The Dawning *HF*

By Chastity

The Dawning *HF*

By: Chastity


(We begin our tale in a well-furnished condo in upper Manhattan. A man, who appeared to be in his mid twenties, with shoulder length, straight pitch-black hair sits in an old-fashioned chair. The tailor made suit he wore and the decorations through out the room showed he had some expensive taste. He sipped on a glass of brandy as he gazed into the flames of the roaring fire before him. He is not of this world. He was sent to this world to prevent some dangerous events that were about to occur. He plays his plans over in his head as he whispers a name that he was sent to search for)

???????: “Emmanuella.”

(Just than, a man dressed in an all black body suit came rushing in the door and knelt beside his chair)

???????: “What is it?”

Servant: “Master Donovan, the oracle says the second event is approaching.”

Donovan: “Oh yes, the awakening of the one born of both Heaven and Hell. Tell me my dear boy, how the hell do we know any of these feeble events even happened. We still have no proof that the first event had occurred. We have seen no sign of four children who shall rise to become the Guardians of this world.”

Servant: “But my lord your Father said…”

(Donovan through his glass into the fire causing it to burn angrily. He rose from his sit, grabbed the servant by the neck and lifted him into the air. Green energy slowly leaked from Donovan’s eyes as he tightened his grip around his servant’s neck)

Donovan: “I know damn well what my father said. I do not need you to remind me. You have delivered your news no leave!”

(He threw the servant towards the door. He landed on the floor with a thump and slowly crawled from the room. Donovan waved his hands at the angry fire casing it to extinguish. He walked over to his window and materialized another glass of brandy in his hand and the words of his father replayed in his head: “If you discover that she is apart of this war that is approaching, then you must kill her. You must kill Emanuella.”)

Donovan: “Sister, where are you?”



(In a small dark room that was consumed with the smell of human blood, twelve hooded figures encircle around a block of stone that was set in the center of the room. They chanted words that would cause most mortal ears to bleed. There were different kinds of symbols drawn all around the room that were written in blood. The words the strangers spoke seemed to cause the symbols around the room to glow with an unholy light. They chanted for hours until finally the block of stone started to crack and blood slowly poured from the opening. The chanting stopped as the block began to crumble and exploded with a light that consumed the entire room. As the light dimmed, a naked figure now stood where the block of stone once was. He was tall and well built with long purplish-sliver hair. His eyes were a cold silvery blue. And there was a long scar across his chest. He stretched his body as if he had awakened from a long slumber. Eleven of the figures knelt before him, as one walked towards him)

Hooded Man: “Master you are awake. We have been trying for decades to bring about your awakening and now you are here to lead us into a new era. An era that will bring both Heaven and Hell to your feet. An era that will cause the rivers to flow with the blood of those who oppose you. An era…”

(Before he could get his words out, the newly awakened man grabbed the hooded man by his head and ripped it from his body)

????????: “You people always talk to much.”

(As the now lifeless body of the hooded man fell to the ground, the mystery man threw his head across the room. Those who were at his feet rose and slowly backed away, not knowing what to do)

????????: “Now now, don’t be afraid. This is your reward for freeing me. You mortals always put your hands were it doesn’t belong. Thinking you can gain true power from the darkness. This is what happens when you invoke powers you don’t understand.”

(He gestured towards the body on the floor)

????????: “So if you don’t mind, I’ve been in that block for a long time and am hungry.”

(His eyes changed from blue to an unholy yellow and his pupils turned into a slit as he began to slaughter the ones who just helped in freeing him. After they all were dead and he sucked every drop of blood from their bodies, he lets out a laugh that sent a chill through the entire planet as he exposes his enlarged canine teeth)


(As one of my servants finished tightening the corset top to my red mini-skirt, I felt a cold draft brushed against my skin causing me to stand up right)

Servant: “Is there something wrong my lady?”

Chastity: “No, it was nothing.”

