*HF* Lethal Legacy

By Mufasa

Lethal Legacy

Chapter 1

Khalid had been dreading this day for a while. Other people around took delight in playing with their mutant powers... training... honing them. Him? He considered other things more important. Then again, that was not the first time that he disagreed with the underlying philosophy of the Hellfire Club. Their long-term goals seemed to be nothing more than the acquisition of financial, political, and physical power. Everything else was a front, or seemed to be. Grover had assured him that the current day Hellfire Club was nowhere near as bad as its earlier incarnations, although he wouldn't elaborate. (How many of you remember Ascension?)

Recently, Khalid had been trying to reconcile his own thoughts and ideals with those of the people in leadership positions. It did not seem that Grover, Blackfire, or even Silver completely bought into the philosophy of the club's original founders. According to what he had heard, Nemesis and even Ryan had somewhat mellowed a little from their earlier days, although he got the distinct impression that he really did not want to know too much about their old habits or even their new ones. He was not sure what to make of the new Red Queen. Byron, at first glance anyway, seemed to have a rather dark and morbid view of the world. Khalid secretly thought to himself after talking to her that this seemingly cold facade might be a means of insulation for her, and that she might be far more compassionate than she let on. In dealing with the ultra-manipulative Red King, it was never wise to let him know you cared about anything TOO MUCH, so the beautiful new Red Queen kept to her own council as much as possible. Any woman that walked that fine line could be considered dangerous, but when she was the Red Queen of the Hellfire Club it made it a good deal more so.

Whatever the case, Khalid found himself trying to fit in as well as he could among his new peer group especially since moving his allegiances to the White Court. He was not prepared for the spite and outright anger that he received from others in the group over his somewhat meteoric rise to the inner circle. At first he hadn't realized what he had done to warrant such feelings, and he desperately didn't want to believe it was because of his skin color. He reasoned logically with a blue-skinned king, what could possibly be so hard to accept about an African-American? To his shock, and maybe a bit to his relief, he discovered that it was because of his instant instatement into the inner circle of the club. Being blinded by Cassandra Lecke made everything worse. It was at that point people threatened to quit over his appointment. Hellions were claiming that not only had they been overlooked when it came to promotions, but now the new White Rook was more "useless" than ever. Of course, it did not help that he had basically "forgotten" about training. Training seemed completely unimportant when he couldn't SEE. He tried to just block out everything, but it became increasingly harder. Then, Outburst and Cyclops concocted some ridiculous training program in a strange attempt to bring union to the club, and without any other choice presented to him, he agreed.

Then, the headaches began. The first one was the day at the Inter-Hellfire Club Ball just before that demon caused him to go haywire. He had mistakenly thought that she had caused them, but it wasn't the truth. He had no idea what caused these debilitating headaches, only that they were increasing in intensity and frequency. It was not until the incident with Byron (ALL of this is in Hell Hath No Fury) that the headaches got to the point where he started blacking out. Dr. Torres had sent him through the CAT scan, and it came out clean. The spectral scanner had shorted out upon contact with him for some reason, and they were still waiting on a replacement part from San Francisco.

"Cyke, you have to be out of your mind," Casey Jones thought from his position in the observation room. Cyclops had taken the precaution of having the Hellions do field maneuvers in Newfoundland for the day. Convincing Khalid to do this had been hard enough. It would have been impossible with the others around. Strangely enough, he had remembered the look on Khalid's face just before he teleported. (Hell Hath No... Well, you know!) It was blank... as if he wasn't worried about anything happening. Then... surprise, surprise... nothing happened. Granted, Khalid was not exactly himself at the time, but that small display was enough to get his mind thinking. Prince Mufasa had died, not only because he could not control his power to the extent necessary... (Starting Over) but also because he made things harder on himself during the fight. According to Khalid's memories of his previous incarnation, there were situations in which Prince Mufasa had teleported without strain. (Some examples of which are seen in Dark Light!) Already, although Khalid will not admit it, he had displayed considerable control over his photon manipulation up to the point where he had created blades, orbs, staffs, and small shields out of solid photons. (Of course, most of them weren't of much use considering that he is still relatively a beginner in the use of weapons...) Khalid's grasp of his abilities seemed to be greater than that of his former incarnation, but progress seemed to be made randomly and without thought. "Khalid, I've already told you... Trust me, I know these things. It will not get any easier until you try it."

Khalid gritted his teeth. "Easy for you to say... you aren't the one who had to get a blood transfusion!"

"What was that?" asked Cyclops pretending not to hear

. Khalid shouted up toward the observation booth. "Nothing! I was just... er... mentally preparing myself." Khalid knew better than to let Cyke know what he was thinking. Every time Khalid has said anything smart, Cyclops has taken note. At the end of the session, he had him run one lap around the edge of the Hellions Campus for each remark he made. (Needless to say, he has reigned in his tongue ever since the 23 laps assigned on the third day.)

"Then, I suggest you get started," said Cyke.

Khalid tried to relax. Since he couldn't see what he was doing, he had to visualize the entire thing in his mind. That made it even harder. He began with imagining a pinpoint directly five feet in front of him. Then, he imagined reaching out... slowly stretching that point into his teleportaly. While doing this he attempted to make a mental map of starlight points in the darkness that surrounded him since the loss of his sight. The room began to glow with the strange radiance of photon energy as he struggled to maintain a teleportal and mentally map the room. He could feel the light straining against the portal... trying to push out... destroy everything around it. His head began to shake... The pain was incredible. Then, of course, he felt the iron taste of his own blood dribble from his nose to his mouth. "Er... Cyke... I would really appreciate it if..." Khalid began.

Cyclops glared down at Khalid in the Danger Room. "Khalid... stop struggling. You are hurting yourself more than the portal is."

"Cyclops! I refuse to be the scapegoat for the destruction of the Hellions' Campus. I'm going to collapse this..."

Cyclops shouted into the microphone. "No! You'll keep that up, you hear me? Keep it up! Now... I need you to relax. Let whatever is going to happen... happen."

"Cyke, are you crazy? It will..."

"Do it!"

"No way will I..." Without any warning, he felt an extreme sensation of peace and relaxation wash over him. It was almost like an orga... er... sneeze. The feeling of instant catharsis was the same. Cyclops continued to observe. Once Khalid had relaxed, the blood had stopped trickling from his nose. That was just something he could not understand. Why would initial manifestations of the boy's power cause him injury when greater exertions caused none... something had seemed so forced... as if...

A sudden flash from the Danger Room blinded him. When the spots cleared from his eyes, he saw Khalid standing just outside the door to the observation deck. He ran out to see what was going on. "Khalid, I told you to keep it open. I said nothing about tel..."

Khalid had Darque Feonix pinned against the wall. In his hand, he had formed a blade of photons. It was held very closely to Kane's neck. "Stay out of my fucking mind!"

"I was forced to in order to keep from going crazy! You're little trances or whatever you’re playing out are like knives in my skull. I don't see why you are throwing such a fit, now... You never did before."

Cyclops placed his hand on Khalid's shoulder. "Khalid... let him go. The session is over."

"If you do that again, I'll slit your fucking throat!"

Darque Feonix sneered at him, taking delight that he had pushed Khalid to act like this. It was kind of surprising... Khalid had never threatened him in private much less in front of Cyclops. Perhaps if he could egg him enough... "I'd like to see you try!"

Cyclops was getting sick of this constant tension in between them. "Kane! Khalid! Stand down, now!"

With ease, Khalid threw DF toward the other side of the hallway and walked toward his office. Darque Feonix landed hard against the wall, just enough to knock the wind out of him. If he had wanted to, Feonix could have telekinetically stopped himself from hitting... or even gathered enough power together to telepathically overwhelm Khalid. However, he opted instead to appear non-aggressive....the victim. His whole plan was to manipulate Khalid into either quitting the Inner Circle or getting kicked out. Striking back would reduce his credibility. For anyone else in the White Court of the IHFC, his ruse might have worked. For Cyclops, it didn't. As one of the most successful and sought-out lawyers in New England, he could spot bullshit a mile away. (Also, it didn't hurt that Cyclops has been around Kane since the beginning of the Hellions.) Although Khalid was not exactly innocent here, (or acting himself, he noted...) he was not about to discount Feonix's role in this match. "What exactly were you doing fooling around in his mind in the first place?"

Darque Feonix shrugged. "Hey... You wanted him to relax. You have to admit... as soon as he calmed down, he was not bleeding anymore. How was I supposed to know he'd snap on me? I tell you... that guy is unstable!"

Cyclops turned to walk away, not bothering to help his old friend to his feet. "Kane... You are one of my closest friends. That is why I'm telling you this... Back off.... Just leave it alone. I'm handling this."

"Casey, you know why..."

"Yes, I know why you didn't agree with his appointment. However, it is too late to change it. The way you are going about it... about EVERYTHING is wrong. We need to bring this club together... not tear it apart! I can't stop you, but I can point out when you are wrong. Kane... you are WRONG."

Darque Feonix stood up, walking toward the entrance. "No, Casey, it is you who are wrong. We've spent years training, amassing a fortune and power... and we just allow our 'old buddy' Grover to bring some new guy in from nowhere and place him in the Rook position? No... I won't..."

Cyclops' next words cut Darque Feonix all the way to the bone. "Grover didn't do it alone, Kane."

Kane spun on his feet, half-running toward his friend. "Casey... What are you talking about? This guy was brought in here practically overnight... What do you MEAN..."

Casey Jones looked into Kane's eyes. "You left for parts unknown when we cleaned house... and Grover consulted his Inner Circle at the time. We discussed the appointments of Blackfire, Mufasa, and Harbinger in the same day."

"What... you can't be..."

"The votes were unanimous."

Darque Feonix was angry... Angry at Khalid Hunter for being appointed to the position just beneath him... Angry at Cyclops, Grover, and Onyx for bringing them in... Most of all, he was angry with himself. None of his precognition warned him of Mufasa's arrival... In fact, none of it had him anywhere in the picture. For the first time in a long time, he was facing a wild card... Wild cards in poker meant trouble....Wildcards in the life of a mutant precog could mean death


Khalid ran his hand along the desk until he found it... Without hesitation, he popped three Advil in his mouth and followed it down with a cup of Coke. With each passing day, the ibuprofen did less and less for his headache. He could not figure out for the life of him what instigated these attacks. First, he thought that Darque Feonix was behind it... but then he dismissed it completely. These headaches had hit at such random times, including when he used his powers to heighten his senses. Darque Feonix was not likely to risk insanity to just to give him a headache.

Another thought that bothered Khalid was his reaction to Kane's tweaking. He had no idea how he knew it was Kane or why he teleported so easily to him. (Although he did note that the teleportation did not waste him like it usually did.)

Khalid made his way to the bathroom. Maybe a hot shower would release some of this tension and make the headache let up. He turned the water and tested its temperature with his hand. He could feel the steam rush up to meet his skin as he undressed. He knew in his mind that the mirrors surrounding him were fogging up. He could actually feel the tendrils of the steamy mist as they brushed past his body. He climbed into the shower and continued his mental replay of the events that had just occurred.

The thing that really scared him was the way he just threatened to kill Kane outright. Granted, he joked in his mind about doing it, but he would never do it for real... or even threaten it. Right then and there, he wanted to... he really wanted to....He began to lather himself in the warm water of the shower. He picked up a back brush and began to scrub at his back as his mind continued to play out the scene.

The brush snapped easily and with a loud pop between his hands as he tensed his muscles and the warm caress of the water splashed against his face and down his muscled chest. He could feel Kane's bones snap beneath his hands and taste the blood as it splattered onto his face. Mufasa screamed. This interplay of reality and mental images frightened him...frightened him more than his unstable powers...more than his blindness. Khalid was scared.....scared to the very core of his being. What was happening to him? Was it Prince Mufasa doing a subtle takeover? No... that was no problem anymore...or was it? This had to be something very different... something new and very strange, that he could not explain to anyone, much less himself.

The power of the headache grew instantly mind numbing. Like a hammer blow to the back of the head, it drove him to his knees. He scrambled his way back up holding his head. Slamming the faucet down with his hand, he shut off the water and stumbled out of the shower. Careless of his nakedness he half dragged his still dripping frame to the sofa in his bedroom, attempting to use the mental starlight map in his mind. He struck his knee on the coffee table and fell against the soft smooth velvet of the couch and the map vanished in a flash of brilliant light in his head. He cried out in pain as he landed and the water from his skin began to soak into the expensive fabric. He could feel it coming on again. The pain was almost too much. He felt his muscles weaken and then finally give up on him. Unconsciousness quickly swallowed him whole in its obsidian embrace.

End Chapter 1

Chapter 2

The White Scribe known as Onyx quietly walked into the infirmary. She was still replaying in her mind the events of last night. The servant she had managed to trick into delivering paperwork to her home was even better than expected. The Hellfire Club made a habit of hiring servants that were "aesthetically pleasing" as the old White Queen would have said, but this one was especially well "equipped." She would have to string this one along awhile before dumping him like the insignificant peon he was. Tom, she thought his name was. Yes… he was better than the others were this week. He definitely knew how to handle a knife…

The man Onyx really had her eye on, though, was none other than Dr. Angelo Torres. For some reason, that man always just stuck in her mind. He was just shy of six feet, had an incredibly large frame for his size, and an animal magnetism that just drove the female IHFC members wild.

She pondered his hands. A doctor's hands were supposed to be soooo steady. She wagered with herself that she could make them shake. Oh yes indeed. She could make him shudder. Most of the White Club avoided him upon hearing that he had been a victim of the werewolf curse. To Onyx, on the other hand, that only made him all the more appealing. What was sex without a little danger. She wondered exactly how the transformation would effect him if it occurred during…

The doctor's voice broke her train of thought. "Crystal, this is the third time this week you have come into my office with a large cut. How many times do we have to go through this?" Angelo's head was hidden from view by the refrigerator door. She stared at the tight seat of his Dockers as he bent to examine the contents of the refrigerator. He was obviously rummaging around for something to eat. "You are lucky that my mutant power kills infections and other pathogens."

Onyx looked at him and purred. "Perhaps doctor, I just like the way you care for my body. You have such a knowing touch. It makes your care positively....adDICtive. Each time I leave this office feeling renewed and invigorated and."

Dr. Torres chuckled as he found the tuna salad sandwich. He had learned a long time to hide his food in a Tupperware container behind the various probes and specimens. No one except for a doctor would go out of his or her way to search behind them, and with people like Impossible Man in the house, guarding your lunch was top priority. "I don't see how. Every time you come in here, I have to stitch it shut… and you refuse anesthesia."

"Drugs are bad, hmmkaay," Onyx said in a dead-on impression of Mr. Mackey on South Park then returned to her normal purring voice. "Besides, are you sure you want to use that little bitty needle to......inject me? I can think of soooo many other things that would take my mind off the pain." Onyx placed her hand on Dr. Torres' shoulder and let it slide down his ribs. She could tell by his breathing that her caresses were beginning to take effect, and to be honest, scrub pants really don't have that many secrets. "Oh… but that is enough about me," she continued as stepped within inches of the doctor's face. "Tell me..... How are things with Dei Lu going? She seems to be taking the werewolf thing a little better. Some women can't seem to appreciate the animal in a man." She traced her finger across his lips as he tried to speak, effectively shutting him up.

He jumped as he backed into the refrigerator door that was still open. "Why you're positively chilled Dr. Torres," she said as her hands came down his chest teasing at his nipples, erect from the cold. "You'll catch your death. Here give me your hands. Let me warm you up." Onyx put his hands against her ample chest and he could feel her heart beating steadily but fiercely. Her skin was warm and soft and the clean scent of her perfume came to his nose. Their eyes locked and for a moment Onyx thought she had finally broken down the barrier of professionalism that separated them.....then he pulled away turning his back to her, and closing the refrigerator door.

"Er… Dei Lu and I are getting along just fine. We just er… celebrated our first month of dating on Monday," Doctor Torres said nervously. "Ummmm, Tuna?" he finished holding his sandwich out toward her.

"No thank you," giggled Onyx at the merry chase Dr. Torres was giving her. "I do like....tuna, but I'm much more in the mood for something beefy and juicy today." She slowly deliberately brushed a hand across Torres' forehead, pushing a strand of hair back. "You know, Angelo… Your hair is a little scraggly today. It looks longer. Is the full moon tonight?"

"No... My hair has just been like this lately. It's been growing really fast."

Onyx moved her hand down to his mouth actually parting his lips this time. "Hmmm… I've never noticed that your canines were that... prominent. You've got fangs enough to put Pike to shame. Tell me… how sharp are they…"

Dr. Torres put the tuna salad sandwich on top of the refrigerator and moved toward the cot, effectively distancing himself from Onyx. "Let's say we check out that cut. Where is it?"

Onyx grinned as she slowly unzipped her skirt from the side letting it fall to the floor. "I'm afraid it's in a very sensitive area," she said breathily.

Torres motioned toward the examining table and Onyx climbed up on it slowly giving him a full view of her smooth round backside. The white g-string underwear she wore showed the barest hint of a tan line beneath the fabric. Onyx kicked at the stirrups on the examining table. "Will we be needing these doctor?" she purred arching her back to trace her foot along the cold metal of the stirrup.

"No," Dr. Torres stammered. "I… I… I don't think we'll be needing those. Where exactly is the cut?"

Onyx took his hand and placed it on her smooth abdomen pushing it down slowly. She stopped as his finger dipped just below the waistline of her VERY low cut panties. Dr. Torres winced as his fingers came into contact with the jagged gash that his patient had.

"You're right," he said. "That is a nasty cut. How did it happen?"

"Oh....Pike and I were playing," she lied. "I hope it's not infected?"

"My power kills infections and pathogens, Onyx," the doctor said. "You know that."

"Oh yes," she said. "I'd forgotten. Should I take these off?"

"NO," the doctor blurted out. "This will be fine....ummm.. but you are going to need stitches."

"Oh, what a shame," she cooed as he pulled the edge of her panties down just enough to get at the cut with his sutures. "Remember, Doctor... NO anesthesia."


Grover sat in his office going over the figures for the monthly expenses. It was amazing how much the expenditures for the White Court had dropped ever since Blackfire replaced Nytshade as the White Queen. Blackfire cut down her servant staff to only a trusted few. She did not go on wild shopping sprees every other week like her predecessor. In other words, she's been trimming the frivolities and transferring the money toward where it is needed more. As pleasant a person as Blackfire is, Grover couldn't figure out why the White Court had tolerated the antics of Jon Tolliver in the first place. Just because a woman is one hundred some years old…

Grover pulled open the drawer directly in front of him. Startled, he cried out and pushed back his seat from the desk. Unfortunately, it tripped over the phone book, and he fell to the floor. Grover's head struck the wall. "Damn! You KNOW I hate it when you do that!"

Gomurr jumped out of the drawer, landing on Grover's chest. "Well… I was kind of surprised that you skipped brunch again. I had to make sure you weren't pissed off at me about something else."

Grover floated the two of them up and then sat back at his desk. "Relax… I'm just getting caught up on some work. Time got away from me." Rebuilding their friendship was going to be a difficult one. (Mwahahahaha… see Dark Light and Phantom Nails.) About six weeks ago, the two of them made the first step toward reconciliation. Granted, it was just a small brunch, (Hell Hath No Fury) but it was a necessary step nonetheless. They weren't hanging out like they used to, but they were talking. As long as they were talking, they were progressing. "So… what's going on at the Academy?"

"Well… there are strange days indeed at the Academy. This is one of the biggest promotion sweeps we've ever had, of course we've had to with the quick exodus of some of our more established members." This last part was said with a meaningful look at Grover. Gomurr realized that Grover had only actually recruited Blackfire and Mufasa AFTER they had decided to leave the Black branch of the club, but losing them at all still bothered the old mage just a touch. Gomurr continued on, however, not wishing to cause an argument while the two were still rebuilding bridges. "The new group is really something. Some of the ones that remained have changed so much, you would hardly recognize them. Bastion for example has taken great strides towards reclaiming his humanity, only I'm not sure what caused the shift. (To see what instigated it, check out "Whisper of a Memory.") It's pretty quiet on campus now."

Grover knew he meant since the one named Barnabus had infiltrated the BHC and raised Gomurr's expectations about the Ascended One. The old man was still heart sore about that and Grover didn't want to hurt him further, before he could change the subject though, Gomurr himself did.

The old man looked around the office. "Hey! What did you do with the spider plant I gave you last week? Don't tell me that you got careless and let it die!"

Grover walked over to his bookcase. "Don't be ridiculous. The secretary has been taking great care of it. Let me get it for you." He reached to the top of his credenza, pulling down a pot with a pretty plant in it. The leaves were long and thin, with yellowish streaks down them. "See… Not dead at all. In fact, I'd say that it is being taken great care of."

Gomurr walked up observing it. Yes… that was the pot he gave Grover, but it really didn't look like the same plant. "Grover… You aren't joking with me, are you? I gave you little more than a small cutting. It couldn't have possibly grown this much in a week. Hell… I'd be reluctant to believe that it could grow this much in a month! It's ready for a bigger pot already."

Grover shook his head. "I'm telling you, Gomurr… That pot has not moved from the top of that bookcase the entire time it has been in here. Float up there and check it out, if you don't believe me."

With a motion of his hand, Gomurr floated up toward the top of the bookcase. Sure enough, there was a small stain where the pot had been sitting. It had not moved. Slowly, he flew back down. "Well you are telling the truth I guess, and it's not like that turtle of mine you forgot to feed and then bought me anoth...ummm I mean, this plant is already bigger than the mother plant. What are you feeding it?"

Grover shrugged. "Don't know… Go ask Alice."

Gomurr was tempted… but he thought against it. Alice tended to be a little defensive around Gomurr ever since he "accidentally" ran into her butt one day. "No… She's still a little jumpy around me."

Grover closed up the folder chuckling to himself and reached toward the bottom drawer to place it in. "I wouldn't worry about it, then. Say… Are we on for lunch?"

Gomurr pulled his hands out of the pockets of his Headmaster's robe. "Sure. I just need to run by Avalon's real quick and I'll pop back in."

Grover reached for his cup of coffee. "Okay… but don't do the drawer thing! You KNOW I don't like the drawer thing!"


Khalid groaned and threw his hand across his face. He felt sore and dirty and had no idea why it was so hot and dusty in his room. He rolled again and his face dug deeper into the hot blowing sand.....SAND....SAND!!!!! What was sand doing in his room?!.

His head jerked up into the air in a feeble attempt to look at his surroundings. For the first time he realized THIS WASN'T HIS ROOM. Even with his blindness he could tell the sun was high overhead, the darkness he usually saw was now a darkness with a bright glowing orb at its center. HE WAS OUTSIDE!

"All right, SlashR," Khalid said trying to work moisture into his too dry mouth. "If this is your idea of a joke, you've finally gone too far. You've no right to take me out of my rooms and leav....."

Khalid looked around and DOWN trying desperately to sense more about his surroundings. Suddenly he came to another shocking realization that he didn't need his newly forming starlight sense to notice. HE WAS STILL NAKED!!!!! "Eeeep," was the pinched sound that came from his throat as his hands flew to cover himself.

"What the hell?" Khalid looked around again, trying to concentrate and form that sketchy image of his surroundings with his "starlight sense". Not only was he naked and outside, but he was also far from the Hellions Compound. It was hot here first of all, hot and dry, yet there he was lying on a strange sort of grass and was looking up through the branches of some sort of tree. He reached out to touch it....THORNS. Thorn trees like this didn't grow on the Hellions Compound or even in the surrounding states! Using his aspect he tried to stretch his awareness further. He once again cursed his blindness. He listened and stretched his strange sensory awareness to its limit but found no signs of human civilization. Trying to decipher his whereabouts had only served to heighten Khalid's senses, and his sense of touch once again reminded him of his current state. His naked body was covered in sandy grit where the moisture on his skin had attracted the dust, but the hot wind that blew fiercely across him had dried it and would soon take away even that meager covering. What was going on?

"Just relax," Khalid said to himself. "There's got to be a logical explanation for this. Shyeah right. I'm hopelessly lost with no sign of civilization....AND I'm naked. Could this get any worse?" He began to turn his self around trying to get his bearings once again, but before he could swivel his head a blunt metal object jammed him in the back, pushing him to the ground.

"Allo there, sunshine," a man's voice with a slightly British accent said as Khalid felt the warm muzzle of a rifle shoved into his back. "Look what we've here, lads.....a darkie boy. A mongrel of some kind, judging by the hair and skin color, not a full blood for sure. From the looks of' 'im, it would appears he's gone to his native roots... not even a skin to hide his bits and pieces."

