Chrysalis *HF* - Chapter 1-2

By Gomurr


Claudia Sandubal looked down from her bedroom terrace. The
black silken nightgown she wore draped itself seductively over
the curves of her body , and as she stretched languidly the
smooth milky white skin of her bosom threatened to spill out.
Always known for her somewhat outrageous attire, even now alone
in her chambers, there was a need deep within Claudia to appear
sensuous and aloof. She was after all a queen, and she MUST act
like one. As Nemesis, the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club,
Claudia had one of the most spacious suites of rooms in the entire
mansion. The small wrought iron terrace off of her bedroom gave
her an almost unobstructed view of the rear mansion grounds,
while due to extensive landscaping and screening, the people
below could barely detect her presence. Claudia's cool pale hands
gripped the antique iron railing and her lacquered nails clicked
along its surface. Her beautiful violet eyes took in the entire
scene below her as an errant breeze blew her ebony tresses away
from her exposed shoulders.

"Good riddance to that trampy little witch," thought the Black
Queen maliciously as she watched the stunning blonde woman
below her. "It's well past time, she stopped imposing on my

The subject of Nem's scorn was none other than Jon Ellen
Tolliver, known to a select few as Nytshade: the new High
Priestess of the Darkfire Club. Tolliver's list of aliases was
extensive due to her long life span. Her birth name had been
Elaida Tolliver. She had then taken on the guise of her own
'daughter' Elaina, and then when people started whispering again
at how young she looked, she had transformed herself into yet
another 'daughter', this time taking the name of Jon Ellen.
Nytshade had taken the Tolliver name and made it into one of the
most well known in the fields of International imports and
shipping. Her business prowess was second only to her beauty.
The woman herself was past a century and a half old, but held the
visage of a young twenty-something. In the beginning her 'gift' of
eternal youthfulness could only be maintained by supping on the
life force of others, using her own mystical aura to absorb the
essence of others, but in later years the need to perform this
psychic vampirism had gone dormant...... yet she still didn't age.

The history between the two beautiful women was less than rosy.
When Tolliver had been the reigning White Queen, the barely
camouflaged animosity between the two had almost burst into
open rage more times than many cared to remember, but now she
was leaving the BHC grounds and Nemesis, for one, was very

"That's it, Jon," Nem said quietly, still watching the shapely
figure of Nytshade as she supervised the packing of her things
into the moving vans. "Take this rag tag band you call a royal
court and leave. We still own you body and soul....and I of course
am still YOUR Queen."

As Nemesis turned, she caught her reflection in the mirror. Her
own pale beauty was enough to take most men's breath away, but
she caught herself worrying lately about aging. She would be
thirty-five in another year, and she was scared her beauty would
begin to fade. Why did the gift of eternal youth have to belong
to a bitch like Jon Tolliver? Running her fingers softly along her
face, she traced them down her neck and onto the exposed
cleavage. The skin there was still smooth and as soft to the touch
as ever. She allowed her fingers to dip further inside the bodice
of her gown sighing softly. The strap of her gown slid from her
shapely white shoulder as she continued the exploration of her
body. Suddenly her musings were interrupted by a throat
clearing behind her on the terrace. Nemesis spun to face this
intruder into her private sanctum, gathering telekinetic force
within her as she did.

Avalon smiled sardonically as he floated in the air outside of her
bedroom terrace. The blue haze of the electromagnetic bubble
surrounding him hummed softly. He had chosen not to take on the
full expression of his mutant power, turning him into a being of
living energy. He liked for Nem to see his handsome features
unobscured by the electric power that coursed through him. His
blonde hair, disheveled as ever, moved slightly within the confines
of the force field. His black tailored pants and snug black wool
sweater hugged his well muscled thighs and well shaped chest.
Nem smiled despite herself.

"Thinking about me," Avalon said teasingly.

"Yes, I was." said Nem pulling a red silk robe around herself.
"Thinking about how to punish you for this affront to my privacy.
Could I do something for you 'boy', or are you simply indulging in
some adolescent peeping tom activity?"

