk and she gave me the “okay to go in” smile and I swung Grover’s doors open and closed them behind me. I walked over to his desk, slid his papers to the side and sat on his desk in front of him)
Chastity: “Hey Blue Boy, what’s on the agenda today?”
Grover: “Well besides those projection reports you just rearranged, I have three business meeting to make in the next four hours, going over the security plans with Nebula, Diablo and Rune, plus…”

(I placed my index finger on his lips)
Chastity: “ All work and no play…”

(I gave him a sweet little kiss on his lips. I pulled away to see that warming smile on his face I loved so much)
Chastity: “There’s my boy.”
Grover: “Chas, I have a ton of work to do.”
Chastity: “Well blow it off. You can check the projections later, meeting are made to be canceled and I’m sure the security projections can be taken care of with out you.”
Grover: “But…”
Chastity: “But nothing. You deserve a break my dear and I am here to give it to you. Nebula was telling me about this new French restaurant that just…”

(I could see his smile slowly fade away)
Grover: “Chas.”

(He dropped his head)
Grover: “You know how I feel.”

(I lifted his face back up and met his eyes with mine)
Chastity: “I know, but you let me deal with that. You just have that lovely little body of yours all dolled for me.”

(I gave him and wink and jumped off the desk and headed to the door)
Chastity: “Ready in two hours no exceptions.”

(Two hours later I give myself the once over in the mirror. I liked the strapless tan dress that my stylish daughter Shauna picked out for me. It was tight at the top and loose at the bottom. I also like the way Nicole pulled my hair up. She and Shane sat on my bed giving me the thumbs up. Shauna emerged from my closet with a pair of tan heeled shoes. They weren’t as high as my usual taste, but they still did their effect)
Shauna: “This pair will do, as long as you don’t plan on doing much walking.”
Chastity: “I’ll be fine with them.”

(I sat down on the bed between Shane and Nicole. I slipped them on and began to tie the long strap up my leg. I gave myself one more glance in the mirror as I heard the knock on my door)
Chastity: “Come in.”

(In walked Grover in a button down black dress shirt, tan dress pants and suede black shoes. His hair was pulled back into a semi-ponytail. Shauna let out a whistle)
Shauna: “Hey hot stuff.”
Chastity: “Shauna.”

(She smiled as she started to float into the air)
Shauna: “Come on kiddies. Let’s give the elders their privacy.”

(She flew from the room followed by Nicole and Shane)
Chastity: “Now you all behave. And that means you Shane.”
Shane: “Aww man.”

(Once the children were gone, I walked over to Grover and gave him the once over)
Chastity: “Very good my dear. You clean up good.”
Grover: “Not so bad yourself.”
Chastity: “So, are you ready for my surprise?”
Grover: “I don’t know. I’m still recovering from the burns of your last surprise.”
Chastity: “Trust me no harm this time. Now close your eyes.”

(He hesitated but finally closed his eyes. I walked over to my dresser and pulled the head of a rose from its stem. I cuffed the bud in my closed hand. I whispered some words into my hand. A gentle glow began to escape my fingers. I opened my hands to find the rose glowing now. I blew on the rose and the petals slowly flowed from my hand. They then engulfed Grover in whirlwind of light. When it faded, Grover stood there the same way, as before, only now his skin was no longer blue but a more tanned complexion that matched my own. I smiled in the success of my spell as I faced the mirror in front of him)
Chastity: “Open your eyes.”

(He opened his eyes and took a step back at what he saw. He was shocked. He touched his skin. He felt his aura still intact)
Grover: “How?”
Chastity: “Well my love, this sweet little aura of your has a vulnerability to magic. So it was just as simple as casting an illusion spell on you. This giving you a new appearance that won’t draw attention to you celebrity side.”
Grover: “You are truly a surprising woman.”
Chastity: “And I’ve only begun to fight.”

(Later that evening, after enjoying a lovely quite dinner, Grover and I decided to give the driver the night off as we took a nice walk through the park. I used my powers to change our clothes into more causal attire. I don’t usual use my powers for unnecessary things, but this was an exception. We settle under a tree with a good view of the starry sky. Grover placed his head in my lap as I played in his hair. We were silent for a moment)
Chastity: “Grover can ask you something?”
Grover: “You can ask me anything you please.”
Chastity: “How do you feel…you know…not knowing your parents?”

(He was quiet a second, he seemed to be thinking about it)
Grover: “Well I can’t say it’s not something I think about often. I always wondered what kind of people they were or how my life would be if they were still around. But I try not to dwell on things that I can’t change. Why do you ask?”
Chastity: “Well there’s something I’ve been wanting to tell you. No one knows of this except my brother Draco. We came across some papers after our parent’s passing and found out that they were not our birth parents. We were found on the stairs of an orphanage. There were no records nor leads to our past. So we didn’t go looking for answers and decided to just keep our Darkholme name. But sometimes I just wonder who they are. I wonder if they loved us or if they just wanted to get rid of us and dump us off. I don’t know why it bothers so much.”

(Grover lifted up from my lap and faced my eyes)
Grover: “Listen Chas, if your parents gave you up then they surely had a good reason. And if they were too uncaring to take care of you, then they don’t know how unlucky they were not to know what a wonderful woman you grew to be.”

(He leaned in and kissed me)
Chastity: “You sure do know how to make a girl smile. But there’s one thing that can make this night perfect.”
Grover: “And what is that?”

(I blew a kiss at him and shattered the illusion spell)
Chastity: “I like you better this way Blue Boy.”

(We leaned in for another starry kiss. I wanted to tell him of my involvement in my parents passing, but knew that was a story left for another time. After a couple of more hours of meaningless but lovely conversation, we headed home. As we got up, I stopped after I had the strange feeling like someone was watching us. I looked around but found no one)
Grover: “Are you okay?”
Chastity: “Yes. Just thought I heard something.”

(We walked away as the shadowy figure of Alucard stood in the trees overhead)
Alucard: “Chastity will be mine. And I will crush all who stand in my way. That means you Elmo.”