A chorus of laughter from behind Khalid rose up. He tried to remain calm and formulate a plan of escape. WHY DID HE HAVE TO BE NAKED? He was about to turn and confront his attacker despite his state of undress, when the man spoke again. "Don't turn around, boy," the voice said as the gun muzzle trailed down his lower back to the curve of his backside. "Or we'll shoot you where you stand. Dehydration does nasty things to a body...slows the blood flow to....extremities and what not. Even a strapping young buck like you could suffer from shall we say 'shrinkage'. You wouldn't wanna embarrass yourself now would you?" Again the laughter followed.

The wind blew Khalid's sand-ridden hair into his face, hiding the sneer that came across his lips. He tried to twitch his power enough to heighten his senses and change his voice to the almost demonic growl it could achieve, but it wasn't happening. Maybe Case had a point... I should have pushed the envelope in my training... I might have more juice right now if I had done so... Whatever the case, he was drained. Perhaps if he stalled enough... "Oh, I don't know... You know what they say about Black people... Sounds like it's you who would be embarrassed."

Another voice, this time from behind him rang out. This one had a Scotch twang, but hid his accent well. "What the fuck?! How the...e bloody speaks English."

Khalid kept on talking. It had been his senior year the last time he was chased by a pack of redneck wannabes. (Starting Over) He was not exactly thrilled then about those kids chasing him like hounds after a fox. As they were beating him up, he spouted comment after comment. Five years later, he would think that he might reel it in should history repeat itself... Try as he might, he couldn't. That would be akin to admitting defeat. The Cherokee in him was too strong to give up that easily... I have no idea how Grandpa Hunter survived the South during the Civil Rights era. "By the way... I should really tell you just how bad you are at racial slurs. 'Darkie'? Come on... you can do better than that. I mean... That doesn't even sound as degrading as 'coon'! How about 'sambo'? Better yet... 'chocolate drop.' You know, the word 'nigger' has been a classic at home for hundreds of years. Then, of course, if you really want to insult me, you could call me 'Clarence Thom...'"

Another blunt object struck him in the back of the head. It was the Scot, again. "Shaddup!"

Khalid rubbed his scalp, smoothing out the pain. "Just a piece of advice... When you shoot me, make sure you do it right... Because if you do it wrong, I'll come back and hit harder." Damn... still no spark... no tingle... nothing to indicate my power is back up.

"Well well well," the Brit continued, "Looks like our little DARKIE thinks he's tough...and he's American to boot from the accent. Well you're a long way from the States now, Boy, and out here in the bush, I make the rules. So if you wanna live til we find out just exactly what you're doing on the game preserve, you'll keep your mouth shut and cooperate. Tie him up, lads." Rough hands grabbed Khalid and dragged him backward. Khalid desperately tried to access his powers to use them against his tormenters, but whatever he'd done to get his self here had almost completely drained him, and he couldn't even raise a spark of his photonic ability. He was trapped and the men had rifles of some sort. Khalid grimaced and gritted his teeth again. He was their prisoner.....for now.

Khalid was dragged backwards to a truck that was parked a few hundred feet away. He was thrown roughly into the back and quickly tied to post on the edge of the truck bed. A canvas canopy covered it so Khalid was plunged once again into utter blackness as he went from bright sun to shadow. "Now be a good boy," one of the men laughed, "or Otto will have to MAKE you a good boy."

As Khalid's senses once again began to map out his surroundings, he realized just who Otto was as well as what the men were doing. Khalid's starlight sense traced around the frame of a huge hulk of a man reclining in the darkness smiling down at Khalid. The smell of blood was fairly heavy in the air and flies buzzed around his head. When his hands met soft animal pelts and cool ivory he realized what he had stumbled onto.... POACHERS. Suddenly he heard a whimper from the other corner of the truck. He quickly identified it as female, and from the stench of fear and hurt radiating from her, Otto had already "been forced" into disciplining her. Khalid leaned as close as he could to the shivering woman and whispered to her. "I'll get us out of this. I swear it."

"NO TALKING," Otto said as he brought a heavy riding crop down across Khalid's shoulder and back. "The little minx can't understand you anyway, she doesn't speak English."

Khalid backed away glaring defiance at his captor as the truck began to move. He almost told the man that he could speak Spanish, German, and several other languages, but decided against it. As tired as he was, he doubted he had the strength to put up much of a fight should Otto decide to "discipline him." The woman simply continued to whimper and curled up into herself even more. Khalid began studying the rope binding him with his fingers and trying to access his powers once again. He vowed to himself that when he could once more use his abilities, these men would pay.....and pay dearly.

End Part II

Chapter 3

Rhiannon LeBeau carefully slipped into the office of Casey Jones. An unexpected situation had come up and something in her gut told her this was trouble. When it involved the White Rook, she was very careful which doors she went through first. This was something that she had to be sure Kane stayed way the hell away from. "Cyclops, something is wrong."

Cyclops pounded his fist on the table. "Damn… Don't tell me Khalid didn't show up for exercises this morning."

"It's more than that… I'm sure of it. He didn't even answer the door this morning. I think something is up. The warning bell is ringing good and loud in my head."

Cyclops stood up and reached for his jacket. "It looks like I am going to have to go over there and check this out. You stay here and play damage control."

"That's the problem. SlashR is already going off. He already informed all of the Red Hellions that they are not to accept any orders from Khalid or respect his position at all."

Cyclops clenched his fist. Khalid has not even given them any orders. He wasn't sure what the White Rook was up to, but he knew that this was a dangerous situation. SlashR has been looking for any and every excuse to ban Khalid from training. He should consider himself lucky, though. Khalid will not take shit from anyone… even a higher-ranking member. As much as he, Impulse, and Darque Feonix have gone out of their way to instigate trouble with him, Khalid has remained relatively calm. (Translated  He has had Impy made some special assignments for Impulse and SlashR…) Recently, though, his patience has grown paper-thin. (To see what… or more accurately WHO… instigated that, check out Hell Hath No Fury!)

The one Khalid needed to really watch was Robert Maxwell, the Harbinger. Maxwell has also remained quiet, but with a man as mysterious and dangerous as the Harbinger, quiet wasn't always a good thing. Cyclops was sure that Maxwell was gunning for Khalid's position, and he was not about to let that happen. Unfortunately for Khalid, Maxwell was the sort that manipulated behind the scenes. Cyclops could recognize one of them easily. Takes one to know one. As far as he was concerned, Maxwell was as far up as he was going to get. An eye for an eye, Harbinger… "Don't worry about SlashR. I'll take care of that one right now."

With purpose, Cyclops marched down the hall to Impy's office. Just as he suspected… Impossible Man and SlashR were already in there cussing each other out. "What is going on, here? What's this I hear about the White Rook being banned from Hellion's exercises?"

SlashR angrily turned toward Cyclops. "Look… He was late before. He's a liability in a combat situation. Now, he doesn't even show up. That's it… No more. I didn't want him around in the first place, and I sure as hell don't want him ar…"

Cyclops cut him off. "That's not your choice, SlashR. Have you forgotten? Like it or not, Khalid Hunter outranks you in this club. I have had quite enough of your fighting the matter. It is said and done… kapish? For your information, I sent Impossible Man a memo informing him that Khalid would be in exercises with me personally for a few days."

Impy ran his hands along his desk. "Nooch! I told you, Slash… I just can't find it on my desk." He stood up, pinching SlashR's cheeks. "So, why don't you go take your cutie-patootie self and go to class?"

SlashR slapped Impy's hand away. "I want him gone and I…" "Khalid is not a Hellion, SlashR you do not have the…"

"Damn right he is not a Hellion! And that is why I am demanding that…"

Cyclops was not one to raise his voice usually, but this was an exception. More than once, people have made the mistake of assuming that because of his calm demeanor, he was weak. When his voice rose, it filled the entire room. "You are in no position to be making any demands, SlashR. I have grown quite tired of you continuously undermining the authority of those above you. Believe it or not, Khalid has not done half of what he could do. On his say-so, You or any of the other Hellions could be in his bathroom cleaning his toilet with toothbrushes. Obviously, he is not the kind of man that abuses his power. I suggest you follow his example."

SlashR was hot… burning hot. "Follow HIS example… Why I ought…"

Cyclops picked up a cup of coffee and took a sip. His voice dropped back down in volume, but still carried through the room. "You know, SlashR, I was a founding member of the Hellions. I have witnessed quite a bit of growing here... even lost an eye. You can complain all you want about the blind White Rook. You can always fly out to the Black Court and ask the new Dark Priestess about the former White King? If she doesn't rip out your throat first, she might give you an earful. Go ask the Black King about his father. Then, if you feel really brave, go ask the White King about his… vacation from living. I should warn you now that even I have not done that.

"The Hellfire Club is changing, SlashR. I would like to think that we are changing for the better. Believe it or not, there has been quite a lot of old wood trimmed from the family tree. Those who still like to drive these clubs with petty politics are quickly dropping from favor. I would rather not see that happen with you. We need new life in leadership positions. Tell me… would you like it better if the White Rook was ruthless, cruel, and completely intimidating? There have been people like that, Mr. Koppers… and in fact, there are still people like that in this club. Consider yourself fortunate, Mr. Koppers, that he chooses to appeal to your intellect instead of to your fears. I see the capacity in him to do either. Now, as your headmaster has asked… go to class and say no more about this situation."

"This is not ov…"

"I repeat… Say no more about this situation. Impossible Man will inform the Red Hellions that your change in policy has been reversed. If you have a problem with my decision, then I suggest that you go to my direct superiors. That leaves you two choices. Choose wisely."

SlashR left Impossible Man's office feeling angrier than ever. Cyclops thought that this was over simply because he was the White Bishop and neither Grover nor Blackfire would reverse his decision. The problem was that last he checked, the Hellions were under the supervision of both the White and the Red Courts. No, it was not over. Perhaps it was time for him to see just what Ryan Jensen thought about Khalid Hunter…


Gomurr and Avalon sat in Avalon's "project shop". Devices of all kinds hung from pegs in haphazard array. The boy's inventive genius was stunning, but his knack for house keeping was less than stellar. "I've done just about every kind of analysis there is," Avalon said. "The only thing different is that the metabolic reading came out three times higher than the mother plant. I don't understand the difference. Maybe if you had more than just this clipping...."

"I had to pinch this off while he wasn't looking," said Gomurr under his breath. "It's not like I could take something back I had given him." Gomurr began pouring over the readings again. This was outright ridiculous. It did not make sense for a plant in the absolute shade, where it grows the poorest, to grow three times as fast as the mother plant that rested in half sunlight. That was impossible... Besides, he had a MUCH greener thumb than Grover; why was his clipping growing so well? "Have you ran a spectral scan on it?" asked the mage.

"No… Usually, you only run spectral scans on animals and people. Very little shows up on the spectral scan of a plant. However, since you asked for one…" Avalon tapped three keys on the keyboard. Immediately, the computer started scanning. "What the…" The monitor blew out. "Damn!"

Gomurr scratched his head. "What happened? There wasn't an electrical surge, was there?"

Avalon shook his head as he looked at the ruined monitor. "Nope… Not at all. I could have stopped it if it were an electrical surge. I don't know what this was. Luckily, I always have a backup plan. The results ought to be printing out hard copy."

Gomurr walked over to the HP printer. Although Avalon had often let himself get yanked around by his pe… er… his naivete (Turn of the Page), he was definitely one of the smartest most responsible members of the Black Court in Gomurr's opinion. He had impressed many when he used his ingenuity to help them get out of the situations that they always found themselves in. On the other hand, he could just as easily go the other way. Gomurr hoped that Avalon would grow out of his tendency toward rash behavior. "Let's see… um… Avalon, I can't make any sense of this."

"Oh… Sorry…" Avalon turned away from the monitor and grabbed the page. Someday, he would get around to devising a program to interpret the data automatically. "All right, according to this, there is a particularly strong spectral echo inside the cells."

"Spectral echo? Only people have spectral signatures....and the rare animal. That means that someone else is affecting the plant. Who has that kind of power? Why would they use it on a plant?"

Avalon held his hand in the air. "Wait a minute… I'm not quite finished. The spectral echo is human, though. Without the visual input on the monitor, it is impossible to tell whom. According to the frequency of the echo…"

"Someone has a power over plants?" Gomurr pondered. "Hmmmm… That is interesting… interesting and disturbing. It seems rather silly when you think of the somewhat more explosive abilities many of you have, but with all the flora that surrounds us, someone with abilities over plants could be HIGHLY dangerous."

"Its energy is esoteric in nature. By my best guess it's magically based." said Avalon.

Gomurr turned to face Avalon. "Magic? How! I would have detected magic a mile away… especially magic that strong."

Avalon shrugged. "According to the readings, it is magic. It doesn't say what kind it is…"

"Magic? Great… There are so many different kinds… I can rule out some of it outright, because it would have hit me in the face. In fact, I can rule pretty much most of it out. I need to go back and do some studying....see what kinds of mystic ability wouldn't be immediately detected by me."

Avalon reached on his shelf and pulled out a pair of sunglasses attached to what looked like a cell phone. "Let me check something…" He glanced at the sheet of paper and input a number in the cell phone. "All right… Put these on and take a look-see."

Gomurr slipped the sunglasses on his face and looked at the leaves. "Good grief, my boy....this is phenomenal. You're abilities continue to impress me. Anything affected by the magic is differentiated within these goggles. Avalon, you are a genius. I'll be able to track the magic to its source."

"Any time, Gomurr" said Avalon suppressing a blush, "and wanna see the coolest part?" The lad reached up and snapped off the cell phone attachment leaving Gomurr wearing only a cool pair of Foster Grants. "The scanning device is only needed for initial identification," said Avalon proud of his new invention. "Now you will be able to track the source without looking like a doofus with a cell phone on your head."

"I'll see you later." said Gomurr as he walked into the shadows and right out of the work with a grin. "Doofus indeed."

Darque Feonix tried to contain his happiness. For months, he had been waiting for Khalid Hunter to mess up big time. Now, his opportunity to strike had come. Khalid didn't answer the door or the phone. Hell… he didn't even sense any trace of him from right outside the apartment door. Cyclops was not one to handle much bullshit outside of the courtroom… "I don't know why you are so upset about this anyway. The guy knows he fucked up yesterday and left. He was too much of a chickenshit to call or tell us in person, either."

With ease, Cyclops used his gravity-based powers to open the locked door. "I don't think that it was that easy, Kane… His mail is still in his box." The two of them slipped inside and closed the door behind them. "Besides… check around. He's not going to move out and leave all of his stuff...especially his music and his piano."

Darque Feonix looked around the apartment. It did not take a trained eye to tell that most of the furniture had come from discount stores or second hand shops. A smile grew on his face as his gaze passed over the sturdy but cheap furnishings. "One for rather plebian tastes, isn't he?" Kane then went toward the kitchen and looked in the refrigerator. It was surprisingly empty. The only thing inside was a carton of milk that had just reached its expiration date. The cabinets were also bare. Opening the drawers, he found an assortment of kitchenware. As he turned back toward the living room, he noticed a room to the side that was definitely out of place.

Whereas the rest of the apartment was full of second-hand furniture and slightly worn pillows, the study was completely different. Inside, a seven-foot concert Steinway piano clearly stood as the centerpiece of the room. To the sides of the window that spilled golden light onto the highly polished finish of the piano, was a large bookcase with rows and rows of piano books. Kane wondered why he still had the piano books. After all, he still couldn't read them anymore. (*sniff* "A Vengeful Spirit"… evil Cassandra…) Wouldn't they be a reminder of his handicap? Hell… Khalid had only recently learned that starlight-mental map trick that Casey's friend Matt Murdock suggested, there's no way he could read Braille yet.

As Kane continued to survey the room, strange discordant musical notes along with bits of memories began to fill his head. This was the psychic vestiges of Khalid's life. With his decreased abilities, traces were all that Kane could detect, but they were enough to get a true measure of the man Khalid was. Kane saw mental images… of long frustrated nights filled with beautiful music and tedious practice. The devotion to his music that Khalid had was almost too overpowering to Darque Feonix and at one point, he actually had to leave the room. Kane's feelings had gone from anger....to pity...to an almost grudging respect, but he stopped himself at this point. "NO I WONT LET THAT HAPPEN...HE'S UNWORTHY OF ME," Darque Feonix thought.

Cyclops call from the other room in the apartment broke his concentration and his train of thought. "Kane, come here… There's something you have to see."

Darque Feonix walked through the living room to the other side of the apartment, which consisted solely of the master bedroom, two guestrooms, and the bathroom. Hmmm… What's with this guy? He lives here by himself… "What is it, Cyke?"

Cyclops stood in the doorway between the master bedroom and the adjacent bathroom. He had that knowing look on his face that he got whenever his intuition proved him right. Kane hated that look. "Look at the bed… what do you see?"

Kane shrugged. "Um… It's made up with cheap looking bedspread in an incredibly tacky pattern. What about it?"

"I've been to his apartment before. He isn't exactly messy, but he's not anal-retentive either. He once told me that he does not do any housework at all until he comes home for the day. That includes making up the bed…"

"Cyke, that doesn't mean a thing."

"All right… then check this out." Cyclops stepped into the bathroom. "His clothes are just lying on the floor when there is a perfectly good hamper full of dirty clothes right outside the door. Then, of course, there is a broken brush sitting inside the shower."

Darque Feonix telekinetically lifted the broken brush off the floor. "Cyclops… I hate to tell you this, but it doesn't mean a damn thing. As far as we know, Khalid still bailed."

"You don't really believe that, do you?"

"The guy wasn't Inner Circle material. He never has been. Besides… besides… besides…" Kane dropped the brush as vivid mental images burrowed into his mind. "I… I…"

Casey Jones turned his head toward his old friend. "Kane…" Kane felt the brush snap in his hands… and felt someone's bones snap like twigs. Someone nothing… they were his bones! Unexpectedly, he screamed. Its echo filled the small bathroom, shocking Cyclops. The image of blood flying on his face… HIS blood flew on his face… He dropped to his knees with the power of the image, slowly pulling himself back up. The pain in his head was unbearable. He stumbled forward, heading toward the living room couch. He finally got there, when his muscles gave out on him. Then, as quickly as the image had come it was gone.

Cyclops was shaking his shoulder. "Kane! Kane! Speak to me… what was that all about?!"

Kane grabbed his head. He was not sure whether or not that was telemetry or precognition. Either way, the vision was disturbing. "Nothing… nothing at all…Let go of me. I said I'm fine."

"Yeah right. You should speak to…"

"Casey, it was nothing! I'm telling you." After that, Darque Feonix did not say another word. He hoped that the thought brimming on his mind was not true… Had he really just foreseen his own death at the hands of Khalid Hunter?

End Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Grover stood up to leave for lunch. He was not exactly sure what to make of the strange events occurring on the grounds in recent days. Now that he thought about it, he was absolutely positive that Gomurr was telling the truth about the spider plant. Then, of course, the other minor events going on didn't make sense either. Dr. Torres these days looked like something more and more out of the Shaggy Dog movies. Pike's skin was flaking like crazy and getting worse with each passing day. Mutant powers were flaring up at the strangest instants. The strange thing was that these none of these things happened away from campus. It was as if it was all localized here. Something was causing it, and Grover was not sure what... "GAH! GOMURR!"

Gomurr stumbled out from Grover's cape, gasping. "Geesh! I think it is time you took that thing to the dry cleaners..."

"We really need to talk about these entrances of yours..." Grover picked Gomurr off the floor. "I thought something was crawling on my leg."

"Ha," the old mage laughed. "You wish...you couldn't handle it."

Grover simply shook his head wearily. "Hey, Since when did your Foster Grants become part of your usual daywear? I thought that was solely for clubbing."

Gomurr looked around the room with the glasses still in place. He could see wisps of esoteric energy throughout the room. Through Avalon's scanning device it appeared that a blue fog like haze hung on everything within his line of sight. It seemed to pulse and vibrate with a life of its own. He took off the sunglasses for a minute, blinking his eyes. "Damn! No wonder things didn't feel exactly right around here... It's everywhere!”

Grover looked at the strange behavior of the man he once called father. Hmmmm... Maybe it is time to call up that nursing home... "Gomurr! What are you talking about? It...... What's it? What are you doing?"

"There are concentrations of it all over the place," he continued distractedly. "This should be no problem to track." Gomurr looked around the room as he put the glasses back on. "Hmmmm... it doesn't appear to have originated in here. It's actually even fading out in spots. Strange... if I didn't know any better, I would say that it's............well weakening I suppose is the best term. Better go out in the hall..."

Grover followed Gomurr out of the room. "Um... Gomurr... I don't know what you are..."

Gomurr smiled as he looked up and down Alice's form. The White King's private secretary jumped in her seat when she saw him and went back to working, ignoring the leer of the Black Headmaster. He is sort of a cutie she thought despite herself, and then went back to her typing. Gomurr licked his lips... something about red-heads..."No, it isn't Alice... Let's see..."

Hurriedly, he rushed down the hallway with the offices of the White Hellfire Court. "Not Sharon, not Casey, not Kane, not... not... Hmmmmmm... Can you open his door?"

Grover walked over toward the office of the White Rook. "There's no point. Outburst told me that he didn't answer his door this morning. I sent Case and Kane to check it out. They haven't gotten back to me yet."

"Veerrry interesting... That could explain a lot more than you know. I need to look inside this door. I have a hunch."

Grover pulled out his key card and slid it through the lock. As the White King, his security codes overrode every lock in the building. The second he cracked open the door, the sunglasses exploded. Gomurr staggered back knocking the pieces from his closed eyelids. Dark charred smudges surrounded his eyes making him look like a cartoon robber. Grover couldn't help but chuckle. Just what was Gomurr doing? Grover stepped quickly into the room to discover... "Nothing. Absolutely nothing. No one is in here. Nothing." He turned around to see Gomurr brushing his face with his hands. "All right, Gomurr... Obviously you know something I'm not privy to. Start talking. What is going on around here?"

Gomurr rubbed his eyes again with the back of his hand. "Avalon's spectral scanner came up with magic as the source of the spider plant's rapid growth. He rigged these sunglasses as a kind of radar..." If I talk fast enough, he won't even realize I grinched that sample in the first place...

"KHALID?! He's behind the miracle grow job on my plant......AND YES I said GROW job not what you were thinking. I know he has a rapport of sorts with nature, but why be so concerned if he's doing a little creative gardening?"

"I'm sure that's not all that's been going on, Pup," said Gomurr using the childhood nickname he had for Grover. "Think back......Haven't there been more than a few strange occurrences around here lately. Maybe I'm wrong, but I think this is a sign of much larger troubles."

Grover slapped his forehead as if the pieces of a puzzle had suddenly and startlingly come together in his brain." You're right! Ever since Khalid's arrival strange things have been happening. The doctor......the strange power flares......that plant."

"I should have realized earlier," said Gomurr. "Don't' you see? It was Cougar. It makes perfect sense!"

"The old man? What about him? Surely, he's not the source of..."

"No... you aren't thinking. I wasn't thinking either. That's why I didn't recognize it earlier. It was staring me in the face the entire time."

Grover sat on Khalid's office couch perplexed as usual by Gomurr's insane jumps in logic. "All right... Fill me in."

"Most people have to undergo a lengthy apprenticeship either in the present or a past life in order to cultivate any magical skills. In other words, learn before doing. That would be induced magic. Very rarely someone is born with the ability to use magic automatically. That would be inherent magic."

"I'm still not following you," put in Grover squinting his brow. "Slow down little buddy. All of us aren't hundreds of years old or magicians by nature."

"I'm saying Khalid must have been born with active magic and has only been denying it. His entire life has probably been full of strange 'coincidences' and he's just accepted it as normal."

"Are you saying that Mufasa's magic is finding ways to make itself noticed independent of Khalid's will?" put in Grover finally beginning to understand.

"No... I'm not saying that at all. Listen my boy. Mufasa when he was alive never learned magic at all. Everything he learned from Jhakar involved tricks of the mind and was applied to fighting. Most of it was just concentration exercises. So, this has very little to do with Mufasa at all, which means that it is inherent magic, but in some other capacity."


"Inherent magic is originally a gift of a benefactor on the receiver's bloodline as some sort of transaction. Even my own magical ability was a gift of someone or something. As far as I know there are only two natural magic sources on earth. One for good and one for evil. These sources are ancient beyond description and powerful beyond comprehension. All magic of any system of empowerment comes from those two sources in some form or another. Anyway...back to inherent magic. Each generation of the receiver's descendents are born with latent magic that needs to be awakened a little at a time before it can be put to use. Call it a safety valve if you will. The first manifestation of the magic is always something small, but enough to alert the older family members, so that they can begin the education of the young. The older family member usually then takes on the responsibility for awakening the latent magic slowly through careful training until the protégé finally is able to control it. Then, the cycle begins again when the next generation is born."

"So... Let me get this straight... Khalid has an affinity for magic because it was inherited from someone in his family. And you think it's his grandfather, Cougar. In the beginning, Khalid starts talking to animals. Cougar takes this as a sign, awakens the magic, but doesn't teach him to use it. As a result, Khalid's formerly latent magic runs amok."