Av's confident smile faded a bit. "Why do I let this woman get to
me? Why can't I get over her? It's not like she really ever cared
about me," he thought desperately to himself.

"I came to say good-bye, Claudia," said Avalon using the Black
Queen's given name rather than her title. "That's it...and now
that I've done it...I'll leave."

Avalon began to slowly descend, but Nem rushed to the window
allowing her robe to fall open again in her haste. "Wait," she said.
"Don't leave like that. We are still.....comarades in arms at the
very least. I know this offshoot club was my idea, but
careful. Nytshade is never what she appears."

"And you are?" Avalon scoffed, with his sardonic grin returning.
"I'll be more than careful, my Queen. As you know...I can handle
myself when the need...arises."

"Yes....yes I suppose I do know that," said Nem. "Good-bye then."

Av floated down to the ground and released the force bubble.
Directing the remaining workmen, to board their vehicles and
depart, he walked towards the garage to get his Jeep. Nemesis
continued to watch as Jon Tolliver spoke to the movers giving
them final direction. The Darkfire Priestess flashed a smile full
of even white teeth as she spoke, and the spell the workmen were
under had nothing to do with her magical ability. They all watched
her every move as she paraded among them in clinging jeans and a
simple T-shirt that stretched tautly over her ample breasts. As
she too made her way to the garage to take her own car to the
new Darkfire Estate, she handed a small envelope to a house
butler and gave a quick wave towards the window where Nem

"She can't possibly know I'm watching her," thought Nem
suddenly, but then Nytshade was gone. Moments later there was a
knock at the door, and the butler handed her the letter.

The smell of jasmine and some other exotic jungle flower struck
her as she broke the seal of the envelope and opened the letter.
Jon's somewhat old fashioned, but beautiful brush script filled
the small perfumed scrap of paper.

My dearest Claudia,

My stay with you has been wonderful. I'd like to thank you for
making that special effort to welcome me into your home.
Allowing your servant Raul to attend to my....personal needs was
the perfect touch. I assure you his services to me were well
above par. In fact, I think the poor dear hated to see me go. Ah
well, you know how sensitive servants can be when they become
attached to an 'experienced' master. Then again they always do
seem to try harder when they aren't just doing the same 'old'
things. Thank you again, darling. I hope to hear news of you soon.

Jon Tolliver

P.S. Always be careful in your dealings with underlings. You
never know who's gunning for your throne.

Nemesis crumpled the paper in her fist. She had recognized the
emphasis on the words old and experienced, as quickly as she had
noticed the subtle threat in the post script. So the meddling
witch had bedded her favorite servant Raul, and thought he would
be more faithful to her, than to his true mistress. Claudia's silent
rage increased a bit more when the handsome Latino servant in
question entered without even knocking.

"Shall I prepare a bath for you?" he said not even using her
appropriate title. He smiled broadly, without even bothering to
let her answer and began unsnapping the buttons of his shirt,
slowly exposing his dark and hair covered chest.

"I think not, Raul," Nemesis said icily. "Please send me the newest
FEMALE servant on staff. I do so tire of seeing the same 'old'
faces. It's such a pity when you become bored with your play
things, don't you think? much like easily

The proud young servant looked taken aback at first, but quickly
recovered as he buttoned his shirt back up and left the room.
Nem grimaced. Who was this young fool, thinking he could bed
Jon Tolliver under HER roof, and then continue to go on with her
as if nothing had happened. His disrespect would be handled
appropriately. For now, she must calm herself. Yes......a bath
attended by whatever delightful creature Raul sent would be just
the ticket to center her mind and take her thoughts off of that
witch Nytshade.

