The Darkholme Prep School *HF* Part 1 & 2

By Chastity

The Darkholme Prep School
Lesson 1: New Powers *HF*

(I stood on the balcony of my Beach House off the coast of California. It is night and the moon is almost full in the sky. The ocean breeze feels good against my bare skin, which is all over since I am in the nude. I take small inhales of me cigarette, a new habit I have picked up. I turn to look into my bedroom and I watch the moonlight reflect off the wrists of my guest. But the reflection is not coming off of his metallic arms, they are shinning from the handcuffs that hold him to my bedpost)
?????: “Are you going to let me loose?”

(He says in a helpless tone. I snap my fingers and the handcuffs disappear. He rubs his wrist as he walks over to me, also in the nude)
?????: “Dear Chastity, you sure are full of surprises.”
Chastity: “You should have learned that by now Cronos.”

(This new thing with Cronos was another new habit I had picked up. It was not love. It was just a meeting between two business associates, who both enjoyed pleasure and pain. He takes the cigarette from my hand and takes an inhale)
Cronos: “So I guess that part one of you plan for the Dragonfire Academy students and the Red Hellions was a success?” (See Exams)
Chastity: “Yes it was. I have reviewed the results of my test and I have picked the top five on my list. Now it is time to move on to part two.”
Cronos: “So are you going to let me know what pieces they will play in your game?” Chastity: “You shall find out very soon Cronos. Be patient.”

(The next day in the halls of the Dragonfire Academy, as the students finish their last classes for this Friday afternoon there is an announcement over the intercom)
Intercom: “Will the following students please report to the Headmaster’s office immediately: Daemon Darkholme, Kyle Eccelston, Marnie Fox and Scotty Hamilton.”

(As the intercom message ends, the four students look at each other in wonder)
Aquapyro: “Why would he want to see us all?”
Spark: “You don’t think he knows what we did to his car?”
Draco: “There’s no way he could have found out about that, we were too careful.”
DPII: “Besides why would he have called me too. I had nothing to do with your childish pranks.”
Aquapyro: “You never have anything to do with anything Marnie. Why are you so boring?”
DPII: “Don’t ever call me that. I am the Dark Phoenix II and you will address me as so.”

(As her eyes burn with a bright fire, the power she is charging up can be seen as an aura of energy surrounding her)
Spark: “Chill out Phoenix. He was only kidding.”
Draco: “We don’t have time for this anyway. We need to find out why we were called to the office.”

(As Draco walks off the others follow. Though DPII powers down, the fire in her eyes can still be seen. The four of them hurried to the Headmaster’s office. They entered and he motioned them to take a seat. After they took their seats, Steven Booth cleared his throat and began to speak)
Booth: “Welcome students. The four of you are to pack a week’s worth of clothes, your training gear and be out front in an hour. That is all, you are dismissed.”
Aquapyro: “Where are we going sir?”
Booth: “Orders are to be followed Kyle, not questioned.”

(And with that the four students did as they were told and an hour later a limo pulled up for them. They allowed the servants to take their bags and then they entered the limo. DPII sat to herself as the others horseplayed around. And although she appeared uncaring, she felt left out. The limo pulled into an airport runway and they were jetted off to another destination. As their plane landed they took another limo to a beach house. As they pulled up, Draco was the first one out with a confused look on his face)
Draco: “I know this place.”

(He ran to the door and went in to find me standing there waiting for him. His look changed from confusion to anger)
Draco: “What is going on Chastity?”

(As he asked the question the other students followed behind him. Each were surprised to see me)
Chastity: “I know you all are wondering why you are here, well if you all would join me in the Study I will tell you.”

(I walked to the left into my Study and the others followed behind me. I sat on top of my large oak desk and crossed my legs. The other four stood before me each with questionable face that was awaiting answers)
Chastity: “I am coming to you as your Red Rook and your Deputy Headmistress. That means where one position doesn’t have control in certain orders, the other does. I have asked the Red King for approval to open my own prep school.”
Draco: “What kind of prep school?”
Chastity: “Well, you all know that we are the future of the Courts. When the others are gone we will be the ones to take their place and I am going to make sure that each of you will be ready to take on the responsibility. But before I could enroll you, I had to find my five strongest candidates. So I sent each of you a kind of “test” to see if you were good enough.”

(The confused look on their faces grew and Spark was the one to ask the question that was on their minds)
Spark: “What test?”

(I started to answer but my brother Draco had already figured out the answer to his question)
Draco: “She means when she gave us the day off and we just happened to be attacked at the same time. She orchestrated the whole thing to test us.”
Aquapyro&Spark&DPII: “What!”
Chastity: “Very good dear brother. I should have known you would be the one to figure it out. Yes, I am the one who planned your attacks. It was necessary to see where your powers were strongest. You should all be proud that you have made it to the next step.”

(They stood in silence, processing this information. They looked at each other, but Draco never took his eyes off me. It was Aquapyro who broke the silence)
Aquapyro: “Wait a minute. You said you found you’re found your five strongest. By my count there are only four of us, unless you count the two swirling in Marnie’s head.”
DPII: “Watch it.”
Chastity: “You’re correct Kyle. There is one more to join you. And here he is now.”

(They all turned to see someone standing at the door. Draco was the only one who knew who our new guest was. He spun around to me enraged)
Draco: “What is he doing here?”
Chastity: “He is one of the five. To those of you who don’t know him this Gauntlet, the newest member to the Red Court and Dragonfire Academy. Once he joined us, I had to make him one of the finalists. Now, I know that you are ready to get fitted to where you will be staying.”