"WRONG! Some of it was already at hand, probably because Khalid inadvertently began accessing his powers with someone else, but was interrupted. That was how Khalid was able to talk to animals and even see through Torres' eyes. Cougar is not stupid enough to allow Khalid access to magic he cannot control. He loves the boy too much."

"But you said..."

"There are other ways the magic can be awakened. Either the original benefactor himself intervenes and 'turns it on' or the student is exposed to something else that starts the process... Kind of like forcing a latent mutation."

"If it wasn't Cougar, then what could have possibly caused it?"

"I don't know, and it really does not matter. Right now, your White Rook is in trouble... and we are talking big trouble. If we don't find him soon, he could very well be a danger to himself and everyone around him. Time is of the essence."


Robert Cougar knew something was up the moment the airplane landed. Suddenly it all became crystal clear when he got a sudden mental picture of Khalid bound and naked in a darkened cabin. HE HAD WAITED TOO LONG. He should have returned to New York immediately after he sensed that disturbance. If he had come earlier rather than tracking that vampire, (Hell Hath No Fury) then he might have reached Khalid in time... reversed the process. He never realized that the magic was so strong... so pure... Now, it was too late. At this point, the magic has been awake much too long to be forced back into dormancy.

He must now teach Khalid how to harness it... how to use it... but he did not have the time available to do so. The darkness was in a time of ascendance right now... but the escalating magic in his grandson could not be ignored. He didn't dare teach Khalid until the balance shifted back in favor of the light. Then, he would have more than enough time to teach Khalid what he needed to know......... but what could he do to help him until that time......and would the darkness claim him before he could reach him...

End Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Avalon was sound asleep… blissfully unaware. The young man that had had such a tumultuous life had learned to appreciate the finer things in life....like a nap. There were distinct advantages to being Lord of the Darkfire Court. One of them was that he could schedule himself an after-lunch nap and no one would dare say a word. Life was good… and he was going to enjoy living it.

He groaned softly in his sleep as he relived a moment from his past. A single word passed his lips......Nemesis. The time he had shared with her had been extremely erotic, but sadly short-lived. It turned out that she had been under the psychic influence of others almost the entire time. Avalon was sure that the Black Queen had at least yearnings toward him, but her own pride and the obvious age difference made the situation impossible. Since that time rumors flew by him daily about her latest conquests. Was she back with Robert Maxwell, known as the Harbinger, or had she indeed turned her attentions to the former Black Maestro and now White Rook, Khalid Hunter?

People within the clubs whispered spitefully about the Queen's appetites, but Avalon accepted them as part of her being. Her sexuality was part of her essence. She wouldn't be the same person without her overtly sexual nature. Many of the others in the clubs had asked Khalid Hunter about the rumored affair, but he always refused to comment. Nobody asked Nemesis herself....her temper being almost as legendary as her sexual escapades. Avalon thought he knew exactly what was going on. In his mind, Nemesis just liked to keep people on their toes… keep them talking. As far as she was concerned, they could talk all they wanted and while they were distracted she could do as she pleased unhindered. Av sincerely believed though that her "relationship" with Khalid Hunter was nothing more than a declaration of independence from Robert Maxwell. While Claudia had asked Khalid to model a pair of leather pants from her spring line at the fashion board meeting, Avalon reasoned the rest of it was just smoke and mirrors to both keep young Mr. Hunter guessing and to keep the rest of the club stirred into a frenzy.

"AAAAAAH!!!!" Avalon sat up gasping for air, awakened from his dream. He looked at the two men standing over his bed. The White King and the Headmaster of the BHC Academy smiled down at him with mischief in their eyes, but underneath that...there was a purpose. What was this about now? Sometimes, their father-son relationship made him downright sick… with jealousy. His own "father", the mutant master of magnetism known as Magneto, did not even bother making contact with him until he was designated Alpha Class. (Fathers and Sons) "Look… I don't mind if you wake me up, but can you please gently shake me instead of closing off my nostrils?!"

Grover was still laughing, but Gomurr had taken on a serious look. Something in the old man's face convinced Av this wasn't your ordinary prank. The old mage's eyes were almost level with his own while he laid in the bed. "Sorry… I couldn't resist. You looked so peaceful," Grover laughed.

Avalon sat up when he realized what had struck him odd about Gomurr. He looked like he was wearing a tiny black mask. "Um… Gomurr… Is there any reason you are dressed up like Robin? Is this one of those twisted Caped Crusader and Boy Wonder games you guys play?"

Gomurr pulled out a handkerchief and again wiped around his eyes. "Ha ha....very funny, but we come in all seriousness my young friend. Do you still have the control unit for the these spectrum analysis glasses?" The last he said holding up the remains of the glasses.

"OH MAN........What'd you do," cried Av. "That was some primo tech. You're way lucky I always keep a dual prototype, but you're gonna have to be satisfied with Oakley's this time." Avalon got out of bed and walked across the room groggily rubbing at his own eyes. Grover again suppressed a laugh. Avalon wore tight black bikini briefs that were marked clearly with the Sandubal original label. The youth's toned body, was that of a perfectly trained "almost" adult athlete, but the way he stumbled across the room dragging his sheet with him while running his hand through his tussled hair reminded Grover of a child creeping up to watch cartoons on a Saturday morning. The White King gave an inward sigh. Was I ever that young and carefree?

"Here it is," said Avalon as he pulled it off the shelf next to him and yawned pulling the sheet around him. "I brought it from the lab like you asked me to. Did you find the spectral echo you were looking for from that leaf sample?"

Grover suddenly stopped smiling and glared at Gomurr. "What the… You stole my leaves?!"

"Where do you think I got the original sample from?" Gomurr said and quickly hurried speaking to Avalon to avoid further recriminations. "It worked like a charm, my boy. Your intellect is a credit to us all, but we come to ask something more of you. Can the scope of the scan be increased?"

"Increased how?" asked Avalon his sharp mind already calculating changes to be made.

"Is there anyway to run a scan to find the highest concentrations of that specific energy," Grover asked still staring at Gomurr who was avoiding eye contact

."Sure, no problem," said Avalon. "I'll run a sweep of the grounds right now."

"I need a more ummm comprehensive search than that I'm afraid," returned Grover. "I was thinking more along the lines of global."

Avalon looked at both the men before him, then went to the closet, pulled out a robe and belted it around himself. "Do you realize how difficult it is finding an energy spectrum that general in a surface area scan that massive?"

"We understand, Av," said Gomurr, "but it's very important. Can you do it?"

"Well of course I can do it," said Avalon, "but it's not exactly ummmm legal."

Gomurr raised his eyebrows and Grover simply nodded as Avalon went to work. Avalon took the glasses from the ancient mage's hand and threw their still shattered remains on the nightstand. Reattaching the new set, he began punching codes into the cell phone pad. After making a few calibrations, he placed the phone on the charger that was in turn rigged into his computer through a mass of tangled wiring. "This computer can log directly into the military satellite system at NORAD. As far as the US government knows, this is just the Surgeon General making another phone call to his mistress in Melbourne. They can't trace it back here, cuz I bounce the signal through about a million different systems throughout the world."

Grover watched the boy dumbfounded. He would never think of him as a child again. This new Dark Lord had skills that made him an incredible asset to the BHC, but did that make him a danger to the White Court? "There," said Avalon smiling up at Grover and Gomurr. "Looks like the highest concentrations of that spectrographic frequency are coming from here." The lad pointed and his finger landed on the monitor showing an aerial map of Africa.

"EGYPT!?!?!" Grover almost screamed. "What in the world is Khalid doing in Egypt? How in the hell did he get there?"

Gomurr sat down hard on Avalon's bed. "Of course....It makes a kind of sense...Kemet. With his magic this out of control, Khalid's mind has no conscious way to deal with it, so he probably latched onto a memory from Mufasa's life. If this magic is anywhere as powerful as I believe it to be, then he would have no trouble teleporting. We better hurry!"

Avalon stood up quickly, dropped the robe and quickly began pulling on a pair of rumpled jeans from the floor. "Hey! You guys aren't going on a trip without me! You might need some technical advice again with the scanner, and besides Khalid is my friend. In the short time he was here, I have to admit, I kind of liked the guy.........If you guys tell anyone this I'll never forgive you, but I sorta liked playing that stupid French horn he made me practice. I mean it's not as cool as my guitar or anything, but...."

"Very well, Av," said Gomurr, "but come along, we must hurry."

"Hold on… Little Guy," put in Grover. "What happens if we get there and Khalid's magic starts to affect us?"

"Good point, we'll have to be careful." Gomurr pulled two pieces of gum out of his pocket, handing one to Av and one to Grover. "Chew on this."

"Doublemint?" asked Grover incredulously. "Wow. Is it laced with some protection spell against magic?"

Gomurr shook his head. "Nah. It's just to cover your breath. WHEW! Next time I interrupt your lunch remind me to do it on a day you aren't having extra onions....and Av's after nap breath could choke a dragon."

"Hey!" said Av, secretly blowing into his hand and smelling it.

"Shut up you little plant grincher," put in Grover. "Do I need to remind you of a certain club called the Pulpit where you partook of a certain....breath altering substance...." (See Gomurr's adventures with a waitress in Whisper of a Memory) but before he could go on they fell through the shadows and were gone.


Robert Cougar stepped down from the jeep he had rented at the airport and looked around. He examined the ground and sniffed the air softly using his magic senses as well as his physical tracking abilities. "Yes… He was right here. Several people surrounded him. Hmmm. That's gun oil. I'd say he's probably in trouble. He was dragged toward a large truck…about right here… where they drove off in that direction." He was about to follow in the direction the tracks led when he heard the shrieks. They were not of the living, but of the dead. "Damn… It was poachers!" Robert Cougar covered his hands with his head as the shrill and guttural cries of the animal spirits filled his mind. They cried out to him for vengeance. He blocked them out...finally and continued on his search.

"If I could make contact with a bird, I could use it's eyes to search from the sky, but the death stench of those slaughtered animals has scared off even the tiniest bird. This isn't exactly safe, but I have no alternative." Cougar sat down on the ground and crossed his legs in front of him. He closed his eyes and began to hum and chant to himself. Cougar had been working with the magic of his family line for longer than Khalid had. He better understood how Khalid saw through the eyes of animals, but this was something entirely different, and he was pushing his limits he knew. Concentrating even more deeply, Robert Cougar synched his life essence with that of his grandson to see the world through his eyes. This wasn't telepathy, merely the art of using a familiar, but doing it with a human was taxing and highly dangerous. Thank God I never showed Khalid how to mask his aura signature. He made contact with the aura of his grandson.

For a brief second, it opened up the connection between them. It was like Cougar was Khalid for an instant. He could feel the hot metal truck bed beneath his naked body and the rope binding his hands. The starlight sense view he was seeing was strange to behold and he wondered what was going on with Khalid. Was he unconscious? The thing Cougar could sense most was the overwhelming sense of rage that his grandson had never had before. The rage was being fed by the spirits of the animals that had been slaughtered in the name of pelts and ivory.

Cougar cut off the connection, no longer able to maintain the link. One of the dangers of using that trick was that if he was not careful, it could cause a sympathetic reaction from him. He had no time to be fighting the effects of an overdone spirit connection. He already felt the bruises and scrapes Khalid had suffered only in a lesser fashion. It would be at least an hour before Cougar would overtake the truck as is, and it was still moving steadily onward. He prayed that he would get there in time...before the rampant magic and the angry animal spirits could interact in a way that might destroy his grandson

End Chapter 5

Chapter 6

"Avalon, have you picked up any sign of him on the spectrum analysis glasses?"

Avalon hovered in the air over the wildlife preserve, looking around. The electric hum of his force field sounded like a large hummingbird on your shoulder. "No…..but that probably means that he is out of range. I'm using my electromagnetism to amplify the signal, but it still only goes out around twenty miles. I'd jack back into NORAD again, but that dirty old man only calls his mistress about once a day. Any more would raise suspicion."

Grover couldn't complain. "That's better than what we would have had without you, kid."

"Kid! HMPH," Avalon thought to himself. "I'm a lord now....that's almost as good as a king," and then he spoke out loud in an excited voice. "Wait a sec… I'm picking up something…" He made some minute adjustments to the cellular device that were attached to the glasses and continued. "15 miles to the Northwest. It is kind of faint, and somehow the aura's darker…"

"Faint?....Darker?," said Grover. "Does that mean he's hurt...asleep...what?"

Gomurr clenched his teeth. "No… That means something else entirely!" Making a hex in the air, the old mage fell through the shadows once again. Grover and Avalon dove to follow him, but only succeeding in crashing into the dusty floor of the African continent. Gomurr had closed the portal and left them behind.

Avalon pounded his fist on the ground. "What the hell was THAT about?!"

Grover picked himself and hovered scanning the horizon. "That means that Gomurr's showing his ass again! The little guy probably thinks he's protecting us, but he's gonna learn that maybe it's him that sometimes needs some protection."

"Come on!" Av groaned. "I really don't appreciate being dragged thousands of miles and then left with my thumb up my ass in this heat."


"Gomurr leaped from the shadow portal about fifteen miles away, his staff leveled in front of him. "I know you are here! We have to talk NOW!"

Robert Cougar shot out of his crouch in the sand, turned a somersault in the air above Gomurr and landed in front of him. Two knives appeared in his hands seemingly out of nowhere. "You're right little man. We do need to talk. Is this what you call protecting Khalid?! Letting him get kidnapped by poachers, and allowing his powers to rage out of control?"

Gomurr held his staff in one hand and struck a defensive pose. "Maybe if you had done your job correctly, this wouldn't have happened. Are you telling me you couldn't sense your grandson's magic running amok? Why didn't you warn us of his mystical potential?"

"Don't you presume to question my methods concerning my grandson! I do, however, question whether or not your 'school' is the best place for him! Tell me… where were you when he lost his eyesight?"

"I was trying to stop an abomination...a disease endangering not only Khalid, but hundreds, perhaps thousands of others....and if you were so informed of his actions, you'd know by know that my school is no longer where he resides. He has left us for the White Court… You should know… you were there! (Dark Light) Now, It's your turn. Why didn't you inform us of his inherent magic? Did you not think that with so many super-powered people inhabiting the same place that something would happen sooner or later? With a little warning I might have been able to buffer the others from its effects!"

"OR maybe you might have tried to take advantage of him to fulfill the self-serving tenets of your Hellfire Club!"

Gomurr whirled the staff above his head causing a dulling roaring of wind. "I serve my students above any organization, Mr. Cougar, If you think I do not, then we have a serious problem."

"Don't bite off more than you can chew old one. I am well aware of some of the actions of your organization's members. Tell me… has the young man who traveled with me to Chicago (Dark Light) discovered the truth behind his parents' murders? What about the antics of your Elaida Tolliver? Be warned, Gomurr, I am quite familiar with the manipulations of the Hellfire Club and its members. I will not allow my grandson to be party to such politics!"

"We are changing, Cougar, you have no right to judge us on our past actions..."

"There's only so far you can change with the same evil people leading you! Has it not occurred to you that each of you might be being maneuvered into your place by some other force or does it make sense that this many powerful people would be drawn together in such an 'interesting' organization?"

"I am my own master, Cougar. You dishonor me by saying it is not so. My destiny belongs to me."

"My grandson's initial decision about your organization was to avoid it, because of its sinister background and shady motivations. He is seldom wrong. Perhaps, you aren't as large a part of the real plans of the Hellfire Club as you'd like to think."

Gomurr was not sure what bothered him more… the old man's attitude or what he was implying. Part of what he said hit dangerously close to home. There WERE times where he feared there were dark undercurrents in the Hellfire Club. Whatever the case, he just wanted to knock some sense into this young upstart. The two rushed at each other, about to strike when they were knocked apart by an explosion of blue energy out of nowhere.

Avalon landed in between them. "All right, you two geezers cut it out before one of you breaks a hip."

Grover landed silently behind Avalon. "I have no idea what was said between you two, but I am sure that the words were not pleasant." He glared down at Gomurr. "And if you EVER leave me like that again, It will be I that knocks some sense into YOU. Don't you think that I can make my own decisions? You might be the closest thing I have to a father, but you aren't the one who makes decisions for me. Not anymore. It would pay to remember that. Now, if I'm not mistaken, we are here to find Khalid. If the two of you want to get in a pissing contest later that's fine, but for now there's a young man out there in serious trouble, and I think we have some work to do."

End Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Claudia Sandubal did not readily admit it, but she was not happy. In fact, she had not been happy for a long time. Claudia had lived the life of most 40-year-olds by the time she was 16. Nothing was denied her, and no cost was too high. She pondered the saying 'live hard, die young' at times like this. The beautiful Black Queen stared into the mirror searching for signs of age creeping up on her. Her ivory skin remained unblemished by wrinkles of any kind, yet still she searched. She had to have something to show for her debaucherous life, even if it was only a few wrinkles....yet she found nothing. True she was the owner and CEO of Sandubal industries, was one of the wealthiest women in the world, had the telepathic abilities beyond compare, and could have any man she desired...but what was the saying? The only thing better than more is all...but once you have it all...What then?

Claudia had slowly begun to tire of the petty game that was the Hellfire Club. It was only recently that she had admitted to herself just how much of a role she played in it. Her subtle mechanizations and unseen movements within the club were unmistakable in effect but untraceable in execution. She had to admit lately... especially lately. The club had changed. These were different days. If her father had lived to see the Hellfire Club as it was today, he probably would not recognize it…and probably wouldn't want to. As much as she hated to say it, even she had changed as the clubs had. She too had softened and perhaps matured.

She could not let that be known, however. People around here consider it a sign of weakness. . If there was one thing Claudia Sandubal was not, it was weak. She would continue to be the scheming seductress in the public eye, and anything else she did would go unnoticed. One of her key strengths was that she could keep anyone guessing. One of her rules was never to allow anyone to know what was going on in-between her ears. Her resolve was made all the stronger ever since her manipulation at the hands of her one-time lover, Robert Maxwell. (Ascension, Dark Reckonings) She had come out of the entire experience determined that no one would ever use her again. Every once in a while, her resolve had backfired. She remembered her last piano lesson with Khalid a few days before he was fired… although fired wasn't exactly the right word. She realized she was taking the club's side again. No one would have said a word if he had walked back in. (In fact, Havok tried to convince him to do just that…) Basically, the boy had quit.


"I can tell by the way you play, you know. You're tempo is slowly but steadily increasing. You're playing to get to the end of the piece rather than because you enjoy it. The audience can sense that on an unconscious level. It comes off as insincerity, and above all music should be sincere. It should be an expression of your emotion, and emotion is the most sincere aspect of human behavior. You have to have your heart in what you are doing… or else it doesn't work. Though the audience may not always notice and be satisfied, with your performance... YOU never will be. That will only happen if you are successful in communicating your ideas, allowing people to feel what you feel."

"Please, Mr. Hunter, I believe that I pay you to teach piano… not to riddle me with pointless philosophy. Should I want that, I will visit the Black Headmaster."

"Don't mindwipe me or anything because I'm not doing this to be rude. You of all people should know exactly what I mean. Each day, you step out in the world as the ruthless fashion executive Claudia Sandubal. On your days off, you return here and go the rest of the time as Nemesis, Queen of the Black Hellfire Court. Your entire time is spent on one thing… playing one role or the other. But which of them is the real you, Claudia or is the answer neither? REAL music comes from the REAL person. They have computers that can perfectly produce any music known to man, but it ceases to be music then. It's just noise...and there is no purpose...no passion in noise."

At that point, she had laughed at the then-Black Maestro condescendingly. "Really, Khalid… Have you been trying to figure me out? An impossible task, really… and eminently dangerous. For now, I shall attribute your blunder to your youthful arrogance. Now, I believe…"

"Am I really that wrong?" Khalid sat back in his chair, trying futilely not to agitate his sore leg.
(This flashback takes place a couple of days after SG and Khalid fought the Rhino, Scorpion, and Doc Ock in "Dark Light.") "Tell me… Are the piano lessons, lunch dates, and… um… leather pants about friendship or your hidden desire to perform? I've noticed your flirtations are the most obvious when you have an audience. Half the people around here think we're sleeping together, which I've never confirmed nor denied because it was none of their business. Tell me, what is this all about?"

Nemesis' laughs grew lower in pitch… darkly seductive… and borderline chilling. "Please, Khalid," Nemesis scoffed… "I wasn't aware that you wanted to be used in that manner as well. Perhaps if you were in my socio-economic class, I might have even considered it. You're certainly a fine specimen." She said the last almost violently gripping Khalid's upper "UPPER" thigh.

Khalid angrily stood up, shaking her hand off as he went and limped toward the door. "You just proved my point, lady...beyond a shadow of a doubt.... and just to make things clear, YOU couldn't handle it."

Nemesis pushed her seat back and leapt to her feet. "And what point was that?" she almost spat.

Khalid grabbed his jacket and opened the door. "That you used me... that it was all part of a performance. I don't mind being seen around town with an attractive lady. I don't mind giving a 'friend' free piano lessons." He reached next to the light switch and grabbed his crutches. "Hell… I'll even admit that it was kind of fun modeling those pants at your spring line show. You know, I've not asked much of you. I haven't asked you to give me cash. I haven't asked you to give me elevated status in this club. I haven't asked you to telepathically give me access to my powers. I haven't asked you to stop certain nameless alien mercenary teachers from pulling students out of my class so they can enjoy the thrills of broken bones, concussions, and internal bleeding (Dead Ringers). I haven't asked you to stop Silver from bitching me out...AND I haven't asked you to seduce me or at least pretend to. All I ask is that you be sincere. Do you think for one day in your life as the Black Queen of the muckety-muck Hellfire Club you could do that?"

"Khalid! I will not tolerate this conduct from a member of my court!" Khalid started down the hall. "Read my mind, Claudia. My offer of friendship was genuine; it had nothing to do with keeping up appearances or kissing the queen's ass. I meant it, but I see all you were interested in was another level of game playing. Excuse me now. Sharon's taking me to pick up Grandpop and Mike from the airport." (Dark Light)

"When you return," Nemesis said coldly. "We'll discuss your punishment for this outburst."

"Do whatever you feel is necessary... MY QUEEN!" Khalid kept on moving down the hall, not even looking back to acknowledge her glare. Nemesis came within a hair's breath of psionically seizing his mind, but she thought better of it. Though she didn't admit it orally, she had enjoyed Khalid's company. His sincerity and honesty had been a welcome change from her life of subterfuge.

She almost said two words to him. Two words as Queen, she never had to say. She almost said "I'm sorry" and perhaps a bit more. What did that little upstart want from her... and what was she willing to give? Khalid was right, but she still had appearances to keep up in order to maintain her position. As softly as she could, she whispered knowing no one could hear her. "I'm sorry, Khalid."


Several times, Nemesis had considered apologizing to Khalid. Like Avalon (Turn of the Page), he had believed that her advances were real...at least at first. To an extent, he was correct. Although she did respect him, as Queen of the Black Hellfire Court she COULDN'T respect him TOO MUCH. At least at the time. She wondered why she kept us such high defenses now that Jon Tolliver, her long time rival, was no longer the White Queen. It had hit Nemesis rather abruptly that she had no reason for putting up the façade in the first place anymore. (She did enjoy the irony of Nytshade being the Dark Priestess, and thus below her in rank though, although some startling changes had occurred in Jon as well…) Regardless, she did owe Khalid an apology. Granted, she had neither slept with Khalid nor been secretly influenced by an alternate personality (Like she was with Avalon in Turn of the Page), but it was still wrong the way she treated him. It was time for her to rectify her mistakes.

As she passed by the recital hall on the way to the communications suite, she heard the most exquisite piano music she had ever heard coming from inside. The lyric melody reminded her of someone who had just lost his or her favorite lover. "Khalid, here? He's come back to us? No… no psi-signature. It has to be Bastion then?"

Quietly, she nudged the door open and slipped in. In recent weeks, Bastion had seemingly made contact with his human self. Where before his music was perfect...precise in every way in the strictly notes on paper sense, it was still empty… mechanical...hollow, just as Khalid had said hers was. However, this... THIS was...indescribable. She listened intently as the musician’s fingers deftly flew across the keys. She had thought he had shifted his interest away from music lately though. His mind and interests now changed like quicksilver. His mind was now even more like a sponge trying to soak up more and more information. One day he was a cold, sentient machine trying to understand human behavior. The next day, he discovered full emotions and wanted to experience more and more.

