The Legacy *HF*

By Harbinger

The Legacy

WARNING: Due to its explicit nature, this story is recommended for mature readers. And you know if I put an advisory like that on it, it has to be bad.

This story contains: Explicit Dialogue
Mature Themes
Graphic Violence

Writer's note: Some elements of "Shattered Futures" will be touched on in this story. SF was a "what if" story, so this story may not be entirely consistent with the future depicted in SF. Use THIS story as the authentic, and regard SF as apocryphal.

Unless otherwise noted, all portions of this story take place in the present, approximately August of 1998.


Part One: Test Run

Twenty-Thousand Years Ago. The coast of Newfoundland.

The device hummed softly as it powered up, its portal increasing in brightness with each passing moment. It was round, about four meters in diameter, with its edge approximately fifteen centimeters thick. Its edge was tubelike, with all manner of inscriptions and controls sprinkled about its metallic surface. The two beings that stood before it were monitoring its output, hoping their first test of this device would be successful. They were Skreeans, an alien race from the far side of the Milky Way galaxy. They had come to Earth to perform an experiment of incredible proportions.

"Vral, what is its status?" one asked.

"The Focus is at peak efficiency, and is ready for phase two," the other replied.

"Which of us should step through it?"

"You should, Stak. I will monitor your journey through the Focus."

"Very well. To our futures, Vral."

"To our futures, Stak. The Void be with you."

Stak stepped into the round portal of the Focus, and felt his silicon-based flesh begin to disintegrate.

"Do not worry," Vral assured him. "You will regain corporeality on the other side."

Continuing cautiously, Stak pushed the rest of his body through the Focus. He let out a short cry as he fell into oblivion. An instant later, he felt his body rematerialize. He was on a vessel near the center of the Milky Way, over fifty thousand light-years from where he had just been. On this vessel, five other Skreeans smiled triumphantly at him, acknowledging his success. Their leader stepped forward.

"Void be praised, Stak, you and Vral did it! You have perfected the Focus!"

"It was not easy, Orni. It took cycle upon cycle of preparation. What shall we now do with this prototype?"

"We shall leave it on Earth. It's inhabitants are far too primitive to understand it, therefore there is no danger in leaving it with them. It is also far too unstable to be moved. However, you should disguise it as a natural formation."

"I shall. I expect Vral to activate the retrieval sequence any instant now."

Almost immediately, Stak began to dematerialize again, and found himself right back where he had started. Vral looked expectantly at him.

"It worked, Vral, it worked!"

"Wonderful! What shall we do with it?"

"It is too unstable to move, so we are going to disguise it and leave it here. We shall bring its schematics with us, so we can build more."

"What should we disguise it as?"

"A large deposit of minerals, in compact form. In other words, a rock. That should not be difficult."

"Not at all."

Vral and Stak stepped back from the Focus, and Vral spoke a few commands. The Focus shimmered for several moments, and then became a large rock. Vral and Stak then embarked upon a Skreean vessel in Earth orbit, and began their long journey home, believing they would never see the Earth again.

In time, humans would discover this rock on the coast of Newfoundland. One individual, whom history will know as Gomurr, gave it a name. The Shadow Rock.

Part Two: The Five

A small, run-down bar on the outskirts of New York City.

Five individuals sat at a table, slowly drinking their beverages, as the bartender stood idly at his bar. The table was sticky with beer and sweat, the room itself having a foul odor. The bartender began to try in vain to clean the beer mugs on his bar, the glasses so filthy and grimy nothing could possibly get them clean. At the table were four men and one woman, each with their own reasons for being here.

The oldest was Paul Rogen, known by most as Nedereth. A former strategist for the United States government, this hadn't been his idea of retirement. He was nearly fifty now, most of his hair gone; the rest, all gray.

The dark-skinned man to his left was Luthos, a battle-mage from a world called Arcadia. He was well-versed in the Arcane Arts, but had not yet acquired much wisdom.

Luthos' companion was Taki, called the Dragonmaster. He, too, was from Arcadia. His skill with weaponry was unmatched on his world of origin.

The young woman next to Dragonmaster was called Thresh. A former mercenary, she had used so many aliases in her life, she no longer remembered the name on her birth certificate. Today, she was Jennifer Reston. Tomorrow, she could be anyone.

The youngest person at the table was Mitchell Art. He was, without a doubt, a genius. Only seventeen years old, he was recognized by most as Bluespark, expert computer hacker. In addition to his affinity for computers, he was skilled in the use of firearms.

"What time is it?" Nedereth asked drunkenly.

"2 a.m.," Thresh answered after checking her watch.

Nedereth threw an empty beer bottle at the bartender, who promptly ducked for cover. "I hate this fucking place," he cursed as the bottle shattered against the back wall.

The bartender shook his rag in the air, shouting "Get out of my bar, you assholes!" Bluespark yelled back at him, "Hey, fuck you! We pay your goddamn bills!"

"Where's my bed?" Nedereth said, mostly oblivious to what was going on.

"You don't have one, you moron," Bluespark replied with a smirk. "Gover'ment doesn't pay shit in retirement anymore, does it?"

"I need to kill something," Dragonmaster announced as he overturned the table. "I am a warrior, and I need blood!"

"Calm down, my friend," Luthos said. "Temper your anger. We will have glorious battle soon enough. He said he was coming."

"He who?" Nedereth demanded as he fell backward in his chair.

"The Harbinger," Luthos reminded him. "He said he will have a mission for us soon, and there will be much blood spilt!"

"Who fucking cares? All I want is a good screw and a pack of Camels, in that order," Thresh said after chugging down some Miller Genuine Draft. In response, Bluespark winked at her. She promptly slugged him in the face, knocking him onto the floor. He brushed himself off and returned to his seat. She took another look at him and said, "Alright. In the back, Mitch. Now! You get ten minutes. You can buy me the cigarettes later."

As the two of them headed for the back room, Bluespark flashed a smile back at the others. They pretty much ignored him, Dragonmaster returned the table to its upright position. They then spent the rest of the night downing alcohol, and complaining about their meager lives. Who would possibly believe that the future could rest upon such an unsavory and immoral group of individuals?

--End Prologue--Coming Next: Shatax and the Impossible Man!

Chapter One

Part One: Enter--Shatax

Six Months Ago. A planet called Mrrapphia.

The Koraxian known as Shatax "sat" at a computer terminal in the Great Hall of the Mrrapphian Modality Headquarters. Koraxians resemble terrestrial amoebas, only much larger, so sitting and standing were essentially the same things to them. Shatax was surveying his latest conquest: this small planet populated with blue-skinned shapeshifters. They were easily conquered, having only barely mastered the art of hyperspatial flight, and were physically weak, as well. Shatax had been reviewing the files in the Modality's primary database, searching for any clues as to where "the Wild One" was located. Then, he came across an entry dated only a few weeks prior.

It read: The child called Morph was exiled to Sol III on this date, for a period of one Mrrapphian year. He was exiled due to his disruptive nature, and the Modality believes that sending him to a savage world such as Earth would aid him in taming his wild ways. Once he returns, we believe he shall be easily reintegrated into Mrrapphian society. End Log.

Shatax generated an expression that could best be described as a mischievous grin, as he pondered the possibility of visiting Earth.

Part Two: Impossibly Possible

Thirty-Eight Years Ago. A planet called Popupia.

"What's going on, Streeko?" an incredibly panicked Impossible Man demanded as his fortress trembled.

"No idea, Imp," Streeko, the hyper-intelligent-primate answered as he dodged a large piece of falling debris.

"You stupid monkey! I should shove you right back into the gene-tanks in which I cloned you!"

"I'm an ape, you idiot, an APE! Not a monkey!"

"I swear, this had better not be my mother droppin' in unannounced again."

Impossible Man heard a hum behind him, and he saw a large alien that looked like a translucent blob appear. "Your mother, Impossible Man? Not quite. I am called Shatax. I intend to take control of your world."

--End Chapter One--Coming Next: The Harbinger and Nemesis; Antoine DuQuesne; the birth of Anti Christ!

Chapter Two

Part One: The Harbinger's Nemesis, or the Nemesis' Harbinger?

The mansion of the Black Hellfire Court. The bedchamber of Nemesis, the Black Queen.

"Roooobeeeert..." the woman spoke softly.

Robert Maxwell slowly opened his eyes, and smiled at the sight which greeted him. "Good morning, Claudia. Did you have pleasant dreams?"

"When you are with me, I have nothing but pleasant dreams." She leaned forward and kissed him. He reciprocated with equal fervor, and Claudia moaned softly. Robert Maxwell, known to most as the Harbinger, gently broke off the kiss. "I need to get dressed, my love."

"May I watch?" she asked as she lightly caressed his bare chest. He smiled at her in response. "What do you plan to do today?" she asked him.

"Anything you want me to do, Claudia," he said with a wry smile.

She grinned. "Oh, well you won't need to get dressed for that."

"Oh, really?" Maxwell teased.

Claudia, known as the Nemesis, exhaled deeply in anticipation.

Part Two: Investigations

Antoine DuQuesne took a long drag from his cigarette, and placed it in the ash tray on his desk. He shuffled through the files sitting in front of him. The words on his office door read "Agent A. DuQuesne, Federal Bureau of Investigations". He sighed when he didn't see the file he was looking for. There was one about a drug-smuggling ring near the Mexican border, and a few pertaining to unsolved homicides. But the one he was looking for wasn't here. He began to open the drug-smuggling file, when a folder in his filing cabinet caught his eye. He stretched for a moment as he rose from his chair, and strolled quietly to his filing cabinet. The folder that had grabbed his attention read "Tolliver
Industries, Inc." He picked it up and rifled through it, realizing this was only part of what he had been looking for. One of the pages in the middle of the folder had a picture of a woman on it. The name underneath it read "Jon Tolliver, Chief Executive Officer, Tolliver Ind., Inc."

"Bingo," he said as he sat back down at his desk. He picked up his phone and spoke into the receiver. "Andrea, get me all we have on Jon Tolliver and Tolliver Industries. Thanks." He hung up the phone and laid back in his chair. This is going to be sweet, he thought as a smile crept across his face.

Part Three: Evil Intent

Six Months Ago. The depths of Hell.

His lost soul floated through the flames, propelled by his hatred. He had been summoned by the being in command of this realm. He was desperately hoping he would get the chance to return to Earth, and exact his vengeance against those who sinned against him. After a near eternity of traveling, he reached the Great Door. It led to the inner sanctum of the one being here that could send him back. He passed through it eagerly, and emerged on the other side. The sight which greeted him was one he could never have prepared himself for. Before him towered a being of such intense evil, anger, and hatred, he could not even bear to gaze upon it. It looked at him with disdain, and spoke, its words
causing the cave-like walls to tremble.

"You are the one once called Ian Shapiro!" it thundered.

"Y-yesss!" the soul answered meekly. He was suddenly terrified of the beast which stood before him.

"This shall be the end of your wretched existence as a lost soul." It began to raise one of its huge arms, preparing to inflict what the young soul thought would be death. The soul once called Ian Shapiro shook with terror, thinking his short existence was about to become even shorter. Instead, he felt a power surge through him, and a renewed hatred. An overwhelming desire for vengeance.

"Ian Shapiro is no more!" the beast proclaimed. "From this time on, you shall be called the Anti Christ!"

"And what would you have me do?" the newly rechristened soul asked with a newfound confidence.

"You will bring Hell to Earth, and will exact retribution from all who have sinned against me! Starting with your old comrades in the Hellfire Club. You are also to bring the demon called Belasco back with you."

Anti Christ smiled. "Whatever your will may be, my Dark Lord, I shall carry it out."

--End Chapter Two--Coming Next: Blink*; SuperGrover, Jon, and Jubilee!

Chapter Three

Part One: The Nightmare Begins

The International Hellfire Club's mansion. The bedchamber of Blink*, the Red Queen.

Rachel Clarice Ferguson blinked the sleep from her eyes as she woke up. She came out from under the blankets on her bed, and stood up, taking a moment to stretch. She had a slight headache this morning, and decided a shower would be the best remedy. As she stepped into her bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror. She thought she looked a bit older than before. It was hard for her to believe that only a short month ago she had renounced the Black Court to become the Red Queen. But here she was, still fifteen years old, orphaned, among all these power brokers and industrial geniuses. The Red King, Ryan Jensen, had asked her to meet him for breakfast this morning. As she undressed and
showered, she was haunted by images of her adoptive father, Miles Ferguson, being mercilessly slaughtered by the mad mutant called the Psidog. She tried desperately to push the imagery out of her mind, but nothing seemed to help. These memories-that-never-were came back even more vividly, as she saw her father bleed to death in his own bed. Then, she became completely enveloped in the images. The Psidog turned on her, slashing her with his claws. She screamed in terror as she felt the claws ripping her flesh, unable to terminate the waking nightmare. Finally, it was too much for her, and she collapsed onto floor of the shower as the water sprayed down on her.

Part Two: The Date

That Same Afternoon. The IHFC mansion.

SuperGrover, the White King, stood nervously before the door to Jubilation Lee's room. He held an envelope in his right hand. He was completely unsure about being here. Part of him hoped she would open the door, and the other part hoped he was just wasting his time, that she wasn't there. After several minutes of waiting, the door opened, and Jubilee greeted him. "Hi, 'Grover. What can I do for you?"

He took a deep breath and said, "This is for you." He handed the envelope to her. He waited anxiously as she opened it and took out the card inside. It was a dinner invitation.

"You're asking me to dinner?"

"Well...yes. Eight o'clock, in my quarters. Will you be there?"

"Sure. What's the dress code?"

"It's entirely up to you. Wear whatever you'd like."

"All right then. I can't wait. See you at eight, then."

"I'll see you then. Have a good afternoon."

"Oh, my day is going to be just fine now..." she said as she closed her door. SuperGrover smiled, and couldn't believe how easy it had been.


The rest of SuperGrover's day proceeded very slowly. By seven o'clock, he had managed to fill out a large stack of paperwork that Ryan had been too busy to take care of. Just as he finished, he heard a knock on his office door. "Come in," he said. The door opened, and Nytshade, the White Queen, walked in. She was wearing a semi-transparent white gown, and seemed to be in a very good mood. "Hello, 'Grover," she said to him.

"Um...hi, Nytshade," he barely managed to say. "Something I can do for you?"

"Oh, I don't know..." she said as she strolled over to his desk. She sat down upon it, and brought one of her legs up onto the desk. "What do you think? And call me Jon...Nytshade is far too formal."

"I...uh...think I have a date to get ready for. I'll talk to you later. Goodnight." Before giving Jon a chance to respond, he left his seat and walked out of the office, closing the door behind him. Jon groaned in frustration. She was determined to get him to respond to her advances, by any means necessary. Maybe I should talk to Nemesis, she thought.


SuperGrover waited quietly in his room, sitting idly at his large table. Two candles sat lit upon it, providing the only illumination. He had had the chefs prepare lobster and shrimp for this occasion, and a bottle of champagne rested in a bucket of ice on the table. He was wearing a light blue long-sleeved shirt with a black tie, and long black pants. He didn't much care for the way his clothes contrasted with his blue fur, and hoped that Jubilee wasn't a fashion critic.

At precisely eight o'clock, Jubilee came knocking on his door. He opened the door and looked at her. She was wearing a silk blouse and skirt, with her hair in a ponytail. "You look stunning, Ms. Lee," he said as he kissed her hand.

She smiled at him, and blushed slightly. "Thank you."

"Won't you come in?" he asked, motioning her toward the table.

She walked in and allowed him to pull out her chair for her, and she sat down. He then sat across from her and said, "I'm glad you came."

"I wouldn't have missed it. I'm sure it will be a wonderful evening."

They both smiled at each other as they began to eat.

--End Chapter Three--Coming Next: Morph; Harbinger and Gomurr; the Harbinger's origin!

Chapter Four

Part One: Exile Without a Home

The Next Day.

The Mrrapphian called Morph was sitting on a street corner in New York City, disguised as a homeless man. He held in his palm a small device that resembled a palmtop computer. He read the words upon its screen again, making sure it read correctly. It was a report from the Galactic News Network that had been sent to him only a few short hours ago. "The planet called Mrrupphia was conquered recently by the Koraxian Empire. The leader of the invasion, Shatax, had this to say to all the other intelligent life forms in the Milky Way..." The screen shifted to an image of Shatax, saying "In my military career, I have conquered hundreds of worlds, starting with the pathetic planet called Popupia. This
most recent addition to the glorious Koraxian Empire will only serve to make us stronger as a species." Then the screen changed to another blurb of text that read "Shatax is the fleet commander of the Koraxian Deathfleet. He has led over three hundred and fifty invasions during his career. This concludes this GNN special report."

Morph deactivated the device and slipped it into his pocket. His form gradually shifted back to normal, as he was too emotionally distraught to maintain his human form. Tears began to form in his large yellow eyes, as he buried his bald head between his knees. His homeworld had exiled him, and now, he without a home to come back to.

Part Two: Gomurr's Proposal

The Harbinger stood in front of the door to Gomurr's office, impatiently tapping his foot on the floor. He waited for nearly forty minutes before Gomurr the Ancient arrived. "You little shit! Have you any idea how long I've been waiting?!" the Harbinger yelled at him.

"Calm down, Robert. I had ShockWave that I needed to take care of," the diminuitive magician answered.

"And it took you forty minutes?! Just what the hell do you want me here for?"

"I have a request to make of you."

"Spit it out, or stop wasting my time."

"Let me be perfectly honest, Robert Maxwell. I do not like you. You are arrogant, aloof, secretive, self-serving, and you're no fun at parties. But you have valuable skills that my students could make great use of."

"I'm listening."

"There are three courses I am certain you would be quite brilliant at teaching. Applied Astrophysics, Temporal Mechanics, and Xenopsychology."

"Yeah, I know all three of those fields inside and out. If I decide to teach them, what's in it for me?"

"In return, I will show you something that I'm sure you will be quite interested in. You need only agree to teach the students at the Black Hellfire Academy those three courses. Do you accept my terms, or do I have to cast a binding spell on you?"

The Harbinger sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. When do we go see this thing you want to show me?"

"In a little while. First, I've been meaning to ask you...How did you end up in this time period to begin with?"

"Oh, you asked a mouthful..."

Part Three: The Future is Then, Part A

One Hundred Years From Now. The Arcturus star system.

Robert Maxwell veered his ship to port and starboard, trying desperately to avoid the projectiles and energy beams being thrown at him. His small vessel, the USS Nova, maneuvered expertly through the crisscrossing weapons fire, gracefully dodging destruction. Maxwell himself was simply programming evasive patterns, hoping his ship could keep up with the constant navigational changes. Finally, his communications system beeped, signaling an incoming transmission. Maxwell tapped a key on his main console, and a small Koraxian appeared on his viewscreen.

It began to speak. "Robert Maxwell, I am called Kirax. You murdered my father one hundred years ago, and now I am going to kill you. Prepare for death, human scum!"

Maxwell had no idea what the alien was talking about, so he asked "Who the hell was your father?"

"His name was Shatax. Time to die!"

"Wait a minute! I was born in 2050! There's no way I could have killed your father 'one hundred years ago.' There must be some mistake!"

"No, you made the mistake when you slaughtered my father! The penalty is death!"

Maxwell thought for a moment. "One hundred years ago" would have been approximately 1998, he realized. Though he had time-travelled before, he had never been to the twentieth century.

"I'm sorry, Kirax, but you'll have to take a rain check on this revenge thing. You see, I have a date I'm late for, and..."

"You mock me, you genetic trash?! I will disembowel your corpse, hang your intestines from my command center, and use your abdominal cavity to store my waste products!" Kirax was, to say the least, extremely angry by that point.

Maxwell wasn't about to let this alien kill him, so he engaged his hyperdrive. Kirax's image faded, revealing a starfield once again. The starfield instantly brightened, flashing a myriad of light and color, as the ship entered hyperspace. Suddenly, he felt a blast at the back of his ship. Damn! he thought. Kirax must've gotten a hit in before I completed the jump into hyperspace! His ship was now tumbling aimlessly through the dimension called hyperspace, completely out of control. The ship rocked again, and the Nova's computer spoke. "Warning: Ship has struck a time-buoy. Prepare for collapse of hyperspatial field."

"Dammit, no!" Maxwell shouted as his ship was forced out of hyperspace. Instead of finding himself back at Kirax's throat, he saw his ship was hovering over Earth. He wasn't sure how he had arrived here, and had no time to find out, as the computer spoke again. "Warning: Hyperspatial core is overloading. Fifteen minutes until core breach." Maxwell quickly jumped from his seat, gathering all the pieces of technology he could. The last piece he grabbed was a time-travel chip he'd acquired some twenty-thousand years into his own future. He decided that he might need it.

The computer again warned him that he only had one minute left, and he stepped onto his teleportation pad. Its coordinate computer was damaged, and he desperately hoped he would end up on Earth, rather than floating in vacuum. He closed his eyes as he dematerialized...

