*HF* A Vengeful Spirit

By Mufasa

A Vengeful Spirit

Chapter 1: How Sick!

SlashR stumbled down the hall. He had no idea why he felt sick as he did. It just seemed to come up out of nowhere. He was almost there… Finally, he pounded on the door, belonging to Rhiannon LeBeau. "Outburst! Outburst! Please… Wake up… Outburst!"
The door flew open. Rhiannon LeBeau has always been a little on the temperamental side. There are quite a few things that could tick her off. Among her pet peeves has been loudness (except for her own…), attitudes, and being roused from her bed. "Jaimy! I got a deck of cards right here that I'm about to shove fully charged up your nose. You better have a good reason why I shouldn't."
SlashR leaned on the doorframe. "I am hoping that you can take guard duty for a little while. I don't know if it is the food or what, but my stomach is killing me. Please… can you cover me for tonight?"
She rolled her eyes. "Fine… But don't let this get around. You better cover me on Thursday!"
"I promise."
Outburst slammed her door and came out in her Hellions uniform, mumbling. Angrily, she marched over to the guard post at the front of the dorm.
SlashR finally made it back to his room and collapsed on his bed. Within seconds, he was out.

The roar was deafening. It only took a split second for everyone in the room to be on their feet. The clapping… the shouting… the whistling… The smile spread across Khalid's face. It was about time. This was what he should have had a year ago… when the federal agents busted up his concert. Now, he had it. His career was on the up and up. His agent, Terry Bauer, was getting calls almost daily. Earlier, people were calling him up simply because he had been mistakenly labeled by the press as a "hero." Now, they like him because they know that he can play. Vic Grosin said that they'll be set to record next month. The only way it was going to get from this point on was better.
Perhaps the best part about this was knowing that damn Mufasa was not going to interfere. After Grandpop KO'd him, Mufasa's memories started floating up. No… Mufasa was not gone by any means. However, he was apparently satisfied with Khalid putting together the connection between Mjimbe's snake bracelets and SuperGrover's gauntlets. He was okay for the meantime and stayed out of the way.
Finally, things were looking his way. The only thing he could say, now, was that it was about time. This was what he should have been getting when he started out. Now, he was free… He did not want to admit it then, but he felt claustrophobic in the BHC. Someone or another would decide that they wanted the academy ensemble to perform at some function, and he would rush through arranging music for the event. Then, of course, he had become a pawn in some kind of lover's spat between Nemesis and Harbinger. Why did he allow himself to be used by Nem like that? Well… It didn't matter, now. Whatever it was, it was over.
He walked off the stage and started greeting the audience. What he really wanted to do now was get something to eat and go to sleep, but he had to do it. Communicating with the audience is the backbone of a performer's career… That has to happen both on and off the stage. There were nice people… and there were crazy people. Thankfully, he wasn't in the right genre to have deranged fans stalking him (or unfortunately, extremely beautiful deranged girls seducing him…) but there were some people who just wanted to have a full-fledged conversation. What was most satisfying, though, was the young kid who needed the inspiration. Of course, at this time of night, that doesn't happen. Most of the time, he gets the drunk fan. Whatever the case, Khalid was prepared to greet anyone… well… almost anyone… Where did that shiver come from?
"Mr. Hunter, that was a great performance. It's nice to see some of the lower caste coming up." The Red King Ryan Jensen was known neither for his kindness nor his sensitivity. In fact, all that anyone knows about Jensen is that he is one of the most sought-after plastic surgeons in the world. People pay handsomely to have him reshape them. In short, the guy performs miracles. His manipulations leave no scarring… and very little recovery time. To date, no one has figured out how he operates… Very few know of the power he wields. Absolutely no one knows the dark secret behind how he discovered his power…
This was only the second time Khalid himself had met Jensen. The first time was at the ceremony announcing the new inductees into the International Hellfire Club when he made his first appearance as the White Rook. Blackfire had been inducted as White Queen and her friend Byron was crowned the Red Queen. He had shaken hands with everyone in the room. Strangely enough, Khalid vividly remembered having the same cold, shivering feeling up his spine the last time that he was around him. He wasn't sure how, but he had the gut feeling that Jensen was someone who shouldn't be trusted. "Mr. Jensen… fancy meeting you, here. I'm glad to hear you liked the show."
Ryan grinned. You can tell something is off, all the way to the core of your being, but you don't have a clue. "Being something of an artist myself, I have always enjoyed indulging in the arts. Keep up the good work. When I leave in the morning, I shall think about what I heard tonight." He turned around and left.
Khalid gritted his teeth. Congress should pass a law banning creepy people from smiling. "Um… okay…" He turned back to the group of fans. "Who's next?"
"Khalid… It's been years!"
Khalid was in shock… Two surprise visits in one night? "Cassie? Cassie Lecke?"
The woman could have been a fashion model. The red dress was tight, the dreads were neat, and the body was fine. The face… It just had a quality that drew you right into it. Cassandra Lecke was the daughter of Chuck Lecke, the first big band Khalid started out in. Khalid and Cassie flirted around, but nothing else arose from it. (He was taking no chances when the NRA sticker was pasted on Chuck's bass drum!) Two years ago, when Khalid was in his third year of college, Chuck had died from a massive stroke right after the performance. There had been nothing anyone could do. Shortly after the funeral, Cassie had taken a cruise with her mother to the Bahamas to get away from it all. With the big band broken up, Khalid and the lead saxophonist, Nicolai Guriyev, found a drummer and a bass and went out on their own.
Cassandra threw her arms around Khalid's neck in a hug. Khalid noted… the woman's strength was incredible. "I'm so glad to hear that you are doing well."
Khalid set her down. "You too. How are things going?"
She shrugged. "Better… I have my own real estate company. Last year, we became Fortune 500."
She reached into the top of her low-cut gown and pulled out business card. "Give me a call sometime. We'll go out for lunch." Her eyes arched up as if she were trying to suggest something.
Khalid nodded, obviously distracted by where the card came from. He shook his head as he snapped back to reality. He dipped into his pocket and offered her a business card of his own. Damn… He's always been somewhat of a sucker for a pretty face. "Will do. Come to think of it, what are you doing tomorrow night? After my gig at Diamond's Sports Bar, I'm free. We can eat… maybe catch a movie?"
Cassie's smile spread across her face as she laughed. "I would be glad to. What time do you perform?"
"The first set starts at 8:00. I should be done by 11:30."
"I'll see you then." She turned around, leaving the club. Her hips swayed back and forth, drawing his attention. Khalid's mind acted like it just clamped shut. Damn, she's fine…
His fantasy-ridden stupor was drowned out by the sound of the bartender's voice. "Hey, Mufasa! Some kid's on the line. He claims he's your brother or something!"
Khalid picked up the receiver. "Stefan? What's wrong?"
Stefan's voice came through the end. Yep… Something was wrong it was like he was scared. This couldn't be good. "Sorry to call you at a gig, Khalid, but you need to get back here quickly. You wouldn't believe it if I told you."
Normally, Khalid would have been pissed over a message like this, but the tone of Stefan's voice indicated that this was no joke. "I'm on my way."

