The Death of a Court *HF*

By Chastity

I Welcome You To The Death Of A Court *HF*

(Nothing could have prepare me for the events that transpired. I still lie awake at night believing this nightmare would be over. I still don’t know why this happened but I do know who is at fault…me. It all started on what I thought would be a normal day. I was sitting at my desk in my new Court, viewing the folders of my Hellions. I had recruited Gauntlet, Phantom and Bane from the Red Court and added a few others from Cronos’ wish list. There was the boy known only as Chip. A 17-year-old child who was much like a living computer. There were the brother and sister duo Jack and Dana Thomas a.k.a. Shocker and Inferno; the names speak for themselves. Two runaways who saw the opportunity of having a home more than they could wish for. The ever so arrogant Jeffery Hawk a.k.a. Crusher. His father was one of many victims in my takeovers and he was willing to join me after I offered him a percentage of his father’s company. There was the street thief Jessica Bay a.k.a. Wired, who used her talents of hyper speed to aid her in her career. Everything was going as planned. My Inner Circle was strong and I had some worthy Hellions. I sat there in awe of myself. My mind started to drift to the thoughts of my children. I wondered how their visit with their Godfather Steven was going. I was about to give them a call when Emma Frost, my Crimson Headmistress, came into my office. She stood in front of my desk with her hands on her hips)

Emma: “Chastity, I need a quick word with you.”

Chastity: “Yes.”

Emma: “I really must disagree with our King’s tactics of teaching my students.”

(I knew exactly what she was talking about, Since we were in need of a someone to train the Hellion until we found a Headmaster to do so, Cronos stepped up to the plate. We needed the Hellions ready fast, so I allowed him to use any kind of teachings he had available)

Chastity: “Cronos is just a hard trainer. He is only pushing them hard to prepare them for anything.”

Emma: “He broke Bane’s arm in four places.”

Chastity: “He’s a quick healer he’ll survive.”

Emma: “But…”

Chastity: “Look, Cronos is taking a few of the students out for a training session. If it will make you feel any better, you can accompany him on the session.”

Emma: “Fine.”

(It wasn’t the answer she wanted, but it would do for now. Before we could end our conversation, my office phone buzzed. I clicked the button to her from my assistant Dawn Roberts. She was originally supposed to be a member of my Hellions, but I figured she would be better to stand under my wing. She was a were-cat and not very trained in fighting. She was also very timid so I felt she would be safer working with me)

Dawn: “Sorry to interrupt you Ms. Darkholme, but there is a call from Ms. Hel on line one. She said that she is at the home office and she needs to talk to you immediately.”

Chastity: “Probably the news of that company I was after. Is there anything else Emma?”

Emma: “No, I should be going if I’m going to catch up with Cronos before they leave.”

Chastity: “Okay. Dawn send the call through.”

(As Emma walked out of my door, I picked up the phone to hear the good news from Hel. Or so I thought. Since she was going to be located with the Black Court in New York, she would be closer to home office than me so I gave her the job of overseeing things at Darkholme Internationals while she was there)

Hel: “Chas, there is a problem that needs your direct attention. It’s about that shipping company you were after.”

Chastity: “I trust things went as planned?”

Hel: “No, someone overbid us drastically.”

Chastity: “What! That’s impossible. I knew all the other bidder’s bids. I overbid the highest bid by a grand. Who was it?”

Hel: “It’s a new company that was basically formed overnight.”

Chastity: “New company? I haven’t heard of any new company.”

Hel: “I hadn’t either until I got the news we lost the shipping yard. But when I found out the name, I knew you would need to be notified.”

Chastity: “Why?”

Hel: “The name of this new company is DV8, Inc.”

(Dv8, Inc., that was Draco’s company before we merged. That bastard. He knew about me going after the shipping yard before he left. He also knew what I would bid and he overbid me. He knew I would need that company after his departure and he hit me hard)

Hel: “Without the shipping yard, we’re going to have to come up with a new game plan and fast.”

Chastity: “I’m on my way Hel.”

(I quickly hung up my phone and headed for the Crimson Jet. As I left my office, I saw Dawn sitting at her desk typing up some reports for me. She was a little shorter than me and was of caramel complexion. Her hair was short brown that hung around her ears and her feline eyes gave her a sort of mystic attraction)

Chastity: “Dawn, please notify my Bishop, Knight and Rook that I will be out of the office for the day. If they need me, contact me at my office in New York.”

