Turn of the Page *HF*

By Gomurr

Written by: Gomurr

This story takes place directly after Dark Reckonings
Chapter One: Back To School

The morning sky was a brilliant blue as the sleek black jaguar manuevered into the parking lot of the BHC academy's main building. The figure within remained motionless in the plush leather seats, transfixed by her own thoughts. The silence was finally interrupted by the sound of footsteps outside the vehicle. Claudia looked up at an incredibly handsome young servant. At a subtle nod from her, he opened her car door, took her hand gently in his, and helped her out of the vehicle. Another servant of the BHC awaited her behind the car. Where the first had a been dark skinned and broodingly handsome, the second seemed to have come straight from the beaches of california with his almost shoulder length blonde hair and golden tan. The Black Queen smiled to herself. Had these two been selected specifically to appeal to her, or were all the servants at the mansion this attractive. The blonde opened the trunk and began unloading her bags. She watched as the knotted muscles in his back and arm tensed beneath his well tailored white shirt. He turned to her with a silent grin, and she favored him with a smile of her own.

"I trust there are rooms prepared for me?" she questioned knowing full well that all was in readiness for her arrival.

"Yes, my lady," said the dark skinned attendant in a melancholy voice. "All is as you requested. Would you like us to unpack your belongings in your quarters?"

"No, my dear," said Claudia as she traced his jawline with an exquisitely manicured fingernail. "A lady doesn't want to give up all her secrets, even to a fine a pair as you...not yet anyway. I"ll unpack after I've met with the Headmaster.

Claudia spun slowly and seemed to glide into the main building as the servants made their way to the mansion to deposit her bags. The two young men's gaze followed the Black Queen until the door closed behind her, although they watched through down cast eyes. The Black Queen's anger was as legendary as her somewhat lascivious nature. One couldn't help but be drawn to her, but one must also be careful not to seem too interested and incur her wrath.

The Black Queen smiled to herself as the doors closed behind her, then a frown crossed her face. Even without her psionic abilities, she knew exactly what thoughts were passing through the minds of the servants, but she attempted to reach out to them by instinct. She silently cursed when she realized once again she was without her abilities. Would she ever learn to deal with her new psi-blinded situation? Before she could take this morbid line of thought any further, Gomurr appeared.

The ancient mage wore an expensively tailored suit that Claudia thought she recognized from her own fall line. The cut was perfect and it looked custom made, but she wondered which of her designers had altered it to fit the diminutive wizard. Was this just another attempt to make her feel welcome?

"Hello, Claudia," said the old man cheerfully. "Ready to do battle with the raging hormones and bad attitudes of teens gone wild?"

"I don't believe it will be all that bad," she said huskily, hiding her own nervousness.

"Then follow me into the lion's den," said Gomurr as he led her to the lecture hall that served as the students home room, "and I'll show you what your in store for."

As the journeyed down the halls of the main building, a steady buzz of conversation and what seemed to be music grew louder. As Gomurr swung open the door to one of the main lecture halls, the noise level went from loud to near deafening. A radio blared the Beastie Boys, and the roar of animated conversation was loud enough to be heard even over that. Monet sat placidly, thumbing through her books and notes, oblivious to the chaos around her. Puma and Catana were both turned around in their seats trying to convince the new recruit Byron that the bright blue eye shadow they were applying liberally to her face was perfect for her. Psi-Shot sat somewhat apart from the rest of the group almost yelling into a cell phone in order to be heard. Havoc1 had Avalon pulled over to the far corner of the room, and was talking quickly with him, asking him about the new duties he would face as second Prince of the BHC. The rest of the students chatted between themselves and Nemesis began to once again have second thoughts about her decision to work closer with the BHC Academy. Before she could turn and walk away however, Gomurr led her quickly into the room.

At first there was no lessening in the noise. The students were accustomed to Gomurr dimming the lights when he was ready to begin, so they saw no reason to stop their bantering until the signal was given. Avalon was the first to notice the guest Gomurr had brought. As his mouth dropped open, Havoc1 followed his gaze, and he too fell silent. One by one, the whole room took notice of the Black Queen in their presence and soon the room was quiet except for the occasional squeak of a desk.

"I see you've all noticed our guest." began the mage. "She'll be taking over the the lecture sessions for European History, Grammar and Composition, and Art and Graphic Design. She will be addressed as Ms. Sandubal or ma'am and will be accorded your utmost respect, not only due to the fact that she's your Black Queen, but also due to the fact she's your elder and your new professor. Any questions?"

A hand shot up in the rear of the room.

"Yes, Mr. Ring?" said Gomurr looking at Havoc1.

"What about the Psionic Physics section?" Ben Ring, A.K.A. Havoc1 asked. "Why isn't she teaching that? That Moondragon lady you rounded up gives me the creeps."

Nemesis' face went pale, but she smiled through it.

"Guest lecturers such as Moondragon are scheduled months in advance, Benjamin," the Black Queen said, "and it would be the height of rudeness to cancel now, besides she's one of the top psionic talents in the galaxy, and you should be thankful to have her. The sections I am taking over are simply to lighten Gomurr's and Shockwave's course load as well as to allow me to better gauge the abilities of those in my organization."

Other hands shot up and Nemesis began answering questions in turn. As she answered, she began to slip better into the role of instructor, and what's more she was actually beginning to enjoy it. As she rounded the desk, and came into the full view of the students, again there was a slight stunned silence. Her tailored business suit jacket hugged her curvacious body and it's lavender color brought out the violet in her eyes. The matching skirt was expertly tailored and gave full view of almost ALL of her long alabaster legs. Havoc1, the new Black Prince and his counterpart Avalon actually stood open mouthed once again.

Nemesis smiled and Gomurr groaned slightly. The male students especially watched as Nemesis rounded the desk and climbed gracefully onto a stool facing the lecture hall. She crossed her legs seductively and smiled. The students were used to the diminutive mage standing on the stool and lecturing. Seeing the sultry Black Queen perched on the edge of it, was an entirely different matter.

"Holy Ally Mcbeal short skirts, Av." Havoc1 whispered. "Get a load of those legs."

"Why, Mr. Ring!?!?" Nemesis said barely hearing his comment. "Those thoughts are hardly befitting a new Prince of the Hellfire Club. Was the Black King mistaken in the fact that you are mature enough to handle the position."

Muffled laughter filled the room and Gomurr smiled despite himself. The Black Queen was cunning indeed. She knew nobody knew of her condition, despite the interruption of Hav and the two were-girls in the infirmary, so she was going to allow the students to continue to believe her psionic abilities were still active.

"A dangerous gambit," thought Gomurr," but I'll allow her to play it out."

The bell tone sounding the nine o'clock hour signaled time for a class change. The students shuffled out and Nemesis called after them.

"I expect to see you all at the 11:00 European History class." she said as the door swung shut behind the last departing Upstart.

"An excellent beginning." said Gomurr shaking the Black Queen's hand.

"Thank you," said Claudia. "For Everything."

"Nonsense," the mage said. "Your knowledge of design, and history, and your obvious eloquence will be a great asset to my students. It's I who should be thanking you.....but ummm...errr.....perhaps you could lower the hem on your skirt a bit. I mean well, even I was speechless."

"Good," said Claudia. "I've always been one to use every weapon at my disposal, and though my armory seems somewhat limited at the moment, I still know how to keep everyone off guard."

"As you say, Black Queen," said Gomurr distractedly as he tried to focus on somethign other than the sparkling anklet on Nem's shapely leg.


"Did you see that skirt?!?!?!" said Justin Mills, A.K.A. Darkwolf followed by a low whistle. "Damn......I'm glad the Q and A session was long, or I'd have not been able to get out of my seat without....ummmmm....showing up the rest of you losers....IF YA KNOW WHAT I MEAN."

"What ARE you talking about?" said the somewhat naive Psi-Shot.

"Never mind his fantasies," said the Iceman, "In an 'I want sex' outfit like that Nem's advertising for a real man like me, not a boy like you DW."

"I'll show you boy," growled Darkwolf jokingly, pretending to undo his fly.

"All of you shut the hell up," snapped Avalon picking up on the last of their conversation as he entered Darkwolf's room where they were all talking. "I don't think Nemesis would appreciate everyone ogling her like that."

"PUUHHLLEASE," put in Darkwolf, "What's up with you Av? Obviously she wanted us to look or she wouldn't have worn that belt for a skirt."

"Something's not right with her," said Avalon, "ever since we returned from Key Trofeo, she's been acting different....even more forward in her advances than before. It's like she's overcompensating or something. What's going on I wonder?"

"UH OH BOYS." shot in the Iceman, "Looks like Avy Baby's got a crush. Worrying about the Black Queen like that will get ya hurt, stud boy. You are only the Black Prince after all...NOT the king."

Avalon's hand glowed a bright blue and the Iceman was slung back against the wall by a wave of electromagnetic force.

"Hey watch out for my playstation you feebs," yelled Darkwolf as the iceman knocked pictures off the wall and came down with a thump next to the tv.

The iceman iced up almost instantly and his hand was turned into an ice dagger as he came rushing towards Avalon.

"Okay, you punk," the Iceman said. "I was kidding at first, but NOBODY pushes the Iceman."

The door of the room burst open and before the charging Iceman could get to Avalon, the Harbinger stood in between them. He had been walking by and heard the commotion, and meant to find out what it was about.

"What the hell's going on here?" he roared as he caught Iceman's neck in an iron grip with his bionic hand.

The room was silent, as the Harbinger's hard gaze surveyed it. Iceman ceased his struggle but glared daggers at Avalon, who stared back just as intently.

"I didn't mean that as a rhetorical question," Maxwell said. "WHAT IS GOING ON? You there....Psi-Shot. You always seem to be the level-headed one. Tell me."

"We were just talking about Nem...ummm..i mean Ms. Sandubal's dress," Psi-Shot stammered. "and Avalon told us to be quiet. We were just joking around."

The lad hung his head guiltily, and Harbinger supressed a smile.

"So you four don't have anything better to do than sit around and gossip like old women," said the Harbinger as he stroked his goatee. "I want you all in uniform and in the gymnasium in 10 minutes. We're gonna see how well you boys paid attention during the flexibility exercises that Gomurr brought that ballet instructor in for."

All the boys groaned in unison.

"Quiet," said the Harbinger still holding back a grin, "or we break out the tights that you were forced into the first time Ms. Petranova was here."

Despite the moanings, all the boys arrived at the gymnasium at the appointed time. The ballet instructor, who was more drill seargent than prima ballerina put them through each and ever "grace and agility" exercise that they had practiced before...and some of them more than once. They stretched and did toe lifts for hours, much to the amusement of Monet, Rogue, Puma, Catana and Byron who lounged in the bleachers and giggled none too quietly.

Later that day, Claudia saw Maxwell strolling by her new offices in the faculty section of the academy.

"Robert," she said somewhat sharply. "Could you come in here for a minute?"

"Ofcourse, Claudia," said the Harbinger. "What can I do for you?"

"I heard about your little object lesson with the boys in the gymnasium," she asked. "What brought that on?"

The Harbinger explained the situation as he gently teased the Black Queen about the seductiveness of many of her clothing choices, as well as the crush Av seemed to be harboring for her.

"What I wear, Robert.......is my business," she said coldly. "and you have even less right to judge me than anyone else. If not for your scheming, my mental powers would be working and I wouldn't have to be so....blatant....... in order to command the respect I deserve."

"Respect....HA!" laughed the Harbinger. "If fueling school boy fantasies is what you call respect, then you really aren't the person I thought you were."

"The person YOU thought I was," Claudia spat, "How dare you claim I am not acting myself when I dont even know what MYSELF really is. My entire life seems to have been orchestrated by one scheme or another with which you had a hand in, and now I have some of your infernal technology embedded in my head that could be influencing my behavior even as we speak....so don't presume to tell me I'm not acting like myself."

