Shades of Grey *HF*

By Hawkeye


London, England, 1498 A.D.

Archimeide the raven sat on his perch in the rundown shack they were calling home, awaiting his master’s return.  “So, you’ve decided to come back, eh Merlin?”  The bird cawed out as the door opened.  “Silence, bird!  Much has happened this day, and I need to consult the grail to see what impact I’ve had today.  And besides, how many times must I tell you?  It’s Gomurr in this time, Merlin died 900 years ago.”  The short man said, as he went for his magic cup. The wizard filled the chalice with water. Taking a penknife, he made a small slice across his palm. Holding the injury over the Grail, the blood dripped in to the water. The old wizard watched the shapes that the swirling blood made.  In them, he saw the secret ones go into hiding only to emerge centuries later, although far less powerful than they were yesterday.  “It’s a shame no one will know what happened today, Archimeide,” The old wizard said as he put attention back to his bird, and ancient, grizzled old buzzard, now nearly 1500 years old.  “I think I might have saved the world from a terrible evil.”  “It was foretold, you’d kill them” The bird cawed in agreement “Did you get them all?” 

The old wizard sat now, recalling the day’s events and comparing them to what he saw in the grail seconds ago.  “No, they’re not gone, not all of them, but they’ll be remembering today for centuries.  Today the Hellfire club nearly perished at the peak of its power.”  “More!”  The bird interrupted.  Tell me everything!”  The old man thought a while; it had been a busy 500 years.  “Well, we were right, there were six branches to the Hellfire Club, the Secret Ones, and today they got together, just as the grail foretold.  The Black in London, The White in Paris, Red in Madrid, Grey in Rome, Blue in Antwerp, and the Green in Lisbon.  Some four hundred I counted before the bombs went off, and not more than thirty survived the blasts.  The Greens and Blue were closest to the bombs, none of them made it out, and the others were hit very hard”  “So, the power is shifted forever?”  “No, bird, they’ll be back, and towards the end of this life, that could be a problem.  I’ll have to stay alive if I have any hope of finding the Ascended One before they do.  I think I may even resort to subterfuge, what do you think, Archimeide, do I look good in black? Nevermind, I forgot you’re blind now.”  The bird frowned. “There is one thing that concerns me though.  When I went through again and searched the bodies, they were all in their colors, red clothed bodies, black ones, white ones, green and blue, are piled on top each other, burning to a crisp” the old man said as he sighed. “What of the Grey’s?”  The raven asked, “where are their bodies?”  “I don’t know, Archimeide, I don’t know” The old man said as he opened a portal, and reached for his raven.  “Maybe it’s nothing, but maybe it’s everything, only time will tell!”  With that, the wizard Gomurr jumped in the portal and out of England.

Rome, Italy, June 2000

“Man, I’m bored.  When are we going to do something?” said the young man, no older than 20.  “Shut up, Cannonball.  There’s been a lot to digest since what happened at the turn of the century.  I mean hell, it’s pretty dark days for the Hellfire clubs since the Illuminati declared war” the older man shot back. The younger man scowled. “But it’s been six months!  We need to nail those assholes!  They killed our parents, not to mention my old friends in the BHC.  And what have we done since then?  We watched you sit on your ass.  If you would have been here when they struck, instead of spying on the American clubs, maybe our parents would still be here.  Face it man, you just don’t know what the hell you’re doing.” 

“Listen shithead.  As far as the world knows, my dad had his head cut off 55 years ago.  And as far as the Hellfire clubs know, we all were dead 500 years ago.  Do I want to pay the Illuminati back?  Hell yes I do!  But the two of us aren’t going to do anything but die if we take them on now.  We need manpower, and we need a plan.  And that’s what I’ve been working on since then.  Christ, it’s a damn good thing that I’m the King and you’re the Rook.  At least I’m still alive.”

“And you shouldn’t be King at all!  I’ve been the one busting my ass for the Grey Court while you were off doing God only knows what.  And just because Mr. Mussolini was a great King, doesn’t mean junior is.”  Cannonball said, visibly shaking with anger.  “Yeah?  If dad was so great, how come he lost his big war?  What I’ve been doing the past 10 years is my business, and it’s probably the one chance we have at bringing the Grey Court back to power.  Now get out of here, I need to think.  You’ll see your action soon enough, trust me.  I just hope you’re ready, because it’s going to be messy” said the older man.  “And make sure Jarvis leaves me alone.  I have some videotape to look at.  I think things are moving along nicely” Cannonball stammered and started to walk out of the room “ Yes, Lord Hawkeye” he said, almost mockingly, as he left.

Hawkeye sighed and turned his attention to his monitors.  “I thought he’d never leave” came a voice from behind him” Hawkeye turned around quickly, fitting an arrow as he whirled “who the fuck’s there?”  The voice continued “I’m surprised you’d forget the Hellgoat so quickly!  You owe me a favor, boy.  And it’s time to pay up.”

I’m sorry, Mr. Goat, have we met?” Hawkeye said, showing a hint of a grin for the first time that day.  “You have absolutely no respect for authority, do you Hawkeye?” Hellgoat glared back.  “That’s not true.”  Hawkeye smirked back.  “I have great respect for authority.  As long as it’s mine.   Now get to the point.  I have a lot to do today.”  Hellgoat reached back as if to strike, and then rethought the action.  “You always were a pompous little prick.  What I want you to do shouldn’t be much of a problem.  In fact, it may prove… mutually beneficial.  It concerns the Flesh Elemental”
Hawkeye thought about it for a second.  “Jensen?  I thought you had him wrapped around your little err… hoof.”  Hellgoat growled.  “Considering that the two of you are on the same path, I’d think you’d have a little more reverence for the situation.  Part of keeping Jensen in his place is showing him some humility from time to time.  I wouldn’t want his recent… successes to go to his head.”  “Yeah?” Hawkeye said. “What’s in it for me?”  Now it was Hellgoats turn to grin.  “Not only would you be repaying your debt to me, and getting ahead in the winding way, but this also has to do with an old friend of yours.  A chap by the name of Madrox.”  “Jamie?” Hawkeye said,  “Jamie died six months ago.  I think you took in a little too much smoke on your last trip to hell.”  Hellgoat kept grinning.  “That’s what Jensen would have you think.  In reality, He collected all the dupes that survived the battle.  You know how he likes his bodies.”  Hawkeye tightened his grip.  “So, what do you want me to do about it?”  “Why, it’s simple Hawkeye. I want you to kill them.”

Upon saying that, a flash appeared, and the Hellgoat was gone.  Hawkeye sat down, remembering his past friendship with Madrox, and his death at the hands of himself.  “Elvis has left the building!” came another voice from where Hellgoat had just stood.  “Fuck, Mischance, what is it, grand fucking central today?  “Hey, I thought he’d never leave.”  Mischance said.  “So, what do YOU want?  Care to wreck my day any farther?” Hawkeye said, slumping in his chair.  Mischance looked up.  “You’re looking old today.  Maybe I can cheer you up.  What was it, 30 years ago that Hellgoat saved your life and told you that you were a Flesh Elemental?”  Hawkeye looked up.  “35, but who’s counting?  What’s this all about?” “Did it ever occur to you that the Hellgoat lied?”  Mischance said.  “Well, yes.  There is his name, and the fact that my power doesn’t really use flesh.” Mischance smiled.  “Smart man.  I think it’s time for you to know something.  Hellgoat’s been playing you the whole time.  While you are an Elemental, it has little to do with flesh.  You’re a Chaos Elemental, Hawkeye.  Just like the Hellgoat.”  Hawkeye stood up in surprise “SHIT!  THAT FUCKING DEMON SPAWN!  He’s going on my list.”  “Good, the guy is just impossible at meetings.  Perhaps one day, you can knock some of that vinegar out of him.  But there’s more”  “Yeah?  I’m listening” Hawkeye said.  “Turn on your camera, Sector 23C.  You might see something you like.  I have to go now.  Killing Apocalypse and all that.  Take care!”