Dawn: “Will do Miss C.”

(Mss C? I’ve never been called that before, but I liked it. When I got there, I was surprised to find Chip, one of my Hellions, working on the jet. He was hanging upside down on one of the wings. He looked up at me with his squinted eyes that looked as if they could be circuit breakers and smiled)

Chip: “Good day my Queen.”

Chastity: “Hello Chipie. What seems to be the problem?”

Chip: “Well….”

(He formed a holographic projection of the plane. Chip designed some computerized gloves that gave him access to a virtual computer wherever he was. He could also use the virtual to tap into other computers. He was a hacker in his spare time. There were to sets of arrows pointing at two different parts of the jet)

Chip: “The teleothermo circuits are out on the right wing and the mircohydro boosters are out in the lower DL panel causing the Alpha string to…”

Chastity: “Chip, in English.”

(He erased the hologram)

Chip: “Sorry. The wing is busted and the jet won’t fly.”

Chastity: “How long before it’s fixed?”

Chip: “By the end of the day.”

Chastity: “Damn. I need to get to New York now. And Cronos already left?”

Chip: “Yep, he took Bane, Gauntlet, Neo and Ms. Frost out for that training session.”

Chastity: “Great. Wait, weren’t you suppose to go on that session?”

Chip: “Yes, but the jet needed to be taken care of right away.”

Chastity: “Is that so? What a coincidence.”

Chip: “Yeah, go figure.”

(He made a nervous laugh)

Chip: “Well, I really should get back to work.”

Chastity: “Fine, I’ll have to find another mode of transportation.”

Chip: “How do you plan on getting there?”

Chastity: “I have no choice but to teleport there.”

Chip: “Whoa, you can get that far?”

Chastity: “Yeah, it just takes a lot out of me that’s all. I’ll just get a ride back from the Black Court.”

Chip: “I yi captain.”

(He went back to work)

Chastity: “Oh, and Chip dear?”

Chip: “Yes.”

Chastity: “It’s a shame you missed out on the training session. I’ll be sure to schedule a private session for when Cronos gets back.”

Chip: “I wouldn’t dare put you through the trouble.”

Chastity: “No trouble, I insist.”

(I smiled at him before I concentrated all my power into my next move. New York was far from New Orleans, so I knew I would have to use a lot of power to get there. There were huge flashes of light as my body slowly faded away. My landing wasn’t all to good. I lost control before I could get to my chair in my office at Darkholme Internationals HQ, and landed on my desk. My head was a little fuzzy as I got to my feet. My powers were weakened. I tried to move my desk and all must broke a sweat. I would have to take it easy for the rest of the day. I walked into Hel’s office to find her on the phone. When she saw me come in she hung the phone up to greet me)

Hel: “That was some connections of mine. I’ve found the location of Draco’s home office. As well as some info on the company. He has a very elusive silent partner. But I couldn’t get any info on him.”

Chastity: “So, we have connections now do we?”

Hel: “Well I learned how valuable friends can be when you need information.”

Chastity: “Well, the location is good enough. I think I’ll pay my big brother a visit.”

(Hel gave me the location and I was on my way. I used one of the company cars and drove over to lower Manhattan. Once I reached the building I had to do a double check of the address. The building was very plain. It looked very out of taste for my brother. I entered the door and was amazed by the interior. It was furnished better than my own office. I figured he was using a illusion spell to cover up the room. The only problem was, I couldn’t see through the illusion. I figured it was because of my weakened powers. The other thing that was funny to me was I saw no windows. Draco used to always tell me of how he loved the view of sunlight pouring into an office. I walked to the receptionist desk. There was blonde haired girl sitting at the table with a fashion style that mirrored my own. She looked up at me without smiling)

??????: “Can I help you?”

Chastity: “I’m here to see Daemon Darkholme.”

??????: “Mr. Darkholme isn’t seeing any visitors. So I ask that you please leave.”

Chastity: “I really could care less if want to see me or not. I’m going to speak with him.”