End Part I

Chapter 2

Stefan Hunter had come across many things in his 18 years of life. He had watched his oldest brother die in a horrifying fire. He had been the one to find the mannequin lynched on the front doorstep when he was seven. At 11, his parents had gone to court to defend themselves against false charges of child abuse. At 14, he had seen the bruises that Khalid suffered in that incident with the football players. This was something that he was not prepared for at all. "Khalid, man, you gotta check out the recording."
Khalid hit the answering machine. The message he got froze him in his tracks. " Mufasa… it's been a long time. 50 centuries, if I am not mistaken. I will have my revenge… You will die slowly… painfully… knowing that I will have supped on the souls of all those you have held dear… and that there is not a damn thing you can do about it! Soon… soon…BEEP!"
Khalid backed up. Shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit… "Stefan, pack up. I'm sending you home."
"Khalid, this could be serious. I don't think…"
"Don't ARGUE with me! You're going home. Pack up! I have to call the police."
Stefan started to go to his room. "Khalid, I think I should stay around…"
Khalid glared at him. "NOW!" Stefan went back into the guestroom. Khalid went into the desk and pulled out the caller ID. He knew Stefan… The last thing he needed was for Stefan to investigate and get pulled into this mess. Damn… it was just as he feared… the number came from Grover's office. Shit… It looked like his fears were confirmed… Grover was Mjimbe the Snake. Quickly, he picked up the phone and dialed up Blackfire's apartment. "Sharon… Yes, I know it is late. I'm sorry. Yeah, you have to get over here quickly as possible. Get Gomurr. NO! Do not call Grover. I want to keep this as quiet as possible. I have to take Stefan to the airport real quick, so get a move on…" He hung up the phone. "Stefan!"
Stefan stood in the doorway with his suitcase. "Khalid… Who is this Sharon person? You said that you were going to…"
Khalid opened the door. "Shut up, Stefan. You're going home."
"Look! This stalker sounds really demented, I think that…"
Khalid turned back toward his little brother and balled his hand into a fist. "Stefan, if you don't stop arguing with me and get in the car right now, I am going to beat you into next Tuesday… So get a move on!"

Impossible Man teleported into SlashR's quarters. He was not a happy person. SlashR was supposed to report to him early in the morning. "Jaimy! Jaimy! Naga Nooch!" He doused SlashR with a bucket of icy water. Then, he tossed the bucket over his head and slapped his face in shock. "For shame! As old as you are and you still wet the bed?"
Impy went over and grabbed the SlashR's cheeks. In his best woman's voice, he massaged SlashR's cheeks. "Isn't my cutie-wootie SlashR going to report for class?" He reached down and pinched SlashR's nose. "Slash? Slash?" This was not good. SlashR was burning up with a fever. "Slash… speak to me." He slapped SlashR by the cheek. Suddenly, he noticed markings on SlashR's neck… They were green and were in an S shape… He picked up the phone. "We have a medical emergency in here. Naga Nooch. NO! This is not a prank! Send over the medics immediately. I'll call Dr. Torres." Impy dialed the phone… he hoped that he was not too late…

The old man looked at the guy in front of him… the tyrant known as Mjimbe who held tens of thousands of the strongest in his thrall… He had tried to hold his own against him, but failed… miserable. Right now, the cost was too high… Not only would he lose his soul, but soon the motherland would be lost as well… and there was nothing he could do about it.
"Yes… there is power in this one… and the experience of many lifetimes. Your soul shall sustain me for ages…" Mjimbe placed his hand on the old man's forehead, prepared to rip the life energies out of him… when a fist made out of light punched him away from him. "Who… I should have known… Mufasa!"
Mufasa walked inside the room. "I warned you at our last encounter that I was not an easy person to destroy. I will not rest until you are neutralized!" Several guards ran in behind him. Without moving, a paw of light reached out, knocking them back. A solid photon screen prevented them from getting any further. "Release your hold on your subjects!"
Mjimbe glowed green, casting the aura of a snake. "Did you honestly think that I would do a stupid thing like that? I am close to conquering all of known civilization… the only thing that stands in my way is you and I am about to rectify that…" The photon snake struck at the old man, tearing away a piece of his energies. "After I feed, that is…"
Mufasa pointed toward the old man, encasing him in a box. "Not today, Mjimbe… The old one has another purpose that even he is not aware of… This fight is between the two of us alone." The lion image attacked the snake, imitating the motions of the two fighters. Whereas Mjimbe could not match the ferocity of the lion, Mufasa was at a disadvantage. His body was not strong enough to contain the energies…
"Face it, Mufasa… You have lost. As always, you are too weak. Through my eyes, I can see the breakdown in your body… You are close to death."
"Perhaps you are right, Mjimbe…" A solid photon spear formed in his hand. He drove it through Mjimbe's stomach. "Luckily I have no qualms about cheating." Mufasa dropped to his knees as the blood dripped from his nose… and ears…
"A minor wound… surely not enough to stop me… what is this?" The spear spread around him, encasing him inside a prison of light. "You cannot maintain this forever! The second you let up, I will be free!"
Mufasa opened a hole in the air and slowly moved Mjimbe's prison up. "Perhaps… if I were to leave you in this dimension. However, I am sending you into another one… where the light will constantly be reinforced." The box around the old man dissipated as well as the light shield preventing the guards from reaching the room. Mjimbe's spell had been cancelled by the prison around him, so they stood dumbfounded as their captor was in turn captured. "Good bye, Mjimbe."
"I will be back!"
"I will be ready…" The hole closed around Mjimbe, forever sealing him inside the dimensional prison. Mufasa could not handle the energies, however.
The old man came to his side, with water. "I'm sorry; I can't heal you."
Mufasa slowly began to fade. "Ancient One… Beware…" Mjimbe's form took his place, grabbing him by the neck. This time, it was Khalid in the prison and Mjimbe free. "Mjimbe is after your soul!"

