Titans *HF* Prologue

By DarkWolf


Prologue – The Client and Jean Richemont

Jean Richemont was not a man who scurried. He was six-foot-six, with reddish-brown hair, broad across the shoulders, and fairly well muscled, though he had a fair sized beer gut. He was in his mid-forties, and he was what people called a procurator or mediator, or just plain go-between. Unlike most procurators, he specialized in the illegal. He wasn’t a bad man, it was just a way to make a living. His stature and strength came in handy from time to time, as simply standing up to his full height made people reconsider any sort of physical violence.

Nevertheless, Jean Richemont scurried up the dark corridor to his meeting with his new client. The client had no name, and thus, Richemont called him simply, The Client. This was the first of his many clients that he actually feared. Previous clients had been mean, or powerful, or even both, but this client was… sinister was the only word he could come up with.

Richemont opened the door, and there was The Client, standing over a display screen that Richemont guessed hooked up to a computer somewhere else in the building, as there were none here. The Client was imposing, more so than Jean Richemont. Of about equal stature to Richemont, though in much better shape, it wasn’t the physical aspects of The Client that made him imposing. To this day, he had never seen The Client’s face, only the back of his head. The Client had black hair, that was for sure.

“The papers are on the desk, Richemont,” The Client said. Richemont crossed to the left side of the room, took a manila folder of the desk and opened it up. There were pictures of people inside.

“So, you need these people to capture DarkWolf?” Richemont asked.

“Yes,” The Client replied.

“May I ask… um… why?”

“Look,” The Client said, half turning to a TV screen in one corner of the room. He pressed a button on the display screen he was standing at and the TV sprang to life. “This is the only known recorded footage of DarkWolf. This is the Fisk Building infiltration.”

A dark figure stood outside a door in a dark alley at nighttime (obvious because of the green screen so famous to night vision technology), studying a door. He grabbed a small handheld computer unit and attached it to the security pad next to the door. After a few seconds, the door opened, and the dark figure stepped inside, where it was easily seen that it was DarkWolf. Four guards were waiting on him. All four went down in fifteen seconds, some of them most likely dead. The figure ran down the corridor and into the main elevator lobby… where the cameras lost him. It was as if he had disappeared. The camera kept recording as it flipped through the thousands of camera views in the Fisk Building.

“Most people wouldn’t make it in the building. The ones that do, don’t get past the elevators,” The Client said.

The cameras found him one minute and ten seconds later, all the way up on the 45th floor. There he proceeded to take things out of a large safe. “It gets interesting here,” said The Client, “the guards have been notified of his presence, as has the automated defense system, which somehow missed him in the first place, and the elevators have been shut down, but watch what he does.”

DarkWolf broke out a window, which was probably sold to Fisk as shatterproof, and fixed his now fully loaded backpack on his back. He grabbed a grappling launcher off of his belt, sat on the windowsill and shot a grappling towards the roof. The grappling rope retracted and DarkWolf disappeared from the view up to the roof.

“Where he went from there, nobody knows. The roof cameras never spotted him,” The Client said.

“He’s good,” Richemont said. He noticed still pictures of DarkWolf lying on the desk. They were pictures of DarkWolf in the act of killing. “Real good,” Richemont said, shuddering.

“He is death,” said The Client, “and I want him at my side.”


Next: The Desert

DarkWolf, TBK

"All around the world statues crumble for me..."