*HF* Only Human

By Mufasa

Only Human

Chapter 1

The man known as Darque Feonix to most and Kane Holz to few read through the materials in the simple manila packet that had been delivered by courier. His evermoving gaze flew over the pages of the well compiled dossier. If there was anything to be said about Onyx, it was that she delivered as promised. Her information gathering skills were second to none, but her own past still remained shrouded in mystery. Kane wondered to himself if anyone among the Inner Circle knew exactly where this brash young spy had came from. If they did, no one was talking, and Kane wasn't sure whether this was out of fear or respect. Regardless, her skills were top notch and her own secretiveness would keep others from knowing of the assignments he gave her.

As Darque Feonix continued to read he found himself more and more engrossed in the contents of the file. His instructions had been clear to Onyx. Pure and simply, she was to find every shred of information there was on young Khalid Hunter....especially if it was damaging to him. He had not expected much to be found, so as he turned yet another page and began to read his jaw dropped uncontrollably. What was this? It couldn't be. This information was so far removed from the White Rook's demeanor and known past that he would doubt it's veracity, if it weren't for the excellent source he acquired it from.

As he scanned the report of Khalid's life once again he was seized by a vision so suddenly that a strangled cry escaped his lips. The violence and sheer intensity of the precognitive flash was overwhelming. Images swirled in his mind as he dropped to his knees before his desk, the dossier slipping from his fingers and its pages scattering wildly on the floor. While most times he was  accustomed to the confusing images these visions brought, this one was so chaotic, even his highly advanced mind was having trouble assimilating it. People screaming... running frantically... sobbing... a bloody fight... a bruised and battered woman... Could that possibly be Sharon Stokes the lovely new White Queen with a dampening collar around her delicate white throat? Who was this man with the eye patch standing before the women with a jagged knife in his hand? Was it Cyclops, his long time friend? He saw flashes of a car crashes and explosions.....one car swirving along a country road, left!  the pavement and wrapped itself around a nearby tree while a man broken and bloody screamed inside... Yet another flash of a Hellfire Club Limousine simply exploding as it trolled slowly down a city avenue. What did this all mean?

Kane came to himself once more and placed a shaking hand to his now damp head. He wiped a sweat soaked lock of hair from his forehead distractedly. Looking down at the packet, he saw the text and photographs scattered across the plush carpeting of his office. He knew something in this information had triggered the precog flash. Something was going to happen and it just wasn't going to affect him. This event or whatever it was would change EVERYTHING. The once proud avatar of the Phoenix Force, sagged visibly rather than picking himself up. His feeling of foreboding was so strong, his voice threatened to cry out again. Could he stop these tragic event from occurring. Did he want to? Did he dare to?



Khalid Hunter lay on his back, staring at the expansive white ceiling above him. He was not sure what had happened, only that it had been strange and unexpected. He had come to Imani's apartment that evening to end things with her. That had been his intention anyway. After two years in a relationship that seemed to be more OFF than ON again, he had decided to call it quits. The two simply weren't compatible. He wanted to tour and perform and Imani wanted someone with her at all times. There were other things really. He had felt the distance growing between them, but had been powerless to stop it. The last few months they were officially together, it had seemed they were only friends, if that even. The intimacy and even his craving for it simply wasn't there. After three years of hard work, Khalid had recieved his Bachelor's in Music Theory and had decided it was time to move on with his life. He had made himself a promise long ago that nobody would ever get in the way of his!  dreams.

He was unclear on the events that had transpired after they had eaten their lunch of Spaghetti from the Italian restaurant on the corner. He remembered sitting with her on the purple velvet upholstered loveseat and beginning to bring about the subject of the break up, but it was then that things began to get fuzzy. Something had seemed to click deep within his chest, and a scent rose ghostlike to his nostrils. It was something beyond her perfume or the scent of her apartment...something fairly faint at first, but then it was as if his senses all kicked into overdrive at the same moment. The increased input was like a jackhammer blow to the head. He could hear his own heart pounding strong and clear, then the heart of Imani....then the sound of traffic on the street below...and even several streets over. The dim light of the apartment soon became almost blinding as the colors of the room threatened to overwhelm him with their vividness. The most jarring sensation of all thoug! h was his sense of touch. He could feel simple vibrations in the air. He could feel the air itself and the tiny particles trapped in it. Was this a stroke?...a heart attack? What was happening to him?

He remembered trying to stand up and cover his head to block out the incredible amounts of sensory input. He was almost sure it would pass, but somewhere deep within him, he wasn't sure he wanted it to. He imagined being in control of all these new faculties, and how wondrous that would be, but for now he just needed it to go away. He had business to take care of. Or at least he thought he did.

The moment Imani's hand brushed down his tank top to touch his bare arm in an attempt to steady him, his thoughts became even more jumbled and hectic, but one remained paramount in his mind despite that fact. SHE IS MINE......I WILL HAVE HER. His actions and passions that followed seemed almost foreign to him.....like those of another person, yet he reveled in it, and so did she. Every movement and touch was based on pure instinct and almost animal lust, and he had enjoyed it.....relished in it....until she lay exhausted, sated, panting and even slightly bruised beneath him.

Watching the first ray of sunlight push through the window, Khalid realized that he must have mistaken. Any distance that he had felt between them just wouldn't correlate with the explosive night of love making that had happened. He rolled toward her and watched the steady rythmic breathing of her breasts beneath the sheet. Was that a bruise on her forearm? How had the sheet gotten torn? Khalid chuckled softly to himself.

"I didn't know I had it in me," he thought.

She stirred again in her sleep and he smiled, as he watched her ebony hair tumble down her cheek. There had to be something left between them in order for that incredible sensation of lust and longing to wash over him that quickly and powerfully. His body still seemed to buzz and hum with new found awareness. Granted he wasn't that sexually experienced, but this had been the most incredible night of his life. Could all these strange sensations simply be afterglow? He let his hand slide across the delicate forehead of Imani feeling it's silken careess against his fingers. His body tingled all over and the hum he felt in his chest only increased. It was becoming nearly painful again, and looking down he realized his lust had returned full force....and once again he reveled in it...wanting more and more of these new feelings. His mind was completely in a carnal state. He laughed at himself again as he thought of the foolish notion he once held that physical love would be empty ! without deep emotional attachment. What crap that was!!! Ripping the sheet away roughly, he took a position over Imani again and woke her with near savage kisses at her neck and throat. Love was simply a physical addiction. It HAD to be.



Some days were good days. and some days were bad days. Khalid had had his share of both, actually. Someone else looking at his situation might say that he'd had more than his share of the bad days, but Khalid would never admit that to anyone but himself. Young Mr. Hunter prided himself on not bringing others into his problems......oftentimes playing the martyr, but it was a role he was comfortable with.

He realized this was turning out to be one of those VERY bad days, as he felt the blow to his jaw rattle his teeth. Although he was somewhat used to the idea by this point, he still wondered that if in someway he wasn't betraying his principles by doing this. Did he have a choice? Well... No, he didn't, but it didn't mean that he had to like it! Everyone has to do things they don't want to at some point in their lives.

Khalid Hunter did not live to hurt people...far from it, but then again he wasn't ABOUT to let himself get walked on either. He had been in more than his fair share of fights in his lifetime, whether because of his mutancy, his skin color, his idealogies, or simply because he looked like a target. Hell... Sometimes he got the distinct feeling that there was a big bull's eye painted right on his back. Fighting with family was different, however. There's the unwritten rule that you don't do any permanent damage to family members. Friends, he didn't normally get into fights with. Enemies, he refused to let goad him into fights...unnecessary ones anyway. Fighting was just something that he didn't enjoy.

What he could not understand was that if he did not enjoy it, why the hell was it so damn addictive? Once you start, it is nearly impossible to stop until it is finished....and when was it ever finished.....when was there no more opponents. Nothing else he could think of had that animal intensity.....that pushed one forward to a final pounding conclusion. Well. almost nothing... but the other thing was something he enjoyed, at least as much as he remembered.

"Get a grip, Khalid," he thought to himself. "This is no time to be thinking about your virtually non-existent love life."

ANYWAY, what was it about fighting that produced such an intense reaction within him? He had never been one of those kids dubbed an action junkie. Hell, he HATED action. He didn't like to hurt others, or even see them be hurt. He hated sparring. Once, in New Delhi, one of his fans that was a yogi had even said that it was in his nature to seek and spread harmony. He had also said that on some level he was a trickster, however. Something about being consonance in the guise of dissonance or some such hocus pocus. No matter. He had things to attend to.

Sailing backwards through the air with the greatest of ease, Khalid pondered these things. Hell. he had a habit of pondering EVERYTHING in his life at the most inappropriate times. These days, it was like he couldn't keep his mind on anything. He found it rather interesting that even as he flew at an ungodly speed, the result of a powerful blow, that he would consider such philosophical questions. Maybe he DESERVED to get hit!

His back crashed into the hard titanium wall of the training room. He had only fractions of a second before he got slammed in the front by a juggernaut of pure unbridled force. Well.... perhaps he was exaggerating. Then again, considering the spots he saw before his eyes, maybe he wasn't.

"Good. That was better than last time. You beat your old record," said Grover, the White King of the Hellfire Club. "Don't get me wrong; you are still clumsier than a drunken Yak as Gomurr used to tell me, but I do see some improvement." The White King whirled his staff formed of the Excalibur Guantlets directly up to Khalid's exposed throat and leaned ever so slightly being careful not to crush Khalid's windpipe. "Keep this up and we might make a rook out of you yet."

Khalid tried to speak, but couldn't. That crash into the wall still had the breath knocked out of him, and the pressure on his throat made it worse. With some effort, some sound finally came out of his throat, raspy and forced. "Thank you... I think."

Grover released his hold on Khalid and let him finally set his feet on the floor. Unclenching his hands around the staff, it seemed to melt away from the middle, swirling back toward their gauntlet form on his wrists with a hiss of the liqued metal. Grover, stepped back, brushing what might have been dust off the white sleeves of his King's uniform. Looking as if had done nothing more than take a leisurely stroll, he casually turned his head, projecting his voice toward the observation booth. "The clock says two minutes. I'm not getting rusty, am I?"

Casey Jones walked inside the training room, his eyes trained on his watch. As the weeks went on, he'd been overseeing more and more of Khalid's "crash course." Although Khalid had been hesitant at first, he had eventually got into it. Was he liking it now...these daily brawls? Was that possible? No. Not really, but he recognized the necessity. Of course that was it. Cyclops knows from personal experience that powers, mutant or otherwise, are more likely to be deadly when there is no finite control over them. His experience as the second Headmaster of the Hellions had taught him that control is more important than power class. Khalid might have wanted his powers to go away, but they weren't. and considering what else he had just learned about them, the situation was all the more difficult. "Nah. I checked. You aren't. He is getting better. A month ago, he wouldn't have lasted thirty seconds."

Grover turned back toward Khalid, watching him crouch down, placing his head between his knees. Sorry about the rough treatment, but you have to be prepared. We can't be saving you all the time... "All right, Zeke, the sweats are getting on my nerves now. Tomorrow when you come in, Casey's assistant Jill will have your new rook's battle uniform laid out."

ZEKE??!! Only Dad ever calls me Zeke! I guess that is better than Tater. Khalid slowly stood up, finally having caught his breath. He'd remember to ask Grover about using his middle name like that later. "Hold a minute. NOOOO way. There is NO WAY you are putting me in tights!"

Cyclops walked up, his hand fixed firmly around his coffee cup. "Actually, they are unstable molecules, not tights. Grover brings up a serious point in which I've been delinquent in enforcing. Everyone has a suit, from the King and Queen down to the Hellions. Although I've been lax in enforcing it when the Hellions train, I CANNOT allow an Inner Circle member to slide."

"Wait a minute. Come on, now." Khalid said, already having heard the "everyone" speech several thousand times.

Grover set his hand on Khalid's shoulder and smiled. His voice echoed above the whir of machinery and the buzz of the lights. "I hate to do this, Ze -- Khalid. As everyone here will tell you, I HATE pulling rank, but. I'm officially ordering you to wear it tomorrow. and to every session after that....besides.....after all this training, I'll have to admit you're getting that buns of steel look."

The last Grover added trying to lessen the sting of the command.

"ORDERING??!!" Khalid stopped. Wait a sec... I don't think I've EVER seen Grover order anyone to do anything. "You're ORDERING me to wear dancekins!!!??!?! I'm a musician. not a ballet dancer!"

A look of mock anger flashed across the White King's face as he responded to Khalid's crack. "Wait a minute. Did you just accuse me of wearing a tutu?"

Oh shit. Grover's got that damn face on again. I'm about to get screwed. Khalid immediately spoke, hoping to put a stop to the banter he foresaw developing between the White King and Bishop. "Perhaps tutu was a little strong. I meant to say..."

Grover turned his head toward Casey, who was trying to contain his laughter "I do believe that was insubordination. Don't you, Casey?"

Casey nodded his head. At that point, Khalid knew that he didn't head it off nearly soon enough. "I believe you are right, Grover."

"Insubordination? Did it come across as that way? You see, I had REALLY meant..."

If Grover heard Khalid, he ignored him. "What's the penalty for that?"

"Hmmm. In the old days, they would just kill them and be done with it."

"Nah. Do you know how much it costs to get red out of this suit?"

Khalid glanced at the clock on the wall. "Hmmmm... Hey... You know, they are turning on the electricity today at my new place. Perhaps I better go meet them..."

Cyclops' grin dementedly grew across his mouth as he played this game. "Well. Hmmmm... Good point, Grover. All right, Mr. Hunter. Before you start tomorrow morning, AFTER putting on your new outfit, you are to run seven laps around the edge of the campus."

Khalid's eyes widened at the sound of that. Hell no. HELL no. "WHAT??!! PEOPLE HAVE TO SEE ME IN THAT??!!"




"No problem. First thing in the morning." Khalid knew better than to push a losing battle with Casey Jones. Damn lawyer.

Grover checked the clock on the training room again hearing his stomach rumble. It read 11:20. "Hey. Let's go grab some lunch. I'm starving."