(There was only on door in the back, so I figured it had to the main office. I headed for the door ignoring the girl at the front desk)

??????: “Miss, I said…”

(I summoned a gust of wind and sent her flying over her desk. I could feel a little lightheaded after doing so. My powers were drained and I needed to conserve them but at this point and time I didn’t care. I entered the office to find my dear brother sitting at a large wooden desk. The office was very lavish through and trough. But once again I noticed there were no windows in this building. He was dressed in a black suit and had his hair pulled back into a ponytail. He was on the phone when I entered the room and looked very pleased to see me. I stood in front of his desk and he held up his finger meaning for me to wait. I don’t wait. I took the phone from his hand and hung it up)

Draco: “Now that wasn’t very nice.”

Chastity: “That phone convocation is the least of your problems right now.”

(His smile widened)

Draco: “Oh, you must mean Johnson Shipping Co. Come on sis, its just business. I made him a better offer and he took it.”

Chastity: “Bull D. This was a direct attack at me. You knew I needed that company after your little childish actions.”

Draco: “What? You can’t take a little competition sis.”

(It was I to smile this time)

Chastity: “You? Competition?”

(My laugh echoed through the room)

Chastity: “Please be real. You don’t even register on my level. You never did. The only reason I kept you by my side was because you were so easy to manipulate. You could never be worthy to even think I would even see you as a threat. I will crush you and this poor excuse for a business in no time flat. And when you fail, like all the other times, I won’t be there to carry your pathetic ass around.”

(His smile faded from his face. He stood from his chair and placed his hands on his desk. He looked me right in the eye as he said)

Draco: “You think you’re so high and might. That you’re untouchable. But one of these days sis, someone is going to knock you off your high horse. And I’ll be the one towering over you as I take the pleasure of seeing you crumble.”

(Each word was colder than the last. And at the end, it seemed as if there was another voice echoed behind his. I could also feel him start to summon up some of his powers. I knew I wouldn’t be up for a true battle with him in my current state, but I couldn’t show weakness and back down. So I fired mine up as well, I only hoped that I could get out of this fight somehow. And then it happened, someone entered the office behind us. I could hear the voice of a man)

??????: “What is going on in here?”

(I powered down and turned to see the bitch from the front desk, along with two new friends. There was a guy who appeared to be young. He wore a suit that he was obviously uncomfortable in. His hair was short brown and hung at chin level. His eyes were a cold gray and had no smile on his face. I could see some tribal tattoo on his forehead and on his neck. The other stood in front of them both. He was dressed in some old style vest and pants. His purplish-silver hair hung around his shoulder and back. His eyes were a calming blue. He was very handsome and had a dark aura around him. I felt as if I met him before, but I couldn’t remember where. He spoke in what seemed to be an old English accent)

Draco: “I am fine Alucard. Just having a little talk with my dear little sister.”

(He walked over to me and extended his hand to me)

Alucard: “Alucard D’moore.”

(I looked at his hand but didn’t return the favor)

Chastity: “Chastity Darkholme. I plan on crushing you and my brother very soon. So don’t get too comfortable.”

Alucard: “Now is that anyway to greet a new friend.”

Secretary: “Sounds like this bitch needs some manners.”

Alucard: “Felicia!”

(His voice held such command. It sent a chill even down mine spine. Felicia held her head down and stepped back)

Alucard: “You must excuse my help, sometimes they don’t know their place.”

Chastity: “Well it’s good to now some of you have manners.”

(I turned back to my brother)

Chastity: “This is not over. We will finish this.”

(I walked away from the desk and past the group)

Draco: “Sooner than you think.”

(After I was gone from the building, Felicia closed the door to the office and the four gathered around Draco’s desk. He changed into his demonic form and his tone turned cold. He also sounded as if there was a second voice under his)

Draco: “I am so sick of her arrogance. Someone needs to take that bitch down a peg.”

Alucard: “I sensed her power level, she’s weak. This would a prime opportunity to strike.”

(The others grew a surprised look)

Felicia: “Are you saying we can attack her?”

Alucard: “Not exactly. I still have big plans for our dear Chastity. I’m talking more of a flanking attack. Something on the line of taking something dear from her.”

Draco: “And I have the perfect thing.”

(His smile grew wicked as he explained his plan to the others. Back at the office, Hel was going through some of her files when I entered her office)

Hel: “How did it go?”

