Loose Ends *HF*

By MarvelGirl

Yes, you can all have heart attacks, MG is posting a STORY!!! It's armageddon, I swear!

Anywho, here it is, love it or hate it.

PT 1!!

Traffic.  They hated traffic.  There they were, the Headmaster of the Hellions and the Grey Queen of the Hellfire Court stuck in the same gridlock for over an hour.

"And tell me why you aren't just lifting us outta here, Jean?"
Marvel Girl's grip on the steering wheel of her Hummer was so tight her knuckles had turned white.
"Becaues, Hawk-boy, rather like you firing off an arrow in the side of a van like you did last week, it would cause too much of a public commotion.  I told you we should have just..."
"Did you see that?"
"See what? Someone's been inhaling his explosive arrow powder again.."
"No way, Jean.. I mean it, something rushed by, and it was... glowing."
MG sat back in her seat, pondering.
"What color?"
"Was it glowing..."
Jean snapped back to attention.
"Are you SURE??"
"Positive. Bright day-glo orange."
"Not good... I'm gonna have to do a psi-placement.."
"I do a reading of the local crowd's mental aura and then I can track their movements."
"Oh-kay. Guess you'd have to be mental to understand."
"Watch it buddy, I can still hurt you..."
Before Hawkeye could respond, Marvel Girl had slipped into a trance-like state.  After a long minute, her eyes flew open in horror.  She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door.
"We have to leave. Now. Get out of the car and run."
"Get out...? HOLD IT!"
Hawkeye grabbed MG's arm and slammed her back into her seat. "What the hell's going on?"
"Every telepath or mentalist has a certain distinguishable aura.  Rookies' minds are so diverse and scattered that their's is mutli-colored with lines, dots, or they can just be erratic.  Pros have more solid colors or designs as signatures. Mine's deep purple with a red outline.  You caught a glimpse of the dominant aura present, orange."
"And who's might that be?"
MG hesitated for a minute. Then she looked straight into Hawkeye's eyes, sending a chill down his spine with her reply.
"My father's. Now, the traffic around us is fake, a solid psi-hologram. This section of highway has actually been closed off for some time..."
They got out of the Hummer and started moving. MG was passing through cars as if they were air, while Hawkeye was crashing into them like fumbling in a messy room in the dark.
"Hey MG, how come..?"
"Like I said, it's a psi-hologram. If your mind thinks it's real, it will be real. Clear your mind."
"Wouldn't my psi-barriers...?"
MG spun around and faced Hawkeye.
"History lesson. There was once a man named Jake Methusa, AKA Method. In telepathic circles he was considered, and rightly so, THE greatest. He was a neutral man, doing either good or evil as he saw fit. Nobody dared to argue.  He once controlled the entire population of Houston in what could have been a city-wide disaster. He also once killed a thousand men around the world with a mere thought because they had the same name as the man his wife was having an affair with.  Afterward, 200 of the top rated telepaths in the world banded together and with their combined power tried to destroy him. They couldn't even get within the first psi-barrier. Then daddy dearest and his ego picked a fight. It lasted all of thirty seconds, with Method shattered, then dead."
"Musta been one helluva fight. What was it about?"
"Me and my welfare. Method was my grandfather. So basically your psi-barriers mean precisely dick! Now clear your mind and you can get through the cars."
"You have one twisted lineage, MG."
Hawkeye and MG made their way to the edge of the overpass, and looked down at the rushing traffic below.
"Your TK can get us down there, right?"
"Only if I had a death wish. Daddy would use it against me."
"Fine then, we run on, and since I can cover more ground than you..."
Hawkeye picked MG up like a rag doll and flung her over his shoulder.
"You're hitchin' a ride with me."
"PUT.. ME... DOWN... RIGHT... NOW!!!!" MG struggled. He ignored her and started off down the road.........
........... right into he slammed straight into an invisible wall, dropping him on his ass.
"What the..."
"A projected force-field. Shit. He's here."

A shadow rose behind them.
"Very perceptive of you, my darling daughter. You always were the observant one..."
MG rose to her feet and found herself face to face with John Grey.
"To what do I owe the pleasure of my loving father's visit?" MG spat.
"It turns out I need you for a test, Jean."
"Give me a zero. I'm not participating in any of your schemes, daddy."
Hawkeye stood up behind Jean. John looked at him and grinned. "You, sir, are not invited."
A nod of his head sent Hawkeye flying with a psi-bolt.  He fell over the side of the overpass, and Jean wretched as she heard him crash into the traffic below.
--Hawkeye? HAWKEYE ANSWER ME!!!-- Jean screamed telepathically. No response.
"If you've killed him, I'll..."
"No no, I would never do a thing like that... wait, yes I would... and now, you get the same view he has... I'll wake you up when I'm ready." He snapped his fingers.

Jean was unconscious.


Well, there ya are! See? I'm not TOTALLY useless!! *WEG*

If Guns are Outlawed, Can We Use Swords?

MG, tGq!