(I sat on my bed as she laced up my knee-high, red long heeled boots. I pulled my hair back in a bun and placed two pins in it to hold it in place. She backed away and placed her hands behind her back as I checked myself in the mirror. I smiled in approval and dismissed the servant girl. I walked over to my bed, grabbed my suit jacket and put it on. I leave my room, on my way to my first meeting for the day. I stopped by my children’s room, like I always do before I leave. To my surprise, I walked in the room to find that Cronos was in the room playing with my now three-year-old children. After the night, where after a month of life they had aged a year in time, I put them in the care Cronos to study. He was unable to find out anything out of the ordinary with the children. As far as he could tell they were four healthy three-year-old children that aged a year in a month. During his research, he had grown quite attached to them. Over the last three months, I noticed the different characteristics of my children. I knew that Shauna was the leader of them. Whenever they would play a game, she would take charge. I also noticed that she seemed to be a little too interested in boys so soon. Who knows where she got that characteristic trait? Plus the fact that her hair wasn’t blonde like the others made her stand out from them. Nicole has shown that she is the brain of the group. Within her second month she was able to use her spelling blocks to spell her own name. She even used one of the minus symbols from her mathematics blocks for the hyphen between Darkholme-Jensen. And no one ever told her how to spell it. She also developed an strange interest in classical music. From listening to Steven’s old records, she was able to Mozart without a day’s lesson. I’m sorry to say that Nicholas has gained an arrogant and bully like attitude toward others. I really must cut his time with his Uncle Daemon down. And lastly my little Shane seems to be the shy one of the bunch. Though Daemon disagrees with me on that one. He says that he has had a couple of worried events happen to him. Like his cell phone being glued together or there was butter in his new shoes as well as jelly stains on his Armani suit. And every time something happened, Shane was always around. But why would a three-year-old do such things. Plus they had all developed higher level speech for their age)

Nicole: “Uncle Cronos, when is the next time we get to rest your lab?”

Shane: “Yeah, we like the cool lights and stuff.”

Cronos: “I’ll take you there soon. And guess what, I got a new VR game for you to play.”

Shane: “Uh, what does VR stand for?”

(To both the surprise of Cronos and I, Nicole was able to answer the question before he could reply)

Nicole: “VR stands for virtual reality. It simulates a three dimensional world that gives the player the feel as if they are really in the game. Is that right Uncle Cronos?”

Cronos: (stunned) “Y…y…yeah that’s correct Nicole.”

(A smile of joy lit up her face)

Shauna: “Know it all.”

(Nicole stuck her tongue out at her teasing sister. I entered the room and cleared my throat)

Chastity: “You two behave.”

Nicole&Shauna: “Okay.”

Chastity: “Now, I have to borrow your Uncle Cronos for a minute.”

(Cronos got up from his seat and walked over to me as the children went back to their playing. I walked out the room and he closed the door as he followed behind me)

Cronos: “I think we have a natural born genius on our hands.”

Chastity: “That’s from all that reading she does in your labs.”

Cronos: “Maybe I should do a brain length test to find out how far her brain capacity can go.”

Chastity: “Just as long as you remember that my children are patients, not test subjects.”

(He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to him)

Cronos: “You know I would never do anything to hurt those kids.”

Chastity: “I know. Because you know that if you did anything that would put my children in any kind of harm…”

(I pulled him closer to me and whispered into his ear)

Chastity: “…I would cause so much pain, it would make the Holocaust look like a walk in the park. And then I would kill you.”

Cronos: “Mmmm, a little pain could be good.”

(I bit his ear)

Chastity: “Maybe later.”

(I step back from him)

Cronos: “Tease.”

Chastity: “Foggy.”

(We smile at one another as I teleport us to my secret chambers. As we arrive, we find that Shadow, Hel and Daemon are already in attendance. Shadow is huddled in the corner with Hel and my dear brother is pacing the floor. Their attention turns to us as we materialize)

Daemon: “Fashionably late as always Chas.”

Chastity: “Cool your hoofs D. I stopped to see the kids if you don’t mind.”

(We all gathered in the center of the room where there was a holopad)

Chastity: “Okay boys and girls, lets here it. Shadow?”

Shadow: “Well, working as a spy in the Purple Court hasn’t been much use. Everyone’s happy, they get along and not one of them is ready to kill the other. I’m on the verge of killing myself to end the pain of sitting around those losers.”

