Out of The Past: chapter 9 - 11 *HF*

By Gomurr


One by one, Jon's squad of soldiers dropped from the teleportal and poured through the opening in the wall. They were being led by the White Queen herself, but she had gathered many of her IFHC companions. The Red King Flyin' Ryan stood arrogantly beside her in the duped body of Collossus. Ryan's abilities lay in possession. Unlike other mutants of this type, however, Ryan's astral body jumped physically from one host to the next and upon leaving of a host body, it instantly turned to dust. This was why Madrox, the Multiple Man was always at his side. Without his countless dupes, Ryan would have no alternative other than to use the host bodies of those around him. By this point, constant manipulation at the hands of Ryan had turned Jamie into an almost feral animal, and he struggled on the end of the leash on which he was kept, anxiously awaiting the chance to pay the world back for the pain it heaped on him. Along with them, Psyche and Mischance stood back to back in black leather, looking like bikers bent on revenge. ShadowcatRules also fell from the portal and landed in a standard ninja attack pose. Supanova followed her in as he sped toward the front of the fray. The final two members of Nytshade's little army were perhaps the most fearsome of all. Darque Feonix dropped arrogantly from the the glowing transportal and surveyed the damage they had wrought, and finally the young mage known only as Scott came out closing the portal behind him with his mystical sword, Ch'vallin.

"It's an attack!" screamed the drunken Sampson, but before he could utter another word Ryan pelted him with an organic steel haymaker that sent him flying back through another wall. If not for Sampson's own strength and invulnerability he would have been dead. As he was, in his drunken state, however, it served to merely knock him unconcious.

"Blink" ran down the corridor with Cannonball close on her heels. Alarm claxons rang everywhere. "She" knew that the other BHC members would be there soon. As if by magic, Silver the Black Bishop rounded the corner in his battlesuit. Upon seeing Collossus hammering after Blink and Cannonball, he focused his aspect and begin to melt the steel plates that composed the armored hide of Collossus. Silver seldom used this ability to control the properties in metals as a direct attack on anyone, but there was no time to think. As the Collossus dupe screamed in agony, Ryan left the body and triggered Madrox to produce another dupe. He next found himself in the body of the Toad. He, thus, leaped onto Silver and secreted a sticky resin binding his eyes, mouth and arms taking him out of the battle.

Havok, the Black Knight leaped onto the form of the Toad dragging a clawed talon across the back of his enemy. The Red King cried out in the pitiful voice of the Toad and his hand came free of the leash in which he held Madrox. Young Madrox bolted and ran for cover as Havok prepared to finish off the Toad.

"Don't worry sir, I'll get him for you," said Havoc1 who had taken the Black Knights name out of respect. The upstart let loose a blast of TK that sent the Toad creature hurtling back from them and as he flew he screamed for Scott. The White Mage responsible for bringing them here, noticed the cries of the Red King and opened a teleportal on the wall behind the flying toad and it swallowed him returning the King in his new body to the IFHC headquarters.

"What are you doing here kid?" cried the Black Knight. "You were supposed to leave with Avalon and Skippy and the rest of the children to the safe house locations."

"You always told me a soldier who runs from his responsobilities is a man without honor, sir. I just wanted to make you proud." returned the upstart.

It was also at this point that the rest of the BHC along with the upstarts that were still on campus came rushing in. Nemesis stared angrily at the White Queen and released a bolt of white hot psionic fire from her fingertips. Her compatriots in the BHC were shocked by this, because they had never seen their Queen's abilities stray farther than mind control, but Nytshade being prepared as she always was, deflected the blow with a mystical shield, and fired a hex bolt of her own. The hex bolt went wide and struck behind Nemesis and the Black Queen laughed out loud over the din of the battle.

"You are getting old, Jon, my dear. That shot was way off," Nemesis spat.

"Only if I had been aiming at the cow in the foreground," returned Jon as her blast hit the wall behind Nemesis causing a large sculpture to fall on the raving Black Queen and her world went black.

"Retrieve her!" said Jon as Scott the incredibly handsome young mage knelt before the Black Queen and opened a portal with his sword through which she disappeared.

"You won't get away with this!" screamed Rahsas as he brought his staff down on the sword called Ch'vallin. "You invade our home and expect to find us easy prey. Think again, bright one! We know of hunting ourselves."

Mystical energies sparked and screamed through the air as the staff of the tall, dark and brooding Black Pawn met with the shiny sword of the fair haired mage of the Whites. Gomurr and Jon both cried out as if struck. Gomurr made a warding spell in the air and the two weapons came apart with a blast of eldritch energy. Rahsas and Scott appeared unharmed, and the battle continued.

Clarion, whose ability to channel pollutants in the air to weapons and power blasts, might have turned the tide into the BHC's favor, but he took took to the air mere seconds too late as Shadowcat ran a phased hand through his back disrupting the nerves in his spinal column and knocking him unconscious.