(I push a button on my desk and my servants enter the room)
Chastity: “They will take your bags to your rooms, as well as give you a tour of the house. Dinner will be served in an hour. I will not be attending, due to a prior business engagement. Do not stay up to late, because I start my lessons tomorrow. And once again welcome all.”

(The servants showed them to their rooms. An hour later I sat in my office talking to Cronos. I’m sitting at my desk looking over some note as he paced the room)
Cronos: “So, how are things going?”
Chastity: “As good as could have hoped. Daemon is pissed with me.”
Cronos: “Like you didn’t know that was going to happen. He probably thinks you betrayed him.”
Draco: “You damn right I feel betrayed.”

(We both look up to see my brother standing in the doorway. He still has that enraged look on his face. He walks in the room and heads toward Cronos)
Draco: “And what is he doing here?”
Chastity: “Cronos is a business associate of mine.”
Draco: “Well he needs to leave. I need to talk to you alone, NOW!”
Chastity: “I think you should watch your tone dear brother.”
Cronos: “I have something I need to attend to anyway. I’ll talk to you later.”

(And with that Cronos teleports away. Draco storms over to my desk)
Draco: “What is this Chastity? First you send some rejects from a Resident Evil game after me without giving me some heads up, then you enroll Gauntlet into your prep course without telling me after we had a deal he was my collar and know I find you in a meeting with one of the most devious members of all the Courts. What are you up to?”

(I get up from desk and walk over to my brother)
Chastity: “First of all I couldn’t tell you of the tests. If I showed any favoritism to you because you were my brother, I would lose all positions I hold. Secondly, I couldn’t ask you about Gauntlet because I couldn’t tell you about this prep school yet. Thirdly, my business with Cronos is just that, my business!”
Draco: “You sure have changed since…”

(Draco stops his self because he knows what he is about to say could hurt his sister)
Chastity: “I keep telling you, I’m over that. So drop it.”
Draco: “I’m sorry.”

(I walk over to my fireplace and then turn back to him)
Chastity: “But sometimes change can be good. Look at me, I changed and know I’m the Red Rook of the Red Court, the Deputy Headmistress and my powers are stronger than ever. It’s time that the Darkholme name made a dent in the Courts. And that starts with us. So now Daemon, it is you’re turn to change for the better.”
Draco: “What are you talking about?”
Chastity: “It’s time we took you’re powers to the next level.”
Draco: “What are you talking about Chastity? We both know I have basically reached my limit in powers.”
Chastity: “That’s what you think. There is more to your powers than just turning in to a demonic being. Remember the slayer from the other night?”
Draco: “How could I forget her?”
Chastity: “Well I sent here too, for a reason. Do you remember what she said to you?”
Draco: “She told me about how much she was in love with me. And that she couldn’t think of any other guy after meeting me.”
Chastity: “Um Daemon…I was watching the whole thing.”
Draco: “Oh…well she was just basically telling about how she got into the business.”
Chastity: “What did she say about why she attacked you?”
Draco: “She said because she could smell my demonic blood, but I told her that was because I was a mutant.”
Chastity: “Right Daemon, you are a mutant. But if you were in human form while you were in the club, than how could she detach you’re blood?”
Draco: “What are you getting at sis?”
Chastity: “There is more to you’re power than jus turning into a demonic being. Daemon you are a demon.”
Draco: “What are you talking about?”
Chastity: “When you mutate, you are bringing out you’re demonic form. That is just the tip of your power. Demons can do so much more than that.”

(I snap my fingers and we are teleported into my Mystic Library. It contained mystic jewels, weapons, books and other objects of power. I lead Draco to the mystic book section. It was small now, but it was a good amount for only four months of searching)
Chastity: “I’ve been collecting these books for a while now. They are ancient books of magik. Some are how to become a witch. Some are who to become a full demon.”

(I direct him to a table with about ten large books on it. A tall man in a dark cloak stand beside the table)
Chastity: “These are a couple of books on demonic magik. I want you to study these books and learn the basics.”
Draco: “I don’t’ know Chas, you always told me that magik can be dangerous if you don’t know what you doing.”
Chastity: “That’s why Meridian will be helping you. I have faith in you D.”
Draco: “Alright, I’ll do it.”
Chastity: “I have some things I need to do. When you are finished, Meridian will bring you back.”

(I teleport back to my office and sit at my desk. I reach for a paper on my desk and right the words King. The next day I call Spark to my office. He sits nervously in the chair in front of my desk. I have on a blouse that is unbuttoned down just above my bra, so my red lace bra can be seen. My crystal pendent hangs in my cleavage, drawing more of Spark’s attention to me. I get up from my desk and start to walk to him)
Chastity: “How are you today Scotty?”
Spark: “I’m fine.”
Chastity: “Did you sleep well?”
Spark: “Yes ma’am.”
Chastity: “There is no need for titles right now. It’s just two friends having a talk.”
Spark: “Okay, what do you wanna talk about you?”
Chastity: “Well lets talk about you’re powers. Now you can shoot strong beams of electricity from you’re hands, right?”
Spark: “Yes.”
Chastity: “What does it feel like when that happens?”

(I walk closer to him)
Spark: “Well I get a charge in my fingers when they let loose. Then there is a kind of a tingling feeling afterwards.”
Chastity: “How does that feel? The feeling in your hands.”
Spark: “It’s okay I guess.”
Chastity: “I remember the first time I used an energy blast…”

(I seat in his lap with my legs wrapped around him. I feel his heart start to bet faster)
Chastity: “I let the energy flow through my whole body. It felt so good. You ever let you’re power flow like that.”
Spark: “”
Chastity: “I bet that electricity would feel good flowing through you’re body.”