Chastity: “Hang in there. We need some eyes there to make sure our new King stays in his bounds. Hel?”

Hel: “The Company’s production rate has gone up 56.2%. The stocks are up and we have taken over the Barnum’s Biotech east coast property.”

Chastity: “Good work. Keep me posted. D?”

Daemon: “The security system of the court has been upgraded. The labs are working on a new weapon prototype.”

Chastity: “I want a folder on the weapon on my desk tomorrow. Cronie?”

(He smirked before answering)

Cronos: “We’ve found four new mutants.”

(He clicks a button on his arm and a hologram of a young Caucasian girl appeared on the holopad. She had short red hair, deep brown eyes and appeared to be the same height as Hel)

Cronos: “This is Jessica Pierce. She is a sixteen year old runaway with the ability to produce telekinetic daggers from her hands.”

(He clicked another button and a picture of an African American boy about a little bit older replaces the picture of Jessica. He had dreaded hair that hung just below his shoulders. His neon green eyes reminded me of someone)

Cronos: “This is Cornell Bowes. He comes from a very wealthy family in England. His brother is the current Black Rook of the Hellfire Court in England.”

Chastity: “Mmmm, X (see New Arrivals).”

(Everyone turns their attention to me. I clear my throat)

Chastity: “Continue.”

Cronos: “Right. He is eighteen and currently staying in the states. He has heightened senses and strength which helps him in his line of work as a bounty hunter and killer.”

(Clicked the button again bringing up the picture of a young Asian male. He had short black hair and eyes that were completely white)

Cronos: “This kid is simply known as Chip, a master hacker at the young age of seventeen. He is literally a computer genius. He has developed computerized gloves that give him access to a virtual keyboard. With this he can access a computer where ever he is.”

(He click once again to reveal a Caucasian male with long blond hair and cool gray eyes)

Cronos: “And lastly Jeffery Hawk. Son of Daniel Hawk, CEO of Hawkwing Inc.”

Daemon: “Didn’t we just buy out their company? I don’t think he would be to happy about joining us after we stole his family company.”

Hel: “He will if we offer him a percentage of it.”

(A pleased smile crossed my face)

Chastity: “Very good Hel. I see bringing you up to Bishop wasn’t a bad idea.”

Cronos: “As I was saying. Mr. Hawk can alter his own skin into organic metal.”

(He clicked another button on his arm and cleared the screen)

Chastity: “Well done. This is a good batch.”

Daemon: “I guess will have someone from the Red Court office to contact them.”

Chastity: “No dear brother. I don’t want the Recruitment office to know about them.”

Daemon: “And why not?”

Chastity: “Simple. If we recruit these promising young stars for the Red Court, they’ll just be shipped off to that pain in my side Booth. And filled with morals and thoughts of saving the world from all the evil that consumes it.”

Shadow: “And what good would that do.”

Chastity: “Exactly. So these new recruits will stay between us. I don’t even want Ryan to know about this.”

Daemon: “And where is our noble King anyway?”

Chastity: “Off on business as usual. He still feels a little guilty about this thing with Steven and he’s starting to bury himself in work. It’s starting to get in the way of his ruling.”

Cronos: “I’m sure you can find a way to take his mind off his troubles.”

(I smile at him with a loving face. Daemon makes an annoying sound)

Daemon: “Get a room.”

Chastity: “Meeting over. Shadow and Hel, I want you two to contact these four and keep them on low profile. I don’t want anyone else to know about them.”

Shadow: “As you wish my lady.”

(Shadow puts his hand on Hel’s shoulder and they fade away. Daemon looks at his watch)

Daemon: “Well, I have another meeting to get to.”

Chastity: “A new brunette?”

Daemon: “Actually a blonde.”

Chastity: “Still stalking the slayer?”

Daemon: “I’m not stalking her. I just follow her in the shadows without her knowing I’m there.”

Chastity: “Oh yeah, that’s called stalking.”

(He smiles before he too fades away. Cronos wraps me in his arms)

Cronos: “I have other business to take care of as well.”