"Gregor!" Rahsas screamed as he rushed toward him, but it was too late. Scott sensing weakness in his opponent fired a mystic bolt from his sword at the fallen Black King and he too faded into a teleportal.

It was at this moment that SuperGrover flew into the fray. His only thoughts were of Blink. Where was she in all this carnage? He must find her. Suddenly his eyes swept over the body of a lanky blonde youth and he realized it was Cannonball. He had been with Blink!!! What could have happened. As he landed he looked down upon the face of Cannonball and only the stare of death looked back. Now noticing, the blood stained front of Cannonball's shirt, Grover spun around to see a blood covered Black Princess crouched with her belt knife at the ready. What was going on?

"C'mon Grovies," said Paramount in Blink's innocent sweet voice. "Dontcha wanna play with me any more. I"ll see both houses blood mixed on my hands before this day is through."

Paramount laughed maniacally and plunged at Grover with Blink's dagger. Grover twisted to the side and Paramount passed by, the knife skittering off of Grover's protective psi-aura.

"What's wrong, Rae? Please don't do this. We can sort this out," pleaded Grover as a powerful blast nailed him from behind.

Darque Feonix chuckled. He had seen the blue haired buffoon go after the lovely young creature that he thought was his compatriot and had acted on instinct. This fragile young girl had the look of one that was delicously innocent and he would have her for himself to break her spirit at his leisure. Besides one as duplicitious and aggressive as she did not belong with the BHC, but rather at his side. She was not to be killed by the likes of the pitiful creature that lay unconcious in the rubble. Paramount took this opportunity to morph into the form of one of Blink's serving gilrs and ran for cover. As Darque Feonix returned his attention to matters at hand, he scanned the battle for "Blink" but saw no sign of her. "No matter," he thought, "She'll turn up."

Meanwhile, Deadpool and Siryn were engaging Mischance and Psyche. The women let loose with flame bursts and telekenesis, battering each other with increasing ferocity. The men, however, seemed to be dancing a delicate ballet. Deadpool's acrobatic fighting style was well known, but every move he tried to make was quickly countered by Mischance, whose ability lay in defying the odds and creating null probability fields. In this manner every blow either struck, was countered quickly by the other. Suddenly a mystical blast from the battle Gomurr was waging with Nytshade and Darque Feonix struck to the left of Deadpool knocking him off balance and allowing Mischance to drive his knife home into the ribs of Wade.

"Waaaaade!!!!!" Siryn screamed as she turned to catch her fallen love, but as she turned Psyche nailed her with a psi-blast that flattened her and she joined Deadpool in the ranks of the defeated. As she fell, SupaNova swooped down with blinding speed and swept her up in his arms.

"I'll take this fly betty as a prize," said the SupaNova in his best Pimp Daddy voice.

"ENOUGH!!!!" Darque Feonix cried as he seemed suddenly to explode into the fire bird shape that was his name sake. "We take our prizes and we go, in hopes that you do not force us to harm them.....Give us what is ours and return the feral child and we will consider returning these fools to you intact."

It was at this moment that the six missing students stumbled into the fight.

"Don't give up guys," screamed Shockwave above the roar of the battle. "The cavalry's here."

"Cavalry, indeed!!" Darque Feonix scoffed. "You have just provided us with more spoils of war."

With that, he reached out his hand and Johnny Blaze, Psi-Shot, and Glittergirl rose toward him as he hovered from above.

"Now Scott," commanded Nytshade and the White Mage teleported them all away taking Silver, Havok, Siryn, Johnny Blaze, Psi-Shot, and Glittergirl along with his IFHC companions. With the already missing Nemesis and Clarion, that was eight key members of the Black Hellfire Club that had been lost in the battle. As Gomurr picked his way out of the rubble that Darque Feonix's last blast had sent him into, he wondered what they would do next.


"WAKE UP!!!", Jon spat. "How does it feel to be powerless?......completely at someone else's mercy?"

Gregor opened his eyes and tried to rise. The straps across his chest held him to the bed and something buzzed in his ear. He guessed it was a power dampener because he couldn't acess his blasting power. Jon slid the riding crop across his chest and let it fall with a slight slapping noise.

"Please, Jon," Gregor said in a bored voice. "Some people pay good money for this kind of torture. What next?.......candle wax?.....maybe even handcuffs?"

"Don't you dare mock me," raged Jon as she raised the crop and slapped Gregor across the face. The buzzing increased in Gregor's ears and he winced in pain. "We'll see what your loyal subjects think of you when they know the real Gregor. They'll see how you kidnapped and probably sold out WildChild the same way you did me!!! The device strapped to your head is a psionic relay device. It not only dampens your powers, but it allows us access to your innermost thoughts and memories. Once the proper frequency is found, we can read you like the proverbial book."

