The Begininning or End

By Chastity


(This story was a continuation of an assignment written by Steven Booth. I'll summarize his story for you so mine won't seem as confusing. His story began with his going to a church sermon. He returned to the Dragonfire Academy and had a strange vision where Cronos, Rune, Mystikal, Gomurr and Supergrover!!! were standing over the bodies of all the other Hellfire Court members. He then had an unscheduled meeting with Cronos. He went to the kitchen where he found Ian, Aquapyro, Draco and I. Ian had just finished giving me the cold shoulder. We all left the kitchen and as I looked at Steven, I noticed a dark aura around him. This is where we were given the assignment to finish his story. Me and my brother decided to do a compilation and combine our stories. It wasn't really *HF*, but I did use it as the basis for some of my future stories)

(As I leave the kitchen I try to catch Ian's attention but he walks off before I can. Draco comes to my side)
Draco: "You can do better sis. He doesn't deserve you."

(My brother's words of comfort don't stop the pain I feel. Since we joined the IHFC, my brother and I have grown closer than I ever thought we could. This fact was proved when Draco rushed to my aid against Sabertooth)
Chastity: "Thanks Draco."

(I lean my head against his shoulder)
Aquapyro: "Come on Draco, how bought I beat you in another game of tennis?"
Draco: "You wish Kyle."
Aquapyro: "I'll met you on the court."
Draco: "Alright."

(As Kyle runs off Draco turns back to me)
Draco: "You going to be alright."
Chastity: "Yeah, I'm stronger than you think."

(I say as I take my head off his shoulder and flash him a smile)
Draco: "Alright, if you need me I'll be on the court."
Chastity: "Okay big brother, I'll yell if I need you."

(And with that he was off. Before I walk upstairs I glance back into the kitchen at the Red Bishop. And for a second I swear I see a second shadow around him. I pay it no mind and continue to walk up the stairs. I walked back to my room thinking only of Ian. For the first time in my life I was attracted to a guy and for the first time in my life a guy wasn't interested in me. I opened myself to him and I ended up looking like a silly little girl. But, I felt something with Ian. I just couldn't believe he didn't feel it too. I walked to my window and watched as my brother and Kyle played on the tennis court. Draco never had many friends before the club, by his choosing. But he was developing a strong friendship with Kyle. As I stand there playing with the mystery crystal around my neck I hear footsteps behind me. I turn to see the man I knew as Cronos. As this man standing at my door stares at me with a blank face, I see a second shadow around his aura. I saw something like this before but this shadow was much stronger)
Chastity: "What do you want?"

(He said nothing as two circles formed on his forehead and he begins to walk towards me. Before he can get to close I shoot an energy blast at him. The impact of the beam slams Cronos into the wall and he hits the ground with a thump)
Chastity: "Don't you know it's impolite to enter a ladies room uninvited."

(To my surprise Cronos rises to his feet as if my blast was nothing and for the first time since he entered my room he spoke)
Cronos: "I am the Undying. Your useless powers can not harm me witch."

(I try to shoot another blast at him but he dodges it and rams me into the wall. I let out a scream that echoes through the halls. I materialized a small blade in my hand and ram it into Cronos' shoulder. He yells and backhands me with his fist. He pulls out the knife, pulls me up by my hair and puts the knife an inch from my face)
Cronos: "I would kill you in a second and never think twice about it. But the master wants you alive and I must obey his wishes."

(Just than a portal opens in my room. Cronos pulls me toward the portal by my hair, but before we can get through the portal something hits Cronos in the leg. I expect to see Draco come to save me, but instead I see Ian. He had thrown his blade into Cronos' leg. He stood there in his training gear and said in his normally cold tone)
Ian: "I don't think the lady wants to go with you."
Cronos: "You meaningless insect. You will pay for interfering in my plans."

(Cronos drops me, removes the sword from his leg and charges toward Ian. Before Cronos or the Undying can react Ian hits him with swift and graceful blows, but Cronos stands there unfazed by his attacks)
Chastity: "He is not Cronos. Well, he is Cronos but he is possessed by an entity known as the Undying. He can feel no pain."
Ian: "That's good to know."
Chastity: "Keep him busy for a second."
Ian: "Easier said than done."

(As Ian continues to fight Cronos, I snap my fingers and a spell book falls into my hands. I search for the spell I know will help us. Just as Cronos throws Ian to the wall, Spark enters the room)
Spark:"Could ya'll keep it down. I'm trying to sle…"

(Cronos begins to run toward Spark but before he can reach him, Spark hits him with a strong blast of pure electricity. The shock seems to react with the cybernetic parts of Cronos and, after going into uncontrolled fit, he falls to the ground. Spark stands there, hands still smoking)
Spark: "What the hell is going on here?"