She slowly strolled into the room, looking toward the grand piano, all the time listening carefully. When the pianist came into full view, her jaw dropped, openly. Daemon stopped playing and stood up from the piano, and closed it shut. He was donned in full battle gear, wearing a psi-baffler on his forehead. Presumably, the Dark Executioner had just finished a session of beating up Marauders, Upstarts, and Acolytes. However, she had no idea his cool off ritual included making such exquisite music. "Daemon! I had no idea that you could play. You scoffed at the fact that Gomurr added music to the curriculum."

"I can't play." said Daemon sourly, then he walked out the door with a myriad of thoughts brimming on his mind. He had more of Khalid's memories running through his head than he could contain. Even more galling to him was the possibility of Khalid having his memories as well.

End Chapter 7

Chapter Eight

The Hellions gathered inside the meeting hall. Cyclops knew that it was risky to do this, but he wanted to keep this as low-profile as possible. The last thing he needed was to add further fuel to the growing rift between the Hellions and the Inner Circle. His eyes met Impossible Man's. They had to be careful how this progressed or the students would become suspicious. Although Impy was a little on the insane side, he did know when to be serious… sometimes… occasionally… well… He gets the work done, anyway.

Impossible Man smiled as he addressed the Hellions. Interesting…where the hell is SlashR? He'll find himself on manure duty in the stables again… "Good evening, my sweetie-weetie Hellions. I've missed you guys SOOO much that I just HAD to see you again this time of day… right now."

The Red and White Hellions groaned in frustration at their Headmaster. Sometimes, Impy was downright hilarious… Other times, Impy was irritating. Considering that all of them had plans at this time, he was more on the annoying side today. "I just LOOVE the sound of my Hellions greeting their Headmaster… just about as much as I like to hear the sounds of love, happiness, and concern for your brethren as you get bruised, beaten, and battered in the mornings. However, that is not why I've called you here. The White Bishop, an alumnus from the very first class of Hellions, has something to tell you. So, I suggest that you pay attention or…" Impy gave a chuckle. "… I'll just say that it is time for the Impossible Pigsty to be cleaned again."

Casey Jones took the microphone. "Thank you, Impy… for that… um… introduction…" He sure ain't no Jamie Madrox… THAT's for sure! "I know that many of you had plans tonight, but I'm afraid that something has come up that warrants our attention. As you know, we have been investigating the reasons for the strange power flare ups and mysterious occurrences around here."

Pike pulled a sheet of skin from his cheek. Next to him, Luna cringed. "Eeeew! That's sick!"

Pike crumpled it up in his hand. "Overactive mutant healing, darlin… interactin' with my vampiric nature. Would you like a taste?" Pike leaned over toward her as if offering a mock bite.

Luna shoved him away from her. "No thanks… already died once. I have no desire to repeat the experience."

"It's not like this all over," said Pike grinning showing his too sharp canines "Parts of me are still smooth....and hard like marble."

Luna scooted down the bench. "Sorry… I like garlic and sunlight too much. Besides… Coffins really don't do a thing for my hair."

Impy's voice carried through the room. "Woohoo!!! Two volunteers for the pigsties! ALL RIGHT! Now… the next thing I need is someone to milk the 20 or so Impossible Cows. I'm afraid their bout with swollen nipple still isn't over." Luna gave Pike a punch in the arm but the were both quiet after that.

Cyclops began again, trying not to laugh. "After much questioning and simple observation, we have figured it out what's caused the recent problems. Dr. Torres, if you'd come up here please?"

Dr. Torres walked toward the podium. Out of everyone, he had the most visible signs of being affected. His hair, which he usually kept trimmed as short as possible, had grown into a scraggly mess. His fingernails were sharp and pointy, indicating a partial progression toward the lycanthropic state, and his canines had lengthened to the point where he could be mistaken for a vampire. He had some difficulty keeping his speech clear with the added mouthful of teeth. At least I haven't started eating dog food yet…

He figured that he shouldn't complain anyway. He was glad that someone in the Inner Circle had deemed him important enough to let him in on what was really going on FOR ONCE. That is, before they asked him to lie yet again. He hated the politics and lies of the Hellfire Club, but his passion for treating meta-humans and learning about them kept him there. Besides, there were still those rumors about his predecessor falling in disfavor and going on "permanent leave of absence."

Finally Dr. Torres began to speak. "Apparently, there was a rupture in some of the advanced Kree scanning devices which are housed in the medical unit. The device went off-line after scanning the White Rook, but it seemed to be just a random glitch. Because of the nature of radiation that the device uses, however, it poses a serious health risk to those exposed. At first it was undetected due to the fact our internal security measures weren't set to check for the presence of cosmic radiation. Left unabated, the radiation has spread to almost the entire campus. Because Mr. Hunter and I were closest to the initial leak when it occurred, the two of us have been affected the most severely. As you can see by looking around you, no one has gone unaffected."

Tyru raised his hand on the front. "Excuse me, Dr. Torres… but where is the White Rook now?"

Dr. Torres turned his eyes toward Tyru and spoke. "This morning, theWhite Bishop and Knight went to the Mr. Hunter's rooms and found him comatose. Upon examination we discovered his body had tried to protect itself from the radiation and shut all but basic brain functions down. We are still studying the process." Murmurs erupted throughout the room.

Cyclops spoke into his mike again. "The White King has taken him to Cairo, where a Kree earth base is located. They will be the best experts on this condition, and will be able to give us the help we need. We have been fortunate that Dr. Torres' powers effectively buffer him from the extreme effects of the radiation. Unfortunately, this brings us to the next order of business… For the next week, we are going to have to relocate while the radiation on the campus is cleaned up. I have been assured that simple removal from the radiation will be enough to allow everyone other than those exposed to the initial outbreak to return to normal."

The room again erupted in murmurs and speculation. Cyclops rose his voice to be heard. "Go to your quarters and pack very lightly… We will spend the next week on Heltway Island, just off the coast of Maui. It should be a well-deserved vacation for us. We will meet on the front lawn in two hours. Be prompt."


"What can I do for you, Mr. Koppers?"

SlashR fidgeted nervously in the office of Ryan Jensen. He had immediately begun regretting his decision to come here as soon as the door to Jensen's lavish office suite closed behind him. He had heard numerous rumors of people who had walked into his office and not walked back out.....at least under their own power. However, he couldn't go face Byron yet. The story between them was not quite over. No… his only option was Ryan Jensen. The suavely handsome Red King lay on the supple leather of a nearby couch.....i guess sprawled would be the more correct term. His relaxed posture was familiar of the darkly seductive Black Queen, yet held a tense almost aggressive maleness to it.

SlashR scanned the room to gather his thoughts. All the furniture was low to the ground and heavily upholstered. The scent of jasmine hung in the air, and a cool breeze wafted in front an unseen air duct. Ryan lounged nonchalantly in a red silk robe that hung open when he moved. Underneath he wore only tiny black bikini briefs that revealed more by their fit than if he had been naked. A beautiful blonde knelt at his hand slowly caressing them and buffing his nails. He stroked her hair with his free hand as if she were a favored pet.

SlashR felt his discomfort growing. The sexual vibe in the room was almost overpowering. He didn't understand why it was effecting him so. He couldn't take his eyes away from the Red King. Why did this guy have to be so magnetic and yet so damn creepy? "I have a concern that I feel needs to be addressed to you." SlashR began somewhat awkwardly trying not to look at the exposed flesh of Ryan Jensen or notice the luscious curves of his manicurist's body.

"What could it possibly be about?" said Jensen in almost a sigh as the manicurist took his other hand and he languidly changed positions on the couch "You know that normally I do not handle Hellion affairs. That would more likely fall under the jurisdiction of the Headmaster or members of the Hellion Alumni Committee."

"You could say that the Headmaster and I have had… disagreements as of late," continued Jaimy. "I have brought this issue to him several times and he has failed to act upon it."

Ryan drew his hands back from the manicurist. When she looked up at him with adoring eyes, he patted her on the head and bade her to leave them. She did so silently and was gone. He rose from the couch and walked toward SlashR, blissfully unaware of his own state of undress. His richly tanned skin looked almost as shiny and smooth as the robe that hung at his shoulders. How was a man in next to nothing so damn intimidating?

Finally the Red King began to speak. "Perhaps I'm growing soft in my old age, boy," he began. "But not 5 years ago I would have disintegrated a man for wasting my time like this. This sounds like a VERY serious charge. So… go on, but be warned I don't bare foolishness lightly.."

"Repeatedly, I have petitioned the ruling council of Whites to banish Khalid Hunter from our ranks," SlashR said trying to remain calm. "His weakness is evident. He isn't fit to be a Hellion nevertheless a member of the inner circle. He's blind and even beyond this, his fighting skills are well below par."

"Let me clarify this," began Jensen slipping an arm around SlashR’s shoulder and ushering him into a low velvet chair. "You ask your betters to banish a higher ranking member of this organization from his right to train with the students? Is that correct?"

"Well....yes sir, but you misunderstand my motivations. He impedes the progress of the Hellions. During training they consistently have to make additional effort to ensure Khalid's safety. A blind man has no business being in the sort of high-pressure situations we face. Then, of course, there is the fact that he is a corruptive influence on the Hellions."

Ryan raised an eyebrow at the last remark. "He is? Really? You are telling me that he is not a positive role-model?"

"That's EXACTLY what I'm saying," said SlashR growing more confident in his position. "How can he be? He has never been a member of the various HellfireClub strike teams. He is a 'professional' musician." SlashR emphasized the word professional with a sarcastic snort. “His lower CLASS upbringing hasn't prepared him for club life and to make matters worse he was originally inducted by the bastardized Black Branch of our club simply as staff. Tell me… is that the type of person you want near your proteges? An entertainer? Before you know it, the name Hellion is going to become a joke! People are going to associate us with comedians and artists!"

"It appears to me that your problem has to do more with his background rather than his qualifications. Ambition is a dangerous thing my young friend. It's a powerful asset, but can become a great liability when tinged with jealousy of a comrade."

"That's not the issue," said SlashR his voice beginning to gain volume as he stood once again now looking only slightly up at the Red King. "He just isn't Hellfire Club material. He's......inferior."

The Red King looked coldly at SlashR but his voice remained level and smooth...infuriatingly so. "Since we are discussing qualifications. Should we take into consideration your own past. Should I as a leader of this organization take your position as leader of the Red Hellions seriously?"

SlashR stopped cold in his tracks. "What are you talking about? I've earned my position through battle after battle."

The Red King's gaze became even heavier and his voice took on a taunting lilt. "Well… This is not in your file but one of my… associates has informed me that you are not the original Jaimy Koppers at all, but a clone. Technically, your age is not even seven years old. Should there really be a mere child leading such a powerful group of young people."

“You can't be serious. I have proved myself to this group time and time again! You can't possibly consider pulling my rank into question simply because of my…"

"Background?" queried the Red King. "Isn't that exactly what you are doing, Mr. Koppers. If I s so chose I could let this little tidbit become common knowledge among your peers. Would you like that? Combine that with the fact that you have deliberately attempted to supercede the authority of your superiors and I would say that there is grounds for your removal....and as far as the blindness goes.....You too could be.....damaged....It's a dangerous life we lead.....and I'm not sure I like how you were looking at my dear Madelyne."

Suddenly SlashR fell to his knees clutching at his eyes. The fragile membranes composing the lenses of his eyes were rapidly thickening and becoming dry and coarse. SlashR cried out. "Pleeeaasseee.....You can't do this......." he screamed.

"Oh but I can," said Ryan and SlashR's lips began to mold themselves together effectively muzzling him. "You see, there have been enough problems with Hellions/Inner Circle relations as of late. I believe that it is time for you to stop your pathetic whining. Are you aware of what I made my living as before I became Red King?....even before my time as a cosmetic surgeon? I was an artist, Mr. Koppers.... a low class artist. Look around you."

At this the Red King stopped and stifled a chuckle as he watched the writhing SlashR on the floor, pawing helplessly at his face. "I'm sorry my little pet.....you CAN'T look can you? Well if you could you would notice the paintings along the walls. They are mine....not mine as if I own them....mine as if I painted them. In the beginning they were worth nothing....the violence and sexual content of them shocked and appalled the art community at the time. Now, however, they are worth thousands....hundreds of thousands in fact. They are considered the height of avant- art. Further, I too served no time in either strike team. Would you next push for my removal as well?"

SlashR at this point had ceased his struggles and lay helpless and blinded on the floor, still unable to speak, his breath coming in whistling blasts through his nose. With a gesture from the Red King his eyesight began to clear and his lips slipped apart and left no trace of any scarring. "Now I think we understand each other," said Ryan dry wiping his hands against one another as if they were soiled. "Now go and make an extra effort to make my Hellions a force to be reckoned with. Your prattling was almost as ridiculous as that of the pathetic Hellions Alumni Committee. You and they now see who the real power is."

"I....I understand," said SlashR keeping his face toward the floor not daring to look into the Red King's eyes. He hurried from the office rubbing softly at his eyes and mouth, marveling at their perfect state. As Jaimy Koppers reached the exit door of the Hellfire Casino which Ryan owned and held a suit of offices in., he fought to regain his composure. The Las Vegas heat surrounded him after the too cold confines of the dim casino, and he suppressed a smile. "You have the power now Ryan," he thought viciously, "but even you gave me something without realizing it. Hellion's Alumni Committee.....I remember now. Jamie Madrox is the head of it. They were founded to protect the interest of the Hellions years ago. Maybe it's time I spoke to the leader of that council." And with that SlashR stepped into his rental car and drove back to the airport already mentally preparing his appeal to the head of the Council, the Black Prince Jamie Madrox.

Ryan Jensen stared down at the parking lot surrounding the Casino and watched Jaimy Koppers enter the sleek black import and drive off. He grinned, showing a row of perfectly capped white teeth. Madelyne had returned silently and stood behind him slipping the robe from his shoulders. Her hands rubbed deeply into the muscles of his back as he watched SlashR from above. She encircled him with her arms from behind rubbing his chest and erect nipples.

He sighed slightly and then turned to face her. "Let's return to the bedroom shall we my dear." he said. "I'm sure young Mr. Koppers is on his way to see our good friend Jamie Madrox. The young....they are oh so predictable. He's like you my in that way, my sweet, always a step behind me, but at least you're a good listener. It's a good thing that you are though, since you forced me to punish you and take your tongue. Don't worry though my pet. I'll return it to you. I’d hate to deprive you of yet another way to pleasure me." Madelyne followed the Red King to the bedroom and closed the door behind them still with a look of utter adoration.

End Chapter 8

Chapter Nine

The truck continued to move and bounce, and the heat inside surrounded Khalid's unconscious naked form in a sweaty embrace that was heavy and damp.  A gash on his forehead still trickled blood into his long and now matted hair.  The flow was slow however and the angry raw gash was taking on a clotted look.  Otto watched him closely, he had caused that gash by bringing the heavy butt of his rifle down on Khalid's head.  The cause of the scuffle lay still and silent like a frightened animal on the bed of the truck, her breath coming in shallow little gasps.  When Otto had begun to pull away her simple sarong type dress to take her as the Englishman had, Khalid had tried to kick and shove and even bite at him despite his bound status.  A quick slap to his head had put him out of commission, but Otto soon lost interest in the girl when he was forced to lose Khalid as an audience.

He watched the White Rook now closely, noticing how even in the gloom of the truck his skin glistened with sweat and appeared both slick and soft.  The girl's whimpering fear had grown annoying to him.  He again thought of the way Khalid had fought to protect her when he had threatened.  Otto moved closer and reached out a huge rough hand towards Khalid.  The poacher's thick rough fingers slid across Khalid's well-muscled thigh.  Otto grinned and moved closer. 

Suddenly and savagely Khalid brought his knee up smashing into Otto's nose releasing  a gush of blood.  As the poacher cried out, it brought a sweeping change in the woman huddled on the floor of the vehicle.  Seeing this huge man backing down and on the defensive brought her fully back to herself and she leaped onto his back digging viciously curved fingernails across his eyes and cheeks.  She cursed him and his fellows in her native language for taking her away from her family and from violating her so brutally.  The huge poacher stumbled back and Khalid, kicking wildly and without aim, managed to get a solid blow across the poachers knee almost shattering the knee cap in its bed of fluid.  The truck continued to bob and sway wildly as it kept up its steady pace across the African plane. 

The woman now almost in a crazed rage herself, continued to pummel Otto with blows and scratches across his shoulders and face.  The poacher let out an almost animal roar and threw her roughly to the bed of the still moving truck, but Khalid pressed the small advantage they had.  As Otto threw off the village woman, the swaying truck caused him to fall with his head close to the still kicking legs of Khalid.  Thinking quickly, the White Rook got the poacher in a scissor lock around his neck, and clamped down with his muscular thighs as hard as he could.  Otto scratched and dug in kicking his feet as Khalid slowly cut off his air. 

"Thanks for staying on my ass about training, Cyke," said Khalid under his breath as he put the pressure on the poacher's neck.

The woman realizing their advantage, struggled to pick up a huge ivory tusk and was preparing to shove it through the middle of the poacher when the brakes on the truck caught and the momentum caused her to stumble and fall.  Khalid still had Otto struggling and gasping in his scissor lock, but the truck continued to slow and finally came to a stop.  When the back flap of the truck was lifted suddenly, a rifle barrel was shoved quickly against Khalid's head.

"Having a bit'a fun with our little darkies, eh Otto?" said the Englishman holding the rifle.  "Didn't I tell you to wait your turn.  The other lads might like a taste as well."

Otto merely sputtered and drooled through lips that were beginning to turn blue as he continued to struggle.

"Let 'im up," said the Englishman as he tapped against Khalid's head with the rifle.  Khalid released his hold with a grimace.  They had been SO close to escape.

As Otto stumbled out of the truck rubbing his neck and cursing, the Englishman grabbed Khalid
roughly and cut his bonds with a quick flash of his knife. 

"Get up sunnyjim, and bring the lit'l she cat with ya," he said.

Khalid struggled to find the woman using his starlight sense.  He couldn't let these bastards know he was blind as well as powerless.  Sensing her slumped on the floor, he prayed she wasn't dead.  As he picked her up and found a pulse, he realized she must have hit her head when the truck stopped.  He gathered her up, being careful to hold the shreds of her sarong type garment together.  Then he stepped from the truck again into bright sunlight.  The barrel of a rifle in his back was his guide towards a tent like dwelling into which he was shoved into and retied.  The girl was this time tied as well.  Khalid once again tried to gather his powers, but to no avail.  They were simply gone.  He could hear the men talking outside the sweltering tent.

"The bloody buck about punched my clock for good," Otto said.  "He's gonna pay for that."

"And what were you doing that close to him anyway Otto,"  the Englishman roared and struck him across the nose if the sharp smacking sound was what Khalid thought it was.  "You know if you damage them badly much, they won't bring a good price. You always get....overzealous when we take these savages with our usual quarry.  You've already damaged the girl.  She barely speaks now."

Otto stammered and the Englishman continued to rant.  Khalid heard several more slaps and punches as the Englishman further beat and berated the much bigger Otto.  Then Khalid heard something that made his fear become even stronger.  A gunshot rang out and Otto gave a pained scream.  Had the Englishman gone over the edge and actually killed his own henchman.  Then more shots were heard as well as raised voices.  Khalid struggled against his bonds again as the sounds of an all out battle began to come from outside.  Had they somehow fallen into even more danger?

A thick trail of dust flew out from the jeep as it sped across the African plain.  The jeep's erratic turns and fits of speed were due less to rough terrain than to the diminutive driver.  Gomurr sat with gritted teeth in the driver's seat.  His hands were locked in a death grip on the too big wheel.  Cans strapped to his feet allowed him to touch the pedals, and the one on the gas was pressed to the floor.  Avalon sat or more accurately perched on the back deck seat of the jeep.  His time was spent between trying to hold on to the roll bar and adjusting the scanning device for any sign of Khalid.  In the air above and slightly ahead them Grover carried Cougar, as the tracker scanned the ground for signs of the poacher's truck.  The jeep veered suddenly to the side and Gomurr again straightened its course.

"Hey Speed Racer," shouted Av.  "If you'd slow the hell down, this crate wouldn't jump around like that.  There's no need to kill us before we get to Khalid.  There's plenty of chances for dying when we get there and the music-man can zap us or whatever with this wacky magical energy thing he's developed."

"I'm doing the best I can," said Gomurr curtly as they hit another gut wrenching dip in the trail.  "Speed is of the essence.  Anything on the scanner?"

"Nothing on the scanner," said Avalon through gritted teeth as he was lifted into the air by a bump and fell back to the seat.  "Why don't we just fly.  You can fly.  I can fly.  Grover can carry Cougar or ....hell you or I can probably carry all of us."

"That will only  tire us out," Gomurr said between huge bumps.  "We will need our energy when we reach Khalid."

Avalon went back to his scanner but continued to mumble under his breath so that Gomurr couldn’t hear him.  "Still I bet we'd be safer than riding with you.  You don't even have a license for crying out loud.  You're dangerous enough on that bike of yours."

Cougar dropped into the front passenger's seat beside Gomurr still glaring at the mage.  The two older men were like spoiled children staring at each other poutily, but both refusing to speak.  Grover landed beside Avalon in the back seat, shaking his head at their behavior.

"Mr. Cougar spotted what he thinks is the truck and a base camp of sorts about 4 miles straight ahead....AND he said there's some major activity going on." said Grover finally breaking  the silence.  "Damn good eyesight you've got Mr. Cougar." 

Neither Gomurr nor Cougar commented.  Grover then looked at Av who looked just as sour as the two older men.  "Why does everyone look so damned pissy?."

Gomurr simply hammered the gas down even more, causing all in the car to grab for something to brace themselves, and everyone remained silent as the group grew closer to the point where the truck was stopped.

End Chapter 9

Chapter Ten 

  Chapter Ten 

  Jamie Madrox, Prince of the Black Hellfire Club, had always taken his Hellions Alumniship very seriously. There was debate going on for a bit, when he was first appointed to his post in the Black Court due to his close tie to the Hellions. He made it clear from the beginning, however, that there he was as devoted to the Black Court completely. The Black Court would now and forever be where he belonged, first as the laughable position of Assassin and now as the Prince. "Once a Hellion, always a Hellion," he had once murmured and it was true, but now above all his loyalties lay with the Black Club.

  His only tie to the IFHC was his position as head of the Hellfire Alumni Association, and as far as he was concerned this was close enough....close enough to see that the sadistic monster known as Ryan Jensen didn't destroy everything he had worked to build in his youth. His position was of the Black Court now, but he'd be damned before he let Jensen turn the Hellions into his own private army.

  SlashR entered unannounced into the offices held by the new Black Prince. There was no set meeting place for the Hellions Alumni Committee due to its multi-court nature, and Jamie Madrox had yet to employ a secretary. "Hello, Jaimy," the Black Prince called out from behind the desk in which he sat feet propped up on the edge. "Like the name by the way. What can I do ya for?"

  SlashR gritted his teeth. Madrox's comical tone of voice and ultra relaxed posture reminded young Mr. Koppers so much of Impossible Man that it caused him to pause. Please don't let this be yet another idiot in charge, he thought. SlashR sat down at the seat across from the desk and began to gather his thoughts. The Hellions Alumni Committee, as far as he knew, was made up of the original Hellions as well as the Headmasters of the Academy's. Since Sabre had disappeared, for reasons unknown, she had presumably forfeited her vote in the HAC. That left six people. Cyclops, Gomurr and SuperGrover would never vote to restrict the White Rook's interaction with the Hellions. He was positive that Darque Feonix would, and Impossible Man could be persuaded with a hunk of Impossible Cheese or some such nonsense. That left only one person... Jamie Madrox. If SlashR could sway him to ally himself with Darque Feonix on this issue, then he was sure that the other three would have to at least give credence to his claims.

  "Hello, Mr. Madrox," SlashR began with a little nod of his head. "I have concerns which I feel should be brought to your attention."

   "Lemme guess," said Madrox leaning further back in his chair. "It's about the White Rook training with the Hellions... am I getting warm, kiddo?"

  "Exactly," said SlashR relived at not having to broach the issue. "How did you know?"

  Madrox laughed with an infectious giggle. "Koppers, it is my job to know. Just because I sit here and spend my days as Black Prince doing... well... ummm princely duties does not mean that I am not aware of what goes on everywhere else. As you surely know, I visit the Hellions Campus at least twice a week. Not always for a significant amount of time, but just to touch base nonetheless. This little... disagreement between you and the White Rook is old news at best, I assure you."

  SlashR was a bit taken aback by this. Madrox had always played the joking fool and clown. This sudden swing into seriousness threw him. Young Mr. Koppers was not aware of the period of time that Jensen had kept Madrox as little more than a pet, half crazed and supplying the Red King with an endless supply of dupes to inhabit. Ryan said this was rehabilitation for Jamie's unbalanced mental state, but Madrox hazily remembered it as sheer torture.