There was a subtle knock at the door and Nemesis bade the
servant to enter. The girl that entered could have been no older
than 18. The rich mocha glow of her skin, and the sparkle in her
deep brown eyes attested to her youth. The girl wore very little
make-up but was strikingly beautiful with her tall athletic frame.
Nem smiled to herself. This girl certainly fit the profile for BHC
servants. Young, beautiful and completely intoxicating. The only
problem she saw with the servant was her hair. She wore it in two
small 'afro puffs' on the sides of her head. Nem had never
allowed the current fascination with retro-culture to touch her
own clothing designs, and most BHC staffers were trained to
adopt a more classic style that would appeal to their masters.
Somehow though this young woman before her carried off the
slightly eccentric hair style. Perhaps it was the almost regal
bearing with which she held herself....almost as if she weren't a
servant at all.

"A bath," Nemesis said haughtily. "Run it, and fill it with the rose
petals that were delivered this morning. Light the candles and
make sure the water temperature is pleasing to me."

The young black woman quickly went about her task entering the
huge bathroom chamber and adjusting the controls of the tub to
fill the deep spacious basin with warm water. Adding a foaming
bath bead or two, she turned to the basket of rose petals, but
was distracted at the Black Queen's entrance.

Claudia Sandubal strode naked across the heated tile floor of her
bathroom with the grace of a panther. The lighting was just dim
enough to give the room a warm glow from the candles surrounding
the tub, and the Black Queen's pale alabaster skin shone with an
almost haunting light. The servant averted her eyes and continued
to fuss with the rose petals and bath preparations. Nem smiled
and pondered her servant. "She's positively

The Black Queen immediately stepped within inches of the
servant, as the young girl rose and replaced the basket on a
nearby table. Their eyes met for the briefest of instants, but
there was no trace of embarrassment in the face of the servant.
She continued to hold Nem's steady gaze as if nothing at all were
out of the ordinary. Nem smiled all the more as she lowered
herself into the warm, fragrant and soapy tub. The water was
just the right temperature and the jets of the tub pushed it
across her silken flesh in the most delightful manner. She was
about to speak to the servant, when the girl turned to go.

"There are towels and your brushes by the tub, madam. Call me
when you are ready to dress." the servant said simply and she was
gone, closing the gleaming brass accented door behind her.


Nem sat in the scented water and grimaced. She was being
ridiculous, she realized. Simply because Raul had always joined
her in the bath didn't mean that this new girl would know the
routine. Besides there was time enough to train her. Yes one as lovely and as delightfully unique as this
one would be quite a pleasure.

When Claudia had finished her bath, she called for the servant.
The young girl, whose name was Violet Priestley, entered without
a word and meekly handed the Black Queen a robe. Nem slipped
the thick plush garment on and belted it against her, absorbing
the beads of water that still clung to her skin.

"What would you like to wear madam," said Violet. "Will you be
dressing for evening?"

"I think some comfortable attire for shopping, Violet," said
Nemesis picking the name directly from the girl's brain. "And
choose something appropriate for yourself. It won't do to have
you driving me around in BHC livery. Have one of the tailor's
alter it to fit. We leave in two hours."

Violet simply nodded, realizing the Black Queen had used her
psionic abilities to enter her mind. As she turned to go, Nem
spoke again.

"And before you go, darling," she cooed. "Let me just say.........I
love your hair."

"Yes," thought the Black Queen. "With this darling new
acquaintance, I think today might be a good day, after all."


The crimson glow of Nytshade's magics reflected off the rough
hewn stone of her new home. Upon arrival at the Darkfire Court's
new castle, Jon had quickly appropriated the uppermost spire as
her own. The rooms in that section were a bit smaller than any
others in the castle and the climb up the steep spiral staircase
was daunting, but it suited her purposes perfectly. From that
vantage point she could see the surrounding woods, but the
altitude of her new Necromanseon prevented anyone from seeing
her work. She brushed a stray strand of platinum blonde hair
from her beautiful almost doll-like face as she looked into her
scrying pool. The image was real-time, but the point of view a bit
skewed. It was always thus, when looking through the eyes of her