Gomurr fell the ground. That was the second time that vision came out. Somehow, he was being warned… but by whom? Prince Mufasa had not reared his ugly head again ever since Cougar KO'd him. He doubted that Mufasa could be behind it. Mjimbe would not be so stupid as to taunt him. That indicated that there was a third party… One that had some kind of knowledge that he was not privy to. But who was it? Why where they doing it?
The door flew open as the new White Queen stood in it. "Gomurr. Sorry to interrupt, but we need to go to Khalid's apartment. Something threw him for a loop, and I'm not exactly sure what it is. He insisted that I come get you. He's trying to keep this quiet."
Gomurr knew that something was up. For Blackfire to go around Grover to get to him indicated the seriousness. Then, of course, there was the small fact that she snuck on the BHC grounds. As former head of security, Sharon knew every nook and cranny of the estate, including where the security was weakest. Not that she would ever do anything, but that was a concern that should be checked out. For now, he had to investigate whatever was going on in the White Rook's apartment. "Well… Let's go. I trust that he is getting his brother out of town?"
Blackfire nodded. "Yes… That was the first thing he did. Hell… if it is as serious as he was making it, then it was probably the smartest thing he did. Ready?"
The two of them walked into the shadows…

"I trust that you have made the delivery?"
The female attendant filed her nails as she looked into the mirror. A smile had grown across her face as she talked to her master, the Snake. "Yes, Lord Mjimbe. I doubt that he has received it, yet. In the Hellfire Club, the guard must deliver the package to the recipient. Outsiders are not permitted."
" Whether or not Mufasa receives it is of no concern to me. Although it may have been addressed to him, he is not who it was for. It has already served its purpose. I trust that you have already made contact with the other?"
Cassandra Lecke chuckled sinisterly. "Of course I have, my lord. He could not resist my charms. This afternoon, I will meet him for lunch. When I have found out what I need to know, I will report to you."
"Excellent! Excellent! Upon completion of those tasks, you will have secured your place by my side as my consort. "
"Yes… my lord. Seeing as how it was I who freed you from your prison, I see it as only… fitting that I shall rule aside you."
"Go now… and succeed."
She stood up, spraying the perfume on her chest. "Yes, my lord."

Chapter 3:

Gomurr could not believe it. "I'm shocked… Khalid, you suspected this the entire time, and never told a soul?"
Khalid nodded as he sat on the couch. "Truth to tell, Gomurr… I had considered the possibility. Hell, that was one of the reasons I agreed to the White Rook position. But… I was beginning to think that it couldn't possibly be true. Grover and Mjimbe, the same?"
Blackfire paced back and forth in the room. "So… what you are telling me is that Grover has gone out of his mind? Great! I thought we were done with the entire involuntary past-life regression thing."
Gomurr crossed his arms. "You should have told us."
Khalid's head whipped toward Gomurr's direction. "Excuse me… But you should hardly be speaking! If I remember correctly, you knew beforehand that metal was bad news… and then you went ahead and bonded it to him!"
Blackfire jerked up. Oh shit… She did not like where this was headed at all. "Khalid… Gomurr… please…"
Gomurr was getting angry. "Maybe if you hadn't been such a jackass in your previous life, you would have done your job right! Need I even MENTION the Sarah Kristian fiasco?"
Khalid stood right in front of Gomurr. "This coming from the man who…"
"GUYS! This isn't helping!" The two of them turned to look toward Blackfire. "Look… I have no inside knowledge anything. Hell… I don't WANT any inside knowledge. Has it occurred to you that the only thing we have proof of is that the call was made from inside Grover's office? As far as we know, this Mjimbe character could have teleported in there to make this call. There is nothing here to support that Grover and Mjimbe are one and the same. Now, let's get back over there and see what is going on."

"Cassie… I must admit that you are indeed a very… enchanting woman."
Cassie laughed as she met the eyes of the man across the table from her. "Really? Tell me."
Two hands reached across the table, clasping hers. "Only once have I ever considered settling down. I've come close, but… circumstances prevented me. Now, I'm thinking that I should give it another try."
Cassie sat up in her chair. "You can't be serious… I mean… we only met yesterday…"
"I am more sure now than I've ever been… Cassie… will you marry me?"
Cassie came out of her chair, rushing to him. "Of course, I will!" Her arms flew around Grover's neck. "I will be ever so glad…" She grabbed him by the back of the head and planted a kiss. Cassie ran her hand along Grover's hands… down to his wrist… She suddenly ran across his gauntlets. Yep… that's what she was looking for. Her spell over Grover was almost complete… until a supernaturally cold wind blew through the restaurant, shocking him back to reality.
Grover gently pulled her off of him. "Cassie… I must go now. If possible… can you possibly come by tonight?"
Cassie did a fake gush. "I would be glad to, but I have to work late, tonight. I'll come by as soon as I get off work. Okay?" She stood up, and made her way toward the door, gushing and blowing kisses.
Grover watched her leave. There was something utterly captivating about her…
Across the restaurant, the waiter angrily pulled the window shut. He could not figure for the life of him how that window had been opened… or where that 40 degree wind came from in the middle of the warm spring day.

Rhiannon LeBeau slowly walked down the hall. Her stomach felt like it had been hit by a medicine ball. Her energy just seemed to be slipping away. She had already decided that she could not give a damn about the classes. Now, she was doing good to get to the doctor.
Marvel Girl stepped into the hallway. "We got another one!" Telekinetically, she picked up Outburst and carried her down the hall to the infirmary. "Dr. Torres, this is the third."
Dr. Angelo Torres had held up his wrist to check the pulses. "No, I'm afraid that is the fourth."
Marvel Girl set Outburst on the cot in-between SlashR and Impossible Man. "Really? Who's the third?"
Dr. Torres unbuttoned his shirt so Marvel Girl could see the "S" markings on his skin. "That would be me. Considering that my mutant power automatically kills pathogens, I'd say that this is no simple epidemic. While I won't be out cold for about... ten hours, I expect that by then it would have already spread around the Hellions Campus. You did say that SlashR was on guard duty?"
Marvel Girl nodded her head. "Yes… That is correct. Outburst took over his duties last night."
Dr. Torres grimaced. "It could be all over the place… maybe even all over the city. Whatever you do, maintain that telekinetic field around yourself. I'll do as much as I can to contain…"
Marvel Girl pointed down the hall. "Well, you can scratch THAT off your list."
Ten more people were walking toward the infirmary.