Claudia had swept her hair aside and was pounding on the psi-wave inhibitor that was attached to her temple. None had noticed it due to her long dark hair, but as she raged, her face paled and the dark metal of the implant stood out even more. Suddenly a tiny red light flickered on the implant and she began to scream holding her head. A tiny trickle of blood sprang from her nose as she fell to the floor. The Harbinger concentrated and Nem fell silent and slipped into unconsciousness, the light on the implant switched to green simultaneously.

"Claudia?!?!?!," said Maxwell as dropped to the floor and picked up the Black Queen. "I was afraid this would happen. That unit was never meant to handle anything more than Alpha level telepathy and now it's trying to cope with the awesome forces of your mind at it's fullest potential. I'm so sorry for all I've done to you....but I swear I'll make it right....somehow."

As the Harbinger tried to revive Claudia, he used his built in comm array to contact the med-lab at the academy. Soon an emergency team arrived and began loading the Black Queen onto a stretcher.

Hours later, the Harbinger sat by the Black Queen's bed, slowly stroking her hand. She murmured softly in her sleep. He spoke softly and soothingly to her, but it wasn't his words that were bringing her around, it was his mind. The cybernetic portion of his brain had once held the implant that now was attached to Nem's, and he could still manipulate it to some extent. Concentrating his limited telepathy, he entered Nem's mind and through the boosted power of his implant dived headlong into the raging thoughts of everyone from miles around their location. He almost cried out in pain, but deftly manipulating the implant, he screened out thought after thought desperately searching for Claudia's core personality. Finally he reached it and Claudia sat bolt upright in bed with a sharp intake of breath. She panted and looked into the Harbinger's eyes.

"Oh Robert, my love," she cooed. "You saved me from that horrible place. The voices are quiet and they won't ever bother me again. I don't want those powers. I never did. I just want to be with the man I love. I just want to be with you. Just hold me and let me be near you. That's all I ever needed you know."

The Harbinger grimaced as held Claudia close. Something must have happened. He had successfully found her core being, but in the process he must have triggered some sort of emotional bond that wasn't there before.....or were these the real feelings of Nemesis? Did she really love him like this? He wanted to believe it, but a nagging doubt lingered on. For now, however, he was happy. Whether she truly loved him or not, she was once again safe and among the living. The rest could be sorted out later.......and besides, it's not every day a beautiful woman like Nem's fondest desire was to please your every whim.

After almost an hour of hearing Nem pour out her heart to him, he left her in the hospital bed with promises to see him tomorrow. The Doctor's gave her a clean bill of health, and she went back to her suite of rooms at the mansion. The Harbinger sat alone in his own rooms, swirling a snifter of brandy in his hands. His thoughts centered on Claudia. What had brought on this sudden all encompassing passion she had for him? Was it yet another game? Had he somehow planted a seed of his own desires in her mind during his psychic surgery. Did she truly love him and had been hiding it all along? How could she hide it when her telepathy still didn't work? What was going on? All these thoughts rolled through his mind, but in the rooms of Clauda Sandubal much darker thoughts stirred.

Claudia sat humming to herself as she brushed her hair. She stared lovingly down at a picture of Robert Maxwell in a finely carved crystal frame on her night table. Suddenly she stopped humming and gripped the picture frame until her knuckles whitened. With a grunt of disgust she hurled it against her bedroom wall, shattering the delicate crystal into shards.

"You idiot," she raged at herself into the mirror. "Did you think you could get rid of me so easily. Now look what you've done. We're powerless and you are simpering around like some love sick fool. Well Nicole's back in residence now, and things are never gonna be the same."

The face in the mirror laughed huskily as she rose and began to flip go through drawers in her antique mahogany bureau. She selected a breezy black lace teddy that barely covered the essentials and slipped into it with a sigh.

"Oh..sister dear....you always were the conservative one," said Claudia to herself, "but don't worry....I'll be daring enough for the both of us. "

With that Claudia strolled out of the room, heedless to the fact she wore only the teddy, and in the corner of her mind where her core personality still sat combing her hair, she hummed quietly and daydreamed of the Harbinger.


The heels of Nem's shoes were soundless on the deeply plush carpeting of the mansion. She still wore only her high heeled black slippers and lace teddy. She strolled casually, however, not the least bit self-conscious of her own near nakedness. As she neared the end of the great hall in the west wing, a door opened in front of her. The newly returned Michael Breslin, A.K.A. Havok, stepped out. He wore a dark navy terrycloth robe that hung to his calves. She laughed silently at the frumpy tattered appearance of the robe, but she had to acknowledge the broad shoulders and well muscled legs that were also displayed. Nemesis slowed her pace so as to keep her presence hidden from his view. She followed him to the end of the hall and watched him round the bend in the hall towards the stairs.

"The drunken lush is probably going to get himself a shot," she thought. "If Claudia's memories are any indication, he's quite the drinker."

As she rounded the corner as well, she walked directly into Havok as he stood, arms crossed..looking down at her.

"Hello, Claudia," he said. "What are you doing out and about this late. I heard you had an....incident earlier in the day. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," said Nemesis recovering quickly from the shock of being caught. "What are you doing out here.....going to get a drink, perhaps?"

A look of anger flashed across Havok's face, but it was replaced quickly by a smooth calm. His time away from the BHC had helped him in more ways than one. He could now better control his quick temper due in part to the fact that he hadn't had a drop of alcohol for well over three months.

"I thought I'd drop down to the kitchens and get myself a snack, actually," said Havok in a deep steady voice.

"A snack?" said Nemesis breathily as she brought her fingers slowly up to Havok's cheek. "That might be JUST what I need."

As she spoke, Nemesis slid her hands down Breslin's neck, slowly catching the fold of the robe on his chest. As she continued to trace her fingers downwards, the robe began sliding open Havok's chest was exposed all the way down to the belting tie at his waist. Nem's fingers continued to glide down sensuously threatining to bring the robe open, but as her began pulling the belt free, Havok caught her wrist in a firm grip. She gasped out in a startled whisper.

"MMMMM....What's wrong," she said in a husky voice as she surveyed the exposed muscles of his chest. "Don't you want that snack anymore?"

"What sort of game are you playing at now, Claudia." said Breslin trying to quiet his own breathing.

"No game," she whispered as he rearranged the folds of his robe. "Just wanted to welcome you back."

Michael Breslin turned on his heel and stalked back angrily towards his suite of rooms. Why had he thought for even one second that things would change around this madhouse that was the Hellfire Club. v "God, I could use a drink," he thought, then he mentally calmed himself and re-entered his room reaching for his AA book. "Never again. I refuse to let this place poison me again."

Claudia laughed slightly as she continued on her way. As she neared the bottom of the steps and the main entrance door to the mansion, the clock struck midnight.

"The witching hour," she said softly. "How fitting."

A voice rang out from the shadows. She spun towards it.

"Mistress," squeaked the voice in prim speech. "If you are going out, I thought you might need a coat."

One of the staff of ever present maids spoke as if wearing lengerie around the house were an everday occurrence and only offered the coat as a suggestion. Part of staff training was never question your "masters." Nem allowed the beautiful young blondes to slip a soft leather trench coat around her shoulders, and she walked out into the night with one thought on her mind......RYAN JENSEN.


It was 1:00 A.M. and starting to rain when Claudia's sleek black jaguar pulled up in front of the International Hellfire Club Estate's main gate. She pushed a button on the panel and a monitor sprang to life beside it.

"State your business," the guard on the monitor said.

"My name is Claudia Sandubal and I am Queen of the Black Hellfire Club." Nemesis said. "I demand to see Ryan Jensen, the Red King."

"I'm sorry Ma'am," the guard said politely yet firmly, "but the Red King has already retired for the evening."

"Then he must be awakened," she snapped. "This is a matter that cannot wait."

"I'm sorry, Ma'am" the guard began.

Then the Black Queen interrupted....."No, but you will be sorry if I'm not allowed to see the Red King this instant. Did you not hear who I am. You know what I'm capable of. I'm sure you've been briefed throuroughly on what the members of my organization are capable of, so unless you would enjoy having the wrath of my entire organization crashing down on your precious little guard house...LET ME IN."

Nicole prayed this bluff would work. She was almost certain nobody in the IFHC knew about her power loss, and it would be difficult explaining this to the BHC should they actually be notified. There was a heavy clang as the gate's automatic release was activated and she silently rolled through into the courtyard. She breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped out of the car onto the manicured lawn before the IFHC Estate.

The Black Hellfire Club's mansion and grounds were huge and sprawling, but this structure was an actual castle complete with turrets, a moat and a drawbridge. Hellfire Club records indicate it was brought over stone by stone from England long before even that little imp Gomurr could remember. Two IFHC guards in full English Livery hurried out with umbrellas and led her into the immense structure. Once inside she again marveled at the amassed wealth that the club held. Gigantic tapestries and chandeliers adorned the walls and cieling...and the main stairs leading up into the higher levels were wide enough to drive a full sized car up. Her eyes travelled upward and at the very pinnacle, looking completely at ease as if he hadn't been woken up from a sound sleep stood Ryan Jensen.

The Red King stood silently looking down at Nemesis. His red and gold silken robe was belted around him and he looked elegant and at ease among all the splendor of the International Hellfire Castle even in his night clothes. The nightcrawler dupe that he now used as his own body Ryan had skin-shifted to his preferred form, changing the features to those in which he was accustomed as well as making him completely humanoid and incredibly handsome in appearance. He still held the powers of the dupe, however. Suddenly he was beside Nem in a burst of brimstone. She gasped despite herself, and was suddenly aware of what was labeled in Claudia's mind as the "predatorial gaze" of Ryan Jensen. She had access to all of Claudia's memories concerning Ryan. Claudia had heard the whispered tales of his sadistic behavior....of the bodies of one time lovers being quietly disposed of. Could this devilishly handsome man really be that much of a monster? Was he capable of such cruelty? She shivered in fear....or was it anticipation....and then he began to speak.

"My dark queen, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit," said the dashing Red King with a low bow that gave him opportunity to look closely at the entire length of leg that Nemesis showed in the split of her rain soaked jacket. "We simply must get you out of those wet things, dear. Come....let us adjourn to my quarters, where there is less chance for interruption."

"An excellent idea, Ryan," said Nemesis with a smile, and before she could say much else she was being led up the grand staircase with a warm caressing hand on her back.

Ryan swung open the door to his private suite of rooms, and bowed again motioning for Nemesis to enter. She surveyed the interior quickly. A crackling orange glow came from an enormous fireplace casting shadows against it's ornate red marble mantle. Deep red plush carpeting lay everywhere and low velvetty couches and silken pillows were scattered about all in deep rich reds or blacks. The only light in the room other than the fire's glow was from heavy standing wrought iron candlebras, slowly flickering in various spots around the room. They seemed to be draped with chains and manacles in varying sizes, but it was too dim to really tell. Nemesis steadied herself and entered. As Ryan entered behind her, she heard his hand pop the lock on the door, and she again had to steady her breathing to remain calm.

"Now," said Ryan, "shall we get on with what you came here for."

Nemesis smiled wickedly as she allowed the coat to drop to the floor and stood revealed in only the lace of her lingerie. Ryan's slow grin was almost frightening, but she felt dark urges beginning to stir within herself as well. Ryan's hand was entangled in her hair before she could think another thought and he pulled her too him roughly. Spinning her around with his grip she was soon being held against him, his stomach pressing against her back. She could hear his breathing becoming deeper and more rapid, and she could feel her own excitement growing. She heard a softly subtle click and saw that Ryan held a tiny blade in his hand. Again before she could react the blade was poised at her throat as the Red King's other hand explored her body as he held her against him. Ryan slowly brought the flat non-edge of the knife down her cheek. The cool metal felt wonderful against her now heated skin and she moaned despite her fear. The knife travelled further down, and with a soft whisper of cut fabric the left strap of her garment came free. She rapidly tried to clear her senses before she let herself be swept entirely away by these games of the night.

