Ghosts *HF*

By GregGoddofCoffee

Written by: Morph


Part 1:The meeting

BHC mansion

A young girl sits on the front steps looking out onto the grounds. She Plays with the strands of her shoulder length red hair as she looks at this early summer morning. She feels the warm sun shine down on her and hears the sounds of the birds in the trees. Suddenly she has the strange feeling some one is watching her. She looks around and finds no one. "Strange" she thinks, "I'm sure that some one was there."

In the trees nearby the white skinned yellow-eyed Alien known to his friends as Morph sat on a branch. He had been watching this stranger for days. From what he had learnt she was the new arrival he had heard of, her Name was Leigh Addison, she was Sixteen and from Ireland, where ever that was. Ever since the first day he saw her he had been having strange feelings. He couldn't explain them. All he new was that for some reason he deeply Cared for this Human. He dropped down from the tree and shifted into his human form.

Leigh looked up and into a pair of bright yellow eyes. She looked at the tall, brown haired boy before her.

"Hello" She said "and ye are...?"The boy seamed uneasy as he spoke

"Um...Hi I'm Morph." he said. She looked up into his Yellow Eyes and felt her heart skip a beat.

"I'm Leigh " she said in return .

"Yeah I know" said Morph. Suddenly they were interrupted by two beeps going off at exactly the same time.

"That's the signal to get to the war room," said Morph "We better get there."

"Okay " she replied. And with that they headed for the war room.

Minutes later in the war room Silver was briefing them with their mission. They had to infiltrate a Company known as the Brand Corporation. Once there they had to reach the main computer banks and steal some files that might reveal the true nature of the BHC. Dr. Peter Katz A.K.A Beast Charming, had given them they layout of the building.

"...The Tech Boy's also decided to give you this Leigh, It's the prototype for the new Image inducer designed by Doctor McCoy, " Finished Silver "Now go get to the hanger bay. You'll be dropped of immediately for Surveillance and will sneak in after dark."

Morph and Leigh walked into the Hanger bay where there was a BHC chopper being prepared for take off. They looked at the smooth sleek sides of the craft made to blend in at Night. A team of technicians were running around it making the few last checks. Morph and Leigh stepped into the Passenger area and were surprised to find that the pilot was none other than

"Byron?" Said Morph.

"Yeah, Morphy, I earned my wings the other day so you guys will be my first actual flight." replied Byron, one of the newer members she seamed to be some sought of friend of Siryn, the Black Princess.

"Ok, people " she said "Let's get this bird in the air!"

Hours later, under the cover of night, Morph and Leigh make there way into the Brand Corporation. While rooftops away a dark figure stands and watches them. "My services will be needed here" he thinks. He taps the Scythe in his hand on the ground and disappears in a puff of smoke. Yes Indeed the services of this lone figure would be needed tonight.

Next: Big explosions, Inside the brand corp., more big explosions, Leigh's powers, And did I mention the explosions?

Ghosts and Aliens part 2: The Reaper Grim

The Brand Corporation

Morph couldn’t help admiring Leigh’s costume. She wore a Skintight white Bodysuit with a black strip down the side, over this she wore a black, short-waisted military jacket with a high collar. She looked beautiful as she crept through the dark, dank hallways of the Brand Corporation. Suddenly She let out a piercing scream and fell to the floor. Morph ran over to her "Leigh?" he asked, "What’s wrong?" She turned to him, her face was a mask of pain "It’s him."

Her head throbbed with pain. She couldn’t believe it, after months of nothing her mutant power was warning her of his return. But as soon as the pain had come, it was gone. Was he really here or was some other source setting off her early warning system, uniquely dubbed her ‘death sense’? "I…I’m fine now Morph" she said. There was more confidence in her voice then she felt. They moved on through the hallways, luckily her scream had not been noticed by the guards.