(My tone becomes softer and more seductive)
Chastity: “Go ahead and try it. Just let the energy build in you’re hands and than let it flow through you’re body.”

(I felt him build up. I caressed his cheek)
Chastity: “Now don’t let it go, just let it flow through you’re body.”

(I could feel him start to breathe harder)
Chastity: “That’s it, just let it flow.”

(I lean in closer. I could feel the electricity flow through his body. His eyes became completely white, sparks flying out. I lean to his ear and whispered)
Chastity: “How does that feel?”

(I bit and licked his ear. He couldn’t hold it anymore. I phased myself, new power, just as he exploded with electricity. His body had become completely made of electricity. I had already gotten up off his lap. He stood up and examined his new body, but he couldn’t hold this form for long and had to power down. He looked around the room and saw that he had reduced everything in my office to ashes. Then he noticed he had the same effect on his clothes, and quickly covered himself with his hands)
Spark: “Sorry.”
Chastity: “No problem.”

(I waved my hand and everything was returned to normal, including Spark’s clothes)
Chastity: “You did well. Now I want you to practice trying to hold the form for longer. Also, I want you to try seeing what kind of effect you have on machines. Like try and see if you can work an unplugged toaster.”
Spark: “Okay, I will try.”

(He walked to the door)
Chastity: “Oh, and Scotty”
Spark: “Yes?”
Chastity: “Thanks for the charge.”

(I winked at him. He blushed and walked out the room. I sat down at my desk and pulled out some of my other notes. And at the bottom of one I wrote Rook. Elsewhere, Daemon continued studying the demonic books. He hadn’t been to sleep and had already read six of the books. He was determined to finish all the volumes before he rested. The couple of tricks he could do were not to his liking. He wanted something bigger. Just then he heard a low whisper. He looked to his right and saw some books in the shadow. He got up from his seat and started to walk to them. Before he could get there, Meridian jumped in front of him)
Meridian: “Sir Darkholme, Ms. Chastity picked these books for you. She doesn’t want you in any other books except the ones on the table.”
Draco: “Fine.”

(Draco went back to his seat and continued reading, but he often looked back to the books. Back at the Beach House in the backyard, I watch as Gauntlet fights against some creature I summoned for him train against. It started out with 50 against 1, it was now 28 to 1. He continued to take a beating, but would come back stronger each time. A few of the creatures developed the ability to shoot beams of energy and he used the energy absorbed to redirect it at them. The look on his face showed how he enjoyed the battle. One of them hit him with beam, but before he could redirect it I froze the battle. He stopped and turned to me)
Gauntlet: “Why did you stop?”
Chastity: “I want you to try something. I want you to absorb the blasts, but don’t redirect it. I want you to use the energy from the blast and boost you strength and abilities.”
Gauntlet: “Okay.”

(I unfroze the battle and he did as I instructed. Each time he was hit with a blast, he did not release it. He held it in and each time his movement became faster and stronger. He defeated them all in less than two minutes. He stood in the middle of the battlefield with a wide smile on his face)
Gauntlet: “I never used my powers like that before.”

(I resurrected all of the creatures. He looked at each of the newly risen enemies and let out a small laugh)
Chastity: “Again.”

(As I commanded the battle begun again. This battle ended faster than the last. I look at the clipboard in my hands and wrote the word Knight. Just then, Aquapyro walked up to me)
Aquapyro: “You called for me.”
Chastity: “Yes Kyle, I want to talk to you next.”

(I wave my hand the creatures disappear)
Gauntlet: “Hey!”
Chastity: “It’s break time Gauntlet.”
Gauntlet: “But, I don’t want to break.”
Chastity: “Do as I say.”
Gauntlet: “Fine.”

(He ran to the cliff and dived into the ocean behind my house. I knew he would be fine)
Chastity: “Okay Kyle it’s your turn.”
Aquapyro: “What, you going to make me jump off the cliff too?”
Chastity: “No, I just want to talk to you. When did your powers first fully awaken?”
Aquapyro: “In an ally when I was mugged.”
Chastity: “Were you alone?”
Aquapyro: “No…I was with…look you already know my file. So why are you bringing it up?”
Chastity: “I have my reasons.”

(I wave my hands and the whole scenery around us changes. We are in a dark ally)
Aquapyro: “I know this place. This is…”
Chastity: “Where your powers first came out.”
Aquapyro: “Why have you brought me here?”
Chastity: “You’ll find out soon enough.”

(Just then, two people walked into the ally. The hung on each other as if they were joined at the mouth)
Aquapyro: “That’s me and Casey Jones.”

(The two past lovers lean against the wall)
Casey: “You know I love you so much Kyle.”
PastAquapyro: “And I love you. Soon we will be married and have children. I only pray they can be as beautiful as you my love.”
Casey: “Oh Kyle. Promise we will always be this happy.”
PA: “I promise.”

(They went back into their lock and beside me I watched a tear fall from my Aquapyro’s face. It was having the effect I wanted. Suddenly three muggers stepped in the ally)
Mugger#1: “Awww, look at the two lovebirds.”
Mugger#2: “I think I’m going to be sick.”