Nemesis spun quickly around, her fingernails catching Ryan's face and digging a furrow across his left cheek. He pulled away suddenly and placed a hand to the now bleeding gash on his face. He touched it gingerly, and then placed the blood sprinkled finger into his mouth sucking it sensuously.

"First blood to you, my dark mistress," he said heavily, "but the night is still young."

"Yes it is, my master," said Nemesis, "but first we must talk. Then.....perhaps....we can continue our little game."

"Of course, Claudia," said Ryan aa he walked towards one of the couches beside the fireplace.

When he turned to motion her to sit she realized his robe had come open and he wore nothing underneath. She averted her eyes back to Ryan's face, but his grin was wolfish as she met his gaze. He carefully and ever so slowly tied his robe, pretending to be unaware of the heated stare of the Black Queen.

"Now," he said reclining on the couch, "What shall we talk about."

Nemesis filled Ryan in on her condition and of the implant that she was now forced to wear in order to protect herself from her own power. She asked about his powers as a flesh elemental, hoping that with them he would be able to help her. She cooed and stroked his arms as she spoke, and as she paused for him to answer she placed one finger of his hand to her lips and kissed it softly.

"Will you help me?" she said as she let the finger slide into her mouth and against her tongue.

Ryan's eyes rolled and he let out a subtle groan.

"I know of a possible way around your difficulties, Claudia," he said, "but we still haven't completely discussed ......payment for this little favor."

Before Ryan could say another word, Nemesis was atop him pushing him down onto the couch with a shove. Her right hand grabbed his hair roughly and pulled his neck back. She kissed him fiercely then bit his lip, bringing a small trickle of blood. She now held the blade that Ryan had used to cut at her lingerie, and with it she sliced the belting strap of his robe away, and secured her position atop him. Ryan groaned blissfully.

"It has been so long," thought Ryan as he allowed the moment to take him. "So long since I've been with someone who shares my....appetites."

The hours that followed were a mixture of pain and pleasure of exquisite proportions. Ryan's intoxicating cruelty and Nem's own penchant for brutality left them spent and lying in each other's arms before the fireplace. Nem slowly rolled over and rested her head on the slightly haired chest of the Red King. She bit him playfully, and looked into his eyes.

"Help me Ryan," she said in a pleading tone she had discovered he liked. "Use your powers to give me my own back."

"I......can do nothing for you, Claudia." the Red King said.

Nemesis' rage was immense. She leaped from the bed slapping the Red King on her way.

"What do you mean you can't help me, you promised you knew a way." she spat. "I'll kill you for this you sadistic bastard."

The Red King rose from the bed again blissfully unaware of his nakedness, or perhaps reveling in it.

"I said that I could do nothing for you...BUT...there is someone who can." he said smoothly. "Now if you'll just calm down I'll tell you."

Nemesis swallowed her rage, and remained silent. The Red King stood staring at her the same way. Finally he spoke.

"My dearest Claudia," he said, "Had you any true ambition you would realize that your rightful place is with me here in the Red Court, but a woman of your.......tastes..... can't be controlled unless she allows it, so I'll help you. Of course you will come back to me in time......like all things, you will return and when you do you'll become the new Red Queen."

Nemesis simply smiled and gave no response as Ryan approached her. He whispered something in her ear and a look of shock crossed her face.

"Ofcourse," she said and Ryan simply smiled.

"So you see my dear," he said through a sardonic grin. "You didn't really need me at all, but don't deny the fact you enjoyed our time together. We'll meet again."

The Black Queen said nothing, but simply turned and left. She could feel Ryan's eyes still on her and she cursed herself for liking it. Walking naked to the outer rooms, she hurriedly put on her jacket and rushed to her waiting car. The hopelessly shredded teddy lay in ribbons of fabric beside the bed. Ryan picked up a soft silken strand and brought it to his face and breathed deeply.

"Oh yes," he said. "You'll be back.....and ready to become my queen as soon as you get what you want from your own Black Prince."

It would be dawn soon and the fleeing Black Queen needed to be back at the academy before anyone noticed her absence. Avalon, the Black Prince still slept, blissfully unaware of what was coming his way.


The Black Queen pulled her car back into the BHC Academy grounds at around 4 a.m. The rain had slowed to a steady drizzle, and she stepped out into it. The gusts of damp wind chilled her to the bone as her still damp raincoat seemed to attach itself to her now naked skin. She passed her key card through the door and placed her eye to the retinal scanner. The soft click of the main door opening made her apprehensive. Surely by this time, even the house staff would be in bed. She crept cautiously toward the main stairs, and then thought better of it. The click of her heeled shoes against the stone would be like gunshots in the quiet of the early morning hours. She walked carefully to the elevator and pushed the up button. When the doors slid open she barely stifled a scream.

"BASTION!?!?" she said breathlessly.

"Greetings Black Queen," said the pink skinned youth, running his fingers nervously through his white hair.

Ever since the end of Operation Zero Tolerance, the BHC had been trying to conceal the existence of this prime sentinel that answered only to the name of Bastion. He had been found in the abandoned hulk buster base by BHC plants within the S.H.I.E.L.D organization. They had spirited him away before the investigation came into full swing. This Bastion was similar in appearance to the maniacal leader of OZT, but his organic life components seemed to be much younger. Apparently the original Bastion had constructed this one from prime sentinel technology as well as his own bio-cells as a failsafe in case he was destroyed. The BHC operatives had liberated him before his anti-mutant programming could be completely installed, so what they now held was a teenaged super computing prime sentinel cyborg with an intense thirst for knowledge to replace his missing programming.

The Black Queen stared at the pink skinned youth, as he stood before her. This would have to be handled delicately.

"Bastion," she said quietly. "What are you doing up at this hour?"

"My regenerative cycle is completed, and I wanted to begin a download from the main computer banks before my regularly scheduled classes," he said matter of factly. "Interrogative. Is it not customary to wear other garments beneath a top coat."

Nemesis grimaced. The damn thing had scanned her.

"Return to your room until the other students awaken." she said tartly. "If you wish to become more human then you must maintain more human sleeping patterns."

"A very good point, Black Queen," said the youth. "Thank you for your assistance in better understanding the lethargic nature of humans."

The youth stepped back and Nemesis boarded the elevator. He left the conveyance on the men's sleeping floors and she continued on to her rooms. Would he tell of their chance encounter? She would have to make sure he did not. The Black Queen entered her suite of rooms, dropped the drenched coat to the floor and crawled naked and damp between the sheets.


The next morning Claudia awoke at the sound of her alarm and stretched. She felt as if she had barely slept the night before, although she clearly remembered climbing into bed at 11:00 pm just after combing her hair. She cried out in alarm as a sharp pain went through her neck and back. She left the bed and walked into the bathroom. Looking into the mirrors surrounding the room she let out a gasp. Her back had tiny red lines that looked like scratches all up and down it. She had a dark bruise on her hip and her thigh, and her left eye seemed a bit puffy. She grimaced. What had happened to her? She thought of calling someone to her aid, but then thought better of it. She was just getting her life back together and she wasn't going to raise any suspicion about her state of mind, when the markings could simply be left overs from her ordeal on Key Trofeo

Suddenly her mind was filled with thoughts of the Harbinger.

"Harbinger......Robert Maxwell," she thought as her heart fluttered nervously. "The love of my life. I HAVE TO SEE HIM."

She called him quickly on his private line. When he answered groggily she began to speak.

"Oh, Robert." she cooed. "I just had to call. I've got a class to teach at 9, but can we have some breakfast first. In the garden gazebo...say in 30 minutes."

"Ummm...yes, of course, Claudia," said Harbinger, grimacing slightly. "I'll see you then."

The Harbinger hung up the phone and looked at his reflection in the mirror as he got up to get ready. What was going on with this new "sweet and cuddly" personality Claudia was projecting? What could she be planning? He showered and dressed hurriedly and met her at the assigned spot. She was dressed in a flowing white sundress and she positively beamed as she served out the delicious breakfast of fruit and bagles she had prepared by hand. He looked at her strangely. She looked rather drawn and tired and her left eye appeared somewhat puffy. Also, he found her choce of attire strange. The Nemesis he had come to know would have chosen a more aggressive style of dressing....not the cottony knee length dress that made her appear almost....well...virginal. Her daring necklines and climbing hem lines were famous in the BHC, and had become even more risque' in the past few days. What was going on? He continued to eat in silence as he pondered.

Claudia's watch sounded and she lept to her feet.

"Oh poo," she said as she pulled the Harbinger to his feet and hugged him close. "I've got a class to teach. Promise me I'll see you later."

"Of course," Maxwell said becoming even more confused. "I look forward to it."

"Good, until then my darling." she said kissing Maxwell on the nose as she practically skipped away giggling.

Giggling?......Something definitely wasn't right.


The students filed in one by one, and sometimes in groups, laughing amongst themselves. This was to be Claudia's first day of teaching Composition. She sat at the head of the class by the projection board sketching out the day's lesson plan. When she turned all the students looked at her strangely. The boys in the group had a slight look of disappointment on their faces.

"Goood Morning, all," Claudia said as she practically danced towards the class after finishing her writing. "Isn't it a simply glorious day to be alive."

The students all sat in silence, wondering what was going on. Several whispered convesations began.

"After what she had on yesterday...now we get this.....that's like going from Pamela Lee to Mary Poppins," Justin Mills, A.K.A. Darkwolf whispered to the Iceman. "What a freakin rip off."

"You're tellin me." Iceman whispered back. "Yesterday she had no secrets and today you can't even tell if she has a shape.....what kind of tease is she?"

Claudia continued to teach the class as conversations about her abounded. Suddenly the door flew open and Avalon came running in. Claudia made her way to the front of the desk where the high stool was to see who her late arrival was.

"I'm sorry that I'm late....Ne...umm...i mean Ms. Sandubal," Avalon said. "I was making arrangements to have my apartment in the city renovated and you know how contractors are."

A strange look crossed Claudia's face and she inhaled sharply as her eyes fell on Avalon. Then she leveled a stare at him and a somewhat cruel grin crossed her lovely face. Before Avalon could go any further, Nem cut him off with a sharp look. She climbed slowly up onto the stool and glared across the room at the Black Prince. She breathed deeply and tugged gently at the waistline of her dress causing her breasts to bulge at the top of the bodice. Av's eyes goggled along with the rest of the students, as she crossed her legs and pulled the hem of her skirt up revealing an expanse of exposed thigh.

"I'll see you after class," she said in a husky commanding tone. "I'll have you summoned when it's time."

Avalon swallowed hard and watched as she swayed seductively back to the board. As she did, her hands swept the tiny white straps of the dress from her shoulders and continued to teach the rest of the class with the dress held only by the bosom of the wearer. As the class ended, the students filed out whispering softly about the unbelievable seductiveness Claudia had assumed in class, especially after the Pollyanna entrance she had made. Claudia followed her class out.

"Bastion," the Black Queen said. "I have an assignment for you."

The young prime sentinel turned and returned to where the Black Queen was standing.

"Bastion," she continued. "In order to properly process human behavior, you need to understand other cultures and ways of life. Here are the coordinates to my businesses in several other countries. Your assignment is to monitor the ways of life of the people here and compile them into your database. You must also remain only a passive observer. None observed must know that you watch them. Is that understood."

"It is understood," Bastion began, "but what about clearance from Jack Silver, sub designate Black King."

"It's all taken care of," she said quickly. "Go now....quickly. This is vital to your learning process."

And with that the young cyborg was gone. Meanwhile a group of boys continued down the halls talking among themselves.

