Domestic Disturbance *HF* Chapter 1

By Gene

As the meeting ended, Gene met with his girlfriend, White Court executive assistant Alice Pembleton, their teenage son Malachi, Grandmaster Pan, and Gene's future self - Shaman the Sorceror Supreme to decide what to do. They left immediately for ancient China, where they would study together at the legendary Shao Lin Temple.

Gene and Alice studied in China with the others for two years, then left for 16th century Scotland, where they were to be married and live for two more years before returning to the present. This tale takes place shortly after their wedding.

"I hope there's a threshold you're carrying me to, because I'm starting to get cold," Alice said.

Gene smiled and kept his eyes on the horizon. His heart beat quickened as he took another breath, his pulse reacting to her scent.

"We're almost there," he said.

They glided down through the night sky, made invisible by the same ring that propelled them through the air. When they finally touched down, they stood before a small sod house on a grassy hill in the SCottish Highlands.

Alice hugged Gene around the neck tightly. "It's adorable!" She hopped up into his arms and smiled. "I believe you know the way."

"Of course," Gene said. "Through the door." The door swung open before them and Gene carried Alice into the house. The small dining table in the middle of the room was already set, with a candle already glowing in the middle. A fire blazed in the hearth.

"Who?" Alice began to ask.

"Gomurr or Shaman." He sniffed the air. "Both of them actually. I can smell Shaman's cologne and Gomurr's shampoo. For someone with such thinning hair, he uses a lot of the stuff. They told me they'd have the place ready to go." Gene looked at the bottle of wine on the table and popped the cork.
"Thank you for marrying me, Mrs. Ahner."

"Thank you for marrying me. But I'm still Ms. Pembleton. Maybe Pembleton-Ahner."

Gene shrugged. "But you still love me?"

"100 percent."

"That's all that matters."

They spent the next two days as newlyweds tend to do. Enjoying each other's company and the freedom they had away from the Hellfire Club, their non-Club jobs, and the rest of the world. They enjoyed fruit, bread, cheese and dried meat Gomurr and Shaman had left for them, and marveled at how crisp the water was from their nearby well.

On the third day, they decided to go to the nearby town, Lindenloch. They wore the traditional Scottish garb they had purchased when arriving in Edinburgh before the wedding. Alice wore a dress and Gene wore a shirt, sash and kilt. He wore a small pouch on a belt around his waist, and behind it was a small dagger or dirk, as typically carried by Scotsmen for centuries.

"I have to admit, you make a kilt look good," Alice said, apprciatively. "You had good legs before, but two years at the temple...!" she cocked an eyebrow and purred.

"Careful, or we'll never get out of here." Gene slapped Alice lightly on the butt and adjusted his stockings.

Late that afternoon, they were on the way home, this time on horseback. The horse was loaded with a few essentials, plus more clothing for each of them. The handle of a massive sword strapped to Gene's back poked above his right shoulder.

"This sucker's heavy. Maybe I should let the horse carry it," Gene said.

"He is. Plus he's got your oversized ass. People from this century aren't as big as in our time, so give the horse a break, hon."

"Me? Walk? But I'm a lord! A duke! A man of the house of...what clan is represented by this plaid, anyway?"

Alice snickered. "You really want to know?"

"YEah. It's pretty important. People here identify you by your plaid, like wearing a uniform."


"What? So now I'm Mr. Pembleton?"

"Uh huh?"

Gene frowned. "I'm the wife. I'm wearing the skirt. I took her name. What the fuck?"

Alice urged her horse forward and ran past Gene. "Get used to it, baby, liberation came a bit early to Scotland. At least for us."

Gene watched her run ahead. "Damn it, I'm cooking dinner, too! Good thing I'm open-minded!"

The next day, there was a tap at their door around midday. Gene pulled on his shirt and kilt and opened the door. A large man stood at the other side, at least as big as Gene, with dark, thick hair and a bushy beard. He smiled.

"Good mornin'. I'm Aidan McConnell. Your neighbor." He extended his hand. Gene took it and shook it.

"Eugene Pembleton. Glad to meet you."

"SAw you in town yesterday. Those are fine horses you bought. Came by to help build a stable. I remembered this house didn't have one."

"Ah, thank you. I could use some help."

"THe day's mostly gone. I'd hoped you'd already started, but we're big men. Together we can still finish it. It's hot work, but your wife can keep us in water."

Gene's ear tips burned as he sensed how iritated Alice would be at being taken for granted that way. But they both knew that while this was a vacation, there was a cover to be maintained.

"That she can. I'll be right out."

"Good," McConnell said. "Bring an axe."

Gene glanced at the large axe hanging on the wall with the other tools. "Can't forget it."

The two men worked until sundown, chopping down trees, then hewing the wood into posts and rails for a stable. It was rough work, but McConnell was excellent help and pleasant enough. When they were done, they shared dinner of lamb stew.

"You bought this meat in town," McConnell said. "I have sheep of m'own. I can sell you a few to raise on your own. No problem to spare."

"I'd like that. Some sheep and a milk goat. How much will you charge?"

McConnell smiled. "We'll work out a price. I can use a shepherd if you're willing," he laughed.

Gene and Alice both laughed as well. "I'll have enough to do with our own sheep. But I have a son coming home who can help."

McConnell nodded. "Have the boy shepherd for me until winter and we're even."

They shook hands. "Deal."

After dinner, McConnell left. When Gene closed the door Alice frowned.

"What is it?" Gene asked.

"Something bugs me about that deal," she said. "I just keep thinking of the phrase, 'Never a borrower nor a lender be.' And we just lent our son."

Gene nodded, then shook his head. "Malachi isn't a kid anymore. And he's always been able to take care of himself. We have no reason to distrust this guy. WE'll see what happens."

END Part One

Original and Longest-Running Editor
White Bastard/King's Pawn--HellFire Club
Knight of the Long-Necked Bottle
Forbidden by Law to Eat Onion Rings
Selectively Sterile
Wielder of Unbridled Contempt for Humanity
Clearest Colon this side of the Milky Way
Messiest Underwear this side of the Milky Way
Certified Bastard-Training Specialist
K, your neck is looking overloaded... Let me take some weight off it!