"All right. no problem. Kane and I were about to head over to Brenda's Café in half an hour." He looked from Grover to Khalid. "Khalid. you want to join us?"

Khalid shook his head as he fought the urge to mumble out another wisecrack. "No thanks. Gotta run errands, today. You know... new house... electricity being turned on... cable... phone... donating bone marrow... getting teeth pulled... stuff like that." Well, that... and in case you haven't guessed, Kane and I don't exactly LIKE each other!

Casey pulled out his cell phone. "Nice try. I'm ordering you." He turned around and spoke into the phone. "Jill, this is Casey. Send someone to do the errands for the White Rook. He'll give you a list of what needs to be done. Thank you." He put it away. "There. Errands done. See you in half an hour."

Grover started walking out the door, singing to himself as he went. "It feels so GOOD to be king."

Damn. HE's in a good mood. Khalid watched the two of them walk out the door chatting like they were old friends. Hell. they WERE old friends. What was he talking about? Two of the original Hellions. They were all close. or so he thought until the former Red Queen disappeared without a trace. Whatever the case, Khalid felt somewhat jealous as they left the room. Who among the Inner Circle was he that close to?

He sat down for an instant still waiting for the aches to subside somewhat. Were there people anywhere around here that he was close with? Well. No. Basically, his friends think he just plain disappeared off the face of the earth. which he pretty much had to when he started training with the Hellions. (Hell Hath No Fury. Cyclops railroaded him!) Sharon, undoubtedly his best friend in the White Court, was too busy being in love with her new boyfriend. although her new boyfriend was nothing but a damn thug! Then again, if he remembered correctly, that was what her last boyfriend did for a living as well. but at least Deadpool wasn't a jerk! He hated to admit it, but in the White Court these days, he felt damn lonely. That's the one constant in the world. Isn't it?

End Chapter 1


Chapter 2


"Comrade, I notice that your solos tonight have been a little aggressive..... and you accuse me of being a grandstander?"

Khalid leaned against the piano in the dressing room of Connections... the most notorious - and highest-paying - gay and lesbian club in the town of Pentway... To Khalid, what type of club he played in didn't matter. They paid at the door, and that was what counted. He turned his head, looking at his best friend, Nicolai Guriyev. a graduate saxophone performance major originally from Southern Siberia. the stereotypical Russian male. Big as a bear, crystal blue eyes, ice blonde hair, downs vodka like water, and the thick accent to boot. "I was trying not to laugh at the guys in the front... I can't believe security had to pull them back away from the stage. I still think they were just friends of Jason trying to embarrass us.  Don't let me get off the subject though.  It's YOU who are the show off....a damn Russkie grandstander. Why else would I even consider playing these gigs with you and Jas?  You know Imani likes to have me home at night.  By the way are you still on your!  trek for the perfect drummer for your touring company?"

Nick nodded as he slowly wiped the handkerchief on the glistening silver of his saxophones. "Yes. It is difficult to find a decent drummer. One that is dependable. I've been trying to get Sharika to audition, but she's looking at music as a business not as a way of life.  She doesn't want to jeopardize her academic career to tour at this point."

"Don't worry, it'll get better." Khalid drummed his fingers on the bridge of the piano, his eyes on the floor. "I bought it."

Hearing those words, Nick dropped his silver-plated Selmer Mark V tenor saxophone, the one he referred to as "baby", to the floor and jerked his head in Khalid's direction. To drop his "baby" to the floor and not even notice, he HAD to be upset. "Nyet. You lie, Right?"

"No. I sure don't lie." Khalid reached into his pocket, withdrawing a small felt-covered box. "I had to sell my saxophone to get it, but I have it. This baby is real. I even tried it against a mirror in the bathroom. I don't know when I'm going to pop it on her, though."

A pained expression came across Nick's face as he turned away. He had tried to head it off before, but Khalid hadn't thought clearly for months. The man carried on like an animal with that woman. "I realize you think you love her, but I really think..."

"Nick, you don't understand. We're made for each other. We HAVE to be. Three years. We've been together for three years. and I still can't get her out of my mind. It is like. We understand each other completely. We know each other's tastes completely. I just can't describe it. To think. I used to think I wanted out of this so badly."

At that moment Jason Batroeux entered through the dressing room door.  "Great set guys, but if you don't stop flirting with all the clientelle, I'm never gonna get a date with that hot guy in the front row.  You guys are just show-offs plain and simple."

Khalid and Nick both laughed, but only half-heartedly.  Jason sensing the tension in the room between his two best friends, spoke once again.

"Well that was a courtesy laugh if I've ever heard it.  What gives with you two?  Wierded out by the club we're playing or something?  I told you guys if you were uncomfortable, I'd tell Marty that we wouldn't take the gig....."

"It's not that, Jas," said Khalid.  "You know neither one of us have a problem with your lifestyle or playing at this club.  The money's green regardless of the orientation of the patrons.  Nick just seems to have a problem with me asking Imani to marry me."

Jason Botreaux was visibly effected by Khalid's statement.  He had been Khalid's friend longer than Nick even....all the way back to high school.  In fact Khalid had been one of his few friends back then.  In high school he had been very shy and awkward, but had Khalid never made him feel and uncomfortable or nervous even after the somewhat awkward moment where he had revealed to him that he was gay.  ESPECIALLY after that.  Khalid in fact, had handled the news MUCH better than his own parents.  Their reaction was so bad in fact that he hardly ever spoke to them anymore, and he still didn't tell most people about that part of his life.  It was just too hard.  Besides, it was too easy to let people think he was straight, due to the fact that his suave good looks and easy going personality had a steady stream of beautiful college girls constantly throwing themselves at him.

"Khalid are you sure about this," said Jason tentatively.  "Not three months ago, you said there was nothing between you two anymore."

"What is it with you two?" said Khalid trying his best to hide his hurt feelings.  "Don't you WANT to be happy?"

"Khalid," Nick said.  "The two of you have been having problems for months. I really don't think it has improved... You need to slow down.....think about your life. You are twenty-one. You have the rest of your life. Do not rush into this my friend. Once in, it is a different world. I should know..."

"I know. but I'm ready.  With Imani, I really think I'm ready. When we're together, it is like something else just oozes out of me. I feel different. like I'm myself but not myself. like I'm becoming something different. I don't know. It is like being high on a drug."

Jason laughed to himself and Nick spoke again.  "Tovarische. you have never been high in your life."

"You know what I mean! It's like I'm not Khalid Hunter anymore. I'm this total lady killer stud. I don't know. I feel like I can do anything....and I've got to have her."

Hurriedly putting away his saxophones, it became obvious that Nick did not want to hear any more. Jason began to put away his guitar as well.  Nick spoke up after locking the case that held 'baby'.  "Khalid. I want you to think about something. I've been offered a record deal. In four months, I tour. This is the start of something big, my friend. REALLY big. Jason's already agreed to go with me and You KNOW I want you as my pianist. I'm still looking for a drummer and a bassist."

"Yeah Champ," put in Jason.  "Look before you leap.  It couldn't hurt to weigh your options a bit more."

Khalid exhaled noisily, still looking at the ring. and then put it away. "Look guys, I'd love to tour with you.  I really would, but I just don't think I can. I can't turn away from my graduate work now.  I'm halfway through my Masters. Then there's Imani. You know how she is. She's never liked my performing. She absolutely would put her foot down about me going on the tour."

"Khalid," said the soft spoken almost lumbering Nick as he lost his almost limitless patience. "I don't know what is wrong with you, but you need to think about yourself! Just two years ago. Even after you had been dating her for a year, you said that she would just have to accept you for you.   Hell, she was even pissed about those tattoos, and they didn't affect her in any direct way.  THIS is the the break that we've been waiting for...AND a break the school will excuse you from, mind you. You simply can't not take it because of her?"

Khalid stood up from the piano, angrily slamming the keyboard cover down over the keys.  His hands clenched the air silently and they were shaking. When he spoke this time, it was gruff. strident. as if he were barely maintaining his grip on calmness. "There is NOTHING wrong with me. I grew up! Pure and simple! I realized that some things are more important than music.  Something that has NEVER felt so good. Imani and I are MADE for each other. It's as simple as that, and I would have thought my best friends might understand that!   Let me guess.  You Nick don't want me to get married just because your beloved Martinique dumped your ass flat after about two months of 'wedded bliss'....and you Jason....What is it....Are you jealous?   Are you hoping that suddenly one day I'll decide it's you I really want to be with.  I don't think so pretty boy.  I told you in highschool.  Homey don't play dat."

Nick felt like a semi had hit him in the center of his chest as Khalid's outburst struck home.  Martinique McPherson had been the love of his life or so he had thought.  She'd seemed to him as this beautiful and smart goddess that never minded the quiet and shy manner he had that made most people believe him to be stupid.  Nick had thought he'd be happy forever....and he was, at least until the shock value of her marrying a foreign national didn't seem to effect her ultra-rich old money parents anymore.  As soon as Martinique's parents were no longer properly appaled and outraged at her marriage to a "immigrant", she had filed for divorce from Nick and ran off with some low-rent club manager who sold drugs out of the backroom.  When Martinique had left him, Nick almost completely fell apart.  Khalid was the one who had brought him out of his depression in the end, and now here he stood being berated by the very friend he thought would never do anything like this.

Jason took the insults quite differently.  The young guitarist that had once been a shy and awkward teen had grown and become more accustomed to who and what he was.  Now he had developed a sharp wit and the kind of attitude and personality that drew people to him like moths to a flame.  He was always ready with a quip and no matter what anyone said to him or about him, he had a comeback.  As always he was ready with a comeback.

"Yeah, that's it, Khalid,"  spat Jason venomously.  "I want to fuck you.  I've always wanted to fuck you and this is my brilliant plan.  The little fag's been on the prowl for you since high school. You now see my fiendish plan to get a hot stud like you in bed.  How diiiiid you get so perceptive?"

Angrily, Khalid grabbed his backpack and stormed out the door, leaving Nick and Jason standing alone in the room. Nick wrung his hands nervously, and Jason, after his initial return comment sunk to a bench holding his head in his hands. Six months ago, Khalid may have indeed been in love with her. but he would have NEVER turned down an opportunity like this. These days, it was more and more like something else was driving him.  Whatever the case, Khalid's antics HAD to be more than just out of control sex drive. There was something else at play, here. Something that Nick just could not put his finger on.

Khalid pulled his jacket on as he strode toward Imani's apartment rolling the argument between his best friends and he through his mind.  Psychologically, Khalid realized that he and Imani had fallen out of love a few months ago. What he saw now between the two was nothing but pure animal lust. The bothering thing to even Khalid himself, was just that the lust seemed to grow even after they grew apart mentally and emotionally.  They hardly talked anymore. The instant he saw her, it was as if he had to possess her...own her utterly. They never even spoke anymore. He took what he wanted when he wanted it and she was along for the ride. A pleasurable ride for her indeed, but she was simply a passenger on the trip when it came down to it.



Grover laughed as he walked down the hall with Cyclops. "Does he have a clue?"

"No. Not at all. Hell. I think he forgot what the date was! I made it a point not to remind him. As of now, you, Sharon, and I are the only ones who know. and I want to keep it that way until he leaves for the day."

Grover nodded as they neared his office. "You did a good job, Case. You have no idea how much I owe you. You certainly pulled my ass out of the fire on this one."

"No. You didn't make that decision alone, Grover. You have a reason for everything. and I trust your judgment... even more than YOU do! I am of the opinion that this place NEEDED a kick in the ass. Don't assume it is over, though."


"Exactly. Despite the myriad of 'reasons' for his objection, there are really only three."

"I know what one is. That was my fault. I wanted to be sure that we got them in quickly and quietly."

"Another is that Khalid has not proved himself. Everyone here has put their lives on the line for everyone else. fought the battle. served on a strike team. Khalid has not, despite the horrifying situations he has been in. Yes, he has trained with the Hellions. No one can dispute that. However, he has never been on a mission with them. Yes, he's bright. he can improvise on the spot. Part of being a musician, I guess. But. that does not make up for experience. He's the fifth in the chain of command. If something comes up, can he just step in? The rest of us, even Blackfire, have been around the block enough times. How do we know he won't freeze up? Improvising for yourself is one thing. Improvising for ten or twenty other people is another."

"That's not all that it is about, Casey. We need people. good people in those positions. It's not about rushing out to fight villains, barking orders left and right. It's not about having people who can stand up to the other courts. It's about having good people in key positions. people with strong values. people who will stand for what they believe and tell you that you are wrong."

"People with strong values? Good people? HONEST people??!!" Casey cringed. "You forget. I'm a lawyer! We eat 'good people' for lunch."

"You know what I mean."

"That brings me to number three. He's not stable. Can we depend on him to watch our backs, or is he going to freeze? What if he goes into one of those trances at the wrong time? What if he becomes possessed AGAIN at the wrong time? What if he flies off the handle and hurts someone on the team...or worse and innocent?"

"Is he any worse off than I am? Really? Or Sharon? Or Kane? He keeps a tight rein on himself. We all have our problems, Case. It's how we deal with them that counts."

"That's the problem. He's NOT dealing with them! He's pretending they are not there! We all know they aren't going away. the only difference is that Kane is willing to call him on it. The way he is looking at things. at everything just is not right. Don't get me wrong. I like him. and I respect him. and I have a lot of high expectations for him, but can we protect him from himself? Can we protect ourselves from him?"

"He's not going to stab us in the back. unless I'm wrong, and even then he'll show signs before he does anything drastic. For some reason I can read that boy better than any of the others."

"He's Rook now. There's no changing that at this point. Hell. I wouldn't change it if I could, BUT..and you knew there was going to be a but, I'm just asking. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes. I do. We've bull-shitted enough. It's time. Why? Do you think I'm being hasty?"

"Actually. I do agree with you, otherwise I would have never helped you out. You know that. I just wanted you to make sure you thought about what EXACTLY it is you are doing. Being Rook is one thing, by doing this, you are saying he's ready for......"