"You go, Av," said the Iceman as they walked. "Looks like her royal nakedness wants to see you after class. I can just bet what part she wants to see."

Av glared at Iceman and turned towards his room angrily. Something wasn't right here and he meant to get to the bottom of it. Despite himself however, he thought of the upcoming meeting with the seductive Black Queen and his mind quickly returned to the night visions that he had enjoyed back on Key Trofeo. Could she really be turning to him for...more than just his normal duties? A low groan passed his throat as he locked the door to his room behind him. Just what does she have planned for our meeting? The unconscious groan came again to his throat as he pondered just how much time he had before she called.


The Harbinger knocked carefully at the Black Queen's door. The door swung open from the inside and there stood Claudia dressed in a skin tight leather mini-dress with side cut outs that showed her deliciously muscled stomach and the curves of her hips. He looked somewhat taken aback. When her eyes met his, her smoldering gaze quickly turned to one of jubilant happiness.

"Oh Robert," she said as she threw her arms around the Harbinger. "You promised you'd stop by and YOU DID. I'm so happy."

The Harbinger pulled Nemesis gently away from his neck and looked down at her. She blushed under his gaze and then looked down at her own clothes.

"Oh....my goodness," she giggled. "What am I wearing? I'm sorry...ummm...just give me a minute and let me change. Oh dear...what was I thinking."

The Harbinger simply smiled, but his thoughts whirled. He tried to reach into Claudia's mind to determine what was going on, but the same blocks that kept her powers in check also had adapted to protect her from psychic probes. What was going on? Minutes later, Claudia reappeared wearing an expensive lage necked wool sweater and floor length skirt.

"Are you ready for dinner?" she said taking his hand like a small girl. "I've missed you soooo much today."

The Harbinger only nodded and they began walking down the hall towards the exit stairs. Nemesis talked incessantly about the evening she had planned. Dinner at a little cafe downtown, the premier of the latest Disney movie, and then ice cream to top off the night. Suddenlly her grip became steel in Harbinger's and she froze in place. The Harbinger looked up and saw Avalon coming down the hall towards them.

"Excuse me, Harbinger, but I need to ask Nemesis a question," the youth said.

Nemesis had taken on an almost cat-like appearance. She studied the approaching Black Prince with the eyes of a predator. The large open neck of her sweater had slipped, exposing one milky white shoulder.

"It's all right, Robert," she said huskily. "I had forgotten I had a meeting with Avalon. I'm sure you'll forgive me, but I must take a raincheck on tonight's outing."

Before he could say anything, she was walking back towards her room with Avalon following meekly behind her. He simply grimaced and returned to his rooms with a worried frown.

"Women!!!" he thought sarcastically.

As the door to the Black Queen's suite of rooms closed behind Nemesis, she motioned Avalon toward a chair by the crackling fire place. He sat down nervously and Nicole leaned against the mantle not saying a word.

"About me being late this morning," Avalon began nervously. "As I was saying, I was speaking with some contractors on the phone concerning some remod....."

"Don't concern yourself with that," said Nemesis as she ran her fingers through her hair and arched her back in front of the fire. "A young man of your standing has certain responsobilities above and beyond those of his peers. Think nothing of it. Is it warm in here?"

"A little," Avalon stammered watching her stretch languidly.

"I thought so," she said. "Would you excuse me, while I slip into something a bit more suitable for this......temperature."

Avalon swallowed audibly trying to moisten his mouth. He could still feel the eyes of the Black Queen on him even though she was in the other room. He looked up and barely contained a groan as the Black Queen re-entered. She wore a strapless black gown with a plunging backline. There was a split for the leg that reached seductively to her mid thigh. She simply smiled at Avalon and her eyes again looked hungry.

"What did you want to do...i mean see me about," he stammered.

"I wanted to discuss your.........position," said the Black Queen. "I understand the burdens of responsibility all too well. How are you handling it my young lord?" "P..p....pretty well," said Avalon. "I mean the added responsobility makes it tough to make time for course work, but I'm managing."

"Of course you are," she cooed. "I can see the .....drive....for greatness in you....but I also see a man with a lot on his mind. I never really took the opportunity to welcome you properly into our little circle with all that's been going on in my life. I just wanted to make sure you felt all right about things."

"I feel fine, my Black Queen," said Avalon. "I thank you for your concern."

"Nonsense," she said positioning herself behind his chair. "It is my duty as Black Queen to make sure all the men....under me...are happy.

The Black Queens hands slipped off the back of the chair onto Avalon's shoulders. Slowly she began kneading the muscles in his well toned back and neck. He let out an audible groan.

"You're so tense, my lord," she said breathily into his ear as she continued her rubbing. "Relax....let me help you."

Avalon's body felt like it was floating. He breathed deeply and inhaled the scent of her perfumed skin. Her words seemed to blur into simple purring noises as she rubbed. He groaned again.

"My lord," she whispered. "This simply won't do. Come. Follow me." Avalon rose on shaky legs and followed her into her bed chamber. She motioned for him to sit beside her on the bed. He did so. She positioned herself behind him and her hands snaked around his waist. Slowly but surely she began unbuttoning the loose cotton shirt he was wearing. He began to speak and she silenced him with a soft finger across his lips. When she had his shirt removed he lay on the bed on his stomach as she continued her massage. She straddled his hips and he could feel the strength in her thighs as she continued to massage his back. He groaned again as she dropped warm oil from a bedside table onto his back and continued her circular motion. Suddenly he felt soft subtle kisses where fingers once were and he tensed and rolled toward her. She rolled with the motion and was soon atop him in a position of power.

Their first kiss was soft...almost testing, but then fierce with tongues intertwined. She held Avalon's hands above his head as she teased him with her tongue. Soon the heat of the moment was too much for the Black Prince to bare and he was rolling with her across the beds pulling at clothes and hair. All the young Black Prince's fantasies were brought to life that night in vivid detail.

When it was over, Nemesis lay cradled in Avalon's arms. His breathing was slow and steady and she could tell he was on the edge of sleep. It was then that she softly began to cry.


Bastion flew threw the skies above Paris, his cyborg eyes scanning the landscape for the coordinates of one of Nem's design houses.

"Eifel Tower....mark," he said, "Arc de Triumphe...mark......Contact.....4511 Lacroix Boulevard....House of Sandubal design."

The Cyborg came to a landing in the alleyway between the clothing design company and a nearby restaurant. Engaging his stealth mode, Bastion blended into the shadows and began observing the workers in the design house. He watched attractive clothing designers flip through sketches that Nemesis had sent to them for final touches and color alterations. He listened carefully to their conversation and was again amused at human behavior. They placed so much importance on clothing and other appearance issues, yet they were often blind to the true person beneath the facade. In the darkness, Bastion began techno-morphing the molecules of his uniform from the standard prime sentinel pink and black to any number of replicas of the different sketches that he viewed from his position at the window.

"Objective accomplished," he said to himself as he began to take flight. "Design firm staff behavioral patterns analyzed and catalogued. Next stop...Sandubal Auction House....London, England."

As he left the ground and lifted into the air, a young graphic artist stepped into the alley for a 'cigarette' break. The beautiful young woman reached into her bag and pulled out a silver flask. She turned it up to her lips and a warmth spread throughout her body as the smooth amber scotch poured into her.

"I didn't think I was ever gonna finish that mock-up of the spring line," she said to herself taking another swallow. "I just needed a little pick me up to keep me going."

As the young woman took the flask from her mouth, she looked up and gasped. She blinked her eyes, but the apparition refused to go away. She blinked once again, but still saw what appeared to be a pink skinned teen flying through the air in a Sandubal original gown that she had been sketching. She blinked and stood there dumbfounded. Slowly she dropped the flask into the dumpster and went back inside.

"Maybe it's time I laid off the booze for awhile," she whispered to herself in a thick Parisian accent.

CHAPTER SEVEN: A Certain Sacrifice

"What's wrong Claudia," Avalon said in a voice bordering on panic. "Did I not do it right?....Did I hurt you?....Please talk to me!"

"It's nothing," said the Black Queen sniffling to herself. "It's just that....just that......nevermind...you wouldn't understand."

"Try me," said the young Black Prince nervously as he brushed a strand of hair from Nem's face.

"I want you to be able to tell me anything."

"It's nothing really Av," continued the Black Queen. "I just thought I'd be ready for.....for the sense of loss."

"What do you mean?" said Av becoming more nervous. "What loss? Did I do something wrong?"

"It's not you," said Nemesis as she rolled over onto her back not bothering to pull the silk sheets up to hide her nakedness. "It's me......I hadn't been with anyone...sexually that is..... since the loss of my powers....and it's...it's.....It's no use...it's too too hard to explain."

Avalon cradled Nem in his arms, whispering soothing words to her, trying to comfort her.

"Just tell me what's wrong," he said. "We'll get through it. I've wanted this for so long and now I know you love me too."

"I don't know if you can ever understand, my love," said the Black Queen as her sniffling subsided. "Before......when I had my power......I was not only joined in body with my lover...but mind as well. I was able to bond the two of us in ways that go much deeper than just the physical act of love making. I.....I just wanted to share that with you....I wanted that so much. I want to be able to give myself completely to you Avalon, but without my powers.......well...it's just impossible"

The Black Queen began to cry again. Avalon held her and kissed away her tears.

"Don't cry, Claudia," he said hugging her body close to his fiercely. "We'll find a way to get your powers back....no matter what it takes....and then we can be together like you want us to. I swear it to you.......whatever it takes."

In the darkness, the Black Queen began to smile through faked tears.

"Oh Avalon," she whispered as she held him close once again. "I could never tell anyone else this. There are others...even some within this organization that are more than pleased at my power loss. I'm so frightened."

"I'll protect you," said Avalon boastfully as Nem's hand began to once again arouse the passion in the young Black Prince. "Nobody will hurt you ever again."

"That's so good to know, my darling," the Black Queen cooed as she continued her manipulations of Avalon's young strong body. "I just may have a plan that will help us both."

And with that her hands began to roam more daringly and she began to whisper into his ear.


Bastion watched from the attic space of the auction house. He had drilled a viewing hole through the floor of the attic and watched the people below him scramble to outbid each other for the items on display. He marveled once again at human behavior. What was so valuable about the super pressurized carbon structures they were bidding on? What was so valuable about these......diamonds? He wondered once again if he'd ever be able to understand these strange creatures with which he now shared his existence with. He continued watching and a curious set of exchanges began to take form in his logic circuits. He watched as a beautiful women wearing the pelt of a dead arctic creature (yet another thing he didn't understand) raised one hand and was quickly followed up by a strangely dressed man further back in the room raising the other hand. What was so strange about this fact he wondered that it set off a logic conflict in his cyborg mind? What was it just out of reach of his processing algorythm?"

"Must be another quirk caused by human behavioral idiosynchracies," he thought to himself.

When the auction was completed he righted himself from his position on the floor and began to head back towards the attic window to take leave. Igniting his boot thrusters, he took flight.

"Objective accomplished," he said. "Auction house patrons behavior recorded. Analyzation of logic glitch will occur in route to next objective.......Sandubal Wildlife preserve.....African subcontinent."


Three days later Gomurr, the Harbinger and Jack Silver sat in the Great Library which was Gomurr's sanctuary in the BHC mansion. The visiting White King, Supergrover was also present on that brisk Saturday afternoon.

"I'm not sure what's wrong with her," said Maxwell, "but something is. I mean you see how she's been acting. It's like the second coming of June Cleaver....she bakes....she giggles......Hell, the next thing you know she's going to be wearing an apron and vacumming in pearls and high heels. To top that off, she's vowing her undying love to me one minute and the next is totally indifferent."

