Trip Out of Town: Part 1 *HF*

By MartinBlank

A Trip to Town...
by Martin Blank
A Grey Court Story

WARNING: Some profanity. Just a lil'.

The noise of the bass vibrated out of his new Fender. It made a beautiful sound - as did many other instruments. He was playing 'Amazing Journey' from the soundtrack of The Who's Tommy . It was as if he was in a haze as he played - like nothing else mattered in the world - if only for the length of the current song. When the song was over, he started to play Pinball Wizard, when a knock came from the door.

Martin Blank looked up from his instrument and pushed his messy hair to match with its part as he shouted to the door "Come on in!".

From the other side of the door walked in Scrib, the Grey Knight herself. She looked like she was high - although marijuana, at least Martin thought, was not her 'cup o' tea'.

"Hey Marty!" said Scrib with her Irish accent, "Whot's that racket yar' playin' to?"

Martin reached over and flicked off the CD he had been playing along with, and turned towards his guest.

"Just some band I like... - Pete Townshend's a fucking god!" he said, smiling at his vast taste of rock n' roll music.

"O' course - the infamous guitar player. How long have ye' been playin' bass?"

"Just about a year. I was in a band for about a month, but I had to leave for Rome... then, I guess here." Martin said, pointing towards where he was standing.

"Oh, that's nice - the assassin’s lookin' fer yah. He's kinda anxious to see you for some reason. Ye'd better check'er out!" Scrib said, looking at a poster on Martin's wall.

"Who, Loki?" Martin said, questioning what she meant. Besides, it wasn't likely that Loki was looking for him. Loki hadn't had much to do with him in his stay at the Grey Court mansion.

"No, the other Grey Assassin - ye dummy, o' COURSE Loki. He's downstairs. See ye later!" Scrib said, while she walked out of his room. She closed the door behind her.

"What does Loki want with me?" Martin said aloud, as he put away his
bass. The only thing that that maniac EVER wanted with anyone was their spare ammo. He picked up his gun and walked out of his room.


Loki polished his gun as he ran down the long corridors of the spaceship. His pants were soaked, and slimy goo was all over his body. The aliens had just started multiplying rapidly 2 hours ago - so in-between fighting and killing the fierce bastards, he was running in fear. Funny thing was, he was sporting a huge grin that spread right across his face.

As he turned one of the many corners there was in the ship, he bumped
into two of his colleagues, BobbiTodd and Maul.

"GAH!" Loki screamed, nearly jumping out of his pants. "Bobbi! Look
behind you, it's an alien!"

Maul stopped dead in his track, and scowled at Loki. BobbiTodd couldn't help but smile.

"Oh wait, it's just Maul" Loki said, amusingly and sarcastically.

"Screw off you fiend!" said Maul - looking down at his gun. "Oh - look, out of ammo. Best go get some."

As he flew off into the dark hallways ahead, BobbiTodd looked at Loki.
"You couldn't resist, could you? He's already pissed off with the fact he's only killed one alie-"

"Only ONE?" Loki said, smiling more then ever. "He wasted ALL his ammo, and only killed one? That's pathetic."

Just as Bobbi was going to keep talking, another human came running
around the corner. It was Ripley, from the movie Alien.

"There's more coming!" she said, "Watch your back!"

"What's up Sigourney?" Loki said, with a smerk.

"Stop calling me that! We need to kill off the aliens!"

"Oh, fuck off!" said Loki with a certain tired sound in his voice. H looked upwards as he said "Turn off the sim, computer!"

Instantly everything disappeared, except for the visible Maul and
BobbiTodd. The walls of the danger room could produce almost any image
wanted. But in the Danger Room, even if you knew it was fake, it felt real ....

The now not slimy Loki strode over to Maul, who seemed maddened with
the fact the simulator had been shut down.

“I was just about to kill another Loki!” shouted Maul, “You always just think about yourself, with no considerations for other people!” He walked out of the room with haste in a blaze of anger and frustration. He bumped into Martin on the way out. “Excuse ME!” said Maul, rubbing his shoulder. Loki looked over at Martin, and his smile grew even wider then before. There was definitely something in score for Mr. Blank - something that made Loki look ever more then a maniac.


“So, Marty,” Loki said as they walked out of the Danger Room and into the bar, “you in for some excitement?”

“My definition of excitement and yours are completely different, Loki,” Martin said with a smirk on his face, “excitement as in rollercoasters? Skiing? Bowling? Or excitement as in-”

“AS in major killing of governmental figures, as well as feeling the bullet leave the gun type feeling” said Loki, cutting Martin off.

“OH no - NO way, I didn’t come here to kill people. I came here to-”

“Oh bullshit, man! None of us came here for a reason!!?!” At this point Loki drew even closer to Martin. “Have you ever felt as if someone’s life was in your hands? Like at any second, you could just pull that trigger and they’d be gone?”

“No, and I don’t want to.”

Loki looked straight at Martin and made his eyebrows rise.

“You’ll score point with Daemon, and Marvel Girl...?” said Loki, hinting something....

“How so?”

“Let’s just say they approved of this happening - they want you to have the training.”

‘Really’ Martin thought. If there was any act in which he could score points with the King and Queen - he’d definitely go with it.

“FINE” said Martin, still not liking the idea of murder... “I suppose I can go with you to ‘raise a little’ hell - or whatever you have in mind....”

“Thata boy! I’ll meet you in your room tomorrow night at 1:20 okay?” said Loki, with a certain ‘I’ll-turn-you-into-a-psycho-like-me’ tone of voice.

“Okay, sure..?” Marty said, as Loki walked off towards his room.

Whatever was in store for Marty, he didn’t want to get involved in. But he supposed he could use the training. Loki wasn’t completely insane, and the person or people they’d be killing would evidentially be someone bad or evil, if approved by Daemon.

‘1:20 eh?’ Marty thought, as he looked at his watch. That was tomorrow, past usual curfew. Loki had already broken some rules - would he break anymore on this ‘trip out of town’?

Most likely.


End of Part 1. Part 2 coming up! Any suggestions? Comments? Complaints? Either send me an e-mail... or... post! Tata.

Grey Sage
'Deaf, dumb and blind boy - he's in a quiet vibration land...'