"He knew the drill when he signed on. Both Sharon and I have fought alongside him (Dark Light) shortly after he even started training. me even before he could flash an aura. He's in a better position than even he'll admit. He knew it was coming. I'm just holding him to his word. which is EXACTLY what he expects!"

"Well. Since you've obviously thought this through. I'd say that we better get busy."


Khalid finished drying his hair in the locker room, already having slipped back into his jeans. Reaching toward the back of his head, he braided his long locks, looking at the tattoos on his arms in the steamy mirror. He remembered the night he had got them. the second semester of his freshman year in college. He had remembered having a particularly vivid dream the night before. but he could not remember the exact details. The images floated just on the edge of his mind, but he could not remember it. He had sketched out the doodles while he was supposed to be taking notes on Franz Liszt. (He really didn't even remember doing it. Like so often his mind had just wandered.) After the gig that night, Khalid was heading to get something to eat when Jason and Nick conned him into accompanying them to the "Piercing Pagoda." (A tongue ring for the former and an eye brow ring for the latter soon followed.)   As soon as Khalid walked in with them, however,  his eye caught on a hand-si! zed picture of a lion. He was thinking about something. then the next thing he remembered was walking out of the tattoo parlor, his arms and back tender from the needles caress.   It wasn't until later that he learned that he had actually cast some sort of spell with magic he wasn't even aware existed.

Finished braiding his hair, Khalid reached into the old musty locker, looking for his shirt. That was when the lights turned off. Shit. and of COURSE the locker room has no windows. "VERY funny. Michael?! MICHAEL STOKES! Is that you?" Khalid fumbled around for his shirt, grabbing blindly for it. "Well, if it IS you, you are too late! My shower is done and I already have my pants on! So, you aren't playing the old 'take his clothes and towel while he is in the shower' prank again!"

Sharon's younger brother ALWAYS loved to play practical jokes on him. So far, Khalid had been doused with water, had his office painted yellow with green polka dots, had his hair dyed green (he was blind at the time), had his guest quarters iced over, had his car saran-wrapped, and most recently had about a hundred blue plastic flamingos delivered to the front yard at his secluded modest new house in upstate New York. "VERY funny, Michael. I don't need light! Remember. I was blind for MONTHS!"

Khalid shook his head back and forth showing his annoyance. He remembered the first time Iceblade had decided to pull a prank on him. Khalid had been inside this very shower room having just lathered up when the power was knocked out. He had stepped out to get dressed and see what was the matter when he found out that his clothes and towel were taken. When he told Blackfire what had happened, (after breaking into Casey's locker and putting on HIS clothes) she had her brother placed on laundry duty for a week! (Yeah. he could have done it himself, but for some reason blabbing to the older sister was just more fun!)

Knowing the locker room like the back of his hand from the time he was blind, he walked nonchalantly toward the door. He was almost there when he sensed something moving to the side of him....something flying. Khalid flared his aura just in time to be knocked into the wall again. His eyes cringed shut from the impact and then opened, locking onto a face barely inches away from him, bathed in the red light of his photon aura. "MAUL??!!"

"Tag, your it," Maul said his voice guttaral with his vampire transformation about half completed.

Annoyed, Khalid placed his hand on Maul's face and shoved him away. "VERY funny, Maul. Look. why don't you find a rat or something to play with?...and brush those teeth..GAH..what have you been eating?" Khalid walked past him, heading toward the door. He supposed that he might have been a little harsh on Maul, but he did not find the humor in the vampire's sneak attack. There was just something about Maul that gave him the creeps. Khalid had guessed that it was him being a vampire when they had first met, but it was actually something about his personality. The guy seemed to revel in acting like an animal.  At times, it was as if every bit of humanity had left the mutant blood sucker.

"You don't wanna know what I've been eating Khalid," Maul said using his best creep out vampire voice.

Khalid tried the handle of the locker room door, but it refused to budge. "Computer. open door.....COMPUTER!!"

Maul opened his fist, revealing an orange glowing rectangle. "Looks to me like you cannot leave, Herr Musikman. Someone has purloined the powerchip to the locking mechanism." He sneered at the White Rook. "And the only way to get it would be by coming for it."

Khalid rolled his eyes as he turned around. "Maul, I have no time for this shit. Give me the damn chip. and DON'T make me pull rank on you. You know I hate doing that."

Maul's voice grew coarser, more insistent as he responded. "You want to order me around? Nein, pup. you are going to have to earn the right. come earn your respect from me.  Come Dance with Devil as it were."

Khalid walked up, standing so he was less than a foot from Maul. He had no idea why the mutant vampire was trying to start a fight, but he was not going to give it to him. "Maul. I'm not playing your game. Go beat up on one of your fellow Hellions. I have things to do." Their eyes locked as they both stood still, each daring the other to move.

"Take it from me." Maul said slowly....deliberately. "Take it if you want it. You are too civilized for your own good. Let the beast howl, my friend. Let him out!"

For a brief second, Khalid felt his heart race. and his teeth clench. He jerked away, spinning his back to Maul while making a grab to cover his eyes. Hypnotism. Dumbass. you should have known better than to look him in the eye. He's a fucking vampire! He formed a photon blade in his hand and walked back toward the door, plunging it in-between the lock and the frame. Still blinking his eyes, he spoke to the man behind him. "Im not gonna play into your game Maul. Find another playmate; I have other things to do." Damn titanium locking mechanism. does it even have a melting point?!

"You should not be disrespectful to your elders, Pup." Maul spun Khalid around by the shoulder and threw him into the wall again. He followed it up with a kick to the temple and a backhand, moving as quickly and deftly as possible. While Khalid was stunned, Maul picked him into the air by the throat, sliding his back along the cold metal wall. He spoke again, his thick German accent reminding Khalid of some cheesy movie with a foreign actor in it. "You have yet to prove yourself to me, young one. Show me why you deserve to be my superior. show me HOW you are one of the strong." Maul tightened his adamantium-reinforced grip on Khalid's throat as he gazed into Khalid's eyes. which glowed red in the pitch black of the locker room, lit up only by Khalid's photon aura. The gruff tone to his voice quickly changed to something soothing, almost fluid...coaxing.  "Let it out. Can you not see that hiding it is causing your pain?"

Khalid could feel it happening again. Maul was using his vampiric hypnosis on him. It was different from telepathy in that Maul could only place his people into a hypnagogic state where they are susceptible to his suggestions. However, he could not read thoughts. In any case, Khalid could feel something happening. his muscles relaxing. an overwhelming euphoria that could only be described as a high. and the savage demonic growl beginning in his chest. Then something else. That buzzing that permeated his body and just seemed to further reinforce everything else that was happening. He could not describe it.

Maul smiled in achievement as he felt Khalid's neck loosen underneath his hand and the growl sliding out of Khalid's bared teeth. "Ah. THERE you are.  Let your true self come forward.  Release him. Let him consume you."

The tattoos on his arms flared to life as Khalid planted a photon blade into the fold of skin in between Maul's neck and shoulder. As a young child, Cougar had taught him the locations of the major nerve clusters while he was learning to track. He also warned him never to bother them unless he needed to. Only occasionally had Khalid ever remembered where they were. With Maul, he just wanted the guy to release him. He plunged his photonic blade plunged through the skin, consoled by the fact that Maul would heal in less than a minute.

Involuntarily, Maul released his grip. As Khalid dropped to the floor gasping for breath, he could still feel his heart racing and feel something like a singing in his ears. the drunken feeling of power was still very strong. He had barely managed to bury the growl. Khalid ripped the powerchip away from Maul and jammed it back in the grid. As power returned to the room in a humming shriek, the almost absolute silence was broken by the whir of the generators. Finally, the lights flashed on and the door opened, providing Khalid with the escape he wanted. Walking out the door, Khalid battled to calm himself down and bury the feelings that almost overwhelmed him. "I'm warning you. Don't pull that shit again."

"What are you going to do little man, slap my hand...give me a spanking?" Maul mocked. trying to egg Khalid some more. but he was gone. Maul slammed his fist into the floor in frustration. DAMN, he was so close! It was starting to happen. He could see it just starting. and then Khalid snapped out of it, never falling completely in. Maul knew that he had taken too long to get a reaction. Somehow he was going to have to get it sooner. Great-grandchildren, these days. they never know what's BEST for them!

End Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Imani Faith paced nervously back and forth in her posh uptown apartment.  She could not understand her emotions as of late. She knew fairly well that her feelings for Khalid had changed from when they began to date. They should have broken up months ago. That one night a few months ago, she thought that was exactly what he was going to do. Then he got that headache and the moment she touched his shoulder, she felt what seemed like red-hot power pouring out of him, and she couldn't help herself.

She was surprised at first by the change in him. While they had made love a few times before, it had never been with such vigor. such force. or for so long. It was like he had become an animal, which had been so far removed from his personality that it was unreal, and deep within herself she felt shame for liking it. She could not understand how two people so emotionally unattached could have such a lust between them. Hell. to be truthful, the savage lovemaking more struck a chord in her than the gentle. She liked being taken....she even liked the small amount of pain that was always there with this new Khalid. She was his toy, his play thing to be used....and abused as he liked.  She knew that, but strangely she liked it.

It was unreal. In her mind and heart, she was attracted to Dan Ford. that was the person she saw herself with a few years down the line. She even dared to say that she loved him.  They had been dating behind Khalid's back for a few weeks. However, she was addicted to Khalid. Hell, it wasn't even to Khalid, it was to the power he represented...the power, the lust.....and the pain. She at this point even resented Khalid and had even began half heartedly struggling against his advances....this only served to increase his AND her fever for the act. What was she going to do?

"All right, girlfriend. I think it is high time that you and me had a talk."

Imani clenched her fists at the sound of that voice. She knew the source well. One of Khalid's MUSICIAN crew. One that she NEVER could stand. Slowly, she turned around to face her. "Oh. Hello, Sharika. I didn't notice you there. I would LOVE to stay and chat, but I have an IMPORTANT meeting to get ready for."

Sharika Noble leaned back against the door, holding her drumsticks in her right hand. She had always been very down to earth in terms of money and possessions. She couldn't help it with her family background. Putting on airs when you come from the projects just seemed ridiculous.  She was fortunate that it was in her nature to be practical. Make-up, fancy dresses,  having her hair done every week. She could not afford those things at this stage in her life, and she was not about to go broke trying to impress anyone.  Special occasions, maybe, but not on a regular basis. A visual image was only one thing. and she considered herself a multi-faceted person. Imani ran her fingers through her hair absent mindedly.

"Oh. No need to worry about that, Pocahontas," said Sharika cattily.  "I talked to Doneisha and she agreed to redo your EXTENSIONS tomorrow night. However, I would say that Khalid is more important than your hair. Insults aside, I am going to say this and I am going to say this just once. Dump him.  Let the boy go."

Imani casually set her purse on the table in the hall, trying not to advertise that this bitch was  getting on her nerves. They had crossed paths before and had words. but she had a feeling that this time Sharika wouldn't mind taking it a little further. "Why Sharika. if I didn't know you so well, I'd say that you were jealous. Don't worry. I'm SURE that SOME day a man will take even someone as PLAIN as you out....or maybe that's your problem. Maybe you don't even like men?"

Sharika walked up to Imani, staring up at her. The two were different, that was for sure. Imani had a master's degree in Sociology and was dressed to the nines. Her long hair, correctly identified by Sharika as extensions, as well as her six-foot height attracted the leers of men all over the campus. She was stunning. and her clothing always reflected it.

Sharika, on the other hand was shorter and a bit heavier, at five foot nine. She was not susceptible to the fashion trends that seemed to continuously sway back and forth. Her method of dress was practical and comfortable.  Jeans and a t-shirt with one of her favorite flannels always served her well. She found other ways to draw attention to herself when she wanted to. She had skills and talent that others couldn't match.  Hell, several times she had turned down offers to tour with major recording artists.  She was one of the most sought-after female drummers in the country, but she was determined to at least finish her Bachelors degree first and become the first one in her family with a college degree.   "I could care less what you think, Imani. I just care about what you do. You want to fool around with Dan. Fine, that is your choice. but you leave Khalid OUT of your games. He's got TOO good of a future to mess up chasing around after some hot-to-trot HOOCHIE in HEAT!"

Imani stepped out of her high-heel shoes, kicking them behind her. Her voice, which was sickeningly sweet before, turned sour, finally showing her contempt for the woman before her. "You know, Noble, you should really learn how to mind your own business. You, the retard russian the faggot frenchman are just realizing that Khalid has FINALLY woken up from those RIDICULOUS pipe dreams of prancing around the world with his little band. He's grown UP. which I suggest you do too. One of the lessons about growing up is that you don't pry into what doesn't concern you!"

Sharika closed the remaining distance, her voice growing in volume as she did so. "Quit leading him on. He's hung up on you. and is giving up a once-in-a-lifetime chance. his DREAM for god's sake...just so he can shag around with you. and you are too busy messing around with Dan! Didn't your mama ever teach you ONE MAN AT A TIME??!!"

"You're just jealous because he is MY man! Now take your stanky ass, shut up, and get out of here!"

"You're right! Enough talk!" Sharika's fist flew out, tagging Imani in the jaw.

Imani wasted no time in a comeback as her head whipped around to face the drummer. "Hmph..and I thought drummer's were supposed to have strong hands. THIS is how it is done!" Imani's fist cracked against Sharika's chin, proving that despite her uptown upbringing, she was much more practiced at punching than her opponent.

However, Sharika knew in a fight, that all rules went out the window. She tackled Imani and immediately went for the hair, ripping out a few of the extensions. "Think I need a heifer like YOU to teach me how to fight?! AT LEAST MY HAIR IS REAL!"

The two of them grappled on the floor, gouging, scratching, shrieking and fighting. Five seconds later, Nick and Dan came in from opposite doors, rushing in to pull the two furious women apart.

Angrily, Dan shouted at Nick. "Keep that ugly bitch drummer away from Imani!"