"Stop this!" screamed Gregor. "I will not be violated I n this manner. I had nothing to do with any kidnappings and whatever passed between us was as much your doing as it was mine, ELAIDA!!"

The captured members of the BHC as well as the assemble IFHC looked puzzled by this statement as Gregor roared with pain. Jon adjusted dials on a control console and the electricity in the air was almost palpable. The other members of the BHC were strapped to tables much like the one Gregor was on, minus the added relay device. They all wore restraining collars to keep thier powers in check, and were arranged where they all faced a monitor that covered an entire wall of this room in the IFHC headquarters. Nem screamed obsceneties and was quickly gagged as she struggled against her bonds. The others seemed to be in some sort of drugged stupor.

"Silent, my dear Black Queen. You'll want to see this more than you realize." said Jon.

Darque Feonix ,whose awesome telepathic abilities and futuristic technical knowledge had created the machine, stood silently watching the White Queen work. The other members of the raiding party shifted nervously in their seats. They were all aware that WildChild must be found before any harm befell him, but this skirted the edge of torture and not all of them were comfortable with the idea of that. Shadowcat rose to speak, but was quickly pulled back down by Mischance.

"Quiet chica," Mischance said quietly. "You definitely do not want to get in the way of Nytshade or Feonix. Right now, they are pretty close to loco."

Slowly the screen took on a steady humming glow. Gregor's screams had ceased and now his head hung limply forward. He stared pure hate through the dark hair that hung limp with sweat in his eyes. A tiny flow of blood trickled down his lip as he bit into it against the pain, then his mind gave way to the probes of the device and his eyes went glassy as the glow of the screen changed to vague fuzzy patches of shadow and light. Jon's voice rose, and she spoke almost soothingly to the bound Black King.

"Remember Gregor........remember when we met." she said. "We had it all planned out. You and I would rebuild the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle. We would build an empire of super powered individuals powerful enough to control the fate of the planet. We went over recruiting plans for new students for the school. We looked among our mutant and otherwise gifted peers for positions of powers.....and we looked to each other for love....What happened Gregor?...Why did you leave me like that?.......helpless to the whims of a madman!!"

She spat the final words and Darque Feonix raised an eyebrow. She understood instantly. The memory reversion device only worked if the examiner was calm and soothing...helping the.....participant.........dig through their mind for key events.

The swirling images finally took shape, and the room was now privy to the whirlwind youth and loves of the infamous black king.
The hair on the back of Puma's neck stood on end as she heard the voice from the dark. The sound the mechanical door made opening to release this threat reminded her of an animal being let out of its cage. She shivered. She remembered the ferocity in his whispered threats, and she became even more frightened. Race Traitor?...what could he mean? Pushing past the fear, and concentrating on the battle at hand, she moved into her transitional form and prepared for the worst.

Darkwolf had been warned by the master that others would try to sabatoge his good work. Why would anyone not want to help in the process of curing the ills of the world by creating the perfect mutant. He knew his master protected him from the outside world by keeping him within the confines of the compound, and he was glad of this. His thoughts went back to the time he saw his friends gunned down in a gang incident. The sheltered life he led now was a relief from the pain of the outside world. He had been told of the horrific ways in which mutants were destroyed back on the outside. He had seen the horrible scars that Paramount hid with his shape changing. Paramount had explained how an evil group of mutants known as the International Hellfire Club constantly stirred up trouble with the humans causing them to hate mutants and further damaging any chance for peace between them. He knew that this IFHC were the ones that had made the scars that disfigured the former White King. He felt good by his master's side and believed in their goal of striving to create the perfect mutant to lead his people and the human race as well into a golden age of peace. His master was a wise and good man, but he had been warned that there were evil factions that hated him for his goodness and were jealous of his knowledge. He leaped into the light at the girl. The lad was weighted down by the added burden of what looked like a captive, so he could be dealt with later. Darkwolf's acute senses noted a slight change in the scent of the girl as she seemed to morph in front of his eyes, but before he could dodge, a razor sharp claw from the girl's now taloned finger slashed across his face. He felt its sting, but he knew his nigh invulnerable skin would not be damaged much, so he was almost immediately upon her.

"Nice claws you got there, darlin!", said Darkwolf as he tried to surround the struggling Puma in a death grip.

Puma slipped free as the incredible strong arms surrounded her. She leaped from the youth's shoulder and backflipped her way in front of him. She quickly brought her knees up into the the charging attacker's stomach, doubling him over, but almost smashing her legs as well. What was this guy made of? Darkwolf straightened again and was about to charge again, but was hit broadside by WildChild.

"I don't know who you are, dude," growled WildChild, "but you've got the facts reaaaaly confused calling us race traitors, when you are the one working with a dude who's torturing mutants."