The room was full of the smell of death. With good reason, bodies littered the floor. And in the center of it all stood a figure in a dark cloak. The figure held a scythe ready to destroy the last of the guards. "I AM THE FOURTH HORSEMAN "stated the figure "I COME AFTER THE OTHER THREE." He raised the Scythe. "I AM DEATH AND I WORK ALONE!!!!!!!!!" The scythe slammed to the floor passing through the man's neck and stealing his life essence. "NOW ONLY MY QUARRY REMAINS."

They were nearly at the mainframe room when Morph noticed the room full of dead guards. Leigh had known about it moments before because she was tuned into the death spectrum. As soon as she had seen the room she had immediately fainted and now Morph was trying to wake her up "Leigh? Leigh? Come on don’t do this to me! "He said as he shook her body. His voice was full of fear that she might not be all right "Come on!!!! I love you!!!!" Suddenly the room was extremely cold. "I FEAR MORTAL…" came a voice" THAT YOUR LOVE WILL NOT SAVE YOU. Morph looked up and saw a figure in a black cloak with a scythe and then the world exploded.

Next: The conclusion!!!!

Ghosts and Aliens part 3: Don't fear the reaper

Moments ago, the Brand corporation

Leigh couldn't take it the Souls of the dead swarmed around her. This was one part of her power she could deal without. One soul at a time had been bad enough but a whole room of them? And worse all of them were trapped by..that..that Thing. She passed out.


He felt the flames against his skin. Not really burning. More of a warm glow around him. But there was no time for that he had to get out. The building had collapsed as the room had exploded. Thankfully the automated fire extinguishers had been activated. He walked towards the edge of the flames. Morph stepped out of the inferno that was once the brand corporation's New York labs. "You're gonna have to do better than that if ya wanna kill a Mirapphian buddy!!!!" he shouted as he pulled Leigh's body out of the cooled chamber he had created inside his chest when the Building had exploded. "THEN I SHALL TRY AND ACCOMADATE YOU" came a voice from behind him. He felt a slight pain at the back of his neck and then everything went Black.

Leigh's head ached. She felt like she had just woken up after the biggest beer raid in history. Groggily, she got up. As her Eyes began to focus she could see two figures one dressed entirely in black while the other one was a bit blurry. She noticed the one in black had something raised above his head. As her vision cleared she could see it was a…SCYTHE!!!!!!"NOOOOO " she screamed. Suddenly a green light erupted form her hand and struck the figure of Death. He fell to the floor with a scream of pain. "You!!!!!" she shouted at death "You've followed me ever since the death of my brother. Why? WHY????" Death stood up. "WHY DEATHCHILD?" He said as he stepped closer "BECAUSE YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE!!!!!" She stared at him for a moment, contemplating her next move. Suddenly Death moved to strike .His Scythe swung through the air. The blade giving of a slight green glow as it dove straight for her heart. Just as before A green light erupted from her, this time not from just her hand but from her entire body. As it struck death, he seemed to explode with the green light. "Just for the record, fucker…..The names Necro!!!!". As the green light began to fade she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Now that was a fancy power" said Morph

Two hours later, the roof of a building one block away

They watched the Fire department put out the remaining fires at the Brand Corporation. A recovery craft was already on the way. "Did you really mean what you said in there?" Asked Leigh. "Mean what " asked Morph .You know when I was down in the room full of dead guards and you said…….. oh never mind" she replied as she turned away from him. She felt a hand on her shoulder and Morph's voice say "Yeah I did." Leigh turned around .She stared into Morph's Bright yellow eyes. He stared back into her Green eyes. Morph pulled her closer to him. "I do love you" he said before his lips met hers. They stood there for what seemed like years locked in their passionate embrace.

In a dark office, in a dark building A dark man sits at his dark desk .He looks at the information he stole before the destruction of the brand corporation and laughs.

The end?

Grey Pawn
Official XMBB Scribe
"I hate redundacy and reptition"
"I try to hide my intellectual inadequencies with a bad attitude and big words like intellectual inadequencies."
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