Nick held Sharika back while responding to Dan. The two of them had never liked each other, although the animosity between them wasn't NEAR as severe as Sharika and Imani. Dan would have never challenged him. For one thing, Nick was a good half-foot taller than him and nearly seventy pounds heavier. "Do not despair, Dan. I would NEVER consider allowing Sharika to expose herself to whatever Imani has lurking in her system. I would suggest you two come clean before it gets any worse." Without saying anything more, Nick half-dragged, half-carried Sharika out of the lounge.

"Are you okay, Imani? Did that bitch?"

"She pulled out some of it by the roots. I was going to return the favor, but I couldn't grab on to that nappy mess she calls an afro! Look. I have to go to Khalid's apartment. I left my credit cards and some other things there."

"All right, we'll head on over."

"We've got a bit of time before we have to leave.  He won't be there for hours," said Imani her eyes seeming to catch the light as she leaned against Dan. "I can't believe that bitch slapped me like that. She just...."

With that Imani landed a playful yet decently firm slap against Dan's jaw. The redness when she removed her hand was evidence of that.

"What's wrong with you Imani?" said Dan stunned. "You're hysterical. Calm down."

"What's wrong Dan?" cooed Imani. "Don't like to play rough. Am I too much for your oh so proper upbringing to handle. Does the old money heir to a shipping fortune not have the stuff to keep his woman in line?"

Dan spun Imani around twisting her wrist slightly. A scowl crossed his face. Imani smiled back at him, loving the feeling of the tenseness between them. He kissed her savagely and pushed her to the floor of the entrance-way in her apartment. Imani rolled on top of him ripping his expensive linen shirt open and clawing at his chest.

"Maybe Dan can play my game after all," she thought. "Who needs Khalid?"


John Gardino, reporter for the Daily Bugle, awoke with a start on his desk. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts. Strange. he didn't USUALLY fall asleep like that during the middle of the day. Looking on his desk, he saw a packet of papers paper-clipped together, with pictures. He looked at them again, shocked by what he saw. Hurriedly, he picked up the phone. "Yes. Gardino here. Make a reservation for me on a plane to Chicago." He smiled to himself. For years he had been sitting by, waiting for Jameson to give him a chance. With this packet on his desk, he knew he had it. The chance to scoop everyone. He was looking at talk shows. Pulitzer prize. Everyone likes a story about the goody two-shoes with gum on the sole.


At the table at Brenda's Café were the three highest-ranking men in the White Court. all founding members of the strike team known as the Hellions. the Hellions that enjoy a reasonably positive reputation as superheroes on par with the Avengers. SuperGrover had given his life, in more than one sense, for the Hellions. Cyclops had lost his eye. Darque Feonix had lost his lover. and his immortality. They would and had given everything to see to the well-being of the White Court's members.

"How long are we going to put up with this shit? I've had enough."

"Me too. but we have to be careful how we do it. A move like this could start."

"Maybe it is TIME for it! Every other."

Grover, who up until that point had remained silent, kept his eyes locked on the door, not even paying attention to Cyclops or Darque Feonix arguing. Yes, these days seemed to get more trying as they passed, but they would have to make the best of them. What he didn't tell them was that they were both right. He agreed with both of them. Things were getting tougher every day, with more and more shit happening. However, he dared not make his move too quickly. That would be almost disastrous. "Over here, Khalid."

The man entering the café did not have a giant list of accomplishments or sacrifices made to the Hellfire Clubs. So far, he has been little more than a fiscal nightmare, especially to the Black Court. He was woefully unprepared for exactly what it meant to be Inner Circle or what all was entailed. While the others had given blood, sweat, and tears. literally. Khalid Hunter had moved from a staff position at the BHC straight to the Inner Circle of a rival court. a move unheard of. He did not even have enough money to pay for his Inner Circle membership. All of his earnings made from a previously recorded record had been swindled by that crooked manager Vic Grosin during his trial with blindness, and he was left flat broke without even his BHC stipend to keep him. Sharon Stokes, the White Queen, had paid the membership without question, promising his worth. When the news slid out among the grapevine, that made Khalid Hunter the most controversial Inner Circle member ever to!  date.

The original bout of complaints and angry words with the other Hellions had almost died down, but there was still a thick wedge in between he and a few of them. And one of the thickest wedges lay between he and Kane Xandar or Holz or whatever he was calling himself these days. Khalid had known that everyone called what's-his-name DF or Darque Feonix or something. He personally did not think that a code name was something to use in public. Then again, considering that the two of them didn't like each other from the get go, (Kane thought Khalid was unworthy. and Khalid thought Kane was just a damn snob.) Khalid was not going to walk on eggshells to please Kane, his direct superior. (As he said the first day, "You want a lap dog? Go to the fucking ASPCA!")

"Sorry I'm late. Mahler and I had business to iron out."

Casey motioned toward a seat across the table from him. "No problem at all. Khalid, is that a bruise next your eye? I didn't think you got hit there."

Khalid held his hand up as he sat down. "Slipped on the floor coming out of the shower. That's all."

Kane turned his head toward Khalid not betraying his surprise with the ease Khalid had lied. Then again, how many Inner Circle members want to go around telling their superiors that they were just bitch-slapped by an underling? On the outside, Kane was indifferent. On the inside, he was laughing his fool head off. "You know Khalid, Casey. Blind, sighted, it makes no difference. Just as clumsy as ever."

Khalid nodded as he looked at the menu, not allowing himself to react too overtly to Kane's not-so-hidden remark. "Strange, isn't it? I will just never understand how a pianist such as myself can lack basic dexterity. I'll have a Philadelphian on white with sauerkraut and French Onion soup. and a glass of coke."

Grover couldn't help but laugh. "You read minds or something? That's exactly what I ordered."

Khalid leaned back in his chair, doing a decent job of not expressing his emotions. Maul had scared him. not by the joke. but because of what he had almost caused him to do. Then, of course, he did not want these guys to see just how overwhelmingly nervous he was. especially Kane. These were not people he hung around with much outside of the Hellions' Compound. Mostly because every time he was around them, he felt like he was the outsider looking in. Khalid was stubbornly frugal, more conservative, less comfortable with power or powers, new to the game, and in some ways felt that he was not really on their level. It was weird. he found an easier time dealing with the redneck with the confederate flag wrapped around his head than three people who in a way could be considered colleagues! "Read minds? Nah. I've got better things to do with my time, not that it would work on you anyway. Grandpop marked me. that's his favorite sandwich."

"I was considering hiring him as an adjunct staff. maybe work with the Hellions. Maybe it might give you a chance to work with him."

Khalid nearly jumped in his chair. Although he had forgiven his grandfather for not telling him about the inherent magic (Lethal Legacy), things were still pretty sore between them. He could not take having Cougar around 24 - 7. That would drive him absolutely batty. "Grover. walk in my shoes. If I were the White King."

Kane and Casey burst out laughing at that thought. Kane way more theatrically, drawing the glares of the other restaurant patrons. With a flash of his eyes, the patrons actually forgot what they heard.

Khalid glared at them and continued. ". and you were the White Rook, would you want YOUR grandfather hovering around you, watching every move you made?"

"I can't identify. I'd imagine if our roles were reversed and Cougar were my grandfather. and considering all that happened." Grover mulled it over, mentally reliving what he knew to have been Khalid's recent life. "Good point."

Kane smiled as his order was placed before him. "I personally think that you should hire the man. As you said before, he could actually be useful. He has proven himself to be of service to the Hellfire Club consistently through the years, earning respect. even more than actual members."

Khalid tapped his foot against the floor trying really hard not to notice Kane's indirect remarks. Hey, asshole! Are you "listening" to my brain right now? Come on! I DARE you! I don't mind. Just don't try anything. arrogant little fuck. Two can play this game. "Grandpop has never had much patience with the Hellfire Club. He has known the shadier side of the club, knowing what it has done in the past. Although he knows there is just as much good here as evil, he does not want to bother with the petty politics between the courts. Lord knows he has seen more than his share of uppity pricks in his lifetime. He has better things to do than worry about rich snob bullshit."

"I think that is best a question that maybe we ought to put to him. After all, we must look after the better interests of the club. You never know just how helpful he could be with the Hellions. He might be able to teach them a thing or two."

"Trust me. Although I know very little about his work, I do know his personality. Grandpop, unlike me, would look at the idea behind the Hellions in a positive light. figuring that these kids do indeed need training with their 'gifts.' What would turn him away, however, is a certain. associate of ours. Grandpop is not going to have anything to do with one asshole's private army. I still don't know much about his past with the Hellfire Club, but looking at the time frame. and at who's still here, I think the same problems are going on right now that were back then. Fifty years later, and you are still fighting the same pathetic, immature, cognitively disabled mindset."

At that minute, Khalid and Kane looked toward each other, both of them smiling. The eyes, however, told a different story. The two men didn't like each other. each of them making it clear to the other one. The two of them each turned their heads back to the center of the table. To Grover, the hidden undertones of their conversation went over his head. Casey, guided by years of courtroom experience and Hellfire politics, cut through the bullshit.

"ALL RIGHT, you two. I think this 'discussion' has gone on long enough. Khalid has already said that his grandfather and the club on a full-time basis would not work out."

Kane looked toward Casey, his eyebrows arched up as if nothing had happened. "Gee, Case. are you feeling tense or something? You look pissed. Lay off the caffeine, huh? You're likely to burst that blood vessel on your forehead."

Khalid nodded his head in agreement. "No kidding, Case. I see nothing wrong with a gentlemanly debate. We were just making sure that all the bases were covered." Why do I have the feeling I'm headed for lap city?

At that moment, two identical orders were brought out, being Grover's and Khalid's. Seeing them set on the table, Cyclops watched as both Grover and Khalid picked up the crackers, crumbling them in their hands and dropping them in the French Onion soup. (Almost no one he knew did that!) Then, each one of them, ripped off a piece of the Philadelphian sandwich, dipping it in the soup and taking a bite out of it. Then, he saw Khalid take the straw out of his Coke and down a large gulp just as Cyclops has seen Grover do thousands of times.

Kane! Take a look. Are you seeing what I'm seeing?!

No kidding. Freaking Doublemint twins, the two of them. They're acting alike. Hell, they're even beginning to LOOK alike! You thinking what I'm thinking?

You tell me. YOU'RE the telepath! Something tells me it's that damn metal!

We better tell the ol' geezer before Khalid's insanity spreads to the king!


Sorry. couldn't resist.



Khalid opened his apartment door, desperate to see her and prove his love after his "so called friends" had doubted it.   He carried a delicate vase full of red roses.  "Imani. you here?" He had it all planned. a romantic dinner..... the proposal..... followed by a night of savagely passionate lovemaking. Imani would NEVER expect him home at this time.  He usually was usually at the library working on assignments. He would definitely surprise her. Of that much, he was sure.

The second he slipped the door shut, he smelled it. the scent that had jump-started whatever it was that overwhelmed him months ago. He was sure of it. the scent of her arousal.  She was here in his apartment waiting for him.  What a naughty little girl....daddy would definitely have to spank.  As his own arousal rose, her scent increased in his nostrils.  It was so strong that the buzzing sensation, and the feeling of uncontrollable lust slammed into him almost all at once. He had to stop a moment to calm himself down, to hold himself back from the animal urge to run in and just take her. After months of this happening, he knew exactly what it was.   His senses, his mind and his mind all anticipated what was to come. He had to wipe a stream of drool from his chin and slowly stand back up, blissfully unaware that he was faintly glowing red.

Then, it clicked. The scent of her arousal was TOO strong.   She was not expecting him back for another two hours. What could have her so worked up?  He smelled someone else's scent. Someone ELSE's sweaty scent mingled in with Imani's. The vibrations running through him grew exponentially. However, it was different this time. His senses were not heightened from his arousal as before. Now, they were heightened out of one thing and one thing only. RAGE.

He slowly approached the bedroom door, fighting the temptation to kick it in and rip whoever was in there with her apart. Again he wiped drool off his jaw, unaware of the sound he made as the air rushed through his teeth...unaware of the reddish glow of his skin or of his eyes. 

The door opened, and he saw them together.....on HIS bed.....on HIS sheets....naked as the day they were born.....Imani's hand clenched and pulled at Dan's hair as he devoured her body with his tongue. Khalid felt the vase shatter and the roses crush in his grip. The water and flowers dropped to the floor with a clatter mingling with blood from his hand. He felt the rage over take him...the sense of betrayal. He wanted to rush over and choke them both....feel their necks snap....feel their lives drain out of them.

"Khalid?! It's not what it looks."

He spun around leaving them, getting out before he could do something he'd regret. Slowly, but surely, he choked back his rage. What he replaced it with was sadness or more appopriately resentment. Who was he mad at more? Them? Or himself? He didn't love Imani. He just liked having her...owning her...in simple English...he just liked to fuck her.

End Chapter 3


Chapter 4

It was quite a grim scene in the greenhouse minutes away from the Hellion Compound. Maul was not really in a good mood as his hands dug into the fertile dirt. How can I get that blasted boy to accept his animal side!? He'd been pulling the weeds from his rose gardens, one of the few things he had actually enjoyed in life. And as was his custom he allowed his mind to think as his hands went on with their menial tasks. He thought of his wife, his children, and all those he had loved but now were all lost to him. He cursed his vampiric immortality. The man wanted to die, to finally have the peace he did not have in life. Now something lately had re-instilled his will to live just a bit longer; it was Khalid. He KNEW this boy was of his bloodline, and that he must pass down to him their heritage. He must know he is a survivor.he must know he is one of the strong, but how..how will I get him to release it!?!. Suddenly his train of thoughts was shattered by a soot! hing and enchanting voice.

"They are beautiful aren't they?" Sharon Stokes whispered into Maul's ear. He was surprised. It was rare that he was so into his thoughts that he would let someone get the jump on him, none the less the White Queen herself. He cracked a faint smile and replied..

"Ja, but the red roses pale in comparison to your hair and the white dream only of being your skin." The White Queen blushed and playfully hit Maul in the arm. Maul played along, rubbing his arm with a mock look of pain. Playfully, he muttered "Ouch".