...and opened them in a new location. He was standing on a large rock with waves crashing against it. He quickly calibrated the cybernetic portion of his brain to get a fix on his location. "53 degrees North by 56 degrees West," was the location his internal computer gave him. "Ah, Newfoundland. Western Hemisphere," he said. Then he remembered his ship. The sky was dark, and he saw a beautiful burst of light directly above him. "So long, Nova," he said. "You were a fine little ship." He then turned his attention back to figuring out where he was. He activated his astrometric-temporal coordinate sensors, to figure out at what point in time he was. "Late twentieth century," was the

"Twentieth century, eh? Well, I'm glad I brought my time-chip with me." He sent an electronic signal from his brain to the chip in his hand, and waited to be put back in the year he belonged. He was incredibly disappointed when it responded, "Temporal coordinate system has become asynchronous. Recalibrate at your nearest SuperTempoTronics retailer as soon as possible."

Maxwell was so terribly angry, he nearly crushed the chip in his hand. To release some tension, he screamed into the night. "Ah...that feels better. It looks like I'll be sticking around here for awhile, so I'd better get going to the nearest town."

With that, he walked away from the rock, not knowing how instrumental it would someday be in saving the Earth.

--End Chapter Four--Coming Next: The Harbinger's origin, part two! The Harbinger meets Claudia! Nemesis' daughter! (oh my God!)

Chapter Five

Part One: The Future is Then, Part B

Ten Years Ago. Newfoundland.

After locating the nearest town, Robert Maxwell finely calibrated his locational sensors. With his systems calibrated he could teleport himself anywhere on the planet in an instant, using his bodyslide technology. He decided New York City would be as good a place as any to find the tools needed to fix his time-chip. His body was surrounded by coruscating lights, and he flashed into existence in an alley of New York City. The alley was full of refuse, and had a terrible odor, one that Maxwell's cybernetically-enhanced olfactory glands found overpowering. He quickly stepped out of it, and into the open street. Cars were honking at each other as hundreds of people walked down sidewalks and across
streets. None of them would give him or his futuristic appearance a second glance.

He strolled for several minutes, hoping to find a Radio Shack. He decided that they would have the tools he needed, even if he would have to improvise to fix the chip. As he walked, two men approached him. One stood in front of him, the other, to Maxwell's side. They blocked his path, not allowing him to move. "Can I help you gentlemen?" he asked.

The one in front of him pulled out a knife, and pointed it at Maxwell's face. "Just give us your fuckin' money, pal."

"Yeah," the second man said. "Do it, or we'll fuck your shit up, man."

"Where did you two learn to speak English?" Maxwell asked. "I can't understand a fucking word you're saying!"

The first man spoke again. "He thinks he's funny, this guy. Maybe we should cut him up."

"Yeah...maybe we should," the other agreed.

"Gentlemen, I'd love to stand here and have an intellectually stimulating conversation with you about the ills of society, but I really need to take care of some things first."

"Give us your fucking money, man!" He tried to press the blade against Maxwell's neck, but found it being somehow repelled. "What the fuck is this shit?!"

"I call it tele--" Maxwell's words were cut short as the two men dropped to the ground, screeching in pain. A beautiful young woman approached Maxwell, smiling. "Hello," he said. "I sense you are a am I. Who are you?"

"My name is Claudia. What's yours?"

"Robert. Do you often find yourself saving strangers from street thugs?"

"No...but I thought I'd make an exception for you."

"Ah, how flattering."

The woman called Claudia smiled at him, seeming seductive and innocent at the same time. Maxwell briefly imagined what it would feel like to have his lips pressed against hers.

"Robert...oh, shame on you for thinking about that," she said mock-seriously.

Shit! Maxwell thought. I forgot to activate my psi-blocks! He took a moment to reinitialize his thought-dampening field, to prevent telepaths from reading him. Claudia looked disapprovingly at him. "Now, why did you do that, Robert? You need not be embarrassed. In fact, I think I like you."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, I think I like you very much. Would you care to join me for dinner? I know it's late, but I'm sure there is a place open around here somewhere."

"I would be...delighted."

A moment later, a woman that looked exactly like Claudia approached them. "There you are, Claudia!" she yelled. "I was wondering where you ran off to."

"Nicole, this is Robert. Robert, this is Nicole."

"Hmmm...pleased to meet you, Robert," Nicole said, moistening her lips.

He's mine! Claudia shouted into her sister's mind. You keep your hands off him!

Oh, dear sister, we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?

As Robert eavesdropped on their telepathic conversation, he smiled. This could prove, he thought to himself.

Part Two: Discipline Problem

The Harbinger left Gomurr's office after explaining his presence in this century. He had, of course, left out the part involving Claudia and Nicole, deciding Gomurr needn't know about that. He arrived back at Claudia's quarters, and walked in. He heard a shriek as he walked in, and saw the woman he loved standing naked in the middle of the room. "Oh, it's you...come in, Robert," she said.

"Sorry...I guess I should have knocked," he apologized.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous." She walked up to him and gave him a quick kiss. "I have to get things ready for the dance next week."

"Dance? What dance?"

"The Black Hellfire Academy is hosting a dance for its students...I'm one of the chaperones. And so are you."

"Gee, thanks for volunteering me. Who else is chaperoning it?"

"Gomurr, Ryan Jensen, SuperGrover, ShockWave, and Marvel Girl...the Red and White Hellfire Club's students will be there, as well."

"Oh, now this is promising..."

"It is for the children, Robert. Don't make an idiot of yourself. I know what happens when you, Gomurr, and Ryan are put in the same room. I remember the last time we went to a dinner party. By the time it was over, you were trying to strangle Ryan on the kitchen floor. We will have none of that this time, understand?"

The Harbinger sighed. "Yes, Claudia, all right. I'll behave. And Ryan is the one that started it last time."

"Robert!" she shouted at him, scowling.

Suddenly, the telephone rang. "That's your private line, isn't it, Claudia?"

"Yes...will you go answer it?"

"Sure." Maxwell strolled to the telephone, and picked up the receiver. "Duffy's Tavern. Home of Claudia's Happy Hour," he said cheerfully, and Claudia gave him another angry stare.

"Cute, Robert," the man on the other end said. "It's Gomurr. What is Nemesis doing?"

"Well, we're both naked, and she's sitting on my lap right now, going up and down and--" Maxwell said before Gomurr interrupted him.

"Very funny...would you just tell her to come to my office? Her daughter is in trouble again."


"Yes, yes, her daughter! See that she gets here promptly, Robert!" Gomurr said, then hung up.

Maxwell looked over at Claudia as she got dressed. "Hey, Claudia...Gomurr said he needs to see you in his office. Something about your...daughter?"

"Oh, wonderful. The little brat probably killed the science project again."

"Uh...okay. Does your daughter have a name?"

"Of's Sharon Stokes."

--End Chapter Five--Coming Next: Siryn and Havoc1; Siryn's origin! Gomurr; Harbinger and Nemesis; Comix_Master79! Don't miss it!

Chapter Six

Part One: Kids Will be Kids :-)

"I swear to God, Robert...she has the be the most ill-behaved child on the face of the Earth."

"Claudia, she can't be that bad..."

The Harbinger and Nemesis were heading for Gomurr's office, to see what trouble Nemesis' daughter had gotten into. Nemesis was visibly angry, and the Harbinger simply kept his distance, not wanting to antagonize her any further. Once they arrived at the office, Gomurr said "It's open." The two of them walked in to see a young woman with long red hair sitting next to a male of similar age. The young man was holding a bag of ice up to his left eye, which had been blackened. Gomurr was sitting at his desk, flipping through a copy of Dante's Inferno.

"Hello, Gomurr," the Harbinger said.

"Robert...Nemesis," Gomurr replied, putting the book away.

"What did Siryn do now?" Nemesis asked impatiently.

"She attacked Havoc1. Gave him a black eye."

Nemesis turned around to face her daughter. "I should never have adopted you. All you do is cause me grief. Just why in the hell did you hit him?"

"He called me a bitch!" Siryn, the Black Rook, exclaimed.

"You were acting like one!" Havoc1, the Black Prince, countered.

"I was not!" Siryn said, then began smacking Havoc1 in the face.

"Ow, stop, dammit!"

"Hey!" the Harbinger shouted. "I don't know what is wrong with you two children, but you need to stop acting like this. You're both in the Inner Circle, for crying out loud."

"But he called me a bitch!" Siryn protested.

"Well, maybe he wasn't too far from the truth..." the Harbinger said quietly.

Nemesis gave the Harbinger a look that simply screamed "Go to hell." He quickly shut up.

"Sharon...go to your room. I'll deal with you later." Nemesis turned to Havoc1. "Ben, just ignore her when she acts like this, okay?"

"But..." Havoc1 began as Siryn stormed out of the office.

"Please. She's been through a must make certain allowances for her, all right?"


"Now head back to wherever you were."

Havoc1 rose from his seat, still holding the ice pack against his eye. Nemesis turned to Gomurr. "What started this?" she asked.

"Siryn was being unruly at lunch. She tripped Puma11. When Puma11 tried to retaliate, Havoc1 jumped in the way, and told Siryn to 'stop being such a fucking bitch.' It was, essentially, downhill from there."

"And she's your daughter?" the Harbinger asked.

"Adopted daugter, Robert," Nemesis corrected.

"Mind explaining how that came about?"

Nemesis sighed heavily. "It started about eight years ago..."

Part Two: Lost Childhood

Eight Years Ago. Somewhere in the United States.

Ian Shapiro walked casually down the street, checking each house's address as he went by. The sun was high in the sky, signalling that it was midday. He had amused himself for a moment by shooting a squirrel out of a tree with his .357 Magnum. He perversely enjoyed the "thud" it made when it smashed into the ground, bleeding. About ten minutes later, he found the home he was searching for. He proceeded to the front door, and rang the doorbell. A man in his thirties answered the door.

"Can I help you?" the man asked.

"Are you Daniel Stokes?"

"Yes...who are you?"

"Call me Ian. Where is your wife?

"What the...she's been dead for the last four years. Are you with the media or something?"

"Is your daughter home?" Ian asked, ignoring the older man's question.

"I don't know who you are, young man, but you stay away from my daughter, do you understand?"

"Oh, I understand, but I doubt I'll heed your advice. Howsabout we go down to the Dunkin' Donuts and have some doughnuts and coffee? Me, I like the jelly-filled ones. What about you?"

"Get off my property, before I call the police!"

Ian pulled his .357 from his jacket. "I do not think so, sir. I'm supposed to take your daughter by any means necessary. Since you're not being very cooperative, I'll just put you out of my misery."

"What the hell are you doing, you sick son of a --" Daniel Stokes' final words were cut short by a bullet through the skull. Pieces of blood and brain matter came out the back of his head, splattering against the floor and the walls.

"Now, Daniel, look what you've done. You've gone and made a mess of the living room. But then, a .357 at point blank would do that, too, wouldn't it?"

Ian sat in the living room for the rest of the day, until he heard a little girl come through the back door. He smiled as he saw her cheerful expression, knowing it would be shattered the moment she entered the room.

As she came in, she said "Hey, Daddy, I was at school today an' we..." Her words stopped abruptly as she was frozen with shock. There was a strange man sitting in her living room, her father was lying motionless on the floor, and the room was nearly covered in blood.

"Oh my...oh my my God...oh m...d...Da...Daddy...oh my...who...oh my Go..." Her words became an incoherent string of tears and sobs, and Ian smiled even more. He walked up to her and took her hand.

"It's okay, Sharon. I'm going to take you to meet your new family."

"Bu...I don't wanna new family...wha...did you...Daddy..."

"He's up in Heaven with Mommy now, Sharon. You have to come with me."

Without waiting for a response, he picked her up and carried her out the front door. She began to scream, and he placed his hand over her mouth. " have to be silent. Do not make any noise, or I'll have to kill you too. Do you understand?"

She slowly nodded, tears streaming down her face. Ian took his hand from her mouth, and led her to a small sedan he had parked about a mile away. "Get in, Sharon." The girl complied, silently. Ian sat in the driver's seat, and locked the doors. He then drove the child back to her new home, the International Hellfire Club's mansion.

Part Three: The Comix Master

Nemesis finished explaining to the Harbinger how Siryn became her daughter.

"With the appropriate bribes, I was given legal guardianship of the child. Even though Ian kidnapped her, the charges were dropped, with even larger bribes, of course."

"I had no idea you had members capable of such horrendous acts, Claudia."

"Ian was a unique case. He was unstable to begin with. Still, his skill as a marksman, not to mention his considerable financial assets, made him a fine addition to the Hellfire Club."

"So what happened to him?"

"He crossed Paramount."


The Hellfire Club mansion.

Blaze, Headmaster of the Hellions, opened the front door. Before him stood a man who could not have been more than twenty. The man seemed fairly average, with nothing particularly special about him. "C'n I help ya?" the Cajun asked, hoping to get rid of this annoyance as quickly as possible.

"I am interested in joining the Hellions."

"Got a name, homme?"

"Theodore Krausz. But they call me Comix_Master79."

"I see. What are your qualifications?"

Comix_Master79 removed some documents from his pocket, shoving them in Blaze's face. "My father has made considerable contributions to the Hellfire Club. I believe you owe my family something in return. Simply admit me into your Hellions, and we shall 'call it even.'"

Blaze took the papers and looked them over. "We will, of course, have to confirm this in our primary database. But until then, you are free to hang around."

"Thank you very much, sir," Comix_Master79 said as Blaze walked off. He knew that all the bank transactions would be listed in the database, and that the appropriate files had been changed to suit his needs. Comix_Master79 walked into one of the mansion's many sitting rooms, took a seat, and smiled. It had been his lifelong dream to be in the Hellions, among society's most elite mutants. But then, how could it have been a lifelong dream, if he had memories of only the last five and half months?

--End Chapter Six--Coming Next: Antoine DuQuesne; Puma11; Hazard! The Formation of the Clan Chosen continues!

Chapter Seven

Part One: Another Day, Another Deal

The Next Day. The IHFC mansion.

Antoine DuQuesne's car pulled up to the IHFC mansion early in the evening. He had found information that suggested Jon Tolliver lived in this mansion, and he was determined to follow up on it. The mansion's front gates had let him in without much difficulty, merely a guard asking for identification. A quick flash of his FBI credentials allowed him access, and now he was standing in front of one of the largest mansions he had ever laid his gaze upon. There were innumerable windows, multiple floors, a beautifully architectured frame. Everything a backstabbing tycoon like her could want, DuQuesne thought bitterly. He was wearing a tan trenchcoat, even though the weather was clear that day.

He knocked on the front door, and was greeted by a young woman who could not have been more than twenty years old. "Hello. I'm Jubilee. How can I be of help?"

"Antoine DuQuesne, FBI. I'm looking for Jon Tolliver. Does she live here?"

"One moment." She closed the door in DuQuesne's face, and she stepped over to a console embedded in the wall. After she input some data, Jon's face appeared on the tiny screen. "Yes, Jubilation? I'm busy. Make it quick."

"There's an FBI agent here looking for you. Antoine Du...something."

"All right. Tell him I'll be there in five minutes," Jon said as her face dissolved from the screen.

Jubilee walked back over to the front door, and opened it. "She'll be with you in a few minutes." With that, she walked away, leaving DuQuesne standing at the door, alone.

After a few minutes of impatient foot-tapping, the door in front of him opened yet again. It was the same woman he saw in the files in his office. "Ms. Tolliver?" he queried.

"Yes. What do you want?"

"Can we go somewhere a bit more...private?"

"Fine. Follow me." Jon led him through a series of corridors, until they arrived in a moderately-sized room. It had about five comfortable chairs sprinkled about it, with a bookcase along the back wall, and a fire blazing brightly in a fireplace. "This is the study. Take a seat, Mr...?"

"DuQuesne. Antoine DuQuesne."

"So why are you here?"

"This..." he reached inside his trenchcoat and pulled out a manila envelope. He tossed it to her, and she caught it. "Look inside."

She unclasped the envelope, and removed a small stack of documents. All of them had a letterhead that read "Tolliver Industries, Inc." She flipped through the papers for a moment, and looked up at DuQuesne. "They are recent invoices. What of them?"

"Read who made the purchases, Ms. Tolliver."

She glanced over the papers again, seeing the name "Juan Fernando" as the purchaser. "Who is Juan Fernando, Mr. DuQuesne?"

"He's Cuban Intelligence. Look at what he purchased."

The invoices indicated that Fernando had purchased several devices related to artificially generating electromagnetic pulses, and that those devices were delivered directly to Havana, Cuba. Jon looked at DuQuesne again. "I was not aware that my company was participating in these illegal practices."

"Ms. Tolliver, your company has violated economic sanctions against Cuba, and what's more, may have given them technology capable of creating mass destruction across the world. Do you have any idea what would happen if these devices were sold to Iraq, or North Korea?"

"I can most likely guess."

"There is no guessing involved. They would have a terrible advantage, and would be capable of dismantling any country's most basic systems: Electricity, telephones, all computer systems. With the devices in Cuba's possession, they pose a most serious threat to the world's security."

"So what can I do about it?"

"I have an offer to make. You let me into your little Hellfire Club, and take out those devices, and I will not report this to the government."

"I think I can arrange your admittance to the Club."

"And the devices?"

"I know exactly who can handle those, Agent DuQuesne."

Part Two: Screams in the Night

Sasha Cullen, called Puma11, slept a totured sleep in her quarters of the BHC mansion. Dreams of her father plagued her. The insane, power-hungry mutant called Paramount. In her nightmare, she could see him come into her room, and sit down on her bed, next to her. "Sasha...your mother and I have some wonderful news." His voice was dishonestly kind and saccharine sweet. She simply looked at him in terror. "We're getting married! And we're going to take you away from the Club, to a nice little house upstate, where we can raise you just like the freak you are!" His voice had turned harsh at those words, each one tearing into her heart like a blade. "You're a disgusting accident, Sasha! You
should never have been born! We're going to lock you away, and I'm going to come see you every day, and remind you that I am your father, and you are an unwanted FREEEAK!"

She woke up, screaming, drenched in her own sweat. She had fallen asleep only minutes before, and now she was shaking and trembling, terrified by what had just transpired. It had seemed to real to have been a dream, and she did not sleep for the rest of the night.

Part Three: Concerns

The private dining hall of Ryan Jensen, the Red King.

Ryan Jensen quietly ate his late dinner, it being almost midnight. Blink* sat across the table from him, pushing her food around with her fork, not consuming any of it. "What's wrong, Rachel?" Ryan asked, concerned.

"I'm fine. Why do you keep asking me if anything's wrong?"

"You haven't touched your dinner."

She slammed her fist into her bowl of lasagna, splattering marinara all over the surrounding area. "There. Now I've touched it. Happy?"

"Rachel...are you sure you're all right? Ever since what happened in the shower two days ago--"

"I'm fine, goddammit! Just...leave me alone, Ryan. Please."

"You know, it's long past your usual bedtime. Maybe you should go to your room and sleep."

"I'm too tired to move..." she said, massaging her temples as if she had a headache.

"Then I'll carry you to your bed."

Ryan got up from his seat and walked to Blink*'s. Too tired to protest, she let him pick her up and carry her out of the room. He walked the short distance to her room, and kicked open the door. He laid her down gently in her bed, and pulled her blankets up to the base of her neck. "Goodnight, Rachel," he said as he walked from the room. As he flipped the lightswitch to the off position, Blink* fell asleep.

Part Four: Strike Mission

That Same Night. Somewhere in Nevada.

"Thresh! Dammit, we don't have time for that!" the Harbinger shouted.

Thresh extricated her tongue from the interior of Bluespark's mouth. "Gee...sor-ry, Harby-warby." Then she muttered under her breath, "Asshole."

"Shut up, Thresh! Open the goddamn door!"

The Harbinger was referring to the large metal double-door that stood before them. The markings on the door read "SPP-115-BETA". It was the government code for "Sentinel Processing Plant-One-One-Five-Beta Status Facility." Thresh made her way to the jet-sized craft that brought them here, and picked up a bazooka-like weapon. "You sure this thing will blow open the door?" she asked.

"Yes, it!"

She aimed it at the door, as Nedereth, Bluespark, Luthos, and Dragonmaster covered their ears. The explosion that followed was ear-shattering, but the Harbinger had dampened it with his telekinesis, so no ear damage was incurred. There was a gaping hole left in the doors. Big enough for the Harbinger and his five comrades to enter.

"Go on in," he said. "I'll be waiting for you when you are finished."

"You just want us to blow this thing all to hell?" Nedereth asked.

"Yep. Have a party."

"This is a waste of our time," Luthos complained. "We should be chasing down villains, not destroying lifeless automatons."

"Those 'lifeless automatons' are designed to hunt down and kill mutants, Luthos. Like me. I ever tell you about my run-in with a pack of sentinels?"


"They are difficult to destroy when operational. I had to interface with them to shut them down. They nearly killed me the first time. They are not to be taken lightly. Now, go!"

The Harbinger waited outside while his allies entered the compound. Within seconds, he heard explosions and shattering glass and falling debris and electrical crackling. The inhuman whining of a sentinel's voice processor as it was destroyed was an incredible thing to hear. The desert was suddenly filled with the sounds of crushing metal, and screams as sentinel technicians were cut down by weapons fire and magic. Then, exactly when the Harbinger expected it, the processing plant lit up the night sky, and exploded outward. Nearly every piece of equipment and human flesh was incinerated by the blast. Then, he saw five figures emerge from the smoldering wreckage.

"Well? How was that?" Bluespark asked.