"The master said that there would be mutants who would fight against his quest to create the perfect being to lead us all.........You should feel pleased he has selected you for the process. It does you no harm. Why do you fight against him?" said Darkwolf as he prepared to throw the the rampaging Wildchild from him.

"No harm," screamed Sasha as she too pounced on Darkwolf trying to hold him down with the help of WildChild. "Does Blink look like she's been on vacation? She's got a broken leg for cryin out loud!"

"She must have been injured previously and the master was trying to help her," raged Darkwolf as he surrounded both of them with his super stong arms and prepared to squeeze the life from them.

Suddenly a bright pink light seemed to explode from inside of Darkwolf and he went limp. Sasha and Alex rolled away and saw Blink struggling to pick herself up from the ground. She had crawled her way into position....and had pulsed the attacking Darkwolf for fear of losing her only means of escape.

"Easy Rae. You're hurt real bad," said Puma.

"There's no time for arguing with crazies," said Blink in a very weak voice. "We've got to get out of this deathtrap and warn the others."

Puma and WildChild hurried to her and picked her up between them. They listened intently to her breathing and when she finally passed out again with the pain of her wounds, they heard a final word pass from her lips..........NEM?

BHC headquarters were chaos. Gomurr paced nervously in the infirmary. Most of the injuries had been treated, but not all were within the scope of his power. Cannonball lay dead on a slab in the morgue, gutted at the hands of "Blink". Deadpool was close to joining him as the wounds he recieved at the hands of Mischance refused to heal.

"I don't understand it," said Gomurr. "His healing factor should have stitched up this wound long ago."

"Could it be that Mischance's probability altering power could have somehow affected Wade's system?" offered Rahsas who towered over the diminutive mage from behind.

"That's the only solution," returned Gomurr. "We've tried both medical science and magic and the wound seems to not only refuse to heal, but may be getting worse."

Deadpool groaned in his sleep...."Siryn?" .......Gomurr administered another sedative.

Just then SuperGrover walked in. The look of sadness on his face was intense. He kept running the events of Cannonball's death through his mind. Why would Blink kill him?...and in so bloody a manner? He knew that Blink was a master of blades, but he also knew that she used this skill as more of a warning than as a killing stroke. What was going on? Then it hit him!

"Computer," he said. "Replay battle footage section 7 Alpha Delta."

The computer they had just managed to get back on line displayed the battle footage. The ferocity of it was not lessened by the fact that it was viewed through the eyes of the computer. Every brutal attack was painstakingly displayed for Gomurr, Rahsas and Grover.

"What are you doing?" said Gommur. "Our responsobility is to Deadpool....not Blink...she is lost to us."

"No, you don't understand," said Grover. "WATCH THIS!"

The three watched as Blink pulled a dagger from her sash as her and Cannonball ran for safety. As the youth turned to look at her, she effortlessly plunged the knife into his midsection and then smiled.

"There....THERE!!!...Did you see that!!!!" cried Grover.

"What?," said Rahsas with bile on his tongue. "That she gutted on of our own or that she enjoyed it?"

"NO!!" said Grover. "Look again.....Computer Replay.......THERE...you see..that was her left hand...she drew the dagger and stabbed Cannonball with her LEFT HAND. Blink is right handed. She wouldn't use a knife with her left hand."

Gomuur and Rahsas looked doubtfully at Grover, and then away.

"Like Gomurr says, buddy," said Rahsas as he patted Grover on the shoulder. "We gotta worry about Deadpool now."

As if on cue, the monitors hooked up to Wade began to signal loss of blood pressure.

"We're loosing him!!" cried Gomurr.

The old mage closed his eyes and a glow surrounded him and then grew to encompass Deadpool. His convulsing slowly stopped and the monitor alarms ceased their ringing.

"That's all I can do, but I believe we are just delaying the inevitable," said the Mage in a grave voice. "If we only knew more about his healing factor...or even a way to kickstart it into action."

Belasco listened intently from above them. He had shrank down to his bumble-bat form and had been watching the proceedings.

"Healing factor," the young demon thought. "I'll show them healing factor."

"We must leave him to fight this battle," said Grover. "Others need our help as well, several of our number have been taken....and we will get them back."

"You are right," said Gomurr. "Do you have a plan?"

"Yes," said Grover. "God help us all, I do."

With that the three left and Belasco slowly drifted down to the table.

"Hey man, don't know if this is gonna work, but it looks like you are out of options," said Belasco as he rolled up his sleeve. "Ya see...bein a demon actually has some advantages. Not only am I breathtakingly sexy, but I get well reeeealy fast when someone knocks me down."

The young demon reached across to a nearby table and grabbed a scalpel. Grimacing, he drug it quickly across the palm of his hand. A hissing sound filled the air like steam rushing from a pipe, as the super heated brimstone blood of Belasco was exposed to air. He placed his hand over the wound in Deadpool's side and pressed down. He could feel the sticky blackness dripping from his hand, but he could also feel the cut he had made beginning to close.