Las Vegas, USA
Clearly he had made a mistake somewhere.  Things were not going at all as planned.  His team was in ruins, and the ruins were nearly ready to leave.  And as was the case lately, he was talking to himself.  “Fuck, Jensen, where did you go wrong?  Everything was planned to the last detail!  I mean, they forgave me for dealing with the devil, I thought they’d realize what I did with Madrox was for the good of the team.  It’s not like they’re so pure and good.  I mean really, a vampire, the goddess of Hell itself, and that other one…  How dare they get so hypocritical of what I did?  Oh well, I’ll show them.  The Red Court will rise again, and I’ll make sure they’re all swept up in the flames!  Isn’t that right, Jamie?”  In the corner, Jamie Madrox drooled.

Hawkeye looked up from his monitor.  Then he pushed the call button nearby.  “Sir?”  The butler’s voice rang over PA system.  “Yes Jarvis.”  Hawkeye said.  “Find Cannonball and have the jet ready.  Tell him I just found the manpower he was asking about.”

“You’re going to do WHAT?”  Cannonball said, as he piloted the jet across the Atlantic.  “We both agree, that to do what we wish to accomplish, we need a bigger team than just the two of us.  Hell, maybe this way I won’t have to do every single thing myself, all while listening to you bitch about it” Hawkeye said sitting at his computer terminal, trying to piss his young teammate off and succeeding.  “But taking people from another Club?  Especially the one club that’s actually up to less good than you?  It’s just wrong, they don’t even know they Grey Club exists!”  “That’s where you’re wrong kid, as usual.  They used to be in the Red Hellfire Club, The Red Queen, Rook, and Pawn, if my information is correct.  And they may not know about us now, but come morning, They’ll be part of the team.”  “Oh fuck you, Hawkeye, how can you be so full of yourself?  You’ve never even met these people and now you plan on them joining your team?”  Hawkeye smiled.  “Just land the plane, and let me do the talking.  In fact, once we hit Vegas, I think we should split up and get them all.  I’ll head down to the usual bar, and you hit the hotel they’ll be staying at.”  “Why do you get to hit the bar?  You’re just going to get drunk again and screw it all up!”  “Well, Cannonball, you’re 20, and it’s a strip joint.  You might excite yourself.”

Hours later

“Jesus, Maul, how come you always drag us to this place?  You know it’s disgusting!”  Marvel Girl said, trying not to watch as Maul stuck twenty after twenty into the dancer’s G-string.  Byron sat in the dark corner, mostly staring at the wall.  “Well, Frau Grey,” Maul said with a grin, “with all these women around, I figure it’s the last place Ryan would go.  You know how he hates to drool in public.”  “Call me “Frau” again, and all you’ll be able to do is drool.  Now, what are we going to do?  We left our positions in the Red Court, and it’s not like the Whites will take us after all that Ryan did, they’re pretty pissed at the whole deal.” Marvel Girl said, turning her back to the strippers.  Maul couldn’t be bothered with talking.  “Well,” Byron spoke up.  “We could have thrown Ryan out like I said, and then picked a new King”  “We could have, but it would have been more trouble than it’s worth.  He never would have left without a fight, and thanks to his new little army, we probably wouldn’t have won.”  “Yeah, if there was just a way to get SuperGrover to help us overthrow him,” Maul said unexpectedly, “Then we could show him the door”
“Excuse me,” a new voice rang out.  “Is this seat taken?”  “Yeah it is, private party.  Now scram.”  Marvel Girl said, paying no attention to the person standing there.   “I’m sorry, I just had this feeling all day that I should be here, at this club, and that I’m supposed to sit with two girls and a guy right about in this spot.  Wait a minute, Aren’t you one of the Hellions?  I saw you on TV a few years ago.”  The new person said.  “ I used to be,” Marvel Girl shrugged, “but that was a long time ago.  Tell you what, why don’t you buy us a round, and I’ll tell you all about it.  Anything to get my mind of what Maul’s doing.  I didn’t catch your name.” The new person smiled.  “You can call me Scrib.  What are you drinking?”  Hawkeye sat by the bar, watching the event, things were going better than he thought.  It was a good thing he sent Cannonball on that goose chase at the hotel.  “Another rum and coke, barkeep.  And hold the coke, will ya?”

At the hotel, Cannonball was having his own problems.  Hotel security caught him wandering the floor, and he actually had to get a room or be kicked out, and he still hadn’t found who he was looking for.  Not that he really knew who that was.  Hawkeye showed him the pictures on the plane, but he was too headstrong to grab them, thinking he’d remember.  Now he was on the balcony, having a cigarette and trying to figure out what he’d do next.  He’d be damned if he went back empty handed.  He was so deep in thought that he didn’t realize he was staring at the person in the next balcony.   “What the fuck are you looking at, punk?”  “N-nothing, sir, sorry” Cannonball said sheepishly, more embarrassed than anything.  “So you think I’m nothing?  How’d you like it if I came over there and threw your stupid ass over the balcony?” Cannonball backed up.  “Hey, I’m just fucking with ya kid.  You got a cig?  I’m dying over here.”  Cannonball regained some confidence and handed over a Marlboro, his last one.  “Maybe you can help me kid, I’ve been looking for some people.  You seen any of these guys in this hotel?”  The man passed Cannonball some photos, he looked at them and his jaw dropped.  They were the same ones Hawkeye showed him a few hours ago.  “No, I haven’t seen them, sir, but I wish I did.”  Cannonball said, regretting it as soon as it came out.   “Why’s that?”  The man said.  “Uh… that girl’s hot?”  “Yeah, and she could kill you seventeen ways without a weapon, too.  You got a name kid?”  The man said.  “Yeah, I’m Can… John.  My name’s John.”  “Well, Can-John, you can call me Daemon.  Why don’t you come over here and tell me just exactly what you’re up to here.  And if I don’t like it, maybe I’ll throw you over the ledge anyway.

“So, are you four having a good time” Hawkeye said the to the table that was once the Red Court of the IHFC and Scrib.  “Yeah, we are, what the fuck it is to you?  And why are you wearing that silly fucking mask?  Ah, who gives a shit?  This is a private party.  Get the fuck out of here!” Scrib retorted, more than one sheet to the wind.  “Well, Ms…”  “My name’s Scrib.  And you’re name’s Fuckhead.  Hi Fuckhead, go away!” Scrib said, while looking at the bottom of her glass, as if it were a new life form.  “Scrib.”  Hawkeye repeated.  “I won’t be getting out of here, since I own this bar that you’ve decided to get yourself drunk in.  In fact, why don’t you and your friends come with me?”  Hawkeye then pointed to a door leading to the back of the room.  Maul suddenly paid attention.  “Is there more women back there?  These G-Strings are too constrictive for these poor souls.  I’d like to help them out, if you know what I mean.”  “I think you’ll find more than you expected, in fact, why don’t you give Ms. Scrib a hand.  She could probably use it.  Just head back through that door, and then the first door on the left.  I’ll be along shortly.”