(The two lovers stop the expression of their love and jump up from the wall. Casey jumps behind the past Aquapyro. My Aquapyro tries to help but he finds that he cannot move)
Mugger#3: “You know we should charge you two for hotel use.”
Mugger#2: “Yeah and we only accept cash. But you could give use the cutie instead.”
PA: “You get away from us.”
Mugger#3: “Oh, want are you going to you rich little punk?”

(That’s when the past Aquapyro powers up his power for the first time. I freeze the scene and put my Aquapyro in the place of the past one)
Aquapyro: “Why are you doing this? Why did you bring me to this illusion?”
Chastity: “Who said this was an illusion? How do you know this is not the real thing?”

(I faded away and unfroze the scene. Aquapyro then powered up his power and froze the muggers in a block of ice. He then melted it with his left hand. But as the ice melted away, the muggers became monsters. They rushed toward Aquapyro and through him against the wall. One pinned him to the wall while the others attacked Casey. He struggled to fight off the monster, but it was no use. He felt the tears swell in his eyes as he watched his fiancé being attacked. He couldn’t stand it. That’s when his emotions turned into power. He could feel the heat in his left-hand ride up his arm. Then he felt the icy touch of his right hand do the same. It didn’t take long before his entire left side skin was completely red and his right was ice blue. He had never felt this power before. He hit the beast that was pinning him with his left hand and he watched as it burst into flame. He then ran to the two beast holding Casey. He grabbed one and the creature was covered in complete ice. He throws it to the wall and it shatters into a million pieces. He blasts the other away with an ice beam and finishes him off with a ball of fire. He turns to Casey but she is gone and the ally slowly fades away. He is now back in my backyard. He turns to my with tears in his eyes)
Aquapyro: “Why? Why did you do that to me?”
Chastity: “You know why. Emotions trigger our powers. That was the best way I knew to bring you to the next level of your power, by manipulating your emotions. Plus, some emotions should be dealt with before you get any extra responsibility.”

(I walked off, but before I went into the house I turn back to him)
Chastity: “Besides, if she meant everything she said in that ally…then she would have never abandoned you when you needed her the most.”

(I walk off and leave him to his thoughts. As I enter the house, I flip up a paper on my clipboard and write Bishop. The full moon slowly rises overhead. Back in the Mystic Library)
Draco: “Meridian.”
Meridian: “Yes.”
Draco: “I know my sister said to only let me read these books, but are there any other ones that might have anything to help me. I’ve finished these volumes and I want to continue.”
Meridian: “Are you sure you don’t want to rest first?”
Draco: “No I really want to go on. I couldn’t sleep if I tried.”
Meridian: “Okay. Let me go check.”

(As Meridian went off to look for the books, Draco ran to the books where he was forbidden to go before. One book seems to call to him and he grabs it. The words on the book were some ancient language he didn’t understand. He looked at the cover of the book and it seemed as though it was whispering to him. Slowly Book of Crimson Shadows became Book of Crimson Shadows. He opened the book and he was able to read the spells in the book. One full moon ritual stood out to him. Just then Meridian was returning)
Meridian: “You are in luck I found a fe…What are you doing Daemon?”
Draco: “Leta sa tri lamena!”

(Using one of the spells from the other volumes, he summoned up the shadows to incase Meridian in a shadow ball. Meridian is now unable to move. Draco walks over to him and smiles. He then walked over to the mystic jewels and removed a blood red ruby the size of a human skull from it’s casing)
Draco: “Now, I have some tools I need to gather.”

(Suddenly a ripple goes through Draco’s body as he slowly fades away. Back at the Beach House, I watch as Dark Phoenix II sits in the middle of a room lit only by white candles all around the room. She has let down her telepathic illusion and is now in her fifteen-year-old body. Her eyes are closed but she knows I am in front of her. I talk to her in a slow mellow tone)
Chastity: “Now I want you to completely clear your head of all thoughts and let your mind float.”

(I use my powers to manipulate her powers)
Chastity: “Now open your eyes.”

(She does as I say and slowly opens her eyes. She now sees that she is no longer in the meditation room. She is standing on a platform in the middle of space)
DPII: “I remember this place.”
Chastity: “It is the Astral Plane.”
DPII: “How did we get here?”
Chastity: “You brought use here.”
DPII: “How is that possible. I’ve been trying to get here since I got in this body and failed every time.”
Chastity: “That’s because when you move into a new body, the host powers are your powers. Sine Marnie never accessed the Astral Plane, you could never reach it. I’m using my powers to manipulate your powers. Like this.”

(I change our sizes. We are larger beings looking at the planet earth)
Chastity: “The Astral Plane is connected to everyone on the planet. Those with telepathy are the only ones able to mentally reach it and use it. What most TPs don’t know is that it can also be used as an information highway.”
DPII: “How do you mean?”
Chastity: “Well, you have the ability to read someone’s mind who is in range of you. With the Astral Plane your range is magnified to the whole planet. Meaning you could learn something from someone in China if you are still in Texas. For instance I want you to concentrate on fighting styles and pour your thoughts into this figure.”

(She moved her hands to the sides of the planet, closed her eyes and began to concentrate. I could see the strain on her face. This was a technique for higher level TPs, but I had to push her to get her where I want her. Slowly a thread of light started to connect to different lights on planet. It had connected to every light that had lit up and then formed a pole at the top where the North Pole is located. DPII opened her eyes)
Chastity: “Good job. Each of these lights represents someone with the information you were looking for, in this case fighting styles. You also linked them all together and connected them to this pole. Know I want you to put your hands on the pole.”