Chastity: “I’d say it went well. But we do need to come up with another game plan to keep everything up and about. “

Hel: “I already cancelled my class for the day. We’ll be here for awhile.”

(Hel could have taken care of everything on her own, but like always I wanted to have the final say in everything. Maybe if I had just let her take care of it and went home I could have prevented the events that followed. Maybe I could have saved lives. Back at the Crimson Court, three of my Hellions trained in one of The Chamber’s (training room) session. Phantom, who followed me after I left from the Red Court, Jessica Bay a.k.a. Wired and Jeffery Hawk a.k.a. Crusher, watched each other’s back as they trained. Wired used her ability of hyper-speed to disarm her opponents. She was a fast learner. Crusher’s ability of organic metal skin helped him deflect the enemy’s attacks.. The objective of the session was to defeat a bank robbery and rescue the hostages. They had just subdued the last robber, ending the session)

Wired: “Well that was fun. Saved the flatscans and stopped the baddies.”

Phantom: “We were still too slow. We should have took down that group in half the time.”

Crusher: “Oh come on, why must you always be the perfectionist?”

Phantom: “Because I’ve been around this game a lot longer than both of you and I know that the smallest mistake can kill you. I swear, Chastity should have picked some better trained mutants to be her Hellions.”

Wired: “Cold.”

(None of them noticed the figure who had just walked into the Control Room. Felicia smiled as she watched the three students stand there with no knowledge of her presence. She turned the Training Room off auto and switched it to manual)

Crasher: “Come one man…”

(He flexed his metallic body)

Crasher: “…nothing can stop the Crasher.”

(Just then an axe made from adamantium metal swooped down from the roof and sliced straight through Crasher. He stood in one piece for a second as blood slowly leaked from the top of his head. Then Crasher’s body split into half. Wired screamed from the sight of the body. She ran to the door of the room, Phantom looked up to see someone waving at him from the control room. He tried to warn Wired but it was too late. Four metallic spikes shot from the floor and impaled Wired in her chest. Her body fell limp to the floor. Laser beams fired at Phantom. He ducked them before he finally phased through the floor. Felicia snapped her fingers after she missed him. Elsewhere at the pool, Jack and Dana Thomas stood on the side of the pool. Jack a.k.a. Shocker had the power to generate electricity and his sister Dana, a.k.a. Inferno, had the ability to control fire. Every week they would have this contest to see who could stay under water the longest. Since neither could use their powers in water, it made it a fair game. They both dived in and started to fight with each other to make the other go up quicker. They pushed and pulled but as usual they were at a stalemate. Finally, Dana found an opening and jabbed her two fingers into Jack’s throat. He released what air he had left and headed for the surface. To his surprise there was no way out of the pool because now the top layer of the pool was frozen solid. Jack and Dana banged on the ice, but neither could break it. Draco stood at the poolside as he listened to the two beat the ice. He smiled as the beating slowed. Out of fear, Jack accidentally activated his power. The electric current he released ran through both the water and his sister. Dana released a watery scream. It didn’t take much before her body went limp. Before Jack could realize what he had done, his body began to float motionless besides his sister from lack of air. Draco waved his hand and the ice melted. He watched the two bodies float lifelessly at the top of the water. Now down in the Hanger Bay, Chip had just finished on the Crimson Jet. He was on his way to the elevator when he heard someone coming down in it. When the doors opened, he didn’t recognize know the man with the full body tribal tattoos standing in front of him, otherwise known as Wildchild)

Chip: “Um, hi.”

(Wildchild answered with a kick to Chip’s mid-section. It sent him flying through the room into a shelf of tools. Wildchild then ran to him and lifted him up in the air with one hand by the neck. His grip tightened as Chip tried to struggle. He couldn’t breathe under Wildchild’s grip. Chip started to doze off, when Wildchild let him go. Chip rubbed his neck and looked up to see Wildchild with a dagger in his side. He looked to the elevator to see The Jian standing at the door with his sword drawn)

Jian: “Hands off the kid.”

Wildchild: “Well, well, well, looks like I’ll actually get a fight out of tonight.”

Jian: “You alright kid.”

(Chip answered the Crimson Knight with a nod)

Jian: “Good. Okay, whoever you are, I’ll make a deal with you. You let the kid go and I’ll try to kill you quick and painless.”