"Brilliant. You do excellent work, my friends."

"Right," Thresh said as she lit up a cigarette. As she exhaled from her first drag, she asked "So what's next?"

"Next? I will take you to Inferno. DANTE...bodyslide by six. Slide our transport back into Bay One."

With those words, the Harbinger and his five acquaintances vanished in a sparkle of light. Their craft quickly followed, and the sentinel processing plant was left burning throughout the night, as a message to the rest of humanity. The war between man and mutant was about to take another violent turn.

--End Chapter Seven--Coming Next: Inferno; Jon; SuperGrover and Jubilee! DarkWolf, Dark Claw, and Belasco! Siryn and Deadpool! Jenskott!

Chapter Eight

Part One: The Essence of Time

Someplace outside of Time.

The Harbinger, Nedereth, Luthos, Dragonmaster, Thresh, and Bluespark materialized on the bridge of a tremendous spacecraft, one filled with brightly blinking lights and ambient computer bleeps. Outside the massive front window could be seen the heart of Time itself. Energy swirled about in a gamut of sound and color, flashing here and there, indicating time-travellers from the Eons passing through.

They all looked around, except for the Harbinger, who sat in a chair in the middle of the room. "Welcome to Inferno," he said.

"Is that the name of this place?" Nedereth asked.

"It's the name of the ship. This 'place' isn't a place at all. It is Time itself. We are sitting in the focus of all temporal energy."

"Wow..." Bluespark said, awestruck by the cascading lights outside.

"DANTE...have you finished that research I asked for?" the Harbinger asked, looking at no one."

"Dante?" Thresh asked. "Who is--"

"Why, yes, Robert. I always complete the tasks which you assign me." The voice came from all around them, as if the ship itself were speaking. The voice was deep, but not thunderous. It had an almost melodic quality to it.

"Everyone, DANTE is Inferno's computer. It stands for Data Analysis Neurological-Technological Entity. It is partially biological, and it is sentient. Now, DANTE, show me what you've found."

"As you wish, Robert." The front window suddenly darkened, and a long stream of information was displayed upon it. At the top, the words "Cross-Temporal Search for The Ascended One" were displayed. There were hundreds of names underneath it, followed by a large amount of data pertaining to each one.

"This could take months, DANTE. You're telling me any of these people could be the Ascended One?"

"Yes, Robert. Time-travel is not an exact science. There are inconsistencies and miscalculations at every turn."

"Oh, just dump the goddamn file. I can't go sifting through that to see if I can get another shot at the Ascended One."

"Very well." The information vanished from the screen.

The Harbinger was standing now, looking for the his comrades. He found all but Thresh and Bluespark standing around, looking at the equipment. "Where are Thresh and Bluespark?" he asked impatiently.

"I think they got tired of waiting," Nedereth said, "And decided to pass the time alone together."

"DANTE. Scan for Jennifer Reston and Mitchell Art."

"They are in supply room 014, engaging in se--"

"DANTE, I did not ask you what they were doing. I just asked where they were. I could have told you what they were doing." He stormed out of the room, heading for supply room 014.

He arrived there a few minutes later, and opened the door. He saw Bluespark lying nude on the floor, with Thresh going up and down on top of him, also unclothed. He only took a moment to stare before yelling "Get up, right now!"

"Jesus Christ, don't you ever knock?" Thresh demanded, as she turned to him and got off of Bluespark. "Shit...I was almost there, too."

"Shut up, Jennifer. Put on your clothes, both of you! I want to see you in the wardroom in ten minutes." With that, he left the two of them alone again.

"He said ten minutes, Jennifer," Bluespark said.

"Hmm...that ought to be long enough," she said as she mounted him again.

Part Two: A Kiss in the Arboretum

The Next Afternoon. The IHFC arboretum.

SuperGrover and Jubilee walked casually through the arboretum, taking the time to look at each other, and the plants and flowers around them. SuperGrover had his arm around her, and she rested her head on his shoulder. Jubilee had a wistful smile on her face, as she kissed 'Grover's furry blue cheek. "Thank you," he said softly.

"Don't mention it," she said just as quietly.

As they passed a bush of white roses, SuperGrover bent down to pluck a few for Jubilee. He pulled the thorns from the stems, tossing them aside, and handed the flowers to her. As she took them from his hand, they looked into each other's eyes. They stood silently, staring at each other, for several seconds. "'Grover, I..." Jubilee began to speak.

SuperGrover placed his index finger against her lips. "Don't say anything, Jubilee. Don't say a word," he said kindly. As they gazed into each other's eyes, they both saw what the other wanted, and their lips moved closer together. The contact was tentative at first, soft and sweet. As they became more consumed in the moment, their desire enveloped them, and the kiss became passionate. They stood for hours in that arboretum, each enjoying the other's company and warmth.

Jon, the White Queen, watched silently from her corner of the arboretum. As SuperGrover's and Jubilee's feelings for each other grew, so did her own desire to possess the White King as her own lover.

Part Three: A Pointless Diversion (it really is, folks!)

That Same Evening. The BHC Academy (adjacent to the BHC mansion).

DarkWolf, Dark Claw, and Belasco were watching television. WWF Monday Night Raw, to be exact. "It'd kick ass if Skippy were here!" DarkWolf said. "He makes this shit so damn funny!"

"Wrestling kicks ass!" Belasco yelled.

"Yeah, did I tell you I got WWF Rampage for my Playstation?" Dark Claw asked.

"No! You're shittin', right?" DarkWolf asked.

"Not hardly!" Dark Claw exclaimed.

"Well, damn, let's go play it in DC's room!" Belasco suggested.

"Yeah! Kick ass!" DarkWolf said as they hurried out of the room, leaving the television on.

Minutes later, Siryn and Deadpool entered the room to see what all the shouting had been about. "Looks like DarkWolf, Belasco, and Dark Claw were watching wrestling again," Deadpool said as he grabbed the remote.

"Yup," Siryn agreed.

"Guess it's our turn to watch something..."

"There's Tori Amos in concert on channel 55," Siryn mentioned.

"But Magnum, P.I., is on channel 6!" Deadpool said, switching the channels.

"But I wanna see Tori Amos!"

"Magnum, P.I.!"





Siryn punched her boyfriend in the mandible, and he gave up the remote. "I knew you'd see it my way," she said as she flipped the channel over to 55.

"Yeah," Deadpool said, rubbing the spot on his jaw where Siryn had slugged him.

Part Four: One Phrase

That Same Night. The IHFC mansion.

The woman called Jenskott tossed and turned in her bed, unable to get any quality sleep. She kept hearing a voice in her mind, one she couldn't quite make out the words from. It was repeating a phrase, chanting it incessantly, keeping her from getting her rest. "Stop it..." she said aloud. "I don't know what you're saying!" A bit louder.

The voice became louder and louder until she could make out the words it was expressing.

"I love you..." was the phrase.

Jenskott jumped up in her bed, wide awake now. She spoke out a single name. "Ian..."

--End Chapter Eight--Coming Next: Blaze and Marvel Girl; DarkWolf and Outburst; Nemesis and Harbinger! Love is in the air, hot dammit!

Chapter Nine

Part One: More Than Friends?

The IHFC mansion. The next day.

Blaze and Marvel Girl were having a friendly conversation after sharing dinner that Tuesday evening. Blaze was sitting on a loveseat, and Marvel Girl was lounging on a comfortable chair across from him. They shared life stories, past loves, old enemies, humorous anecdotes. They were immensely enjoying each other's company, and Blaze changed the subject. "You know, you're quite beautiful when you smile." He was trying to suppress his Cajun accent, making sure he was understood loud and clear.

Marvel Girl blushed at his words, just as he knew she would. "Thank you, Blaze. I really enjoy the sound of your voice."

"Really?" he asked eagerly.

"'s a kind and gentle voice, and I know you try very hard to cover up your accent. I just want you to know that you don't have to do that around me."

"Why...thank you...I don't know what to say."

Marvel Girl rose from her seat and sat down next to him. She looked at him and smiled, and he smiled back at her.

Part Two: A Friend, a Few Kind Words

The IHFC mansion. That same evening.

DarkWolf found himself wandering through the mansion, hoping he didn't run into any members of the Inner Circle. He knew the IHFC didn't mind having BHC members walk through the mansion, but they "strongly recommended" that BHC members have an IHFC escort. DarkWolf did not have one, and hoped he wouldn't get caught. He reasoned that the IHFC was more worried about the BHC's Inner Circle, not the young members of the Upstarts and the Marauders. He found himself following sounds of crying, and was surprised to find they were coming from Outburst's room. He knocked on the door once. Twice. There was no answer. He turned the doorknob and tentatively opened the door. Outburst was sitting on her
bed, her face buried in her hands.

He walked silently to her, and sat next to her. "What's wrong, Rhiannon?" he asked quietly.

"DarkW-Wolf?" she asked, trying to fight back her tears.

"It's can tell me."

"'s this," she said, picking up a book. It glowed red for an instant, and she tossed it into the air, watching it as it exploded. "I can't control my power, DarkWolf. I can't..." she began to sob again. "...I need someone me."

"Have you tried asking anyone for help?"

"No...I don't know how to ask them for help...I just...I don't know, DarkWolf. I should be able to control it! Why can't I?!"

He rubbed her back gently with his hand, and moved closer to her. "It's okay, Rhiannon. You just need practice. See?" He closed his eyes for a moment, and Outburst watched as he slowly transformed into a wolf, and then, just as slowly, back again. "I used to not be able to control it at all...but now, I can almost completely control my powers."

"I guess you're right, DarkWolf. It was really sweet of you to come in here and talk to me." She gave him a peck on the cheek, and it made DarkWolf's body tingle.

"No problem," he said, smiling as he left her room.

Part Three: New Methods

That Night.

The Harbinger and Nemesis were silently eating dinner in Nemesis' room, with her occasionally smiling up at him. "Why do you keep doing that, Claudia?" he asked.


"Grinning at me like that. You're making me nervous."

"Oh, I just had a little idea...I'm sure you'll like it."

"What is it?"

"You know that telepathy can be used to magnify sensations and reflect them back at someone, right?"

"Of course."

"And we are both telepathic, correct?"

"Yeah...I think I see what you're getting at."

"I'm sure you do..."

"There's just one problem: If we amplify it too much, we could both pass out from the sensations."

"Oh, but what would be so awful about that, Robert?"

The Harbinger's lips curled into a mischievous grin. "I think it would be wonderful."

Nemesis got up. "Then let's go."

"Right now?"

"I want you now, Robert."

"Well, you don't waste any time, do you?" he asked as he approached her.

"Would you have me any other way?"

"Not at all," he replied, planting kisses upon the soft flesh of her neck.

"Robert," she uttered softly.


"Where were you all last night? I missed having your warmth next to me, and your cold hand on my body."

"I was busy..."

"Please don't be gone during the night again..."

"I'll know, Claudia...I haven't showered today."

"Ooh, really?"

"Yep...are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Oh, yes, Robert, I am."

--End Chapter Nine--Coming Next: Harbinger teaches at the BHC Academy! Gregor is plotting something! Plus: Is GlitterGirl returning???

Chapter Ten

Part One: School's In!

The Next Morning. The BHC Academy.

The Harbinger was lounging in his office chair, waiting for the bell to ring. He was teaching Applied Astrophysics, and had some interesting and unconventional lessons to teach his students. One by one, they filed in: Monet, Belasco, Havoc1, Siryn, Nate, Demona, DarkWolf, Shifter, Nathan Perkins, Puma11, F.X., Dark Claw, Black Beast, and Abyss. They took their seats and waited for the Harbinger's instructions.

He stood up, and spoke. "Welcome to Applied Astrophysics. In this course you will learn the fundamentals of spacecraft operations and maintenance, and all related astrophysical topics. My first order of business is to test each of you, to gauge your natural spaceflight skills. Everyone to the Training Room."

Some of them groaned, having just sat down, but they stood up anyway. They followed the Harbinger through the Academy, until they arrived at their state-of-the-art holographic training center. The massive door opened, revealing a large room with metal walls, and a console near the main door. The Harbinger stepped to the console and punched in a few commands. The surroundings changed to a starfield, the floors, walls, and ceiling seemingly gone. Then, two small pods appeared in the center of the floor. "All right, Monet, you're first. Get into the pod. I'll be in the other."

Monet stepped into the pod silently, and closed its hatch. There were buttons and switches all about the pod's interior, with a control stick directly in front of her. "Now, Monet," she heard the Harbinger's voice over the comm-link, "This is a fairly simple craft to operate. The pod will remain motionless, since this is just a simulation. What you have to do is attempt to destroy my craft. All the major controls are labeled. Engage your primary thrusters now."

Everyone outside the pods watched as a holographic sphere hovered in the air. Two points indicated Monet's and Harbinger's positions in the simulation, and Monet's indicator suddenly lurched forward at high speed.

"You're doing well, Monet," Harbinger said. "Be sure to look out your 'windows' frequently," he said, indicating the holographic images painted on the front, rear, and sides of the pod's interior. Each one mimicked a window into space, and she saw another craft begin to approach her from behind. "That ship behind you is me. I'm going to start firing at you. Try to evade."

As she saw orange beams leap from the craft "behind" her, she yanked back on the control stick. Her ship continued forward as it had before, but was now inclining in angle. "Remember your basic astrophysics, M. If you want to stop, you have to apply equal force in the direction opposite the direction your heading. You have to turn around and fire your thrusters."

As she turned the craft 180 degrees, she saw the Harbinger's pod approaching hers with blinding speed. It blazed past her, leaving her pod trembling from the other ship's wake. She began a pursuit course of her teacher's ship, finally getting the hang of spaceflight. She had him directly in her weapon's path, and positioned her finger over the trigger. Then, just as she was about to fire, the Harbinger's ship spun around and fired its thrusters, stopping dead in space. As her ship blasted past his, the Harbinger turned the craft again, and fired. Her small pod was briefly buffeted by weapons fire, and then the "windows" went black. "Simulation has ended," was displayed upon her secondary

She exited the pod in frustration, and saw the Harbinger standing outside of his own pod. "You did pretty well for a beginner, Monet, but you need practice. That last move I pulled on you? It's called a kickstop. Use it if someone is on your tail. It is a move that frequently means death for young, over-ambitious space pilots."

"I'll keep that in mind, Mr. Harbinger," she said.

"Call me Mr. Maxwell. Since that's my name."

"All right then, Mr. Maxwell. Can I go now?"

"Yes, you're done. DarkWolf, you're up next."

Part Two: Unity

That Same Morning. The IHFC mansion.

Hazard, the Red Rook, was quietly writing things down on a pad of paper in his room. He remembered the days when he was the Black King, Gregor, and scowled. He vowed he would one day exert control over the Hellfire Club, no matter what it cost him. He had humored Ryan in accepting this Inner Circle position, being told that he would never be allowed in the Club again if he refused. That self-righteous bastard is going to get what's coming to him soon enough, he told himself.

Suddenly, he heard a knock at his door. "She's always open, so come in."

He watched as his brother, Avalon, entered. Avalon was the BHC's second Prince, and had not paid a visit upon his brother quite some time.

"What are you doing, Gregor?" he asked.

"Just planning something."


"I can't tell you that. Could you please go? I have work to do."

"I haven't seen you in awhile. I thought I would come to see how you were doing."

"I'm fine, so you can go. Got it?"

"Fine. If you don't want me around, that's fine by me," Avalon said as he stormed out.

Hazard looked at the pad he was holding, and scrawled one word across the top of the page: UNITY.

Part Three: Friends

About the Same Time. The IHFC mansion. Blink*'s quarters.

Blink* opened the letter she had received in the mail, and quickly read it. She had been waiting for it for an inordinate length of time, and was thrilled to have finally received it. It read:

Dear Rae,

It's been quite a long time since I've talked to you. How are things going with the Club? Still the Red Queen? I have some great news for you...I'm coming up to visit everyone! I'll be there on Saturday, at 5:30pm, on Delta flight 1142, at Kennedy Airport. I hope you'll come to greet me at the airport! I'll catch you later!

Best friends forever,

Blink* smiled. It had been so long since she'd gotten a letter from her friend, but now she had one, and was glad she was coming to visit. She wondered who else would be interested in accompanying her, and decided to go talk to DarkWolf in the BHC mansion. It was already Wednesday...Saturday was only three days away.

--End Chapter Ten--Coming Next: The Harbinger's dream! DarkWolf and Outburst! The Iceman! Darque Feonix!

Chapter Eleven

Part One: The Voice and the Kiss

"Help me!" the voice was calling. "Take my hand!"

"I can't see you!" the Harbinger yelled back.


"I'm trying...."

He was surrounded by darkness. The only things the Harbinger's hands gripped was the ground below him. He could feel the edge of a cliff directly in front of him, and that was where the voice was coming from.

"You have to come down here, Robert!"

"But I'll be killed!"

"No you won't...not if you believe."

"Believe in what?"

"The truth, Robert. People must know the truth. MY truth!"

"You want me to come down there?"

"Yes! Just jump! Your soul will show you the way."

Hesitantly, the Harbinger jumped. He was in free fall now, feeling nothing but the frigid air whipping over his body. Then, he no longer felt that. It was as if he was suspended in mid-air. "What now?"

"Stand up, Robert."

He did so. Though he found no solid ground beneath him, he stood upright.

"Robert. I am going to give you a gift."

"What kind of gift? I'm sort of partial to orange suits, myself."

"This gift is more than anything you could ever imagine. It will make you part of something that will...that will..." the voice was at a loss for words. "Ah! I know! Something that will change the world!"

"Change the world? You're here to help me find the Ascended One?"

"No, Robert. The Ascended One is not important here. The only important things here are you, me, and...this..."

The Harbinger felt something press against his lips, and realized he was being kissed. For some reason, he felt no need to struggle whatsoever. The kiss was soon ended, and the Harbinger was left standing, wondering what had just happened.

"You are now part of us, Robert."

"Part of who?"

"You shall soon see, Robert...You shall soon see..." The voice faded into oblivion, and the Harbinger felt himself slipping away, back into another plane of existence.

His eyes fluttered. He was in Nemesis' bedroom, where he had fallen asleep. He looked to his right, and saw her sleeping soundly next to him. No need to wake her, he thought as he rose carefully from the bed.

Part Two: The Iceman's Fantasy

The Next Morning. The BHC Academy.

The Iceman was resting comfortably in his room, thinking about someone. He imagined her glistening eyes, her voluminous hair, her luscious, pouty lips. He fantasized about her body. That beautiful, voluptuous body. He envisioned his hands racing across her flesh, pausing in the right spots to intensify the sensations. He thought about her warm body pressing against him, combining their growing heat, building toward an inescapable crescendo. He could almost hear her moan softly as he traced erotic circles upon her back, planting soft kisses all over her gorgeous figure. He felt her touch his chest, moving her hand down to...

He was interrupted by the sound of knocking at his door. Oh, SHIT! he thought to himself as he dressed himself. He opened the door, and there stood Monet, the Black Page. He instantly turned three shades of red, completely embarrassed that he had been interrupted by the precise person he had been thinking about.

"Hey, the Iceman," she said cheerfully. He nearly died at the sound of her voice. So sweet and kind. "Are you okay?" she asked, noticing how nervous he looked.

"Uh...yeah, Monet, I'm fine. Um...yeah. Just great. Thanks."

"Okay, anyway, I was told to give this to you." She handed him a slip of paper, and he took it from her. "Talk to ya later, Ice," she said as she left.

The Iceman closed the door, glad she hadn't figured out why he was so nervous. He looked at the slip of paper and read it. It was from Mr. Maxwell, his Xenopsychology teacher. It was strange, to be calling him "Mr. Maxwell" when everyone knew him as the Harbinger. But he read the note anyway, which indicated that he had flunked his first Xenopsychology quiz. "Dammit..." he muttered. Then, the note proceeded to say that the Harbinger needed to see him. This evening.

Part Three: You Don't Know How I Feel

That Afternoon. The BHC mansion.

Rhiannon LeBeau, known as Outburst, stood outside DarkWolf's room, waiting for him to answer. "Darky! Come on!" she cried impatiently. Finally, she tired of waiting for him, and opened his door. She saw him sitting on his bed with headphones on, while reading a comic book. He still hadn't noticed her, so she walked up to him and slapped him over the head.

"Whaaaaaat?!?" he yelled as he took off his headphones.

"I've been knocking on your door! I oughta kick your ass for making me wait so long!"

"I'm sorry, Rhiannon. Calm down! I'm kind of busy. I didn't ask you to come over here anyway. How'd you get in?"

"I used to be a thief, mon ami, remember? I know how to get into places I'm not supposed to get into."

"So why are you here?"

"I just wanted to thank you for what you did for me the other day, Justin." This was the first time he had ever heard her call him by his first name.

"It was nothing, Rhiannon. I'd do the same for anyone else."

"Oh." She seemed a little crestfallen at those words, and her shoulder drooped slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"N...Nothing. Do you ever think about...being...more than friends with me, Justin?"

"Not...really...I've been sending letters to GlitterGirl since she left. I'll tell you what...When she comes back to visit on Saturday, I'll find out where my relationship with her stands. If she decides she doesn't want me, I'll go out with you. Does that sound fair?"

"I...guess so."