(She did as I asked and as soon as she touched, a jolt of memories flashed through her mind. She could see many different people train for different things. She watched them grow the technique they were training for. She let out a scream as she let go of the pole and grabbed her head. It took a minute before she regained her composure. She looks at me with a smile on her face)
DPII: “I know every fighting style known to man. And some hidden ones.”
Chastity: “Then you have done well. Now let us return to our bodies.”
DPII: “But I want to learn more.”
Chastity: “You have to pace yourself. Too much and your head will explode. Now you can learn more tomorrow.”

(I return us back to our bodies)
Chastity: “You did good, I want you to work on your meditation concentration more. And as a warning, don’t try scanning other TPs. If a stronger TP senses you in their head they can turn you into mush.”
DPII: “Understood.”

(I walk out of the room and look back to my clipboard. On my last sheet of paper I write Queen. I have finished the first of my lessons and decide to go check up on my brother. I teleport to the Mystic Library. I was welcomed to the surprise of seeing my keeper trapped in a shadow ball. I shoot it with a blast of light and watched it shatter like glass. Meridian floated over to me)
Chastity: “What happened?”
Meridian: “Daemon took one of the forbidden books as well as the Blood Stone.”
Chastity: “What!”

(Enraged I blasted Meridian across the room with an energy blast)
Chastity: “Find him now!”

(There is a flash of light and then Meridian disappears. Further down the beach, Draco has just finished drawing a large pentacle in the sand with a small knife with a gold handle. There are two circles outside of it. There is also an object at each point inside the two circles. At the top point there is a human skull, the top right point has a cow’s heart, the bottom right point was a human eye, the bottom left point had a live snake and the top left point had a container of blood. There were many different runes drawn in the sand and at the middle of the pentacle was the Blood Stone. He stood at the bottom of the pentacle and began speaking the demonic language from the book that was on the ground before him)
Draco: “I, Daemon Darkholme, child of the shadows, ruler of the night calls for the demon god Crimson Shadow.”

(He made a cut on his right hand and threw the blood on the Blood Stone and it began to glow)
Draco: “I release you from your shadowy prison and call you to grant me your power and knowledge of the ancients.”

(With each word the wind grew stronger and a storm could be heard approaching. He threw his blood on the stone again and the glow grew stronger)
Draco: “Arise as I command!”

(He threw his blood on the stone again and sudden the stone grew brighter than ever with a red glow. The clouds overhead turned completely black, darkening the sky. The thunder began to boom and the lightning began to strike. The pentacle in the sand glowed with a red light. The five objects at the points of the pentacle burst into a blood red flame as they combined with the Blood Stone. This caused the stone to explode with energy. Suddenly thousands of black bats flew from out of nowhere and formed a huge black orb over the pentacle. After all the bats had joined together, a large creature slowly descended from the orb. The creature was a large black dragon like demon with long black wings that were folded around his body. Once he was fully out his orb prison, he spreads his wings and lets out a roar that echoes through the shores. Crimson Shadow, the Demon God of the Shadows was now free. He looks down at Draco)
Crimson Shadow: “Who has freed me from my eternal prison.”
Draco: “I, Daemon Darkholme, have freed you. I wish to be granted the powers of a true demon and the knowledge of the shadows.”
Crimson Shadow: “You are nothing more than a novice. How did you even find the book your reading from?”
Draco: “My sister acquired the book. But that does not concern you. I want the power I have asked for now!”

(The demon god lets out a sinister laugh)
Crimson Shadow: “You know there is a price for what you ask.”
Draco: “I care not for that. I will not sit by and be the weak link in my family. I want the power.”
Crimson Shadow: “Then step into the circle and close your eyes.”

(Draco does as he is told and steps into the circle. The demon god closes his eyes and when he reopens them they are completely black. As Crimson Shadow opens his eyes, so does Draco. As the demon god spoke, so did Draco. Suddenly the pentacle started to glow and the shadows around it rose to create a shadow dome around Draco. I arrived just as the dome closed around my brother)
Chastity: “Daemon!”

(But I am too late. The dome closed and my brother is now frozen in it. The book and Crimson Shadow combined into one ball of light and then it seemed to fly straight into Draco. He let out a scream as all that could be seen was his skeleton. Instead of his bones been white, they were completely black. I ran to his help but was struck by a bolt of black lightning. When I got up on my knees, I watched as Draco’s prison exploded with a light that blinded me. When I regain my sight, Draco was now laying on the ground smoking. His flesh had returned to his body. I ran to his side with tears in my eyes and was amazed at how his body had changed. He seemed more muscular than before and his hair was no longer short and thin, it was now longer and seemed to have a glow to it)
Chastity: “Draco…Daemon, wake up please.”

(He slowly came to with a moan)
Chastity: “Are you okay?”

(Draco spoke in some unknown language)
Chastity: “What?”
Draco: “I said I’m fine.”

The Darkholme Prep School
Lesson 2: Teamwork *HF*

(As I stand there watching my brother lying in bed, I'm filled with different emotions. Meridian finishes checking him and then floats over to me)
Chastity: “How is he?"
Meridian: “Everything seems to be okay mistress. There is nothing else I can check for if I don't know what to look for. I would need the book to know what he did."
Chastity: “The book faded away along with the Blood Stone and that creature I saw." Meridian: “Well all that can be done know is keep an eye on him."
Chastity: “Okay.”

(Meridian leaves the room and I walk over to my brother's bedside. I pulled his hand into mine)
Chastity: “How are you filling brother?"
Draco: “I'm doing fine."
Chastity: “That's good."