(Spark helps Ian up, he than walks toward me. Before he could reach me, Cronos grabs Spark by the foot, swings him around and slams him into Ian)
Cronos: "Insects, you two shall die by the Undying's hand for your medalling"

(As he walks toward my friends I raise to my feet, chant a spell and form a small ball of energy in the palm of my hand. He stands before Ian and Spark just as I scream)
Chastity: "Hey unbathing, catch."

(Just as he turns toward me I throw the ball at him. It flies right through him. As Cronos' body falls to the ground, the ball of energy turns into a medium sized crystal ball and falls to the floor. As Spark and Ian get up and brush themselves off, Spark picks up the ball from the ground)
Spark: "What was that?"
Chastity: "It was a spell to remove an unwanted presences from a body. Like a ghost, demon or, in this case, an alien. The spell traps the entities' spirit in the crystal ball and it can only be released by the person who casts it. And I don't plan on doing that."

(Ian walks towards me)
Ian: "And how do you know so much about the Undying?"
Chastity: "I'm a witch, it's my job to know these things."
Ian: "So what else do you know."
Chastity: "I know that they are now working for someone else."
Spark: "How?"
Chastity: "For one, the Undying were imprisoned a few years back and the only way they could have been freed is by someone of great power. Two, he kept talking about how he was following the orders of someone he referred to as "Master"."
Ian: "Who's he?"

(I turn my back to them)
Chastity: "That I don't know."

(Just then the Red Bishop runs into the room)
Booth: "What is going on?"

(But before Spark and Ian can give him the info, I speak the spell again and throw the ball at the Red Bishop. Instead of the ball going through him it turns into a normal rock and hits the Bishop in the stomach. He falls to the ground)
Booth "What was that for?"

(I ran to his side)
Chastity: "I'm sorry. I saw the shadow of one of the Undying around your aura earlier, but it must have already left your body."
Booth: "What the hell is the Undying?"

(But before I can answer him, Aquapyro comes crashing through my window wall. As he lands in front of us, "Did anyone catch the number of that plane?"

(To be concluded by Draco)


Prelude: A woman with long black silky hair, deep green eyes and who appeared barely in her twenties, walks out of a tall majestic cathedral before the service ends. She pushes a button on her watch and begins to talk into it.
Mystery Woman: "Sir, the last implant of the Undying known as Aentaros has been placed in the host."
??????: "Very good Demoma. Return to base."
Demona: "I'm on my way, Demona out."

The woman pushes the same button on her watch to end her conversation. She then takes the longest nail on her hands and makes a vertical line with it. Her nail seems to open a tear or more like a portal. She steps through it and the tear closes behind her.
End Prelude 1

(A large man sits on a throne covered by shadows. On his left is the mystery woman known as Demona. On his right is a new mystery boy. He seems young with long white blond hair that comes down to his lower back and light blue eyes that seem to shine even in the shadows. Both Demona and the mystery boy stand at the side of this shadowed figure like two loyal soldiers awaiting order from their king)
???????: "Are the hosts in place for the first mission?"
Demona: "Yes sir. I have Host Cronos in the area of the first target."
???????: "What about the second target?"
Demona: "The Host Rune will be able to reach the second target as soon as he is activated. I shall open a portal for him." ????????: "And the second wave?"
Demona: "The three other Hosts Red Bishop Steven Booth, Mystikal and SuperGrover!!! will be dormant until you order the Undying to be activated. I have also taken the liberty of securing a sixth Host in case something goes wrong in the first mission."
????????: "And who will that be?"
Demona: "I have chosen Gomurr the Ancient to be the sixth Host. I would have preferred to put him as one the first five, but there is no for sure way to tell if he would be able to detect the Undying entity."
????????: "So the first mission is for the Hosts Cronos and Rune to capture the two targets. Once the first mission is completed the second wave of Hosts, Steven Booth, SuperGrover!!! and Mystikal, will then proceed in the destruction of their courts. Once Host Cronos and Rune have brought us the targets they will proceed in the destruction of the Black Court. Everything is in order?"
Demona: "Yes sir."
????????: "You have done well my child. The pieces are in place and the game is ready to begin. Alpha, activate the first two Hosts."
Alpha (Mystery Boy): "Yes sir."

(And with a mere thought, the boy known as Alpha sends a telepathic key to the first two Hosts. Meanwhile at the Dragonfire Academy, Cronos is on his way out of the building when there is a sudden wave of pain that runs through his head. As a second shadow begins to grows around him, he speaks only one word....)
Cronos: "Chastity."

(At the same time, Rune stands in his room reading through a book. Suddenly Rune drops the book as the same pain runs through his mind. A portal opens in front of him and Demona walks out of it. She hands her hand out to Rune)
Demona: "Don't you have somewhere to be."