  "Then you should know that his presence makes him a liability to the Hellions," SlashR pressed on. "He's hindering their progress. How well can you prepare a group if you have to constantly account for a member who's skills are vastly below that of even the weakest Hellion... a member who sees little value in training... a member who sees nothing at all for Christ's sake?"

  "Ah... I see... So... in other words, you always want the Hellions to train under the most optimum conditions? .. not ever daring them to challenge themselves... to look after the weak link."

  "That's exactly it. I simply want them to be the best they can be."

  "Soooo you see no need for them to be 'challenged with' protecting this weak link? It's beneath them...is that it? If there is a weak link, and I'm not sure that Mr. Hunter is, then removing it isn't the answer. I don't know what Impossible Man is teaching you children up there, but that surely goes against it what the organization stands for. The Hellions from day one have been about helping those that can't help themselves, not removing them. We've all suffered injuries before. Hell my back was broken. Cyclops lost an eye! Do you think we were cast out. No....they worked with us and it made the group stronger.”

  "You've recovered fully and Cyclops had another..."

  Madrox stood up. "YES, he had another... but his powers came from the one he lost. He stayed with us anyway... still just as invaluable as he was before due to his leadership abilities and courage."

  "Khalid Hunter is a danger to the Hellions. His weakness will lead to the very kind of injuries that you two suffered. He's a MUSICIAN not a field operative. I'm sure he was very entertaining at BHC parties, but he can barely control his so-called powers. He deserves no part of the Inner Circle...he was hired as STAFF for Gomurr's second rate school!!!!!"

  Madrox pulled out a folder with the name Khalid Hunter stenciled neatly across the top. "Actually, in about three more days, the quarterly dividend checks from the IHFC will be cut. As White Rook, Mr. Hunter stands to make..." He just nodded his head up and down a little. "Let's just say that he could probably buy the record label he's working under."

  "WHAT??!!" SlashR sputtered "Are you telling me that the IHFC is going to make him RICH too?! That is the most absurd thing I've ever heard! He can't do it by himself, so the Hellfire Club does it for him?!"

  "Actually, Koppers, it has nothing to do with that. If you had looked in the bylaws of the Hellfire Club... and we are talking about both White and Red Courts, now... you would understand that a certain percentage of the dues, fundraisers, investments, etc. is allocated for Hellions Expenses, Hellions Campus, Miscellaneous Expenses of the courts, as WELL as salaries for the Inner Circle members. It is common knowledge and free for all the Hellions to look into. Because the vast majority of the Inner Circle is already quite wealthy when they join, it is assumed that they are not depending on the salary for the living expenses. So, most of them overlook it and just simply have it deposited in their accounts, thinking nothing of it. In Mr. Hunter's case, it actually turns out in his favor because he was... as you said... working class to begin with, so he still only spends like he's working class."

  SlashR leapt to his feet, turned on his heel and exited the room without even bidding Madrox a goodbye. This made him all the more furious. All the Hellions, himself included, were killing themselves to earn enough money and respect to one day join the Inner Circle... and this mere entertainer just waltzes in out of the BHC... and just becomes rich by virtue of being around?! SlashR made the decision then and there to find a way to ruin Khalid Hunter... to embarrass him in such a way that he would never dare to show his face around the Hellfire Courts again. But how was he going to do that? The guy really didn't seem to react to embarrassment or any other emotion. Could he be brought down this way? There were those rumors about him and Nemesis, but that would only strengthen his position. No... the answer was to make him so undesired by the Courts that he would have no choice but to leave.

  "Everyone has a secret or two, Khalid... what's your's?" SlashR said to himself as he made his way back to the waiting limousine. He was positive that the answer lay in his abrupt decision to stop his graduate studies... The file said that it was because of "professional opportunities", but he didn't buy it. There was a different reason... another reason that the White Rook hadn't made clear. "Driver... stop... you turned on the wrong road to the airport." SlashR said as he knocked on the smoky dividing glass. "Just pull over you idiot. I'll drive myself."

  The limousine pulled over to the side of the road. SlashR got out of the car and walked to the driver's side door. The second he reached it, it flew open hitting him in the stomach and throwing him back toward the edge of the road. He rolled to his feet ready to counter another attack when he saw the driver return to the shadows of the car. "I don't know what kind of renta-cabbie you are, but you bit off more than you can..."

  The assailant that stepped out of the car was the last person he expected. With the energy signature and the trench coat, he knew immediately who it was. "You have a problem with Khalid Hunter... fine, I don't mind... Everyone has his or her issues with someone around here. It is like a vicious never-ending cycle." She reached inside her coat and withdrew a small tube... which quickly transformed into a bo staff. "However, I am going to be DAMNED if you are going to go around airing our dirty laundry to anyone and everyone."

  SlashR pulled out his sword. "Outburst! You know my issue isn't with you. Just stay out of this..."

  Outburst kicked the door closed behind her. "No... You see, believe it or not, it was my idea for him to train with us in the first place, so... I kind of see this blatant backbiting as an assault on my person. Just in case you forgot, Slashy, the Hellions are not yours. I am in charge of the White Hellions... AND I am the senior leader! So, I don't see how you think you are just going to go around my back and try determine policy for my group!"

  "You KNOW it is wrong! He's just a musician, for heaven's sake! I'm doing this for the best of the team..."

   "No... you are doing it for the best of you... and I'm not putting up with it anymore. I heard you back there... you're planning on finding some kind of secret and getting him kicked out, so that you can hopefully move up on the list of possible candidates for positions in the Inner Circle! I'm not putting up with that type of shit."

  "What makes you think you have a choice, sweetie?" SlashR spat.

  Outburst rubbed her fingers along her bo staff. "Right now it looks like your begging for an ass kicking. That's one choice I know I do have."

  SlashR charged her. "You're daring to challenge me?! I would have never thought it would come to this... but fine!"

  Outburst intercepted his sword with her bo. "Well... let's get started, then!"

  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------

  Khalid continued to struggle as the warring voices outside raged on. There was the accented English of the people that had dragged him into this camp mixed with a language that Mufasa didn't understand but that tickled something in the back of his memory. The girl tied with him screamed aloud as a bullet ripped through the tent and out the other side barely missing her head. "Get down," he screamed and the girl did despite not understanding him. He heard her flatten herself against the tent floor and grinned through gritted teeth despite himself. "I guess ducking is the universal reaction to gunfire."

  Desperately Khalid reached deep within himself for his photonic abilities. He could feel it barely out of reach and then suddenly like a key sliding into place, it was his but at so weak a level that he could do little damage against his kidnappers or whatever other force now threatened them. "I can at least get us out of these ropes," he thought. Khalid concentrated and the neon red photons glowed on the ropes eating away at them until he was free. Then carefully mapping out the room using his starlight sense, he freed the fragile young African girl. She clung to him desperately still afraid, but strangely there was a new note in her voice as she babbled on in her incomprehensible language. Could it be hope?

  The gunfire continued as they lay huddled on the tent floor. The girl cried out in the strange almost familiar language and the flap of the tent swept open. There stood Otto a deep gash across his forehead. He grinned viciously as he moved towards them. Khalid's heightened sense of smell recognized the vicious poacher immediately, and he knew that he didn't have the strength to fight him off again. Suddenly a spear point erupted from Otto's chest with a gristly thud. The blood and bits of bone flew outward and Khalid felt them sprinkle lightly against his face. His stomach lurched, but there was no time for sickness. He concentrated his "starlight sense" again as he 'saw' the tent flap fly back and a tall African warrior entered. His dress was almost completely tribal in nature, although Khalid's blindness prevented him from seeing such things. Hand made jewelry hung around the warrior's neck and down his bare chest. His loin cloth seemed to have been fashioned from some sort of leather, but on his feet were a pair of dusty yet surprisingly new Air Jordans.

  "Don't come near us if you value your life," Khalid threatened hollowly praying this new threat didn't notice his blank staring eyes. Suddenly the girl beside Khalid leapt to her feet and rushed towards the man throwing herself into his arms, before Khalid could speak or move to protect her. The tent flap flew back again and a young beautiful asian woman with short black hair entered followed quickly by a man that could be nothing else but her twin. The pair looked almost identical with their beautifully fragile porcelain doll features, small waisted petite bodies and almond eyes. They both wore khaki safari gear and the woman was the first to speak.

  "Kioto," she said, stooping fruitlessly to look for a pulse on Otto. "You've killed him. I told you no killing unless it was absolutely necessary. These men must answer for their crimes, but we are not the law."

  The African warrior said something in his own language as he held the girl close to him and she sobbed into his arms. Khalid felt another click deep within his brain, and suddenly he understood what the man had said......... "SOMETIMES THE OLD WAYS ARE THE BEST."

  Khalid stood up and for the first time realized the gunshots and loud voices were gone. Only the low hum of the native African tongue could be heard outside the tent. The Asian woman and man both stepped forward. Khalid sensed them coming closer and he backed away slowly. Why weren't they speaking? Then Khalid realized what they were probably silently wondering about. Blushing, Khalid quickly covered himself as best he could. WHY DID HE HAVE TO BE NAKED?!?!?!

  The twins dropped their inquisitive gaze from his naked form and brought it back up to his face. "My name's Akiko Tanaka....this is my brother Harry. Let's see what we can do about getting you something to wear," she giggled as she walked out of the tent. Khalid simply stood there in stunned silence, hands still covering himself as the rest of the party eyed him dubiously.

  End Chapter 10

Chapter 11

  Chapter 11

  Normally, for the young Hellion known as SlashR, a fight with almost any opponent would have been over even before it began due to his preternatural reflexes and battle honed skills, but this wasn't any ordinary opponent.  This was Rhiannon Lebeau, codenamed Outburst.  The supremely confident young woman before him was the niece of the late Remy LeBeau, heir to the throne of the Thieve's Guild.  She had been taught the ways of combat since the time she could walk.  She wielded a bo staff like a natural extension of her own body....but above and beyond all of this, she was the White Leader of the Hellions.  She was clearly his superior and this little throw down would determine the right of policy concerning Khalid Hunter.  It could go either way.

  "Little girl, you are WAAAY out of your league," SlashR boasted with a little more confidence than he felt as he he made an opening attack with his sword blade.

  Outburst dodged easily as the razor sharp edge flew above her head. Taking advantage of the opening her lower position afforded her, she brought the bo staff up to Mr. Kopper's crotch while simultaneously side-kicking him under the chin.  As she watched him fall backwards, she shot a comeback at him through gritted teeth.

  "Oh Yeah, I know it.  It's like going from the major leagues to tee-BALLS!"

  SlashR bit his lip through the pain and thanked his own dumb luck that he'd forgotten to take off his athletic cup after his training session that morning.  If he hadn't this fight would be over.  He couldn't believe she was fighting this dirty.  His own first attack had merely been a warning......hadn't it?  SlashR choked down the bile that was rising in the back of his throat and re-prepared himself.  He was angry now for letting any opponent, even one that he sometimes called friend, get in a cheap shot like that.  As he wiped the blood from his lip, he flicked three knives with deadly accuracy at Outburst.

  Having learned staff-wielding from the best, Outburst spun the long wooden pole like a windmill in front of her deflecting one of the projectiles and actually trapping two within the wood.

  "No thanks, Slashà I got plenty of my own. Here.... take them back!"

  Outburst's staff glowed bright red with the kinetic energy that was her mutant birthright.  With a muffled swish of air the knives went flying back at their owner.

  This time, it was SlashR's turn to take advantage of the lull. Using his sword to deflect the knives away from him, he charged her, ramming her into the limousine with his shoulder and breaking the glass on the driver's side door. While she was still stunned, he kicked her feet from underneath her and brought her to the ground.  Soon his arms held her pinned to the hot asphalt of the road.

  "Give it up, Bursty.  Your staff's gone.  I've got you pinned and your strength, although quite formidable, is no match for mine."

  Outburst laughed hysterically. "SlashR, please!  Did you honestly think you could have ever beaten me so easily?!  I don' need no strength when I got such charm and good looks."  Savagely, she brought her knee to his groin actually lifting him into the air a bit with the force of the blow.

  SlashR grunted heavily and his eyes teared, but he tightened his grip on her wrists. "It's called a added male protection, girl.  Someone as 'charming and beautiful' as you wouldn't know anything about that.  While that little blow was painful enough, it's not NEARLY enough to put me out of the fight.  Now, either you stand down or........"

  His eyes opened wide as he felt a warmth growing steadily beneath him.  THIS WAS NOT GOOD!!!

  Outburst sneered, glaring at the Red Hellion Leader "Who woulda thought that it would ever come down to dis'. You know, Jaimy, one of your problems is dat' you see the battle and think it's the war.  See now, I knew about the cup when I  tagged you before. Why do you think I would ALLOW you to pin me like this just so I could knee you, unless....... come on say it with me'"

  SlashR started shaking, sweat coming off the brow. "YOU CHARGED MY GOODS YOU PSYCHO BITCH!!!"

  "EXACTLY! Now, get off me now before I make you even less a man than you are now, and don't make any sudden moves.  I don't have to be in contact with an object once it's charged to explode it.

  As SlashR slowly let go and stood up, he couldn't help but feel the warm sensation and even see the faint red glow through his pants. "All right.... you won.  I won't go after Khalid anymore. Now stop this....please."

  Outburst pushed herself onto her feet, stretching and cracking her knuckles.  She dusted herself off almost lazily.  It would take less than a thought to turn off the kinetic charge she was building, but she wanted to know more.

  "Not just yet. I think I like you dis way.  All scared and nervous.  Stay put for now. Ya see, I am curious to know about something. I seem to recall you disappearing for a little while and just popping up out of nowhere like you hadn't been gone. Ever since then, the good and lovable Jaimy I knew before has been this replaced by this spiteful pissy monster whose ass begs to be kicked everytime he speaks. SOOOOO, I suggest that you start telling me what is going on and the REAL reason you seem to have it in for Khalid!"

  SlashR opened his mouth to answer her questions, but to his surprise, he couldn't speak at all. It was like there was a lock right on his mind, preventing him from uttering a word. "I....I....I...can't say!"

  Outburst pulled the glove off her hand slowly. "Sorry, SlashR I hate to do this, but I think the time for asking nicely is over."

  She grabbed him by the wrist allowing small flesh to flesh contact.  Her eyes glowed darkly for a moment as she used her psychic abilities, granted to her by her rebirth as the Crow, to read his past.  What she saw in his mind was definitely unexpected. The images were vivid, burning into her mind like a hot brand into flesh. The memories were of Longshot getting captured by a man.  No...several men....all related....brothers maybe.  They were taking him to an older man...a VERY old man....a scientist with long dark blue hair...moustache.....an aura of evil even the CROW abilities seemed to draw away from. The pyschic interplay was too much for both of them. Outburst tore her hand away from his wrist, turning away from him and covering her eyes.

  "Jaimy....what the hell HAPPENED to you?!?!"

  SlashR felt the blood leak from his nose as he turned away. For some reason, when she touched him he began to remember..... a name? Was it a name...really?...surely no name he had ever heard.....ESSEX! Feeling the kinetic energy slowly leave the plate in his pants, he ran toward his sword, picking it nimbly as he went, and disappeared into the woods.

  Outburst picked up her staff and leaned on it. Using it as a crutch, she made her way back to the limo, picking up the phone inside.

  "Hello Cyke? Yes....I found him.  We kind of...errr..talked. Um...I'm not sure how to say dis', but something's come up.  I'm afraid I'm going to have to resign as Leader of the White Hellions."

  She pulled the phone away from her ear and slowly put it back hoping Casey Jones' initial cries of disbelief had passed.  "I know, Cyke...I know, but Look...I can't get into it much now.  I'm not exactly sure of things myself.  SlashR's gone too...at least for now."

  Cyke's tirade continued, but she didn't let him finish.

  "Look, sir.  I've always respected your decisions.  I need you to respect mine now.  Something is seriously wrong and I need to investigate what it is myself.  Put Nebs in charge of everything while I'm gone.  She's more than capable."

  She hung up the phone and again got behind the wheel of the limousine.   It was time for her to visit a certain Black Mage about some of the visions she had seen in SlashR's head......visions of a man known as Essex. However, that is a story for another time.

  Crystal Lakes had been a warm and caring person from the day she was born, but life has a way of changing things.  For her it was a stormy night lying cut and bleeding in a hospital bed after an attack by the man that had once sworn he loved her.  Doctor's that spoke in hushed soothing whispers took her stillborn baby away as she lay in a drug induced haze of pain killers.  They shook their heads and mumbled about her husband who had attacked and brutalized her when she had told him her horrible secret....that thier unborn child might be born a mutant.  In that one defining instant, she had lost her stunning good looks and her baby.  She knew that her life would never be the same again.

  That was the night Ryan Jensen entered her life and gave a chance to start again....but don't gifts like that always have a price?  Kneeling by her bedside whispering in her ear in his soft disturbing voice, he promised her a new life away from her abusive husband as well as a way out of the lies and underhanded deeds of her career as a tabloid reporter.  All she had to do was say she wanted it....submit to his will and all this would just be a memory he had told her as he stroked her feverish brow.  Taking stock of the miserable situation she was in, she agreed without thought.

  Then, a miraculous change occurred.   Her body was infused with a wonderful warmth.  She bucked and moaned with pleasure as the warmth enveloped her.  She brought her hands to her face and where there were bruises and stitches before, there was nothing but smooth, delicate skin.   Her lip that had been split open and smeared across her face was now whole and perfect.  Even the pain from deep within the core of her being where her baby had once slept peacefully faded away in this magnificent warmth......and what he had asked for after he healed her hadn't sounded that outlandish at all...simply that she avenge herself and her dead child.

  In that moment, she embraced the powers that she had so long denied.  Using abilities that she was convinced were evil, she slid through the shadows to her home, where she confronted her husband.  He stood staring at her in her hospital gown.  The perfect beauty of her skin....the way her body was perfectly toned and more sensual than before, but his words and thoughts were not nearly as complimentary.

  "So did you spit out a freak, you lying mutie bitch," he said in a slightly drunken slur.

  In a rage born of drugs and a gut wrenching sorrow, she ran toward him and slit his throat with the same knife with which he had attacked her.  The blood sprayed out in a fount of gore across her face, but she didn't flinch.  This was her new life...SHE was a NEW person... and NOTHING would scare her again.  She quietly turned and walked towards the sink to wash away the signs of her attack from her hands and face.  She still marveled at the softness and beauty of her skin.  She was herself, yet not herself.

  Moments later she heard the crunch of tires on the gravel of her driveway.  She knew it was the police that would come and take her away to prison, but still she wasn't afraid.  She had already endured the worst pain anyone could ever inflict on another both physically and emotionally.  What possible new torture could there be in prison?  As the car noises turned to footseps and then to the creaking of the screen door, she sat calmly accepting her fate.  Ryan Jensen stepped around the doorway to the kitchen and simply looked down at her smiling softly.  He reached towards her and grasped her hand in his silken fingers.  Pulling her to her feet, he led her back into the kitchen where the body of her husband lay in a pool of red black blood....so much blood.

  Quickly Ryan knelt beside the man, pulling his face up by the hair showing the grisly second smile she had hacked in his neck.  With an almost childlike wink of mischieviousness he grinned up at Crystal, and her husband's body began to contort and change until it was a perfect duplicate of her right down to the cuts and bruises she once had.  She gasped and was unable to speak and intelligible thoughts.  Ryan simply stood letting the dead wieght of the body fall, as he approached her.  He raised a single finger and put it across her lips silencing her.

  "Shhhhh my darling.  This is a time of rebirth for you, my dearest Crystal," he said. "When the police arrive, they will think he kidnapped and murdered you.  They'll search and search for him, but alas he is no longer here....only the poor dead body of a weak little girl named Crystal Lake.  Walk away away and begin your life anew by my side in the Hellfire Club."

  Seven years ago was that night...the night she took control of her life. Now known as Onyx, she had used her former newspaper resources since then to find out information about anyone and everyone, and sell it to the highest bidder. Leaders of countries all over the world paid dearly for her services. She didn't care about the politics of the people she dealth with.  She only cared about the money.  Money was power....power was strength...and strength killed fear.  She had made considerable enemies over the years, but they would never find her. No one  could breach the safeguards she had now firmly in place.

  "Mr. Holz, what a surprise!," said Onyx as she saw Darque Foenix step around the corner of the main building and walk toward her.  "I would have thought you would have been on Heltway Island with the Hellions. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

  Kane Holz walked to the side of the pool where Onyx lounged face down on a beach chair.  He smiled at her deceptively delicate form.   The string tie of her bikinis lay on either side of her back, allowing the sun free roam of her exposed skin.  Aaaah there was just something about femme fatales that set him off. Her blood-red hair and seductive pose reminded him all-too-powerfully of the previous host of the Phoenix Entity. "I am in need of your speacial......services."

  "Of course you are, my dear.," Onyx said rising from her stomach off the beach chair.  Her bikini top remained on the chair and she leaned back crossing her arms across her ample smooth breasts.  "My only question is whether this is professional....or more....personal information you were....hungering for?."

  Darque Feonix smiled seductively, and felt his pulse race just a bit. "What if I said it was personal?"

  "Oh I'm sure I could accomadate you either way."  Onyx cooed locking eyes with Darque Foenix.  She then called to her maid. "Anna, can you please bring Mr. Holz a peanut butter, strawberry jelly, banana, goldfish-cracker sandwich....on white bread, isn't it?

  "As delightful as ever," he said grinning slyly.  He sat down next to her in an adjacent chair.  He leaned forward, his face now only inches from hers.  With snake like quickness his hands struck out and  closed down on her wrists cruelly.  She smiled and licked her lips letting out  a startled cry of pleasure and pain.

  "I'm afraid it's only business THIS TIME, my lovely."  Kane said.  "However, it is strictly confidential as you must know. You see, I am looking for information on a mutual friend of ours."

  Onyx arched her back, giving Darque Feonix a closer look at her chest, then
  brought it back down grinning slyly. "Khalid Hunter?.....Am I right?  That handsome young man seems to stir up more people...hmmmmmm.  I wonder what it is about him?"

  "Wake up, Crystal.  No time for day-dreaming about your boy toys," said Darque Foenix.  "As always, I need this information YESTERDAY.  Leave out the boring details I want only items of a more.......volatile nature."

  She settled into the lounge chair taking on a professional appearance somehow despite her naked chest.  "You realize, of course, that this warrants my highest fee.  I mean I am risking the wrath of the 'blue boy' on this one."

  "But of course," Kane said.  As you KNOW, I am ALWAYS willing to pay in any capacity you desire."  He released her wrists and set his hand gently on her shoulder tracing his fingernail down her shoulder blade and then further down the curve of her exposed breast.

  Onyx's hand shot out lightning quick just as he was about to reach her pert nipple.  She twisted his finger back savagely causing him to almost cry out in pain.  He grinned down at Onyx enjoying the delicious tension.  "Maybe another time," she said.  "For now I'll expect the money wired to my Swiss Bank account.  I do have one question, however.  I'll see what I can dig up on our friend, but why don't you just rip open his mind and take what you want?  I'm quite certain you have invaded it several times before this to 'monitor' him as you put it.  Why don't you just dig a little deeper?".

  "Perhaps," said Kane giving her a playful but firm slap on her face with his other hand.  "but it would be like going through the dumpster.  Completely beneath me, you understand.  Much more your, my dear."

  Onyx snatched a handful of Kane's hair tugging at it,  pulling his face barely an inch from her own.  This time there was real menace in her voice.  "You've never complained about my 'dirty work' before, Kane.  Why start now?  I am as good at what I do as you are, what you do.  Let's not fight now."

  She pushed his face away sending him back into his own chair.  He righted himself and rose to leave.  "Until later then," he said as he turned to go.  "The money will be there by day's end Tokyo time."

  Onyx leaned back in her chair and let the sun caress her flesh.  Her cheek still stung slightly from the slap Foenix had given her.  She savored the sensation, as thoughts rolled lazily through her mind.  "What's Kane up to with Khalid?  Could he possibly still be so weak that he couldn't perform the psionic search and seizure he wanted?  A fact to ponder....."

  Khalid sat in the passenger seat of the well appointed land rover.  Akiko Tanaka kept a steady stream of chatter up beside him, but his mind was still reeling from the events of the last few days. Somehow he had teleported to Africa of all places....gotten involved in a ring of poachers and slavers AND about gotten himself molested and killed.  Things like that did tend to put a person a bit off kilter.  Now he looked up at the beautiful voice of  young anthropologist and began to listen.

  "That was Kioto's sister that those bastards had taken," she continued.  "My brother, Harry and I have been among the tribesman's village for months now studying their culture and rituals.  They found Caara alone at the spring that waters the village while they were searching for animals to slaughter.  It's amazing to think that there are still people who believe that people can be bought and sold as property."

  "Yeah....amazing," said Khalid trying to adjust the weird loin cloth type outfit that they had given him without being too conspicuous.