Back at the Hotel, Cannonball was still petrified of Daemon.  But he was getting over it, and talking far too much for his King’s liking.  “So you mean to tell me that this Hawkeye guy is trying to be player, huh?  What’s he want with Jensen’s people?” Daemon said, sitting in a recliner, studying Cannonball.  “That’s the thing, sir” Cannonball said, lighting another cig.  “Call me Daemon, would ya?  My old man is sir.” “Daemon.” Cannonball said, not very comfortable with the name.  “They’re not Ryan’s anymore.  They all left.  Something about some Madrox dude.”  Daemon looked surprised. “Jamie Madrox?”  “Yeah, that’s the guy” Cannonballs said.  “But Jamie Madrox is dead.  I watched him die.” Daemon said, now lighting one of his own. “Well, that’s what Hawkeye says, so he’s after those people you have the pictures of to join the Grey Court.” Cannonball said, thinking it was a bad idea and showing it. “Grey Court?  There is no Grey Court.  I think you’ve been smoking the wrong cigarettes.” Daemon said, studying Cannonball even closer.  “Actually Daemon, there is.  I’m the Grey Rook.  The Grey Court has been sort of… Underground for long time.  Not many people know of us.” Cannonball said, nervous about letting Daemon know the big secret.  “A little shit like you is a Rook?  This Hawkeye must be desperate.  Still, I don’t think I trust him.  Tell you what.  I think I’m going to stick with you.  See if this Hawkeye and this Grey Court check out.  When are you supposed to rendezvous?” Daemon said, looking at the clock.  “In about half an hour, the back office of his strip club.” Cannonball said reluctantly. “Then what the hell are we waiting for?”  Daemon said, reaching for his duster.  “Let’s go.”

Back at the Bar, things were moving along.  As has been the case lately, Marvel Girl did most of the talking, Maul inserting something now and then, and Byron keeping mostly to herself, yet listening intently.  “So you expect us to believe that you’re the King of a Hellfire Court that seemingly died 500 years ago and now you want us to join?”  Marvel Girl said, suspiciously.  “Well, yes, I do.”  Hawkeye said.  “Let me explain.  I’m sure you read about The Day the Hellfire Club nearly died.  That was five hundred years ago.  Your former club was based in Madrid at the time.  Well, the Greys learned of what was going to happen, but it was too late to warn everyone.  They teleported themselves out the second the bombs went off and went into hiding fearing the assailant would strike again to finish them all off.  So we just stayed hidden, but after the Millennium, the Illuminati wiped us out the same as the Hellions.  I wasn’t at home at the time. When I got back, the only people left alive were the butler, and the son of the Grey Rook.  Neither one was alive by much, though. I nursed them back to health, and now I, like I suspect you, would like some payback.”  Hawkeye said.  “Yeah?  Who doesn’t want the Illuminati dead?  We could join up with any court, and get the same thing.  Do you have any other offers, or can we just leave now?”  Marvel Girl said.  “I don’t run the Grey Court like the other teams.”  Hawkeye said.  “Sure, you could stay with Ryan, who worked with the Illuminati, or go to the White court, but I doubt Grover’s bunch would be so… proactive, same with the Black Court.  And if they did find the Illuminati, do you really think they’d kill them?  Besides, there’s more to fight than them.  I’d also like to deal with things the other courts wouldn’t touch.    And I think you guys have the instinct to do what’s necessary.”  Hawkeye said.  “What are you getting at?”  Maul said.

Just then, the door opened, and in came Cannonball and Daemon.  “Sorry Hawkeye” Cannonball snickered “I brought some company.  Hope you don’t mind.”  “Shut up kid” Daemon said.  “From what you’ve been telling me, this joker’s your boss.  Show a little respect.”  Cannonball shrunk away from Daemon and sat in the corner.  Hawkeye looked at Daemon.  “You’re Daemon, I presume?  What brings you to my office” Daemon grinned.  “You presume too much, “Hawkeye”… Cannonball told me about your business.  Consider me a recruit.”  Now it was Hawkeye’s turn to grin.  “Well, if Cannonball’s afraid of you, I like you already. Welcome to the Grey Court, Daemon.  And what about you guys?  Are you in or out?”  Hawkeye said, turning his attention to Marvel Girl, Maul, Byron and Scrib.  “You still haven’t told us what you’re about.”  Marvel Girl persisted.  “It’s simple, sometimes, people have to do some bad things to accomplish good.  Things the other courts aren’t willing to deal with.  So, those people are us.”  “And what, oh leader man, would our first target be?”  Maul said, mockingly.  Hawkeye laughed.  “Why, it’s a man near and dear to you all.  Red King Flyin’ Ryan.”  “Consider me in then.”  Maul said.  “Me too” Marvel girl said.  Byron nodded approvingly.  Scrib passed out.
“Well,” Daemon said, by the looks of things, you got yourself six members, and from what Cannonball said, that’s one more than you were looking for.  What now?”  “Seven.”  Hawkeye said.   Scrib’s coming with.  My sensors picked her up when she walked in.  Once she’s sober, I think she’ll be a great help.  As for what we do now, we go back to Rome and train.  Besides, I have a few more applicants in Rome waiting for us.”  “Who are they?”  Marvel Girl said.  “A few more newly discovered mutants.”  Hawkeye said.  They go by the names of Faith and Loki.”

“Oh fuck, that was way too much to drink” Scrib said, waking up.  “I need some coffee.  Waitaminute, where the hell am I?”  “You are in Rome, Italy, madam, Master Hawkeye thought it best if you sleep off your… condition in the guest suite.”  The old man said.  “And who the hell are you?  Jeeves?  Make yourself useful and get me a pot of coffee.  And make sure it’s blacker than your little suit, okay?  Then get this “Master Hawkeye” in here and have him tell me why the hell I’m here.”  Scrib said.  “As you wish madam.  I shall fetch them both straightaway.  And in the future, my name is Jarvis.”  “Yep.” Scrib said as the butler left.  “I definitely had way too much to drink.”

Hawkeye sat at his desk, papers in front of him, and Loki and Faith sitting across from him.  He thought it would be fun to interview them both at once.  Team dynamics and all that.  “So, Faith.  It shows here that you once led a small team based out of Seattle.  Care to tell me about that?”  Hawkeye said.  “Umm, yes sir, I did.  I called it Genesis X.” Faith said sheepishly.  “And why aren’t you still there?”  Hawkeye said.  “Wow, you really get right to the point of everything, don’t ya?”  Loki spoke up, looking bored.  “Answer the question, Faith.”  Hawkeye continued, ignoring the young man.  “Well, we botched a mission, and basically decided it wouldn’t work and went our separate ways.”  Faith said with a sigh.  “Well, at least you’re honest.”  Hawkeye said.  “And it says here that you’re a telepath, telekinetic, and have enhanced strength.  Care to give me a display?”  Faith shrugged.  “Okay, I guess.  What do you want me to do?”  “Read my mind, Faith.”  Hawkeye said.  Faith concentrated on Hawkeye, looking directly in Hawkeye’s eyes.  Suddenly, she looked puzzled and slumped back into her chair in pain.  “What did you see?”  Hawkeye asked.   “It was strange… first there was nothing, so I probed deeper, but all I saw was an orange, and then some major feedback.”  “An orange?”  Loki laughed.  Maybe Hawkeye should eat!”  Hawkeye ignored Loki again.  “That’s good, Faith.  I have psi dampeners.  Most people don’t even make it to the orange, as you call it.  Why don’t you try it on Loki?”  “Okay…” Faith said, focusing her attention on the young man sitting next to her.  Suddenly Loki flew out of his chair and hit the wall on the far side of the room with a thud.  Faith looked pissed. “Consider that a NO, you filthy little pervert!”