"This better work dude, cuz it hurts like...welll....Hell.......and i'm not doin it again," said Belasco.

Suddenly the monitor alarms went off again and the mercenary named Wade began to convulse even worse than before.

"F*@&," said Belasco.

Gomurr, Rahsas and Grover came rushing in.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE BOY?" spat Gomurr as he stared at Belasco who stood by Deadpool's side, his hand still wet with the blood of Deadpool and himself.

"I was trying to help," said Belasco miserably. "It's true what they say about good deeds not going unpunished."

"Get over here Rahsas, help me hold him down. Grover, get me that syringe over there," cried Gomurr barking out commands, but before he could make his attempt to save the man's life, Deadpool suddenly grew still as the grave and the monitor's all stopped thier automatic functions.

"Is he dead?" asked Belasco, who was as close to panic as a demon can be.

"Yes," said Gomurr quietly. "Now tell me what you did."

"I was just trying to help sir," spilled out Belasco sounding almost like Johnny Blaze. "I heard you saying you needed to jumpstart his healing factor. Well demons heal really fast and I thought if I...... you know........ gave him some of my blood, that it would help his system. I didn't think it would hurt him. I'm sorry sir. I'll understand if you want me to leave."

All eyes were trained on Belasco as he poured his confession out until they heard a sound from behind them.

"AAAAh lay off the kid, you old fart," said Deadpool as he slowly put his feet to the floor. "Apparently he was right. All I needed was a swift kick in the seat and I'm ready for action again. Now let's go get Siryn."

Everyone present were stunned into silence as Wade stood up. The deep angry wound on his side was almost healed, and they all noticed that his upper torso which was normally a mass of angry scar tissue was now pink healthy new skin. What was happening?

"What are ya'll lookin at?" said Pool. "Aintcha ever seen a man come back from the dead before. What?...What? Is my mask crooked or something?"

Deadpool pulled off the mask that he constantly wore to hide his hideous countenance. The Weapon X project that had given him his healing factor couldn't stop the constant degeneration of his skin, so although he was swift, fast and deadly, he was always forced to hide behind a mask to keep the world from seeing his horribly scarred face. As the mask slid away, Rahsas actually gasped. Where once there was a bitter pink mask of scars, now there was the handsome youthful face that Deadpool Wade had once showed the world.

"Well, whatdyaknow!" said Wade. "I guess the kid did a better job than even I thought."

There was a thump behind them as they all turned to see Belasco hit the floor. He had actually passed out.

"What'd I say?" said Deadpool as he went to pick up the lad that had changed his life.


Puma and Wildchild struggled with the semi-conscious Blink between them. The labrynthian corridors seemed to stretch on forever and even the keen senses of the two animalistic teens were taxed to the limit trying to find a way out. Both had the same fear in their mind. What if they met another of Paramount's guardians. Darkwolf would have killed them both, if it had not been for Blink, and she was no longer in any condition to help them.

"Which way, Sasha?" Alex asked.

"I'm not sure," returned Puma. "Hold Blink and let me morph so I can get a better scent on the situation."

Young Sasha Cullen once more morphed into her full puma mode and sniffed the air. Suddenly she let loose an unholy animal wail. The sound brought Blink out of her stupor with a jolt and she gripped Alex's shoulder.

"What is it, Sasha?" Wildchild hissed. "You gotta be quiet or you'll bring more sentries down on us."

Sasha morphed back into her transitional mode still holding onto the fur and acute senses of the animal while allowing her to once more help Alex with Blink.

"Alex, Paramount's got dozens of captives in the rooms ahead," she whispered. "I'm no psi, but I can sense their pain and confusion. They are in an almost feral state like they aren't even human anymore....and there's one more thing. We've got to go through them to get out!!!"

"If that's the only way out, girl," Wildchild growled, "then we've gotta take it."

"I know," said Sasha. "I was just warning you."

The pair moved a bit easier now with Blink limping between them on her good leg. As they approached the room a low growl came from the back of Wildchild's throat. I feel it now, Sasha. Rage.....rage and fear, but underneath that...something else....peace....and it was that feeling that was growing stronger. At first they entered the chamber and saw only a bright light. Then the realized the light shone from a cylinder suspended from the ceiling, and inside the cylinder was the vague shape of a human. They watched it stir and suddenly all present felt its gaze upon them. Blink, sucked in her breath and cried out in exstacy......She seemed to take on the same radiance as the creature and then it slowly faded. When it did, they saw the beautiful young Rachel Clarice Ferguson, standing before them healed and at peace.

"What happened?" whispered Puma. "Are you ok?"