(Without warning I lift my brother from his bed and throw him across the room. He goes through the wall. I walk through the hole as he stumbles to his feet and I blast him through the window. As he flies out the window, I fly to him, grab him by the neck and slam him into the ground. I get to my feet and stand over top of him. I pick him up with one hand and hold him in the air by his neck)
Chastity: “Do you know what you have done? Not only have you jeopardized your life, my prep school and my positions of power, but you could have also put the entire planet in danger. You don't know what you could have summoned up. You could have brought about the destruction of the universe just because you were power hungry. I will not tolerate this from anyone, especially you. If you try anything like this again I will not hesitate in killing you with my bare hands if need be."

(I let go of him just as the students and a few of my servants come out of the large Beach House)
Chastity: “Take him to his room."

(Without any hesitation my servants do ask I ask)
Chastity: “I want you four to get in gear and be in the backyard in ten minutes. Dark Phoenix II and Gauntlet, I want you in my office as soon as you are changed."

(I walk pass them and head for my office. I do a quick five-minute meditation to cool myself down. My attack on Draco wasn't just because he put everyone in danger, but because the thought of losing him scared me. A few minutes later DPII and Gauntlet walk in my office)
Gauntlet: “You wanted to see us."
Chastity: “Yes, I want to talk to you two about teamwork. The Red Bishop has been training you guys to work as a team, but that goes for in battle as well as off the field.
You two need to get more aquatinted with the others. You can't expect to get far in this world without making friends. Especially you Marnie. .."
DPII: “I don't want to be addressed by that name."
Chastity: “I care not if you are an entity as old as time, right now you are a child who doesn't fully grasp the expect of her powers. But I know mine and if you cut me off again you will see that first hand."

(A flash of Draco lying on the ground flashes through her head, partly my doing)
Chastity: “You need to stop living as if you are an old entity and start acting like you are a nineteen year old girl. Use the things this life has to offer. Live a little, make friends, go out and party. Hell go set a building on fire for all I care, just do something other than standing in the shadows afraid to step into the light. At least Gauntlet goes out for that midnight motorcycle ride. I'm not saying these things to hurt you. I am doing this to help you grow. Now let us start training."

(I teleported us to my backyard. Aquapyro and Spark are already there)
Chastity: “Alright, let us begin."

(1 changed the scene into a battleground. There is nothing but dirt and rocks around them. I fade away as an army of creatures starts to circle them)
Chastity: “Phoenix, in Draco's absence you will take lead."

(Before DPII can reply the battle begins. Aquapyro and Spark power up into their new forms, Gauntlet releases his blades from his wrist and DPII creates a telepathic link between them all)
DPII: (telepathically) “Okay everyone. I know that you might not want me as your leader, but if we work together I'm sure we can do this. Gauntlet, do what you do best and take front. Aquapyro and Spark, keep some space between them and us. Let's move."

(They all do as told. Gauntlet rips through the creatures like they were made of butter.
Aquapyro uses his ice beam to make an ice shield around us and his fireballs to keep them at bay. Spark lets out some strong blasts reducing the creatures to ashes. They are doing well so far. Then the creatures break through the ice shield and begin to separate the group. They are now divided into Aquapyro and DPII/ Spark and Gauntlet. Aquapyro pushes himself to keep the beasts away. DPIl's telepathy has no effect on them so her only weapon is her new fighting skills, which are coming in handy. Aquapyro is caught off guard, and three creatures ambush him. They knock him off his feet. He stumbles to get up as the beasts came in to finish him. Before they got to him, DPII flipped over
Aquapyro, drop kicked the creature in front of him, pushed off him and double kicked the two to the side of him. She landed in front of Aquapyro as graceful as she had just attacked the creatures. Aquapyro got to his feet and walked over to her)
Aquapyro: “Thanks for the help Dark Phoenix II.”
DPII: “Don't mention it. And Kyle, call me Fox.”
Aquapyro: “Okay Fox."

(Aquapyro forms an ice sword and throws it at DPII. She cuts off her temperature sensors in her hand as she grabs the sword and starts swinging it around. She smiles at Aquapyro and they go back to the battle. Over to Spark and Gauntlet)
Spark: "Hey, Gauntlet. How about we gives these guys a charge?"
Gauntlet: "Ready when you are."

(Spark charges up his power and releases it into an electric wave explosion. Everything within twelve feet of them is now ash. Gauntlet absorbs the energy from the blast just as more come to join the battle. Gauntlet stores the energy inside himself and boosts his abilities. He slaughters the rest of the army. He finishes with a chest bump with Spark. They battle is over and I fade it away)

Chastity: "Very good all. I am proud of how you used teamwork when you were separated. And sometimes that is all you need to survive, is teamwork. I want you all to go rest. You can go run the beach, chill in the house or go out if you want."
DPII: "Should we keep our eyes open for any more tests?"

(The others laugh. I can't help but to laugh myself)
Chastity: "No, I'm giving you a break today. Tomorrow, however, I will be sending you on a mission for your final lesson. So be prepared, I'll brief you tomorrow morning at ten o' clock. Until then, you are free."

(They let out a roar as they run inside to change. I teleport myself to my office just as my phone rings. I sit at my desk and pick up the receiver)
Chastity: "Chastity Darkholme."
???????: "Hello Chastity."