Meanwhile, Daemon and Marvel Girl were getting used to the their new setting, with Cannonball as a tour guide.  “Where’s the training facility?”  Marvel Girl asked.  “Oh, the funhouse?”  Cannonball asked.  That’s in subbasement four.  Hey, Daemon, I’m going out for a smoke.  You wanna come?”  Daemon scowled.  “I don’t smoke, kid.  That shit will kill a person.”  “But…” Cannonball insisted. “But shut up.” Daemon said, a smile returning to his face.  “Or I’ll kill ya faster than any cigarette would.”  Cannonball did just that.

Back at the guest suite, Scrib was getting impatient.  No one makes Scrib wait for coffee and lives to tell the tale, she decided.  Just as she made up her mind go find it herself, someone knocked on the door.  “Well, about damn time!”  Scrib said.  “Ya pick the beans yerself?”  “Sorry girl, I don’t do coffee.  How’s Club Hawkeye treating ya?”  Scrib smiled for the first time all morning.  “Maul!  What are you doing here?  What am I doing here for that matter?”  Scrib asked eagerly.  “Well, last night, at the bar, you passed out.  I don’t think you even saw me, but I was a little busy anyway.  Anyway, MG and Byron and me, we joined a new Hellfire Club, and you passed out, so the boss decided to bring you with.” Maul said.  “The boss?  Is that this Hawkeye guy I keep hearing about?”  Scrib asked.  “Yeah, that’s the one.  He thought you might want to become a member.” Maul replied.  Scrib looked at Maul thoughtfully.  “What do you think?” she asked.  “Well, you always did want to join a team, didn’t you?”  Maul said.  Just then, another knock came at the door.  “Your coffee, madam?”  Jarvis asked, walking inside the room.  “I made it extra strength, as you requested.”  Maul thought it looked solid.  Scrib drank a glass anyway, and then another before speaking.  “Damn.” She said.  “This is some good coffee!  I’ll have to stick around now, just to get more.”

Over at Hawkeye’s office, Loki was just coming to.  “Whoa, you get the number of that fuckin’ truck that hit me?”  Loki asked pretty groggily.  “It’s called Faith, Loki, and it would be best if you not think… whatever you were thinking about her again, if you’d want to be on the same team as her.”  Hawkeye said, still at his desk.  “Would you like to tell me how you didn’t go through my wall there?”  Loki looked up.  “That’s my power, Skippy!  I can change my shape at will, so when I saw I was airborne, I turned into a sponge, just didn’t turn soon enough is all.  So tell me, do I get the job over her?”  Hawkeye frowned at him.  “Maybe you should turn your ears back to human form.”  He said.  “I’m offering the job to both of you, and Faith already accepted, given the promise she can train against you.  But you can handle her, can’t you?”  Loki stood up.  “Hell yes I can!”  “Good!”  Hawkeye smiled.  “Welcome to the Grey Court!”  “What’s next?” Loki asked.  “Get a look around, and page Jarvis, he’ll show you to your room.  We’ll all meet at 8 tonight, and I’ll officially make everyone members.”  “Why so late?”  Loki asked.  “That’s about the time Byron said she’d be back from Hell.”  Hawkeye replied.  “Hell?”  Loki responded, his jaw nearly dropping.  “And here I thought I was fucked up.”  Hawkeye smiled.  “Loki, you haven’t seen a thing yet.”

Later that evening, in the grand meeting room of the Grey Hellfire Club.

It was clear the room hadn’t been touched in a long time, as Jarvis wasn’t seen for most of the day, cleaning it up for the night’s proceedings.  There was a large horseshoe shaped table at the end of the room, with twelve seats.  There were also about 50 seats at the other side, with no table.  Hawkeye and Cannonball were both at the table; Hawkeye seated at the middle, and Cannonball two seats to Hawkeye’s left.  The rest of the team was sitting at the other side of the room.  Loki was sitting as far from Faith as possible.

Hawkeye cleared his throat to get everyone’s attention.  Then he cleared it again.  “Okay guys, here’s the deal” he said.  “You’re here because you’ve agreed to be members of the Grey Hellfire Club.  Tonight, you will be getting your positions.  Remember to keep yourselves civil,” he said, looking sideways at Cannonball.  “As there have been some very prestigious people in the Grey Hellfire Club in the past, explorers like Columbus, great thinkers like Da Vinci , and more than one Pope.”  Maul leaned over to Daemon “He always this windy?”  Daemon shrugged.  “I don’t know, I been here as long as you, and this is about the third time I’ve seen him.”  Hawkeye continued.  “As I call your name, please come forward to receive your title, and then take your seat.  First up is Scrib.”  Scrib came forward.   Byron looked up.  “If he makes her the queen, I’ll kill him” she muttered to herself.  Scrib, you shall be the Grey Scribe.  Scrib nodded and took her seat, four to Hawkeye’s left.  “Next up is Maul” Maul came forward.  “Your liege?”  He said, mockingly.  “Maul, you are the Grey Knight.  Now sit down and quiet yourself.”  Maul snorted and sat two seats to Hawkeye’s right.   “Faith, please come forward” Hawkeye said.  Faith stood up and headed towards the table.  “You are now the Grey Seraph.  Your place is two seats to Cannonball’s left.  Loki?”  Hawkeye said, looking to the back of the room, where Loki was now standing by the door.  “Yeah boss?”  Loki said.  “You are now the Grey Pawn.  Please take your seat, between Maul and Scrib.”  Hawkeye said.  “PAWN?  You gotta be kidding me.  I rate better than that!”  Hawkeye smiled.  “You know, that’s what Mussolini’s top General said a little over sixty years ago.  He’s been dead for a little over sixty years now.”  “Gee Hawkeye,” Cannonball piped up.  “You’ve been reading your Club history lately, haven’t you?”  “No.”  Hawkeye stated.  “ I killed him.  Now sit down, Loki.”  Cannonball gave a shit-eating look and shut his mouth after some effort. 

Hawkeye continued.  “Daemon, Come forward.  You are now the Grey Bishop.”  Daemon came forward and took his place between Cannonball and Hawkeye.  This left Marvel Girl and Byron not at the table.  Hawkeye called them both at once.  “This is the one that gave me the most trouble.  While Byron was recently the Red Queen, it’s my feeling that Marvel Girl is more qualified, and therefore the position will go to her.”  Byron glared at them both.  “However, Byron, should anything happen to Marvel Girl, the position of Queen will be yours.  For now, I’ve created a new position for you, that of Grey Goddess.  Your place will be between Cannonball and Faith.”  Byron stomped off in that direction, clearly dejected.

Daemon was the first to speak up.  “Great, Hawkeye.  Now that we’re sitting at our little table, what the hell are we going to do?”  Hawkeye nodded.  “First, we need to train.  I’ve been watching you, and there needs to be training both individually and as a team.  While some of us, like myself and Maul, are quite comfortable with our particular gifts, others of us are not.”  Cannonball found it interesting that instead of looking at him, like usual, Hawkeye directed that last comment to Daemon himself.

The next day, in the Grey Training Facilities, Hawkeye and Daemon were in the command post, watching two sets of members training.  In the main room, Scrib and Maul were doing an exercise, and just off of that Faith, Marvel Girl and Byron were doing another.  Hawkeye and Daemon were paying close attention to the first, where Scrib was to “pin” Maul, and Mauls job was to not let that happen.  The three telepaths in the next room were practicing on the astral plane.