Bertha lay coiled in the rear window of the darkened limousine.
The deep tint on the back glass kept that area in shadow, and the
2 foot rattler was careful to remain silent. She watched the
Black Queen with her cold reptilian eyes, as she entered the car.
Nemesis as always looked stunning and Jon cursed at this fact.
Her cascading black hair was plaited down her back in an
intricate braid. Delicate ribbons and beads were intertwined in
the braid perfectly offsetting its dark beauty.. The simple black
tank dress she wore was scooped low in the rear and her braid
brushed the silken skin at the small of her back. Jon, looking
through Bertha's eyes, noted the elegant and expensive jewelry
she wore to make the somewhat simple outfit seem perfect for
one of society's elite.
After closing the door behind the Black Queen, Violet Priestley
came round the car and entered into the driver's seat. She was
dressed in a pair of Sandubal original trousers. The breezy silk
pants were black with a tiny white pinstripe, but where the suit
jacket should be Violet wore a simple men's white oxford tied
above her flat stomach and under her breasts. The edge of a
black lace bra was barely visible. A gold ring shimmered in her
navel and a tiny gold chain hung around her waist and attached to
it. Her hair remained in the afro puffs as before. Claudia
watched as she entered, smiling to herself. Violet's attire had
sparked a memory deep within the Black Queen's mind. Claudia
reclined in the seat and allowed herself to be lost in memories of
her past for the moment. Images of the debaucherous 1970's
filled her head....the days when she herself as a young teen had
danced all night at Studio 54 hobnobbing with the rich and
famous. This waif of the 90's would have been easily admitted
every night due to her beauty and the sense of style with which
she carried herself. Claudia continued to muse silently about the
young girl. Oftentimes the Black Queen found the retro styles of
her youth almost comical, and the current trend of bringing all
that back seemed foolish. Somehow, though, on young Violet
Priestley, the look just seemed to work. Claudia Sandubal lowered
the privacy screen between the plush rear cabin and the driver.

"I must comment on how well the tailor altered that outfit for
you," she said warmly. "Although I never really liked that
particular design, I see now why it's one of my best sellers. It
looks stunning on you."

"Thank you ma'am. It's beautiful like all your designs," returned
Violet. "But the tailor didn't alter it. I did. I do a little sewing in
my free time."

"Do you follow fashion, dear?"

"I do sketches and make some of my own clothes. No big deal
really. I tried to get an internship at your design house here in
New York, but didn't make the cut."

"That's too bad. Your.....unique look could breathe new life into
some of the stuffier designers on my payroll. Those particular
trousers I never thought to wear like that. When I designed that
pinstriped business suit, I never thought it could be made to look
so casual chic."

"I widened the leg and lowered the the pants more
of a V line. The shirt actually belongs to a friend of mine. It was
just a little warm today for the jacket."

"Tell you what," Claudia said in a conspiratory manner. "When we
get back, I'll put in a call to Jonathon at the Design House. I'm
sure he can work something out for you."

"Thank you, ma'am." Violet said simply and honestly.

Claudia leaned back onto the plush leather bench seat of the
limousine still wondering about this young woman with such an air
of accomplishment about her.

"Her family must be wealthy or was at one time," Claudia thought.
"That's the only explanation for the way she carries
herself......Well there's one way to find out."

The Black Queen instantly entered the mind of young Violet
Priestley with a psionic probe subtle enough not to arouse the
girl's awareness of her act. The instant her mind touched Violet's
she was aware there was latent mutant potential in the girl. The
power in the girl's genetic structure had only manifested itself in
an empathic manner as of yet, but there was much more that the
girl might never discover. As her astral probe searched the girl's
memories she was suddenly struck with a profound sense of

This young woman had not been raised rich. FAR from it in fact..
Violet Priestley had been born to parents living in the projects of
the Bronx. Her father had left her mother when Violet had been
only two, and her mother had been killed in a gang battle shortly
after. Five year old Violet had been placed in the care of a
convent orphanage, where she found the coldness of her
environment no help at all to her fragile childhood mind. She did
however, find a means of escape. Using her well above average
intellect she tested well and got a scholarship to a prestigious
prep school in upstate New York. There she worked in the
kitchens to pay her expenses and studied business and design. The
bigotry and condescending attitudes she got from her fellow
students never broke her spirit and she continued to excel. After
graduating top of her class, she still had very little money and
was forced to look for work, so that she could continue her
education at the next level. The now eighteen year old Violet
Priestley had worked several odd jobs before finally landing her
position as a servant in the BHC mansion. She had been a diligent
and dedicated employee at all of these positions and never
stepped away from a challenge. THIS was something Claudia
could appreciate, but not quite understand.