Chastity: “You sure have been awfully busy since you became a free agent.”

Cronos: “Well, when you’re no longer under the watchful eyes of a Court, you can find it much easier to complete certain projects.”

Chastity: “Such as?”

Cronos: “Nothing big…yet.”

Chastity: “Are we keeping secrets now?”

Cronos: “I wouldn’t know. You’re the authority on secrets Chastity.”

(He backed up from me, clicked a button on his wrist and teleported away. He was right. I always carried secrets because I never trusted someone enough to tell them my life story. Because to trust someone means you would need their help. And I never needed anyone to help me. But pretty soon I would be in need of a lot more help then I ever thought possible. I decided since my schedule was clear for the next few hours, I would go spend time with my kids. I teleported to their nursery door and stood outside as I watched Ms. Jenkins reading them a story on Greek mythology)

Jenkins: “Today we will continue the story on the Gods and Goddess of Greek Mythology.”

(A happy look crossed all the kids’ faces as Ms. Jenkins opened the book and began reading)

Jenkins: “Many of the great gods and goddess of the Greek Mythology lived high a top the great Mount Olympus. There were twelve Gods and Goddess in total. First there was the mighty Zeus, King of all the Gods, and by his side was his Queen Hera. They were the rulers of all.”

Shauna: “You mean like mommy and daddy?”

Jenkins: “Yes, I guess you could compare them to your parents.”

(I couldn’t help but smile at the compliment of being compared with the great Gods)

Jenkins: “Next there was Poseidon, Zeus’ stormy brother. He was the God of the Sea and he lived deep in the ocean.”

(She turned the book around so that the children could see a picture of Poseidon. Shane laughed)

Shane: “He looks like Uncle Steven.”

Nicole: “Yeah, he does.”

(I guess he did look a little like Steven. And the stormy personality matched. Ms. Jenkins continued her story)

Jenkins: “Then there was the dark and cold Hades, God of the Underworld and the Dead.”

(She showed them a picture)

Nicholas: “That sounds like Uncle Daemon.”

(Ms. Jenkins smiled as she continued)

Jenkins: “Next was Demeter, Goddess of the Harvest.”

(She showed them a woman with a strong face and a warm smile)

Nicole: “She has your smile.”

Jenkins: “Aww, thank you for the compliment my child.”

(She smiled her usual warm smile as she continued)

Jenkins: “Then there was Hestia, Goddess of the Hearth and Home.”

Shane: “Ms. Jenkins, what’s a hearth?”

Nicole: “It’s something like a fireplace.”

Jenkins: “That is correct.”

Shane: “That sounds like Aunt Hel.”

(Hel definitely could play the role of a Goddess who took care of fire)

Jenkins: “Next we come to the children Gods and Goddess. First there were the Golden Twins, Apollo and Artemis. Apollo was the God of Light, Music and Poetry. His twin sister was Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt and Unmarried Girls. She spent her time hunting through the woods with her nymphs and hunting dogs.”

Shauna: “Sounds like fun. I want to be Artemis.”

Jenkins: “I could see you as a young Artemis.”

Nicole: “Oooo, who would I be Ms. Jenkins?”

Jenkins: “Hmm, let’s see. Oh, I got it. I can see you as Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. She was also Goddess of Arts and Crafts as well as Zeus’ favorite daughter.”

(A pleased smile crossed her face)

Nicholas: “I know who I would be. Ares, God of War. A proud warrior who loved battle.”

Jenkins: “He was also very boastful, cruel and had no manners.”

Nicholas: “So.”

(Ms. Jenkins just shook her head)

Shane: “I want to be a God too.”

Jenkins: “Hmm, I could see you as a little Hermes, God of Shepherds, Merchants, Travelers and Thieves. He was also known to be a swift mischievous little rascal.”

(She raised an eyebrow to him and he replied with a bashful smile, as if they shared a secret)

Nicholas: “Please. You too much of a baby to be a God.”

Shane: “I am not a baby.”

Nicholas: “Aww, is the little baby going to cry.”

(Shane looked as if he was about to. I was going to come in and comfort my child, when Shauna stood up in defense of her brother)

Shauna: “Well, at least Shane doesn’t still wet the bed.”