Blackfire slid the door to Grover's office shut. "All right, guys. I don't know why so many people are taking the day off, but it saves the trouble of us having to explain what we are doing in here."
Grover went to the window. He had sensed some kind of heaviness over the area, but that would have to wait until after this. "Yeah… to anyone else. However, if Grover flies in here, then we're up shit creek."
Khalid searched around the desk. "According to the caller ID, the call took place about 9:33. That was while I was at the gig. Stefan got back to the apartment about 11:30. He got through to me twenty minutes later. I'm just looking for some kind of note about what Grover might have been doing."
Blackfire watched the door. "Hurry up, Khalid. No one is coming, but I don't want to press my luck."
Gomurr tapped his foot on the floor. The friction between him and Grover had already been up near the boiling point. The last thing he wanted to was to have it blow up because he had been snooping around in Grover's office. "From what I can tell, no one is coming from outside."
Khalid happened across Grover's appointment book. "All right… 9:00… Hellions Training session. 11:00… Check on holdings. 12:00… Lunch… 8::00… wide open. I don't see any kind of alibi, here." He returned the page back to the current day… and stopped. Lunchdate with Cassie? He'd have to think about that one later. "We have no idea… He may or may not have been here."
Gomurr ran back from the window. "Whatever the case, we better high-tail it. I saw Grover in the distance."
Blackfire stepped back from the door. "Damn… Ryan's coming down the hall. The last thing we need is for him to see us in here."
Khalid turned off the light. "Gomurr… slide us to my office." They ran through the shadows and came out. "Whew… Now…"
Blackfire grabbed her head. "Woo… I'm feeling kind of woozy."
Khalid went to his desk, checking the mail. "Hmmmm… magazine adds… New York Times… A package?" He picked it up. "Kind of light. It has no address..."
Gomurr looked at it. "Something's off about it."
Khalid opened it. "There's nothing in here." His hand graced the bottom. "No… wait… there is a piece of paper." He picked it up and almost immediately dropped it. It had the picture of a snake… or more accurately, a snake bracelet. "Shit. Sharon, what do you make of…" He heard a thud.
Gomurr rushed over to Blackfire. "Khalid… She's passed out cold. I think that there was a spell placed on the box." He pulled her blouse back. "She has green markings around her neck… almost like snake scales. I have a feeling that was what I sensed when we came in here."
Khalid reached down, picking her up. "The box… that's the source of it all. It was meant for me…"
"No… It wasn't meant for you at all. That box had one purpose only… That was how the spell traveled. We better get to the infirmary."

Chapter 4: Feverish

Dr. Angelo Torres wiped his head. His fever was getting worse. His immune system had stalled on succumbing to the illness… but it was inevitable. Soon, he was going to look like everyone else that lied on the tables. He barely had room for them all. "Marvel Girl… are you still…"
Marvel Girl walked around the room checking on everyone. "Yes… I am fine… but barely. I have already called everyone else and told them not to step anywhere on the campus. I've alerted the guards on the perimeter to neither let anyone on or off the grounds. Furthermore, I told them not to leave their posts for any reason whatsoever."
Khalid walked in with Blackfire hoisted over his shoulder. "Shit… Now I know why this campus is so quiet. Everyone has the same thing that the queen does."
Dr. Torres slowly pointed toward the guestroom on the side. "We're running out of places… to put the patients… If we don't figure out soon what is causing these symptoms… It could get really bad."
Gomurr sat on the table. "The source is a spell. Someone has intentionally taken all of the Hellions and most of the Inner Circle out of the game. From what I can tell, it is drawing everyone's energy… making them weak. I doubt the caster will kill them. No… whoever it is wants everyone alive. For what, I don't know."
Dr. Torres sat in the chair. The sweat beaded off his face. "Why aren't you or Hunter affected? Why not Marvel Girl?"
Marvel Girl rolled up her sleeve to reveal the green markings. "Actually… I am, to a degree. I am telekinetically slowing the progression of the disease. I have not felt any symptoms, yet."
Khalid came back in from the guestroom. "Has it been localized here? It hasn't spread to the BHC grounds or around the city, has it?"
Gomurr drummed his fingers on the table. "I doubt it. I would have heard about it had it reached the BHC. The city is another thing, though. There is no way of knowing. Have Ryan, Grover, and Byron been notified?"
Dr. Torres began to shake. "Grover stopped back only briefly after he got back from lunch. Ryan left this morning on a trip. Byron said something about an incident involving her husband…"
Khalid interrupted him. "Ryan left this morning on a trip… Are you sure?"
Dr. Torres nodded his head. "Yes. Of course… I saw him leave with the limo when I arrived…"
Khalid took off down the hall. As a matter of fact, he did remember Ryan saying something about leaving last night… "Guys…" He turned the corner and went to the rows of offices. King… Queen… Bishop… Knight… The light was on in his office. He pushed the door open and stopped right in his tracks. There was blood sprinkled in a circle with a dead chicken in the middle. "Is this some kind of sick joke?"
Gomurr and Marvel Girl came in behind him. "Damn! We just left here! I recognize this… It is a voodoo spell, but I can't remember what it is."
Khalid paced back and forth. "Something more is going on here… You thought you saw Grover flying around outside… Sharon thought she saw Ryan before she passed out. If I didn't know any better, I would swear that someone intended on keeping us out of Grover's office." With a flash of flame that was in the trademark of Marvel Girl's power, the three of them were in Grover's office. "Look around for something."
Marvel Girl did a telemetric scan on the room. She had no idea why the Blackfire, Gomurr, and Khalid had been in here, but if it helped solve whatever was going on, then she would not say a word. "Someone else was in here, all right… Something was masking her presence. I'm not sure…"
Gomurr nodded. "Whoever cast the spell… At least we know she's a woman. The only problem is that we have no idea who."
Khalid shivered. "Is there a window open? For some strange reason, I felt a blast of cold air."
Marvel Girl shook her head. "No, I felt it too, though. I don't know where it came…"
A book fell off of Grover's case, hitting a button on the phone. His voice mail started playing. "Hello, Grover? This is Cassandra Lecke. I've thought about it… and I've decided that we should get married tonight. I've already called my friend and canceled our date. Come over as soon as possible."
Khalid nearly jumped. Now that COULDN'T be a coincidence. "Gomurr… you don't think that there is a chance that I might spread the spell, do you?"
"I don't think… but Khalid, what are you trying to do. You shouldn't…"
Khalid dashed out the door ignoring whatever Gomurr had to say… a disturbing picture was forming in his mind…


