Execution Style

By DarkFallenAngel

The snow fell gently around Voriah as she slowly strolled through New York's Central Park.  As she walked she remenisced about how she came to be there.  She remembered love lost due to her powers.  Then became enraged at the thought of the damn things.  She had shunned usage of them months before.

Voriah noticed a woman with silver-not grey, SILVER-hair walking towards her.  The woman began looking around as if she was searching for something or someone in the falling snow.  Finally, the young woman's eyes locked on Voriah and she smiled.  Voriah smiled in return.

As the woman neared, Voriah said, "I like your hair.  Where'd you get the dye??"

The woman sized Voriah up for a moment and replied, "Somewhere in Tennessee."

Voriah nodded and said, "My name's Voriah."

The woman offered her hand and stated, "I'm Mysty, nice to meet you."

They chatted for a little before Mysty glanced at her watch and said, "Oh, shit, I gotta go.  Bye.  It was nice to meet you.  Maybe I'll see you again," with a twinkle in her eyes.

Voriah shook her hand again and replied, "Same here.  And you never know.  It IS a small world."

With that Voriah began walking again.  She ended up at the building where MTV's TRL is recorded.  She hung around there for a few minutes before leaving.  She again became engulfed in memories.  A lighted Taco Bell sign loomed in front of her.  As soon as she noticed it, Voriah's stomach growled, as if on cue.  She walked into the restaurant, escaping the cold outter world.  The cashier looked really bored as Voriah ordered two beef mexi-melts, an origional taco, and a Mello-Yellow.

After she paid, Voriah filled her cup and waited for her tacos.  Another worker called out her order and she claimed it.  On the way to a table she grabed some napkins and three packages of the hottest sauce.  She sat down at a corner table for two.  As she un-wrapped her first taco and began pouring the sauce on, a tall man approached her table.  She looked up at him.  He smiled at her.  Voriah's jaw slackened slightly when she noticed that his eyes were the same color as Brendan's.

"Hi.  Mind if I have a seat??" he asked.

"Go ahead," Voriah replied once she re-gained control of her voice.

He sat down across from her and said, "I'm Michael.  What's your name??"


"Mmmm, Voriah, different and beautiful.  Damn near as beautiful as you."

Voriah blushed slightly and smiled.  Michael smiled back as he asked, "So what are you doing in New York??"

Voriah shrugged her shoulders as she said, "Just visiting."

"Ah, I see.  Is this your first time here??"

"Yeah.  It's a little intimidating if you ask me.  Everyone keeps staring and nobody has anything nice to say."

"Yeah, that's New York for you.  Sorry."

"It's okay.  I'm just used to a little bity country town where everybody knows everybody and everyone knows their place.  I feel really out of place here.  Kinda like the one white rose in the bouquet of red ones."

"You certainly are pretty as a rose.  Don't worry, if you're only here for a visit, it'll be over soon.  The natives around here can pick out a tourist in a heartbeat.  You're not alone, trust me."

"Oh, so all these people are jerks just because I don't live in New York??"

"No, they are jerks because you're not FROM New York.  There's a difference.  It's stupid, I know.  But, that's New Yorkers for you."

The two of them talked long after their food was gone.  Michael seemed very interesting.  The two of them left Taco Bell and walked around New Yorks streets until the cold became un-bearable.  Then, Michael hailed a cab and the two climbed in.  Voriah told the cabbie where her hotel was and he drove them there.  Michael paid the man as they got out in front of the Ritz Hotel.  Michael looked surprised as Voriah proceeded him inside and to the elevators.  She pressed the button with the number 4 on it.

The elevator stopped and the two of them exited the elevator and walked to room 420.  Voriah slid the card key in and pulled it out once the light switched to green.  The door swung open to reveal a lovely bedroom sweet.  Complete with a nice little refrigerator and bar.  Voriah walked directly over to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer.  She twisted the top off and took a large gulp.

As she lowered the bottle from her lips she noticed Michael staring at her.  She looked down in slight embarassment and asked, "Sorry, would you like one??"

"Sure.  What you got??"

"Just Bud Ice.  Is that okay??"

"Definitely, my favorite."

With that, Voriah grabbed him a beer and handed it to him.  She walked over to the thermostat and turned it up to 80 degrees.  As the heat kicked in she dropped her coat on the bed and sat down.  She stretched and layed back with a sigh.  Michael sat in a chair across from her.

Suddenly Voriah sat up and said, "I'm gonna hop in the bath tub real quick.  Do you mind waiting for a minute??"

"Sure.  You mind if I grab another beer??"

"Go ahead," Voriah replied as she walked into the bathroom and turned the water on.  She turned around and locked the door before dropping her clothes on the floor and climbing into the bath tub.

About fifteen minutes later Voriah got out of the tub and got dressed.  She walked back into the bedroom to find Michael sitting up, asleep on the bed.  She smiled and pulled the blanket back.  As she crawled in between the sheets she sighed.  Five minutes later she was asleep.

Sex is not the answer...sex is the question the answer is YES!!
Avoid hangovers, stay drunk.