"Okay then. I'll catch you later, then." He put his headphones back on, and started reading his comic book again. Outburst was nearly crying as she left. She knew GlitterGirl would want to be with him. How could she not? And the worst of it was, she was afraid that she had fallen in love with him. That pain was worse than anything she could have imagined.

Part Four: Meditations

Darque Feonix was hovering in his quarters of the IHFC mansion, at peace with the universe. He allowed his piece of the Phoenix force to fly free among the cosmos, chatting briefly with Eternity, flirting with Time. He felt all the wonders of the universe possess his body, showing him the way to Nirvana. He communed with all the lifeforms in the universe, and then expanded outward to include every universe, every thought, every being, throughout the massive cloak of Time. He felt an ecstacy unlike any he had ever dreamed possible. He was truly as one with the universe, swimming in the collective thoughts of the cosmos. But then, a Darkness took hold. It spread itself upon the landscape like a
blanket, choking all that lived as if it were smoke. It enveloped everything in its path, rapidly approaching him. He desperately reached out to bring the Phoenix back to him, feeling it race against the Darkness to return to its host. As he felt it merge with him once again, he opened his eyes. What was the Darkness he had sensed? And why did he fear that he would know the answer all too soon?

--End Chapter Eleven--Coming Next: Harbinger and the Iceman! What does the kiss mean?! Jon and SuperGrover! Nemesis and Marvel Girl! (hey, guttermind! Not like THAT!)

Chapter Twelve

Part One: The Second Kiss

That Evening. The Harbinger's quarters. (yes, he has his own room!)

The Iceman sat anxiously outside the Harbinger's quarters, hoping he wasn't in too much trouble. He wondered if the Harbinger had read his thoughts about Monet, and wanted to have a "talk" with him. He was quickly able to dismiss that idea when the Harbinger's door opened. "Hello, the Iceman. Step inside, won't you?" His voice seemed to be especially cheerful today. He took that as a good sign.

As the Harbinger shut the door behind the Iceman, he waited for his student to sit down. "Now, the Iceman, you probably wonder why you're here."

"Am I in trouble, Mr. Maxwell?"

"Not at all. In fact, there is only one reason I brought you here."


"This..." The Harbinger leaned forward and kissed the Iceman. The kiss was lingering, and the Iceman wanted to struggle. But for some reason, he could not. He was suddenly filled with a sense of understanding.

The Harbinger ended the kiss and sat back. "Does that clarify things, young man?"

"Oh, yes, it does. Thank you, sir. Who is the next to receive our gift?"


Part Two: Unveiled Threat

About the Same Time. The IHFC mansion.

SuperGrover was quite busy again, filling out paperwork. Some membership applications, which he summarily denied, seeing how they were all low-powered mutants and little rich brats. He gladly welcomed the knock that interrupted his work. "Enter," he said.

Jon walked in, wearing her semi-transparent nightgown. Not again, thought SuperGrover. "What do you want, Jon?"

"What do you think I want, 'Grover? I want you!"

"I know you do, Jon, and I am flattered...but I am simply not interested."

"It's Jubilee, isn't it?"

"Yes, she is my significant other at the moment."

Jon approached his desk with a suggestive saunter. "Would you rather be with her, little more than a child, or me, a real woman?"

"At least she doesn't let people use her body just to get what she wants." Jon backhanded the White King at this blatant insult.

"You should be careful how you speak to the White Queen, 'Grover! It would be...unfortunate...were anything to happen to Jubilation Lee."

"I'm warning you, Jon. If you have her harmed, I will--"

"You won't be able to do a goddamned thing!"

"I don't want you, Jon. I shall never want you! Get out!"

"This is not finished, 'Grover," she warned as she left, slamming the door behind her.

SuperGrover let out an exasperated sigh. She's not used to be denied what she wants, he reminded himself. Still, would she be ruthless enough to kill the leader of the Hellions: Red?

Part Three: Preparations

The two dozen or so BHC servants were preparing the BHC Academy's dance hall for the next night's dance. It was Thursday, and the BHC's Inner Circle, as well as the Headmaster, Gomurr, had decided the students deserved a chance to enjoy themselves. They had even cordially invited the Red and White Courts to join them, as well as the three Hellions teams: Red, White, and Grey. Nemesis and Marvel Girl were overseeing the placement of decorations. "Why is the banner that says 'BHC Academy' higher than the one that reads 'IHFC Hellions'???" Marvel Girl demanded.

"Shut up," Nemesis said. "Be glad your students got invited at all! Ungrateful brats, all of them!"

"So are your students. And what about your daughter?" Marvel Girl was intentionally trying to get under Nemesis' skin with that remark.

Nemesis had an overwhelming urge to choke the living shit out of Marvel Girl, but decided better of it. The IHFC would look for any reason to insult us, she told herself. She is just trying to provoke me. Just wait until the dance, Girl. I'll show you who is in charge around here.

--End Chapter Twelve--Coming Next: The Harbinger's Temporal Mechanics class! The Dance! Deadpool, Siryn, Harbinger, Nemesis, The Iceman, Jenskott, Monet, Outburst, DarkWolf, Ryan, Gomurr, Marvel Girl, Blaze, ~ShockWave~, and just about everybody else! Don't miss this one, folks!

Chapter Thirteen

Part One: Are Ya Confused Yet??

The Next Morning. Mr. Maxwell's classroom.

"All right, everyone, listen up. This may very well be one of the most difficult classes you ever take, or it may be the easiest class you ever take. As long as you pay attention, participate, and take good notes, you should do fine. This class is called Temporal Mechanics, the science of time. Most of this class comes from information that won't be accumulated until the next century, so you really are getting a head start. Now, for our first lesson, can anyone tell me what single property electrons, tachyons, and chronitons have in common?"

Havoc1 raised his hand.

"Yes, Mr. Ring?"

"They all exist in a matter state and an energy state simultaneously."

"Precisely correct, young man! Now, does anyone here know what chronitons and tachyons are?"

"Tachyons are faster-than-light particles, and chronitons are time-related particles." Havoc1 again.

"Correct! But here comes the difficult part: Tachyons are the primary component in FTL travel, allowing spacecraft to travel through hyperspace, essentially at a speed greater than the speed of light. Chronitons, however, surround every object. Every single particle has a corresponding chroniton. Chronitons are what concern us today. They have two specific properties: a temporal signature, and a wavelength. The temporal signature is part of its matter state, while its wavelength is part of its energy state. The temporal signature indicates what specific quantum universe the particle came from, and can be used to identify parallel universes, alternate timelines, et cetera. The wavelength is
used to denote the chroniton's specific point in time." He began to draw a line on the board, and began adding waves to it. As the line grew longer, the waves were spaced closer together, until he reached the other end of the board, where they were spaced so closely together they seemed to be solidly packed together.

"Now, we assume that the beginning of time is at a wavelength of infinity. Time has not yet begun, and this point in time can not be accessed by any means. The opposite end, however, is the end of time. It has a wavelength of zero. It, too, can never be accessed, because it is impossible to reduce a chroniton's frequency to zero. The units used for denoting frequency are called 'chrons.' The scale used for determining a chron frequency is made in increments of Planck time. We will discuss Planck's constant tomorrow."

"How does time travel work?" Havoc1 asked, apparently eager to know.

"It is quite simple, but not easy. The chron frequency of a chroniton is reduced or lengthened with the assistance of a magnetic field. Time travel is instantaneous. Let us assume that you wish to travel back to 1925, and the frequency for January 1st, 1925, is precisely 91263.21 chrons. The temporal frequency for this date is 113432.98 chrons. You would use a magnetic field to change all the chronitons in your body, reducing their wavelengths to what they would have been in 1925. You would instantly be taken back in time. However, your own temporal signature would be different, since you would have created an alternate timeline in traveling to the past. Does anyone have any

He looked around as absolutely everyone raised their hands in confusion.

The Harbinger sighed. It was going to be a long day.


That Night at 7:00 p.m. The BHC Academy Dance Hall.

The dance was just getting underway at seven, members of the Hellions, Marauders, and the Upstarts all arriving at about the same time. Flyin' Ryan, Marvel Girl, Nemesis, Harbinger, Gomurr, and Silver were chaperoning the dance, making sure all the students stayed out of trouble. Most of the members of the IHFC's Inner Circle were present as well, but they primarily stayed near the chaperones, observing the students. At about 7:30, five individuals entered. The Harbinger quickly introduced them to the chaperones.

"This is Nedereth, Bluespark, Luthos, Thresh, and Dragonmaster. They are my...allies."

Something caught Thresh's eye at that moment. She saw a man she recognized dancing next to a young redhead. She ran over to him and spoke. "Hi! You probably don't remember me, but...I'm Thresh."

The man responded, "I go by Deadpool."

"Oh my God, it is you! I thought it was you, but I just wasn't sure...I mean..."

Then the redhead stepped forward. " know her?"

"Who are you?" Thresh asked, in an annoyed manner.

"I'm Siryn. Deadpool's girlfriend! So BACK OFF, sister!"

"Whoa," Deadpool said. "Calm down! Thresh...I don't remember you. Have we met?"

"Two years ago in Nigeria. We were hired to silence some revolutionaries. Remember?"

"Oh were that hot chick that was hanging all over me the whole time."

"'Hanging all over me...'" Siryn repeated. "What?!?"

"Relax, Siryn! Nothing...happened between us."

"Not from lack of effort on my part, though!" Thresh said.

The Harbinger heard this near-fight occurring, and walked over to join them. "Thresh. Are you trying to start a fight already?"

"Shut up, Harby. I don't need any shit from you right now. Excuse me, willya? I'm gonna find Mitch and we'll go to the quarters you assigned us." With those words, Thresh left the dance hall, with Bluespark in tow.

"What is her problem, Harbinger?" Deadpool asked.

"I've been trying to figure that out ever since I met her, Deadpool."

Their attentions were diverted to the refreshment table, where Havoc1 was standing in a football uniform. He held in his hand a football, and was shouting. "Touchdown! TOUCH-DOOOOOWWWWWN!" He then slammed the football into the punch, and proclaimed: "The punch has been spiked!" then began laughing hysterically as he performed a victory dance.

The Harbinger was suddenly distracted by a tugging at his arm. It was Nemesis. "Claudia...what now?"

"They want you to DJ, Robert."

"Swell. Fine, but I'm not responsible for what I end up playing."

"Whatever, Robert, just go," she urged, pushing him toward the podium where the sound system rested. He looked scrutinizingly at the large musical selection and found something he liked. He put the compact-disc in the disc changer, and started playing it. He had chosen, of all songs, Madonna's "Like a Virgin". The Harbinger smiled as everyone gave him an angry stare. To top off his fun, he grabbed the microphone. "Hey, guess what, everyone? For the next hour, we are going totally EIGHTIES!"

Nemesis was ready to kill him right there. She was, however, distracted by the sight of The Iceman walking over to Siryn. She watched as the Iceman shoved Deadpool out of the way, and engaged Siryn in a steamy embrace, finishing it off with a kiss. Siryn, unable to resist, simply looked at him in complete shock. "Um," she uttered. "Um. What was that for?"

"You'll find out soon enoooOOF!" His words were shortened by the impact of Deadpool's right fist on his jaw. The Iceman fell backwards onto the refreshment table, taking about two dozen chocolate chip cookies with him to the floor.

Everyone was watching the fight unfold. Gomurr stopped dancing with ~ShockWave~. Havoc1 quit dancing. Outburst and DarkWolf stopped laughing at Havoc1. Blaze ceased his flirtations with Marvel Girl. Monet ended her engaging conversation with Ryan about the Parliament of All. Jenskott was no longer sitting alone, drinking punch. SuperGrover terminated his intimate embrace with Jubilee. Jon looked up from the magazine she was browsing. Antoine DuQuesne, now calling himself "Q", was no longer trying to get Blink* to talk to him. They were all watching. Comix_Master79 had been watching the entire time, as if he knew what was to come.

Deadpool stormed toward the Iceman, his rage clearly visible through the eyeholes in his mask. "I am going to KILL you, Ice."


"Kill you. DEAD!"

"No, Deadpool." He spun around to see who had grabbed his arm. It was Siryn.


"It's okay. He didn't mean it. It was just a joke. Let it go." Deadpool was somewhat stunned by the kind concern in his lover's voice. He had never heard her speak so softly and calmly. It was as if she feared for the Iceman's safety as much as for her own.

"Okay, Sharon. But if he tries anything like that again, I'll..."

"He won't," she assured him.

With that, she put her arms around him, and he put his around her, and they danced very slowly throughout the rest of the dance. But, for reasons unclear to him, Siryn would not kiss him.

--End Chapter Thirteen--Coming Next: All That Glitters...One Hour of Hell (It's GlitterGirl's return, folks!)

Chapter Fourteen

Part One: When the Glitter Fades

Saturday Morning. The BHC mansion.

The Red Queen's limousine pulled into the long driveway on that hot summer morning. As they stopped near the front entrance, the chauffer got out and opened the doors. Blink*, Comix_Master79, and Antoine DuQuesne all stepped out.

"Are you sure this is a good idea, Blink*?" DuQuesne asked.

"They have as much right to see her as the I do, Q. Besides, she asked for DarkWolf to come. I'm simply providing transporation for him and anyone else that wants to come."

"I've heard a lot about this...GlitterGirl," Comix_Master79, one of the newest Grey Hellions said. "Is she really as nice as everyone makes her out to be?"

"Judge for yourself," Blink* said, approaching the door. She rang the doorbell, and saw a middle-aged man with graying hair answer the door.

"Can I help you, Blink*?" the man asked.

"You're the Harbinger, right?"


"We're here to take anyone who wants to see GlitterGirl to the airport."

"Ah. Let me go get Belasco, DarkWolf, and Gomurr then." The Harbinger walked off to find the others, and the three IHFC members waited patiently.

A few minutes later, the Harbinger, DarkWolf, and Belasco came out the door. "Where is Gomurr?" Blink* asked.

"Busy. He'll say 'hi' to her when she comes to the BHC mansion," the Harbinger answered.

"Why are you coming, anyway?" Blink* wondered aloud.

"Oh, I have reasons," he said, his eyes briefly making contact with Comix_Master79's.

At that, they filed into the limo, and drove to the airport.


They sat in the Delta terminal of Kennedy International Airport. Blink* was reading a magazine, Comix_Master79 sat twiddling his thumbs, occasionally glancing at the Harbinger. Q was watching everyone closely, as if he was just waiting for a crime to be committed. Belasco and DarkWolf were sitting unusually quietly, waiting for the girl they loved to arrive. The Harbinger was standing, watching the aircraft take off and land.

Finally, the Harbinger spoke. "There is her plane!" he shouted, pointing at the landing 757. The rest of them stood up and walked to the large window, watching. As it descended, they eagerly anticipated GlitterGirl's arrival.

Then, something happened. With a flash, the plane's port engine caught fire and died. There was a spark of red in Comix_Master79's eyes as he watched the plane veer straight toward them. It was coming in quickly. Everyone in the terminal was screaming and running for cover. Blink* almost immediately vanished, teleporting onto the aircraft.

She fell a bit short of her mark. She was in the back of the plane, while GlitterGirl was in first class. All the passengers were screaming as Blink* stumbled her way to the forward compartment. "SHAE!" she screamed.

"You don't have to shout, Rae...I'm right here!" GlitterGirl said, getting out of her seat.

"Take my hand, Shae...we're getting out of here."

"What about everyone else?"

"There's nothing we can do! TAKE MY HAND!"

GlitterGirl reluctantly gripped Blink*'s hand, and they teleported back to the airport. Back to perhaps the worst spot they could have chosen. They saw the plane crash straight into the glass. Flying straight toward them. In the space between one heartbeat and the next, GlitterGirl's hand left Blink*'s. As she teleported to safety, she realized her friend was going to be crushed by the airplane, and she cried out.

She ended up about fifty feet away, where the rest of her IHFC and BHC comrades were. She watched in horror as the plane ploughed through the airport, crushing dozens of innocent bystanders, destroying everything in its path.

"Holy shit..." was about the only thing the Harbinger could utter.

Then, things got even worse. Other aircraft were somehow being diverted toward the airport. One after another, they slammed into the terminals, bursting into flame as the passengers screamed in terror. Fuel trucks exploded, sending shrapnel in all directions. Shrapnel which shredded technicians and luggage handlers. Control towers toppled, sending dozens of air traffic controllers screaming to their deaths. Flames engulfed the airport. Rampaging crowds were trampling each other, trying to escape the chaos.

The Harbinger suddenly caught one final, terrible, impression of GlitterGirl. He "heard" her final thought race through his mind, in the instant before her death. But he never quite caught it. He cursed himself, knowing that Shae Marquette's last thoughts would never be known. He hoped it had been something hopeful and inspirational, something she would want her friends to know. He only allowed himself to ponder it a moment, however, since the pandemonium was escalating every instant.

Blink* was sobbing uncontrollably, while DarkWolf and Belasco tried to comfort her. Comix_Master79 was watching it all with a dispassionate detachment. Q was trying to get the panicked crowd (what was left of it) under control. The Harbinger was watching as magma spewed from the ground. The ground began to quake and rumble. Pure terror and fear rent the air.

And suddenly, it all stopped. The ground shifted one last time. The magma cooled. The fires extinguished. The screaming stopped. They took a moment to look around, to see what had happened to stop the chaos.

" many people were just killed here?" Q asked.

The Harbinger telepathically scanned for a moment. "My God...Mr. DuQuesne. You do not even want to know."

--End Chapter Fourteen--Coming Next: The Aftermath. Jubilee's disappearance. Impossible Man's Fortress. And the Next Kiss.

Note: I hope you liked this chapter in particular. It took me awhile to figure out how to kill off GG... I hope I don't seem totally heartless or anything. The aftermath will probably me more interesting than the event itself.

Chapter Fifteen

Part One: Mourning, Noon, and Night

That Night. The IHFC mansion.

The shock of what had transpired merely hours ago had begun to give way to realization. Blink*, Q, Comix_Master79, DarkWolf, Harbinger, and Belasco had returned from the airport with the news that GlitterGirl had been killed, along with nearly five thousand others. They had decided to go to the IHFC mansion, where Belasco, Harbinger, and DarkWolf could contact the BHC. The Harbinger was contemplative and quiet, secretly damning himself for allowing such a catastrophe to take place. Flyin' Ryan and Belasco tried in vain to calm Blink*, who was uninhibitedly crying. None of them could blame her. GlitterGirl had been her best friend. She had, perhaps, meant even more to Belasco and DarkWolf. But
now, they were to be left only with her memories. The memories of her kindness, and her smile. Her outgoing nature and deep compassion and respect for those around her. Q didn't know her. Comix_Master79 didn't know her. They both stood alone. One, because he wasn't sure if anything he could say would help. The other, because he was secretly relishing the wanton death and destruction he had unleashed.

DarkWolf dialed the BHC mansion, and tried to gain a semblance of calm in his trembling, shaky voice. Silver picked up the receiver.

"Hello...Jack Silver, Jr., speaking."

"Mr. Silver...Hi. It's...DarkWolf."

"Are you all right? Where are you?"

"The IHFC...mansion. We' can be expected."

"I...saw what happened. On the news. Did Shae...make it?"

"I..." Tears began forming in his eyes. "...she didn't...sir."

"I am...terribly sorry, Justin. I know how much she meant to you."

"I just let you know that...we are...okay. Sir."

"I am deeply sorry about Shae, Justin. Outburst has been worrying about you, thinking you were all dead."


"Yes. Shall we arrange transportation back to the BHC mansion for you?"

"That...won't be necessary. The Harbinger will...get us home."

"Very well. My deepest sympathies. We'll see you when you get back. Goodbye."

"Bye..." Then DarkWolf hung up the receiver.

He walked over to where Ryan, Belasco, and Blink* were sitting. Blink* had managed to calm down a bit, only sobbing occasionally now.

"I just...can't believe...she's dead," Blink* managed. "I mean...she was right there, next to me. If I hadn't let her hand leave my grip...she would be okay now."

"You can't blame yourself for this, Rachel," Ryan said. "It wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Q chimed in. "You didn't see...what it was like in there. It was just...bedlam...all around us. I have never seen anything like it. It was simply far too destructive and chaotic to have been some sort of random catastrophe."

"Who would possibly have caused it?" Belasco asked.

"That's a very good question. You're a demon, right? Aren't demons capable of inflicting death and mayhem on a scale like we just witnessed?" he asked, almost accusingly.

"Whoa!" the Harbinger interrupted. "We can't jump to conclusions here, Agent DuQuesne. I can tell you that Belasco had nothing to do with what happened."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I'm just sure, all right? Let us leave it at that." The Harbinger didn't mention the feelings he sensed in Belasco. He had an impression of how Belasco felt about GlitterGirl. It wasn't quite the same as the way DarkWolf felt, but it was certainly similar in extent.

DarkWolf finally spoke again. "Harbinger, can we just...go? I want to go home."

"All right. Belasco? Are you ready to go?"

"I...guess so." Belasco gave Blink* a consoling embrace, and she returned the favor. Belasco and DarkWolf stood on either side of the Harbinger, and waited. "Bodyslide by three," the Harbinger said, and they vanished in a flood of green light.

Part Two: Missing

Around the Same Time. The IHFC mansion (again).