"You are quite the charmer, Mr. Mahler!"

"I am but a humble servant of your beauty, Ms. Stokes..  So tell me, What is the honor I receive today to talk to the ever-enchanting White Queen." Maul said with an elegant bow as he plucked  a rose from the garden.

Sharon could only shake her head and smile. "Well, it has come to my attention that you were not invited to Khalid's little celebration tonight, I'm sure it was an error by our resident green man, so I've come personally to invite you! You must come Maul! Everyone will be there!"

"More than enough reason I should not go." Sharon looked at him oddly. She really didn't understand his logic, but she urged more.

"Come on! All your fellow Hellions are gonna be there, and the White Court will be there too! You'll be among friends you must! I'm sure Khalid would love for you to come; you've made such a big impression on him!" Sharon began laughing as she remembered how Maul "introduced" himself to Khalid at the reception for their induction ceremony (Tortured Souls. heheheh. Maul sniffed him!).

" I wouldn't say 'MY' fellow Hellions and I are so close. We do have a good relationship though. They don't talk to me; I don't talk to them."

"Oh come off it! Your gonna make me beg aren't ya? Well here I am! Pleading with you. Maul will you please come!" Sharon said jokingly on one knee. Maul simply rolled his eyes and began to laugh at the site of the White Queen, one of the two most powerful women in the IHFC, kneeling before him.

" You have won this old man's heart. Because you asked so nicely, I'll be sure to come, Fraulien." Maul smiled and helped Sharon up off her knee, placing the rose in her hair.

"Old man? Ya look younger then I do!"

"Ja, but looks ..They can be deceiving."

Sharon thought to herself, she knew Maul had been long associated with the Hellfire Club as a merc of sorts, but his youthful looks showed no wear and tear of a man putting everything on the table, but also the fact that he was vampire already gifted with mutant healing power, she wondered how old was he really..but something else popped into her mind, something more on hand... "Maul, this party is supposed to be a surprise, so since all the Hellions and the White Court will be getting things situated, I was wondering if maybe possibly you could keep Khalid busy?"

Maul quickly smiled from ear to ear and turned to her. "It shall be my pleasure White Queen.."



"Sharika, are you sure about this?" asked the large Russian.

"Yes. I think I NEED to get out of this place for a little while. to keep from going back and giving that heifer another dose! And I thought Cassie LECKE was bad!"

"As far as I'm concerned, then, there is no need for the audition then. I know you. I know your talent. You're the drummer. Jas is on board with his acoustic.  Now that only leaves me the bass and the piano."

In the middle of their meeting, Khalid slowly walked in, his face ashen and his eyes wide with shock.. "Nick..... Rika."

Sharika's eyes widened in disbelief when she saw Khalid's face. she practically jumped off the drummer's stool. "Oh my god, Khalid. What's wrong? You didn't propose to her did you?"

Khalid walked up, still apparently in shock. He had managed to bury his anger this far. The buzzing was still in his head, but now there was something else. A sudden overwhelming realization of the part he played in this. how his actions must have been insane. "I never got the chance.....She and Dan...they were..."

"Oh no."

"On my.....In my......" He dropped onto the piano bench, his eyes still wide with shock. "I should have known..... I." He withdrew the diamond ring from his coat pocket. "I cannot believe ...I"

Sharika walked over, setting her hand on his back. "If it makes you feel any better. I kicked her ass today."

Once upon a time, Khalid would have burst out laughing at that. Once upon a time, before whatever had happened a few months ago happened, he would have laughed at the entire thing about Sharika and Imani hating each other. His friendship with Sharika was one in which the two of them could joke and laugh about anything. and that made Imani furiously jealous. Sharika had even found the tattoos cute. in a masochistic kind of way or so she said. "Sharika." Khalid pressed the box into her hand. "It's yours. take it. you deserve it."

"Whoa! Wait a minute, Khalid. I can't. We're just friends. Not to mention that you originally bought it for."

"No. Don't even say her name. I sold my saxophone. my most prized possession. to buy this ring. and damn it, that ring is going to someone who is worthy. Do what you want. I don't care, but it is yours, now."

At those words, Sharika snapped into tears. Granted, he had bought the ring for Imani. but Sharika took it for a different reason. In his own way, Khalid was saying that he had come to his senses. This wasn't a hollow gesture. This was a gift from the heart. He had already lost his saxophone....the same saxophone Gerald Grant had given to him for sitting in at the last minute. Money couldn't replace the sentimental value. By giving the rin, Khalid had cemented their bond of friendship forever. "Khalid. I'll hold onto it. I promise."

Nick placed his saxophone on the stand. "Comrade. are you?"

Khalid shook his head, not allowing Nick to finish the question. He looked almost dazed. as if he had not taken in completely what he had just witnessed. "No. I can't. I need to sit down. Sort things out. I'll be okay, guys. I will. I need to go." Just as quickly as he came, Khalid was out the door, starting out into the night.


John Gardino was one of the many reporters for the Daily Bugle. He knew when he heard the assignment that this was a juicy one. He had never been so glad to get on a plane in his life. the possibility that he could get a Harlan Award for this? WOOO!!! He was excited. "So, Captain. what can you tell me about this case?"

Captain Donald Norris glanced at the pictures. "Well. I think I remember this one. Look. it isn't at ALL what it seems. I was the one that investigated it. I do have to admit, though. This caused quite a stir-up over at the university. ESPECIALLY when the judge threw it out of court. You know, though. I hear that young man has gone on to perform around the world. He recently released a CD."

"I KNOW that. I want the details, though. straight from the investigator."

"Well. I don't plan on discussing the case at all. and no one else in MY precinct is investigating it at all."

"This man could have died."

"The injuries weren't THAT severe! So, it was a concussion."

"People have died from less than that. The people have the right to know."

"Well. Mr. Hunter has a right to privacy, ESPECIALLY all that went on before it. He was not exactly unscathed himself. The kid lost the tip of his earlobe and to this day has a NASTY scar where the bullet grazed his scalp. I think that's the reason he REALLY grew his hair out."

"There is more than one way to find the truth, Captain Norris."

"Well. this is just something that needs to stay buried. Do whatever you like, Gardino. Unlike you, I know the WHOLE case. What you have does not say everything. Surely a nationally distributed newspaper such as the Daily Bugle has better things to do than to indulge in yellow journalism."

"I plan on reporting the facts, Captain Norris. And the facts in this case indicate that Khalid Hunter acted out of."

"I know fairly WELL how Mr. Hunter acted. because frankly, I would have acted the same way! Now, take your sniveling wanna-be-papparazi ass and get out of my station."

"The people have the right to know."

"Bullshit. Get the hell out."


"Everyone has a suit. from the King and Queen down to the Hellions. Although I've been lax in enforcing it when the Hellions train, I CANNOT allow an Inner Circle member to slide." Khalid mumbled as he ran along the edge of the iron gate marking the Hellions' Compound in a perfect impersonation of the White Bishop. "AFTER putting on your new outfit, you are to run ten laps around the edge of the campus. Yeah, Case. I'd like to see YOU run ten laps around the edge of the campus. Yeah. and while you do that, I'd just sit over there and laugh as you pass by. Yeah. see how YOU like that. Then I can tell YOU everything that everyone else does from the King and Queen down to the Hellions. Yeah. I'm sure you'd like to see that."

Khalid stopped, leaning down to take a few breaths. Yes, he was not supposed to do it, but at this point, he didn't care. He was eight laps in. two laps would be easy from this point out. or so he told himself. He had to think for a minute, though. Things were just going too weird. Casey's assistant Jill didn't even bother talking to him this morning. She just dropped the box with the togs and went on about her business, acting rather coldly toward him. Hmmm. and here I was thinking that she had a crush on me.

No one even noticed that Khalid was running with the sweats covering up the battle togs. He would have expected by the second lap for Casey to call him on it by now. If Khalid slacked off in anyway, normally Casey would have caught him and made him run another lap. Basically. it was quiet on campus today. TOO quiet. Where was everyone? He had seen them up and around when he drove in, but they weren't watching him.

He started up again, figuring that he was just going to finish up these two laps and report to the training room. As he started moving, out of nowhere, he bumped into what felt like a brick wall. Falling back, Khalid landed in the mud. hard.

"Verdammt kinder. You should watch where you are going!"

Khalid looked up at the path in front of him. "Maul. What the hell do you want? I already told you that I'm not fighting you. Can't you get that through your damn skull, or do I need to buy a magnet?"

Maul's claws extended from his fingers as he spoke. With each passing word, it became less of voice and more of a growl that raised the hairs on the back of Khalid's neck. "There is no locker room right now, Herr Hunter. There is you. and me. in the middle of the woods. and we have unfinished business."

Khalid got up, wiping the mud off his sweat pants. Glaring at Maul, Khalid unconsciously raised his voice, so it carried. He knew what Maul was after. but he was not going to give it to him. "No. you are wrong. I have NO business with you. We are not fighting. I have NOTHING to prove to you or anyone!" He started running past Maul, continuing his laps. "Go find something to eat."

Maul ran up behind him, raking his claws right across Khalid's back. "Fine. It has been a long time since I had human blood."

End Chapter 4


Chapter 5

Sharon Stokes wore her most stunning smile that day. She had been looking forward to this day for a long time. One thing about her was the she was indeed a people person. When you were her friend, she looked out for you, and if on the offchance you weren't her friend, she'd do her damndest to make you that way. People often mistook her congenial attitude for weakness. Few people realized that beneath the stunning body with the red beautiful red hair, lurked one of the deadliest women in the world. Sharon was one of the most genuinely nice people around, but endager her or her friends and you would be taken down....and hard. "All right, guys. Let's hurry up. This place needs to be set up in about ten minutes. He'll be here soon and I want to completely shock him."

Casey Jones walked in carrying a box wrapped in a shiny metallic foil covered with musical notes. In a way, this day was rather symbolic. This was more than Khalid's birthday. This was his coming of age party. No longer would he server a purely administrative role. Today he would step into his own as undisputed White Rook of the Hellfire Club. With his training, Grover avowed that he was now ready to go on missions with the rest. Kane and more reluctantly Casey wondered if he was indeed ready.

Grover took to the air and hung the banner from the ceiling. It read "Jailbreak Party! Happy 23rd, Lion-Boy!" Grover after several trials oh his own was happy to see that the jovial mood around the compound was just absolutely infectious. Of course, from what he heard, there were a few who absolutely refused to attend the function, but almost all of the others were there. Darque Feonix, of course, flatly refused claiming he never had agreed with Khalid's appointment. Onyx as usual made her own agenda, and pity whoever got in the way of it. Impulse one of the few Hellions that still had a problem with Khalid, also refused to show up. Outburst and SlashR were both gone on another mission, but even after all those no shows, the room was busy and bustling with a party atmosphere. "Look what the cat dragged in. literally."

Outburst, Phantom, and George walked in. "Hey, guys! I made it!" (Someday, we'll know where she went!) "Guess who I got with me!"

SlashR jumped over her head, flipping in the air and landed in front of her. "Guess what, guys. I'm back! Better than ever! Too bad I can't convince the crazy Cajun to rejoin!"

Blackfire rushed over hugging Outburst. "I'm so glad you could made it. Khalid has no idea what is going on. He doesn't suspect a thing. He's been so busy with his training he's completely forgotten what day it is. I've got Maul out keeping him busy!"

Outburst laughed. "I figured as much." She didn't like Maul, much. Then again, none of the Hellions liked Maul much. Even Maul didn't like Maul much. Whatever the case, she had intended on seeing this through from the start. It was only fitting for her that she was here for the end.

SlashR stopped when he saw the banner hanging from the ceiling. He and Khalid never did get along. At several points, they had actually got into verbal altercations. Knowing that Khalid was now in a position to go away on missions... to LEAD the Hellions. It just disgusted him. He just had to hope right now that a situation like that NEVER came about. No, SlashR. Stop it. You are going to give him a chance. You told yourself that you would.

George the Lion turned his head looked toward Phantom the cat questioningly. Although George had on more than several occasions attacked people to protect his friend Outburst, he was at heart a cuddly-wuddly fuzzly-wuzzly kitty... that can crush a man's head in his jaws. "Wait a minute. I don't understand. I'm not 23! Why are they throwing a party for me?"

Phantom curled up on the floor against George's rear paw and went to sleep, not even bothering to respond. Although Phantom was the least intimidating of the two, a small domestic cat, he was by far the most dangerous. He was a rare breed of domesticated cat... one with formidable psionic powers! Lions. HA! Everyone knows that housecats should be king.

Impossible Man flew around Nebula, hovering over her and pleading. "Please?! Can I have a piece of cake? Please! Please! I promise! I'll wash my hands this time!"

Nebula shoved Impy in the chest somewhat forcefully with her blue hand, grunting as she did so. Setting the cake on the table, she picked up a roll of ribbon and twirled it on her finger, trying to convey the feeling that she was disgusted as much as possible. In actuality, though, she was fighting not to laugh. "NO! Forget it! You aren't touching this until after EVERYONE else has had their fill. ESPECIALLY after what you did to the last one! I'm not letting you ANYWHERE around this birthday cake... and don't think I didn't see you try to replace the birthday candles with the miniature Roman candles!"

"I didn't mean to do it! I swear! I just felt that a celebration like this deserves to be livened up a little! Come on... You have to admit... It WOULD be funny to see! As for the last cake, I had nothing to do with that... Impulse had those beans and..."

She cringed as she relived the disgusting situation in her mind again. Impy and Impulse and those bean-eating contests... She had never thought she would see an already-baked cake collapse because of Poppupian flatulence. Although she admitted to herself it was funny, she still found Impy's breaches of decorum trying at best. If she thought about it now, she would not be able to eat this cake either! "Shut up! I don't want to hear about it!"

Pete Wisdom leaned back on the risers, inhaling his favorite cigar. He crossed his legs at the ankles, watching everyone hustling and bustling across the training room. "I don't know why you are making such a big fuss over the bloke. You chaps told me when I walked in that you didn't like him! Although, I personally don't see anything wrong with the tosser..."