Wildchild: “Fine by me. I’ll just hunt him down later.”

(Jian gestured for Chip to go to the elevator and he did as told. After Chip was on the elevator and the doors closed, Wildchild raised his hand and gestured for Jian to fight. Jian charged him with his sword high, but he didn’t know how fast his opponent truly was. As he brought his sword down, Wildchild grabbed him by the wrist and held him at bay. He smiled as he morphed into his werewolf form. Chip could hear the blood thirst roar followed by the screams of pain coming from Jian. His fear began to swell in his throat. Meanwhile, in the office of The Crimson Bishop Succubis, she was telling the Crimson Rook tre of the Queen’s present whereabouts when Phantom phased through the wall)

Phantom: “We have company Ladies.”

Succubis: “What are you talking about?”

Phantom: “There is someone in the Mansion. She just killed both Wired and Crusher.”

tre: “How the hell could anyone get past our security system?”

Succubis: “That is not important right now. We have to locate the others. Computer, locate Jian.”

(The computer system that ran through the whole build was now activated. It was co-project of Cronos and Chip’s planning. It could locate any one in the building)

Computer: “Jian not found.”

tre: “That can’t be. I just say him not too long ago.”

Succubis: “Computer, locate Hellions Dana and Jack Thomas. Have them come to my office now.”

Computer: “Dana and Jack Thomas not found.”

Succubis: “I just saw them heading to the pool.”

Phantom: “Computer, locate all individuals located in the Mansion.”

(It took a moment before it could reply)

Computer: “Crimson Inner Circle members Succubis and tre and Hellion Phantom located in Crimson Bishop’s office. Crimson Queen’s personal assistant Dawn Roberts located in Crimson Queen’s office. Hellion Chip located in lower level of Mansion R sector. One unidentified individual located in R sector. One unidentified individual located in Hanger Bay elevator. One unidentified individual located in Main Control Ro…kkkkzzzzzzttttztztztzzz……”

Succubis: “Computer? Computer! Dammit, someone took her off line.”

tre: “We gotta get the others and get out of here.”

Succubis: “Fine, I’ll go fetch Dawn from Chastity’s office. You two get to Chip before whomever that is down there with him gets to him and head for the Hanger Bay. If I am not there in the next ten minutes then leave without.”

Phantom: “But…”

Succubis: “No buts. Just do as I say!”

(They did as they were told. Phantom took hold of tre shoulder and they phased though the floor. Succubis then ran to my office. Back to Chip, he wondered the halls of sector R, listening for the smallest sound. His genesis couldn’t save him in a fight so he had to watch every step. As he was about to reach the ends of one of the hallways, a tall figure stepped in front to block his way. The beautiful and deadly Felicia smiled at her prey)

Felicia: “Are you lost little boy? Let auntie Felicia take away the pain.”

(She extended her enlarge canines as she smiled at Chip. He then ran to the other of the hall only to find Wildchild in his werewolf form)

Wildchild: “Back off Felicia. This is my hunt.”

Felicia: “Bite me dog boy. I didn’t get the chance to feed from my last kills and I’m famished.”

(Chip was caught between a rock and a hard place. Tears began to form in his eyes as he imagined what these two monsters could do to him. They got closer and closer. When they were each five feet from him, Chip closed his eyes and felt something grab him. He knew his life was over. He could even feel his body begin to fade away. But when he opened his eyes, it wasn’t some heavenly being before him. All he could see was layers of rocks around. All he could think of was “I’m going to hell!” To his surprise when he came out of the rocks, he was now drifting from the ceiling of the Hanger Bay of the Crimson Court. He looked up to see Phantom with one hand on Chip’s Shoulder. He then saw tre with her arms around Phantom’s neck. He prayed to every god he could think of for saving him. As they landed on the ground and tre stepped down, Chip jumped up and wrapped his arms around Phantom’s neck)

Chip: “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Phantom: “Thank me when we get out of here alive. Now I need you to fire up the jet and send a distress message to Cronos.”

(Chip jumped down and ran for the Crimson Jet)

Chip: “You don’t have to tell me twice.”

(Chip ran to the jet and began firing it up)

tre: “What’s about Succubis and Dawn?”