"I don't know," said Blink, "but that thing up there touched me.....healed me.....set me free. We've got to help it, and get it out of this pit."

Just then security alarms went off everywhere. Paramount had set sensors to register the first manifestation of "THE ALPHA", and his healing of Blink had almost overloaded them, but Paramount had been prepared for this contingency and power dampeners clamped down on the fledgeling life in the cylinder and it cried out in agony. The cries of rage from the next room also grew to a fever pitch. Whatever Puma had sensed before had returned with increased force.

"We gotta get him down from there!" cried Blink.

"There's no time," screamed WildChild.....there could be hundreds of guards coming our way now, and it could be another of Paramount's tricks."

Puma and WildChild continued to run, almost dragging the reluctant Blink with them. They ran until they came to yet another door door. The wail of voices and almost animal cries from behind the door froze their blood, but they knew they had to get out or risk being locked up forever at the hands of Paramount. Wildchild reached for the handle and turned. The sight that greeted them left them all speechless and sickened. In cage upon cage, stacked haphazardly throughout the room sat people, but not people. It was as if each person was a macabre twisted jigsaw of several different people and even animals from the look of some of the creatures. They howled and hissed and rattled against the bars that held them. Just as the three had grown accustomed to the shock and revulsion of the sight that greeted them, Puma let out a high pitched scream, and there, as Blink and Wildchild followed her trembling gaze, sat what could be an exact replica of Sasha if not for the wild deformities. Where Sasha's hair hung thick and lush from her head in her human form, this creature sported a mangy mane with bare sores where scalp should be. It's hands ended in.... not fingers...... but claws without sheathes giving it the appearance of having scissors of scythes for appendages.....and the strangest part of all was a pink glow surrounded it constantly. In that instant they found out why.........a flying bolt shot from one of the creature's grotesque appendages and struck Blink in the chest. Rae didn't even cry out...she just tensed and then relaxed..and soft words fell from her lips.

"That's me too," Blink almost whispered. "That was my power. I know what it feels like......that ba$^@rd gene spliced us into that monster."

"Let's get out of here," said WildChild finally, and they all stepped quickly through the chamber of horrors before any of the other monstrosities could attack again, and before they could see any more of the grotesqueries that lurked there. The reached a final metal door and found it locked from their side..they slid the bolt and hurried out. They hurried up the steps that followed and through another door into a long white corridor that smelled of antiseptic. They continued to run and hit a door marked exit, and then they tumbled into the ruins of what looked to be a years abandoned play ground. The happy sun shone down on them from a beautiful blue sky.

"This is impossible," said Sasha as she looked around. "This is the orphanage where I was raised........before, I found out I was a frea......a mutant...........before I came to the school....What's going on?"


Jon's voice continued to question Gregor as his memories came alive for all to see. Even the captured BHC members watched closely. Gregor had constantly been secretive about his past and his meteoric rise to power in the Hellfire club, and they all watched with interest. Gregor moaned softly as the images of the ballroom in his past once again took shape.


His strong grip held Jon against him as they danced. She looked into his eyes and her cheeks burned a bright crimson. He swayed against her and her hips seemed to melt into his. His hands roamed down her soft back and pulled her even closer. The Jon of so many years ago let out a soft gasp, as she felt her breath quicken.

"We make excellent....partners," whispered Gregor into her ear.

Jon's hands went up to Gregor's neck and she ran her fingers through his hair. The first kiss was fiery and set the pace for the tempestuous relationship that would follow.

"Join me," Gregor cooed, "and the world can be ours."


"Enough of this drivel," spat the White Queen and then calmed herself. "Show them....show everyone how you tricked me into believing in your dream...and then left me in that nightmare."

"I didn't leave you, Jon," Gregor growled. "It was your pride that drove us apart...It was you who left me."

"Don't lie," Jon cooed. "You'll show us soon enough how you tried to destroy me in your quest for power. Now, let's see the beginnings of your rise to Black King."


Jon and Gregor sat on the balcony of Jon's penthouse suite in Manhattan. Her hair blew in the breeze, but its tusseled appearance was due more to the wild night they had spent together than the minimal breeze. She reached across the table and Gregor took her hand in his.

"I've got to ask you something, Jon," Gregor said. "We've discussed your resemblance to your family line.......and I've got to know if there's more to it than just coincidence. I'm about to reveal something to you that few others know. You see, Jon, I'm different......special you might say....and I sense that same specialness in you."

Jon shifted uncomfortably in her chair. Her mind reeled and finally she decided that she would tell this intense young man that she felt herself falling for...her dark secret. She reached out her hand toward the chilled fruit juice that sat on the table and it rose and came toward her. Gregor's jaw dropped.

"I knew it," Gregor said under his breath. "Telekenesis?"

"Better," said Jon as the relief of finally sharing her secret washed over her. "MAGIC!"