Ryan Jensen sat in his living room in Las Vegas. His acquisition of Lutexcorp went as expected. Now, he had other things to consider… Primary on his mind right now was his desire to be free from the HellGoat. Once upon a time, he had considered Robert Cougar for the job. However, Cougar had easily caught on to his machinations. Even then, he was not powerful enough to sever the connection.
From what he understood, though, the abilities are passed down with each passing generation. Of all Cougar's grandchildren, Khalid undoubtedly has had the most experience along those lines. Then, with Khalid's extra skills, he might indeed be powerful enough. Somehow, he had to manipulate Khalid into picking up his grandfather's trade without Cougar catching onto the scheme. Then… he could orchestrate his plan… to destroy the HellGoat…

End Interlude

Grover was nearly pulled off his feet. "I've waited so long for this moment."
Cassie threw Grover on her bed and pounced on him. "The impatient one, are you?" Her hands were at his shirt, unbuttoning it.
His mouth was at her ear, licking it… teasing it. It distracted from his fingers undoing her blouse. "I don't believe it. It was just yesterday, but it feels like we've known each other a long time."
"In a manner of speaking… I know we shouldn't do this before the wedding, but… It just feels so right."
"I know the feeling… I've never felt this way about anyone…"
Cassie sneered. It's just the spell, Grover… Just the spell… With his shirt in her hands, she knew for sure that she had him where she wanted him…

Chapter 5

Grover was lost in the rapture of the moment. For some reason, this felt so right… so predestined… so… "Cold!" He snapped out of his haze and jumped out of the bed, putting on his pants. That was the second time a feeling of coldness snapped him out of it. Was someone trying to warn him of something? "Cassie… I think we're moving too fast. Perhaps we ought to slow down… Get to know each other better…"
Cassie's voice sounded like acid as she rose from the bed. "You don't get to know anyone better than that! I should have sensed it before… Someone is protecting you. Well… She is already too late!" She reached onto her nightstand and grabbed a voodoo doll. It had Grover's engagement ring taped to its chest. "Nothing personal, 'my love.'"
Grover was uncontrollably pinned to the wall. "Damn… It was a spell… The entire thing was a spell."
Cassie ran her finger under his chin, laughing. "Not the entire thing, Grover… The sex part was very real… too bad we didn't get to finish. Now, you are in store for something else!" A greenish tinge formed around her. "Yes… You have done well, my lady. This form shall do me nicely!" A cold wind blew around the room, sending Cassie's hair into her face. "Who dares?"
The door flew inward, ripping out from the frame. "Grover!" Khalid saw the voodoo doll in Cassie's hand and understood. He ran forward, knocking Cassie off her feet. She fell against the wall, accidentally hitting the voodoo doll.
Grover winced as the pain hit his head. Something was going on that he was not aware of. "Khalid… what is going on…" The cold wind blew again. This time, he noticed something… It was directed at Cassie… as if it was trying to foil her…
Khalid grabbed Cassie by the wrists. "I don't know what you are up to or how it relates to Mjimbe, but I am putting a stop to it right now!"
Cassie burped a noxious green gas into his face. Khalid was thrown across the bed. Dazed, he stumbled up… with his hands fixed on his eyes. He heard the shrill laugh come from her throat. Suddenly, the laugh took a different form… a more familiar form… "You fool… You assumed that your pathetic Grover was Mjimbe."
Grover's eyes opened in shock. So THAT was why Khalid had agreed to be the White Rook! "WHAT?"
"You never realized that it was YOU who were responsible for his return!" Cassie spread her arms wide, casting a green orb out of her chest. It rose above her head and took on a different form… one of a snake. The wind picked up around the room, flinging her dreadlocks left and right. All of it was directed at her. Cassie's voice came out of her mouth again. "Foolish woman… You're too late! Your son belongs to Mjimbe!"
The green snake entered SuperGrover… changing his form. His body stretched and tore as the scream erupted from his mouth. The skin ripped off, exposing a scale-like form underneath. The gauntlets of Excalibur morphed into snake bracelets. "Yes! I am Earthen once more!" His eyes met Cassie's, still glowing as an external manifestation of Grover's mutant powers. "You have done well, my dear. Not only have you found me a strong and powerful host, but you have reunited me with my alien metal." He shouted toward Khalid. "Bewarned, Mufasa… I shall return to your abode and drink of the soul of the traitorous Akeem… Then, I shall take your friends as part of my super-legion. Follow, if you dare… but I don't think you will do much good." Mjimbe reached to his side, picking up Cassie.
"Too bad, Khalid… It could have been good…" The two of them flew out the window, apparently using SuperGrover's powers.
Khalid blinked his eyes. He could see again, but his eyes still burned. He picked up the phone and tried to reach the Hellions Campus, but it was to no avail. The line was busy…  He stumbled out the door, heading toward his car. For a minute, he stopped. He could swear that he heard the sound of a woman sobbing…

Dr. Angelo Torres was barely hanging on. Marvel Girl had managed to stall on the progression of the spell, but all of a sudden it just overwhelmed her. He felt the kick of it too. It was as if someone turned the volume all the way up. He had no idea how he managed to stay awake. His fever was messed up, now. "Gomurr… um… Can you pass me…"
Gomurr had to hand it to the doctor. He may be young, but he keeps on fighting. "Dr. Torres, perhaps it is time for you to rest. Don't go to sleep, though… Whatever you do, stay awake. I'm going to slip back into my office and see if there is something in my library."
The sweat was dripping of Torres' face. "Good idea… I'll see what I can do here…" He walked over to the thermostat and turned up the air conditioning as high as it would go. It was still to no avail. The fever was hitting from within.
After Gomurr slid through the shadows, Torres went to the ice machine. Gomurr was right… He needed to stay awake. Right now, he was their last chance. If he didn't… "Jaimy… What are you doing? How…"
SlashR pulled out his sword and leveled it at Torres' neck. "A stubborn one, are we? Why don't you just submit? It will make things a whole lot simpler."
Torres backed up. He did not have the strength to deal with this. "Jaimy… You are probably hallucinating… Well… Either that or I am…"
Outburst had her kinetically charged cards hovering around Torres' head. "Trust me, Torres. This is no hallucination."
"Catch." He threw the ice on them. Yep, it was a pointless and desperate tactic, and he was probably hallucinating, but he was not going to play that. Unfortunately, they were not alone. "Grover… I think? What happened to you… Who is this…"
Mjimbe grabbed him by the shirt. "Interesting… These one's mutant anti-pathogen power automatically gives him some resistance to the spell. Oh well…" The bracelet metal oozed off and wrapped Torres in it. "Since I can't make him into one of my legion, perhaps I'll just have to settle for feeding off his…" Mjimbe stopped when he realized something was wrong. "The metal! It has been diluted with something else! It will not allow me to cast the spell!"
Torres gasped as the metal came off him. Well… If he was sleepy earlier, he was certainly awake now! "I don't under…"
Mjimbe grabbed him by the back of his shirt. "You weren't meant to. Get this one out of my sight. I will deal with the Ancient One soon enough."
Cassandra walked up to Torres. "Hmmmm… I could use him sure enough…"