Phantom: “You heard what she said. If she’s not here, we’re gone.”

(Back in my office, Dawn was going through a couple of files around my desk when she dropped one. She sighed and bent down to pick it up. As she stood she noticed a figure standing in the doorway. Dawn did not know the tall blonde haired man dressed in the expensive black suit, but she did know he was no friend)

Dawn: “Can I help you?”

Draco: “How rude of me. Le me introduce myself. I am Daemon Darkholme, Chastity’s loving brother.”

(Dawn flashed him an awkward smile)

Dawn: “I’m sorry to inform you that Ms. Darkholme is out of the office. I’ll be sure to tell her that you stopped by.”

Draco: “Oh, no trouble. I’ll wait.”

Dawn: “I’m not really sure how long she will be.”

Draco: “Then I guess you’ll have to keep me entertained till she returns.”

(He began to walk closer to her. Dawn could feel fear grow in her chest)

Draco: “Oh, don’t be afraid. I’ll make this easy. You won’t even know your dying.”

(Before Dawn could even think, Draco had morphed into his demonic form and had her in his grasp)

Dawn: “Please, let me go.”

Draco: “Shhh, don’t cry. I’m not going to hurt you…yet. I have plans for you my dear.”

(Without warning, Dawn morphed into her werecat form and slapped Draco with her claws. He then dropped her to the floor. Blood began to flow from his cheek. He rubbed his index finger against the wound. He then looked at what was on his finger and licked it off. Dawn began to cry more)

Draco: “Naughty girl.”

(Draco was about to slap her when he was struck from the side by a file cabinet. The impact of the blow knocked him through the wall of my office. Dawn looked up from where she was on the floor to see Succubis walking into the room. Dawn was about to run to her, when Draco flew back into the room)

Draco: “That hurt.”

Succubis: “Well big boy, you haven’t seen anything yet.”

(The two went to battle. Dawn watched as Succubis seemed to over power Draco. She hit with a combination of blows and sent him to the floor. She then pulled the glove off her left hand)

Succubis: “Now, lets get a little more personal.”

(She reached out to touch and to her surprise Draco grabbed her by the hand and held her tight)

Draco: “Yes, let get to know one another.”

(Draco placed her bare hand on his cheek. But it wasn’t Draco’s energy that flowed into Succubis, it was dark and disturbing images. Vision no human mind should ever see. She tried to pull her hand but Draco held her tighter. He then placed his free hand on her bare face, increasing the visions intensity. She screamed in pain as she began to loose her mind in the visions. Finally the screaming stopped. And the blank face of Succubis was disturbing enough. The lights were on, but no one was home. Draco finally lets her go and her limp body fell to the ground. Her eyes stayed wide open as her body started to shake violently)

Draco: “What a disappointment.”

(He then turned to Dawn, who was curled up in a corner)

Draco: “I hope you will give me more of a fight.”

(We leave them to rejoin Phantom, tre and Chip in the Crimson Jet. They awaited the arrival of Succubis and Dawn. Phantom had even given them a few extra minutes)

tre: “What are we going to do? We can’t wait any longer for them.”

Phantom: “Your right. Chip, lets get…”

(Just then Phantom watched as someone came down on the elevator. Phantom smiled)

Phantom: “Hold on. Here they come.”

(But when the doors opened, it wasn’t what Phantom expected)

Phantom: “Dr…Draco?”

(Draco walked out the elevator carrying Succubis’ body in his hand. The sight of Succubis’ limp body in his arms took the air out of tre’s body)

Draco: “Got room for two more?”

Phantom: “Chip, punch it. NOW!”