  "Listen to me rambling on," said Akiko.  "What about you?  All I know about you is that you're American like us and you're blind.  How did you get mixed up with that gang."

  "It's a long story," said Khalid trying not to sound ungracious, but still a bit wary. 

  "I'll bet," said Akiko seeming to accept that for now.  "You can tell me all about it when we can get you back to the village and get some good food and water into you."

  "Is there anyway I can use a phone when we get there?"  Khalid asked.

  Akiko laughed a bit.  "We're pretty remote out here, Mr. Hunter.  We've got a radio that I can help you use, but that's about it."

  "That will be fine," said Mufasa.  "And you can call me Khalid."

  "Then you have to call me Ko," said Akiko.  "That's what all my friends call me."

  "Ko it is," said Khalid smiling despite himself.  He could detect the slight Asian accent in her voice and wondered if she was as beautiful as she sounded.

  "Khalid," said Akiko.  "I've also got one more question.  Are you an anthropologist too.  I was looking at your tattoo and noticed that it's a tribal arm band design.  A lot of those markings are common to these people, but aren't really that common anywhere else."

  "This?" said Khalid patting his right bicep.  "Actually I don't think it means anything.  I was crazy and in college and sketched it out one night and took it to my friend that did tattooing."

  "Oh it means something, but I'll have to get my books and reference guides to know for sure." said Akiko as she touched it lightly with her fingertips. 

  Suddenly bright red light filled the inside of Khalid's eyes.  After months of almost total darkness it was painfully glaring.  He cried out and then he felt his powers return to him in an almost overwhelming surge.  Akiko's arm was repelled by an errant burst of red photonic energy.  She screamed and barely maintained control of the vehicle.   "What was that all about," she cried.

  "Wouldyabelieve, electronic malfunction in your car," put in Khalid as the light began to fade behind his eyes and he returned to blackness.

  "No, I wouldn't but I guess I can wait for an explanation for that too," said Akiko.

  Khalid smiled.  This girl just gets better and better.

  Gomurr paced nervously back and forth in precise quick steps muttering to himself.  Cougar was scanning the ground that the battle between the poachers and the villagers had taken place on.  He stopped at every spot of dark blood stained earth, touched it and smelled it briefly. 

  "Was Khalid here or not," said Gomurr.  "We don't have time to waste for you to play great white hunter.  That busted axle on your hunk of junk took longer than I thought to fix.  We've lost a good three hours on the trail.  If Avalon hadn't been with us we would have probably been out of it for good."

  "For one thing, ancient one." said Cougar righting himself.  "I'm far from white, and for another, that axle wouldn't have broken if you had let me drive....but to answer your question, yes he was here, but this isn't his blood.  He's safe.  I can almost feel it, and he's with whoever made these new tracks.  Looks like somebody beat you guys to the rescue."

  "Beat us?!?!" Gomurr said.  "You were looking for him before we were.  Looks like they beat you."

  "I'm warning you old man," Cougar began.

  "GENTLEMAN GENTLEMAN PLEASE!" said Grover.  "We still have to find Khalid and get him home.  Everyone in the truck and we'll wait til Avalon gets back from his scouting trip."

  At that moment, Avalon landed and changed from his blue electric form back to his normal appearance.  His ragged jeans were a bit singed at the edges and he removed the sunglasses that served as the viewer on the scanner. 

  "He's a good deal farther in front of us now." said Avalon.  "My scanner shows about 40 or 50 miles, but still moving.  If they stop by nightfall we'll catch up to them then.  If not then I'll fly ahead and catch up."

  "Since when did you make the decisions," said Cougar and Gomurr almost in unison.  They then looked at each other and glared daggers.

  "It's a good strategy," said Grover shaking his head at the fueding mages.  "He's right.  If they don't stop either he or I will have to catch up to them by flying.  We are the only two that have the necessary speed to do it.  He's the better choice because SOMEBODY has to stick around and keep you two old goats from killing each other."

  Deliberately and in silence Gomurr and Cougar both turned towards the jeep.  When they reached it Gomurr gave his most regal bow, and spoke to Cougar.

  "Would you like to drive, master Cougar."  said Gomurr formally.

  "Thank you very much, oh wise one.  I think that would be for the best." returned Cougar equally as formally.

  Grover and Avalon merely shook their heads as Cougar started the jeep and Gomurr climbed into the passenger seat.  The two mutants took their places behind the gruffly silent magicians and they were off again.


  Khalid pulled Harry Tanaka's shirt over his head and down his stomach. The smaller Asian man's clothes were the only available choices other than the tribal gear of the villagers.  Although the loin cloth was more "free," he just felt too exposed, as if he hadn’t been exposed enough the last few days.  "Any port in a storm," thought Khalid as he squeezed into the tight khaki cargo shorts that were made for a much smaller man.

  "Ah, I see that you've dressed," came Harry Tanaka's voice as he entered the tent. The young anthropologist's eyes scanned Khalid's chest as it strained against the fabric of the too small t-shirt. The writing across the t-shirt proudly proclaimed “ARCHEOLOGISTS DIG IT DEEPER”. 

  "Sorry about the fit, old chap. I never thought I'd have to expect....guests....out here in the wilds of Africa......especially ones that need to share my clothes."

  "I"d like to thank you and your sister again for your help," said Khalid conspicuous feeling in the too tight shorts and t-shirt.  "Trying to get these people to understand English would have been next to impossible."

  "Oh you'd be surprised how quickly these people learn the Western ways,"  said Harry laughing. "Why as a matter of fact, the cheiftan that rescued his sister in the raid that you were in  even wears a pair of Air Jordan's with his traditional village garb."

  Khalid laughed in spite of himself. The mental picture of the fierce African tribesman wearing basketball shoes was a funny one indeed.  As Harry laughed with him and continued to speak,   Khalid noticed he had a slightly British accent.

  "If I may ask, why do you and your sister have vastly different accents?"

  "Ahhhhh....you're a very perceptive young man indeed. My sister and I are VASTLY different despite our appearance.  I was raised by my father in England, while dear Akiko was raised by my mother in the States."

  "You're father's British, then?" asked Khalid.

  "Oh yes...yes.  A proper British gentleman indeed…. Stiff upperlip...blue blood. You know the drill." laughed Harry with a bit of bitterness.

  "Yet you're both anthropologists. That's interesting." Khalid said sensing the uncomfortable turn the conversation had taken, and trying to turn it back to lighter matters.

  "Because we're twins?" Harry asked. "I don't really think it's all that mysterious twin stuff making us choose the same job. We both just love the work. Uncovering mysteries, ancient or otherwise, had always been our fondest past time, so it was either this or private detective and I'm afraid I look dreadfully silly in a trenchcoat and fedora."

  Khalid laughed again. The almost contagious energy of the male half of the twins was almost identical to his sister, but where Akiko seemed completely open and honest, Harry put up definite walls with his conversational style and almost seemed resentful of his sister at times. Khalid couldn't help but wonder what growing up apart had done to their relationship. Suddenly the subtle scent of Sandalwood wafted through the tent. Khalid's acute senses caught it at once, and he recognized the owner of the scent as well.

  "Ms. Tanaka," said Khalid standing up from the cot he had been sitting on.

  Akiko walked in and placed her arm lightly around her brother's waist. "I said call me Ko," she laughed. "Ms. Tanaka is and always will be my mother. I see Harry's been keeping you company."

  "Yes," said Khalid. "He's been filling me in on your family a bit. How you were raised seperately but you found a connection through your work."

  "Has he been complaining about that old tyrant that raised him?" laughed Akiko as she ruffled Harry's hair playfully. "Don't let him fool you, Khalid.  He got all the breaks.  I'm afraid I was a bit of a rebel growing up, and neither Father nor Mother much approved."

  "One of us had to take matters seriously, Ko." said Harry with a touch of anger in his voice.

  "And I'm glad it was you," Akiko laughed still teasing her brother. "That's why you are the lead on this project and I'm your lowly assistant."

  "You know good and well we wouldn't even be on this project if you hadn't have sweet talked the Archeological Society of America," Harry said sharply.

  "And this from an Davitch Award winning archeologist," Akiko continued to joke."Come now Harry.  Don't be so modest. Did you know my brother here graduated head of his class from Oxford, while I trudged through and finally graduated about half way down the list from the University of Wisconsin."

  "Yes, but who's made every important discovery since that time, Akiko. YOU!!!"  Harry said finally loosing his temper at his sister's good natured teasing.

  "I'm sorry," Akiko said quickly feeling ashamed for pushing Harry to this.  "I was just teasing you, Har.  Khalid doesn't need to hear about our past anyway....especially when the story he's got to tell is so much more interesting, I bet."

  With that both pairs of beautiful brown eyes turned to Khalid and he felt  their curious gaze on him.  Although he never was one to hide anything, he usually didn't make it a point to tell all of his business either. As Grandpa Hunter used to say, If they don't find out, big deal. If they do find out, big deal. In either case, it isn't any of their damn business anyway.   Although it was well within his rights to tell them to mind their own business, he cleared his voice and began to tell his tale. These people had saved his life, and the least he owed them was the truth. When >he had completed his story and grew quiet again, both Harry and Akiko sat dumbfounded on the cot opposite Khalid. Anxiously, the young White Rook wiped sweat from his brow, momentarily wishing he could see the look on their faces to gauge their reaction.  All right, they're too quiet... Time to lighten this up.

  "What?"Khalid said laughing nervously under his breath. "No, 'DIE mutie,DIE'?  No 'Don't TOUCH me or I'll get that awful disease'? Go ahead... react.  Trust me, I am not going to fall apart because the subject of my mutancy is brought up. Just because I don't advertise it doesn't mean that I'm ashamed of it or anything."

  "I'm sorry, Khalid," chimed in Akiko first. "We're just shocked. Trust me.  Harry and I know all about bigotry. Being British/Asian, Jewish ANDtwins, we've faced plenty of it ourselves. Don’t think people haven’t looked at us funny before.  You've been through a terrible ordeal, and we'll make sure you're safe and secure until your friends get here to pick you up."

  Khalid smiled despite himself. It was times like these, that he truly believed that naive bald wacko Charles Xavier could actually be right. Maybe humans and mutants COULD co-exist.

  "Apparently, there's already a rescue party of sorts on the way," said Khalid.  "When I radioed in, My ummm former boss Jack Silver told me that both Gomurr and Avalon had both gone missing, and after their departure he found a hastily scribbled note inside the birdcage where Gomurr keeps his pet bird. He was laughing about it actually, saying that maybe the bird wrote the note due to its chicken scratch for hand writing. My guess is they'll be here before too long."

  "Excellent," said Akiko. "That should give me just enough time to look at that tatoo of yours. I'm sure it's tribal and it matches a lot of the pictographic writing here in the ancient village scrolls."

  Mufasa said nothing as he rolled up his sleeve. For some reason he trusted this woman implicitly. At the first touch of her warm soft hands against his arm, a tingle raced through his body. He moaned slightly despite himself as she continued tracing the curving pictograms along his bicep.

  "Are you alright," giggled Akiko.

  "Ummm, yes ma'am" stumbled Khalid. "It's just...... that's probably the first gentle touch I've had in a few days."

  They both laughed quietly as Harry walked closer to get a better look.  Akiko continued tracing the patterns of the tatoo with her fingers as she made rapid notes in a field journal.

  "It's something about a family line of shaman or witch-doctors," saidAkiko.

  "And what's this?" said Harry placing his hand beside Akiko's on Khalid's bicep.  "A gift...or a bargain of some sort."

  "And right here." said Akiko breaking in again. "The trickster god.....goat headed and evi........."

  Suddenly the tatoo glowed bright red and Khalid's eyes once again were filled with a blinding light.  He cried out pushing Harry and Akiko away. Stray photonic beams were crackling around him like heat lightning. He dropped to his knees rubbing at his eyes and the light that filled them. Harry and Akiko cowered in the corner of the tent as Khalid's almost animal wail filled the air.

  "Get out......" Khalid roared. "I don't know if I can control this. It's too much power....too pure a link...."

  "I'm not leaving you," cried Akiko as the wind began to whip and the red streaks of light became more pronounced crashing out into the night sky in all directions. "Just calm down. Fight whatever this is."

  "I'm trying," roared Khalid. "Just go before it's too late."

  Khalid could feel the power growing inside of him. He felt like his entire body was vibrating on some ultra sonic level. The blood that pumped through his veins seemed to sing in his ears....and most important of all....he could SEE....not using the starlight mapping trick he’d learned but actually see…..even if it was through a red haze of his photonic abilities. But who were these strange creatures cowering before him. They must be common slaves groveling at his royal presence as he towered over them. Why would voices  in his head be urging him to destroy these base creatures? Were they not his followers? Why was his most fervent wish to watch the two strangely similar beings before him destroyed by his photonic rays....to see their skin darken and finally collapse into blackened husks as he turned his bioelectric rage on them? He rallied against this feeling, trying to contain himself as he watched the frightened humans pick themselves up. The male of the pathetic duo rushed towards him waving an oddly shaped wooden club. He laughed to himself as he played in his mind how he would peel the skin from this one while he still lived just to hear his screams.

  "I'm afraid it IS too late, old chap," said Harry as he raced forward slicing a cricket bat down over Khalid's face and chest. "Too late for you."

  The frail wooden racket splintered as it shattered against Khalid's muscular shoulder. The White Rook who now glowed with unearthly power merely laughed, spinning around with a savage glare in his eyes to face his attacker. Harry lurched back and fell against the corner of the tent. Khalid raised one glowing fist into the air. The crackling red photonic energy surrounded it and rays of light shone from it and filled the interior of the tent with an eerie brightness.  Mufasa actually floated about 6 inches above the ground now, too powerful to bebothered with matters as mundane as the earth below him. He brought his arm down slowly, menacingly aiming at Harry's chest.


  The heavy clay splintered over Khalid's head as Akiko shattered a primitive water jar over Khalid's head. Khalid's knees buckled and he fell to the ground unconscious.

  "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Harry said. "I thought he was gonna pop my cogs for me for sure."

  "I don't know, Harry," said Akiko trying to get her heavy breathing under control, "but something tells me if Khalid's friends don't get here soon.  We're going to be in a world of trouble."

End Chapter 12


The "rescue party" arrived at th village around midnight, and caused a small uproar as the dusty and somewhat damaged jeep pulled in. Even before the vehicle stopped the little Asian man leaped from his seat and began barking orders in the Tribesman's own language. At first the sentries looked suspicious, then confused, but many of them began to turn and follow Gomurr's orders without question, hearing the urgency in the old man's voice.

Then the chieftain stepped forward right in Gomurr's path and the ancient mage walked straight into his heavily muscled leg as if he wasn't there. "I say, good sir," said Gomurr slipping back to English as he picked himself up dusted off. "It's very important that I see Khalid Hunter." The two began a heated discussion back in the tribal language now, as the chief commanded his people to stop doing what the old man had ordered until he could ascertain their intentions. Cougar stood defiantly behind Gomurr staring at the fierce chief of these people. As much as the two argued, they agreed on one thing. Khalid must be brought to them and soon.

Grover and Avalon stood in the shadows of the night, cloaking themselves due to Grover's somewhat unconventional appearance. His yellow eyes glowed faintly in the darkness. "Woah, listen to all those clicks and spit noises, the G-man's making," said Avalon. "I didn't know he could speak African."

"Africa's not a language, Av," Grover said quietly. "It's a continent, and there are probably hundreds of languages used on this giant land mass. Gomurr never stops surprising me. It scares me some times just how much we don't know about the little guy."

Finally Akiko Tanaka came rushing from her tent and into the fray. She stopped the argument the chief and Gomurr were having with a simple gesture of her hand. "Kioto, It's all right! These are Khalid's friends. We've been expecting them. Now everyone just calm down and start speaking English. You know you can, Kioto. You must be Gomurr," Akiko said holding out her hand.

Gomurr took it and kissed it lightly giving a stately bow. Cougar harumphed loudly behind him. "Hello, madam," said Gomurr as Cougar cleared his throat again. "Oh yes. This is my associate Mr. Cougar. It's imperative we see Khalid as quickly as possible. The chief informed me there was some sort of 'disturbance' with him earlier and it's important we check on him."

"He's doing fine now," said Akiko a bit shame facedly. We gave him an ummmm sedative and I don't think he'll be awake anytime soon."

Gomurr nodded at Cougar and he nodded back. Gomurr made a beckoning motion with his hand and Grover and Avalon stepped from the shadows. There was a chorus of gasps as Grover stepped forward, his dark blue skin blending a bit with the surrounding darkness. Things quietedly quickly though. It always amazed Gomurr how so called "uncivilized" cultures could handle mutation better than inhabitants of the United States.

"We'd like to see Khalid tonight though, even if he's asleep," said Cougar. "It's very important."

"Of course," said Akiko as she led them to the tent where Khalid lay sleeping. She pulled back the flap silently and entered. Khalid lay shirtless, a sheet thrown carelessly over him, but the angry knot still showed on his head. His breathing and pulse rate seemed fine though as Gomurr walked up to check them

"Some sedative," laughed Av under his breath. "Looks like somebody went medieval on his ass."

Grover shot the young Dark Lord a warning glance and he quieted quickly. Cougar put his hands to Khalid's forehead and concentrated feeling his aura. He was tired, but physically he seemed well. Cougar nodded and both he and Gomurr stepped away. "I'm afraid the little bump is from me," said Akiko. "We know about Khalid's powers, and he frightened us."

"Frightened you," began Cougar his voice rising. "Khalid would never hurt you unless he was threatened."

"I swear," put in Akiko, "that we never meant to harm him. I was just studying the tribal tatoo on his right arm and he sort of went berserk. I'm sorry, but we had no other choice."

Gomurr hurried to Khalid's side again picking up his arm careful not to touch the tatoo. "Do you know what this means," he said to himself.

"I translated it into that journal there," said Akiko hearing the old man's whispered words. "but i'm not sure I quite understand what's going on."

Cougar snatched up the journal before Gomurr could get it. "This is a private matter," he said. "I'm sure Khalid would feel the same."

"I can read this writing as well as Ms. Tanaka could, Cougar," Gomurr said rather acidicly. "Why didn't you tell me of this."

"It's the business of the family," said Cougar. "Khalid shouldn't even be involved with you people. I learned the hard way what association with your organization can do."

"I've told you once," Gomurr began his voice growing louder. "And I won't repeat myself...."

"PLEEEASE!!!" yelled Akiko. "This isn't helping Khalid. I know the pictographic band on his arm tells of some sort of mystical bargain, but I have no idea why it caused his supposedly mutant powers to manifest. I'm afraid genetics was never my strong suit....but there's more. He has a tatoo on his other arm, that I'm not familiar with at all. It looks Native American in nature, but I have no training in that area."

Cougar quickly went to the other side of the cot picking up Khalid's wrist. If ever there was a when time when he felt angry at himself for his somewhat cursory grasp of his people's heritage, it was right now. As a young man, Cougar had always been interested in the mystic side of his birthright, oftentimes, completely ignoring matters he considered mundane and unimportant, like the history and culture of his people. Repeatedly, as a child in the mountains of North Carolina, his father had tried to teach him the Sequoihan alphabet, but he would always find "more important" things to do. Now, the life of his grandson was hanging in the balance... and he was desperately racking his brain for any scrap of information, he might have absorbed from that time. "Damn... it's been too long... it's been TOO long... If I had only... Wait! There's something here I recognize... it's the word 'mom'..."

Avalon snickered... "Yeah... leave it to Khalid to tattoo his mother's name... Can you say 'Mama's boy'? Some people should really get out more."

Grover put his hand on the Dark Lord's shoulder bringing a painful little yelp from him as he tightened his grip. "I've warned you once," said Grover. Avalon went sulkily silent. Grover felt his heart going out to Cougar. Khalid had once told him the his oldest brother, Malik Jr. had been killed in a house fire while Khalid was still very young. Malik had been Khalid's first piano teacher. Perhaps this was the reason that music played such an important role in Khalid's life. Malik, if he had lived would only be a week older than Grover was now. Seeing the old man kneeling next to his grandson, fearing that he might lose yet another loved one touched Grover in a deep and painful way. The blue mutant went to stand behind Cougar and placed a comforting arm on his shoulder. "Try to remember, sir," he said softly. "Do it for Khalid."

Cougar's hands shook as he tried to make out the writing on Khalid's arm without actually touching the inked flesh. "Here's...something ...... something about a deal... no... a promise... and... cleaning? No... purification... Great Spirit, help me.....It's been so long..." His voice began to crack, showing his frustration... "...a cord... being snapped... A name... There's a name that keeps popping up, but I can't make it out... Damn... something about teaching... and protection..." He lifted up Khalid's arm, reading the inside of the bicep... still stumbling... "A massacre... A cat? No... cougar..."

"As in you?" Grover asked, trying to make sense out of the riddle.

"No... as in mountain lion... a convergence? No... a break... then... a battle... a war of some sort..." Cougar stopped... "Nine deaths..."

"Any names?"

"No... and then... oblivion..." Cougar's blood ran cold as he stood up from his kneeling position. The sweat dripped off his face... his skin felt clammy in the night air despite the heat....his heart was racing..... "No Khalid...no....please...... not a third time... why so young..."

Grover led Cougar to a chair where he slowly sat down... "You're not sure of the translation, sir. When we get Khalid back to the States, we'll run the tatoos through our database of languages and we'll get the entire story. Don't lose hope."

Cougar merely shook his head sadly. Grover walked over toward Khalid's unconscious form looking down at him. He had hit it right on the head a few months ago when he identified Khalid as an unwitting new pawn in the game (Phantom Nails). Now he wondered if perhaps Khalid was a pawn in a much larger game than the petty powerplays of the Hellfire Clubs. Why had nobody noticed the tattoos before. These markings had been deliberately designed by Khalid himself. What did it all mean? Why hadn't Khalid talked about it?

With the exception of his music, Mr. Hunter rarely showed any side of himself... whether it be his powers, his private life, or for that matter his skin. Grover's mind raced back to all the times he'd seen Khalid. The young man that lay before him had always worn loose baggy clothing attempting to blend in wherever he was. Nothing to draw attention to himself....that was the essence of Khalid. Surely the doctors at both academies had noticed the tattoos, but what did they care? Didn't several of the Hellions and the Upstarts have body art like this somewhere on their bodies. It was so fashionable now....but this time it actually meant something. Why would a guy so painfully introverted get such elaborate tattoos on his upper arms?

At this moment, Gomurr was thinking of Mufasa, the militant spoiled King of Kemet who was basically a beast of a man with only a small particle of honor. This had been a man who did whatever he desired with little or no remorse or even thought about those he harmed. This had been a man who had no compunctions or inhibitions about wielding the power at his disposal in whatever means suited him. He knew Mufasa would have considered Khalid weak...this ancient king that believed in the philosophy "Might makes right", but Khalid was not weak at all. Just how ironic was it that Khalid's body could withstand the mystical power at so young an age while Mufasa's could not even at the age of fifty? How ironic was it that Mufasa chose war and the acquisition of power as his life's path but Khalid chose music and strived to live in harmony with his environment. The prince who wakes up to find he's a pauper... The rational vs. the calm... Mufasa went for strength of body and raw power. Khalid goes for strength of mind and heart. Thinker vs. doer... It was all a part of the riddle; Gomurr was sure of it.

As if responding to the thoughts of the two men, Khalid's aura flared up, this time flashing yellow and casting it's glow less brightly around the room. Akiko gasped and both Gomurr and Cougar stepped back. Cougar spoke urgently. "Grover....what did you do?!?!"

Avalon zipped into his electric form ready to battle whatever forces the unwitting Khalid brought to bare. "Well, I'm ready for him, in case he tries anything funny."

Grover held up his hand quieting the room. "No... I don't think so... The aura.....It's yellow, this time. He's slipped into one of the trances again." Suddenly, Khalid's hand snapped out, sliding through Grover's telekinetic aura as if it were not there. Grover felt his arm go numb as the Gauntlet of Excalibur receded up his arm, and Khalid's hand clasped his actual wrist in an iron grip. Grover had almost forgotten what flesh to flesh contact felt like in this area of his body covered by the Gauntlets for so long. He gasped despite himself as Khalid's aura surrounded them both. The gauntlets hadn't reacted hostilely like they usually did to a threat, but they did spike and bubble as if the metal were boiling yet there was no heat.

Avalon and Cougar started to move towards the two men locked in this strange embrace, but two yellow photon bursts flew from the flickering yellow shield and hit each of them in the chest knocking them back. Akiko screamed.