"Magic," said Gregor. "Then you aren't a mutant? What do you mean magic?"

"Mutant.......You're a mutant?," Jon returned. "You don't look like a mutant."

"Not all mutants are hideous, Jon," Gregor said as he rose from his seat and pulled her from hers.

Gregor pulled Jon into his arms and his hands slid down her legs. Jon's body melted to his as it always did, and he lifted her into his arms....and then suddenly there was a rumbling noise and they were in the air and over the edge of the balcony. Jon cried out and her hands gripped Gregor's shoulders as the world rocketed and they took flight. Somehow though within his embrace, the ravages of the wind couldn't touch her.

"It's called a kinetic blast field....and you're completely safe," said Gregor into her ear....and for the first time in a long time she felt like she was.


"STOP THIS FOOLISHNESS," Jon cried. "Show them what happened...end this foolish lover's fantasy you have."

"It's no fantasy, Jon," Gregor said weakly, "and you know it."

"Very well," said Jon, "Foenix.....take his mind........force him to show us what we need to know.....show them the rise of Gregor's little empire...SHOW THEM HOW IT WAS BUILT ON MY PAIN!!!!"

Gregor cried out as Darque Feonix's gaze locked with his. The images on the screen blurred out and then seemed to run in fast forward. Images of clandestine meetings with men and women of power........images of Jon and Gregor locked in lover's embraces.....images of the two of them looking through case files of young children gifted with awesome abilities........then the images began to slow and finally once more the room grew silent and they watched the life of Gregor unfold.


Gregor sat behind a large desk and waited nervously. A petitioner to join his newly reforming inner circle was to arrive any minute, and he had not consulted Jon about her membership. Gregor loved Jon deeply, but knew her jealous streak would automatically preclude any other beautiful females from the cabal they were forming, but Gregor knew better than to waste power when it was available. Finally the speaker on his desk buzzed, and he answered it.

"Ms. Steed is here to see you," the ancient receptionist droned.

"Call me Damask," another voice on the intercom said.

"Send Ms. ......Damask in, please," said Gregor.

The door to his office opened and a stunningly beautiful brunette swayed in. Her large eyes locked with Gregor's and the attraction was immediate. Gregor's gaze swept over her body and he smiled. Perhaps, not telling Jon of this one was a good idea. Just as dark haired seductress crossed the threshold of the office and was about to speak, she screamed and dropped to her knees. Gregor rose from his seat and rushed toward the woman until he noticed an alarming change coming over her. He watched as her dark eyes shrank and became slits of the most piercing blue. Her lush dark hair seemed to shrink and fade until it was a close cropped white crew cut, and where her gorgeous body had been, now there was the body of a pale and relatively skinny man wearing the black leather evening dress of the woman that had entered his office only moments before.


The "woman" scurried to her feet, and carefully brushed his hand through his hair.

"I am Paramount.....That's quite a power dampening field you've got there," he wheezed.

"Where's Ms. Steed?....Who are you?" Gregor continued to rage.

"Ms. Steed is probably still in England where I met her, and I.....I am the newest member of your newly reforming Inner Circle," said Paramount.

"Is this some kind of joke," said Gregor. "How did you know about my efforts to reform the inner circle....and what makes you think female impersonation is of any interest to me and my efforts?"

"I assure you," Paramount said haughtily as he stood there ridiculously in an evening gown, "that my powers go well beyond this little display."

Paramount approached the desk tracing his manicured nails along it's surface. His sharp eyes spotted the console controlling the power dampener and switched it off, while Gregor was still too dumbfounded to notice.

"Allow me to demonstrate," said Paramount once more assuming the form of Damask. "Not only do I mimic the form of someone, but I also mimic thier power," said Paramount and he reached up to trace his finger along Gregor's jaw.

Gregor's hand shot out and he slapped Paramount roughly across the face. Paramount leaped back to his feet with a grace almost lyrical and released one of Damask's psionic skinning blades at Gregor. Gregor reacted on instinct and activated his blast field, sending the blade skittering of its nigh invulnerable surface. He reactivated the dampening field and used his own mutant power to turn pollutants into solid energy weapons, almost simultaneously. Paramount morphed back just as the dagger tore across his right cheek. He screamed in pain and rage.

"Get out of here, before I finish the job, you freak," spat Gregor. "Your power has potential, but I will not be trifled with."

Paramount scrambled to his feet, hissing almost cat like. He put his hand to his face and felt the ragged meat where the kinetic dagger had torn his flesh. He was amazed that his skin had not instantly reformed around the wound....then he remembered the dampener field and stumbled back kicking the door to the office open and stepping backwards through it, the damage was done however and the scar would be there for life in Paramount's default state.

"You'll pay for this," Paramount screamed in a high feminine voice as he ran out. "I swear you'll pay."