(Nicholas’ face filled with embarrassment. Shauna smiled cruelly at her brother (another trait that seemed familiar) as Nicole and Shane covered their mouths to contain their laughter. What happened next was the most shocking set of events I had ever imagined. Instead of tears dripping from my child’s face, yellow energy slowly leaked from his eyes as he stood to his feet and his body was consumed in a yellow aura)

Nicholas: “SHUT UP!!!!”

(He released a beam of energy that knocked Shauna through the wall across the room. My mouth fell open. But what was even more shocking then seeing my three-year-old son blast his sister through a wall, was watching Shauna crawl out the hole in the wall with chirred clothes that had holes in it, smoke coming from her body, but not one scare on her skin)

Shauna: “Your going to pay for that dear brother.”

(Shauna picked up the oak wood dresser, which took three of my servants to lift, with one hand and flung it at her brother. Shane, who was seated right in front of Nicholas, ran for safety by Nicole and Ms. Jenkins. This was a normal reaction for a frightened child. What wasn’t normal was that he ran there in a blink of an eye, literally. Before the dresser could get to Nicholas, he shot another energy beam at it. The dresser exploded into debris that scattered through the room. Nicole decided that she would protect Ms. Jenkins and her brother by raising a telekinetic bubble around them that deflected the debris. She than screamed out “mommy” for help. I know it seemed like the most normal thing that had happened, but I didn’t hear her words in my ears. I heard them in my mind. The shock had finally released my tongue)

Chastity: “ENOUGH!”

(Everyone’s gaze turned to me. Shauna put down the second dresser she had in her hand, Nicholas powered down and Nicole dropped her TK shield)

Chastity: “All right kids, lets go have a little visit with Uncle Cronie.”

(A few hours later, Ryan, Daemon, Cronos and I stood in Cronos’ lab. He was viewing some files on his computer as I watched the children playing in the other room)

Chastity: “I want some answers Cronos and I want them now!”

Cronos: “Well, sorry to disappoint you my dear, but I can’t give you any.”

Ryan: “There’s a surprise.”

(Ryan and Cronos exchanged looks. I walked in between them)

Chastity: “Ryan, stop it. What do you know Cronos?”

Cronos: “We’ll as far as I can tell, the kids are perfectly normal. There’s nothing any of my test can show that would explain any of the strange events that happen around them. There’s not even a single strand of mutant DNA in them. As far as I can tell, they are completely normal.”

Daemon: “Well the fact that Nicholas can shoot energy beams from his hands, Shauna can lift things ten times her size, Nicole can move things and speak with her mind, Shane has achieved light-speed, not to mention their amazing growth spares all say different.”

(Cronos paid Daemon no mind as he got up from his seat and walked towards me)

Cronos: “Chastity, there’s nothing else I can do. I’ve done all I can with every piece of science I know. Due to the way these kids were born and the nature of their parent’s powers, science may not be the way to go. I might have a friend…”

Ryan: “Out of the question. We looked for outside help when we came to you and where did it get us. We’ll take care of our own like we always do.”

Cronos: “Don’t let your silly pride get in the way of what is important.”

Ryan: “Don’t tell me what’s important.”

(They were an inch away from each other. I knew this was getting us nowhere. I sent a gust of wind through the room that knocked them both off their feet)

Chastity: “Stop it you two. I want answers to what is happening to my children. And I don’t care who I get them from. So Cronos, who is this friend of yours?”

(Like I said before, I was never someone who looked for help from others. But this was going to be the start to change all that. I found myself knocking on the door of the friend Cronos sent me to. A middle-aged male answered the door)

Servant: “Hello Ms. Darkholme. We have been expecting you. Follow me.”

(He gestured for me to follow him. It was a large mansion. It revealed that of the Red Court. It even resembled us a little bit. I followed the servant through some long hallways, until we stopped at a large door that didn’t really fit the rest of the house. The servant opened the doors and I followed. The room was filled with different smells of incense and herbs. As well as hundreds of books and an assortment of different candles. We came to the center of the room where a small man was looking over a book at a desk)

Servant: “Sir, Ms. Darkholme is here.”