(Chip did as he was told and put the jet into gear. That’s when Draco dropped Succubis’ body and morphed into his demonic form. He walked to the jet, but before he could get to them the jet rose from the ground and hovered out of the Hanger Bay. Once Draco finally reached the opening to the Hanger Bay he smiled. His body was then consumed in a dark aura. His hair began to stand on ends as the power pulsated from his body. He then pointed his hand at the jet and shot an energy ball of immense power at them. Phantom saw the ball hurl toward them. All that stood in a twenty-mile range felt the shock wave of the explosion. Draco walked off as he prepared my warm welcome home. Later, the Black Court’s mini-flyer landed on my Court’s rooftop. I got off, thanked the driver for the ride and headed into my home. I was surprised to walk in and fine the place so quiet. I wondered where everyone was. I finally stepped downstairs to find light coming from the Dinning Hall. I opened the door expecting everyone to be sitting around the table awaiting my arrival. But the scene I found was beyond mortifying. A tear began to flow from my eyes as I could feel a sick feeling grow in my chest. At the head of the table, I saw Succubis slumped over in the chair eyes wide open. Drool began to drip from her lips. To her left were the Thomas siblings. There bodies were a pale blue. They did not move. On the other side of them sat Crusher and Wired. I could see the metal spikes sticking out of Wired’s chest and the sight of Crusher’s body split into brought me to my knees. That’s when the chair that had it’s back to me turned around. And there before me sat my brother with the cruelest smile)

Draco: “Welcome home sis.”

Chastity: D…Daemon. What have you done?”

Draco: “What, you don’t like the party I’ve planned for you. But I put so much into it.”

Chastity: “You bastard.”

(I stood to my feet. Anger flowed through my blood. I wasn’t at 100%, but I had regained most of power. And my brother was about to feel the full wrath of it. I summoned every ounce of my power into a ball of energy as large as I basketball. I sent it flying at Draco and consumed the room in a flash of light. When the smoke cleared I expected there to b nothing left of my brother. But to my surprise all I found was his haunting laugh. My eyes focused on him now in his demonic form with not a scratch on him. My brother had grown in power in the past year, but he could have never been this powerful. That energy ball should have killed him. But it seemed as if it didn’t even faze him. Before I could react, two people grabbed me from each side. I recognized them as the two people from Draco’s office. Their strength should that they hide more power than they seemed. I tried to fight them off, but it was to no avail. Draco walked over to us)

Draco: “Is that all you’ve got sis. I feel a little cheated. I expected so much more from you, but like always your all talk.”

Chastity: “I swear by all I hold dear I will kill you Daemon.”

(He smacked me with such force blood began to flow from my nose and mouth)

Draco: “Don’t call me that. The one you know as Daemon is no more. There is only Draco. And he seems to be too much for you. You may have pushed Daemon around, but that has all changed.”

Chastity: “I don’t care who you are, you will pay for this. Mark my word.”

(He laughed. Once again I could hear a second voice behind his)

Draco: “I swear will nothing knock you from that high horse of yours. Oh, I have an idea.”

(He snapped his fingers and my assistant Dawn fell from a portal in the ceiling. When she saw me, she tried to run to me but Draco grabbed her by the neck)

Draco: “Now, now, what did we say about those manners?”

Chastity: “Draco stop this. Leave her alone.”

Draco: “Hey it’s your fault she is here. I mean look at her. She has no place here. You’ve put this poor child at risk.”

(He rubbed a clawed finger against her cheek. The tears flowed down her face like rivers)

Draco: “You should be a shamed of yourself. Her blood and everyone else in this room is on your hands.”

(Draco held out his free hand and out of a dark puff of smoke appeared a small blade)

Chastity: “Please…don’t do this.”

Draco: “I would, but I’m having so much fun.”

(And with out another word, Draco rammed his blade into her back)

Chastity: “NOOOOO!!!!!”

(Draco dropped her body to the floor. Felicia and Wildchild let me loose. I ran to Dawn’s side. She laid in my arms as she slowly faded away. If I hadn’t used so much of my power on Draco, I could have saved her)

Dawn: “I don’t want to die. Please…help…me.”

(I could do nothing to help her. I had failed her and everyone around me. Draco and his friends faded away as his words echoed through the room)

Draco: “This is not the end sis.”

(Later, Cronos and the other rushed into the Mansion searching for any sign of life. They found Phantom, tre and Chip scattered near the crash of the Crimson Jet. Phantom was lucky enough to phase them all before Draco’s blast hit it. They filled the others in on what happened. When they finally reached the Dining Hall, they stood in horror of the scene before them. But even worse was the sight of me gripping Dawn’s dead body. Her blood soaked my clothes and skin. Tears still fell from my eyes. Draco was right. Dawn and the others should not have been here. I threw this Court together to fast. I failed. And their blood was forever on my hands. I will remember this day as the day both the my self created Court and something inside of me both died.