“You think this is so smart?”  Daemon asked Hawkeye.  “ I mean, you’re putting an untrained person in front of Maul… that’s a good way to have one less member.”  Hawkeye grinned, like he usually did.  It was almost as if he enjoyed having his logic questioned.  “The girl’s gotta learn to use her powers sometime.  What better person to train against than a vampire with a healing factor?  Besides, Maul will control himself.”  “And what if he doesn’t?” Daemon asked.  “Then I’ll take of it.” Hawkeye stated.  “Believe me, I would have put you out there, but I don’t think you’re up to it right now, Gabe.”  Daemon frowned.  Clearly Hawkeye knew more about his team members than any of them knew about Hawkeye.  Daemon didn’t like that one bit.  “The hell’s that supposed to mean?”  he asked.  “I think you know.”  Hawkeye said.  “It’s best that you rest up if you’re going to lead this team in the field.”  Daemon looked up.  “Me?  I thought the King is supposed to lead the team.”  “Yeah, and I do.”  Hawkeye said.  “But I can’t be everywhere, and Marvel Girl isn’t ready for that kind of a role yet.  That leaves you as the ranking member.”  Hawkeye now turned his attention to the two members in the training room.  “Maul, Scrib.  You may begin when ready.” He said over the PA system. 

Maul was leaning against the wall, almost not even paying attention to Scrib.  After all, what damage could she do to him?  He could handle twenty Scribs before he even broke a sweat, he thought.  Scrib didn’t have that confidence.  In fact, she was already sweating.  The bell went off, and Scrib started to make her move.  Maul took a few steps forward.  Scrib ran forward, and then cut to her left, spun, and tried to tackle Maul from behind.  Maul wasn’t fooled, and Scrib was launched away by one of Maul’s arms.  Scrib got up, dusted herself off, and then ran to tackle him head on.  She got the same effect.   So she decided to use her power.  This time, when Scrib ran towards Maul, she stopped a few yards short.  Suddenly, Maul’s arms flew backwards, his claws extended and sunk into the wall behind him.  Then Maul did start to sweat as his body temperature started to rise.  “There, now are you going to give up, or should I depressurise you more?”  Scrib said, obviously losing herself in the battle.  Maul snarled, and with some effort, retracted his claws and lunged towards Scrib.  Scrib dodged out of the way, tripping Maul up in the process.  She then jumped on his back, and put him in a headlock.  Maul, clearly embarrassed, threw her off of him, and Scrib hit the wall with a thud.  He then started walking towards her. 

It was now Scrib’s turn to be embarrassed.  She knew she couldn’t beat Maul in hand-to-hand combat, and now was in danger of getting schooled in front of the new management.  She waited for Maul to get within range of her powers, and then began to separate his claws from his body by filling the air pressure in between them.  This did not make Maul happy, and he lunged at her, two claws extended, and sunk them into the wall, one on each side of Scrib’s head.  Hawkeye spoke up over the PA  “Thank you Maul, this exercise is over.  Please send Scrib up for debriefing.”  Scrib had other ideas.  While Hawkeye was talking, she was building the pressure in Maul’s ears.  They both popped with an audible thud, and sent Maul into a frenzy, blood trickling from the sides of his head.    “Damn it, woman, I was going easy on you!” he snarled.  “Now I’m going to have to hurt you.”  Hawkeye persisted.  “Maul, this exercise is OVER” Maul ignored him, and threw Scrib up against the wall, and then lunged at her again, this time, with the claws aiming for her chest.  About three inches from impact, Maul fell, an arrow sticking through his own chest. 

Daemon was pissed now.  “Hawkeye, what the hell are you doing?”  He asked.  “Someone had to stop him from killing her, I didn’t see you stopping it.”  Hawkeye said.  Daemon got right up in Hawkeye’s face.  “Yeah?  Did you happen to forget that Maul’s a vampire, and you just shot a wooden arrow through his heart?  Face it, you just fucked up, and you killed Maul.  I’m going to have your head on a stick for this.”

The Astral Plane

They’d been training now for some time, and one thing was getting to be pretty clear to Faith… Byron didn’t like Marvel Girl very much.  While Faith was studying the other two, like she was supposed to, Byron was giving Marvel Girl everything she had, and that was a lot.  For the last 30 minutes, MG never even had a chance to mount an offensive, since she was too busy defending against Byron’s attacks. 

“C’mon, Queenie!”  Byron said, pushing the offensive once again.  “If you’re so damn great, how come you can’t even fire off a blow at me?”  Marvel Girl grunted and then erected yet another psi shield, the 42nd in this training exercise.  Faith decided to distract them.  “Hey, you guys… I know you’re busy trying to kill each other, but I have a question.”  The other two ignored Faith.  “You guys?”  Faith persisted.  They still ignored her.  So she decided to lend a hand, first adding her power to Marvel Girl’s shield, and then extending it outward toward Byron.  Byron fell back, surprised that someone actually mounted an offensive.  “Do I have your attention now?”  Faith asked.  “Yeah, what to you want?”  Byron asked.  “I’m busy making Miss Queen here pay for taking my rightful place.”  “I was wondering, since you’re both more experienced than me, Have either of you tried to read Hawkeye’s mind? All I got was an orange, then feedback.”  Marvel Girl looked up.  “His psi-dampeners are good aren’t they?  He made them himself, you know.  Anyway, all I saw was Jimmy Page, then the feedback, and the Goddess here saw an Angel.  She told me about it before she went all psycho.”  “What’s it all mean?”  Faith asked.  “It means…” Byron answered, “that he doesn’t want any telepaths reading his mind.  Now, can we please get back to kicking Queenie’s ass?  I was having fun.”  “Wait!”  Marvel Girl said.  “Do you feel it?  Something’s happening.”  “I don’t feel anything.” Faith said.  “Me either, unless you count a strong desire to hurt you.  Now quit stalling.” Byron answered.  “No, wait… it’s… OH SHIT!  Maul!”  Marvel Girl shouted.  Faith and Byron felt it too.  Marvel Girl ran from the room, while Faith was too shocked to move.  Byron felt she could take her time for some reason.  “Who… who did that to Maul?  I can’t feel the killer like I should.”  Faith said.  “Me either kid.”  Byron said.  “And given who’s in the mansion right now, that would mean one thing.”  Faith nodded.  “Hawkeye.”

Meanwhile, in the library, where Cannonball and Loki were studying.  “Man!”  Cannonball said.  “He always does this to me.  Let everyone else train, and leave me, the guy that should be King in the library with Loki.”  “Would you shut up?”  Loki said.  “It’s your turn to deal.”  Cannonball looked at Loki quizzically.  “I don’t even have cards, you idiot.  Shouldn’t you be reading?”  Loki smiled. “Got any sixes?”  The PA system interrupted cannonball’s reply.  “All available personnel to the med-room.  Repeat: all available personnel to the med-room.  Cannonball darted from the room, muttering something about what Hawkeye did this time and how he’d pay.  Loki stayed where he was.  “Excitable little lad, ain’t he?  Go fish.”

The med-room, moments later.  

Marvel Girl made it just seconds after the others did.  “What the hell happened here?” She asked, winded.  Daemon answered.  “Hawkeye killed Maul.”  Marvel Girl snarled “You son of a BITCH!”  She then threw Hawkeye against the wall with her TK.  Hawkeye shrugged it off.  “Listen.  The man was going to kill Scrib.  I stopped him.  That simple.  Now, you can either yell at me and throw me around, or you shut up and help me save his life.  Marvel Girl; I need you up here.  Daemon, where’s Scrib?  I need her too.”  “I’m here.”  Scrib said. “I really messed up, didn’t I?”  “Not yet you haven’t.”  Hawkeye said.  “Now, I’m going to pull this arrow out.  Scrib, I need you to pressurize the wound, Marvel Girl, take out his pain receptors, but not all of them.   A little pain will make him fight harder.  Daemon, tie him down with something.  He’s not going to be happy when he wakes up.”  “I don’t get it.”  Marvel Girl said.  “You just staked him, a vampire.  I felt him die. How can you bring him back?”  “I’m only going to say this once, MG,” Hawkeye said.  Maul’s not a full vampire, and he has a pretty strong healing factor.  He should be able to stitch himself together, but he needs help.  Now, shall we?”