Cyclops walked over snatching the cigar. "You're old enough to know better than this Pete. What kind of example are you setting?" Then, he put it in his own mouth, taking a drag. "It is simple, Mr. Wisdom. He's killed himself for the last four months trying to catch up. placate everyone. and he finally did it. This is the end of his term and we are going to celebrate it. As you know, the Hellfire Club always knows how to party. By the way, that will be four laps around the edge of campus for smoking later on. You know there is a no-smoking policy in the building!"

"What the... What the hell are YOU doing, then?!"

Cyclops smiled as he walked away with the cigar. "Can't let a perfectly good Cuban cigar go to waste. Hmmm... El Bolero... My favorite."

"Take away the laps and I'll give you a whole box."

Cyclops stopped and spun around. "Two boxes and we have a deal."

"Damn, you ARE a lawyer!"

"Bring them to my office afterwards."

"Quick question. Where's the alcohol?"

"Too many minors... This IS a school, after all."

"Damn American bureaucrats... think they know everything! Computer! Turn on the bloody television!"

Nebula had tied Impy up with the streamers as the wall next to her flashed on, showing the news. Her eyes widened as she stepped back, accidentally knocking Impy, who while he was bound could not balance himself, to the floor with a thud. The news was allegedly covering a charge of corruption in the law enforcement system, but that wasn't what struck her. "Hey guys. isn't that Khalid on the screen?"



It was 3:00 A.M. Khalid Hunter knew EXACTLY what he was going to do. He was going to walk home through this chilly autumn night, and before he could fall asleep or throw up from the alcohol coursing through his system, he was going to drag his bed, frame sheets and all into the street and burn it....and if a cop happened to walk by he would gladly pay his ticket and offer the cop a marshmallow to toast in the flames.  The very idea seemed sane and practical in his somewhat inebriated mind. Then, while the policeman writes him his ticket, he would sing something, something clever and witty to show that nosy policeman just how through he was with Imani....but what? Well, he had no idea. He didn't care.

"Hold it RIGHT there."

Khalid stopped in his tracks, the second he felt the cold steel against his forehead. "Ummmm... okay," Khalid practically giggled.  "But I'm drunk and I'm broke, so you're out of luck."

The man in front of him was about six foot five, had brown hair and green eyes, and was dressed completely in black. "You think I give a damn what you say music man? Hand over your wallet and don't you dare make a move or else I'll blow your fucking brains out where you are. I've seen you performing around town. I know you entertainers make serious bread!"

"Hold on... are you threatening me?" put in Khalid in his best Beavis/Cornholio voice.

The man jammed the gun against his forehead once more, pushing him back a little. "YES, I am threatening you! Hand over your fucking money!"

Khalid felt the buzzing increase again as his anger built up, but he struggled to push it down. This was not the time to give in to his anger. He withdrew his wallet slowly taking it out to the side.  The man reached for it, but Khalid dodged and slapped the man's hand with the wide leather case. Completely against the smooth plan that Khalid's drunken mind had come up with, the gun went off with a roar. The bullet flew towards his head and as he instinctively dodged it grazed his scalp near his ear as well as taking off the top of his earlobe. Roaring in rage, Khalid rammed the guy in the chest with his shoulder, knocking him into the wall. He then slammed his attacker's arm against the wall again and again until the gun fell from his hand. "Did you REALLY think you were going to kill me, you little prick?!"

The man reacting to the new threatening Khalid, elbowed him next to his eye, shoving him back. Then, his foot came up in a well practiced kick, hitting Khalid square in the mouth. "Too bad, music man. I forgot to tell you I'm a black-belt in Aikido. Looks like you're about to get majorly fucked over!" His elbow hit Khalid in the jaw, followed by his fist. Then, his leg shot up, again tagging Khalid on the underside of the chin.

Khalid fell back against a mailbox, trying to concentrate through the pain and drunkeness. As the assailant's leg shot up again, tagging him in the side of the mouth, Khalid felt the iron taste of his own blood on his tongue. It was at that moment that the anger within him seemed to burst forth and and it raged through every muscle like liquid mercury. He couldn't contain the snarl that crossed his lips or the growl that rose from his chest....and what's more, he didn't want to.

The assailant jumped, spinning around with a roundhouse. Unexpectedly, Khalid caught the ankle and brought the palm of his hand savagely against the knee, shattering the kneecap. "ARGH!!!! ARE YOU CRAZY?  You broke my fucking knee! Who the hell are you!?"

Khalid let his instincts overrun him this time, as he threw the attacker against a parked car. After punching him to the ground, he ran up to him, kicking him full in the ribs, actually lifting him from the ground with his kick. Grabbing him by the shirt, Khalid then threw him against the alley wall. "What's wrong... where's your gun NOW?! Are you going to kick me again?!" Khalid started punching him... in the face... the stomach... feeling the rage pour through him and rush over him as the man's muscle and bone gave way beneath his fists.

The warm blood leaking down the side of his neck from the bullet grazing him just pushed him further into his madness. His senses became sharper than ever despite his intoxication. The incredible buzzing coursed through him like a chorus of voices in his ears. This felt incredible. Just like when he was with Imani he gave in to his body, letting it take control because it knew exactly what to do. His snarls and growls became more ferocious as he continued to pummel the attacker. Khalid's red photonic aura had long ago taken shape around him and as he deliverd the blow after blow. It was hard to distinguish between it's crimson light and the blood pouring from the man Khalid stood over him, panting.

A hand on his shoulder snapped him out of it. "Khalid!"

Khalid stopped in his tracks. the sensations reeling through him right at that moment were the very same ones he had around Imani. The buzzing, the "high", everything. Slowly, but surely, he stepped back, burying the growl in his throat. His mind shut down the photonic aura instantly as he saw what he had done. "Oh my god. What have I done....I....I...I."

The stranger nodded as he seemed to step down from a circle of light floating in the air. The strange new man on the scene knelt down and felt Khalid's attacker's pulse. "Yes... you did quite a job on him. He's breathing, but barely. You really worked him over."

Khalid felt his heart race again, this time it was from the horror of what he had done. "Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit... pay phone... Where's the fucking payphone." He ran over to it, calling 911. and then dropped it, coming back. "Oh damn. I can't believe I. Oh damn." Khalid slipped out of his coat, wrapping it up around the would-be robber, apparently forgetting that his own wounds were pretty serious.

"It is my fault, really. I had meant to check up on you a few months ago when I first sensed it happening, but I got delayed. You had no way of knowing what was happening to you. If I could only have let you know sooner, this might have never gone this far."

Khalid's eyes again fixed on the man on the ground. "Easy for YOU to say. When was the last time YOU almost beat someone to death?...For that matter...who the FUCK are you? You just pop into my life and act as if......"

"Who I am is inconsequential... although you DO know the answer... If it makes you feel any better, when the next phase rolls around, you won't have to worry about this anymore. You should be able to control it by then." The stranger stood up again, walking toward Khalid. "You understand what is happening now, don't you? You remember from your past life?"

"Past life?....What the hell are you talking about, you crazy old fuck?"

The man from the portal simply stared at him and Khalid finally nodded, hanging his head and speaking in a lower voice. "Yes. Yes...I suppose I do know what's happening now. But I thought it...I thought HE was gone?"

"Now, you know better. As I've told you before, you have to be careful, or it will all be lost. Now, what are you going to do?"

"See it through."

"Good..good.... I'm glad to see some sense is returning to you at last. I have no idea when I'll be back around; you know this new gig and all. Please try to stay out of trouble in the meantime. and remember to be careful with the tattoos. There are some nosy anthropologists out there, and the LAST thing you need is for someone to get curious and start reading. By the way. Good job on those. You're learning. I'll see you later."

With a white flash of light, the stranger was gone. however, it didn't matter. Khalid didn't remember a thing from the conversation. He didn't remember a stranger even being around. He had no clue what snapped him out of his rage. It was as if the entire episode with the stranger had never happened. The only thing that stuck in his mind was the blood on his hands.....and that he must never allow it to happen again.

End Chapter 5


Chapter 6

Khalid managed to roll around to face Maul before he was punched again. This was not good. Although he was not exactly a pushover, he knew that he was no match for Maul. Maul was easily his height and had an adamantium skeleton making him outweigh him by at least 100 pounds. Add to the fact that he was a vampire, could fly, and teleport through shadows, Khalid realized he was outclassed....WAY outclassed.

Maul ripped half of Khalid's sweatshirt off with his glistening adamantium claws. "Come on, boy! Fight! Prove you deserve to be in your fancy new outfit."

Khalid flashed his aura, hoping to stun Maul, but that didn't work. Maul's healing factor more than made up for it. and Maul didn't need to see properly to kick his ass. "Maul, you made your point. Now back off!"

Maul lunged at him, slapping him in the jaw. "Nein, Herr Hunter. There is no point to be made... only a fight to be won!"

Khalid winced as his back slammed into a tree. A few months experience compared to who-knows-how-long with martial arts was just not going to cut it. He knew that he was not going to get away from this one. The thing he could not figure out was why Maul was doing it. The guy already knew that Khalid could not take him. Unfortunately, Khalid did not know Maul well enough to pull any psychological ploys. "What do you want?!"

"You know what I want. but you hide it from me!" Maul rammed into him, hearing the dead tree snap behind him. Khalid had no time to react before another fist hit him in the temple. "Let it out!"

"I don't know what the hell you are talking about!" Khalid got in a good solid punch at the base of the neck, feeling a snap beyond his knuckles.

For a split second Maul could not breathe, but then he reached up with his hand and snapped his own windpipe back into place. At the same time, his foot came up, tagging Khalid just behind the ear. Maul watched Khalid roll over onto his knees while he sat for a moment, trying to get his bearings. "You managed a lucky shot, Herr Hunter... it would have been fatal for a normal man." Maul flew up behind him, picking him into the air. "A little fresh air, perhaps?"

Khalid's heart raced as he felt the ground leave his feet. "Aw fuck... Hell no..."

For a minute, he was thrown into the air and then felt himself caught by his neck. He was about thirty feet in the air and Maul had him just where he wanted him. "You fight your instincts, Herr Hunter... trying to subdue something which was not meant to be subdued. Quit locking it up. LOOK AT ME, DAMN YOU!"

Khalid jammed his eyes closed. With the way Maul was holding his head, Khalid knew that he could not look away, no matter how much he wanted to. "No. Hell no! Just bite me and be done with it!"

"No... it will not be that simple. I will not ALLOW it to be that simple!" Maul took his free hand, forcing one of Khalid's eyelids open. He glared into them again. "Open your other eye!"

Khalid's voice started to crack as he slowly opened it, a tear streaming down his face. "Please... don't... No. don't."

In the pitch dark where Khalid probably could not completely see Maul's eyes, the hypnosis effect was undoubtedly less. In the early morning, outside, Maul knew that he could spring it on Khalid much more quickly... as long as he forced it to happen before the magic flared up. "Do not attempt to resist me. Let it out."

More tears streamed out of Khalid's eyes as he fought Maul's influence. He was actually on the border of bawling his eyes out. Being a couple of years wiser, he understood what was going on much better than earlier. For the first time that he could remember since joining the Hellfire Club, he visibly gave away that he was scared to someone else among his peers. What scared him was not that it was happening and there was nothing he could do, but rather that inside, he actually wanted it to happen. He wanted to finally......let go, as if something long denied its due was about to go free. "No... God, no... Don't, do this Walsh."

Walsh?! How did he know my name?! Everyone knows me as Mahler, forget it..


Khalid's cries at that point turned into something different. Slowly but surely, they became laughs... and then suddenly growls. He felt overwhelmingly powerful. His senses by this point had kicked into overdrive, becoming nearly too much for him to cope with. The drooling growl slipping from his teeth was savage... borderline demonic. He could smell everything in the air. the deer two miles away... the decaying leaves on the ground... The completely maddening sensation, though, was the constant buzzing. the vibration he felt throughout his muscles... his body... something that was almost like singing to his ears, bringing from itself a desire for action... a drive to scour the woods in search of prey.

Maul laughed in satisfaction. "Good. I KNEW it was in there. You have the same heart as I do. It is in your blood. You can TASTE it. It sings within you. I cannot understand. Why do you hide it so? Why bury it? RELISH it!"

Khalid's tattoos flared to life again. He spoke again, this time clearly with an added gruffness to his voice as he fought the unbearable buzzing... the buzzing that felt to him like one of the greatest sensations in the world. "No... thank... you!" His hands formed two photon blades again, but this time he stuck them in Maul's ears, bursting the eardrums.

The two of them fell to the ground below. While Maul was dazed, his healing factor already beginning to repair his eardrums, Khalid started running directly for the compound. He knew exactly what the feeling was. Mufasa had called it "letting the light in." It was all a part of his powers, which was in turn tied to his emotions. Khalid could not afford to let the "animal" overrun his thoughts. He almost killed someone the last time it happened. It would not happen again, even if he had to bury every intense emotion he had.

Khalid let the sensations die away...forced them to die away as he raced towards the compound. He made sure to bury it as deep as he could. The sensation in him was stronger....more potent than it he had ever felt it before...perhaps even stronger than it had been for Mufasa. He KNEW that it was also addictive. Mufasa had allowed his powers.... his instincts to control him, because that made him a more powerful ruler. In the age in which Mufasa lived....power was governed by savagery. The same couldn't be said of today....he had to maintain control. Khalid swallowed hard forcing the powers down. He would not allow this to strip him of whatever chance at a normal life he had. He would never allow his powers to determine his life's path again. He was not going to run the risk of becoming like Mufasa....or worse. He was determined to maintain his OWN identity...


"Mr. Gardino, tell me of your investigation in Pentway."

"Well, Ms. Tilby, I must admit that I have run across incredible resistance in my investigation. This smells of a conspiracy from the law enforcement agency up to the judicial system."

"Would you care to elaborate?"

"An unidentified source, presumably one of Pentway, Indiana's finest stating that that there are no recriminations for pursuing justice, sent me a file pertaining to a Khalid Hunter... known in the musical entertainment industry as Mufasa."