(The servant bowed and left the room. The small man got up from his sit and walked over to me. He greeted me with a warming smile)

??????: “Hello Ms. Darkholme. Cronos said that you were in need of my help.”

Chastity: “Yes Mr…”

??????: “Please, no mister. Just call me Gomurr.”

Chastity: “Gomurr, I need your help. You have devoted your life to training a child of great power how to use their gifts. I’m sure Cronos told you the story of my children. He can’t give me any answers, so I’m hoping you can. So I want to put my children in your hands. Trust me, money is no object.”

Gomurr: “Money is not important to me Ms. Darkholme.”

Chastity: “Please call me Chastity.”

Gomurr: “Chastity, I’m sorry to inform you that I am not able to help you.”

(His answer was not what I wanted to hear)

Chastity: “Look you shriveled up old prune. I came her for your help and I won’t leave till you give it to me. I tried to be nice but I will take other means if need be.”

(I powered up. He simply smiled at my threat and turned his back on me)

Gomurr: “Good day Chastity.”

(I fell to my knees and grabbed his arm)

Chastity: “No wait. I’m sorry. Please, I really need your help.”

(He turned to see the tear that started to form in my eyes. He helped me to my feet and walked me over to a large chair in the corner of the room)

Gomurr: “Chastity, I have no problem with helping you and your children. But it will take more than just asking me to help you.”

(He cuffed my chin in his hand)

Gomurr: “I’ve seen your type before Chastity. The tough girl, who never showed any fear to anything and never asked anyone for help. You created this image of a person of great strength with a heart of stone that didn’t need anyone. When in reality you are nothing more than a scared little girl who is still growing up. Now you have these kids that seem to be chipping through that shell of yours. When these kids first came into your life, you probably saw them as another tool in your game. You had plans of molding them into something that would best benefit you. Then when these kids started looking to you for care you then looked at them as burdens in your life. Now you are seeing them as what the really are. Not a tool or as burdens, but the greatest gift that you could ever receive, the gift of life. These children’s lives are in your hands.”

(He took my hands in his)

Gomurr: “But can you handle these fragile lives in your hands. Do you even want to? Well, if you do it’s going to have to take some serious effort on your part. Only you can make this decision. You need to take charge to become not only a better Queen, but a better mother.”

(His words touched deeper than anything I’ve ever experience before. And I found the reason this man was looked to as one of the wises man on earth. I found myself in another of the White Court’s rooms crying my eyes out. No one has ever brought me to tears before. And I actually set though Mariah Carey’s “Glitter”. Gomurr gave me some time to make my decision. An hour later I still was nowhere near an answer. He’s words were true. All this time I’ve still been the same little girl I was when I first came to the Red Court. I rose to the title of Red Queen very quickly, but even though I grew in power I never grew into the role of a true Queen. To become a Queen, you needed much more than just power. You needed a whole lot more. My thoughts were so clouded of what my next move should be I didn’t even notice the figure entering the room)

??????: “Are you okay?”

(I looked up to see the White King, Supergrover!!!, walk into the room. I wiped my eyes and turned my face away)

Chastity: “I’m fine.”

(He closed the door behind him as he walked over to me)

SG!!!: “Are you sure? If you needed something, I’d be glad to help.”

Chastity: “I SAID I WAS FINE!”

(I tried to say it with all the usual composure I had, but I could hear the quiver in my voice)

SG!!!: “Um, I know I’ve never talked to you before Chastity. But I may be able to help you.”

Chastity: “Gee, and how could you do that?”

(He paid my cold shoulder no mind and stood in front of me)

SG!!!: “Because I’ve been where you are now. Both as a King and a new parent.”

(I turned my gaze up to him)

SG!!!: “The two hardest things I had to become in life was a King and a father. At first the thought of being King was intoxicating to me. I never felt so full of power. But then I realized it wasn’t just about power. I had people depending on me to lead them. People who were putting their lives in my hand. I thought it was bad enough when I became King but when I gained custody of my son, my life came to a stop. I sat back and realized that I need to become a better person for both my son and my subjects. It wasn’t all about me any more, it was time that I stepped up and did what was right so that I could become both a better ruler and a better Father. I won’t lie to you it was the hardest things that I had…well have to do. It’s something that no one should ever have to deal with alone. But if you will let me, I can give you some pointers.”

