Prelude to the Darkholme Academy *HF* (formally named "Exams")

By Chastity

Prelude to the Darkholme Academy *HF* (formally named "Exams")

(We had just finished our final exams for the semester and I walked to my room to find a note from the Headmaster. It asked me to join him in his office A.S.A.P. I was curious as to what he wanted. I teleported to his door and knocked, I used my teleporting powers to get around know a days)
Steven: "You may enter Chastity."

(The all-knowing Steven called. I walked in and was greeted by a hug)
Chastity: "Hello Steven."

(Since I had ascended into the Inner Circle we had moved to a first name basis)
Steven: "I know you are wondering why I called you here today."
Chastity: "Of course."
Steven: "Well I have already graded your exams and I am please, but not surprised, that you did extremely well."
Chastity: "As always. But I'm guessing you didn't just call me here to discuss my academics."
Steven: "Always straight to the point. Patience is a virtue."
Chastity: "And highly overrated."

(He lets out a small laugh)
Steven: "Okay, Loki, Blackfire and I are planning on going away for the next two weeks and I was wondering if you thought you would be able to run things well we're gone?" Chastity: "Well I am honored you have chosen me to be in charge, and I am happy and able to accept your offer."
Steven: "As I knew you would. And know that how you handle this will determine your future here at the Academy."
Chastity: "Have I ever let you down?"

(As I entered my room, Steven announced that I would be running things while he was gone over the intercom. A smiled crossed my face as I picked up the phone and dialed a number)
Chastity: "I need your help in something. Be here in an hour, and don't be late. You know how much I hate that."

(A few hours later, after Loki, Blackfire and Booth had left, I asked all of the students to join me in the Training Room. I stood before and announced what I had planned)
Chastity: "I know you have all just finished a long and hard exam week and I think you should all be rewarded. This is my way of showing you all that know that I am the Red Rook, I am not an evil person…"

(I glance at Spark)
Chastity: "…or a vengeful person…"

(I glance at Ian)
Chastity: "…and that while the adults are away we will have some fun. So I am giving you all the night off and allowing you to go into town and have some fun."

(Before the room was filled with faces of discomfort, but know they were filled with the joy of a child on summer break, except Ian of course. They all jumped out there sit and ran to get ready as I let out a)
Chastity: "Have fun."

(Later on that night, after all the students had left the school to enjoy their night on the town, I sat in the Headmasters office as a figure stood in the shadows that was only lit by a glowing red eye)
Chastity: "Is everything in place?"
???????: "Yes Chastity, I have done all that I can."
Chastity: "And you never let me down."
????????: "That's why you love doing business with me."
Chastity: "And we shall take care of some other business later, if everything goes well." ????????: "Don't worry it will."
Chastity: "Than let my exams begin."

(With that I summon up some crystal balls. Each ball watched a different person. I glanced in one at my brother, Aquapyro and Spark standing at a bar in a loud nightclub. Draco was eyeing a bimbo looking red head that he had been watching all night as she walked to the exit door, he followed her. Little did he know he was being followed as well. Aquapyro and Scotty stood at the bar as they watched their friend go in for the hunt. As he went through the exit door, they noticed someone clearing a path towards them. Then they watched as a large figure grabbed the people standing in front of the boys and threw them to the air. Sabertooth stood before them as he snarled)
Sabertooth: "Hello kiddies, remember me?"

(I glanced at another ball and watched as a car sped down the road. The car was suddenly stopped as a beam of energy hit the wheel and it slammed into a tree. Thomas stepped out of the car unharmed as he watched a figure standing on a hill with hands still smoking. Thomas gritted his teeth as he screamed
Epyon: "I just had that detailed and you will pay for that."

(In another ball I watched as the two newest members of the Academy sat on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Soledad Sometimes talked about her first days in the Academy and the Red Court, as Marnie Fox gazed at the sky in front of her as she watched the stars. Suddenly she noticed five of the stars seemed to be getting bigger. She jumped to her feet as five people in cybernetic gear rushed toward her blazing lasers. I smiled at my shadowed figure and said)
Chastity: "So it begins."