"What is in this file?"

"Although the Captain of the Pentway police department refuse to comment, due to the fact he was an investigating officer in the case, I came across several articles in a Pentway University campus newspaper on microfiche."

"We have that clipping from you in the right hand corner of the screen."

"Basically, it describes an assault on a member of the gay/bisexual student union as he was returning to his apartment after choir practice. He describes his attacker as being a black male, six foot plus, and well over 200 pounds... with shoulder-length hair. a physical description similar to Khalid Hunter, at the time."

"What else have you uncovered about this incident?"

"Apparently, the injuries were life-threatening. Mr. Hunter apparently called the police after the attack. The discussion was withheld from the press, by judicial order. Timothy Harrington had a concussion... a concussion that could have been FATAL if he had not arrived at the hospital in time."

"Has any motive been mentioned in this horrible attack?"

"Specifically one. Khalid Hunter assaulted Timothy Harrington because Harrington was a homosexual."

"Mr. Gardino, you have to admit, that is a pretty serious charge you are putting forth. What proof do you have that Khalid Hunter was indeed the man responsible for this incident? How do you know that Harrington was not at fault?"

"Ms. Tilby, if you will look at the bottom portion of the screen, you will see a picture of Mr. Harrington taken a week after the attack. As you can tell from the other picture, his face was quite disfigured. One could reasonably say that Mr. Harrington definitely got the worst of that one."

"Your photos are certainly convincing, but according to this article, Mr. Hunter was defending himself from an armed robbery. I should also point out that Harrington was tried and convicted, and sentenced to seven years."

"The story is a fabrication by the law enforcement institution to cover up Mr. Hunter's attack. The town of Pentway is not necessarily renowned for their acceptance of the gay community."

"But surely, Mr. Gardino, you cannot be suggesting that Khalid Hunter, a Summa Cum Laude Graduate of Pentway Conservatory as WELL as a pianist who has played on Grammy-winning albums, could have possibly committed such a heinous and vicious crime... as WELL as the police covering up for him!"

"Mr. Harrington has even reportedly told the District Attorney that Mr. Hunter was glowing at the time of the assault... suggesting that he might possibly be a mutant. Statements that have been stricken from the court documents that verify this, because of their alleged 'irrelevancy' in the court proceedings. Harrington was railroaded form the get go. I intend to free him and bring Mr. Hunter to justice."

"Mr. Gardino, you cannot possibly be implying that Mr. Hunter, one who until recently made his living in the public eye, could possibly be a mutant. Even if he were, there is no proof or any reason to believe that it would figure prominently into this incident. According to the legal records, Mr. Harrington DID attempt to rob Mr. Hunter. In fact, if you look at this recent picture taken of him after his show at Wild Tom's, you will notice that the very tip of his left earlobe indeed is missing, consistent with a bullet graze."

"I honestly believe that Mr. Harrington was defending himself against a drunk mutant gaybasher!"

"Mr. Gardino..."

"After Harrington spoke at the civil trial, he was placed in the county jail for contempt of court. That act by the Pentway Police prompted two weeks of civil rights protests by the student government of Pentway University. The judge apparently threw the case out of court... and no lawyer would do an appeal. This is an act of systematic persecution of homosexuals."

"Mr. Gardino, forgive my question, but... With all these wild accusations, what about Mr. Hunter's side of the story?"

"Mr. Hunter disappeared off the face of the earth four months ago, Ms. Tilby. Were he truly interested in speaking out, he would have done so. In my opinion, Hunter is a coward... a coward who runs away from his problems. Two weeks after the protests began, Hunter dropped out of graduate school and left Pentway the next morning. He knows the truth. he KNOWS that he attacked Mr. Harrington. and I bet my journalistic integrity THAT is the reason he disappeared! I fully intend to prove that Khalid Hunter not only is the aggressor behind the attack on Tim Harrington, but also that he is a mutant!"


Harry Tanaka watched the interview from his hotel room in Boston. For weeks he has searched for Khalid Hunter, each time knowing that he was slowly getting closer. He was at a loss for an explanation, but he felt that he had a taste of something rich... something he was not sure he wanted. All he knew was that he wanted either all of it... or none of it. "Old chap. It's time our paths crossed again. Whether you know it or not, I've got a taste for you now. KhalidHunterMufasaThePurifiedBY YOUR BLOOD HE SHALL RETURN."

Harry Tanaka laughed sounding not at all like himself.

End Chapter 6


Chapter 7


"Your honor, it is a well known fact that the District Attorney, also named in the lawsuit, has failed to file criminal charges against the defendant, Mr. Hunter. "

"That is BECAUSE, Your Honor, my client is fully aware that the incident with Mr. Harrington happened as a RESULT of Mr. Harrington's attempted robbery."

"My client's actions are negligible. This is a Civil Lawsuit against the City of Pentway AND Khalid Hunter. There have been significant damages to my client's face as a result of Mr. Hunter's brutal attack. and ATTACK, if I may add, only happened because my client is a member of the Pentway University Gay/Lesbian Union."

"Your honor. The charges of the plaintiff are purely speculative. There is no proof to back the assertion that Mr. Hunter was even AWARE that Mr. Harrington was a homosexual BEFORE he responded to the attempted assault. IF I MAY ADD, an assault where he had been shot and nearly beaten to death! It is LUDICROUS to even consider filing charges against a victim....A victim defending himself from a man with a black-belt in Aikido! Keep in mind, your honor, that the state still plans to file attempted murder and armed robbery charges against Mr. Harrington!"

"Your honor! The state is going to file charges against my client for armed robbery. but NOT against Mr. Hunter for assault or nearly killing my client??!! This is CLEARLY proof of systematic persecution against peoples of different sexual orientation! Surely, you cannot..."

Tired of the argument, Judge Alexander Cayhill pounded the gavel against his desk. "Order in the Courtroom! Order in the Courtroom. I have heard more than enough of this garbage. Mr. Harrington, I have come to the conclusion that what happened to you clearly stemmed from your actions when you decided to rob Mr. Hunter. Seeing as how Mr. Hunter is not countersuing, I am finding for the defendant in the amount of legal fees. Mr. Harrington, I would suggest that you BEST prepare for your criminal trial to be held after you recuperate."

The town of Pentway as well as the University grew divided over that issue. The gay/lesbian student union, in support of Tom Harrington, started holding demonstrations on campus and in front of the courthouse. Religious fundamentalist groups readily met them, undoubtedly sending messages of their own about homosexuality's evils.

The controversy grew even hotter when Harrington was sentenced to seven years for armed assault, the attempted murder charge dropped because of his own injuries. That was when Khalid started receiving the threatening anonymous mail...and the phone calls at night. (He even had to change his phone number a few times.) As always, the local media would follow him all over the place, even a couple of times breaking into his classroom while he taught.


"Yeah, Sharika... come on in." Slowly, Sharika slipped into the auditorium. These days, Khalid was spending a lot of time there. He could not sneak off much anywhere else. "What's going on?"

"Nick, Jason and I.... we just wanted to say that we're by you. ALL the way. We believe you and....well I mean how could they possibly think you're a gay basher? I mean..  I mean Jason's one of your best friends.  How can you hate gays when a guy you've been friends with since high school is homosexual?"

Khalid dropped his head down and brought it back up. "You and I both know that people are going to believe what they are going to believe... whether it be about our race, religion, genetic structure, our profession, how Nick entered the country, who Jason sleeps with.  Besides 'outing' Jason just to help me out of my problem wouldn't be right either.  He has enough problems of his own.  It doesn't matter really. People find reasons to hate.  They are going to believe what they are going to believe. Now, I need to tell you this and get it out of the way...so please listen. The department has terminated my assistantship and are asking that I leave. I told them flatly that I refused.... that I would succeed with or without their damn money... and..." He sighed. "I'm not sure I'm going to win this. I mean. I stayed here. I stuck through it. I didn't run away, and look where I am? I'm the most hated man in Pentway. The only people who like me are the fascist idiots, and those are!  the very same people, who if I as a black man, weren't a 'lesser evil' than a gay man, they would want to string me up as well."

"Look... Leave here.  Come with us.  Go on the tour.  It would be perfect. Nick said that Jerry had to drop out due to Carpal Tunnel. If you want, you can still go on the tour with us. Hell... Nick would have dumped Jerry to add you on the band anyway. Why don't..."

"I can't do that to you guys. You deserve a shot at success without me being there to put a damper on your success...and you know how the media works. If they smell blood, they'll be on me and anyone around me in seconds. I can't do it. It wouldn't be fair for me not to put you guys ahead of myself."


At that moment, they heard a firetruck going down the street.  From the sound of it, it sounded like it stopped about a block away.  It was loud but perfectly clear in the autumn air...

Nick burst through the doors, huffing and sweating, as if he just finished running a marathon. "Khalid! Thank God! You're safe. Sharika, you were right."

"Oh my god..."

Khalid stood up on his feet, seeing the expression on Nick's face. "Guys. What's going on?! TELL me."

"Sharika and I were coming out of rehearsal when we saw your car. The tires were slashed, then..."

Sharika held her hand out toward Nick, giving him a chance to get his bearings... "Khalid. I saw smoke coming from your apartm..."

Not giving her a chance to finish, Khalid ran out the door, followed closely by Nick and Sharika. He knew what had happened even before he got to the block. He could see it. The flames were still flickering out of his window. The fire department was scrambling desperately to put out the flames before it brought the whole complex down. "Fuck it. I've had enough of this shit." He turned back toward them. "I'm out of here."

"Khalid... are you....."

Slowly, he started walking toward his apartment. He saw the firemen working hard to put out the blaze. The people stood around watching from below. Some applauded. Others wore nervous expressions hoping that everyone was all right. He turned and saw his car. The windows were smashed in and the tires lay in shreds against the pavement. The media surrounded him, and questions flew his way from all sides. Finally, for the first time, he turned to face them and gave a statement to the press. "You make me sick... every single one of you... You accuse me of hate crimes, yet hate me in turn. I am not nor have I ever been a bigot. I don't hate gays... I didn't even KNOW that guy was gay. I simply don't care anymore. I've not been charged with anything and I'm through with all of you. Get a fucking life and leave mine alone." He saw Dan and Imani looking on as part of the crowd. They didn't meet his gaze. He sat down on the bench, not saying anything more. He nodded toward Nick.

The next day, they left Pentway on his tour.


Khalid ran into the training room, the blood still dripping from his lip. He saw the decorations and then suddenly the realization hit him. Not only was it his birthday, but his days of crash course training room sessions were over. They were throwing a party for him! He saw the banner above him and for a moment, he forgot about Maul. He forgot about his pain. He forgot about all of it and just let himself enjoy the elation...to absorb the festive mood of his new companions. "Damn, guys. I....I."

That was when he noticed the television screen. His spirits fell screaming to the floor and rage and sadness washed over him. Tim Harrington. The clipping. His heart skipped a beat when he saw it all. It had been so long. Why now? Please no....not this again. I can't take it. he thought as everyone fell silent and couldn't help but stare at his entrance. He walked into the room further. Everyone's gaze followed him due to the news story and his disheveled bloody appearance. What could he say? Would they believe him? As he passed by Nebula she simply spun to look away from him.

"Nebs?" he asked almost plaintively.

Walking by SlashR and Outburst, they too turned to look the other way. Many of the other Hellions turned away as well refusing to meet his gaze. The silence was deafening and Khalid felt the weight of each accusing, unsure, or indifferent stare.

Khalid didn't know what he felt at that point. He admitted to himself, that he didn't exactly want to be a member of the Hellfire Club from the beginning and he definitely didn't want to train with the Hellions, or train at all, but once again he had promised himself to "see this through."

Blackfire walked down the aisle. For the barest moment, Khalid thought that she would hug him and say everything would be okay, but once again he was unpleasantly surprised. "I can't believe you," she spat.

"Sharon," Khalid began.

"No. I left the Black Court with you.... pissed off my friends because of you. Khalid, damnit, I trusted you and now I find out you're a bigot? You son of a BITCH!"

Blackfire's slap across his face seemed to echo through the hall.

"No. That wasn't the whole story. You have to..."

Kane's mocking laughter was the last thing he heard, before the shuffling footsteps of everyone turning to leave the auditorium buried the sound. Later, asshole... you'll get what is coming to you... when I feel like it.

Khalid ignored the taunting mental message from Kane and turned to find himself alone in the huge chamber. Confetti still lay on the tables where they had prepared the surprise party.

"Happy Birthday to me," Khalid said to himself softly, his voice cracking.

He put his head down on his hands, and rubbed at his temples.  WHY WAS THIS HAPPENING?

"Don't cry. It's beneath you," said Grover's voice from the shadows. His yellow eyes glowed eerily as he stepped into the light.

"Grover... Look," Khalid began.

"Khalid... I know," the White King said.

Khalid stopped. "You know?! What the fuck do you know?!"

"I know the whole story. I knew before I asked you to join us. I know why it happened. I know what he did. I know it all."

"Then, what is going on here? You know what Harrington tried to do. You could have stopped them. You could have told them what happened."

"And they would have believed me because? I've been your number one supporter from the beginning Khalid. They would have simply thought I was protecting my investment in you if I came to your defense. In the end, what I said about you wouldn't matter. They have to find the truth for themselves.....or YOU have to find it for them."

"Look... just tell me what's going on... It makes no sense."

"It's the last day of your training... AND your birthday. The timing was just a LITTLE too perfect....don't you think? Not to mention your run-ins with Maul. I'm not sure he even knows what part he's playing in this, but you know ultimately who holds his leash. I've told you what a hold that man has over Maul."

Khalid grabbed his head trying to digest what Grover was telling him. "What?! Maul. How did you know about that. I said I fell. Are you spying on me now?"

"Do you think I'm stupid enough not to recognize a bootmark next to the eye when I see one? You forget... I've been in this business a LONG time. Don't worry about Maul. He'll get his. By the way, the ease with which you lied was good, but you need to work on it if you're going to stay in this court...BUT always remember there are people LIKE ME who you always must be truthful with.  I trust you...you trust me.  That's how it works."