Same place, 30 minutes later.

Maul was just coming back to.  The first thing he saw didn’t make him very happy.  “You asshole!  What the hell are you trying to do, kill me?”  He yelled at Hawkeye.  “Welcome back, Maul.”  Hawkeye said.  “Tell me, have you ever asked yourself if you could take a stake through the heart and live?”  “No.”  Maul said.  "I’m not that crazy.”  “Well, Maul, you can.  That might come in handy sometime.”  Maul frowned.  “You really are an asshole, aren’t you?  Where’s Scrib?” “She’s outside. She helped save your life, you know.” Hawkeye said.  “I know.”  Maul said.  “But I want to see her.”  “You can, but get some rest.”  Hawkeye said.  “We’re leaving for Vegas in the morning, and paying a visit on someone you know.  I want you to remember how you feel about me right now, and take it out on him.”  Maul laughed.  “Yeah, get out of here, asshole.”

The next morning, in the Grey Hellfire Club war room.

All the members were in attendance, most just waking up.  And if Hawkeye was drinking a cup of coffee, Scrib had a keg of it.  Daemon had the wonderful experience of giving the briefing.  Not such a bad thing, but he didn’t like that Hawkeye kept butting in.  “Okay, team, here’s the deal” Daemon said, feeling more than a little like a Boy Scout. “Ryan Jensen, the Red King, has taken a dupe of Jamie Madrox, brainwashed him, and let him multiply.  Way I figure it, after what went down with the Illuminati, and with you guys leaving the Red Court, Jensen thought he needed strength in numbers.”  “And what better tool for the flesh elemental, than a mutant who creates flesh?”  Hawkeye interrupted.  “I was getting to that.”  Daemon continued.  “What we’re going to do is basically a mercy-killing.  Hawkeye tells us that Madrox’s brainwashing is irreversible.  And since we all know what Ryan is capable of, it’s best that we not let him have such a potentially powerful mutant, or mutants, under his control.” Daemon finished.  “So, what’s the plan then?” Maul asked.  “The plan is” Hawkeye said, “that you go to Vegas, take out the dupes, take out Ryan if convenient, and leave.  That simple.”

Marvel Girl looked up.  “Don’t you mean we?”  “No, I don’t.”  Hawkeye answered.  “Faith, Scrib and I will not be joining you on this mission.  Daemon will have command.”  Now Marvel Girl was getting mad.  “What?  I’m the Queen.  I should command.”  “You shouldn’t even be Queen” Byron muttered.  “Shut up.” Marvel Girl snapped back.  “The reason you’re not in command, or Maul or Byron for that matter, is because of your former connection to the Red Court.”  Hawkeye answered.  “Daemon will have an outside view.  Remember that the primary objective is to put what’s left of that poor bastard Madrox out of his misery.   Killing Jensen is a bonus.  Now, you guys leave in an hour.  Faith, Scrib and I will leave, so Daemon can go on without glaring at me.  We’ll be at the LA Academy should you need backup.”  
Daemon continued after they left the room.  “Since it’s just the six of us, I suggest two squads of three.  Byron and Loki, you’ll be using your shape shifting powers to get inside, by impersonating Madrox.  Cannonball, you’ll be going with them.  Byron will mask your presence.  Maul, MG and I will make a frontal assault after you’re in.    You three stay towards the back, and take out as many as you can before they figure out what’s happening.  We’ll get the rest.”  That’s great.”  Loki said.  “All of you killers have no problem, but what the hell am I supposed to do?  Bite them?”  “Loki,” Daemon answered, grinning. “Let’s take a little trip to the armory, shall we?  Maybe I can find you a boom stick or two.”  Loki grinned too.

“So, what are we going to do in LA, oh boss man?”  Scrib asked.  “Call me Hawkeye.  And who said anything about we?”  Hawkeye answered, with a gleam in is eye.  “Umm, you did, about five minutes ago.” Scrib answered.  “Well, Scrib, I lied.”  Hawkeye answered.  “I have some… other business to take care of elsewhere.”  “Okay then, what are Faith and I doing in LA?”  Scrib asked.  “You’ll be recruiting the rest of the Grey Court.  I’ll meet up with you there in a day or two.  Until then, my resources are yours.”  Hawkeye said, as he left for the garage. 

“Well, just me and you, then, eh?”  Faith asked, as they get in the jet.  “Yeah, I guess,” Scrib answered.  “Maybe I’ll get a chance to find some files and figure out Hawkeye’s little mystery.”  “Oh?”  Scrib asked.  “What mystery is that?”  “Well whenever any of us try to read his mind, all we get is a single image.  I got an orange, Marvel Girl saw Jimmy Page, and Byron saw an angel.  I wonder what it all means.”  “Is that all?” Scrib asked.  “It’s Tangerine, I think she’s in the White Court.  Hawkeye has some sort of crush on her.”  Faith looked at Scrib with surprise.  “How’d you know that?”  “Lucky guess?” Scrib replied.  “Come on now, Scrib, don’t make me read your mind.”  Faith replied.  “Okay!  He talks in his sleep.  Now, can we get going?”  Scrib answered, blushing.  Faith had a puzzled look on her face until it set in.  “Oh.”  She said.  The trip to LA was silent.

“Here we are, it’s show time!”  Daemon said, as the jet landed in Vegas.  “Byron, take Loki and Cannonball and stick to the schedule.  We’ll be thirty minutes behind you, so get all the information you can in that time.  And be ready, because we’re going to hit them hard.”  “I object to this!”  Cannonball said defiantly.  “I’m the ranking member between the three of us, I should lead them.”  “Oh?” Daemon said.  “And tell me, Mr. Punkass, how many times have you been in Ryan’s mansion?”  “Well, none.” Cannonball replied.  “And Byron was the Red Queen.  She knows every inch of the grounds, to your zip.  Now shut up and don’t give her any trouble.  Or you can deal with me later.”  Daemon said.  Cannonball did just that.  None of them noticed the car that pulled up behind them.

Twenty minutes later, though, it was a totally different story.  Once Daemon was out of sight, Cannonball hadn’t shut up.  “You’re going the wrong way, fearless leader.”  He said to Byron, clearly baiting her.  “Would you shut up already?  This is serious.  You keep this shit up, and we’re dead.”  Byron said, flatly.  “That’s nice, but you’re going the wrong way.”  Cannonball persisted.  “Oh for the sake of cheese and rice, SHUT UP!”  Loki said as he punched him in the head.  Clearly he had heard enough for one day.  “YOU BASTARD, THAT HURT!”  Cannonball screamed, rubbing his nose.   “That’s it.  You two are on your own, I’m out of here.”  “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out” Loki said as Cannonball left.  Byron and Loki went to the next room.  “What was all that commotion, Madrox?” a voice in the room asked.  Byron turned to see who it was.  “Nothing, Red King sir!” she said, as she noticed Ryan standing there.   Loki almost crapped himself.