SuperGrover was searching for Jubilee. She was supposed to meet him in his room at six p.m., but she never appeared. He went to her quarters, and found nothing but wet spots that resembled footprints on her carpet. He was terribly worried for her safety, afraid that Jon had made good on her threats. He could find her nowhere. He searched the arboretum, the dining halls, the library, the sitting rooms. He checked with Janista, with all her friends, and none of them had seen her since earlier in the day. And the wet footprints on her carpet. What could they mean? SuperGrover was determined to find out, even at the cost of his own life.

Part Three: Plotting

That Night. The Impossible Fortress. (Northwest Territories, Canada)

The Impossible Fortress rested on a hill in the Northwest Territories of Canada. The Impossible Man himself stayed there quite often, plotting and scheming. Today, his plans revolved around Shatax. The alien that had mercilessly enslaved his people so long ago. He was bitter over having been deposed and dethroned. He wanted, and needed, revenge. He had even joined the IHFC's Grey Hellions to have access to the Club's resources. But it still wasn't enough. And he was locking horns with Dr. Doom quite often now. He was in danger of being thrown from the Club, for his constant insubordination. Tonight, he had sent his assistant, Beepo the Super-Monkey, away. Away, so he could make his
grand plans, and be the catalyst that sparked the death of Shatax.

Part Four: Kiss of Darqueness

That Night. The BHC mansion.

Siryn was lying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling fan. Her eyes followed it as it spun in its perfectly rhythmic circles above her. She knew she had been waiting a long time for her guest to arrive, and was growing impatient. Just as she was about to get up, she heard a knock. She lay back down, and said "Come in!"

Darque Feonix entered the room, looking somewhat puzzled. "You asked for me to come, but I really have no idea why. Is this Club business?" he asked as he sat down next to her.

"No, Feonix. This little meeting is of a much more...personal...nature." She glanced suggestively at him upon uttering the word "personal".

"I see. What is it you would have me do for you? Aren't you still with Deadpool?"

Siryn sighed. "Unfortunately, he's just not he used to be. He tends to bore me lately."

Darque Feonix was beginning to get a bit more comfortable now. "So you would like me to add a bit of seem to be lacking?"

"You're possessed by a cosmic entity, Feonix. I'm certain you'd be able to show me a thing or two. Even some things I wouldn't be able to imagine. What do you say?"

"I'll do it. How long do you think you'll require my expertise?"

"Just long enough for this..." She sat up and kissed him on the lips. In moments, he began kissing her back, as new feelings flowed into his body.

Siryn drew her lips back from his. "Feonix," she cried breathlessly. "Lock...the...door."

--End Chapter Fifteen--Coming Next: The Legacy. DarkWolf and Outburst. Marvel Girl and Blaze.

Note: I just re-read this chapter...and ya know what? I busted out laughing at Siryn's "Lock the door." line. LOL. Oh my God...i'm so weird.

Chapter Sixteen

Part One: The Legacy Begins

That Same Night. The BHC mansion.

The Harbinger crept quietly through the mansion. It was after midnight, and everyone was asleep. The only sounds were those of his footsteps, and those were only barely audible. He held in his hand a computer diskette. One that contained everything he would need to accomplish his mission.

He entered the computer lab, and sat down at the main server. He punched in the access code, which he had plucked from Nemesis' mind, and slipped his disk into the drive. He activated the computer's voice-recognition system.

"Computer...Verify Robert T. Maxwell."

"Voiceprint verified. Good evening, Mr. Maxwell." The computer's voice was feminine and soft, unlike the voice of DANTE, the Harbinger's own computer.

"Scan the A drive."


A single file name appeared on the screen. "LEGACY.EXE".

"Select LEGACY.EXE and open."

"Working. Program is open. Specify executive parameters."

"Begin protocol 1-2-6 immediately. Set protocol 0-0-1 on countdown."

"Protocol 1-2-6 has been executed. Please specify timer data."

"Set protocol 0-0-1 for three days from this moment."

"Complete. Please specify list."

"Use SERVER.LST as list reference."


"Terminate and stay resident."

"Operation complete."

The Harbinger removed the disk from the drive, and reset the server's security protocols. Now, it was only a matter of time.

Part Two: Grief

About the Same Time. Elsewhere in the BHC mansion.

DarkWolf and Outburst were sitting in her quarters quietly. They had said barely a word for several hours now, neither knowing what to say. DarkWolf was trying his hardest not to break down and cry in front of her, and she simply wanted to help him. But she wasn't sure how she could help. She had invited him into her quarters, hoping to be able to comfort him after something so terrible. She looked into his eyes, and could see nothing but overwhelming grief and sadness. He only sat across from her, in a chair, while she sat on her bed. She wished he would sit next to her, so she could tell him that things were going to be all right. That it wasn't his fault that GlitterGirl had died. But it
would have been useless. There were no words that could pierce his cloak of mourning. So she sat and waited for the time when he would be willing to be comforted and consoled. It was at nearly 3 a.m. that he finally gave in and sat next to her. She held him in her arms as he let his emotions pour freely from his eyes. She held him until the sun rose that morning.

Part Three: No Regret?

The Next Morning. The IHFC mansion.

Marvel Girl woke up, her eyes and thoughts unfocused. The room she was in was unfamiliar to her. These were not her quarters. Then she heard a sound next to her, and saw Blaze sleeping peacefully. She realized she wasn't wearing anything, and neither was he. The last thing she remembered was walking down to the bar with him, and sharing a few drinks. She didn't have to guess to know what had happened afterward. As she left the bed, she gathered up her clothes, which were strewn all about the room. She silently went into his bathroom and dressed herself, then walked back into the bedroom. Blaze chose that moment to awaken. He saw her standing there, looking at him. He immediately sat up.

"Oh my God...what are you doing here?" he asked.

" woke up here."

"Oh, you think we...?"

"I'm pretty sure."

"Oh you remember?"

" you?"

"Nope. Oh, shit."

"Could you try to say something intelligent?"

"Uhm...shit. Do you...regret it?"

"I don't know. Do you?"

"No, I guess I don't. I just wish I remembered it. Could ya hand me my...uh...boxers? Over there..." he said, pointing.

"All right." She grabbed them with two fingers. The boxers had "Calvin Klein" written all over them. She tossed them at him and backed away.

"Merci," he said as he slipped them on under the blankets. "You think we should...go for breakfast together?"

"Well...I don't see why not."

"Okay then...Let's go, chere."

"You're going to put on more than your boxers, aren't you?"

"'Course. Just gimme a minute."

So Marvel Girl waited while Blaze dressed himself in front of her. Afterward, they proceeded to the dining hall where breakfast was being served, keeping silent during their trek.

--End Chapter Sixteen--Coming Next: The Next Kiss. Harbinger and Gomurr. Morph.

Chapter Seventeen

Part One: The Gift

That Afternoon. The IHFC mansion.

SuperGrover was pondering many things that afternoon. He wondered about the wet footprints in Jubilee's quarters. The Iceman was the first person he suspected. But he had to admit that the Iceman would have had very little reason to abduct Jubilee, unless Jon had paid him to do so. He decided that he would talk to the Iceman about it, on his next visit to the BHC mansion. Which would be very soon, he was sure. He had grown to care very deeply for Jubilee, and was not about to let someone get away with kidnapping her. Then, a more frightening thought pierced his mind. What is she's already dead?

Fortunately (for him), his unnerving thoughts were interrupted by knocking. He rose from his seat and walked over to the door. SuperGrover opened the door to his office, allowing Darque Feonix to enter. He wondered what brought the White Rook here on this day, as he noticed the stoic, calm gaze in Feonix's eyes.

"What is it you want? Is it about Jubilee? Have you found her?" SuperGrover asked.

"This does not have much at all to do with Ms. Lee, I'm afraid. There is something coming...something beyond anything you can imagine."

"Exactly what are you talking about?"

"You won't understand until you receive our gift."

"Gift? What gi--" The rest of SuperGrover's words were muffled by Feonix's lips. SuperGrover did not fight the kiss, but felt slightly odd as it spread an unfamiliar warmth throughout his body.

"Now, 'Grover, you understand..."

Part Two: Gatherings

About the Same Time. The BHC mansion.

Gomurr and the Harbinger were discussing the class schedules for the BHC Academy. They had been doing so since earlier in the morning, and had actually gotten along fairly well. Then, Gomurr decided to change the subject.

"Robert, there are some things that have concerned me lately."


"I have been hearing that nearly everyone is experiencing nightmares. Have you?"

"I have had an odd dream or two lately, but nothing nightmarish."

"There is also Jubilee's disappearance. The nightmares are occuring in the IHFC's members, as well. I have also been sensing some sort of energy gathering at both this location, and at the IHFC mansion."

"What kind of energy?"

"I am not certain...but it is definitely of a chaotic nature. In fact, it somewhat resembles the radical occurence at Kennedy Airport."

"I...see. Do you think these things are all connected somehow?"

"Yes, I believe they are. Jubilee's disappearance, the nightmares, the unusual energies, the cataclysm at Kennedy. Even the sometimes irrational behavior we've been seeing lately."

"Like the Iceman kissing Siryn? And Outburst's unusually...emotional...fits?"

"I think there is something larger going on here, Robert. By the rings of Raggador, I hope we uncover what it is...before it's too late."

"Uh huh," the Harbinger said, acting completely indifferent. "I think you just worry too much, old man."

"Perhaps. But I did not live to be 803 years old without knowing to trust my instincts. And my instincts tell me that something is very wrong here."

Part Three: Searching

Morph was lost here. He had left New York City, to find the Black Hellfire Court, or the International Hellfire Club, so they could help him retake his homeworld. But he forget where they resided. And after the incident with Dark Nemesis, he doubted they would be very willing to aid him at all. Still, he thought the Harbinger would at least be open to the possibilty. He knew that Robert Maxwell had space-travel capabilities. Even time-travel mechanisms. But the Harbinger was one of the people he didn't think would trust him. He was scared, lonely, and confused. What he needed was a friend, a companion. He wanted one so badly. Perhaps he should have been more specific about what kind of
"friend" he wanted.

He heard a low thrumming above his head, and looked up. He saw another alien standing on a flying rock, with a monkey on his shoulder. The alien appeared to be quite old, but not frail. He saw what appeared to be an insane gleam in the elder alien's eyes. "You...are..." Morph began.

"I'm the Impossible Man, former ruler of Popupia. You are Morph, Exiled Son of Mrrapphia. We both have a common enemy, no?"

"Shatax," Morph said.


--End of Chapter Seventeen--Coming Next: The Last Kiss. Dark Claw, Bluespark and Thresh. Harbinger and Nedereth have a little chat.

Chapter Eighteen

Part One: The Last Kiss

The Next Afternoon. The IHFC mansion.

SuperGrover had requested that DarkWolf come to the IHFC mansion, to "pick up an old piece of BHC equipment." DarkWolf was, seemingly, alone in the huge IHFC storeroom. It was more of a warehouse than a room, and he was completely lost. He knew he'd never be able to find what he was looking for, since he had no idea what the piece of equipment was. He was about to go look for help, when he noticed SuperGrover sitting on a box of papers. SuperGrover was staring at the floor, seemingly transfixed on some nonexistent object at his feet. "Hello, DarkWolf," he said, not looking up.

"Hi...where is the equipment you wanted me to pick up?"

"Over here. Come and get it." SuperGrover got off of the box, and started rummaging through the papers.

"Is it in there?"

"No, actually. There was no equipment, Justin...I just needed to get you here for something."


Without a word, SuperGrover kissed him on the lips. He was quite shocked at first, but quickly gave in to the warm sensations which coursed through his body. SuperGrover withdrew his lips, and spoke. "Have the others meet us at Comix_Master79's quarters not tomorrow night, but the following night, at midnight. It will begin then."

"I understand."


"What should I tell the BHC about the equipment?"

"Tell them I was mistaken, that it belonged to us after all." SuperGrover smiled, and sent DarkWolf on his way.

Part Two: The Heat of Battle

That Evening. The BHC mansion.

Dark Claw was participating in a fairly exhausting workout in the Danger Room, dodging laser blasts, evading crushing pylons, and generally just trying to survive. He then saw a small metallic sphere start to blaze toward him at a blinding speed. Oh, fuck! he thought. It must be one of those "modifications" the Harbinger put in! As the sphere was inches away from his rear, he closed his eyes and braced for the impact. Oddly, it never came. He opened his eyes and saw that the weaponry had vanished, and there was a woman standing at the main console. He looked at her, and recognized who she was.

"Thresh, right?"

"You got it. Pleasure's all yours, I'm sure."

"Uhm...right. What are you doing here?"

"I missed my morning workout, so I'm going to double-time my afternoon one."

"Why did you miss your morning one?"

"I was...preoccupied...with Bluespark this morning." He noticed the glint in her eyes when she said "preoccupied" and smiled.

"Should I leave?"

"Only if you don't think you can keep up."

"Oh, I can keep up. Show me what you've got."

"Fine. Computer, open file Reston-21-Alpha. Give me my standard weapon." In seconds, a large firearm materialized in her arms, and about two dozen black spheres appeared in various locations around the room. "Begin program."

The spheres began moving around, firing hair-thin laser beams at her. Dark Claw recognized them as high-focus beams, capable of incinerating flesh on contact. He also knew that exposure for more than a few seconds resulted in vaporization. "Are you sure this is safe?" he asked, ducking back into the "safe zone" near the console.

"Of course it's not safe, hon. That's why I'm doing it. Wanna join in?"

"I...guess so." He spoke a few commands, and a crossbow materialized on the floor before him. He picked it up and watched as Thresh picked off the spheres. Her motions were fluid and graceful, and he noticed how beautiful she looked when she was dodging and ducking and diving. He then realized how dangerous it was in here, and began taking up a defensive position. He aimed his crossbow and fired, missing his first target. He tried again, and connected, watching in satisfaction as the black ball exploded and vanished. He did the same to a few more, and then found they were all destroyed. Their weapons disintegrated, and the computer spoke. "Final score: Thresh, 42; Dark Claw, 6."

"Not bad, 'Claw. But I've seen better. You really need to practice," Thresh told him.

"Yeah, I know. I'm used to relying on my powers."

"Can't rely on them all the time, honey. Someday you're gonna be one-on-one with a Sentinel, and your powers will be useless. That's where superior firepower comes in. Of course, not everyone can handle the awesome responsibility that comes with firearms. After all, one wrong shot, and you'll kill the wrong person."

"Have you ever...killed anyone?"

"Yeah, I have. I'm not proud of it, but sometimes death just comes with the job."

"How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-two."

"In your...your seem a lot older."

"I've seen more death and violence than anyone rightly should. I think you'll find that Nedereth, Luthos, and Dragonmaster feel the same way."

"What about Bluespark?"

"He's just a kid, Dark Claw. He's a pretty good lay, though, I have to admit."

"Uhm...Right." Dark Claw was, obviously, feeling a bit awkward at that point.

At that moment, Bluespark came in, and stood between them. "What's up?" he asked. "Why are you two so quiet?"

"No reason," Thresh said. "We were just doing some target shooting."

"Really?" Bluespark asked. "Who won?"

"She kicked my ass," Dark Claw said, laughing nervously.

No one else spoke. Bluespark and Thresh departed arm-in-arm, and Thresh looked back at Dark Claw, and winked at him.

Part Three: Problem

Later That Night. The BHC mansion.

Nedereth was sitting at the BHC's bar, sipping his beer. He wasn't sure how long he had been here, downing brews, but he was sure it had been a long time. The alcohol had the nice anesthetic effect of blurring the passage of time. He wished things could go back to the way they were. Before he lost his wife and son. Before he was forced into retirement because of his alcohol addiction. Before he joined the Harbinger and the other four. But he knew things would never be the same. Janice and Theodore were dead. He was retired. An alcoholic. And spending his spare time blowing up Sentinels and trashing genetic engineering complexes. He thought he heard footsteps, but wasn't sure until he felt
a hand clutch the back of his collar. He felt himself being pulled backward, cold knuckles against his neck. He was slammed to the floor, and saw the Harbinger standing over him.

"Jesus, Robert...what the hell was that for?"

"What the fuck are you doing, Paul?!" the Harbinger shouted in his face.

"Trying to drown my sorrows, what the hell does it look like?"

"Maybe if you'd stop feeling sorry for yourself and actually try to change, then you wouldn't be such a pathetic excuse for a human being!"

"Hey, you can go straight to hell! Don't even think about lecturing me about change, Robert! You were always the one so unwilling to change! You're still as arrogant and self-absorbed as you were when I met you ten years ago!"

The Harbinger picked Nedereth up and slammed his back against the bar. Nedereth cried out, afraid his back had been broken. But the Harbinger knew what he was doing. Nedereth would be bruised and sore for a week or so, but not permanently crippled. "Paul, I will not stand by while you waste your life downing liquor. I've known you too long to just let you die like that. I've seen too many friends die in conflict to let you go like this. Now you are going to get up, you are going to go take a shower, and you are going to sleep this booze off. Is that understood? I do not want to see your face until you are sober again."

"Anything else?" Nedereth groaned.

"Yeah...I want you to go see Havok, too. The BHC's former Black Knight. He recently came back. I'm sure he'll be able to help you. Now go."

Nedereth got up and rubbed his aching back, and walked from the BHC's bar.

--End of Chapter Eighteen--Coming Next: What has become of Jubilee? Q and Jon.

Chapter Nineteen

Part One: A Matter of Trust

The Next Morning. The IHFC mansion.

Jon was in one of the IHFC mansion's sitting rooms, speaking with Antoine DuQuesne, or "Q". They were not talking about anything of particular import, she was simply explaining the Club's rules and objectives. He found himself quite intrigued in the world-spanning chessgame in which he'd become entangled, and suddenly remembered something.

"Jon, did you ever take care of those EMP devices in Havana?"

"I told you I would have it taken care of, Antoine. I let you into the Club, didn't I? Stop worrying about it."

"Very well. But you must realize that I would be in serious trouble if it was discovered that I helped cover up your company's illegal activities. Destroying those devices is the only way to preserve our freedom from prison."

"I have more important things to worry about, Antoine. SuperGrover thinks I kidnapped Jubilee, when I most certainly did not. He obviously doesn't trust me."

"Frankly, Ms. Tolliver, I don't trust you much farther than I can throw you, either."

"Antoine. You are standing dangerously close to my last nerve. SHUT. UP."

"Yes, ma'am," he said, not wishing to provoke her.

Part Two: Dignity in Death

She woke up drenched in darkness, with a throbbing in her skull. She was unable to tell how long she had been out, though she was quite certain she'd be drugged unconscious for an extended period. Her eyes refused to focus properly, and all she could see was black. She could faintly make out voices around her, almost right above her. She listened closely to their words.

"Do you think we should kill her?"

"It would be a good idea. The White Queen would most certainly be blamed, and the Club would split in two, everyone choosing a side."

"Divide and conquer."

"Precisely. If they don't trust each other, it will make it that much easier for us to carry out His plan."

"Where is He, anyway?"

"He has come to me in my dreams. He has told me that we must perform the Ritual of Essense on Comix_Master79. It is the only way for Him to come to us."

"And with this girl, what shall we do with her?"

"Slay her. Quickly, cleanly. Then place the body in her own quarters. It will be quite interesting to watch this unfold."


"Other matters require my attentions. I must make sure the others are ready for His arrival."

"Very well."

She heard footsteps as one of them left, and began to panic. Even though her mind was clouded, she knew that they intended to kill her right now. She tried to lift their arms, but they felt as if they were heavier than lead. She was completely immobile. She opened her mouth to scream, but no sound emerged. She was going to die, and was not going to be given the dignity to have a few final words. Tears would have formed in her eyes, were she not so dehydrated. She could feel cold steel against her neck, the sharp blade of a knife being drawn across her throat. She felt the cold steel against her skin. She would have shivered, were she not immobilized. She was certain that she was going to
have her throat slit, and be left gasping for air and bleeding to death, in this place...a place couldn't even see. Then, something else touched her forehead. It was circular, with a hollow center. She realized the barrel of a gun was being pressed between her eyes. Her heart pounded quickly in her chest. She decided to accept her fate, and let her consciousness drift. In an instant, it was over. One moment, she was aware and could feel. The next, there was nothing. In the split-instant before death, she heard a loud noise that reverberated throughout her skull, and then the Darkness took hold, it's icy hand gently nudging her toward oblivion.

--End Chapter Nineteen--Coming Next: Gomurr, Luthos, and Dragonmaster. And: Comix_Master79...the Legacy is treacherously close now.

Chapter Twenty

Part One: The Storm

That Afternoon. The BHC mansion.

Gomurr was reading an ancient text in his quarters, the scent of incense filling the room. There was a violent thunderstorm outside, the likes of which he had not seen in many decades. He was engrossed in an old tale, a tale of war in a forgotten realm. What amused him was that he himself had partaken in the very war he was reading about. He smiled faintly when he noticed that his relatively minor role in the war was greatly embellished, so that he was the hero of the entire campaign. He was so engrossed, he almost didn't notice the knocking at his door. "Come in," he said.

The door opened, and two men stepped in. He knew who they were. "Luthos and Dragonmaster. Hello."

"Greetings, Ancient One. We are both here to investigate something that has been on our minds of late." Luthos was speaking, his companion remaining silent.