End Part V

Chapter 6

Gomurr slid back into the infirmary. The only way he was going to get rid of this spell would be to destroy Mjimbe's soul. That should be simple enough… provided that Grover isn't Mjimbe.
"The traitorous Akeem has finally returned. An Asian body, however the soul is still very much the same."
Gomurr pulled up his staff. "Mjimbe… Release Grover now! Besides… if I remember correctly it is you who deserves to be labeled a traitor!"
Mjimbe's laugh was as evil as ever. "No, old man. Your charge belongs to me. While you and that pathetic Mufasa were worried about him possibly being Mjimbe reborn, it never occurred to you that in order to be reborn, I must first die! His body belongs to me."
Gomurr started to shake. "Wait a minute… Where is his soul? WHERE IS HIS SOUL?"
The sneer grew across his face. "Well, Akeem… You could say that we switched places!"
Normally Gomurr did not give in to rage. It was not something that he was accustomed to. However, ever since that entity came by (Memory of a Whisper), his patience has been at an all-time low. When it came to Grover, who may as well be his flesh and blood as far as he was concerned, Gomurr chucked reason out the window. The staff broke as it went across Mjimbe's face. "Mjimbe, you have made a mistake by coming here. I am not some 90 year old mage in Kemet. As you no doubt have already discovered, your precious metal has been altered so it cannot be used to harm." That's right, Gomurr… Keep bull-shitting him and hope he takes the bait.
Mjimbe glowed with anger as he formed a spear with the metal. "Of course, I should have known… You were the one who diluted my metal so I could no longer take souls! Obviously, it won't protect you from this!" He threw it at Gomurr, but the second it struck him, it teleported and went back into Mjimbe's hand. "Luckily, I don't need my metal to finally destroy you!" A green snake image shot out of him, and bit Gomurr in the neck. "Can you feel it? It's the sensation as your life essence is sucked out of your body. As I said before, your soul shall sustain me for centuries. I can feel it's rich delicious power already…"
Gomurr tried to focus… pull the ectoplasmic snake away from him, but he couldn't. Something about the snake just survived no matter what. He couldn't access the shadows… use the powers of the Crimson Dawn to help him… "You'll not succeed… I shall see to that…" Gomurr eyed the knife ten feet away. Mjimbe was drawing his energy from him slowly… torturing him. He would give it a few minutes… but he was prepared to take his own life if necessary…

Khalid got out of the car. The burning in his eyes had become worse. It was beginning to affect his vision. Just as he suspected, he had to charge the gate with his Pontiac in order to get through. The last thing he needed to do was to waste precious time trying to get by whoever is at the guard post. Unfortunately, he saw the Hellions prowling the grounds. Great… he was in no shape to face them. His vision was fuzzy enough as it was. If he had more control over his powers, he could imprison them in photon fields. Theoretically, he might even manipulate the photons around him, and make himself invisible. However, he was never terribly concerned about developing his powers.
One thing that Prince Mufasa had done was use the light on himself to increase his senses and heighten his speed and dexterity. Khalid had done that to some degree earlier, but he could not call on it to save his life. If he remembered correctly, Daemon had practically beat the shit out of him for it to occur. Nope… not an option.
He snuck around the edge of the campus. One thing about having learned to track at a young age was that he knew how to hide his tracks. Quietly, he slipped through the kitchen door. If this were the woods, he would not have to worry about anyone finding him. However, these aren't the woods. This is the Hellion's Campus. Khalid stopped in his tracks. Shit… this was not something he expected…
Dr. Torres was pinned to the table. Cassie had one of her verdammt voodoo dolls out. She was a very sick woman, that was for sure. She had taken nails and driven them through the doll's shoulders. Torres was bleeding all over the place. If he did not get immediate help, he would die.
Cassie laughed as she circled the table. "Angelo… tell me about my eyes. Don't you find them enchanting? I bet you could get drawn into them, couldn't you?"
Angelo grimaced through the pain. He had never hit a woman in his life. Right now, he really wanted to. On the good side, he didn't have to worry about falling asleep. "You are a sick, sick woman. How could you do such things to people?"
Cassie smiled as she ran her hand over Torres' chest. "I've had enough of men using me. Now, it will be me who uses men… to suit my needs… and my pleasures. After you finally die, you shall make a good zombie slave. I shall enjoy using you over and over again. Relax. I'll use a secondary spell to ensure that you don't decompose."
"You are really sick!" Dr. Torres heard a clang and then he heard a thud as Cassie hit the floor.
Khalid unbound the stethoscope from the voodoo doll. "Damn nympho. Made me ruin a perfectly good iron cast skillet. We'll probably have to have Grover take a few medical tests."
Dr. Torres sat up. Immediately, he stopped bleeding. "There… Thank god, I'm a mutant. By doing this, it lowers my resistance to the spell. I won't completely fall into it until I fall asleep. Khalid, they are in the infirmary. Grover is going after Gomurr."
Khalid shook his head. "No… That isn't Grover. However, he's in Grover's body. Do me a favor… When she wakes up, make sure she can't get to her toys."
Dr. Torres smiled as Khalid left the room. "My pleasure…" Immediately, Cassie and Torres switched places. "…fool!"