Grover dropped to his knees as his mind was filled with fragmentary flashes of memory that must be Khalid's. The first clear viewing was of a very pregnant woman racing into a cathedral and dropping to her knees to pray. The water from the thunderstorm outside soaked her dress and slid into puddes on the floor. The woman felt a hand on her shoulder as the lights went out in the sanctuary she had found. Lightning illuminated the room as she turned to face the man behind her. Grover looked at the man's face. It seemed vaguely familiar yet he couldn't place it. He then heard the man begin to speak. The voice was rich and resonant, but with a great warmth. This too was somewhat familiar. Grover didn't understand what was going on. "I'm here to help you" the man said to the woman and he was about to speak again. Grover knew that whatever he was about to say was the key to this riddle that endangered his friend Khalid's life, but before he could hear the coming words he felt himself being jerked up and away from Khalid on a current of controlled air. "What the HELL are you trying to do? Are you aware you could have been killed.....again!?!?"

Gomurr yelled as he waved his hand, setting Grover on his feet. "You know not the forces you tamper with, Pup."

"Don't start that shit again, Gomurr... You had no right to interfere. Khalid went into a trance for a reason. He was trying to TELL me something, but you cut him off before he was finished!" Grover brought his hand to his upper lip to wipe off the sweat... however when he drew his hand away it wasn't what he was expecting. "Blood? Red blood? But how..."

Gomurr took Grover's other wrist roughly examing it where Khalid had touched it. He looked at the gauntlet carefully. "Good news... the Gauntlets should recover from the assault in a couple of days... There's no lasting damage, for which you should be thankful. No matter how much you hate these things or how you feel about me for bonding them to you, they keep you alive. Even with that, you are not invincible."

Grover jerked his hand away roughly. "Don't you think I know that, Master Gomurr," he spat mockingly. "But what right do you have to decide what risks I take. Just because you gave me my life back, doesn't mean you control it's direction."

Gomurr looked livid with rage, then his expression changed and he dropped Grover's arm lightly. "I'm sorry....of course you're right." Grover too dropped his head a bit in shame.

"No master, I'm sorry, but would you have done any less to save this boy. You must learn to let me make my own way. I love you like a father, but you can't protect me forever." Gomurr bowed gracefully towards Grover. Grover nodded his head in response.

All eyes turned back to Khalid, whose aura had disappeared completely. He slept soundly again, his chest rising and falling steadily. Cougar made a motion drawing them all outside. "My grandson is fine," he said after they had all left Khalid to sleep, "I've scanned his aura and he just needs to sleep off that little bump on the noggin. Tomorrow, when he can speak again, we'll get him the help he needs."

"Gentleman," said Akiko. "Let me prepare places for you. This village is simple, but hospitable. Please, stay the night as our guests."

As Akiko made arrangements for the four men to have a place to sleep, Harry watched silently through the flap in his tent. "I'm sorry, Ko," he whispered to himself, "but this is too important. If you're right and there's some link between those ancient writings and the source of this boy's mutation, then it will rock the scientific and archeological communities......and this time it's going to be me taking the credit for the discovery."


Shani Hunter closed the door to the farm house that she shared with her husband. She pulled the African print scarf a bit tighter over her snow white curls so the wind wouldn't be so cold on her aging skin. Her bones ached in the cold of the morning and she knew that rain was coming. Ever since childhood, she had what people in her community called "the second sight". Her premonitions were usually minor things like knowing the sex of a baby before it was born, or being able to pick out which couples wold form from groups of people.

Minor at all times, but this one that had struck her last night had been intense...almost painfully so. As she had scurried around the master bedroom, getting her things in order, her husband Malik Hunter Sr. had told her that she was overreacting, but she didn't listen. She called that night and got her plane ticket to New York. As she took the money from the ATM that morning she knew that time was of the essence and she had to get to her son....but now she was there in front of her son Khalid's apartment and nobody was there.

Whatever had happened to take him away still frightened her, though she suspected that danger had subsided at least temporarily. Feeling somewhat foolish she decided that she'd do a bit of shopping....maybe buy something for Malik to apologize for her strange behavior, and then return to her home. After all, there was no point in staying if Khalid was gone and she didn't know where.

"Excuse me..." Shani's heart skipped a beat as she spun to see the man who had spoken. Khalid had warned her about the dangers of New York, and she had always considered herself a careful woman, but she jumped despite herself. That is until she saw the handsome broad-chested blonde man in front of her. He smiled down at her warmly. His stubbly face and roguish eyes entranced her. "Oh...my," she said taking a deep breath. "I'm sorry....you startled me." Shani rubbed at her eyes. What was wrong? Was she crying?

"Khalid is ummmm gigging in Cairo." said Michael Breslin as he smiled down at the older woman in the smart tweed pant suit. He hefted a bag of groceries on his hip as he stuck out his hand towards her. "He... um... asked me to house-sit for him while he was away. Did you need to see him?"

Shani's voice cracked as she took his warm strong hand in hers. The tears still threatened to stream down her face. "Yes... I'm his mother..." Havok unlocked the door to Khalid's apartment and ushered the woman into Khalid's spartan apartment.

"OF COURSE....you must be Shani. I'm Michael Breslin. Come on in... I've seen a picture of you, and he speaks of you so fondly. I know he wouldn't mind me letting you in." Breslin closed the door behind them and went to the kitchen, sitting down the bag of groceries. Shani began to help him unpack them and as she began putting the items where they belonged without any coaching from Havok, he began to grin. "You sure know you're way around, Mrs. Hunter. Are you sure you weren't sneaking out after breaking and entering," he teased.

"Oh.....ummmm," Shani blushed realizing her "second sight" had put her in an awkward position again. She simply had to watch that around Khalid's friends. Who knows what they might think of her if they knew she had any sort of powers. "It's just that his kitchen's so well laid out, and I did raise him after all."

Breslin simply nodded, still smiling. "A mother's touch and all that," he said. "So what brings you to New York, Mrs. Hunter?"

"Oh I'm afraid it's silly, really," she said trying to think of a plausable excuse. "For some reason I assumed Khalid was in trouble. He usually messages me if he's going to leave town. My own fault really. I guess I'm overprotective of Tater like that."

"Tater????" Havok laughed. "Khalid is Tater?"

"Oh dear," giggled Shani. "Don't you dare tell him I said that. That's what his brother used to call him when they were children. The name just sort of stuck in the family." Havok began helping her put away the groceries again and winced inwardly as he turned on the charm again. She had no idea how right she was. Gomurr had said Khalid was in serious danger, but wouldn't say anymore. How could he lie to this woman?

"Well it was sort of a rush deal," he began. "You know the musician's life. I'm sure he'll be back by week's end. Excuse me, ma'am, but are you crying?" That's it Breslin...change the subject.

"I'm sorry... I don't mean to sound strange," Mrs. Hunter said. "But you remind me of a friend.....a dear friend of mine who died in a horrible car accident over twenty-five years ago..." She took a paper towel, wiping her face. "Your face and the expression in your eyes reminded me so much of her."

Havok poured her a glass of milk from the container he was putting away. "I guess I just have one of those faces... I'm sorry that I upset you."

Shani shook her head. "No... no... not at all... I'm not upset... I'm just... happy for the memory you brought back to me." On a whim, she reached up and placed a soft kiss on Havok's cheek. This time it was his turn to blush, yet he felt oddly comfortable around this woman.

"Khalid's fortunate to have such a caring mother," Bresling said stumbling a bit over his words.

"No....He's fortunate to have good friends like you to watch over him while he's having this problem.....his blindness and all that. HOWEVER," she continued as she ran her finger along the small kitchen table..." Blindness is no excuse for laziness. This apartment is a bit dusty, I must say." She stood up, walking toward the living room, touching the odds and ends of sturdy yet inexpensive furniture. "And it's so drab. It definitely needs a woman's touch." Havok smiled. This woman was through and through above all a mother. "I know I shouldn't say this young man," Shani continued, "but he is blind and he'll probably not notice. Would you mind taking me to pick up a few items for my son's aparment. I simply CANNOT have him living here with those curtains!!"

Havok tried not to laugh. "It would be a pleasure, Mrs. Hunter.....but I'm worried the town will talk with me escorting such a beautiful lady on her shopping." Shani waved her hand and grinned at his gallant manner. "First of all, call me Shani....and Talk?...Bah. I'm old enough to be your mother, you silver tongued devil. I'll make you a deal, if you see someone that you know, you can introduce me as your Aunt and be done with it. Wouldn't want to get in the way of you charming the ladies."

"Charming the ladies," Havok laughed making a dashing bow as he pointed to the door., "But what need would I have of that when I'm with the most charming lady I've met in awhile."

Shani giggled again as they walked out of the apartment. "Khalid is lucky indeed. Mr. Breslin. Thank you so much. By the way, what about your family. Do you have any sisters or brothers. Perhaps you're related to my friend in some distant manner."

"Well... no... I..." Havok stammered.

"As far as I'm concerned, you can be apart of mine." said Shani quickly realizing she had entered into an uncomfortable area for Havok. "Malik won't mind a bit... At Thanksgiving, which you WILL be at by the way, it will be nothing to set another placemat at the table. I always cook a lot, so there'll be no problem. You can even bring some more of Khalid's friends. If they are as charming as you, though I may have to watch all of Khalid's cousins to keep them from running away with your lot......" They continued to talk as Havok led Shani, to his car. He smiled to himself. Who would have thought that today I'd be shopping for curtains with a woman I barely know......and LIKING it?


Harry Tanaka crept through the darkness of the African night. It was close to dawn and he knew he didn't have much time. Khalid's friends would rise in a few hours and take him away and all hopes of deciphering the ancient writing on his arm and it's link to his mutation would be gone. Stealthily he crept into the tent where Khalid lay sleeping. Peeling back the sheet he noticed once again the dark circles and loops of the tatoo on Khalid's muscled bicep. Cautiously he moved closer grasping Khalid's arm and tracing his fingers along the curves, squinting his eyes to read the patterns in the darkness. Khalid groaned in his sleep at this intimate touch. "Akiko?" he said dreamily.

"Sorry, old chap, but see me however you want to see me," Harry said breathily. "as long as you give me what I need to make the cover of Archeology Digest." Reading aloud the ancient language, Harry translated in his mind as he enjoyed the feel of the strange dialect on his tongue. "Akquinza Cluat Duenge Karat," he read. Khalid moaned again and his bicep flexed in Harry's hand. "Scqirangen Estabo Quinza Estophalum......"

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!" yelled Gomurr as he came dashing into the tent. "Don't say the demon's name aloud!!!!"

Harry let out a squeak and jerked away from Khalid but the damage had been done. As they both spun back around to Khalid he sat on the corner of his cot his feet planted firmly on the dusty floor. As he stood his hair fell onto his bare shoulders obscuring the tattoos completely, but already they had begun to glow faintly. Khalid walked toward them almost zombie like, head down hair falling in front of his eyes that locked menacingly onto them.

"Calm Down, Khalid," Gomurr said as he backed away steadily. "Just relax....we're your friends. We're here to help."

Harry scrambled backwards as well screaming for his sister and the rest of the village to wake up. Grover, Cougar and Avalon stood by Gomurr in moments as both he and Khalid progressed slowly from the tent. Khalid still appeared dazed as he plodded towards Gomurr hands clenching and unclenching. The tattoos glow had increased in the gloom of the night. Gomurr spoke in soft soothing tones and Cougar joined him trying to bring Khalid back into consciousness before it was too late. The first golden ray of sunlight hit Khalid's bronze skin and reflected outward onto the others. The villagers watched closely. Some held both spears and rifles. The chief clutched his frightened sister closely. Harry and Akiko argued in the background about Harry's actions, but the central figure in all of this was still Khalid.

He continued plodding onward as if the people scrambling around him weren't there. Suddenly he turned his head to the sky and let out a cry of such anguish and hate, many villagers ran and some covered their ears and dropped to the ground. Khalid's smooth brown throat vibrated as his rage built.

"No Khalid, No....please," said Cougar imploringly.

At his grandfather's voice, Khalid's neck jerked up and he stared into the frightened eye of Cougar. Khalid held out his arms and without another word he began to rise and glow like the sun behind him. The villages were bathed in the red aura which radiated from Khalid almost as if he was lit from within. "I AM KHALID, I AM PHIL. I AM COUGAR. I AM MUFASA.......I AM ESTOPHALUM!!!!!!!!!!!" He roared.

At the last name hit something in his distant ancestral memory, Cougar's face turned ghostly pale and he cried out again. "NO Khalid, we can stop this."

"You can't stop me," Khalid almost howled, his voice taking on a deafening baritone that seemed to make the earth itself tremble. "I am as the sun...ancient....powerful....inevitable...unstoppable! In fact I am more powerful than the sun!!!!" Khalid's arm shot skyward and a bolt of blood red lightning shot from his hand. The villagers finally all broke and ran screaming from this demon in their midst. Clouds gathered in the sky completely blotting out the sun bringing another night to the African desert. The darkness was highlighted with the red glow and flashes of Khalid's anger. He roared again and red lightning forked down exploding as it hit the dirt all around the camp. The ground shook with it's force and everyone was rocked off their feet.

"All right, Music Man," screamed Avalon. "I like you, but you've gone too far now. I'm gonna have to take you out." Switching to his bio-electric form, Av took to the air and flew directly at Khalid, his blue haze battling against the red glow of the unearthly night. With an offhanded move, Khalid gestured and Av was sent spiraling back towards the ground. Grover took to the air and caught the boy's quivering form in his arms. Khalid's blow had knocked him back to his human form and out of the fight.

"Pathetic!!!!" Khalid roared. "This is all you have to offer me. The power of one puny mortal boy. I'll feast on your souls after I've killed you all."

"You will not," cried Gomurr over the wind that had begun to rage. "I will stop you, Estophalum!"

Khalid looked down sharply at the tiny figure of the ancient wizard. "So one of you knows my name. What of it? You are as nothing to me old one....simply grist for the mill of my hate." Gesturing again, Khalid picked up Gomurr in an invisible claw of air and brought him within feet of his hovering form. Grover tried to fly into the vortex that surrounded them but was repeatedly thrown back. Av's still form lay in Cougar's arms back on the ground.

Gomurr began to speak again, trying his best to be heard over the cacophony. "Begone Demon," he cried. "Release this mortal form and take yourself back to the pits of hell!!!" Gomurr thrust his hands forward and a beam of white hot light flew at Khalid. The explosion of white around the swirling red photons was blinding, but when the light cleared Khalid still hovered ten feet above their head and Gomurr still hung helplessly in his invisible grasp.

"You have no power over me weakling," Khalid said in the voice that shook mountains. His voice carried clearly over the wails of the villagers and the wind storm he'd created. "I own this body by right of ancient barter. People of this world will serve me or they will DIE!!!" With that Gomurr was lifted up and then hurled towards the ground with dangerous speed. Grover tried to take flight again to catch him, but the winds were too strong. Gomurr's body hit the ground with a sickening thud, and the ancient mage let out a low moan as his head rolled to the side and a bit of blood streamed from his open mouth. "Now, if that's all the objections," roared Khalid's voice above the swirling vortex of wind and red lightning in which he was the center of. "I'll begin my domination of this puny mudball and you will all BOW TO ME!!!!"

Michael Breslin dropped down onto the plain cream colored couch, completely exhausted. He felt as if he had spent hours in the training room at the BHC academy being beaten and abused by the holographic and robotic battle scenarios, but the facts were that he had just been on a simple shopping expedition.  He hadn't been prepared for Shani Hunter's idea of "shopping", however.  Curtains.....he had expected the curtains.....but the lamp, the pillows, the wall paper borders, the brilliantly patterned rugs, the tiny decorations that made so much difference in the little apartment....those he HADN'T expected. What surprised him more however, was how Shani managed to redecorate Khalid's entire apartment for just over $200.  The woman had an uncanny knack for finding bargains, haggling with sales people and pinching every penny until it screamed.

"Shani, I don't know how you did it," said Havok still in awe of the changes that had come over the drab little apartment.  "If Khalid could see the change in this place, he'd probably freak out and faint.  It's like you've completely redone it.  Somehow it even looks bigger in here."

Shani was  fussing with the new curtains over the balcony door.  Sunlight glistened on the ornate gold curtain rod as she placed it onto the mounting hooks.   

Believe it or not, Michael,"  She chimed in turning to face Havok.  "It takes a lot more than a simple change in his environment to make Khalid, as you GenXr's say freak.  He's seen a multitude of strange and sometimes frightening things in his short life, more than he'll even admit to me, but Khalid's always been one to not share his troubles.  Normality and routine in his life have always been paramount to him.  He rationalizes and deals with occurrences no matter how abnormal they may be, so he can live what he considers to be an average life."

Havok slowly rose from the couch to go into the kitchen. He needed a glass of lemonade. Strange. This is the first time in months that I haven't wanted a beer after working up a sweat like that. Shani is definitely a good influence on me. "I can't say as I blame him. I would have liked a childhood like his I think....with a big family, and a close knit home.  How DO you manage to keep track of five grown children and a high schooler, though?"

Shani fluffed out the thinner and much more decorative curtains and tied them back with the stylish yet simple braided rope she had bought. "They all have their own individual lives, Michael. My job was to raise them so that they were able to think for themselves.  This above all else is what I believe makes them strive to succeed.  Life on the farm wasn't always easy.  There were some pretty lean years.  For awhile it seemed we might even lose the little piece of this world we called home, but we bounced back stronger than ever by coming together as a family.  Malik and I are still working class, I assure you, but it is easier to be working class with only two dependants than with seven.  All of my grown children are self-supportive, but more importantly they are supportive of each other when the need arises, and I'm not talking about money here.  I'm talking about family.  That's what's important to them.  Family comes first to all of them, and that makes me very proud."

Sitting at the kitchen table, Havok wondered what it would have been like to have grown up in a family such as this.  His own childhood had been one of turmoil and horror.  When he was but a child, he had stumbled in to find his parents' gruesomely killed in the living room of their home.  Police reports indicated a murder-suicide (Ascension). Later as a teenager, he had only narrowly escaped the murderers that killed his sister and her fiancé. That tragic event had left him with no immediate family whatsoever.  His father's family wanted nothing to do with him seeing him only as a burden, and his mother's family seemed even less interested.  For a long time after that, Michael Breslin had been completely alone, and the depths of that loneliness was what finally had driven him to his dangerous alcoholism.  The Hellfire Club recruited him, and there was a sort of a family there, but it was a dysfunctional one at the very best.  Michael Breslin, as he looked at the proud figure of Khalid's mother, could not help but envy the young White Rook.  

As Shani Hunter continued to talk lovingly of her family,  Havok rolled more recent events through his mind.  Breslin knew deep within him there was an aching need to connect with someone, but it was so hard.  He had felt especially close to Sharon Stokes, but she had quit the BHC and moved on with her life.  That in itself would have been sad, but understandable, if she hadn't have joined up with that damned blue-skinned freak Grover.  As the new White Queen, he knew that Sharon could take care of herself and that she was a smart woman, but any dealings she had with Grover only served to fuel his rage.  (Poisonous Moon, Whisper of a Memory, Phantom... aw hell, you look it up!). Even his dealings with Khalid Hunter, one of the most easy-going guys he knew, had become strained.  Although he had been assigned to watch Khalid's apartment in case he returned, his conversations with the man himself had become restricted to simple "hellos" and "goodbyes" in everyday inter-club business. He wondered again if the guy knew what he had in this amazing family he was born into.  He also wondered what getting involved in the inner circle of the White branch of the club would do to this boy's innocent spirit.  Suddenly, Havok noticed Shani had paused in her revelry of talking about her family and was studying him closely.

"That's sounds really amazing, Ma'am," Havok stammered.  "I wonder if Khalid knows how lucky he is."

"It's not luck, Michael.  That's what I've been trying to tell you.  It's love....pure and simple."  Shani watched a pained expression come over Breslin's face.  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have rambled on again."

"No, you didn't. I was just thinking how great it would be to have a family like yours."

"Nonsense!" Shani said taking Havok's large hair covered hand in hers.  "Like I told you earlier, you are a part of this family now. So there's no need to argue.  When I adopt someone, they can't get away.  Now, be a dear and tell my husband that I'm busy cleaning Khalid's apartment, and that I'll call him later."

"Your husband? I don't underst....." Before he could finish, the phone rang. Havok picked up the phone with a confused look on his face. "Hello?"

"Hello!" a strong voice on the other end of the phone said.  "Tater is that you?  Is your mother there?"

Havok tried not to laugh.  "This is a friend of Tat...err I mean Khalid's, sir.  He's on a gig in Cairo right now.  Mrs. Hunter is cleaning his apartment.   She told me to tell you she would call you back."

There was a pause at the end. "I told her that she was overreacting. Now she's just up there meddling in his things.....Excuse me, but what's your name?"

Shani took the phone from Havok's grasp swiftly as she pushed a dust cloth into his hand and shooed him toward the coffee table. "Malik. Your phone manner is rude. That was Michael Breslin, one of Khalid's friends here in New York.  How do you expect him to want to come to our house for Thanksgiving dinner with you giving him the third degree when you first speak.  Now, I'll be back on Friday, after I've spoken to Khalid.  There's plenty of food in the fridge and I've hidden your beer in the left crisper.  Only one a day now.  Don't be a glutton." She hung up the phone and went briskly back to Breslin who stood still watching her with the dust cloth still in his hand.  "I see that housekeeping isn't one of the things they teach at this Academy that Khalid spoke about."

Havok stood dumbfounded as he watched Shani Hunter go to work around the apartment. How did she know that Malik was calling....or what he was saying? "Excuse me, I was just sort of wondering.  Are you ummm.. well are you....."

Shani pulled the old sea foam green rubberized tablecloth off and threw it in the garbage can. The one she replaced it with was a lovely floral print that brought the somewhat eclectic designs of the living room and the kitchen together.  She knew the gig was up and taking a deep breath, she tried her best to explain.  "No, I'm not a mutant. Occasionally, I get flashes of insight. that's all.  People in my family always called it 'the shining' or 'the second sight'."

Havok was trying to make sense of it. For someone who allegedly had a normal life, Khalid sure did have a weird family... a mother who knew things would occur before they happened and a grandfather whose career was demon-hunting...

"Can Khalid......"

Shani stopped to sit down at the table, perching herself lightly on the new cushion seat covers she had got for the chairs.  She motioned for Havok to take a seat beside her.  "If Khalid's inherited this gift from me, he's never said anything about it.   Although, as much as I hate to say it, sometimes he is as secretive with us as he is with everyone else. He's told me very little about any of you in this organization he's joined, but I knew that you knew my son and considered him a friend when I first met you.  That's another part of my gift.  I'm a pretty good judge of character.  I was QUITE surprised to see him on the television scuffling with those costumed villains in New York not long ago. (Dark Light) Then, of course, there was the time he sent Stefan home after receiving some sort of threatening message. (Vengeful Spirit) Trouble just seems to follow that boy, and he tries his best to keep us from it, rather than let us help him."

Shani Hunter brought her hand to her trembling lips as she fought back the tears once again.  "Khalid is a good man, Michael. I just don't understand why bad things keep happening to him. He has been through so much already. At first I had thought that it might have been because of exposure to his grandfather. (Dark Light) but that can't be the case, because even Dad doesn't have Khalid's knack for stepping into bad situations.  My son has always been gifted in many ways, perhaps this is just God's way of making sure his gifts don't make him too proud.  I just want him to be safe and happy....."

Shani broke down into tears at this point.

"He will be. You just have to understand the kind of life that we lead in the ....."

"Michael, will you pray with me?" Shani asked suddenly.

"Well. I'm not exactly on a familiar basis with God, ma'am."

"That's not the point. God knows all of us.  It's just up to us to talk to him.  Please, Michael.  This is important to me."

"Okay." said Havok timidly.

Michael Breslin had never exactly been a religious man. However, that didn't mean he wasn't spiritual in any way.  He felt connected to this woman in some way and if this was what she needed, then he would do it.  This woman had given him the sense of family he had longed for most of his life, and he wouldn't trade anything in the world for it. 

"Malia, what are you doing in here?" The Sorcerer Supreme floated into his living room, exhausted after a day of battling extradimensional creatures from the planet Deume. (10 points if you can which author I ripped that off from.) The last thing he expected to see was the beautiful Malia Trent with her snow-white hair falling to her shoulders sitting seductively on his couch.  Her clinging green gown caught the emerald in her eyes as she tossed her head slightly. "Shouldn't you be busy directing your sex starved cronies in those 'films' of yours?"

"I just came to beg...on hands and knees...again," she cooed as she got up from the couch and sauntered toward him.  "if you'd please, consent to being in one of my movies.  It would be the biggest hit in the mage's circle since I tricked Gomurr into doing that movie 'Double Dealings' with his delightful brother.  I didn't think I'd ever be the same after my scene with those two.  Even Thanos, that old lecher ordered a copy of that one, and you in one of my movies would be even more eagerly anticipated.  You'd get top billing of course."