"Go on."

"We come from a world called Arcadia. The Harbinger says it is located in one of the slip-dimensions of hyperspace. But that isn't what we are here to discuss."

"Then what are you here for?"

"The hero...the man who saved our world from the Great Darkness...his moniker was Gomurr. Might you possibly be that individual?"

" sounds familiar. I may have been there. When did this 'Great Darkness' conflict occur?"

"About forty years ago. Neither of us had been born yet."

"I do believe I was in a place called Arcadia about 40 years ago. So why is this important now?"

"We believe that the Darkness has returned. And...the Obelisk. It has disappeared."


"The object through which all mystical energy on our world flows. We believe the Darkness has stolen the Obelisk, and intends to keep us in an eternal night."

"How did you get to this world?"

"The Harbinger has magical tools that allow him to move us from plane to plane. He came for us several weeks ago, saying he needed us. But we still wish to save our own world."

"So you wish me to aid you?"

"After the immediate crises are resolved, we would appreciate it."

"I am not aware of any immediate crises."

"Then what about this storm? I can feel its if it were spawned from the Plane of Fire. It is a most ominous sign. This storm is a vile thing, and it will swallow us all."

"Why am I not sensing anything unusual about it?"

"Perhaps because you are attuned to different forms of magic. This one speaks to me of lawful chaos. As if it were from the depths of the Ninth Hell."

"The Ninth Hell? But that would be..."

"The place where demons reign. Where the Darkest creature of all resides."

Part Two: Dissent

About the Same Time. The depths of the Ninth Hell.

The Hellgoat stood before his minions, and spoke with a great confidence and authority. "My fellow demons, the time has come for us to take control of this realm. The current ruler, the fallen angel once called Lucifer, has failed to obliterate the forces of the Light. Worse yet, he believes that his Anti Christ will be able to accomplish what he could not. He has lost confidence, even in himself. And when his Anti Christ's essence proceeds to the Prime Material Plane, we shall overthrow Lucifer and rule all of the Nine Hells!" His minions shouted curses and spewed flame from their mouths, indicating that they were willing to follow him. But he also had another agenda. He was not about to let
the Hellfire Clubs be destroyed, especially the flesh elemental, Ryan Jensen. He decided that only by overthrowing Hell could he keep his pawns in the Club alive.

Part Three: Darkest Night

Around Midnight. The IHFC mansion.

The Harbinger, DarkWolf, Darque Feonix, SuperGrover, Siryn, and the Iceman all stood before Comix_Master79's door, as the Harbinger prepared to knock it down. He turned his fist into a spiked claw, and drove it straight into the door. The door was ripped from its hinges, and he threw it to the floor. Comix_Master79 sat up in his bed, and saw the six figures standing in his doorway. "Now is the time," the Harbinger said.

--End Chapter Twenty--Coming Next: The Anti Christ comes...

Chapter Twenty-One

Part One: The Summons

Shortly After Midnight. The IHFC mansion.

The Harbinger, Siryn, DarkWolf, Darque Feonix, SuperGrover, the Iceman, and Comix_Master79 were standing in SuperGrover's room, preparing for the Ritual of Essence. The only illumination was provided by candles, which glowed a dull red. The room was bathed in the color of blood. Lightning flashed outside, as torrential rain covered the grounds of the mansion. But they ignored this storm. They knew it was Nature crying out, trying to stop them from committing this violation of her laws. They would not listen. The Harbinger reached into his pocket and drew a dagger. All of the others, except for Comix_Master79, held out their arms. The Harbinger held a stone bowl in his other hand, and set it
upon the floor. He then drew the blade across his own wrists. He turned his wrists downward, and allowed his blood to flow freely into the bowl. By his own force of will, he stopped the seepage of blood from his wound. He proceeded to lift the bowl, and place it under the Iceman's wrists. He cut the young man's veins, and allowed the Iceman's blood to mix with his own. He did the same with Siryn, then Darque Feonix, then SuperGrover, and finally DarkWolf. The bowl was now full of their blood, and they stared silently at it. Almost immediately, they set to work. They stripped the carpet from SuperGrover's floor, revealing the wooden floor underneath. They cleared away the shreds of plush
carpeting, and the Harbinger placed a dot of blood on the floor. The others used it as a center, and began to draw a large circle, in blood, on the floor. After the circle was completed, the Harbinger drew a five-pointed star in the center of it, each point touching the circle. The Harbinger stood at the back of the room, while Comix_Master79 stepped into the center of the star. The other five stood on the circle, each placing their feet at a starpoint. They began to chant in low voices, "Bring Him to us...fill the vessel He has provided us. Bring the Anti that He may bring His glorious wrath." They became louder and louder, with Comix_Master79 feeling a dark, powerful energy
coursing through his veins. His heart pumped more quickly, full of hatred and rage. His mind was ablaze with thoughts of murder and revenge. The essence of the being they called was being pulled into his body, exactly as intended. He smiled, and allowed his soul to return to Hell, turning control over to the Anti Christ.

Part Two: Between Hell and Earth

Somewhere between Hell and Earth.

The Anti Christ felt his essence being pulled to the corporeal plane, his purpose being fulfilled. He rose from the depths of Hell, and met the soul of his vessel, Comix_Master79. "I turn my body over to you, my Master. Your will is absolute."

"You have done well. You will be an Archdemon upon my return."

Anti Christ then paused Time, and looked back at what had led him here.

Part Three: Splinters of the Past

Eight Years Ago. The IHFC mansion.

"Ian, you idiot! Have you any idea how much trouble you have caused?"

"You told me to bring her. You didn't say I couldn't kill her parents."

The angry man was Paramount, White King of the Hellfire Club. He had sent Ian Shapiro to retrieve Sharon Stokes, and had expected him to bring her back without killing anyone. Obviously, it didn't work out that way.

"I am sick and tired of your constant wanton killing. Neighbors took down your license plate number, and I have FBI all over my affairs, because they traced the car back to ME! You do not know how angry I am right now, Ian."

"I think I can probably guess how pissed you are."

"Shut up, Ian! I refuse to deal with you any longer. Get out!"

"Okay...when do you want to see me again?"

"I mean you are out! Out of the Club, out of this mansion! OUT!"

"But what about Jenskott?"

"Whatever feelings you two have for each other aren't my concern. I should kill you both, and make an example of you. Frankly, I don't see how someone like you is capable of love at all."

"I am. With the right person."

"Do you honestly think I care? Get out."


Paramount had been sitting at his desk, shuffling papers as he spoke to Ian. Now, he stood up, in disbelief at what his now-former member just said.

"Would you repeat that, Ian?"

"I said no. I am not leaving."

"Fine." Before Ian had a chance to react, Paramount pulled a gun from his pocket. He quickly pointed and fired at Ian's head.

"That will be the last time you say no to me, young man," Paramount said, polishing his gun with a handkercheif. He ignored the corpse on his floor, and continued working.

Anti Christ's eyes flared red when he played over the memories. He had been killed coldly, and meaninglessly. Discarded as if he were a piece of flotsam. He had been a bit disappointed when he learned that Paramount was dead, killed by his own insane schemes. But he knew his revenge against the rest of the Club would satisfy his growing bloodlust. And then, he would create a world of ash and blood and misery and death.

He felt himself entering Comix_Master79's body. His physical eyes opened, and he looked around. He was standing at the center of a pentagram, inscribed in blood upon the floor. He saw his thralls around him. Harbinger, DarkWolf, Siryn, the Iceman, Darque Feonix, and SuperGrover. They looked back at him, expecting him to speak.

"Hello, my children. Have you been bad today?" And added with a sneer, "I certainly hope so."

--End Chapter Twenty-One--Coming Next: Iacta Alea Est.

Chapter Twenty-Two

Part One: The Die is Cast

After Midnight. The IHFC mansion.

The sounds of thunder and pattering rain were audible from inside SuperGrover's quarters. Anti Christ, now in the body of Comix_Master79, looked at his thralls, and spoke. "You will be bringing about a new era in my name. You shall be my Legacy. However...your codenames...they do simply not fit your new roles." He walked over to the Harbinger. "Robert, your codename is quite appropriate. You were, indeed, a Harbinger in more ways than you could imagine. Your current nomenclature will suffice." He then stood in front of the Iceman. "You will be the Savior. You will be the one who can save us, or destroy us." Next, he spoke to Siryn. "You are my Fallen Angel. You have some of the goodness
I once possessed, inside you. Do not let it go, for you must remember what we are trying to destroy." Next was SuperGrover. "I knew you longer than any of the others. You, SuperGrover, are Destruction." Then came DarkWolf. "I call you Chaos, Justin. The DarkWolf is no more." At last, he came to Darque Feonix. "You are the Fallen One. You have the part of me that died when I was slain by Paramount. Keep your hatred in your heart, and never betray us, who have given you a purpose."

He was finished renaming his pawns, and decided to ask the Harbinger a question. "Robert, have you initiated protocol 0-0-1 yet?"

"It is set to activate about forty minutes from now."

"Cease the countdown."

"What? I thought you wanted it implemented tonight."

"I've changed my mind. I want to have some fun, before I shut down the planet."

"What is protocol 0-0-1?" asked Destruction, the former SuperGrover.

"You didn't tell them, Robert?" Anti Christ asked, looking at the Harbinger.

"I did not feel it would be prudent or necessary to do so."

"Very well...I shall explain. Destruction, I had the Harbinger place a program in the BHC's computer systems. The first protocol he activated gave him complete system access. The second, protocol 0-0-1, was designed to use a list of servers sprinkled about the globe. Those servers would be infected with a computer virus, which would be retransmitted to all other computers. In theory, it would spread across the globe in a matter of minutes. The virus executes a destructive write pattern on the victim computer, destroying all data on it, including the data on any disks inserted. It would shut down most of the planet's important systems...electricity, telephone, stock markets, air traffic control.
Just think of the chaos that will be released! Robert, I want to you stop the countdown now. I want it to go off tomorrow night instead."

"As you wish..." the Harbinger sent an electronic signal from his brain to the BHC computer system, deactivating the virus. "Done."

", it's time for us to enjoy ourselves. There will be plenty of time for world-conquering very soon."

Part Two: Trapped

About the Same Time. The BHC mansion's computer lab.

Silver, the Black King, was sneaking into the computer lab late at night, thinking he could play a few games of Quake on the computers. He sat down at one of the computers, its screen bathing him in soft light. But the screen was frozen, the words "LEGACY COUNTDOWN ABORTED" flashing red upon the screen. The beeping sound that came from the computer was unnerving him, and he got up. He tried to walk out the door, and found it slammed shut in his face, locked. The words on the screen changed to "SECURITY PROTOCOLS ENGAGED". Polymer-based bars dropped down to cover the windows, preventing all exits. He found that all the metals in the room had been replaced with polymer substitutes,
preventing his powers from working on them. He slammed on the door, calling for help, not to be heard by anyone.

--End Chapter Twenty-Two--Coming Next: Anti Christ, the Legacy, Bluespark and the others. The Anti Christ War begins!

Chapter Twenty-Three

Part One: Just Some Innocent Fun

Very Early in the Morning. The IHFC mansion.

Anti Christ and his Legacy were enjoying themselves in SuperGrover's quarters. The Harbinger was cruelly plucking the hairs from a rat, as he telekinetically constricted its trachea. He would cut off its air almost long enough to kill it, then eased off. He kept this up continually, amusing himself as he brought the helpless rodent to death's door, and then spared it.

Chaos (DarkWolf) was holding the Harbinger's dagger in his hand, slowly lacerating his own arms. He derived perverse pleasure from this self-mutilation, closing his eyes. He dug the knife deeper into his flesh, and traced painfully erotic patterns with the blade. He sliced deeper and deeper, waves of pleasure wracking his body. He sighed deeply, and reopened his eyes.

The Fallen Angel (Siryn) and Destruction (SuperGrover) were in SuperGrover's bedchamber, alone. The other could hear the gasps and moans emanating from the doorway.

Anti Christ smiled, and looked at the craps table before him. He created it out of thin air, and decided he would use it to amuse himself. Savior (the Iceman) and the Fallen One (Darque Feonix) stood on either side of him, watching as their Dark master rubbed a pair of dice between his palms. The craps table read "TABLE MINIMUM: 666 OR THE SOUL OF YOUR CHOICE". He spoke to the Fallen One. "What should the wager be this round?"

"I'm tired of gambling with money. How about we wager Jon's soul?"

"Splendid idea." Anti Christ set the dice down, and clapped. In a flash of red light, the White Queen appeared next to the craps table. The teleportation had obviously awakened her, and she took a moment to orient herself. "These are SuperGrover's quarters...What am I doing here?" Her eyes focused more finely, and she turned to Anti Christ. "Comix_Master79? What are you doing here? And what's happened to your hair? Wasn't it brown?"

Anti Christ ran a hand through his short, silver hair. "Ah, it was. But more than my hair has changed, madame Nytshade. I am the Anti Christ. We're going to play a little game with your soul."

"I don't have time for this, Theodore. I'm sure you're just having the time of your life with Darque Feonix and the Iceman, and your silver-dyed hair, but I have a lot of work to do tomorrow, so I'd appreciate it if you'd just teleport me back to my bed and--"

"Silence!" Jon immediately became quiet, by Anti Christ's will. He picked up the dice in his right hand, and picked up a small chip in his left. The chip had a picture of Jon's face on it, superimposed upon a red pentagram. "This represents your soul, Jon." He took it, and placed it upon the "7" field. He blew fire from his mouth, the flames searing the dice in his hands. He rolled them, and they came up as a 2 and a 5. "Seven. Damn...I was really looking forward to consuming your soul. I suppose I can't have everything." At the calling of his mind, Jon sat in one of the many chairs in the room. Anti Christ walked up to her and spoke. "Do you know how long it's been since I enjoyed any of
the carnal pleasures?"

Jon was silent.

"It has been far too long...Unfortunately, I haven't time for any of that right now. At least, not with you."

Anti Christ went back to his craps table, and decided he would gamble Jenskott's soul this time. Jenskott, too, was teleported into Anti Christ's presence. But she was not fooled by the facade of Comix_Master79's body. She could see in this man's eyes that it wasn't "Theodore Krausz", but was in fact Ian Shapiro, the man she had once loved. "Ian!" she shouted. "What...has happened to you?"

He looked up thoughtfully for a moment. He considered her question briefly, and brought his eyes back down to meet her gaze. "I've been going through some...changes lately. I've missed you terribly, my dear."

"Ian...what is wrong with them?" She was referring to Harbinger, Chaos, Savior, the Fallen One, and Jon. All of them seemed to be frozen in time, staring at something that could not be seen by mortal eyes.

"I am showing them how wrong they were. I am showing them how wrong Paramount was. I wasn't the bad guy, Jen. I was the good guy. It wasn't my fault that I made a few mistakes."

"Ian, cold-blooded murders aren't 'mistakes.' You were sick in the head. I despised Paramount for what he did to you, but I couldn't condone what you had done to others. You needed help...but you never reached out so you could get it. I wanted to help you so badly...but you wouldn't let me."

"It doesn't matter anymore, Jen. Can't you see that? Good, Evil. Life, Death. None of it matters anymore, because when I'm finished, there will be nothing but the Anti Christ. Don't you see?"

"I don't know how you've come back, or what you've been through...but I know the man I loved is still inside you, somewhere. I know it."

"Sorry...You couldn't be more wrong. In fact, I only brought you here so I could have a little fun." He took Jenskott's chip, and placed it on the "4" field. He blew on the dice again, and rolled them. Two "1"'s were face-up.

"Gee, Jen. Snake-eyes. You lose," Anti Christ said with feigned compassion. He reached out his hand, and clenched it into a fist. Jenskott felt it in her chest, like a vise gripping her heart. He slowly twisted his arm, and Jenskott began screaming in agony. He then brutally yanked his fist backwards, and she collapsed into a pile of quivering flesh on the floor. "I don't want you dead just yet, my love. There is still plenty of entertainment value left in you."

Anti Christ snapped his fingers, and the Harbinger came out of his trance-like state. "What is it, sir?" he asked.

"I sense that something is awry in the BHC's computer lab."

The Harbinger electronically established a link with the BHC's computer system, and found that Silver was trapped in the computer lab, pounding on the sound-buffered walls.

"Oh, Anti're going to love this one..."

Part Two: Tortured

At just that moment, Bluespark and Thresh burst into the room, nearly falling down. They had slammed into the door, trying to break it down. They looked up and saw their leader talking with a tall, silver-haired man. "Uhm...Harb?" Bluespark asked. "Who is that guy?"

"I'm your destiny, child," Anti Christ said.

"Really? You know, you look just like a guy I met a few months back...I think his name was Theodore Krausz. He had me forge some computer data for him...make him out to be some kind of billionaire or something. You wouldn't happen to be related to him, would you?"

Thresh then said, "Personally, I think this guy looks like a nutcase. I don't think we should piss him off."

"Ah," Anti Christ said. "Ms. Berkeley is obviously more intelligent that she looks."

"HEY!" Thresh shouted shrilly. "I call myself Jennifer Reston these days, pal! I don't know where you get your information from, but that kind of shit isn't for you to know!"

"What a pity," Anti Christ said. "She can't even take her own advice. You are beginning to 'piss me off', Adrian. I suggest you back down, or I'll tear your soul apart one equisite emotion at a time."

"Fuck you, pal!" she shouted as she tried to punch him in the jaw. Bluespark almost said "I don't think that's a good idea," but his words were drowned by the sounds of Thresh's screaming. Before her fist connected with Anti Christ's jaw, she felt a pain wrenching in her gut, as if someone was trying to plough a flagpole through her abdomen. She doubled over, and began sobbing uninhibitedly. That's when the memories began flooding back. The memories of her father's drunken rages, and his cruel, rough hands. She tried to block them out, but only felt them coming back even stronger. Anti Christ savored her bitter, tortured memories, and allowed himself to be consumed in the twisted ecstacy he
derived from torturing her mind.

Bluespark watched, horrified, as his girlfriend screamed and sobbed over and over. The Harbinger looked at Anti Christ. "Stop that for a moment. I need to know something." Anti Christ obeyed, reluctantly.

The Harbinger walked up to Bluespark. "What are you doing here? Your room is at the BHC mansion."

"Someone found Silver locked in the computer lab, and we couldn't get him out. And so I hacked into your ship's mainframe and tracked you here. You really need to put better security protocols on DANTE. But what's wrong with Thresh? Why is she crying and holding her abdomen like that?"

"She's been a very bad girl," Anti Christ said, his lips curled. "And bad girls have to be punished, don't they?" he asked, looking down at her. When she didn't respond, he kicked her in the stomach. She cried out again, and began to speak in between her sobs. "I've been...very bad...I be...punished....I'm sorry....daddy...i've been bad....please....hurt me....please....i need you to hurt me...."

"You sick son of a bitch!" Bluespark screamed, overcome with hatred. He dove at Anti Christ. He could not have made a worse move. His hatred only fueled Anti Christ's power, and in the end, it was self-defeating. In only seconds, Bluespark had been slammed into the wall, knocked unconscious, with several broken ribs.

Anti Christ looked around the room. Thresh, Bluespark, and Jenskott were all unconscious. Chaos was back to slicing himself, drenching himself in his seemingly infinite blood supply. Fallen Angel and Destruction emerged from SuperGrover's bedroom, with wicked smiles on their faces. Both of them were wearing only underclothes. Destruction was wearing his heart-covered boxers, while Fallen Angel was wearing a matching set of underclothes. They looked at the end result of the near-carnage. "Now just what the fuck did we miss?" Fallen Angel demanded.

--End Chapter Twenty-Three--Coming Next: The forces gather to stop Anti Christ and his Legacy, at any cost!

Writer's Note: You may have noticed my slight indulgence with Destruction and Fallen Angel this chapter. It's writer's prerogative. So sue me! :-p

Chapter Twenty-Four

Part One: A Warning, Too Little, Too Late

About the Same Time. The BHC mansion.

Gomurr was awakened by the sounds of screaming. He opened his eyes, revealing the familiar interior of his quarters. He immediately realized the screams were not coming from the physical plane, but the astral. They were the voices of Jon, Jenskott, Thresh, and Bluespark. Their screams filled his mind, and he felt their pain as surely as if he had been experiencing it first hand. He quickly jumped from his bed, and put on his kimono. Grabbing his mystical staff, he scurried from his quarters to find Silver, and warn him of the imminent danger.

He arrived at the Black King's quarters in less than two minutes, banging on the door. He then performed a mystical scan of the room, to find that it was devoid of life. He widened his probe to seek out Silver's mystical signature, and found it was in the computer lab. He was slightly annoyed when he realized the computer lab was on the other side of the BHC grounds.

Part Two: Frustration and Death

A Few Minutes Later. The BHC computer lab.

Silver had, by this time, resigned himself to his fate. He was trapped here, with seemingly no hope of escaping. He only hoped that Gomurr or the Harbinger would deduce his predicament, and teleport him out. He was sitting at the BHC's private server, attempting to figure out what had happened. Every time he entered a command, he was mocked by the phrase "ACCESS DENIED". He slammed his fist onto the keyboard. He picked up its crushed remains, and smashed it into the server itself. It sparked and crackled for a moment, and then died. He expected the door to be unlocked now, with the server destroyed. No such luck.