Grover struck at his prison of light. He was not sure what kind of eery dimension this was. Everywhere around him, more light… blue light, green light, red light… various combinations. It was a messed up place. Beautiful, but messed up. He could feel that he was not in his own body right now. The gauntlets of Excalibur… he could not feel them. The big problem was that without them, he could feel his strength slowly leave him. He was dying again… He didn't know how, but he had to get back into those gauntlets soon…

Impossible Man and Blackfire appeared in the room restraining Khalid. "My liege, you wanted him brought to you?"
Gomurr cursed beneath his breath. Damn! "Khalid! What are you doing here?"
Mjimbe formed a knife with the bracelets. "Mufasa! Did you honestly think you could sneak on this campus without my knowledge? I was waiting for you to show up! Not only will I sup on the soul of Akeem, but I will watch you die painfully."
Khalid gritted his teeth. "Look… In this life, I'm not much of a threat so… Let's say that you give Grover back his body, release Gomurr and the Hellions, and just take Cassie and leave. Hey… I won't say anything?" His arm stung as the blade slashed across the skin.
Mjimbe pulled the knife up to his mouth and licked. "According to your blood, you are more of a threat in this incarnation. No… I think I will just enjoy killing you and ending your bloodline here."
Khalid flashed his aura, knocking Impy and Blackfire off of him. "Look… I'll forgive the cut, but licking my blood was just plain disgusting! Do you know where that's been?"
Mjimbe's hands were around his neck, choking him. "I think I liked you better as the spoiled prince in Kemet. At least then, you weren't nearly as irritating!"
Cassie walked in with another voodoo doll… this time with Khalid's business card strapped to it. She had her hand pinned around the doll's arms so Khalid could not move. "Sorry, Khalid… Don't take it personally. This is just business, baby." Khalid could not utter anything… all he could do was a small gesture with his hand. Cassie squeezed on the voodoo doll even tighter… "Flip ME off, will he!"
Gomurr noticed that the attention was drawn away from him. He rolled over until he was in Mjimbe's shadow… and sunk in. Then, he came out, discarding the snake like it was nothing. Lately, he has been weary about using the Crimson Dawn powers too much. It was feeling addictive… but now he realizes that he has little choice. He ripped a black staff out of the shadows and struck Cassie's voodoo doll. "Big mistake, Mjimbe… Never assume you know everything there is to know about the enemy!"
Mjimbe laughed. "Yes… You probably could harm me… but you forget… I have the Hellions! Will you harm them to get to me?"
Khalid could feel his already-obscured eyes going out of focus. The vise around his neck had stopped the flow of blood to his brain and the oxygen to his lungs. His strength was slipping away. Even though he knew that Cassie no longer held the voodoo doll, he could not move a single muscle. Just when he thought he was about to embrace the icy blanket of death, something clicked in him.
Grandpop said that Mufasa was not gone (Dark Light). He had just been KO'd temporarily. In fact, he had distinctly said that Mufasa was already coming back. That was around the same time he had started recalling all of Mufasa's memories. Before, he had tried to suppress Mufasa… keep him from taking over all the time. Now, he didn't want to do that. Right now, Mufasa's skill and knowledge would probably be the only thing that could save him.
It was that brief recognition that caused the internal click… Mufasa was not this separate entity. He was just a different version of himself that grew up under different circumstances and conditions. Perhaps that was the recognition that he needed…
At any case, what happened next was something that he had not seen coming. He could feel it starting. It began as something of a small pinpoint and exploded out, filling his every pore… affecting everything. Starting inside, the light was something else. It heightened everything, especially his senses.
Unfortunately, he was not used to controlling it or keeping it in check. After the light had finished filling him, he could not turn it off. It overran him… and shot out…
Everyone in the room was taken off their feet, shocked by the force of the wave. Khalid fell to the ground and started gasping for air. He stayed down for a moment allowing himself to adapt, then got up on his knees. His head was spinning a little and his eyes were still fuzzy. Everything else had kicked into overdrive. "Oooops… Did I do that?"
Gomurr dug out from under the Hellions. Luckily, their unconscious forms had kept him from getting temporarily blinded. He had to admit… that came out of nowhere. Even Mufasa had not manifested his powers that way. "Khalid… Are you…"
Khalid heard Mjimbe flying at him and dodged just in time. Quickly, he grabbed Grover's cape and altered Mjimbe's direction, sending him through the wall. "Gomurr… Make sure Cassie doesn't do anything."
Gomurr came out of the shadows right behind Cassandra Lecke. "Consider it done…"
Khalid heard Mjimbe coming from behind. Something was swinging in the air… no doubt, the spear… Khalid formed the photon staff just in time to keep his head from getting lopped off. "Stop now and you might live."
Mjimbe's foot came around to Khalid's stomach. "I don't think so. While I must admit, you have impressed me with that display, there is something wrong with the way you are fighting. I can't put my finger on it, though."
Khalid slapped Mjimbe upside the head and shot a blast at him, knocking him back. "Gomurr! How do we get Grover back?"
Mjimbe hovered up slowly and punched Khalid from behind. "Only by killing me… but you can't breach his field, can you? Don't you understand? You can't harm me!"
Khalid stumbled forward and whirled around. His head dashed back and forth as he stood in place.
Gomurr suddenly realized… Khalid could not see a damn thing! "Khalid! Left!"
Khalid's whipped the photon staff to the right, taking Mjimbe off-balance. If he didn't learn anything else from Gomurr, he learned that when working in concert with someone, try to always keep the enemy guessing.
Mjimbe formed the knife in his hand, he would have to take out Mufasa early. Now that he knew that Mufasa could not see anything, he had him exactly where he wanted him.
Just before he reached him, a cold wind came upon the room like a maelstrom. Khalid tackled Mjimbe. "I've had enough of you." He repeatedly grabbed Mjimbe's head, crashing it into the ground time after time. He could feel the wind picking up…
Mjimbe struck out with Grover's telekinetic aura, throwing Khalid across the room. "Maybe this time it will be YOU who spends 5000 years inside that prison instead of me!"
Khalid shook. He really didn't want to do this, but it was the only way he could be sure that he could get Grover back. Mufasa had died when he attempted this before. A small point was centered out in front of him, and slowly he stretched it outward, making a disc.
Gomurr saw the blood dripping. "Khalid… No! Don't…"
Khalid made it onto his feet. The difficulty was not in making the actual porthole… but rather preventing the light in the other dimension from shooting out. It is like asking a low-level telekinetic to prevent a solar flare. Possible, but very painful. The sides of his head were pounding. He stopped, listening. Mjimbe was in the room… planning to kill him and… He grabbed to his left, ready to strike. "Gomurr… Where's Mjimbe?"
At that second, Mjimbe struck him from behind. Immediately, the three of them tumbled into the porthole.
The second it happened, the spell had been lifted. Cassandra Lecke was on her feet and almost to the door when a foot shot out, catching her under the chin. She flew back, slapping her head against the cot.
Dr. Torres stumbled in with his shoulders healing. "Sorry, bitch. You aren't going anywhere!"
"Has the Hippocratic oath suddenly became hypocritical?"
Dr. Torres slapped her upside the head with a bedpan. "Don't you know? I had my fingers crossed in medical school!"