“I’m sure it was” Ryan said.  “Now, which two are you?”  “Umm…” Loki said, “I’m Jamie Madrox, and she’s Jamie Madrox, too.”  “She?”  Ryan asked.  “Well, look at him!”  Loki said, trying to improvise.  Not as manly as us other Madroxes, is he?”  “Shut up” Byron said.  Clearly, this was not going well at all.  “Obviously” Ryan said.  Not that I can tell you Madroxes apart.  Show me your powers so I know which ones I’m dealing with.”  Byron walked over to a table and lit the candles with her fingers.  Loki morphed himself into a copy of Ryan.  “Ah, so it’s Red Bishop and Red Rook Madrox that’s causing the commotion, eh?”  Ryan said, a grin appearing on his lips.  “I thought I told you two to be on alert.  Now, make me some dupes, so I can have the west entrance guarded, will you?”  Byron and Loki looked at each other.  “We can guard it if you like, Sir.”  Byron said.  “No, I want you two here.  Now give me some dupes.”  Loki looked at the ceiling.  “I SAID, MAKE ME SOME DUPES!”  Ryan said, grabbing both of them and turning his power on.  Byron and Loki fell backwards, their true forms revealed.  “Well, that’s interesting.”  Ryan said, looking down on them.  “Did you miss me so much already, my former Queen?”

Meanwhile, Daemon was in position with Marvel Girl and Maul.  It was 10 minutes until they were to strike.  Daemon was looking through binoculars to get a better view.  To his surprise, he saw Cannonball leave through the door he was watching, and fly off, pursued by Jamie Madrox.  “Oh fuck me,” he said.  “They’ve been compromised.  We’re moving in now!”  Daemon knew it wasn’t going to be a good day.
Back inside, Ryan had Byron and Loki tied up, and was getting ready to take them to the basement lockdown.  “I thought you were all big and tough.” Loki said, “Why not kill us now?  Or are you afraid we have help coming, and want hostages?  “Hostages?”  Ryan laughed.  “Now boy, you’re not hostages, you’re bait.  You see, I know more than you think I do.  The Grey Court always was a lesser court; it’s just a shame they had to come back so soon.  Worse yet that they took my Queen from me to make their return.  Now it’s personal between the Red and Grey court.  When Maul and Marvel Girl and whoever else you managed to dig up comes for you, I’ll be ready for them.  Today, the Grey court is wiped out again, and the Red gets its members back, with interest.”  Ryan said, looking out his open window.   “Now, what’s this?  I thought the gardener was coming tomorrow.”  He said, looking at the man outside, pruning his bushes.  “Well, if he comes back again tomorrow, I’ll just fire him like the rest.  Really should get a Madrox to do that.  Now, where was I?  Oh yes, taking you two to the basement… at least for now.  Enjoy your last free thoughts, you won’t be needing them for long

Outside, the gardener kept pruning bushes, working his way up to the cemetery where the Hellions were buried after the fight with the Illuminati.  “Ryan, you always were an idiot.”  he thought to himself.  “Today I’ll prove it to you.  And speaking of digging up new members, I don’t mind if I do, sort of.”  The gardener grabbed the shovel and found what he was looking for.  The tombstone read “Here lies Matthew Cain, Gone too soon.”  The gardener took off his uniform and revealed an entirely different one.  “Bingo” Hawkeye said, as he started digging.

“Avon calling” Maul said as he pushed the doorbell to the mansion.  Daemon and Marvel Girl were positioned on either side of him.  “Now, that’s something that wasn’t there before” Marvel Girl said, as the door opened, seemingly on it’s own.   Maul started to walk in and was suddenly launched backwards. “Didn’t have that, either.”  She said.  Daemon calmly reached out and retrieved his sword, Anubis, from its dimension.  He then swiped the air in front of him and watched as a body fell to the ground, it’s head landing three feet away.  “Well, let’s hope for Maul’s sake that that was a power, and not a cloaking system that Madrox was using.”  Daemon said with a grin.  “Just trying to make you look good, Gabe.”  Maul said, getting back up.  “God knows someone has to.”  “Boys.”  Marvel Girl, as she slammed the next Madrox to appear through the wall of the mansion, head first.  “Think we can get to work now?”

Meanwhile, in the basement, Byron and Loki were discussing their predicament.  “Loki,” Byron said.  “Ever read comic books when you were a kid?”  “Yeah, what of it?”  “Well, I just had an idea.  I remember this character called “Flatman”” Byron said.  “So, I can’t morph into him if I never seen him” Loki said.  “You don’t have to.”  Byron said.  Just make yourself thin enough to get through these bars, and we’ll be out.”  “Gotcha.”  Loki said.  Two minutes later they were looking at the bars from the other side. 

And outside, Cannonball was having a hell of a time as well.  He was planning on just blasting out of there and going to LA to yell at Hawkeye for putting him with such idiots, but that was before the Madrox found him.  Now, he was blasting for dear life, but he couldn’t shake the guy.  It was almost as if this Madrox was reading his mind, as well as flying.  Right now, he was darting in between trees near the cemetery in hopes of either losing the Madrox or getting him to hit a tree.  Of course, when Cannonball looked back to see where Madrox was, it was Cannonball that hit the tree.  As his assailant bent over him to see if he was still alive, Madrox fell to the ground, an arrow in his back.  “Must I save your life constantly?” Hawkeye asked.  Cannonball looked up.  “What are YOU doing here, and how did you get so huge?”  Cannonball asked.  Hawkeye used to be roughly the same height and build as Cannonball, but now, Hawkeye was at least a foot taller, and most of it was muscles.  “That’s none of your concern.  Now, why aren’t you with the others?”  Hawkeye asked.  “Those jerks?”  Cannonball started.  “Waitaminute, that helmet, that open grave… you didn’t.  Tell me you did NOT do that.”  “I did.”  Hawkeye answered.  “Ryan never bothered to remove the gem from poor dead Juggernaut’s body before burying him.  I guess you could say his loss is my gain, but that’s happening a lot with Ryan and I lately, isn’t it?”

Back inside, Loki was having fun.  Ryan might have taken his guns away, but he found others.  And since he was in the form of Jamie Madrox, none of them saw it coming.   By his count, he had killed Jamie Madrox eight times now, and Byron at least as many.  They knew the basement was empty and the first floor was nearly empty now as well, but when they made it to the main room, they saw where all the Madroxes were going.  And it wasn’t pretty.  Marvel Girl, Daemon and Maul were in the center of the room, all three back to back.  The rest of the room was a mess of blood, body parts, and empty shells.  Loki thought it wise to take his normal shape before the wrong person mistook him for a target.  “Nice of ya to make it to the party, you two!”  Maul said, as he shot a Madrox he thought was already dead.  “Well, we got a little hung up.”  Byron answered. “What do you say we find Ryan and end this shit?”  She asked.  “Love to,” Daemon answered.  Where is he?”  “Where he always is” Byron answered. Upstairs, in the Master bedroom.”  “Well, what are we waiting for?”  Marvel Girl said.  “And what did you guys do to Cannonball?”  She added.  “Don’t ask.”  Loki answered.  “You’ll ruin my good mood.”

Outside again, Cannonball was being more of a prick than usual.  “You mean to tell me this whole damn mission was just a distraction so you could go and get more powerful?  You fucking prick, we could all die here!”  “I know” Hawkeye answered  “especially since you had to throw a fit in the middle of enemy territory.   Did you even realize that you got Byron and Loki captured with your ranting?”  “That’s not important, what matters is the whole reason for this mission!  You don’t care about anyone other than yourself, do you?”  Cannonball said, getting himself exasperated.  “The gem was just one part of this mission, but you know that, don’t you Cannonball.  Yes, you know everything.”  Hawkeye said, losing his patience with his Rook.  “I know more than you, that’s for damn sure.  And your precious team members will be following me, not you, when I tell them what you did.”  Cannonball said, clearly enjoying the idea.  “I’m sure.  So tell me, Mr. Knows Everything.  How do you explain this?”  Hawkeye said, as he took off the Juggernaut helmet, and then his own mask.  “WHAT THE HELL?” Cannonball shouted?  You’re ME?”  Instead of answering, Hawkeye walked towards his young Rook, grabbed his head with both arms, and squeezed.  A few cracking noises were heard, as Cannonball’s now lifeless body fell to the ground, the head about one inch thick now.  “How can I be you, if you’re dead?”  Hawkeye asked the new corpse.  “At least now you’ll shut up.”