The remaining computers all displayed "SECONDARY PROTOCOL ENGAGED". He suddenly began to feel light-headed, and was having difficulty breathing. It took him only a minute to realize that the oxygen was being leeched from the room through the ventilation ducts. Despite his best efforts not to, he began to hyperventilate. His last conscious thought as he collapsed to the floor was how ironic it was that, with everything he had been through, he was about to be killed by his own computer systems.

Part Three: Worries and Breakouts

At That Exact Moment. Outside the BHC computer lab.

Nemesis, Rahsas, Deadpool, Havoc1, Avalon, Monet, the Hunter, Belasco, and ShockWave were standing outside the BHC computer lab, trying desperately to open the door, or break through the wall. Rahsas attempted to mystically manipulate the door's structure, but found it was being protected by an immensely powerful force which he couldn't identify. Deadpool's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of his girlfriend, Siryn, as he tried to carve a hole in the wall with his knives. His thoughts also turned to the others that had gone missing. Harbinger, DarkWolf, and the Iceman. He knew that Bluespark had hacked the Harbinger's spaceship using his laptop computer, and located the Black Mage, but there was
no way of knowing if the others were with him. Bluespark had been almost immediately locked out of Inferno's systems, and the laptop spontaneously self-destructed. Bluespark and Thresh had been sent to the IHFC mansion to track down the Harbinger, and had failed to report back. Deadpool and the others feared the worst. But what concerned them at this moment was Silver, their Black King.

Just then, Avalon noticed a short, elderly man approaching them at a rapid pace. "Hey, it's Gomurr!"

"We must hurry! Time is of the essence!" Gomurr shouted as he approached.

"What's going on, Gom?" Nemesis asked. "Do you know why Robert and the others left?"

"No, I don't...but I know that Thresh, Bluespark, Jenskott, and Jon are in great pain right now. However, I first must free Silver." He waved his hand in the air, and traced mystical patterns with the tip of his staff, muttering indecipherable phrases. He was trying to melt the door with his magicks, and found that the door was somehow counteracting him. He concentrated even harder, calling upon magic he had never dared use before. He spoke words that had long been forbidden to utter, drawing power from realms that had never been met or mapped by any other human. He sweated profusely, determined to free the Black King, no matter how much of his strength it took. At last, the door glowed red,
and turned into liquid. He collapsed from the exertion, and saw the still body of Silver lying on the floor, as his own eyes closed. He came to only a few seconds later.

"How is he?" Nemesis asked.

"Silver?" Deadpool said. "He's okay. Just unconscious."

Belasco took a deep breath of the computer lab's air. "The oxygen has been removed from this room. That's what put Silver out."

"Who could have been trying to kill Silver?" Avalon wondered.

Gomurr stood up again, and spoke. "I think we'll find our answers at the IHFC mansion. ShockWave, have Nate and Psishot rouse their teams. We have to find out what's going on, and stop it."

Part Four: The Fallen King

At the Same Time. The IHFC mansion.

The Red King awakened with a start. He had felt some kind of ripple through the Red, as if its power were being tapped, siphoned. This had an adverse effect on him, as his power was so closely tied to the Red Dimension. He quickly got up and dressed himself. He activated the internal comm system, and patched the signal through to Alpha Centuras, Mad Dog, and Dr. Doom. He had no time to wake them easily, so he simply shouted. "Get up, all three of you! There's something very strange going on, and I need you to gather your teams. I want to see all of you in the wardroom in five minutes!" He deactivated the comm system, as an uneasy feeling swept over him. He turned around, to see seven figures
looking at him. The one in the center motioned, and he felt his consciousness slipping. His last thought was, "What in Hell did Comix_Master79 do to his hair?"

--End Chapter Twenty-Four--Coming Next: The Forces have gathered! The FINAL CONFLICT BEGINS!

Chapter Twenty-Five

Part One: Put Aside Our Differences

Sometime Before Sunrise. The gates of the IHFC mansion.

Gomurr had teleported most of the BHC to the IHFC's front gate, determined to find out what was going on around here. Those with him were Silver, Nemesis, Rahsas, Deadpool, Havoc1, Avalon, Monet, the Hunter, Belasco, ShockWave, Nate, Psishot, Bastion, Byron, Puma11, and Dark Claw. The rest of the BHC's members were in some sort of catatonic nightmare state, and were unresponsive to all external stimuli. Gomurr surmised that whatever was causing it originated here, with the Red and White Courts. The air was dense with thunder, lightning, and rain. Avalon delicately manipulated the security console by the gate, holding a tiny screwdriver in his mouth as he crossed wires and severed connections.
The rain dripping down his face made his job that much more difficult, but he could not fail. One wront move, and the IHFC's recently-installed point defense turrets would pop up, and blow them to Kingdom Come. After he had tricked the computer into believing the turrets were already above ground, he intentionally set off the alarm. Shrill klaxons could be heard over the rumbling thunder. Silver looked at Avalon, appearing at least a little bit ticked off.

"Excellent work, Avalon," Silver said mockingly. "We're just bound to get the drop on them now!"

"Sir, just wait a moment."

The BHC were silent for several seconds. Without warning, over a dozen explosions rocked the estate. Pieces of searing hot metal, debris, and earth were added to the falling rain, and they ducked for cover. Silver raised his head, which he had unceremoniously embedded in the mud. "What was THAT, Avalon? Have you lost your mind?"

"I made their point defense system blow itself up. We wouldn't stand a chance with those turrets active."

"That may be, but now we no longer have the element of surprise."

"I'm an engineer, not a strategist," Avalon said.

"I hate to spoil everyone's fun," Deadpool said. "But shouldn't we be more concerned with the Hellions standing right over there?" he asked, pointing to the figures in front of the IHFC mansion.


Blink* was in charge of the Hellions and the rest of the Inner Circle. She has Jamie Madrox, Cyclops, $inister, Hazard, Trace, Tangerine, Dr. Doom, and Outburst all standing behind her. All the other Hellions were suffering from the same affliction that members of the BHC had succumbed to. But this was unbeknownst to her and those she was commanding. All she knew was that most of the Hellions were catatonic, and that SuperGrover's quarters were sealed off. But the worst of it was that Flyin' Ryan, SuperGrover, Jenskott, Darque Feonix, Jon, Mad Dog, and Alpha Centuras had all vanished. And here was the BHC, standing right at their gates. She was convinced this was a BHC plot, and was determined
to see it foiled. She and the others had just witnessed the destruction of their new point defense system, and she was not about to let them get away with this.

"What are you waiting for?" she asked. "Kill the BHC! Now! It is obvious they have kidnapped the Red King and the others!"


It began with a burst of light, as Deadpool hurled a flash grenade right into the gathered Reds and Whites. They all shielded their eyes, but the damage was done. $inister, Trace, and Tangerine were all blinded by the flash, and stumbled to the ground. The remaining Hellions split into two groups, one charging the BHC, the other circling around to attack them from behind. It took Silver only a moment to realize the Hellions that were charging them were all dupes of Jamie Madrox. He made a gesture to Havoc1, who pulled out an unusual-looking weapon. Havoc1 pointed it at the dupes, and fired a beam of crimson directly into them. It struck one of the dupes in the chest.

Madrox-Cable's eyes clenched tightly as the weapon's beam slammed into his chest. It threw him back into the mud, and he spit out a mouthful of it. Then a sharp, brutal pain seared his skull, as the other dupes were forcefully pulled back into him. He screamed in his terrible pain, as the dupes were crammed back into his body. It wasn't painless or comfortable, the way it usually was. It was as if he was being packed full of memories and matter, at the same time. The pressure built up inside his skull and his body, and his throat clenched. He could no longer scream. He felt the pressure build to its breaking point, and then release.

Havoc1 looked on in disbelief as Madrox-Cable exploded. The remains of Jamie Madrox (and all his dupes) were scattered about the lawn, melding with the mud and blood already spilled. "My God...the Harbinger never told us what this gun did..." Havoc1 said, regarding the weapon that he had just used to kill Madrox.

Hazard approached Silver with blinding speed, preparing to knock the Black King into the ground. Silver caught the blur of the oncoming Rook, but not quickly enough. He was crushed to the ground, as Hazard stuck his hands into the mud. "You seem to be having some trouble breathing, Jack," Hazard taunted. "Maybe some air would help. Unfortunately, all I have on tap is some carbon monoxide." He flooded the air around Silver's face with the deadly gas, suffocating the Black King. When Silver's body went lip, he got up and admired his kill. "I always said you were unfit to take my place as Black King. And now I've proven it."

There was one individual that, for once, was not interested in fighting. Rhiannon LeBeau ran cautiously toward Dark Claw, whom she knew to be one of DarkWolf's friends. "'Claw! Where's Justin?" she asked.


Dark Claw was distracted long enough for a plasma blast from Dr. Doom to knock him to the ground, gravely injured. Outburst took a step back, realizing what she had just done. Her guilt was not to last long, however, as Avalon walked up to her. "Time to die, Outburst."

He used his powers to excite the molecules around her body, making them a prime target for a lightning strike. Her own abilities allowed her to detect this matter disruption, and she started screaming. "Av! What are you doing?"

"I'm not taking any pleasure in this, Rhiannon. I'll make it as quick as possible." She had no time to prepare for her own death, as a tremendous bolt of lightning struck her body. Every synapse and nerve ending in her body was fried, and her heart was stopped. The arc of the bolt knocked Avalon and Dr. Doom to the ground, and Doom stood up first. He leveled his weapon on Avalon's face. "I'll be sure to tell your brother how well you fought, boy." Avalon, too, was denied a chance to make his peace, and his face was obliterated by a fierce blast of plasma. Dr. Doom stepped away from the now-headless corpse, and rejoined the battle proper.

Blink* was observing this all from the relative safety of the bushes in front of the mansion. She had never considered herself much of a warrior, and really didn't have much desire to join in. But when she saw Gomurr preparing to unleash a massive mystical bolt against Cyclops, instinct took over where personal preference left off.

She teleported herself directly between Gomurr and Cyclops, and absorbed the majority of the blast. Gomurr watched her body fall, and he was stunned for a moment. Long enough for Cyclops to slam the magician into the ground and snap his neck.

Cyclops looked as the rest of the BHC approached him. He realized that the only other Hellions alive out here were $inister, Tangerine, and Trace, all of whom were blinded by Deadpool's flash grenade, and lying unconscious in the mud. Then he remembered Dr. Doom was standing behind him. But he knew that two people could not hold off the entire Black Hellfire Court. He shouted "Stop!" and held up his hands.

"Are you surrendering to us?" Nemesis asked, the senior BHC member now.

"Yes. Just don't kill the rest of us, all right?"

"Casey, after what your organization has done to us, we are going to do far more than simply kill you."


From his vantage point above the mansion, the Anti Christ began laughing uncontrollably. He was amused by how quickly both sides would believe the other had been trying to subjugate them. And here, they had just massacred each other, all because of the BHC's and IHFC's mutual distrust of the other. But the game would not be ended just yet, for he was having far too much fun...

--End Chapter Twenty-Five--Coming Next: The IHFC and the BHC band together to destroy Anti Christ and his Legacy! Can Anti Christ be defeated? Plus: The HellGoat makes his bid for power in Hell!

Chapter Twenty-Six

Part One: Insurrection

The Depths of Hell.

The Hellgoat charged his minions into battle against the few demons still loyal to Lucifer, and smiled. He couldn't believe how well everything was proceeding. The cavelike walls were crumbling around him, with hot magma spewing the from gaping holes in the walls, floor, and ceiling. The temple where the ruler of Hell had resided for eons was being destroyed, and it was all because of his meticulous planning. Explosions and screams filled the air, screams of pure hatred, pain, anguish, and rage. It was unlike anything ever seen on Earth. And then, the last of Lucifer's archdemons fell. That last demon was Theodore Krausz, the previous host of the Comix_Master79 body. Then, he stared hatefully
at the beast before him. It was the dark ruler of Hell, in all his wicked glory.

Through sheer force of will, he increased his own size and mass, to match that of the devil. His first attack was to ram his horns into the beast's chest. He had actually surprised Lucifer, and sent him tumbling backwards. The walls shuddered again, raining fire and rock. And then the Hellgoat spoke. "From this time forward, I shall be ruler of this realm! You shall be cast off into the Abyss for one thousand years, at which time we will face each other again. This is the end of your era, Satan."

The great beast screamed, and found itself shrinking down to a more manageable size. The Hellgoat, too, reduced his own size and stood before the defeated Lucifer. With a mere gesture, a hole appeared below the former ruler of Hell, and he fell into it, screaming his hatred and anger over being overthrown. The Hellgoat cast a binding upon the pit, so that it could not be opened for a millenium.

"Now to deal with Anti Christ..." he said to himself.

Part Two: Crucifixion

Shortly Before Dawn. SuperGrover's quarters (IHFC mansion).

Ryan Jensen slowly came around, his vision blurred and his throat dry. Instinctively, he tried to move his arms, and found they were immobilized. Once his vision cleared, it became clear to him why he couldn've move. He turned his head to the left, and saw his hand had a large spike driven through it. He looked to his right, and saw the same thing. And so he looked down, only to find that his ankles were also nailed to the wooden frame which seemed to support him. Then he realized what this position represented. He was being crucified. But by whom, he did not know.

"I am the one who has done this to you, Ryan."

He looked toward the voice, and saw the man he believed to be Comix_Master79. "What is this about?"

"I am not Comix_Master79, Ryan. In truth, I never was. You knew me as Ian Shapiro, those few years ago. Oh, but those years were so terribly long for me. And now I'm going to show you what it felt like, to have your soul stripped away, to be used as fodder for the higher demons. I'm going to leave you hanging on the wall like this, for eternity."

"Ian... You always were a bit 'off', but you were never this calculating and cruel. I don't know how you got here, or if it's really even you, but this has to stop. We are your friends."

"I am the Anti Christ now, Ryan. And you would dare to call me 'friend' now? You sicken me! You never even talked to me! Not even ONCE! You just thought I was Paramount's lackey, not even worthy enough to be a Red Hellion. But I'll show you all the errors of your ways."

Ryan looked around the room, which he recognized to be SuperGrover's chambers. He saw Darque Feonix, SuperGrover, and some members of the BHC. Then he saw Jon and Jenskott lying on the floor, sobbing lightly. "What have you done to them, Ian?" Then he saw two others, a young man and woman, curled up in each other's arms. But those two were as silent as Death.

"Ryan, there have been some changes around here lately. I have appropriated SuperGrover and Darque Feonix for my own purposes. And Jon and Jenskott are here for my own personal amusement. And those two over there, they are Thresh and Bluespark. Two of the Harbinger's lackeys. Speaking of the Harbinger, he is here as well, with the Iceman, DarkWolf, and Siryn. They are all my Legacy, as you will see. I also put Alpha Centuras and Mad Dog in a place where they won't get into any trouble."

The Red King tried to activate his powers, to somehow drive the nails from his body by rapidly healing himself. Instead, his pain increased exponentially. He cried out and went limp.

"Did I forget to mention that you are cut off from the Red now? Trying to use your powers wouldn't be a good idea just now. I find that the Red Dimension is a very delicious source of power...wouldn't you concur, my dear Red King?"

Ryan was silent.

"No're no fun at all. Destruction, stop staring at Fallen Angel and see what's going on with those who survived that encounter an hour or so ago."

"Yes, master..." the former SuperGrover acknowledged.

"Excellent...I have them all in the palm of my hand, and I am loving every second of it!"

Part Three: Realization

About the Same Time. Outside the IHFC mansion.

Nemesis, Rahsas, Deadpool, Havoc1, Monet, the Hunter, Belasco, ShockWave, Nate, Psishot, Bastion, Byron, Puma11, Cyclops, $inister, Tangerine, Trace, Dr. Doom. These were the survivors of the BHC/IHFC assault. They had come to a truce, and realized that they had both been manipulated by a force greater than either organization. The first clue came when Cyclops told Nemesis of the condition of his friends in the mansion.

"They're all they're comatose or something. We couldn't get them to wake up, or even twitch. They just lay there like they're dead."

Nemesis took the information in, and thought for a moment. "The rest of the Marauders and Upstarts are suffering the same affliction. I propose we all find out what's causing it."

"I agree," Dr. Doom stated. "I believe the answer lies in SuperGrover's quarters."

"What's in the White King's room?" Deadpool asked.

"We do not is completely sealed off."

"I have a feeling we've all been played against each other intentionally," Nemesis said. "And when I get my hands on whoever has been manipulating us, they'll be wearing their ass as a hat."

Just then, they all heard a low thrum as a large ship approached. It landed softly on the lawn, and a door opened on its side. Nedereth, Luthos, and Dragonmaster stepped out of it. "So you all decided to have a party, and forgot to invite us? Your hospitality is downright heartwarming," Nedereth said as he chucked a beer bottle over his shoulder. However, he was not drunk. In fact, he had come to realize how he was wasting his life, and decided to begin making amends now. "All right," he said. "Whose ass are we kicking today?"

--End Chapter Twenty-Six--Coming Next: This is IT! THE FINAL ASSAULT ON ANTI CHRIST!

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Part One: The Plan

"All right, this is how it's going down," Nedereth explained. "We'll send Deadpool in on recon, and he'll scope out just what we're dealing with. I think he's stealthy enough to be able to pull it off."

"What if I find Siryn? Can I try to get her back?" Deadpool asked.

"Negative. You'll compromise our position if you try an extraction now. Just find out who we're dealing with, and what hostages are being held. Now, go."

Deadpool left for the mansion, with a backpack containing a rope and grapnel, a flashlight, and other essential tools for his reconnaisance task.

"Now, we have to do this just right, or it's all over. Nemesis, you'll be in charge of Squadron 1. You'll be commanding Rahsas, Puma11, Bastion, Byron, Psishot, Havoc1, Monet, Dragonmaster, Luthos, and the Hunter. I'll be in charge of Cyclops, $inister, Tangerine, Trace, ShockWave, Dr. Doom, and Nate. We are Squadron 2."

"Wait just a damned minute!" Cyclops interrupted. "Who are you to think you can command us?"

"I am trying to put together the best possible strategy, Cyclops. If you would shut up and listen, you'd understand what I'm doing here."

"Nemesis, you'll take your team in through the lobby, and get directly underneath SuperGrover's quarters. I'll take my team to the roof, where we will meet Deadpool after his recon. He'll tell us what the setup is down there, and we'll tell your team. Then, I want you to have Belasco come up through the floor, hopefully catching the enemy off-guard. Everyone else will follow you up, but we'll stay on the roof. If you think the situation is getting out of control, then say 'Incursion' into your headset. That will bring us all down to help. By the way, you'll all need these." Nedereth pulled out a cloth sack full of little devices.

"What are these?" Nemesis asked, eyeing one she pulled out of the bag.

"Psi-baffles. If the Harbinger is part of this, then we'll need anti-telepathic devices. Place one in your ear canal. It will surround your brain with telepathic interference, interpreted as a 'buzzing' by telepaths. It will prevent the Harbinger from reading your thoughts. Deadpool already has one inserted, so he's covered. Do you all understand the plan?"

"Affirmative," Nemesis said as she inserted the psi-baffle into her ear.

"Cyclops? Are your people going to follow my orders?" Nedereth asked.

"We'll follow your orders until SuperGrover, Jon, Jenskott, Darque Feonix, and Flyin' Ryan are out of immediate danger."

"That's good enough for now. Remember, we have reason to believe that the Harbinger, SuperGrover, the Iceman, Siryn, DarkWolf, and Darque Feonix have turned to the other side. Don't hesitate to use any force necessary to stop them."

"Understood," Nemesis said as she checked her weapon.

Part Two: Recon

Deadpool sneaked through the mansion, keeping his back to the wall, holding his backpack next to him at all times. His heart was pounding in his chest, as he grabbed the flashlight. He had gone to the basement first, to try to utilize the mansion's internal scanners. They had been completely deactivated, and would take several hours to go through their reinitialization sequence, so he was on his own. He knew he had to get to the White King's quarters and see who was there, but he didn't know if he'd be able to keep from interfering. He was in complete conflict. On one hand, he wanted to rescue his lover, no matter what it cost the others. But he also had a responsibility to the Black Court, and
that responsibility included following orders. Nemesis had agreed with Nedereth's orders, so he had an obligation to do as he was instructed. Sweat saturated his mask, and he was breathing heavily. He had never been so completely anxious in his life. Adrenaline coursed through his veins as he crept through the large house. He finally made his way to the security room, where he thought he could tap into the mansion's internal cameras. They were separate from the bio-scanners, and he hoped that they would be on-line.

He flipped on the monitors, and they kicked on. Images from all over the mansion were displayed before him, and he finally found the one he was looking for. He saw a man he didn't recognize, apparently talking to the Harbinger and Darque Feonix. He saw them start to make obscure gestures, and others joined them. He knew them to be Siryn, DarkWolf, the Iceman, and SuperGrover. He panned the camera to the right, and saw that the Red King was nailed to the wall, as if he were being crucified. He saw Ryan Jensen shouting, but there were
no microphones on the cameras, so he could hear nothing. Then he panned the image back to the others. He saw the man he didn't recognize look into the camera, and aim his hand toward it. The image went white for an instant, and faded. Then the console before him began to spark and crackle, and he jumped away from it. He decided that he had to get there physically, to see what was going on.