(I hear the Red Bishop Steven Booth on the other end. He is also the Headmaster of the Dragonfire Academy)
Chastity: "How can I help you Steven?"
Booth: "Oh I was just calling to see how things were going."
Chastity: "Everything is fine. The students are progressing just as I hoped and they are in great shape."
Booth: "That's funny, because I could've sworn I felt Daemon in pain late last night and early this morning."

(Once someone was under his teaching he developed a telepathic link with them. If ever they were in danger he would know. Through he seemed more interested that one of the students were hurt under my care than the fact he was hurt)
Chastity: "Oh you know my brother. Always training hard. He had a training session late last night and earlier today. He was injured both times, but he is resting it off now."
Booth: "Is that so. I wonder how Lord Ryan would react to the fact he was badly injured under your care."

(I knew it)
Chastity: "Keyword in the matter Steven, they're under my care. If anything happens here it is my responsibility and I will handle it. If anything goes wrong I will contact Lord Ryan myself. Now if that is all?"
Booth: "No there is one more thing. I don't like the fact of you and Lord Ryan making plans for my students behind my back. I will not be kept in the dark again Chastity. I can see now you are a woman with hidden agendas and I don't like it at all."
Chastity: "You're paranoid Steven, no one is making plans behind your back. I asked Lord Ryan about the idea and he approved it. The only agenda I have is making the Court stronger than ever."
Booth: "You talk a good game, but I am not as easily manipulative as Ryan. Good day Chastity."

(He hangs up the phone without waiting for a reply. Steven Booth sits at his desk at the Dragonfire Academy. He stares at a letter from the Black King DarkWolf. It reads of his approval of Steven's idea to make Chastity Headmistress at the Academy. The fact she went behind his back and opened this prep school was giving him second thoughts on making her Headmistress. But if he went back to DarkWolf and told he changed his mind, he might question his judgement as Headmaster. He was now trapped. Back at the Beach House, as I hang up the phone I sense someone in the shadows)
Chastity: "Cronos is that you?"
???????: "No it isn't"

(As my brother steps from the shadows I start to feel the anger from earlier)
Draco: "Chas, before you get all postal again hear me out."
Chastity: "Say what you have to and then return to your room. "
Draco: "I know you're mad at me but there is a reason for what I did. I was tired of feeling like I was holding us back. You were flying through the Court. Your powers were growing stronger, you are now Deputy Headmistress of the Academy and Red Rook of the Red Court. What have I done to help us? Not a damn thing. My powers were going nowhere and I couldn't even match you. So when I saw a way to bring my powers closer to yours I jumped at it. I did it for us. So that I wouldn't be the one to keep us from gaining the power we deserve. I did it more for you than for me. You yourself should understand were I'm coming from."

(I get up and walk over to my brother)
Chastity: "I do understand what you are saying. But you should have told me of what you were planning so I could've helped. Now I have Booth breathing down my neck, and I don't need that right now."
Draco: "I'm sorry Chas. I won't let you down again."
Chastity: "You better not. Or I'll kick your ass again."

(We have a laugh)
Draco: "I don't want that again."
Chastity: "I thought not."
Draco: "But there is something I do want. I know you Chastity and I know you are up to something. I want to know what is this game you're playing."

Chastity: "I can't tell you that Daemon. It makes things easier if I'm the only player in the game."
Draco: "Come on Chas, no game is fun if you play it alone."
Chastity: "Daem. .."
Draco: "Look I have something to offer you in exchange for your trust."
Chastity: " And what might that be?"
Draco: "Gauntlet's past."
Chastity: " And why would that be so important to me?"
Draco: "Have a seat and you will see why."

(I take my seat as my brother gives me the information I feel is no importance to me. For the first time in my life...I was wrong. Outside on the beach, the other four students sit around a bonfire. They talk of the fun they had at training)
Spark: "I swore Gauntlet tore through those things like they were made of cheese. I'm glad you're on our side."
Gauntlet: "It was nothing. I couldn't do it without that charge you gave me."
DPII: “Actually, you couldn't have done it without my leadership."
Aquapyro: "So you led one mission, big deal. I remember when I was in the Beverly Hills Hellfire Club, I used to..."

(Before he could finish his sentence, DPII kicks sand at him)
DPII: "You talk to much."
Aquapyro: "You know Fox, a couple of days ago I would have froze your head for that. But since you saved my ass back there, I'll let it slide this time."

(They have a laugh)
DPII: "Who's up for a swim?"
Spark: "I don't feel like going back to the house yet."
DPII: "Who said anything about going back to the house?"

(With that DPII gets up, runs for the waters and jumps into the ocean)
Spark: "Someone's been having a major attitude adjustment. I like it."

(Spark runs after DPII and the others follow behind him. They splash around and horse around with each other. And for the first time since DPII joined the IHFC and the Academy, she feels apart of the group. Back in my office)
Chastity: "You have got to be kidding me."
Draco: "No sister, this is the real thing. I've checked everything about and it's the truth." Chastity: "Daemon, this makes Gauntlet a danger to everything we're trying to do here. If this got out..."
Draco: "But it won't get out. You, Mr. Stepp and me are the only ones that know about it and we're going to keep it that way. Gauntlet is not a threat, he is a great weapon for the Court and for us."
Chastity: "If you say so Daemon. But make sure you keep him on a short leash."
Draco: "Okay I gave you my part, now it's your turn."
Chastity: "Okay Draco, you're in the game."

(The next day everyone gathers into the backyard. The students are standing at attention in their uniforms as I stand before them and give them their mission)
Chastity: "Your mission is this..."