"Like I tell you every time you bring this preposterous idea up.  The answer is No....and don't think I don't know who it was that installed those cameras in the jets on my bathtub."

"You can't prove anything, darling."

"You're right, but I sent a hex through them back to their source destroying the recording equipment and all the copies of the tape."

Malia waved her long red laquered fingernails in the air, making her dimensional pursehole appear. She reached inside and withdrew a handful of ashes that had once been a video cassete. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're an old fuddy-duddy?"

With a flash of white light, Shamen transformed from his rather overdone mage's robes into the street clothes. "All right, Malia, I know better than to think you just came here just to try to entice me into a naked romp for you to film.  Something is on your mind.  Out with it, or out with you."

Malia yawned, slowly stroking the remote control for the television in an up and down motion between her sensuous fingers.  "Very well, darling.  I knew you'd been away battling those bores from planet Deume, so I thought I'd stop by and tell you the news."

"What news?" asked Shamen.  "Don't toy with me, Malia.  Spill it or get out."

"You really are an impatient man," she cooed.  "Such passion...such energy.  Pity you won't perform for me."

"That's it," said Shamen as he formed a tele-vortex in front of Malia.  "You're going home."

"Wait...wait wait," said Malia hurriedly as she snapped her fingers.  "Every sorceror in this dimension felt the power burst when it happened.  Just look."

Hovering above Malia's hand in a blue orb, Shamen watched a violent scene unfold.  Within the orb, he watched as an enraged Khalid Hunter hurled the diminutive Proctor of the Crimson Dawn to the ground.

"OUCH!!! poor Gomie." said Malia.  "I hope he's all right.  He's quite a pistol, you know."

"I know of his power, Malia,"  interrupted Shamen.  "Just as you do, and it is not to be taken lightly.  If Estophalum has returned through this Hunter boy and so easily defeats an accomplished mage as is Gomurr, then this situation is very dangerous....and I'm so very tired from my exertions in the Dueme Realm." 

"We both knew it was only a matter of time, Shamen," said Malia seriously.  "Raphael would have been CRAZY to bond the demon-hunters to his own power, so he bonded a lesser demon to the family line. I've been watching this unfold for a little while. What it looks like so far is that Raphael, that sneaky devil, made an agreement with ol' Phalumface that whoever this delightfully handsome Khalid fellow would be his avatar. He just failed to mention that he knew Estophalum would be imprisoned and incapable of using the power through his new puppets.  Now, because those pathetic mortals didn't know what they were doing, Esty has escaped the other-dimensional prison YOU sent him to and is going to take over the world."

"Shakarat's eyes," cursed Shamen.  "I'm entirely too weak to face that demon alone.  Do you think you could..."

"No. FORGET it. I told you over twenty years ago how you could have stopped Esto from ever going free again, but you didn't take my advice. Besides." Malia glanced at her wrist. "I have a hair appointment at 12:00 Greenwich time....and Kristof's delicious fingers running through my hair are oh so hard to reschedule."

"It would have been the murder of an innocent," stormed Shamen.  "And you know it."

"One compared to a few billion?" said Malia coldly.  "Sounded like a good plan to me.  Anyway, I simply can't help you, but I will tell you this.  The kid, somehow knew Estophalum's cage was weakening, and had those tattoos done to seal him away from that part of his power. It was a sound idea, really. That subconscious part of his mind never thought he would run into anyone that could read the writing." She stopped, turning toward the owner of the palatial estate in the windswept Colorado rockies. "By the way, If the right arm was a binding spell, what does the writing on his left arm mean?"

"Malia. please." Shamen said as he looked at the glowing mystic orb again. "Estophalum only managed to slip out by switching Khalid's mind with that of his past incarnation. He knew Mufasa's more destructive mind would be much more agreeable with his own urges. That means that the kid's spell did work to a certain degree, he just wasn't aware of all the parameters.  How could he know, on any conscious level he didn't even know what the tattoos meant himself.  Gomurr should have no problem figuring that out, but if he's badly hurt he may not be able to combat Estophalum  We need your help here, Malia."

"You mind me asking how you know so much about the situation?" said Malia avoiding his pleas all together.

Shamen turned towards Malia and frowned. "I'm Sorcerer Supreme. that's my job."

"Nope," said Malia.  "I don't buy it.  You may have more power than any mystic in this realm, but you couldn't have known about this before hand.  So tell me, or I won't help you."

Before he could do anything else, the glowing orb in Malia's hand switched to show a group of diamond like creatures attacking a sparkling city floating in the sky.  "Uh oh sweetie.  Looks like the Crystalline Gargoyles of the Pylos Realm are out again.  Two emergencies at once.  What ya gonna do?"

He turned to Malia again. "Look, I'm asking this favor. Please go help them.  I'll tell you whatever you want to know, but you must hurry.  Those Gargoyles could kill millions and the peaceful citizens of Cumulos have no defenses against them.  I have to go to them now.  You must help Gomurr and his companions."

"What do I want in return...hmmmmmmm?"  Malia pondered as if there were no hurry in the world.

Shamen gritted his teeth. "I'll give you a...errr..cameo role in your next film."

Malia's face lit up. "A CAMEO??!! The great Shamen??!!"

"WEARING CLOTHES AND NO PRIVATE PARTS SHOWING!"  Shamen put in glaring furiously at Malia.

"Shirtless and in a pair of Sandubal collection boxer briefs," counter-offered Malia.  "Oooh..that'll burn Nemesis' ass."

"Very well damnit, just help them," said Shamen.

"You won't regret this." Malia said as she crossed her arms and began to disappear.  "I'll make you a star!"

"I regret it already," said Shamen as he opened the vortex that would take him to Cumulos and the Crystalline Gargoyles. 

Gomurr coughed up blood onto the desert sand.  "I'm definitely getting too old for this shit," he wheezed.

Grover held the small man in his arms trying to be heard over the roar of the winds.  "What do we do, master?  He's too strong for me to reach him.  These winds are too fierce.  I think Av's hurt and Cougar's just standing there like an idiot staring at Khalid."

"Give me a minute to catch my breath, son and I'll take care of this," Gomurr wheezed again with another rattle of blood in his lungs.

"NO," said Cougar his voice carrying almost as loudly as Khalid's had before.  "I'll take care of this.  It's FAMILY business."

Cougar stretched his arms to his side and began to chant.  His words ran into each other until they become one long wail.  The air vibrated at a higher note as some other great power was brought into play.  Estophalum paused for a minute as he looked down at this latest annoyance, as Cougar's words filled the air.

"By the power of the Great Spirit, by the strength of all my ancestors, I claim what is rightfully mine.  Give me the power oh Great Estophalum.  I am more worthy than this foolish boy.  I know the ways of darkness, I have traveled them and know their twists and turns.  I killed many lesser demons along the way making you all the stronger.  Together we can reign supreme on Earth Realm and in Hell."

"No, Cougar, you fool," cried Gomurr weakly.  "You don't know what you're doing.  Estophalum is pure evil.  His power will destroy you."

Estophalum looked down and quickly scanned Cougar's mind.  The death of many of his demonic brethren was on his hands, and he reveled in the taking of their lives.  Yes, this would be a much better vessel.  It wouldn't fight like this mutant child that he had taken.  Khalid's body began to fall as Estophalum roared into Cougar.  The glowing nimbus of his power rushed into Cougar's eyes, nose, mouth and ears.

"Grandfather, nooooooo," screamed Khalid as he fell, but it was too late.  Estophalum had taken another host. 

Cougar screamed a howl of the most agonizing pain Gomurr had ever heard.  Blood began to flow from his eyes and nose as his form seemed to bend and twist.  The popping of Cougar's bones could be heard like gunshots over the gale.  The old man's skull began to twist and horn's began to protrude from his head.

From overhead, the sound of a thousand harps singing was heard.  Malia Trent had arrived.

"Oh my," she said as she landed beside Gomurr and quickly transformed her flowing emerald gown into safari clothing to match Gomurr's.  "What have you gotten yourself into this time, handsome."

"Malia," Gomurr said as his vision began to swim.  "Help me please.  Help me save these children."

Malia made an offhanded gesture and Gomurr was lifted up from Grover's arms and his back bowed and arched as he floated in the air.  His body began to glow and he screamed in pain.  Malia merely smiled as Grover made a move to stop her.  Bringing her hand across the air like a slap she threw the blue mutant backwards.  Gomurr fell to the ground, and slowly picked himself up. 

"Not the most comfortable healing ever, Malia" the old man said. 

"You know I've always been a fan of pleasure with my pain, darling," she cooed.  "Now let's see what we can do about that demon."

Gomurr ran to Khalid and cradled the shaking young man in his arms.  "The link's familial, Malia.  Khalid was the last link in the chain, but Estophalum made a body leap to his grandfather.  Cougar's trying to contain him, but it's not working.  He's being torn apart."

"He can't stay in that body for long, Gomurr.  You know that.  It's not how it works.  The power passes to the next generation.  It's inevitable." Malia said.

"I know that's how it works, woman," spat Gomurr.  "Be sensible.  Estophalum has always been a proud and haughty spirit.  He believes he is above the old laws."

"Then I'll simply exorcise the old man, sending him back into his rightful place in the boy."

"NO, Malia, don't.  Then he'll just have Khalid again. Try to control the transformation and protect Cougar.  I've gotta plan."

"Hurry, Gomurr," said Malia turning to face the demon.  "I don't know how long I can hold him off this beastie."

The winds continued to rage and heat lightning pounded all around them as Cougar rushed toward Malia.  His hands had already morphed into jagged claws, yet still the old man screamed trying to contain the demon.  A burst of green light flew from her hands and struck Cougar, but he was only stopped momentarily.  The two continued to fight as Grover, Avalon and Gomurr stood over the injured Khalid.  From a small portal in the air Gomurr drew a small quarter sized lump of glistening metal.  Grover's eyes grew wide as his wrists began to vibrate softly. 

"No, Gomurr!" Grover cried.  "I know what that is and I won't let you use it again.  There's got to be another way.  Excalibur's curse will go no further."

"I'm afraid this is our only chance," said Gomurr as he slapped his hands together around the fragment he held.

Grover's arm shot out toward's Gomurr to stop the old man, but Avalon caught his hand before he could reach the wizened mage.  "He knows what he's doing, Grover.  Leave him alone."

Malia Trent screamed as the Cougar/Estophalum entity brought it's clawed hand down across her back, but she wheeled and continued to fight.

Grover pushed the young Dark Lord savagely back to the ground.  "He's going to curse Khalid with the same life he gave me.  You don't know what that's like.  He'll be a slave to that metal.  I won't let it happen again."

Avalon's blue eyes flashed and his body was engulfed by his elecromagnetic fury.  Grover was thrown backwards five hundred feet by his initial attack.  The White King picked himself up and came charging back towards the ancient mage and the Dark Lord, a deep rage burning within him.

"Hurry," said Avalon as Gomurr continued to chant.  The metal in the old man's  hands began to heat and sizzle as his voice rose in the spell.  "I don't know how long I can hold him off."

"You must, Avalon.  This is our only hope."

Malia screamed again as Estophalum blasted her with a burst of hell-fire.  Gomurr tried to ignore the cries of his companion sorceress as he concentrated on  his work.

Khalid looked up into Gomurr's eyes, barely conscious of the world around him.  "Hush child.  It will all be over soon," the old man crooned as Khalid's eyes closed again.

Pulling a tiny sharpened needle from his pocket, the old mage dipped it into the now liquid metal in his other palm.  Immediately he pressed the burning metal into the flesh of Khalid's bicep tracing over and through the existing spell.  Khalid cried out in pain and sweat poured from his body.  The smell of burning flesh and sticky wet blood was maddening.  Gomurr quickly wiped the blood and sweat from the youth's arm and continued his slow deliberate etching onto his flesh.  The ground shook around him as Grover hammered against Avalon's electromagnetic force dome.

"Don't do this Gomurr."  the White King roared.  "How dare you do this to him after all your talk of penitence for what you did to me."

"Hurry, Gomurr," Av groaned.  "He's breaking through!"

Gomurr dipped his needle once again into the sizzling metal taking the last of its sticky glittering mass and inscribing it into Khalid's flesh.  The White Rook stiffened again and finally passed out.

"Now Malia," roared Gomurr.  "Force the Demon out!!"

Malia Trent lay on her back with Estophalum/Cougar hunched over her.  His clawed hand was drawn back and he was ready to deliver the killing blow to the sorcoress.  With a final effort, she clasped her hands together and sent an exorcism spell into Cougar's chest.  Estophalum screamed as the Old Magic began to take its toll forcing the demon back down the familial line into Khalid, the younger descendant.  The glowing nimbus of Estophalum's power began to surround Khalid but the tattoo on his right arm still covered with blood glowed fiercely.  Khalid's body spasmed but he remained still and unconscious.  The tattoo itself began to sizzle as the silver within the darker black of the original spell began to shimmer.  Estophalum roared his rage, as his essence had nowhere to go.  The demon was forced back into hell still clutching at any evil emotion to attach itself  to.  Harry Tanaka cried out in fear as the nimbus roared past them with the scream of a thousand tortured souls and then disappeared into the ground.  His sister held him closely as they both cowered on the dusty ground of what had once been their camp.

"Drop the shield," said Gomurr in a desperately tired voice.  "It is done."

Avalon dropped the shield and the super powerful fist of the White King came crashing down to the ground inches from the old mage.  Grover yanked the old man up by the collar  and began shaking him like a rag doll, screaming out his rage.  Avalon fought with him trying to force the small man from his grip.  Finally with an anguished cry, Grover dropped Gomurr to the ground.

"You said never again, Gomurr," Grover cried into his hands as his tears flowed freely.

"I said never again would I be party to bringing someone back from the other side.  The consequences are too great, but the mystic metal of Excalibur was the only thing that could stop a demon as powerful as Estophalum from reclaiming his hold on Khalid.   Things happen for a reason, my son.  The fragment from your bloody tear came into my possession for a reason.  (Phantom Nails)  I believe this was it."

"You believe..." Grover laughed spitefully lifting his arms as his head hung down still.  "Have you ever stopped to think that what YOU believe might not be what is right."

With that the White King took off into the sky leaving everyone in stunned silence.  Avalon put his arm around the devastated old man.  He had worked so hard to rebuild bridges with his son, Grover, and now he had perhaps ruined that forever.  Malia hobbled back towards the party. 

"You owe me big for this Gomurr," she said and she was gone with the sound of the harps again.

Gomurr rushed to Cougar as Akiko Tanaka came to Khalid's side. 

"He's alright," the beautiful young anthropologist said.  "He's coming around."

"I think Cougar will be fine too, after a bit of rest.  His own msytical abilities should have protected him from the worst of the transformation," Gomurr said finally after checking the demon hunter carefully.

Av studied the camp.  What had once been a peaceful village was almost entirely destroyed.  The vehicles they had traveled in had been blow away and torn to shreds.  There was no trace of the shelters of the villagers.  Finally the Dark Lord began to speak.

"What do we do now, Gomurr?" he asked quietly.

"We do what we always do," the old mage said.  "We move forward, searching for forgiveness for our mistakes and praying for guidance in our future."


"Khalid... you've eaten and slept and had a chance to shower.  I've done all the dutiful things as a mother.  Now you simply must tell me what happened to you while you were in Cairo."

Khalid went around the table, removing the empty mismatched dishes. He stopped besides his mother, kissing her on the cheek. "It was pretty good, Mom. I had a chance to... perform for an audience that normally I wouldn't."

Cougar finished his corn beef hash and cabbage. "Yes, Shani... it was quite a performance. You would have been proud."

Shani stood up quickly following her son to the sink.  "You know very well that's not what I meant.  How was your sight restored?  You were blind when you left, and now you can see as well as ever.  What's going on?"

Khalid flashed a smile. "Relax, Mom... The doctor's told me that my sight could come back suddenly and that's just what it did."

Shani nodded her head up and down... slowly. She had always been able to read her children's facial expressions and especially the look in their eyes.  Khalid was telling the truth, but there was more to it than he said.  Why was her son so damned secretive?  She shored up her confidence once again, trusting in Khalid to tell her when he felt he could.

"Well, it's wonderful," Shani said.  "but I'm afraid your adventures have made you miss big events here in the states."

Khalid poured himself a cup of coffee and one for his mother.  He sipped the rich hazel nut blend as he smiled peacefully waiting to hear about some new and interesting book his father was reading or some tidbit of family news that this woman found so important.  "What did I miss?"

"Well I've adopted Michael over there,"  Shani said simply with a sly grin.

Khalid spat out the coffee in a steady stream of amazement.  "What?!?! 

"Just like I said....I adopted Michael.  It's really very rude of you not to bring any of your new friends to meet your parents, and Michael is such a lonely soul, It's the least I could do.  He's helped me so much here while you were gone."

Khalid leaned against the counter dumb struck.  He looked through the small archway into the kitchen where Havok and Cougar sat conversing softly.  "Well, the place does look great, Mom, but I'm not sure the people I know here are exactly 'family material'."

"Nonsense," said Shani Hunter as she gathered up coffee for Cougar and Havok.  "He's a special person and he needs us right now and we are going to be there for him.  Now clean up that mess you made.  I won't have you ruining all the hard work I put into this place making it look nice."

Khalid simply shook his head as he watched his mother join the other two men.  If anyone could lay claim to a loose cannon like Havok and make him meek as a puppy, it would be his mother.  He walked into the kitchen again....after cleaning up the coffee he had spilled, of course. 

"Mom's told me the good news, Mike," Khalid laughed.  "Welcome to the family.  Though, I should warn you.  When Mom pulls one of her little adoptions, you're roped in for life.  She's gonna be in your business from dusk til dawn everyday.  Just ask Dante...or Dwayne...or Rhonda...or Phillippe...or Stefan..."

"KHALID EZEKIEL ROBERT HUNTER!" Shani slapped Khalid in the arm.  "I won't have impertinence from my children.  No matter how grown up YOU THINK you are."  Breslin and Khalid laughed under their breath.  Cougar kept a straight face, knowing in his more advanced years that his daughter, Shani, wasn't a woman to be trifled with.

"Mom... have you ever ridden on a motorbike?"  Khalid put trying to redirect the attention of his mother who was still giving him her 'look'.

"Of course not, Khalid.  Unlike certain children of mine.  I like to lead a nice quiet life... with all my appendages...  No Thank you.  I don't want to ride around on some deathtrap."

"Look, Mom.  Mike's the best.  Trust me, You'll love it.  Is that cool with you, Mike?"

"I'd be delighted," said Havok holding out his arm gallantly.  "Ms. Hunter?  Would you join me?"

Shani blushed.  "Well you've already learned Khalid's and his father's silver tongue, I see and you've yet to meet Malik.  I can already tell you're going to fit in just fine.  Very well, Let's go."

Shani wondered why her son wanted her out of the house, but when she saw the meaningful glance between her son and her father, she accepted that they probably had 'family business' to discuss.  As the door closed behind herself and Havok she sighed to herself. Please don't let them get into trouble again. I don't know if my poor heart can take it.

Khalid helped his grandfather clear away the remaining dishes.  As he placed them in the sink and began to rinse them off he began to speak.  "So... Grandpop... Now we finally get a chance to talk."

"Yes, I think that's just what we need," said Cougar in his gravely voice.  "We haven't had a good discussion since I was last in New York.  By the way, your friend's effort to give up alcohol is commendable.  I can still sense the hunger for it within him, but he's slowly escaping its grasp."

Khalid loaded a plate into the dishwasher, reaching for another one. "Well, with Mom having latched onto him, he's gonna have a hard time getting away with ANYTHING.  I must admit, I'm a little surprised just how well she took to Mike. Even Rhonda's fiancé Gerald is still trying to get on her good graces.  He's still sending her all those flowers and candy to try and win her over.   Dumb sap...... Doesn't he know Mom can spot bullshit a mile away?  All he needs to do is talk to her."

"Khalid... watch your mouth."

"Ya know GrandPop." said Khalid his voice taking on an almost accusatory tone.  "I'm sort of like Mom in that respect.  I can usually spot falsehoods in people.  Even Casey, lawyer to the core that he is, doesn't give me a line.  Then again, I guess it's sort of easy to fool someone when they are part of your family isn't it GrandPop?"

"Khalid! You can't be serious!"  said Cougar quickly.  "I've never lied to you about anything."

"So omitting the facts, isn't the same as lying eh, GrandPop?  Maybe it's YOU that spends too much time around the evils of civilized life."

"I risked my life trying to protect you from that demon! You can't believe I would intentionally mislead you."

Khalid calmly closed the dishwasher and turned around to his grandfather, still smiling. "Oh... you wouldn't? Is that the bullshit detector I hear going off?  Just out of curiosity, why did you not say... 'You know, Khalid... Remember when I said that I could read auras and the like and can teach you how? Well... That's magic... magic that you have inherited.' And I would have said, 'Have you been sticking wacky baccer in the peace pipe again, Grandpop?'  and you would have laughed and it would have been a real family bonding moment as you explained to me exactly where that power comes from."

"The circumstances weren't optimal at the time... They still aren't." stammered Cougar.  "Not while you are affiliated with this Hellfire Club.  I know this Khalid.  I've been on the fringes of this organization for YEARS."

"DONT YOU THINK I'D HAVE LIKED TO KNOW THAT OUR FAMILY LINE WAS RAN BY A DEMON, GRANDFATHER?!?!?!  It shouldn't matter if I'm a member of the fucking KKK....you should have told me!!!!"

"You don't understand.  It doesn't work like that.  The demon doesn't run our family.  We just have a link to part of his power.  Power's not evil in itself, Khalid.  It's how you use it."

Khalid could feel his photon aura trying to flare up.  He was trying his best to keep it down, but tiny sparks of red energy were leaking from his eyes. "You know what the richest part is... The absolute RICHEST part is the extremes you went to keep Gomurr from helping me.  You knew he'd figure it out eventually.  That's why you tried so hard to keep us from talking, by telling me not to trust him...... oh.....and don't worry about me playing favorites.  I've got some words for that little guy too.  I'm still not sure what he did with that little stunt in Africa, but at least he didn't lie about it.  DIDN'T TRY TO HIDE THE FACTS FROM ME!!  So these tattoos I dreamed up are family business eh?  Well I'm part of this family, but maybe I don't want to be anymore."

"Don't SAY that Khalid.  DON'T EVER SAY THAT.  They are family business," Cougar said his voice beginning to rise as well.  "Would you want an outsider with access to our power... ESPECIALLY an outsider in the Hellfire Club?!"


Khalid's aura flared out, causing the dishwasher to explode outward and the faucet to burst.  The spraying water sizzled against the bio-electricity.
Khalid swallowed, trying to bury his temper as he saw the damage he had done. 
"Please GrandPop." Khalid began again softly.  "Tell me what you know.  Maybe we can figure this out together.  There can't be secrets between us any longer."

Cougar stooped down, turning off the main shut off the valve underneath the sink to stop the flow of water.  He then walked back slowly to the chair and sat with his head in his hands.  When he rose up again, he spoke. 

"I honestly don't have all the answers, Khalid.  People in our family have just had these powers for as long as I can remember.  The tattoo that released the demon, told of the bargain our family made long ago....We know that now, and I promise we'll find out all we can."

Khalid touched his other arm lightly.  "And what about this?"

"The tattoos on your other arm. I'm not sure what they mean.  It's like I've said before.   It appears to be written in Tsalagi. I could be wrong, but just from what I could tell, the tattoos tell of your birth into this realm......and your death."


Harry Tanaka sat poutily in the hotel in Cairo where the little Asian wizard had shadowported them, after the ordeal in the desert.  He sat bent over a desk scratching out field notes of the events.  He cursed to himself silently.  The chance to make his big discovery had been missed due to the glaring lack of evidence left at the scene.  His repeated questions had been avoided or ignored all together by the unusual band of people that had come to save Khalid, and now the young man had happily boarded a plane back to the states with the rest of his companions. 

Harry felt a helpless rage boiling inside of him for his loss of this chance for glory.  His foolish sister had gone down to the market to pick up supplies so that they could help the villagers rebuild, as if nothing more than a mere storm had occurred.  While Akiko gleefully purchased tents, and supplies for a new irrigation system paid for by Hellfire Club money, Harry continued to mope and plot. "Bribe money," said Harry to himself.  "They 'donated' all that cash to the village relief fund so that we wouldn't rat them out about their oh so flashy mutant powers.  Well Akiko may have promised to keep quiet, but I made no such promises.  I will find Khalid Hunter again, and I will know the full story and have concrete proof of what that thing was that almost killed us."

Distractedly Harry scratched at his neck just above his hairline.  The light from the window caught on the nape of his neck and for the barest of instants a blood red pictogram of a goat like creature could be seen under the very edges of Harry's hair.  Perhaps the young man held within himself more proof than he would ever hope for.......but it was proof that he'd pray he'd never find.