He crawled through the air duct system, and tried to recall how they were laid out in the schematics he'd seen. They were very cramped for someone as muscular and large as he was, but he would see his mission completed. He finally got to the air vent which overlooked the White King's quarters, and looked through it. There were Siryn and the others still making unusual gestures in the air. But then he listened to their speech. Their voices were deep and monotonous, and they chanted in unspeakable tongues. Then the silver-haired man spoke. "We are going to bring Hell to this Earth, and nothing will be able to stop it! Not even you, Black Knight!"

Deadpool panicked, and screamed into his communications headset "He knows we're here! ATTACK NOW!" He felt a blast of crimson pierce his periphery, and then a blackness.

Part Three: Direct Assault

Belasco blasted through the floor, and looked around. The Harbinger took one look at him and lunged for his throat, and Belasco dodged the attack. He looked at the silver-haired man he assumed to be the "bad guy", and charged him. Anti Christ was taken a bit off-guard by this assault, and unleashed a blast at the Demon Lord. Belasco cried out as he hit the floor, but was not incinerated as Anti Christ had expected. "You're more tenacious than most demons I've met, Belasco."

Then Nemesis and several others jumped through the hole Belasco had created, holding quite intimidating weapons, and preparing to fight. Nemesis looked at Anti Christ, and fired her weapon at him. "Never trust a demon to do a woman's job."

Anti Christ flew backwards into the wall, and smiled. "Not bad, for an opening move. What's next, Little Queen?"

Puma11 approached the Harbinger from behind, and slashed the back of his neck with her claws. He shouted and put up a telekinetic shield, but the damage had been done. His neck was bleeding profusely, and the nerves in his neck were severed. He fell to the floor, mostly paralyzed.

ShockWave tried to reason with Siryn. "Siryn, are you okay? It's me...ShockWave. We don't have to fight, you know." The Fallen Angel was not willing to listen, and she tackled her former friend. ShockWave could see the blind fury in her friend's eyes, and grabbed her neck. She squeezed Siryn's neck as tears streamed down her own face, and Siryn went limp. She pushed Siryn's dead form off of her, and stood up. She felt a terrible guilt on her conscience, for having killed her friend without trying to help her first. She was almost glad when Anti Christ leeched her soul from her body, and used it to empower himself.

Nemesis looked at the carnage around her, and shouted into her comm-link "Incursion! INCURSION!" Right on cue, Nedereth and his team fell through the ceiling, blasting away. Nedereth's first bolt hit SuperGrover in the chest, killing him almost instantly. Nedereth was quickly cut down by an errant blast from Dr. Doom. Nemesis saw that friendly fire was becoming a serious problem, and ordered everyone to regroup around her, so they could avoid hitting each other. DarkWolf, Anti Christ, the Iceman, and Darque Feonix were the only adversaries left. Nemesis lowered her weapon and spoke. "Who are you?"

"I am the Anti Christ."

"Are you prepared to surrender?"

"Not in the least, Claudia."

"All right, asshole, you had your chance." She telepathically entered his mind, and tried to rip it apart, stimulating pain centers, and frying nerve endings. But it seemed as if that only made him stronger. "My dear Claudia, it doesn't work that way. Everything you do to hurt me only makes me stronger. Quite a useful perquisite of being the Anti Christ, don't you agree? And now, I have some more friends for you to play with."

With a flick of his wrist, Bluespark, Thresh, Alpha Centuras, Mad Dog, Jenskott, and Jon all appeared in the room. Their eyes all glowed red, a side-effect of Anti Christ's control. "Kill them, my children. Kill them all!"

Thresh drew a knife and proceeded to trip Psishot, and slit his throat. She then kissed him on the lips, and stood up. She looked around and saw Dr. Doom leveling his weapon at her. Before he could fire, she jumped on top of him, slicing his face with her knife. Cyclops blasted her with a simple pistol, and she fell backwards.

The battle continued. Friend turned on friend, as even members of the BHC turned on each other, and $inister brutally massacred his comrades in the IHFC. But Nemesis realized that there was only one way to end this, and that was through Anti Christ's heart. She reached her mind out to Jenskott's, and tried to block out Anti Christ's control. Anti Christ's presence was completely overbearing, and was like a dark blanket across her mind and soul. But she pushed against it, until Anti Christ himself stumbled. "Wha--?! No one has ever overridden my control of their minds!"

"That's the thing with people like us...always doing the impossible." She reached to Jenskott's mind again, and told her what had to be done. But what if he doesn't listen to me? Jenskott asked.

He must, Jenskott, or it's all over, Nemesis said.

Jenskott stepped toward Anti Christ, and spoke to him. "Ian, this has to end. Don't you see what you're doing?"

"What, Jen? What am I doing?"

"You're killing people who had nothing to do with your death. Your murder was on Paramount's hands, and his alone. None of us had anything to do with it."

"Maybe that doesn't matter anymore! Maybe I just want to see you all DEAD!"

"Ian..." she rested the palm of her hand on his warm cheek. "I know that there has to be some of the man I love still inside you. Do it for me. Please."

"I...I could never say no to you, Jen. But I'm afraid things have changed. I've begun the final rite, and there's nothing that can turn it back. Hell will be brought to Earth now, and there's nothing that can be done to stop it."

"ANTI CHRIST!" a voice shrilly screamed. The Hellgoat appeared out of the ether, and looked at Anti Christ. "You have brought Hell to Earth, boy. But the rules of the game have changed..."

--End Chapter Twenty-Seven--Coming Next: Anti Christ vs. the Hellgoat! ONE SHALL FALL.

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Part One: When the Walls Fell

"Anti Christ...your time is up. Time to go home."

"Sorry, Hellgoat. I'm not finished here."

"I say you are. You are speaking to the new ruler of Hell."


"I have overthrown Lucifer. He was fairly easily defeated, having given you most of his power. You cannot hope to defeat us now, so just come back to Hell and end this."

"Right. You didn't really think I'd listen to you, did you?"

"Of course not. Shall we dance?"

"If you think you can handle it."

Nemesis had the battle's survivors gather behind her, as Anti Christ lashed out at the Hellgoat. "All right, so the Goat bought us some time. We still can't trust him to leave us alone. We need a way to get rid of BOTH of them."

"I have a suggestion." Rahsas stepped forward. "There is a spell I've been practicing called Split Infinity. It can cast them both back to their domains of origin. The only problem is, Gomurr was the only other person who could perform it, and we need TWO people to cast it."

"I can handle that," Luthos said. "What does the spell require?"

"It takes months to learn, and years to master, I'm afraid."

"Are either of you up for a little psionic surgery?" Nemesis asked.

Anti Christ surrounded the Hellgoat with columns of fire, trying to entrap him. "That won't work. You should know that, Ian."

"I am not Ian anymore! Stop calling me that!"

"Suit yourself." The Hellgoat charged through the flames, and rammed Anti Christ with his horns. They plunged into his chest, and Anti Christ began to bleed. " for this!"

"Shut up! You're a disgrace! You couldn't even kill these mortals! I knew you were a mistake!"

"No! You don't understand these people! You don't know how dangerous they are!"

"Oh, but I do. And that is why I can't have you going around killing them. They still serve a purpose...MY purpose."

The Hellgoat pointed into the air, and traced a mystical pattern, which glowed blood red. He uttered a few words, and the corpses around him were healed. "Anti Christ, it is one thing to hate the man who killed you. It is quite another to kill people you didn't know. You are going back to Hell, to join your fallen king."

"I am not going with you! I won't! And you can heal these humans a hundred times, and I'll kill them a hundred and one times! I can't be stopped!"

"Enough posturing, Ian. You had your fifteen minutes. And they're up."

Just as the Hellgoat was about to cast Anti Christ into the Abyss, Luthos and Rahsas charged into the scene, trailing a sparlking orange light. The Hellgoat recognized the spell, and turned to face them. "Have you no gratitude? I have brought your fallen friends back to life, and this is how you repay me? FOOLISH MORTALS! Why do I even bother?" He unleashed something of a "warning bolt" at Luthos and Rahsas, simply trying to get them out of the way, the returned his attention to Anti Christ. "Goodbye, Ian."

"Wait! Can I at least have my final words with these people?"

"Very well...make it quick."

"First, my Legacy. You all failed me. I thought you were the best, and most powerful, of those around you. It seems I was wrong." He walked over to the Harbinger. "Robert, you failed me miserably. And as punishment, you will NEVER belong in your original time. If you ever go back to the time period you came from, you will be an outcast, a stranger among your friends."

He then had words with Siryn. "My Fallen Angel. You have already been punished, having betrayed your lover. I'm certain you know what I'm referring to, don't you?"

The revived Siryn simply looked at him in horror, as her mind was restored to "normal". Then he spoke with the Iceman.

"I know how you feel about Monet...and so I have planted a suggestion in her mind. She will hate you, from now until the end of Time."

Next was DarkWolf. "I'm sure you never knew it, but it was I who killed GlitterGirl. And you will never see her again, except for in your nightmares."

"Darque Feonix...your sanity will forever be fragile. Your constant manipulation at the hands of the Phoenix entity, the Harbinger's continual attempts at eradicating the Phoenix...And now you have one more curse to deal with. I bestow upon you the Second will be your Cross to bear."

"SuperGrover. You will be punished worse than any of them. How you are to be punished, I will not tell you just shall find out soon enough."

He then stood before all of them, and spoke. "There is only one way to stop the encroachment of Hell upon Earth. And that is for one person to close the dimensional rift."

"That person would be you, correct?" the Hellgoat asked.

"Yes. I think it a better fate than being locked away with Lucifer for eternity."

"Very well...good luck, Anti Christ. I know you will carry out this task, for if you do not, you'll be hearing from me."

"I understand." With that, Anti Christ vanished into nothing, where his consciousness would attempt to close the dimensional rip between Earth and Hell. By that time, the rift could not yet be seen. But if it were allowed to open all the way, it would open over the mansion, and spill out demonic hordes. He had to stop it, even if it cost him his soul. For his soul was all he had left.

"As for me, children, my time here is limited. I just have one more thing to take care of."

He stepped over to Ryan Jensen, who was still hanging from the wall. "Ryan, I am disappointed by how easily Anti Christ incapacitated you. Absolutely shameful. But, as they say, you're only human. Allow me to take care of that shortcoming." He tapped Ryan's forehead, and Ryan felt his flesh abilities come back.

"Your contact with the Red has been restored. You can thank me later...this is a debt I intend to collect from ALL of you," he said, looking at those gathered. "Goodbye, children...and try not to step in anything. By the way, Nemesis...Anti Christ wanted me to mention to you that Robert is the reason you've been acting so...affectionate...lately. Well, actually, Anti Christ said he helped...opened up your mind to being with...but Robert is the one who took advantage of it. Give ol' Robert my regards, if you please."

"Oh, I will..." Nemesis said, her eyes narrowing as the Hellgoat vanished.

"Err...Claudia...what he meant was...I was just trying to..."

"Robert, words cannot express how I feel right now, so I'll let my body do the talking." She stepped up to him, and wrapped her arms around him, giving him a long kiss on the lips.

And here I was, thinking you'd be mad, Robert telepathically told her. He then felt an intense pain between his legs, and the Black Queen's knee was thrust into his groin. He shouted in pain, and fell to the ground. "You ever fuck with my mind again, Robert, and you won't live to regret it."

--End Chapter Twenty-Eight--Coming Next: Picking Up the Pieces. Enter: Lunatica.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Part One: Picking Up the Pieces

At Dawn. The IHFC estate.

The weather had cleared, with a beautiful sunrise following. Siryn and Deadpool were sitting separately from the others. They were under a tree overlooking a pond on the far edge of the IHFC grounds. Siryn was upset, for having betrayed Deadpool's love, albeit unwillingly. He tried to tell her that he understood it wasn't her fault, but she was inconsolable. She rested her head on his shoulder, and told him how sorry she was for having hurt him this way. And no matter what happened, they both knew things would never be the same between them.


The Iceman tried to talk to Monet, to see if Anti Christ's words had been true. He expected her to yell at him, to curse his name. Instead, she completely ignored him. As if he never existed to her at all.

"Monet, please, talk to me. Please! Come on, I'm begging you! You have to talk to me sooner or later!"

The last statement was a lie. She wouldn't speak to him, now or ever.


SuperGrover was sitting next to Jon in her quarters, his being completely destroyed. "Jon...I'm sorry I thought you had killed Jubilee."

"It's all right, 'Grover. I think Anti Christ had been manipulating us, trying to play us against each other...for far longer than he let on."

"But that just proves how vulnerable we are. And how willing we are to believe anything we're told. Things need to change around here, Jon, and we both know it."

"What's important is that we're all alive, 'Grover." She realized her error the moment she finished that sentence.

"But Jubilee is never coming back, Jon...ever. I need to get used to that fact."

Their conversation was ended by a burst of blue light, as a figure emerged from it.

"That's not Blink*'s teleportation signature..." Jon remarked.

"Can someone tell me what this place is?" the woman who stepped out asked.

SuperGrover was astonished. He looked into this young woman's eyes, and saw the same compassionate eyes that Jubilee had. What's more, her face seemed to match his dead lover's. "J-Jubilee?" he asked.

"Who is that? I'm called Lunatica...or Luna, for short."

"You don't know who I am? I'm SuperGrover."

"SuperGrover? It....sounds familiar...but I just can' it. I'm must have me confused with someone else."

"Jubilee, I know it's you! Please, stay and talk to me!"

"I'm sorry, but I have to go..."

"Don't leave me! Please!"

Jon was frozen by what was transpiring, and SuperGrover was too upset to chase after her. This mysterious woman walked off into the sunrise, through the patio outside Jon's room. She slowly faded from view, and SuperGrover looked at Jon.

"Did...did you see that, Jon? It was her...I know it."


Darque Feonix tried to clear his mind. His meditations became more and more difficult, and the words "Second Sight" haunted his thoughts. His mind flooded with images of their battle with Anti Christ, only half an hour over now. Then his vision spun to a time not yet come. Where the Harbinger announced something about a new team...or something. The visions were unclear. But they used to be crystal clear. What had the Anti Christ done to him?


Outburst held DarkWolf in her arms, in her room in the IHFC mansion. He couldn't speak. The events of the last few hours were beginning to sink into his mind, and he was terrified of what he saw. The wounds remained on his arms, from where he had cut himself over and over. They were starting to scab over now, and he was certain they would leave scars. Outburst herself was haunted with memories of her own death. The way Avalon had turned her into a human lightning rod, and killed her. Then, when the Hellgoat brought her and the others back, it was a terrible experience. Her soul passing through realms no human mind could possibly grasp, portions of her memory were blocked out, while others were
brutally, painfully clear.


Jenskott lay on her bed, looking up at the bare ceiling. She thought about what had happened. Her former lover torturing her, controlling her...then the way she tried to help him. A tear streaked down her face, as she recalled the way he sacrificed himself in the end. Even though he had brought so much pain and suffering and death, he was willing to give up his soul to, in some small way, repair the damage he'd caused. That was the secret man she loved...the one the others never saw. The one only she knew. She smiled, realizing that no matter what he had been through, he could still do the right thing. Even though others had condemned him, she knew he wasn't the hideously evil man he was
painted to be. But there was still one thing that disturbed her. The way he had punished his fallen Legacy. His methods seemed cold and calculating...and so vicious. She hoped that if he ever came back again, it would be as the man she loved, and not the monster he had become.

--End Chapter Twenty-Nine--Coming Next: The Focus, and the formation of the Clan Chosen!


Part One: The Focus

The Next Morning. The coast of Newfoundland. (53ø N, 56ø W)

"This is it, Robert. The Shadow Rock."

"You're kidding, right Gomurr?"

"Why would I joke about something as important as this?"

"For one thing, I've been here before. I landed on this rock ten years ago...when I first arrived here. What's so special about it, anyway?"

"This..." Gomurr stared at the rock and cast a True Sight spell upon it, and the rock shimmered. A large, upright ring was revealed. It rested on a rectangular base. The entire contraption was covered with geometric symbols, and a bizarre script.

"What in the..."

"I am not certain what this is, Robert, but I believe it is something you can help me activate."

"'s...the Focus."

"The Focus?"

"A mythical device that can transport an object, person, or even an entire solar system to any point in space-time. I wasn't sure if it existed."

"It's now quite obvious that it exists."

"But there's something else..." The Harbinger approached the device, and ran his cybernetic hand along its surface. Suddenly, a worried expression permeated his face. He spun around to face Gomurr. "We have to get back to the BHC mansion, Gomurr. IMMEDIATELY."

Part Two: Enter--The Chosen

Five Minutes Later. The BHC mansion.

The Inner Circle of the Black Hellfire Court sat gathered around the wooden table, as the Harbinger stood before them. He waited for Nedereth, Thresh, Bluespark, Dragonmaster, and Luthos to arrive and stand behind him, then he spoke. "About five minutes ago, I lost contact with my timeship, the Inferno. I don't know what's causing it, but you can be certain it isn't good. I have also chosen this opportunity to introduce my 'team'. Some of you have met Thresh, Bluespark, Dragonmaster, Nedereth, and Luthos. They are the Clan Chosen. It is something I came up with awhile back, as a safeguard against the fall of the BHC. This team will be a cooperative organization, which will allow members
of both the BHC and IHFC to be admitted. Even individuals who are not in either organization will be allowed. I think it will strengthen ties between all three of our organizations, and keep us all informed and up to date. With me being out of contact with my ship, I believe something bad is coming. It is no mean feat to cut off my access to Inferno, so whoever is doing it has a definite advantage. I would strongly advise all of you to be on the lookout for trouble. That is all. I do hope you'll inform the Upstarts and Marauders of these developments."

"Of course," Silver answered simply.

"Very well then. Good day," the Harbinger said as he walked out of the room, with his friends following him.

The Harbinger looked straight ahead as he walked through the mansion. The future was uncertain, and for the first time in years, he was not in control.

--End of The Legacy--
Part Three: The Patient

That Same Day. A government facility in Montana.

Dr. Nathan Sampson put his hand up to his mouth as he coughed, and wiped it on his lab coat. "Damn this cold."

"Are you all right?" his colleague, Colleen Riley, asked.

"Yeah...I was just on my way to check up on 3285."

"The schizophrenic the boys in black brought in last month? Why?"

"I'm going to try to get him to open up to me...his potential is far too great to waste."

"Be careful. Remember what he did to Johnson last week."

"I know." He remember what happened to Trevor Johnson. Patient 3285 somehow "absorbed" him, and assumed his abilities and appearance. Even Johnson's memories were intact within the mind of this mysterious individual. Sampson slid his keycard through the slot before him, and the door electronically unlocked. He saw Patient 3285 lying down on his bed, eyes unblinking, focused on the ceiling.

"How are you this afternoon?" Sampson cordially asked.

His patient startled mumbling incoherently, and sat up. "You have a bad termite problem, you asshole," he said frankly.

"I'll call pest control first thing in the morning. Now, are you ready to tell me who you are?"

"I'm Rachel Clarice Ferguson."

"You don't look female to me. Was she your mother?"

"I'm the Alpha."

"Who was that?"

"Or maybe I'm Jon Tolliver."

"We don't have time for these games. I can't help you unless you start being honest with me."

"Honestly? I want to strip you down and make love to you the way you wish your wife would."

Sampson was taken aback by this statement. This patient of his was dangerous and sadistic. And was classified as schizophrenic. But he had to reach him, no matter what it took.

"That's you often find yourself attracted to other men?"

"That depends on whether the man is my 'type'."

"Define your 'type'."

"Doesn't talk much...I like eggs, you know. Sunny-side up. My damn servants never could get it right."

"I see. Did you often find yourself reprimanding them for incorrectly preparing your breakfast?"

"Where's my television set? Teletubbies are on, and you know how Jamie gets cranky when he doesn't get his dose of Barney."

"Do you like watching children's television?"

"No...Paramount likes that. I'm Rachel. Jamie is Paramount's friend. Before Paramount died."

"Are you...Paramount?"

"I am whoever you want me to be."

"A cryptic answer...why not tell me about your parents?"

"You're ugly for a doctor. Can't you afford some plastic surgery?"

"Obviously, you are not going to cooperate today. Your dinner will be withheld tonight. You'll get something to eat when you are ready to talk seriously."

"I know where you were on October 24, 1984!" Patient 3285 shouted as Dr. Sampson locked the door on his way out.

"Any luck?" Dr. Riley asked.

"None whatsoever. We have tried every drug available, every form of therapy. Nothing seems to help him."

"So what should we do?"

"Look up some of these names he mentioned...Alpha, Paramount, Rachel Clarice Ferguson, Jon Tolliver. See if you can get me anything that would provide a clue to his past."

"No problem, Doctor."

In the small, cramped room, he lay down on his bed, and stared at the ceiling some more. He watched imaginary insects crawl across it, and saw them jump down on his face. He screamed, and pounded on the walls, begging for help. But the soundproofed room would let his screams go unheard. Such was the breaking of this man's sanity.

--End of Epilogue--Coming Next: JUDGMENT DAY. The Next Hell's Fire story from Harbinger!