(I show an illusion of a secret base)
Chastity: "It has come to my knowledge that there are some people here that have come up with a chip that can detect a mutant as soon as their powers manifest. With this they can collar a mutant before we are able to recruit them. Your mission is to retrieve the chip, destroy all information in reference to the chip and wipe the memory of this man..."

(I pull up an illusion of Dr. Troy Max)
Chastity: "This is the man that invented the chip. He is the only one who could rebuild the chip. This is your mission, you have till tonight to strike. Good luck!"

(I teleport them to the compound. They plan to strike when it's dark, so they observe the place till then. When night comes the mission begins. Draco gives the order as team leader)
Draco: "Okay here's the plan. Gauntlet I want you to stay behind incase anything happens and we need you to make room for us."
Gauntlet: "No fun."
Draco: "If you stay patient I'll make sure Chastity gives you an intensive training session."
Gauntlet: "Cool."
Draco: "The rest of you are with me."

(They follow Draco to the gate. Aquapyro freezes the bars of the gates and then melts them away. They enter the compound undetected thanks to DPII keeping up a telepathic shield that makes them invisible to the others on the compound. It is taking a lot of energy to keep up the shield and the telepathic link between them. Once they reach the entrance to the compound, Draco instructs Spark to short circuit the switchboard to the door. Once in, DPII drops the shield. They move into the compound and follow the map
DPII telepathically imprinted into their heads. Halfway into the compound they stop at a corner)
DPII: "Wait, there are three guards approaching. I'll handle this."

(DPII steps from around the comer in a telepathic illusion of herself in a tight red skirt that is short enough for the guards to see her garter straps. The outfit seems to get the guards attention. She giggles and walks toward them)
DPII: "I can't believe I'm lost. Could you boys show my where the ladies' room is?"

(They guards start to give her direction, but before they could DPII knocks the first guard out with a roundhouse kick, she takes his gun and breaks it over the second guards head. The last guard swings his gun at her but she flips over him and delivers a finishing punch to the back of his neck that renders him motionless. The other three members walk from behind the comer)
Draco: "Good work Phoenix."
DPII: "It wasn't nothin' boss."
Spark: "So we're in, what's the game plan?"
Draco: "We split up. Aquapyro and Spark, I want you to head for the control room and nuke the computers and files. Phoenix, I want you with me. We'll find the chip and the doctor. Okay boys and girls, lets move."

(They separate and head for their target. DPII locates the doctor and he has the chip with him. When they get to the room the doctor is in, Draco blasts the door open. Before the guards and people inside can react, Draco turns them all into stone. Everyone except the doctor. DPII walks over to him)
Dr. Max: "What is the meaning of this?"
DPII: “Oh, don't worry Dr. Max. When I'm finished you won't even remember this ever happened. "

(As DPII begins to erase his mind, the other two teammates find the control room)
Spark: "I'll flip you for who gets to do it."
Aquapyro: “Okay.”

(Aquapyro flips out a coin into the air. Before he can call heads or tails, Spark sends an electric shock into the computer system)
Aquapyro: "Hey."
Spark: "You always fall for that one."

(As the computer system begins to explode, an alarm sounds. The two look at each other) Aquapyro & Spark: "Uh-oh."

(They run out the room and head for the exit. They send the telepathic message of "trouble" to the others. They run into DPII and Draco without words. They had for where they entered, but find it blocked by guards. Draco' s eyes turn black as he powers up with dark energy. He releases a blast that blows the guards through the wall. The four ran out expecting an army outside, but they only find unconscious guards on the ground and Gauntlet seating on a tank with the cannon cut off)
Gauntlet: "It took ya'll long enough. Did you get the chip?"

(Draco holds up the chip as he says...)
Draco: "Mission completed."

(The next day the five students gather at the door as they head back to the Academy)
Chastity: "I'm proud of you all. I knew I had picked the right people for the job and now you have graduated from the Darkholme Prep School. You are now to return back to the Academy. But, I scheduled a detour for the Bahamas."
(They all let out a "yeah" as they head for the limo. DPII stays behind and heads toward me)
Chastity: "Yes Fox?"
DPII: "Well, I was doing some work on the Astral Plane and I found something for you."

(She sends my a picture of a girl and some coordinates telepathically)
DPII: “Her name is Kinara Kritian, but she calls herself Claw. Her DNA is close to that of a cat so she has hyper agility and senses.”
Chastity: “Very good Fox. I have to admit I am impressed and pleased. I can see some good things in your future.”
DPII: “Well, I’m here to help.”

(She runs over and joins the rest of the students. Once they pull off, Cronos steps out of his portal behind me)
Cronos: “Everything go as planned?”
Chastity: “Of course.”

(I hand him the chip and he inserts it into his cybernetic arm)
Cronos: “Good, with this we can find new mutants when their powers are ripe faster.”
Chastity: “I also have someone I want you to pick up for me.”

(I allow him to pull the information DPII gave me)
Cronos: “I’m on it. We still on for tonight?”
Chastity: “Bring me the girl and I’ll think about it.”

(He slaps me on my butt as he teleports away. I teleport to the Red King’s chambers. He is sitting at his large oak desk reading some papers. I walk over to his side and sit on his desk. I snap my fingers and a folder falls onto his desk)
Lord Ryan: “I guess everything was a success?”
Chastity: “Of course. And you should have another new member by tonight.”
Lord Ryan: “I swear Ms. Darkholme, you never seize to amaze.”

(I run my finger across his cheek)
Chastity: “You haven’t seen nothing yet.”