Ryan Jensen was having a great time, as usual.  Getting a hold of a Madrox and brainwashing him was one of his better ideas, he thought.  Not only did he have a countless supply of fresh bodies, should he need them, but also an army that just wouldn’t die, as long as there was one left to make more.  In fact, he was so smug about the whole deal that he decided the Madroxes could take care of these intruders.  Besides, the prostitutes were getting paid by the hour.  Be a shame to waste them.  And with Byron and Loki already imprisoned, the others shouldn’t give Madrox any trouble.  And the sex was even better than usual… a shame two of the three girls the agency sent over were not up to Ryan’s standards, and lay dead on the floor, but the last was more than making up for it.  Yes, Ryan was having a good day.  Until a Madrox flew through the wall.

“Hey Ryan, you lose something?”  Maul said, pointing at the dead body that just recently made a doorway.  “What is this?”  Ryan answered.  “You dare confront me in my own house?  I could kill you as easily as them.” he said, pointing to the dead hookers.  “What’d they do, see you naked too?”  Loki said, covering his eyes.    “FOOLS!”  Ryan insisted.  “Today you all die by my hand”  “Not likely” Byron said, as she began shooting fire bolts towards Ryan.  Maul and Loki both joined in, shooting up the place nicely, but Ryan wouldn’t go down.  The wounds just closed as fast as they were made, the Red was certainly working for Ryan today.  Daemon hung towards the back, firing at the Madroxes that came up the stairs to help their king.  The stairway was pretty much overrun with bodies, but the Madroxes wouldn’t stop.  The entire battle was at a standstill.  And right about then, Marvel Girl got mad.

Outside, Hawkeye found a garden hose, and was busy washing Cannonball’s brains off of his hands when three Madroxes spotted him.  He made short work of them, one punch to each, and the bodies were never found.  Hawkeye liked his new power, especially when it was combined with his other powers.  “It’s good to be me” he thought, as he left Vegas to meet with Scrib and Faith in Los Angeles, right on schedule.  

And in Rome, Jarvis the butler was enjoying a fresh cup of coffee, when he slumped over, dead.

Back in the Mansion, Marvel Girl made her move.  Her time in the Red Court served her well, and she knew Ryan’s power almost as well as he did.  And while the rest were keeping him occupied, she began her work.  With her telekinesis, she began freezing Ryan, cell by cell.  By the time Ryan figured out what she was doing, it was too late.  “You bitch!”  Ryan shouted out her.  “You can’t beat me, I’m the Flesh Elemental, and you’re just a mutant!”  “That’s where you’re wrong Ryan.”  Marvel Girl said calmly.  “I’m Phoenix.  I’m control.  And you’re shit out of luck.”  At that moment, Ryan finally caught fire, courtesy of Byron.  At that moment, Ryan planned his escape, and jumped in to the body of the prostitute, still shaking in fear in a corner of the room.  His body would die, they’d leave, and he’d strike another day.  At least, that was his plan, but Marvel Girl was one step in front of him, knowing that was exactly what he’d do.  When Ryan went to take over the whore’s mind, he found he couldn’t.  He knew it was possible, but he just didn’t remember how.  That’s when it set in.  Marvel Girl trapped him in the body of a whore, and then turned the part of his mind that controlled his powers off.  He wasn’t even the dominant personality.  It was a fate worse than death to Ryan.  Marvel Girl smiled. 

15 minutes later, Daemon was still laughing at what Marvel Girl did to the Red King.  The Madroxes were all gone; a mental scan of the area proved they were all dead.  They had gotten word from Hawkeye to live it up and be back in Rome for a debriefing in two days.  The only thing that bothered any of them was the fact that Cannonball never turned up.  But Hawkeye assured them not to worry about it.  After all, they were the good guys, weren’t they?

A week later.

“Any word yet?”  Hawkeye asked Daemon.  “Nope.  It’s like the little shithead fell off the face of the earth.  No one anywhere has seen him since I did, right before the shit hit the fan in Vegas.” The Grey Bishop said.  “Just great.”  Hawkeye said.  “I come home to find a dead butler, and my Rook is probably dead too.  Great week, huh?”  “So what are we going to do?”  Daemon asked.  Hawkeye sat for a moment in thought.  “I guess we promote Loki to Rook, and put Byron in the Inner Circle.”  “So she’s the Grey Pawn now?”  Daemon asked.  “Are you kidding?  She’d kill one of us, and since I’m unstoppable, well…  leave her as the Goddess.”  Hawkeye said.  “You know,” Daemon said “You never did explain your recent growth to me.”  “Let’s just call it a gift from an old friend, who didn’t need it anymore, shall we?”  Hawkeye answered.  “Now why don’t you tell Loki the good news, and I’ll wrap this paperwork up?”  “Why, you taking Scrib out again tonight?”  Daemon answered jokingly.  “Are you kidding?”  Hawkeye answered.  “She’s much more fun inside.”  Daemon left the room with a sudden thought.  Out of the two people that knew anything about Hawkeye, one was missing and the other dead.  It all suddenly seemed very convenient.

As Daemon left the room, Hawkeye went into his own office.  There he met a man working on his laptop.  “How’d it go today?”  Hawkeye asked him.  “Good” the man answered.  “I talked to SuperGrover, and you’ll be meeting with him next week to discuss our little merger.  He actually is trying to hide that he knows we’re behind the Vegas thing from last week.”  “Not that it’ll do him any good.”  Hawkeye answered.  “How about you?”  the man asked.  “Things are moving along smoothly.  Cannonball’s still presumed missing, I think we’ll come up with a body later on, and make it look like Madrox killed him, they’ll buy it.”

The man then spun around.  “But Madrox did kill him, didn’t he Hawkeye?”  “Of course he did, Hawkeye.”  Hawkeye answered his duplicate.  “Poor Jamie…  he served his purpose well.  To think, the American Courts let someone that unknown and unstable get so much power.  Almost serves them right for what happened.”  “No kidding” The duplicate answered. “And the Illuminati played their part perfectly.  I wonder when they’ll figure out how badly we used them.  And they thought they were dealing with the original… and instead got a copy of the copy.  Now the Red court is gone, and the White court is making a deal with us.  Not long now until we have them all doing exactly what we want.”  “Indeed” Hawkeye answered.  “And I still have those three Madroxes stored should we need them later.  Given the Black Court’s recent instability, they might welcome their fallen prince, should he prove to have survived the trouble he inadvertently caused.”

"A shame Jarvis had to go though.  But he did know our little secret."  Hawkeye said. “And what about Ryan?”  The duplicate asked.  “Jensen?  It’ll take him a month or two to figure how to be himself again, and then he’ll go straight to Hellgoat for help.  And while the demon is busy, We can get further on the winding way.  He’ll lose his spot to us soon enough.”  “That’s true.  After all, we have all the time in the world.”  Hawkeye answered, absorbing his duplicate.  “Yes,” he said to himself.  “It’s good to be the King.”


Grey Pawn
Official XMBB Scribe
"I hate redundacy and reptition"
"I try to hide my intellectual inadequencies with a bad attitude and big words like intellectual inadequencies."
Hellfire Court Webpage