SuperGrover chuckled to himself at the idea of the darkly seductive Claudia Sandubal doing house work. "Harbs....really. It can't be that bad. Maybe it's just some sort of defense mechanism her mind is creating. As long as she's otherwise healthy, I think you are all going to have to deal with the changes she's going through."

"As much as I hate to agree with the Harbinger," put in Gomurr, "Something is out of sorts. Where is our Black Queen anyway?"

"She left early this morning to do some shopping in the city." said Silver. "What of this meeting with Avalon, you mentioned, Harbinger?"

"I've asked the lad to join us here to find out just that," said Gomurr.

Not a moment after that, there was a knock at the door. Avalon, without waiting to be asked in, swung the door open and entered. All four men in the room sat up straighter and looked at the Black Prince. His hair was a bit ruffled and he appeared to have just left the bed even though it was well after noon.

"You called...I came," said Avalon. "What do you want?"

Gomurr blinked and shook his head slightly. "Avalon, we meant no offense in calling you here. Why do you take that tone with us?"

"Some of us have lives beyond the politics of the BHC.......headmaster," said Avalon, the honorary title put in only as an after thought.

"We're aware of that," said Gomurr calmly but then he was interrupted.

"Yes, we know that, boy," said the Harbinger, "but what does this life have to do with the Black Queen."

"I am no boy," said Avalon a bit too aggressively. "and you have no righto ask Black MAGE. I outrank you in this organization after all."

Grover, Gomurr, Harbinger and Silver all sat gaping open mouthed at the words Avalon spoke. Finally the Black King rose to his feet.

"But you do not outrank me, Avalon," he said trying to control his anger. "We are just worried about you, Av. You and Nem both seem out of sorts lately."

"I'm fine," said Avalon more civily but still glaring at the Harbinger. "It's just been a trying time since Key Trofeo...... trying to get back into the swing of things with helping Havoc1 with his new role as co-holder of the prince title. I guess I must be tired."

"You do look tired," said Gomurr noticing the dark circles under the boy's eyes. "Why don't you get some rest."

Av turned to leave and as the door closed behind him. The four men in the room began to speak in quick voices.

"I told you something was going on between those two," said Harbinger.

"We have no proof, but it does bare some investigating," agreed Gomurr.

"I don't know what's going on, but Av may be somehow under the influence of Claudia, even without her powers. We need to somehow keep an eye on them both, and to keep them separated if at all possible." put in Silver.

"I'll keep my eye on the IFHC to see if any of them know anything," said Grover. "Ryan was terrible interested that I came here today, maybe he knows something he's not telling. I may risk my kingship for this, but if wrong doing done on the part of the IFHC is endangering Avalon and Nemesis, I'll see it stopped."

With that, the meeting was adjourned and Avalon rushed down the hall, taking his ear from the door where he had been eavesdropping since his departure. He took flight from the first window and flew directly to a familiar black jaguar parked in a warehouse downtown with a sign on the outside reading Sandubal Holdings. The door to the jaguar opened and Avalon climbed in.

"You were right," he said a little dejectdly. "They are plotting to tear us apart. I dont understand it. Can't they see we are happy? They think something's wrong with you."

"And they will continue to think that until I am able to control my powers again," she said in a whisper. "It is time then. My plan is our only hope to be together and to protect ourselves from those who would tear us apart."

"I'm still not sure, Claudia," Avalon said. "It's so dangerous, and I thought I had left that part of my life behind."

"It's the only way my love," she said reclining her chair and crawling towards the back seat. "Now come.......Be with me again, and let us forget about our troubles for awhile."

And as Av climbed over the seat, the Black Queen's hands were already deftly unbuckling his belt. He groaned in anticipation of what was to come.


Robert Maxwell banged on the door to Claudia's suite of rooms for the fifth time that evening. In frustration he concentrated and the microbots in his system converted the index finger of his bionic hand into a lock pick. He was just reaching for the door when it swung open. There stood Nemesis wearing only a plush white towel that did little to cover the curves of her breasts and hips. Her face was fierce and she appeared about ready to yell at the Harbinger for his interruption, but when her eyes met his, the fierce glow faded and she let out an almost girlish squeal.

"Oh Robert," she giggled. "What are you banging on the door like a crazy person for you big silly, I thought the building was coming down."

"Where have you been all day, Claudia," Maxwell said in a somewhat harsh tone.

"In town....shopping," she said and then looked a little confused. "and I guess now I'm oh goodness, I guess I was going to take a shower."

She actually blushed as she said this and tried to cover herself more with the skimpy towel. Again Harbinger wondered what the hell was going on.

"Oh Robert," she said with real embarassment. "You shouldn't be seeing me like this. Give me a minute to shower and I'll be ready. I'll call you when I'm done and then we can talk."

"I"ll just wait inside," said Maxwell pushing his way through the door, his eyes searching the living area.

"But..." fumbled Claudia, "I've got to take a shower. It wouldn't be proper."

Harbinger sat firmly down on the couch. "I'll wait." he said.

Claudia paused and stood for a moment. "Very well, I'll be out as soon as I can."


Avalon stood under the warm spray of the shower jets as he watched Nemesis go to get rid of whoever was banging at the door. He rubbed the soap down his well muscled chest and lathered it in slow circles. The water felt great on his body, but the soap stung slightly as it entered the scrapes on his back that Nemesis had left with her fingernails. He smiled to himself and continued to revel in the heated steam and water. He continued to lather his body slowly wondering when Nemesis would return. Suddenly he heard voices from the hall.

"Oh shit, that's the Harbinger. Now what the hell am I gonna do?" said Avalon standing motionless in the shower.

The lad had flown them up to the bathroom window when they arrived back at the school to avoid anyone seeing them together, and there were no other exits available to him. He stood shivering now despite the warmth of the shower steam.

He heard the Harbinger enter and Claudia's voice sounding somewhat different than what he was used to....but he couldn't make out what they were saying. Suddenly he realized the voice were coming closer. His mind raced and he knew he had only one alternative. They would be in the bathroom in seconds. He flung open the window and took flight, naked and still dripping from the shower, his clothes bundled up in his arms



Harbinger was kicking in the bathroom door seconds later.

"What's wrong?" he shouted.

Claudia scrambled for her towel and ran to the Harbinger clutching him in fear.

"I thought someone was here." she panted. "At the window......but I guess it was just the steam. Oh Robert, I was so frightened."

The Harbinger frowned and looked down at Claudia. Suddenly she remembered she was standing near naked in the Harbinger's arms.

"Oh Robert," she said blushing again. "You've got to get out of here. You can't see me like this. Why it's......it's....downright indecent."

She shoved him out the now shattered doorway promising she'd see him in about an hour. Harbinger frowned again. What was wrong with her? He'd already seen everything she had on NUMEROUS occasions. What was going on?


Avalon flew into the window of the dorm room he temporarily shared with the newest Black Prince, Havoc1. He stood dripping wet and shivering due to the water that had grown cold as he flew but still clung to his body. Suddenly the door came open and in walked Ben Ring, A.K.A. Havoc1.

"WOAH," Havoc said turning his head quickly. "What in the world are you doing, dude. First of all you're dripping water all over my Sega, and second....YOU'RE BUTT FREAKIN NAKED."

Avalon blushed and tried to cover himself with his hand and the garments he carried.

"Ummm ummmm," he stammered. "Trust me you don't wanna know."

Avalon quickly grabbed a pillow from the bed and jumped into the bathroom joining their room. Havoc merely stood dumbfounded. What was going on?"


Bastion sat atop a building in Red Square watching the Moscow honor guard march by. This computer facility in Moscow was the last stop on his tour of Nem's holdings. The logic error he had experienced in London had yet to resolve itself and he was doing something remarkably human......moping.

"Self diagnostic completed successfully for the 12th consecutive time, no errors found." he said. "The error must be located in the human portion of my mind. Computerized relays not communicating with cerebral cortex to fullest capacity."

Bastion sat brooding about what we humans call a "brain fart", as he continued to watch the honor guard march by. Left foot, right arm....right foot left arm...left right left right left right left right....the auction bidders raising their hands....left right left right left right left right.

"THAT'S IT," cried Bastion suddenly not caring who heard him. "Claudia Sandubal.... subdesignate, Nemsis...Codex the Black Queen is catalogued as using her right upper dermal appendage to operate machinery and facilitate work. Catalogued being this unit met at the elevator in moisture ridden garment worn over only outer dermal covering recorded as using LEFT upper dermal unit to hold closed garment and operate elevator controls. Conclusion.......SECOND CATALOGUED PRESENCE IS NOT CLAUDIA SANDUBAL."

Activating his boot rockets once again, Bastion took flight and set his navigational computers on a homeward trek, while his mind extrapolated data on the identity of the second catalogued being.


Later that evening in a facility long buried and better off left that way, Avalon stood over a microscope staring at a sample of the Black Queen's blood.

"Incredible," he said. "You have enough genetic material in you blood for two people, but the works been done on a level if not on peer to Sinister's then almost. Any sort of tampering could be extremely dangerous."

"But you CAN do it, right?" said the Black Queen as she came to stand behind Avalon.

The youth only stared through the microscope again. "I'm not sure Claudia. I think I can, but the risks are high. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't lose me," said the Black Queen huskily as she slipped one leg between Avalon's as he stood." You'll be saving me and giving us a chance to finally be together and happy. You want that don't you?"

Avalon groaned and stood up straight as Nem began grinding her hips into his from behind. Her hand snaked around his waist and ran up his chest fumbling with the buttons on his shirt.

"You DO want that, don't you?" she repeated.

"Yes," breathed Avalon huskily. "more than anything, my Black Queen....YES!!!"


The Harbinger sat deep in thought as he stared into the crackling fire. Gomurr and Grover sat discussing something across the room with Elwyn Mah, A.K.A. Psi-Shot. When Jack Silver, the Black King and Michael Breslin, the former Black Knight entered, they all turned to face them, as the Harbinger held out a garment of some sort in his bionic right hand and let it fall to the table. Silver and Havok looked at the small black pool of cloth and then joined them as they all sat around the ancient oak table in Gomurr's Great Library.

"I think you know what this is," said Harbinger flicking at the garment on the table with his bionic hand with an air of disgust.

"It looks like a pair of underwear to me," said Havok barely containing his laughter. "Is that what this council was called for......to fight the evil menace of the crack riding undergarments."

Harbinger stared at Havok with a stern expression and Psi-Shot spoke up nervously attempting to break the tension in the room.

"What am I here for, if I can ask, sirs," said Psi-Shot politely.

"To solve a mystery for us," put in the Harbinger. "I know without a doubt who these belong to, but I need you to verify it."

"You want the kid to try and get some psychic vibes off of underwear," said Havok no longer containing his laughter. "This place just gets crazier and crazier."

"Yes," agreed Gomurr, "This is highly irregular. Robert, you can just as well use the DNA scanner in the med lab to solve whatever sort of twisted curiosity it is you have."

"That comes to my next order of business." put in Harbinger. "That device and several other technical items are missing from the medlab."

"And you found the incriminating underwear in the medlab?" Havok continued to speak despite his laughter. "So the crook was so excited by stealing medical equipment he whipped off his underwear and streaked through the lab?"

"THESE," said the Harbinger stabbing at the underwear on the table, "I found in the Black Queen's bathroom, and if they are whose I think they are, then he's the one that also stole the lab equipment."

"You mean Avalon?" said Silver finally speaking. "What does underwear in Nem's floor have to do with medical equipment."

"And how do you know they are Av's?" said Havok still amused. "In Nem's bedroom they could be almost anyone's....i mean she could even be crossdressing as crazy as she's been acting lately."

The Harbinger stared daggers at Havok and was about to lose his temper when Gomurr broke in.

"Gentlemen, Gentlemen, please," he said. One matter at a time. "Psi-Shot, do as he says."

"NO WAY," Psi-Shot said. "I'm not touching those things. I mean YUCK."