(Rune takes Demona's hand as she opens another portal to an unknown destination. Meanwhile, back at the Academy's tennis court, Draco and Aquapyro are in a fierce tennis battle. As the ball flies toward Aquapyro, he hits it upward. Draco then begins to mutate and takes flight to the sky to knock the ball back to Aquapyro, this time when it speeds to him he misses)
Aquapyro: "No fair, our powers are not to be used in this game."
Draco: "Says who?"

(Draco then flies down beside Aquapyro, still in his mutated form)
Draco: "Stop being a sore loser and hand over the money."
Aquapyro: "No fair, you cheated."
Draco: "No I won."

(Just then Draco hears a scream with his heightened hearing)
Aquapyro: "What's wrong?"
Draco: "Chastity is in trouble."

(But before the two can run to her rescue, a portal opens in the sky and a figure falls from it) Aquapyro: "Who the hell? Rune. What are you doing here."
Rune: "I am not Rune, I am the Undying."
Draco: "Look I don't really care who you are. My sis..."

(But before Draco can finish his sentence, Rune forms a large telekinetic hammer and knocks Draco to the other end of the court. Aquapyro tries to shoot a fire blast at Rune but it is deflected by his telekinetic shield. Rune now turns his attention to Aquapyro)
Rune: "Insect."

(And with a thought, Rune sends three tennis balls at Aquapyro with deadly force. He is able to dodge two of them but the last one hit him dead in the chest. He falls to the ground in pain. Rune slowly walks toward Aquapyro to finish him off. But before he is able to, Draco attacks him from behind with his claws)
Draco: "No one harms my friends."

(Even though Draco has made three long deep bloody wounds on Rune's back, the attack didn't seem to harm in the least. Rune then takes his hammer and delivers three deadly blows to Draco. As Draco falls to the ground coughing up blood, he bares his teeth at Rune. But before he can attack, Rune sends a final blow to the head that renders Draco unconscious. Rune stands over Draco in victory. Meanwhile in the unknown shadows)
Demona: "Sir, Chastity has found a way to defeat the Undying. She has already freed Host Cronos from our control. I closed the portal before anyone was able to follow it."
????????: "I guess we have underestimated young miss Chastity. Alpha, remove Aentaros from his Host Steven Booth. Send it to the sixth Host Gomurr the Ancient and activate him instantly. But, give him orders to stand by."
Alpha: "Yes sir. What about the Host Rune?"
????????: "He has almost completed his mission. Leave him be."

(Meanwhile, Aquapyro has regained his composure as he forms a large ice block that covers his hand. He tries to attack Rune by surprise but the telepathic Rune is aware of the attack. As Aquapyro tries to make contact with Rune, his phasing ability is activated and Aquapyro walks right through him. Aquapyro turns to see a wide smile across Rune's face)
Aquapyro: "This is going to hurt."

(And with great force Rune hits Aquapyro with the hammer, knocking him through the academy walls. The hammer fades away and Rune walks over to Draco. He lifts him by the neck)
Rune: "The master will be pleased."

(A portal opens in front of him. He throws Draco at the portal but before he goes through, someone knocks Draco to the ground. Rune turns to see Ian has knocked Draco from his path. Before Rune can react, he feels something flow through him and then he falls to the ground as a crystal ball roll in front of him. The portal then closes. Back in the shadows, the "lord" of this unknown region has watch all the events that transpired)
Alpha: "The first mission was a failure."
???????: "Nevertheless, I want to proceed with the second wave. Have Host Gomurr head to the Black Court and activate Hosts Mystikal and SuperGrover!!!."
Demona: "Is that wise sir?"
???????: "Do you question my orders?"
Demona: "No sir."

(As Alpha activates the last three Hosts, Chastity has finished performing healing spells on Draco, Aquapyro, Cronos and Rune, as she explains the Undying)
Cronos: "So the visions I was having was the Undying's plans."
Chastity: "No, someone else is controlling the Undying and telepathically shielding them from any readings."
Draco: "But why were they after us?"
Chastity: "That I do not know brother. But I do know that the other courts are in danger and we must help them."

(Chastity teaches the magic spell to capture the Undying to the Red Bishop. They then split the teams between them and head out to stop the second wave. In the shadows, the large figure watches as the Dragonfire Academy students, Cronos, Rune and the Hellfire Courts stop his plans)
????????: "The missions were failed. But this will not stop my plans. I will use this failure to succeed next time. I will not rest until I have what I want. I will have Draco and Chastity. And I will see the Hellfire courts destroyed. Then there will be no one to stop the oncoming Apocalypse!"