"PLEASE!!  Can you tell me what this is about? I sure as hell don't see the logic."

"Believe it or not. It's a game...pure and simple. Sharon's not experienced enough in the politics of the court to see it. She'll come around....and most of the other Hellions don't really know what or HOW to think one way or the other. They are just shocked."

"But what does it mean. Who's playing this 'game' and why does it involve me?"

"This was a message, Khalid. A message to me mainly. Your past being brought up is just a way to get at me through turmoil in my court. He never gave his permission to bring you on, and although I don't need it, he thinks I do. I'm sorry this happened, Khalid, but it's too late to moan about it now. Now we fight back. You get it now don't you.  Who's behind this, I mean.  It's a warning to us. Don't you recognize the subtelty in it? It's completely his style. He's using Kane, you, Sharon...even Casey against each other. He's stirring the pot to see who will float to the top."

Khalid nodded grimly as a light came on inside his head. He suddenly understood. Only two people in the Hellfire Clubs, that he knew of anyway, would know how to get that information. The information was forbidden to the press, and even most law enforcement agencies.  Only Crystal Lakes.....and Ryan Jensen could get at it. "The asshole. That fucking asshole. How DARE he drag me into this?! How DARE he turn my life into a fucking game?!"

How little you know, Khalid. "Go to Casey and..."

"No. Actually. I'm NOT going to Casey. I'll be damned if I'm going to have someone else play around with MY life. I'm sending him a fucking message of my own."

"Khalid, don't be too hasty. He's not used to his pawns turning back on him. There's no way you can touch him... he can destroy you with little more than a thought."

Khalid paced back and forth fuming to himself. He could do no more than sputter his rage. For a moment, he saw a look identical to his own on Grover's face. "Fine. I won't attack him. But I WILL beat him at his own game. I'll embarrass the bastard. I'll take him down from his ivory tower."

"A man like him can't BE embarrassed!"

"Really? WATCH me!" Khalid walked over to the computer, tapping a few buttons.

A woman's face showed up on the screen. Her dark blonde hair was set off nicely with her deep, blood-red lipstick. She was stunning. She could easily have been a well-paid fashion model. However, she was a lawyer...a damn good lawyer. "Hello, Khalid. Considering what I just saw on the news, I get the picture."

"Damages. Slander.  Anything you can get him for."

"Got it. Gardino will be poor when I'm done with him, and whoever's backing him will be in even worse shape."

"Thanks, Byron."


Grover watched the exchange as he left. He could have stopped it. He SHOULD have stopped it, but he didn't want to stop it. Ryan needed a lesson in a coin he could understand....and getting a knife in the back from his own Queen would do just that.

Finally alone in the massive auditorium, Khalid dropped into a chair, hiding his face in his hands. His mother had a saying that went "Failure is temporary. Defeat is permanent." That was true. What that DIDN'T mean was that failure didn't hurt. Failure hurt, all right... and the wrong kind could hurt A LOT. He felt like a total mess, his mind and spirit more tired than even he could belive. Anyone in his shoes might have been overcome by this grief, but so much had happened to him, he tenaciously clung to whatever hope was there. He had learned so much....and had finally found good friends again - good and honest friends like Sharon, Rhiannon, or Pete - lost without even a chance to reason with them. With a pained look on his face, he looked up at the banner, and thought to himself. "So many cared for me. The end of my loneliness was just within my grasp and then once again it was cruelly ripped away over something I couldn't control." Khalid felt everything just pushing in!  on him from all sides. waiting for him to crack. He couldn't do it, though. He WOULDN'T do it.

"Why do you cry, Herr Hunter? Crying is for the weak." Maul sheepishly smiled. He had arrived at the party minutes before Khalid..dwelling within the shadows waiting to make his move.

"Fuck off, Maul," Khalid said, devoid of any emotion. He remained with his hands covering his face, not allowing Maul to see just how hurt he was. Right now he had all but forgotten Maul's role in this affair... Or even more that while Maul was masquerading as a Red Hellion, he was ACTUALLY the God Damn Red Pawn... spying on everyone!

"Do you cry because these lambs leave you at the first sight of something sinister? Be proud of who you are, never give a thought to what they say about you. You are one of the strong Herr Hunter; it is time you acted like it."

Khalid clenched his teeth. He had endured more than his fill of Maul and his rhetoric, and would love nothing more than to just cram it back down his throat. Angrily, he jerked his head up, looking directly at Maul. Although he for the most part hid his pain well, Maul's strange vampiric eyes reached in and read the entire story from his reddish face. "What the hell do YOU know about being strong? Huh?! Last I checked, you couldn't live except at the expense of someone else! Is THAT how you get to be one of the strong? By being a fucking parasite?!"

Maul extended the adamantium claw of his index finger, laying it so it just barely touched the center of Khalid's forehead. A thin trickle of blood emerged from where the claw penetrated the skin. It slid slowly down the side of Khalid's head onto his cheek. Faster than Khalid's eyes could follow Maul caught the droplet of blood as it fell toward the floor.  It glistened wetly on the tip of his adamantium claw.  Sheathing his claw and allowing the droplet to pool on his finger, Maul brought it to his lips and sucked on the warm red sweetness.  Usually the instant human blood touched his sensitive vampiric tongue, he was filled with a rush of euphoria, this time however his mouth was filled with the bitter taste of acid.  He knew then for a certainty that Khalid had to be host to the same bestial bloodline as he.

"You become one of the strong, pup, by being the man you are... Not by letting your fears, no matter how abstract they are, guide your life. It is within you, Herr Hunter. Let it emerge. We are of the same blood, you and I. I can taste that fact for certain. You imprison yourself in this 'civilized disguise' out of fear and ignorance of your true self."

The same blood? What the hell was THAT supposed to mean?! Khalid's eyes met Maul's for the briefest of moments. For a second, Maul could see a flicker of the man just beneath. The man he had forced out earlier. With finality, Khalid looked back down toward the ground, having fought the urge to tell the man off. He did not want to admit it, but he was just glad that at least someone spoke to him. "Just fuck off Maul, and leave me the hell alone."

Maul laughed at the thought of someone telling him to "fuck off". He wasn't accustomed to it, but the sting of any words no matter what they were soon lost all power over him as he lived decade after decade. Why should he care what others thought?..but this was something different. He could see his grandson's life torn apart at the seams.and deep down inside Mauls vampiric heart, he felt a pang of sadness. The emotion was so foreign to him that at first he didn't recognize it. "Well done," he said too quiet for Khalid to hear as he faded back into the shadows. "My family is strong, Jensen. No matter what you think or what you force me to do. We will survive. Khalid will survive."

End Chapter 7

An Epilogue of Sorts:

Khalid paced back and forth in the hallway outside Blackfire's office, trying to decide how he was going to try to talk to her. If there was one thing he learned, it was that good friends are hard to come by... Although right now, he felt more on edge than anything else, he was not prepared to give up on ANYONE without a fight. Ryan Jensen had played his hand well...

Before he could talk himself out of it, Khalid started toward the door. Leonard Bray immediately jumped to his feet, rushing in front of the door. Blackfire's new blonde secretary plain got on his nerves. While the other secretaries in the White Court were somewhat on the submissive side, this one was "in-your-face." While Khalid respected someone having a backbone, he could NOT respect someone who felt that his position was a power trip. That was exactly what Leonard Bray's problem was... or was it? Khalid could not quite place it, but he was suer there was something else about him... something else that he didn't like... Probably the fact that he's a fucking asshole...

"Excuse me, Mr. Hunter... I am under direct orders not to allow YOU to see the queen... YOU are going to have to make an appointment... and there's no opening until next Tue--"

Khalid flashed his aura and growled at him. Although most of the faculty and staff at the Hellions Compound were used to the somewhat demonic timbre his voice took whenever he activated his powers, it still raised the hair on other's necks. "If you don't get the hell out of my way..."

Leonard, however, was definitely new. Shocked at the change in the White Rook, he jumped out of his way, dancing all the way back toward the desk like Richard Simmons. "OOOOOOOH!!! It's true!!!!"

Khalid turned off his aura and straightened his collar. Calmly, he cleared his throat. "I believe that you are supposed to do something, now?"

Hurriedly, Leonard pressed the button on his desk, speaking frantically... harriedly... "Ms. Stokes! Mr. Hunter is here to see you... and he's not taking no for a..."

Khalid barged through the door, seeing the White Queen sitting at her desk. "All right, Sharon... We need to talk. So that means that it is time for YOU to go, Loverboy..."

Gabriel Strong rose spun around to throw one of his patented below-the-belt putdowns at the White Rook, but he stopped the minute he felt a soft hand touch his wrist. Turning toward Blackfire, he saw a solemn expression come across her face as she nodded her head. He bent down to kiss her cheek, but she shook her head. Immediately, he understood the message. She was putting herself in full queen mode, right here. "I'll talk to you later, Sharon." He stood up from the desk and started walking toward the door, his eyes locked on Khalid's. An angry sneer grew across his face as he approached him. When he spoke, it was beneath his breath just low enough that Blackfire couldn't hear. "You had best watch what you say around her... and know that WE still have business to discuss..." (Daemon is referring to when Khalid exorcised a demon in "Hell Hath No Fury"... and then relived one of his memories!)

"Whatever, Merc. Go beat up some children or something."

With that, Daemon finally left Blackfire's office. After shutting the door, the White Queen and the White Rook stood still... Neither of them breaking the silence. Finally, Khalid started to speak. "Sharon... I never lied. It was just something that was better left un..."

"Khalid, I'm sorry."

Khalid stopped cold. Well... THAT went easier than I expected... "Um... Did I miss something?"

Blackfire stood up and walked out from behind the desk. "Yes... One of the reasons I acted the way I did was because I was just shocked. If I had thought about... Remembered what I knew about you as a person... It would have been obvious. I talked with Byron and then Grover... and I just never realized. I mean... I think about something like that possibly happening to Josh... and it gets me worried. I should have known... I..." She began to cry... "Can you forgive me? I..."

Khalid hugged her, patting her on the back. "Look... You didn't know. I never told anyone because it was just something that needed to die away. Now stop that crying... You know queens don't cry." He stepped back. "Sharon... I think I'm going to take it light for a little while... Go see the family... Do a couple of performances. My new manager, Karl, already has a couple of performances lined up... One in Canada and the other in some country named Bhutan. I'm going to take it a little light in the states until it blows over..."

"Bhutan? Never heard of it... Is it near India or something?"

"Yeah... I've never heard of it either... but according to Karl, it exists. Don't worry... Byron approved Karl... and I trust Byron..."

Sharon smiled. "Look... I want you to be careful. I mean... that guy is publicly stalking you, now. He's trouble."

Khalid nodded. "Yes... Gardino..." And don't think I've forgotten about YOU, Ryan... "I can take care of myself. Lord knows I need a break. So... promise me that you won't get into TOO much trouble with the thug. I won't be gone all the time, but I can't watch you always."

Sharon burst out laughing. "Excuse me?! Did YOU, the White Rook, just order ME, the White Queen, around?! Why... I should... um... fry you or something!"

"WELL... Look at the time! I'll see you later!"

Blackfire laughed as Khalid walked out the door. That wasn't nearly as hard as she thought... and she felt MUCH better.


Leonard Bray sneered as he saw Khalid walk out the door to the suite. Most people would have thought he was secretly lusting after the White Rook. In actuality, though, that was far from the case. Leonard Bray was merely playing the role of a gay secretary.

Unnoticed by anyone, his eyes momentarily flashed with dark energy... what he called his Ebon energy. He played these fools at the Hellfire Club so he could observe... learn about them... and report to his superiors. He had been assured that when the Dark One was reborn that his years of loyal service would be paid ten-fold...

Using his powers to momentarily seal off the room from psionic or magical detection, a portal formed in front of him. "The Purified has two performances coming up. One in Deernight Falls, Ontario and the other in Bhutan. Should I..."

"No... Stay and observe... Learn more about them and keep us informed. Do not concern yourself with the Purified. The others will deal with him. The Dark One will reward you greatly once he is reborn."

"I will continue to succeed, my lord." With that, Leonard Bray went back to work... knowing that the time for action will be sooner than expected...

Khalid checked his e-mail real quick the second he got back to his office. Once he had Sharon back as a friend, he knew that everything else would fall back into place. Nothing could ruin his mood... well... almost nothing...

Date: October 31, 1999
To: All Inner Circle Members
From: Red King Ryan Jensen
Re: Meeting Schedules

Message: Because of upcoming business ventures, the Inner Circle meetings for November 15 and December 15 had to be rescheduled. The mandatory monthly Inner Circle meetings have both been delayed ten days at 7:00 P.M., Pacific Standard Time, so adjust your schedules accordingly.

Red King Ryan Jensen

Khalid pushed himself away from the desk angrily. Responding to his anger, his photon aura flared up involuntarily... "You little prick... You think I give a damn about your pathetic power displays?! I don't care WHO The hell you think you are!" Furiously, Khalid formed a photon blade in his hand, driving it through the computer completely, watching it explode. Then, Khalid stood up from his desk... walking away. He didn't care... If the others wanted to attend a meeting on the last Thanksgiving and Christmas Day of the millennium where they would suffer nothing but one insult after another, then fine... but he wouldn't.

In his immediate rush of anger, however, Khalid didn't notice the other e-mail in his box addressed to him... one that he really should have read before he destroyed the computer...

Dear Khalid,

Look... I'm not exactly sure what is going on. my brother's started acting weird ever since you and your friends left (Lethal Legacy), mumbling something about the blood of the purified or something... I'm concerned about him. Harry just left without warning or anything...

I'm not sure why, but he tore a page out of my journal... the one with the sketches of your tattoos in it. All he left was a drawing of a pyramid with an eye peeking out the top... and...

The word "purified" was scribbled beneath it... in his blood... Khalid, please contact me. I'm worried about him. I'll be in New York a few days before Thanksgiving. You have my number in your file.

Akiko Tanaka