"Just do it," said Gomurr getting a big angry himself. "and let's be done with this."

Psi-Shot reached to the table hesitantly, barely grazing the underwear with his fingers as if they were the plague. He concentrated. He seldom used his powers like this. Gomurr had been trying to strengthen his talent in this specific aspect of his powers. Suddenly his head was full of images....images that shocked the young man's mind yet were delightfully erotic.....CONTACT

Nem's hands slid down Av's chest...concentrating on his nipples. She kissed slowly down his stomach as his knees threatened to buckle. Nipping playfully at his navel, she caught the band of the black jockey's with her teeth and began to pull them down..

Psi-Shot broke his link suddenly, and looked around. He knew he was blushing and the other men in the room simply stared, making him even more uncomfortable.

"They're Av's" he said with a small stutter and then went on speaking quietly to himself. "That lucky dog....geez, do I have a lot to ask him."

"This proves nothing," said Silver still acting somewhat protective of Avalon. "So Nem may have had dalliances with the boy, but that doesn't mean he's a thief."

"Don't you get it," Harbinger ranted. "He took the equipment to try and remove the psi-wave inhibitor I gave her. We've got to get to him fast before he kills Claudia and maybe himself in the process."

The door banged open loudly and Psi-Shot jumped despite himself, coming back to the conversation after once again drifting back to the scene with which his mutant mind had read from the underwear. Bastion came barreling into the room....and he seeemed to be wearing what appeared to be an ill fitting evening gown. Silver stood about to demand an explanation from the brash young cyborg, but the prime sentinel cut him off when he himself began to speak.

"That's not the Black Queen," Bastion said quickly not giving his more computerized aspects a chance to color his speech with technobabble. "She's right handed, but the women here.....she's left handed."

All eyes looked amazed at the prime sentinel who had so recently joined them, and he began to tell his tale, beginning at the moment in the elevator where a damp and near naked Black Queen had intercepted his early morning journeys.

They quickly began to form a plan of action, but not before Psi-Shot could clandestinely whisper into Bastion's ear. "What's with the dress?"


The room was brightly lit and sterile, yet it still had the slight musty odor of having been closed up for years. Avalon thought he'd never see this place again...thought he had said goodbye to his past forever. This was one of the many labs that had once belonged to Sinister....so much like the one Gulliver took over and he had been "raised" in. It still did belong to Sinister Avalon realized, so he said a silent prayer that the master geneticist was otherwise occupied. Avalon's familiarity with it was due to his own captivity in a lab like this, those oh so few years ago. He stilled a chill that ran through his body. He would do this....do this to save Claudia and then be done with Sinister and this horror shop forever. Avalon looked down at Nemesis who lay on the bed-like stasis pod. She was naked and her body was glorious to his eyes. He spoke to her softly rubbing his finger through her hair.

"It's time, Claudia," he said. "If you're ready."

The young Black Prince actually felt love for his dark mistress and his gaze down at her showed it. She reached up to his face and traced a line down his strong jaw. She pondered if this was the last time that she'd get to enjoy his firm young body, but she quickly put it out of her mind. This had to be done. SHE HAD TO BE FREE.

"As soon as this is done, we'll be together....forever." she said sweetly and as the stasis pod closed over her, she began to smile.


A sprinkling of sweat began to show on Psi-Shot's brow as his concentration increased. He had very little experience using the mutant scanning device that Nemesis had named "The Blood-Hound", but he tried his best to locate the missing court members Avalon and Nemesis. The technology, first created by Professor Charles Xavier, was the key to the BHC's mutant tracking system. It's highly advanced sensor array constantly scanned for mutant power signatures, and with the help of a telepath the power source could be located and identified. For the gathered assemblage though, things weren't going exactly as planned.

"Somethings not right," said Psi-Shot. "I'm getting a reading on Avalon, but no where nearly strong enough to pinpoint an exact location...and Nemesis isn't registering at all."

"The psi-wave inhibitor is probably preventing Claudia from registering," put in the Harbinger, "but why can't you find Avalon."

He said the Black Prince's name with a hint of jealous anger. Psi-Shot just frowned and continued his scanning. Finally, he spoke.

"Okay.....I've got in narrowed down to a general area. Maybe if we can get closer, one of the portable units or I can pick up a psi-pattern." he said.

"Very well," said Gomurr who was watching the lad carefully. "Where are they."

"Seattle," Psi-Shot said. "Shall I have the 'Dragonfly' prepared."

"No time for that," said Gomurr, "Gather around me..AND STAY CLOSE."

With that, Gomurr, Grover, Psi-Shot, Harbinger, Havok and Silver faded into the darkness thanks to the teleportational powers of the Crimson Dawn.


Avalon watched the instruments closely. Using Sinister's technology, he had infused a chromato-prep body with the DNA traces of Claudia's genetic make-up. He watched as it morphed and shaped itself in the regenerative chamber. Sinister's cloning procedures had become so advanced that a near perfect physical clone could be produced fully grown within 24 hours, but that was the easy part. Transferring the psychic essence of one to another would be an entirely different matter. The body would be ready within the hour. He began studying the brain engrams of the Black Queen. Radical shifts in cerebral cortex had occurred during the hours she had been sedated. He closely studied the X-Factor gene within Nemesis and slowly began making calculations on what procedures would be needed in order to safely redirect which genetic imperatives into the cloned body.

Placing the tranfer conduits on the temple of each of the bodies, Avalon began the transfer. Everything seemed to be going smoothly. According to his discussion with Claudia, by manipulating the X-Factor in her genes it was possible to give her back her telepathy and pyrotechnics, with the much more volatile teleporting and telekinetic powers shifted over into the clone. Avalon watched the monitor closely as Sinister's technology actually rewrote the code containing the genetic make-up of the Black Queen. Suddenly, an alarm tone sounded and Av inhaled sharply. The genetic codes within Nemesis which had been neatly knitting themselves together were now completely destabilizing. He watched as cell cluster after cell cluster fell into disarray.

"Computer," he screamed. "switch to manual manipulation."

Av's hands flew over the keyboard trying to match up hopelessly complicated DNA strands, but the process fell further into disrepair. The body of the Black Queen began to convulse and her vital signs began to plummet. Life signs monitoring alarms began to go off as Claudia began to flatline.

Av continued trying fruitlessly to repair the damage he had done, but it was too late. The cellular degeneration was spreading too rapidly.

"Why did I think I could do this," he wailed. "I"m sorry Claudia...I'm sorry."

Just then the wall at the other end of the complex came crashing in thanks to the cyborg strength of the prime sentinel, Bastion.

"We have gained the entrance you sought, SuperGrover, subdesignate White King," he toned. "Awaiting further instructions."

"Help me someone," Av cried. "She's dying and there's nothing I can do."


Bastion was beside Avalon before the others had time to react. He pushed the young Black Prince gently but forcefully to the side and took a position on the keyboard. The display showed two double dna helixes one on each side of the screen. The DNA chains were flashing red in several places, and a stream of unnatached nucleic sequences flowed up the middle of the monitor. As the young cyborg's hands flew across the keyboard the nucleic sequences seemed to take flight and join with the DNA helixes. Bastion's hands became blurred he moved so quickly, and slowly the chains of DNA on the sides of the monitors stopped flashing red. Nemesis stopped convulsing in the chamber and her vital signs began to elevate. When Bastion stepped away from the monitor both chains of DNA glowed steadily green, and the cyborg actually breathed an all too human sigh of relief.

All eyes turned to Avalon, and they were about to speak and find out just what was going on when the medical alarms started sounding again. This times the life functions of Claudia Sandubal were climbing all too rapidly. Heart rate and blood pressure were going through the roof.

"Her system couldn't handle the strain," Avalon screamed. "She's going into cardiac arrest."

Suddenly the monitors flatlined. The Harbinger was at the stasis pod in a flash, ripping it open with his enhanced strength. He lifted Nemesis gently out and began performing CPR.

"Breath Damnit.....Breath," he said. "You aren't leaving us this easily. You aren't leaving ME."

Suddenly the Black Queen sputtered and gasped. This time everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. She looked up into the face of the Harbinger, but said nothing. She simply hugged him close. The Harbinger said nothing just held her until she stopped shaking then helped her to her feet, slipping a blanket from the stasis bed around her shoulders. She looked around cautiously and her eyes finally came to rest on Avalon. She looked at him strangely, and the room was quiet.

"I'm sorry," she said quietly, and in that moment Avalon knew all the things that he had thought he shared with this woman had been a lie. He stood silently and said nothing, until Silver spoke.

"Avalon...Nemesis....One of you tell us what's going on," the Black King said.

"I don't remember all of it," Claudia began, "even what I can remember is fragmented somehow, but I do know that I've done some things that I'm ashamed of."

Avalon began to speak but was interrupted by yet another surprising event.

The other stasis pod that had held the clone burst open with a flash of blinding light. A beautifully naked clone of Claudia stepped out completely formed with dark hair flowing softly around her. Her eyes glowed with the photovaltic power she held and everyone assumed battle positions. SuperGrover took flight like a shot, concentrating his gauntlets into a staff. He brought the end down swiftly on the clone's neck and she crumpled into a heap. He poised the staff again ready to give her another vicious blow.

"NO," screamed Claudia, "Don't do it."

"If you've resurrected Nicole, Claudia," Gomurr said. "There may be no other way. She was too powerful for us before. We were lucky to have survived."

"It's not Nicole," said Claudia with a shiver in her voice. "or at least not in the way you think. Nicole died on that island. By killing herself on the astral plane, she killed her physical body as well. This is.....this is....something I've done."

"Let us leave this place," said Havok speaking to Gomurr. "All this Frankenstein hardware is giving me the creeps. I'll carry Sleeping Beauty over there, If you'll keep her asleep with a spell, little man."

"It will be done," said Gomurr reciting an incantation and then the entire party transported back to the BHC grounds through the Crimson Dawn, but not before Havok could release a plasma blast into the reactor core of the facility, blowing it to smithereens.

"No body shop.....no way to make more clone trouble," said Havok to himself as they disappeared through the falling debris. "I've still got the knack."


The Next Day in the medlab facility of the BHC Mansion:

Harbinger sat looking over the charts. The clone Avalon produced still slept peacefully in a bed in the med-lab due to Gomurr's spell of sleep. The Harbinger sighed. What he had found those many years ago on the island of Key Trofeo when he had first become acquainted with the Sandubal "sisters" still held true today. The original Nemesis, the father of Claudia had been a genetic engineer of the highest order. The anomaly that had shown on his scans of Nicole and Claudia all those years ago still held true with Claudia and this new clone. Both had two distinct genetic patterns within one body. Both held their own genetic material with an additional genetic structure of a "sub-brain" or so Maxwell had named it.

"So tell us, Maxwell," the diminutive mage said. "Will she be alright?"

"Yes, Maxwell," said the Black King, "We all have a right to know what you've been hiding for so long."

The Harbinger shifted in his chair and then began to relate the true tale of the Black Queen's origin.

"The original Nemesis, Claudia's father, had known by pre-natal scanning that his daughter was going to be a mutant of unparalleled power. As she matured in the womb of his wife, he came to realize just how powerful. He knew that the child would inherit his own photovaltic abilities with an additional alpha-level and beyond psionic ability. It was at this point that the original Nemesis set about creating a plan to not only save his unborn daughter from possible harm, but to also give himself two young mutants to raise of incredible power. Through genetic manipulation, he created a completely separate "sub-brain" in his unborn daughter. This brain was like an entirely different organism dependent on Claudia's on systems for support. The taking invitro genetic samples from Claudia, he created a clone with a "sub-brain" of its own. These sub-brains served as a sort of psychic link between the two girls, allowing them to share the abilities that he feared no one body could handle. These 'sub-brains' were not sentient. Their only function was to regulate the flow of all that uncontainable power. When Nicole killed herself, the sub-brain in Claudia's body had no partner with which to regulate itself and was caught in an impossible feed back loop. This was what had caused Claudia's attacks and near insanity."