Mjimbe was not happy. He did not see this coming. Right now, he fully intended to make sure that Mufasa paid. "No! I will not let you imprison me in this accursed dimension again!"
Gomurr saw Grover laying down inside the photon prison. "Khalid! Whatever you do, you better hurry up!"
Mjimbe rushed at Khalid with the spear trained on him. Unfortunately, Khalid could not hear it coming. By the time he sensed Mjimbe near, all he managed to do was bring up his hand. The spear pushed threw it, breaking bones and severing tissue. "This should be…" Now… Khalid was pissed. This time, he was angry. Marks on his face from punches? Nah… He didn't care. Broken leg? Big deal. Mess up his hands? Okay… That was asking for it. Grover's body or not, this guy had it. The photon blades shot at Mjimbe, bouncing off the field. "Don't you understand? You cannot hurt me! I am invincible in this body…"
The cold wind started itself once again, this time, directed at Khalid. He was knocked off his feet and struck the photon prison. It dissipated, allowing Gomurr to get to Grover.
Gomurr slapped Grover's face. "Come on, Grover… Don't die on me now. Yeah, you are pissed at me, but you're the closest thing I have to a son. Come on, you cam't die on…"
Khalid backed up. "Hey… Gomurr… is Mjimbe flying at me with the spear again?"
Gomurr turned back. "Yes! Look… Khalid… You have to…"
Khalid did not move. "How far away is he?"
Gomurr was losing patience. "Khalid! I told you! He is coming…"
The cold wind started to pick up again. Just before Mjimbe reached Khalid, he pulled Grover in the way. The spear pushed through the body, coming out the other side.
Gomurr was on his feet, screaming. "NOOOOO! Khalid! You killed him… I don't believe… What have you… have you…"
Mjimbe stumbled back in shock. "Nooooo! It cannot be…" He contorted and fell to the ground. He rolled back and forth, screaming. A green orb came out of him and rose into above them, pulling itself apart.
Khalid formed a porthole again, dropping them back into the infirmary. After the arrived, he passed out. Dr. Torres was immediately on the scene… "Hurry up! We are going to need a blood transfusion here!"
Grover slowly got up. He reached up, pulling the snake skin off, revealing the blue face and the blond hair beneath. "Damn! It sure took you guys long…" He noticed Gomurr slinking out of the room. For a minute, he was going to say something to the man who raised him… but he stopped. No… He was mad. The anger was very much still there. He knew that he should let it go… but he was not ready to, yet.

Khalid sat in his office. Inexplicably, he had cancelled his gigs for the next two weeks. He called Stefan and told him that the problem had been taken care of. Stefan informed him of his decision to chuck Julliard and go to Pentway Conservatory instead. Everyone was okay. Finally, his life could go back to a semblance of what it was… a semblance. The knock was a short reminder that his life was not and never would be normal. "Come on in, Grover."
Grover walked in, sitting down in the chair. "How did you know it was me? You don't have mirrors like Gomurr does, do you?"
Khalid chuckled. "Nah. I thought I was the only one who caught onto that little trick of his. How can I help you?"
Grover drummed his fingers on the chair arm. "I heard that you put on an impressive show… maybe even saved my life. I mean… I don't know much. The last thing I remember before I went on the acid trip was you busting in on me and Cassie… which is ANOTHER thing we have to talk about… but um… I just wanted you to know that I really appreciate…"
Khalid interrupted him. "Grover, we aren't keeping score or anything, so don't worry about it. Besides, you could just as easily turn everything around and say that the guy would not have chosen this place had I not been around. Just… Let's let this go."
Grover smirked. "Well, I see that Sharon has healed your hand. Are you playing the gig tonight?"
Khalid shook his head no. "Fraid not. Something has come up…" He reached up, taking his glasses off. For a minute, he slapped his forehead and leaned on the desk. "They haven't found her yet, have they."
Grover's voice started to crack a little. "No. After Torres had her cornered, she got in a lucky shot. She's out there, Khalid… and using her voodoo spells to keep her psionically invisible."
Khalid threw the glasses at the wall, shattering both lenses. Then, his blank gaze turned toward the direction of Grover's voice. "Gomurr's looking through that massive library of his for the antidote. Ryan and Sharon both said that it was beyond their abilities. So… I may as well have duct tape over my eyes. I finally realize how to access my powers, but a voodoo bitch casts a spell on me so I'll never see again."
Grover wanted to tell him that he was overacting… but he couldn't. Khalid was telling the truth. Unless they found Cassandra Lecke, Khalid Hunter would probably never see again. "Look… The Hellfire Club has considerable resources. Maybe we could look for some donor eyes, maybe it is…"
Khalid shook his head. "No… You don't understand… Ryan decayed my eyes and reformed them. Donor eyes will do no good. Look… I'll be fine… I… I just need to be left alone."
Grover walked toward the door and looked back for a second. Then, he stepped through… feeling like the lowest person on the Earth. The door closing announced his departure.
Khalid did something that he swore he would never do after he turned eight… He laid his head on his desk on cried.

Somewhere, in a distant place, a woman reunited with her family. "He's safe once more. I could do nothing but affect the wind, but it appears that was enough. He's being well-cared for, whether he believes it or not."
Her husband noted to her. "Well… There are strict rules about non-interference… but the big guy understood."
The woman's tears flowed by. "He doesn't seem to understand everything…"
"Stop! You know the situation… and how it isn't simple…"
"It's not fair!"
"In this life… er… afterlife, there are things. People slip through."
The woman sat down. "No… Other people slip through… Not this person." Once again, the woman cried in frustration over the largest celestial screw-up in history…

Dr. Angelo Torres finally got to his home. Right now, he wanted nothing more than to kick himself for how he had let that Lecke women get the better of him. A kick to the vital place… a quick fist. However, something was wrong. The woman directed a spell on him. He was sure of it. He just had no idea what it was…
Two hours later, he discovered exactly what it was. The second the moon came out, he definitely knew. When he woke up that dawn, he tasted his dog's blood in his mouth… and saw the markings on the wall. They were made by claws… the claws of a giant wolf…

The End