Scenes: *HF* Part X

By Mufasa

Part X

Office of the Black King

“Justin… We need to talk.”

The words of doom. Anyone else, Justin would have taken at their word and even made a few wisecracks while doing it. When Rhiannon came calling and using that serious tone, it had to be trouble. She didn’t insult him… She didn’t use the high-pitched “yoohoo” voice… and most importantly, she did not have Phantom with her.

This was DEFINITELY bad.

“Don’t worry about my… um… my jewels. They were a little tender, but Dei Lu gave me the most amazing cream and…”

“I’m leaving.”

“Fuck.” Justin said, getting up from behind his desk. As he walked toward her, he accidentally bumped into the monitor on his desk, sending it crashing to the ground. He didn’t notice it. “You’re joking… Right? Right?”

“No.” She handed him a sheet of paper. “This is my resignation and…”

He crumpled it up in his hand. “Never got it, so that means you can’t resign.”

“Don’t make this any harder than it is.”

“Then don’t leave!”

“Justin, listen to me,” she said. “Something came up… So, I’m calling the Hellfire Club quits for a while.”

“What?! What could possibly have come up?!”

“Well,” she stepped back toward the door to open it up, revealing a man. “I’ve found someone else.”

“What the… MATT DAMON??!!” Justin yelled.

“This is the Justin I heard so much about,” Matt said. “You blew it BIG time, Pal. Why the hell would you choose the Winona Ryder clone when you could have THIS?” He pulled Rhiannon roughly to him and started kissing her.

Justin lunged at them, grabbing wildly but a large bald man stepped out of nowhere stepping in between them. “Calm down, man… Keep it civil.”

“What the fuck is going on?!” Justin yelled. He suddenly glanced to the right to see an audience. “What are all these people doing in my office?”

“JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! JERRY! JERRY!” the audience yelled.

Jerry Springer stepped out of the doorway behind him. “So, Rhiannon… are you telling us that your relationship with Justin is over?”

Rhiannon’s answer was drowned out by Matt Damon’s mouth. The two of them dropped to the floor, rolling around on it as they made out. Steve – the big bald man – looked at Justin with a quizzical expression on his face as he held him back.

“GET YOU MOUTH OFF OF RHIANNON’S!!!” Justin yelled. “I mean… geesh… WE never even did that…”

Matt pulled his mouth off. “Sorry… It’s the pheromones…” Rhiannon jerked him back down by the shirt and continued making out with him.

“I can’t believe this…”

Jerry Springer spoke into the mic again. “That’s what happens when you have Mufasa write the story.”


Justin snapped back awake at his desk, looking once again at the sheet of paper in his hands. Rhiannon’s letter of resignation. There was no way he could deny it. She was leaving… for good. It wasn’t fair. It was FAR from fair.

Suddenly, the door flew open and Rhiannon stepped through. “Justin, before Phantom and I leave, there’s one more thing I have to say.”

“And that is?”

She jumped over the desk, landing on Justin’s lap. The force of the jump caused the chair to roll backwards until it crashed into the wall. Her hands grabbed Justin’s jacket roughly to pull him close to her face, as if she were threatening him. “That bitch Rose doesn’t have ANYTHING on me!” Then, she kissed him.

And the only thing Justin could think was… “Rose who?”


Other than the ambient noise, the only sound in the room was water being splashed in the sink. By now, it had turned a reddish color. Once more, the terry washcloth dipped under the surface of the water, this time coming up to be wrung. A hand came down, slamming on top of plug. He sat there for a moment, listening to the bloody water go down the drain. If only ever it were so easy.

Khalid finally looked into the mirror. The injuries would heal in a matter of days. His neck and jaw would be tight for a while, but they would be fine otherwise. His pulse would not go down. Too much adrenaline. He slowly breathed in and out, forcing himself to relax. It was fine, now.

“What’s going on?”

“History’s just repeating itself,” Khalid answered. With a quick flash of his aura, the excess water evaporated off his hands and face. He turned around to face Grover, who was straddling the bench between the two sets of lockers.

###He stalked toward the hangar bay. Just as he expected. The Hellions were waiting for him.

“We can’t let you leave.”

“I’m not asking.”###

“I need something more specific.”

“I can’t help you out.”

“You’re hiding something.”

“And you aren’t?”

“I’m the fucking king. If I want to hide something, then that is my right. You on the other hand…”

“Fuck that. The court never gave a damn about my affairs before. Why the hell should they start now?”

“It’s personal, now?”

“I don’t think it gets any more personal than knowing you are going to die.”

###He started to make the incision when he felt the thrust in his back and looked down to see the blade sticking out just under his sternum. With a flash of the eyes, he knew who it was without even looking behind him. “Y… You… betrayed me?”

“Yes… Long overdue, don’t you think?”###

Grover brought his fist down swiftly on the wooden bench, shattering it to pieces as he stood up. Khalid did not need his sliver of Excalibur to feel the rage in this room. When the occasion calls for it, Grover was as good at masking his temper as he was. As with everyone, certain “triggers” shot right through the mask. “You shared with me one of your visions – the one where you get stabbed by someone you know. I want to know ALL of them… NOW.”

“No.” Khalid said.

“That was not a fucking request; that was a fucking order.”

“And the answer is STILL no.”

“God damn it,” Grover closed the distance, shoving Khalid back into the mirror. The impact of his shoulder caused it to crack. “Is this the only thing you understand, now? I have to browbeat you to get it out?! DAMN you, you’re taking this fucking lightly… I don’t care HOW ‘personal’ you think it is. I want to fucking head this…”

###“Consider this an official warning delivered in person, Purified. Turn from your path. End it. You CAN not win. You WILL not win… Should you follow through, we WILL destroy you.”###

With a flash of his aura, Khalid threw him off, unconsciously brushing shards of the mirror off his shoulder. “You CAN’T head this off. It is GOING to happen. It has ALREADY been set into place. Something may or may not happen along the way, but THIS is certain.

“How the hell do you know? How can you call it for sure! It has not…”

I… just… know.” He dropped his aura.

“What is going on, Khalid?”

“I’m not saying any more.”

“If you want to throw your life away, that is up to you… but damn it, don’t drag everyone…”

“You don’t have a fucking clue what is going on, so don’t you come preaching to me.” Khalid said.

“Preaching is one of the things I do best… so why the HELL don’t you open your mouth and TELL me what the fuck is going on?!”

“I can’t.”

“Then you remember… WHATEVER comes up, you bring on yourself. We can’t help you if you won’t let us…” Angrily, he walked out of the locker room.

Khalid waited until he heard the electronic sliding door slam shut and then sat down on one of the intact benches. “Not even if I let you…”

End Part X

King of Kemet
King of Insanity
The White Rook
XMBB Editor
The only man ever denied entrance into the Beer Cult.