"What does that have to do with her tricking me into creating this new body for her," put in Avalon as he stared at Nemesis. Nemesis simply hung her head.

"It's not her fault," continued the Harbinger. "When I placed the inhibitors on Claudia, I awakened the "sub-brain" practically forcing it into awareness. It was no longer simply a docile relay, but a sentient being trapped within Claudia's body. The sub-brain took on the template of the closest thing to Claudia's own mind....in this case her memories of Nicole. The dramatic swings of Claudia's own personality were due to this as well. With the sub-brain acting out all the dark emotions and desires, the prime personality was free to be positive in a way Claudia never could be before. With both of these personalities in residence, Claudia had developed what can only be described as a form of multiple personality disorder, with the sub-brain knowing that the only way to regain the link it had lost was to have another clone with which to share the flow of power, thus creating its drive to gain another body."

"And what of this sub-brain now?" questioned Gomurr.

"Completely dormant again," returned Harbinger quickly. His own mind working over the facts of the past few days while trying to convince the others of his own surety of the exact truths of their experiences. Had Claudia's feelings been real for him, or had he somehow manipulated her mind when he had performed that psychic surgery....and what of the effects now?"

"So what you're saying, Maxwell," put in Avalon breaking the Harbingers train of thought, " is that both ummm personalities were Claudia. Dark Nemesis hasn't returned and Claudia's own mind was in residence at all times?"

"Not necessarily," put in Grover, "in some cases of MPD not all the personalities know about each other."

Claudia watched her feet and spoke softly. "I remember everything...Now I do anyway.....not clearly, but I do remember. Avalon, all I can say is....I'm sorry. I used you in the worst way possible."

Avalon again said nothing, looking only forward, and thinking to himself. "Fist DeLocke....Now Nemesis. Why can't I make a connection with a woman without it tearing me apart?"

"Where does that leave us?" Gomurr said looking at Harbinger. "Where does the leave Claudia....and this new being?"

The Harbinger was silent for once when Bastion stepped forward.

"It is my supposition that the changes I made in the genetic codings of the two should allow them to function autonomously of each other," said Bastion. "The X-factor genetic abilities should be properly stabilized by the now inert sub-brains of the two."

"You mean to tell us, we should just wake up this clone, and see what happens," said Havok nervously. "If half of what Hav1 says about this Dark Nemesis broad is true, I dont think we can take that chance."

"I've told you before." said Claudia still quietly. "Nicole is dead."

Silence filled the room once again.

"As always, Claudia," the Black King said. "The decision is yours."

"Do it," she said firmly. "I have to know."

Gomurr touched a few controls and the stasis bed in which the clone was kept slid open and a slight smell of anti-septic filled the room. Simultaneously the Harbinger, put his bionic hand to Claudia's face and the implant released itself from her cranium leaving no trace of a scar. All present waited tensely.

Claudia stood solemnly like a martyr accepting her fate. Brightness once again filled the room as a glow surrounded the bed where the clone had lain. Suddenly Claudia gave a shriek. Havok morphed his hands suddenly and leaped towards the clone prepared to end it's life to save the Black Queen's.

"NO!" Claudia screamed. "I'm okay.....It's just that...I wasn't ready for the.....for the onslaught of thoughts. It's been so long it seems."

Suddenly she began to cry. All the men in the room rushed to her. She kept mumbling "I'm fine...really....I'm better than fine...I'm great....This is so wonderful...to have this part of me back...I'm whole again." She began to sob once again.

Suddenly from across the room a voice rang out from the glowing woman now standing beside the bed in which she had lain.

"Pathetic," the glowing woman said. "And to think you bunch of cry babies killed me once!"


Havok was the first to react. Perhaps because of his battle hardened life as the one time Black Knight or perhaps because he hadn't been around the first time Nicole had almost destroyed the BHC. His crackling plasma burst shot directly toward the still smiling woman. With a photovaltic blast of her own, she deflected the blow almost contemptously.

"All right, sweet heart," growled Havok in the back of his throat. "I don't like picking on frails as a general rule so I pulled that last shot, but since you dont' have the good sense to lay down, I'm gonna take you out." His hand glowed white hot with the building plasma energy.

"NOOOOOOOOOO," Claudia screamed. "It's not Nicole. At least not the Nicole you faced on Key Trofeo. Stop...please...listen to me."

The clone, standing at ease among them in her hospital gown, simply laughed.

"OH Claudia, dont be such a spoil sport," the clone laughed. "We were only having fun. She's right. I'm not Nicole nor am I Claudia.........I'm something better.....beyond their pathetic family squabblings about power and sex.......beyond the claim of their father, the so called Nemesis. I am my own person, and I will do whatever it takes to free myself from this tyranny including using these new found abilities."

"Hold," said Gomurr. "Just tell us what you mean exactly.....free yourself? We are not holding you, simply concerned about your well being."

"Silence, you little troll," spat the clone. "I know all about you and your search for some golden child through my access to Claudia's memories, but the gold on both my 'sister' and I is waaay too tarnished to be much use to you. I may not remember everything. You may have left me without a childhood or loved ones.......but I won't be patronized by the likes of you."

Everyone stood poised for attack with their powers primed. Harbinger made the first step towards the glowing woman. Claudia seemed confused by the whole process still.

"If you aren't Nicole, then what would you like to be called," said the Harbinger.

"Call me........Malice," said the clone as she sifted through more of Claudia's memories. "Apparently this Malice was betrayed in body and mind by those she held dear as well, and has ties to this Sinister wihout whom I would not exist. I think it a fitting name."

"Very well.....Malice," said the Harbinger. "Stand down and let us talk this through. If you'll submit to an examination to determine the extent of your abilities and those of Claudia, we'll be happy to let you go on your way unharmed."

"Harmed? by the likes of you," she almost laughed but submitted herself to the tests anyway.


Days Later...back in the Med Lab.

"It's true." said Avalon holding up a hand held view screen to Harbinger. "She really isn't Nicole. She's an entirely new individual. What have I done?"

"You've made perhaps the greatest mistake of all my boy," said the Harbinger. "Ignored your brain in place of your heart."

"The configuration of the power is different than before," said Avalon quickly trying to change the subject. "Now Claudia has her telepathy back not to mention formidable telekinetic ability while Malice has the photovaltic powers. The teleportational ability seems to have been lost in the transfer. Perhaps before Bastion arrived, maybe I lost that part of the DNA helix. To be honest I really don't know. I don't know why I ever believed I could do this thing."

"I don't know why either," said the Harbinger softly.

Avalon simply grimaced and went back to studying the monitors. Now that the link had been quantified by the Harbinger, Avalon's scanners could easily pick up the energy trail between Malice and Nemesis. On the mansion's internal scanners, the flow between them was like an electric line that coalesced and glowed. The intensity of the line never wavered despite distance. Avalon's calculations showed that perhaps distance was irrelative for this link, due to the energies that powered it. The link was almost completely of the astral plane in which time and distance mattered very little. The original Nemesis was a great genetic engineer indeed.

"Where does that leave us?" said Avalon suddenly finding himself needing to talk despite who he was sharing the conversation with. "I mean Nem and I?"

The Harbinger looked down at the young prince with eyes that actually showed real compassion. "I don't know, boy, but with Nemesis, things are always more than they appear and less than you want."

Avalon turned away. He had let his heart lead him again and had almost killed a woman in the process. Would he ever learn? Silently Claudia entered from the side of the room. She spoke quietly to the Harbinger and he left leaving her alone with Avalon.

"Avalon," she began. "I've tried to talk to you, but you always say you are busy or can't be bothered. Well...that ends now. I have to tell you this for both our sakes."

Avalon simply stared into her violet eyes, holding back the anger, frustration and sadness that he felt as he always had as of late.

"What....occurred between us. It was wrong of me, no matter how.....enjoyable it was for you.....and me. I know that now, but I can do nothing to change it," she continued. "I'd like to thank you somehow for this new lease on life you have given me, and now that my telepathy has been restored I could make you forget those events if you wish it. It would be like they never occurred and you won't have to remember the pain I've caused you."

Avalon glared at her angrily and spat, "I see how it is now. The high and mighty Black Queen makes a mistake by fucking around with a lowly prince and now that she's gotten through her little crisis, she wants to sweep it under the rug. Well thank you Black Queen, but NO. I"ll keep my memories despite the pain they cause because they are true...and they are part of me....and because as much as I hate to admit it pain seems to be the only learning device which works for me."

Claudia simply continued staring at him with her cool eyes. "I see," she said finally. "Perhaps that suggestion was more to ease my own conscious than yours, but the offer remains standing should you ever want to be free of the memories."

With that she turned to leave and a monitor exploded behind Avalon as his rage caused him to magnetically crush one of the computers. Finally, hours later, when he had calmed down enough he went to the suite of rooms belonging to Gomurr. He knocked softly and was bidden to enter. He stepped into the room and looked around. The decor was a mixture of old world Chinese and modern pop art that somehow seemed to fit well together.

"What can I do for you, Avalon," said Gomurr.

"I just wanted to....just wanted someone to talk to about the last couple of days," said Avalon.

Gomurr crooked his finger and a low stool came rushing towards the huge arm chair in which he sat. Av sat down and began to speak.

"I know I've messed up big time, Gomurr," began Av, "but it all seems to have been for nothing. Nemesis thinks of it all as some big mistake..as if it really didn't even happen to her, and I just feel like.....like exploding, because I've lost so much more than I've gained."

"Did you learn anything from the experience," Gomurr said quietly.

"No," said Avalon sarcastically, "Other than life sucks and then you die."

The old mage simply shook his head. "I think you learned more than you would let on," he said. "I think you have discovered that goldfish should not dally with sharks without expecting to be bitten and also that one is never so in the dark that telling a friend will not shed some light."

Av leaped to his feet to leave. "What the hell are you talking about, Gomurr. You could at least answer my questions without all that mumbo jumbo."

The old man simply waved his hand as Avalon stormed out and slammed the door. His anger was more due to the fact that the old man had been right and not that his answers had not helped. He should have not become ensnared by the Black Queen, thinking that he could handle the situation....and he also should have told someone when he first suspected something was amiss with his relationship with the Black Queen. He cursed himself silently, and then suddenly ran directly into the Black King on his way to Gomurr's quarters.

"Excuse me," said Jack Silver. "Have you seen Gomurr? Maxwell has called a meeting without my authority as well as asked for you and Gomurr to be there. Something not good is going on."

Avalon looked up at the Black King. "I'll go get him," he said. "We'll be right there."

"He wants us to meet him in the landing bay, of all places." said Silver a bit angrily.

"We'll see you in five." returned Av as he went to apologize to the Headmaster and to get him for this surprise meeting.

When Havok, Silver, Gomurr, Nemesis and Avalon arrived in the landing bay. They began to discuss matters between themselves. Suddenly a rush of steam erupted from one of the Harbingers space capable shuttle crafts. He stepped onto the lowering platform as it went down and to everyone's surprise, Malice stood behind him casually leaning on his shoulder with a wild grin on her face.

"I've called you here to say my good-byes for a while," Maxwell began as the loading platform touched down. "and I've decided that Malice shall join me. You all by now know of my other allegiances to a group known as the Clan Chosen. Since Malice has no will to stay on as a member of the BHC or a student at our school, I have asked her to come with me and join the Clan Chosen."

"You have gotta be kidding me," said Havok.

"This is highly irregular," said the Black King. "I can't allow it."

"Further studies must be made of the link that binds the two," said Gomurr.