How could one whose childhood had been so fraught with hardship,
maintain a positive outlook that Violet so obviously had? Although
Claudia's life had been by no means idealic, she had always had
money to fall back on. Violet never had that option. This young
servant intrigued her all the more now.

Claudia was about to speak again when she heard a peculiar noise
from just behind her head. It sounded like someone dragging a
silk handkerchief very rapidly over itself. She turned slightly
and then she heard the tell-tale rattle of Bertha's tail.

Back at the Darkfire Castle, Jon stood over the scrying pool
chanting wildly. Her state of agitation was mirrored by her
familiar, the rattlesnake Bertha. As the snake coiled to strike,
Nem screamed wildly and dived to the right. Violet heard Nem's
cries for assistance due to the privacy screen being down and
slammed the brakes on the speeding limousine. Before the car
could slow to a suitable speed though, Nem received yet another
surprise. As if made of mist a small boy appeared beside her. His
clothes were those of an earlier era...tight velvet short pants and
sailor's jacket to match. His hair was thick and full and cut in a
page boy style, but when he his apple red cheeks
dimpled, Nem saw the too white, too sharp row of teeth that hid
behind his innocent facade. She screamed again and Violet
slammed the brakes once more, sending the car into a skid.

Bertha struck out at the same instant the boy did. Nem threw
herself backwards to escape their fangs. As Bertha struck the
form of the mist boy, the deadly rattler went completely through
him and her fangs stuck deeply into the far seat. The boy laughed
and begin to materialize again. Nem struggled with the door
handle as the car finally came to a stop. Violet leaped from the
driver's seat and spun to open the Black Queen's door. Claudia
managed to dodge the vampire child once more, but was met with
the final surprise of her life. Just as Violet reached the door
handle in the passenger cabin of the limo, the car exploded into a
fireball that shook the ground around it, and Violet and Nem
screamed as one.

Violet's body flew through the air like a rag doll. She impacted
against a nearby tree, her neck snapping in the process. Nemesis
felt the flames consume her for a split second, and then in the
last moments of her life, she felt a piece of the car's frame rip
through her burning form, severing her spinal cord in two and
shredding her internal organs like so much sausage. As the flames
continued to rise and two women lay dead, the smoke from the
fire coiled black and noxious into the air. From the main pillar of
smoke, another cloud parted and it fell to the ground with
preternatural ease. As it reached the ground, it materialized once
again into the small dimple-cheeked cherub of a boy. He quickly
took to the shade of a nearby tree and then began to kick at the
dirt much like any spoiled child would.

"Damn your black soul, Pyre," he cursed. "I told you she was to be
mine. Don't make me slay you for your insolence."

An extremely tall and somewhat thin man stepped out from behind
an embankment. He was dressed entirely in black and his shiny
suit was covered by a long black overcoat. His hat was drawn
down over his face leaving it in shadow, but when he began to
speak, one could see his eyes. They glowed like embers in a
fireplace, and as he began to speak, you could see tiny flames
licking at his cracked black lips and his mouth appeared to be the
opening to a furnace.

"Silence yourself, whelp," the man in black hissed. "lest I burn
the flesh from your pretty bones as well.....Now let us be off
before our master grows angry."

And with that they disappeared in a flash of smoke and flame,
leaving disaster in their wake.

Back at the Darkfire Castle, Jon stood gripping the edges of her
cauldron. The scrying pool effect had ended and the cauldron
only bubbled fitfully. Her beautiful blonde hair hung limply
before her face, and some stray strands stuck sweatily to her
brow. Due to the condition of her hair, it was impossible to read
her expression....but if you listened very closely, you could hear
her whisper a single word.