"IMPOSSIBLE!!!" Jon spat. "They were working together......Paramount and Gregor.....and probably this Steed woman as well....Gregor could never control himself....... and when I got in their way, Gregor gave me to Paramount and his twisted ways. There's no way Gregor threw him out like that."

"The memories are genuine," Darque Feonix said coldly as his sharp mind cut through the folds of Gregor's memory. "The truth will soon be known....WATCH!!"

...and the screen came to life again.


Gregor sat slumped in his chair at the desk. Security had had no luck apprehending that strange shapeshifter Paramount, and Gregor was still a bit unsettled from their encounter.. When the phone rang, he gave a start.

"Hello?" said Gregor sounding weaker than he wanted to.

"Gregor, It's me, Jon......I've must speak with you," said Nytshade on the other end.

"What about, Jon?" said Gregor.

"It's about a strange man I met today. He was petitioning for membership."

"I met him too," Gregor said grimly, ,but don't concern yourself with him....I sent him away."

"It doesn't matter. I don't know what kind of power he has, but I'm scared. I think he's trying to get me, I've had the strangest feeling someone's been following me all day.......Can you come over?"

"Yes,....of course. I'm on my way." Gregor hung up the phone.


"I never made that call..........I never met the shape-shifter until after he kidnapped me and held me as his prisoner for months...somehow he's lying. Your machine is garbage Feonix if Gregor's puny mind can defeat it!!" raged the White Queen.

"No, my dear Jon, I'm afraid it's all the delicious truth. I can tell. Now be silent, and let this wonderfully twisted story play out." intoned Darque Feonix.

Jon went to speak again, but with a motion of his hand, Feonix cut her off from the speech centers in her brain. The rest of the assemblage looked around, but none said a word. The monitor sprang to life once again.


Gregor rang the doorbell and was greeted by Jon. She looked radiant as ever, but he noticed that there was a long tear along the bodice of her sequinned gown. He wondered at this, but said nothing because he could see by Jon's eyes that she was not in the mood to discuss fashion. There was an air of anger about her, and Gregor was so well acquainted with her wrath that he began lightly.

"I'm here, Jon," he said. "What's wrong?"

"Everything's wrong, you fool." said Nytshade quickly. "Do you think I'm not aware of what goes on in your offices. I knew of your latest harlot before she left. Do you think I don't have ways of knowing when beautiful women in leather gowns go in and out of your building"

Gregor looked puzzled for a moment and then began. "Jon I don't know what you are talking about, but I have no other lover but you. If you are talking about what I think you are, then that woman, as you call it, is the same man that has been trailing you.......I thought you wanted to discuss Paramount."

"What's paramount," Jon spat, "is why you can't be faithful to me."

With that, the insanely angry future White Queen grabbed Gregor's hair roughly and drug her to him kissing him deeply. She bit his lip fiercely bringing blood and then pushed him away. She looked at him with anger in her eyes and licked his blood from her lip.

"Have I not given you everything," she screamed. "All for this foolish dream you have.....Hellfire Club....HAH.....I'll have my own club and you'll have no part of it. Now leave me and never return."

With that, the one day White Queen pushed Gregor out the door and slammed it in his face. Security forces were there instantly to take Gregor from the building....and he left with a heart breaking with betrayal. What had happened to them?

Gregor McLendl died that day......and Gregor the Black King was born. His cold exterior replacing the warm heart of youth. Although both branches of the Hellfire Club grew and prospered, never again was he able to speak with Jon without the sting of her loss biting into him.


The silence in the room was suddenly split Nytshade's scream. Darque Feonix looked at her and seemed almost amused, as he released her speech centers.

"They are both lying.......I never sent Gregor away......and I wore that gown the very day, I was taken by Paramount."

"Don't you see, my dear," Feonix almost laughed. "It appears that Paramount played you both for fools...and a very masterful gambit indeed. From what I've seen here. He posed as you and himself, the White King, and led the silly Whites around by the nose. Then when you escaped him and found your way back to us, he simply disappeared and plotted again from the safety of his lair. The only trouble now is...Where are the children?....they are sooooo hard to replace you know."

Gregor looked up through his sweat soaked hair into the eyes of the White Queen, but could not find the words to speak.

Shadowcat did find the words though, and not a moment too soon.

"Don't any of you see what's happened. Paramount is the one that has taken the missing students...he played us against each other...and there's no telling what horror's they are going through right now. We've got to do something. Release the Blacks"

Suddenly a black swirling shadowgate opened and the remaining members of the BHC poured out.

"Surprise!!" Rahsas shouted as he closed the gate behind them and prepared his staff for battle. "Let's see how you like the uninvited guests."

runner up for a buncha things 2000

"If video games affected people, wouldn't all of the Pac Man kids from the 80's be running around in the dark, eating pills, and listening to elctronic music?"
- Unknown