Avalon stood with his mouth open unable to speak. Perhaps he was the only one that noticed the change that had come over Malice in the few days that she had been a part of this world. Her hair had once been like Claudia's.....long straight and flowing. Now it hung only to her shoulders in a curly black bob. Her left arm had a dark letter M tattoed on the shoulder and her mode of dress was as far from the Black Queen's normal attire that unless one looked closely you wouldn't see the resemblance. Where the Black Queen usually was garbed in tight fitting leather battle togs or evening gowns, Malice was clothed in what could only be the technofabric with which Harbinger created all his uniforms. Her curves were no less noticeable, and the seductive stare she gave them all was still 100% Claudia, but an entirely new person had emerged. Finally the Black Queen began to speak.

"Goodbye," she said simply to the figure of her one time 'twin'. "We hold no claim on you. I invite you back whenever you feel ready. Go in peace, but know this. Should your actions endanger the lives of anyone or interfere in BHC actions in any way. We'll hunt you down and take back the life we gave you."

"Yeah yeah yeah blah blah blah," said Malice obviously without Nem's eloquence. "I'll see you losers around. You killed this bod once, I'd hate to see you screw it up again."

With that the loading platform was raised and the transport shuttle engines rumbled into life before anyone else could say another word. Avalon watched the Black Queen closely as the shuttle made it's way to the underground access vent that would take them out to the skies miles from the academy grounds. Av saw two things that struck him as strange as he watched. He saw the Harbinger at the viewing window of the shuttle and Claudia protecting herself from the whirling grit kicked up by the engines with a telekinetic shield. He watched as Claudia turned to the ship and mouthed something to the watching Harbinger.

"Thank you," she said silently and then turned back towards the main parts of the house.


The drone of whispered conversations was like a steady buzz in the Coronation Chamber beneath the BHC Mansion. The room was a small bowl shaped auditorium with a raised platform at it's center. There was a deeply sloping ramp leading from the entrance and top row of seats to the platform at the bottom of the structure. Only the platform and the ramp were lit by a dim glow that that seemed more of the marble floor than of any light reflecting from it. The blare of trumpets filled the room, and the assembled upstarts and marauders along with the any visitors privileged enough to be present at the ceremony silenced themselves sharply. The announcements began after a proper amount of silence was observed.

"All rise and pay tribute to the King and Queen of the Black Hellfire Club, His honor Silver and her ladyship Nemesis."

The dapper Jack Silver stepped solemnly down the ramp towards the center of the room. In the shadows of the chamber, his jet black suit contrasted with the white of his shirt giving him the appearance of an almost disembodied torso until he reached midway down the ramp. By his side striding elegantly with her arm in his stood Claudia Sandubal. She positively radiated strength and power. Her held held high, she seemed to glide down the ramp and all present were struck by her exquisite beauty. Her beaded black evening gown clung to her curves and was the perfect contrast for the ample amount of alabaster flesh it revealed at the neck and hem line.

Next the Red King was announced. Ryan Jensen had requested a personal audience for this affair, which was very unusual for him. Usually his dealings with the Black branch of the club were from a distance if at all. His blood red jacket had a high military collar and was tapered to accent his narrow waist and powerful chest. Black silk trousers complimented the jacket perfectly. Nobody failed to notice that Sabre, his Red Queen wasn't by his side though. This would bring many whisperings in the weeks to come at both IFHC and BHC.

SuperGrover, the White King and Nytshade, the White Queen were announced just as Silver and Nemesis reached the platform. The handsome Grover's "Bond"esque white tuxedo jacket and black pants stood out plainly against his blue skin and the woman by his side would have made any Bond girl jealous. Jon Ellen Tolliver's white silken gown covered even less skin than that of her Black House counterpart. She smiled gracefully and continued on her way, but all present knew she was watching Nemesis closely looking for any sign of weakness from the newly re-powered Black Queen.

When all the heads of the houses were seated, they looked up at the assembled gathering and as one steady voice, everyone said the required words.

"All hail the Hellfire Club. As it was, so shall it be. By dealing from the shadows, we know true light."

The assemblage all sat as one, as Jack Silver made his way to the front of the platform.

"Members and friends of the Hellfire Club, I welcome you," he said solemnly. Silver wasn't always comfortable with the pomp and ceremony associated with his position but he knew how to garner the respect and attention he deserved. "Tonight is a night of change, as well as one of return. First let me welcome our Black Queen back into our midst. Recently she was incapicitated, but now returns to us to retake her place of authority."

"All hail, Nemesis, Black Queen of the Hellfire Club," all the voices said as one, their echoes filling the chamber.

Nemesis stood and accepted their tribute graciously. She reveled in the psionic vibrations of the entire room. Having been without her powers, this many people's thoughts in the same room, even as closely guarded as they were bordered on being too much, but the slight twinge in her mind as it dealt with the temporary overload was a welcome feeling.

"I'm back," she thought as the echo of the tribute died away.

One by one as they were announced, the remaining members of the BHC travelled down the ramp. Avalon and Havoc1, the old Black Prince and the new strode down side by side heads held high. Nobody seemed to notice that Hav1 copied Avalon's steps almost exactly. One of the newest additions to the Black Court, Ben Ring, A.K.A. Havoc1 was a fast learner and didn't mean to embarrass himself. Deadpool came next striding arrogantly down the ramp way taking his place as the Black Knight, his dockers and sports jacket being the closest he ever came to dressing up for an event. Siryn followed him taking her place as Black Rook. Hav1 and Avalon whispered quietly from the center of the auditorium about how much she looked like Gillian Anderson from the X-Files in her smart charcoal grey pant suit.

Next came the advocates. The Black Mage, Harbinger strode down in his typical militaristic fashion head held high, the small amount of light produced in the hall glinting off his cybernetics and his technofabric uniform. The mysterious alien known know as the Hunter came next to take his position as the Black Squire. Finally of the advocates came Gomurr, the Headmaster of the BHC academy. When all were finally on the platform Silver spoke again.

"Our friends Belasco and Rahsas have both taken leave of absence from the club and their titles have been deemed open by the ruling council." he said.

"Fare the well missing comrades, may your battles away from us be glorious," intoned the group.

"I'd like to announce the newest members of the court now," continued Silver.

"Havok, the former Black Knight has returned to us and has been given a position of Black Warlord. His years of service to us and his comraderie have been sorely missed," said Silver.

"All Hail Havok, Black Warlord," intoned the crowd.

Michael Breslin, A.K.A. Havok, walked quickly but surely down the ramp. His easy strolling passage looked much like that of a predator stalking prey....beautiful but dangerous.

"Our former headmistress has resigned her position at the school and now takes on a more active role in the governing body of the council. Welcome Shockwave as your new Black Bishop." Silver said.

"All Hail Shockwave, Black Bishop," repeated the crowd methodically but with fervor.

"Warlord is not our only new position. Jamie Madrox has joined our club with the ancient title of Assassin. In the past this position was more than honorary and many dark deeds were committed in the name of duty..........but no longer. Our organization has changed with the times, and Jamie Madrox joins us as a warrior for the light, not the dark," Silver said gravely.

"All Hail Madrox, Black Assassin," intoned the crowd.

As Madrox, the multiple man made his way down the ramp, his eyes locked with those of the Red King and it wasn't difficult to see open rivalry and perhaps hate. Could this new alliance be a dangerous one?

"With the position of Enforcer now open, a former upstart has moved up into the ranks of the inner circle. Welcome Sasha Cullen to our ranks," said Silver.

"All Hail Puma, Black Enforcer," said the crowd once again.

Puma strolled down the aisle, shifting slightly into her transitional form giving her a feline grace and a seductive sway. Her short purple mini-dress did little to hide her voluptuous body.

"Finally, allow me to introduce our new headmistress, Monet St. Croix," said Silver with a note of finality.

"All hail Monet, bringer of the future." said the crowd using the ancient title for teacher at the academy.

Monet casually walked down the ramp past her former classmates. Although she was still only in her late teens, her advanced intellect allowed her to finish her courses of study incredibly rapidly and she now was more than qualified to take on teaching duties. She accepted this as she did everything, calmly and rationally, but inside her mind rolled.

"Will I be able to teach...my friends? What will they say?" she thought to herself despite her outward calm.

Silver reached for a tray beside him that a servant held. Similar glasses had been distributed throughout the auditorium, substituting juice where appropriate in the cases of Havok or the minors of the club.

"Hail to the new Black Hellfire Club," he said raising his glass.

Every glass raised and the final tribute echoed throughout the hall. "All Hail the Black Hellfire Club, strong once again....toward the future."


Later that evening in the grand dining hall of the BHC Mansion a reception was held. Everyone spoke among themselves and enjoyed the fine food and drink, but several key conversations occurred around the room.

The Harbinger was speaking in hushed tones to the White King of the Hellfire Club, SuperGrover.

"Why did you take this neophyte mutant in, Malice I believe she's calling herself?" said Grover.

"I did it more as a favor to Claudia than anything else. Perhaps to make amends for the trouble I caused no matter how inadvertently. Besides, with the rest of the Clan Chosen, she'll learn about her powers and perhaps I can give her a chance that I never could give the original Nicole." returned the Harbinger.

"She's not Nicole, Maxwell, That's been proven," put in Grover. "You have no obligation to try to save her from herself."

"Then let's just say I do it for the reason everyone thinks I do everything......for my own self interest," finished Harbinger raising his glass in a mock toast.

"Very well," said Grover perhaps re-evaluating the Black Mage a bit. "To self interest."

Avalon spoke in hushed tones with the Black King at the buffet table.

"I realize what I did was wrong sir, and I will gladly accept any punishment you offer," said the Black Prince.

"I've discussed just that with Gomurr, son." returned the Black King, "and he seems to think that perhaps you've learned a valuable lesson from this whole experience."

Av remained silent wondering if this whole fiasco with he and Nemesis was about to blow over without any repurcussions.

"So we decided that you would profit with a few months work overseeing the installation of the new school's computer lab." Silver finished. "That should keep you busy enough so that you won't have to worry about being swept up in the petty intrigues and scandals of court life."

Av groaned audibly. This was a huuuuge task in itself. In addition to his duties as Black Prince, his own studies, the duties he still perfomed that a scribe should do, and trying to maintain some semblance of a life outside the BHC, there would be time for nothing.

"Yes, sir," he said through gritted teeth.

Monet spoke with Gomurr over a chessboard in the corner of the room.

"I don't know if I can do it," she said. "I mean just last quarter I was in class with all those kids."

"Have you ever failed at anything?" said the ancient mage.

"Well....ummm....no," said Monet with a laugh to hide her own confident statement.

"Then I'm sure you'll do just fine," said Gomurr patting her hand like a grandfather would comfort a child.

The Red King spoke softly to Nemesis as his hand slid along her smooth alabaster shoulder. They were out on a balcony overlooking the new fountain garden Nem had requisitioned. He took a sip of wine and then leaned in closer to speak.

"I see you've cemented your position as Black Queen once again, Claudia," he said.

"It seems I have," returned the Black Queen, "especially with my powers restored."

"What of my offer of the Red Queenship," said Ryan Jensen his eyes growing more intense.

"I could never do that to Clarice. She's the Red Queen," said Nemesis. "She and I shared.......so much when she was a member of our organization."

"Clarice is a child," said Ryan still looking at Nem. "A lovely child with a spirit almost the equal of yours, but a child nonetheless."

"One never knows what the future holds," said the Black Queen mysteriously as she turned her back on Ryan Jensen and rejoined the party.

The night wind grew cold as Ryan Jensen smiled to himself and rejoined the party.

"No, Claudia," he said to himself. "One never does know."

Grey Pawn
Official XMBB Scribe
"I hate redundacy and reptition"
"I try to hide my intellectual inadequencies with a bad attitude and big words like intellectual inadequencies."
Hellfire Court Webpage