Too Many Visitors *HF*

By MartinBlank

'Too Many Visitors'
A Grey Court Story
by Martin Blank

Alot has happened since we left off. Okay, here's what happened when we left off. I had come here at the
Grey Court Mansion for a job. I don't know what as, or what for, I just did. I found it only right to help stop
the fight against mutants by doing so, so maybe that's why I did it. Anyhoo, I got here and I talked to
Daemon, the Grey King, and a few of his people, such as Mystikal, Echo, and Maul.
I didn't like the latter that much. I don't think he liked me either. What kind of a name is Maul anyways? You
some sorta Star Wars creature?

"Shut up Martin..." said a hiss from behind the door. I guess they can read minds.
"I was talking about DARTH Maul..." I said, calmly, "don't worry about it"

So anyways, I met with a few of their people, and they ran a few tests. Just little things involving my history
and such. Bla bla bla.
I didn't think they liked me very much so I left. Started heading to some supposed 'M.e.C.H.a' government
institute. Thought it would be good to work for the army for a little with this new body of mine. When I met
up with the 'army' people, I realized that they were plotting to secretly take over the world and I thought
that would suck, so I headed back to the mansion for a re-offer. They took it up, said they thought I'd do
well here and threw a key to my new room. I smiled when I walked up to the new room.

Okay, now we're in present form. I'm in my new room, a nice cozy 3 room 'apartment' unpacking my bags.
I'm throwing out the clothes, obviously, and keeping the rest of the stuff. It's pretty comfy. I've got alot of
room here and I think I'll be happy here. The people seem nice. I think that Echo girl might have
something for me. I met her first - she answered the door. She's got this long dark hair that reminds me of
some magazine model, and her eyes... OH her eyes are beautiful. She helped me with my cases. She
told me that her room was a few from mine, so maybe she has something for me. I know one great thing that
attracts me to her - she's Canadian. And nothing attracts me more then a woman fresh from the land of the
north. Oh, there's a knock on the door.

I went to go open the door when the person from behind the door opened it from the otherside. Impatient
bugger - who is it?

It was Daemon. I felt his icy dark eyes locked on my head already. Even though I knew he was friendly and
meant no harm, I felt scared of him. Maybe it was because I knew he could take me out with just one punch,
but who's counting?

"Ugh.. hey? D-D-Daemon!" I said, stuttering. "Hi.. I was just-"

"Unpacking your bags, I see" he interrupted, striding into the room. He was shorter then I thought him to
be. Or was that because he was floating? No, I don't think he's 'capable' of doing that... or is he? Oh... this
mutant stuff is scar-

"Martin, there are some things I need to tell you." he said. "The rules of the mansion as well as some
other things..."

"Sure," I said, keeping all eyes on him, "I'm all ears"

He looked at me, smiled as if he understood some unknown 'joke' in what I had just said, and started:

"Well, we're all mutants here. Everyone of us but.. you. You're the one that people are going to look at
differently then the others, simply because you're not a mutant. Once they get that through their heads, you'll
be more 'accepted'."

Wow, okay. Thanks Daemon. I needed to be reminded that I wasn't welcomed already? Thanks.

"Secondly, I saw you looking at Echo with affectionate eyes. I can sense these things. Firstly she's way to
old for you, even if she does look young, and secondly you're not her type."

....Thanks again Daemon.

"You know the basic rules, no horseplay, no hacking into porno sites with the technology we give you and
the other things I told you and you'll be fine." he said with a smile, striding out of the room. I hadn't made
for the door before someone was knocking already. All wanting to see the 'fresh-blood'. I pulled it open and
welcomed all three of them in - Loki, Siren and Scrib.

"Hey guys, how are yah? I'm Martin!" I said, trying to be as cheerful as I could after practically pissing my
pants over Daemon.

"We know who you are," said Loki, "Welcome to the Grey Court."

"We hope you find your stay here 'pleasant'" said Scrib, with her lovely Irish accent as she romped through
all my bags.

"I hope so too!" I said in reply. I felt kind of edgy in front of them, but the awkwardness would go away as
the time passed. Probably start going away tomorrow even.

"Scrib, Loki, you guys should get back to your project in the hall" said the quiet, a elfish looking Siren.
"Daemon'll want it by the morning."

The two walked out, I heard Scrib mumble about spoiling all the fun.

"They're working on some program for the computer for you. You'll probably use it when you get all your
stuff set up." Siren said. She was cute. She, like Echo, also had gorgeous grey eyes.

"Oh yeah... cool." I said. I was at the point where I was so breathtaken with the variety of people in this
place where I could only mumble a few vowels.

"I'll see you tomorrow Martin." she said, closing the door behind her.

"Bye." was all I got before she closed the door.

I plopped on my bed. Between people with strength powers and people with physic abilities, this place had
it's share of weirdoes. Was I going to enjoy my time at this place? Probably. Even though I didn't
know what I had ahead of me, I'd probably be able to rest at ease tonight.

I got dressed for bed, finished unpacking and brushed my teeth. Just before I turned out the light, another
knock came from the door. It was Echo.

"Hey" I said, as he cracked her head through the door.

"Hey. Just wanted to say have a nice sleep. Sweet dreams." she said. She gave one last smile and shut the
door, not giving me a chance to say anything else. I was evidentially going to have a hard time trying not to
kiss that girl. As I turned out the light, I realized: I'm finally home.