(I looked up at his smile and then at the hand he had extended out to me. And for the first time in my entire life, instead of smacking a helping hand away, I reached out for it. He gripped my hand and pulled me to my feet. I don’t know if it was the warmth of his hand or the calming glow in his eyes. But at that moment with Supergrover!!!, I felt safe. I knew what I had to do next. Later that day, I called an emergency Inner Circle meeting. I also invited Cronos to join us in the meeting. He sat in the sit reserved for the Red Rook, and I’m sure Ryan knew what was coming next. But he had no idea what it meant)

Ryan: “I guess I now why this meeting was called.”

Chastity: “Yes, I wanted to bring Cronos to the table to become the new Red Rook. I’m sure his experience in the Courts speaks for itself. So, I bring the vote to the table. Of course my vote is yah. Hel?”

Hel: “Sure, we could use a little more muscle around here.”

(She winked at Cronos)

Chastity: “Daemon?”

Daemon: “I think he could cut it.”

Chastity: “Ryan my dear?”

(He hesitated before answering)

Ryan: “If you think he can do it. Fine by me. But I will be watching you.”

(Cronos smiled at Ryan as if knew something Ryan didn’t. this made him uneasy)

Chastity: “Very good. Let me be the first to welcome Cronos to the Red Court as it’s new Red Rook.”

(There was a round of applause at the table. But Cronos’ unsettling smile never left his face. The clapping stopped and Ryan was ready to close the meeting)

Ryan: “Well, if that is all I’ll call this meeting to…”

Chastity: “Actually Ryan, there is something else that we need to address.”

Ryan: “Oh is there.”

Chastity: “Yes there is. Ryan dearest, the rest of the Inner Circle and myself have been talking. We are very unhappy with your recent acts of leadership.”

Daemon: “Not only have you let Steven take our Hellions across the ocean.”

Hel: “But you have let your guilt over the Millennium Massacre consume you. You’ve been more worried about something that happened in the past, than focusing on what’s happening in the present.”

Daemon: “You have shown weakness Ryan.”

Chastity: “And we need someone of greater strength to lead us.”

Daemon: “Basically we don’t find you fit to lead us.”

Chastity: “So we have decided that we are leaving you Ryan. And were taking all ties that we have gained though and for the Red Court.”

Daemon: “Some of the connections wouldn’t follow us unless we had four IC votes.”

Hel: “Four votes of an Inner Circle can override that of a Kings. And the four of us have decided so.”

(Ryan returned to Cronos’ smile and found the answer behind it. He turned back to me)

Ryan: “So, let me get this straight. Not only are you all leaving the Red Court, but you also plan on taking my connections with you. And you truly think I will stand by and let you?”

(He said this as he stood from his chair. I could sense him calling on his power. At the same time Hel and Daemon stood. Hel powered up her “Phoenix Aura” and Daemon was consumed in Dark Energy)

Chastity: “Go ahead Ryan, kill me and there will be three others standing by to drop you. Of course I always wondered. With all that power you hold, can you control it if your brains have been painted on the other wall.”

(Cronos pointed a small but powerful gun to Ryan’s temple)

Cronos: “I’d like to find out.”

(I got up and touched Ryan’s chin)

Chastity: “What’s wrong Ryan? Afraid of a little challenge?”

(He powered down and pushed Cronos’ gun away from his head)

Ryan: “I fear nothing my dear. And soon you will learn that.”

Chastity: “I look forward to it.”

(I walked to the door of the meeting hall and the others followed. I stopped at the door and turned to Ryan as the other left the room)

Chastity: “You take care Ryan love.”

Ryan: “Don’t die too soon my sweet.”

(We exchanged smiles, but knew the other wanted to kill the other where they stood. This fact is probably why we were both turned on. I left out the room. And thus began a new chapter for the Hellfire Clubs)