Still Untitled *HF* Chapter One

By Mufasa

Chapter One

BHC – Outburst’s Suite

There was no denying it. She was mad. Her bed was the first thing to explode. Why? Because it was the nearest. Next, her bow staff crashed through her dresser mirror, raining shards of glass into the air. She swung it across, scattering everything to the floor. Momentarily, her eye caught on a picture… a picture of her, Justin, and Phantom toilet-papering Strong Towers. She reached down to pick it up and ripped it straight down the middle. The half of the picture with Justin on it, she charged and hurled it at her Heath Ledger poster.


She reached into her stash of pictures, grabbing them by the handful. Each one of them with Justin… With a green flash, they zipped across the room in scattered directions, blasting through the wall and the windows… anything she could see.


The cards… He gave them to her. The deck that she saved just so they could play Shag. Angrily, she charged the entire deck and threw it out the window so that it exploded at the base of the statue overlooking the courtyard.

She didn’t know why she did it… WHY she had returned from New Orleans early to deal with this. The entire purpose of going down there was to get over it… get over the betrayal. Now…

She glared in the shattered mirror, her eyes glaring at the long blonde tresses he had said he liked so much… that he jokingly promised to sneak by in the middle of the night to chop them off. She reached into her jacket, pulling out a single card and charged it and sneered. “Long blonde hair, huh? Guess you only like brunettes now. Fuck you!” She snapped the card across the lock in her hand. Cut off just above the shoulder. “You know, Justin… you can eat this fucking hair for all I care.”

Phantom watched Rhiannon LeBeau continue her tirade. He had tried to explain, but she got so worked up that she would not listen. With a sigh, his eyes watched the locks of blonde hair fall down to the ground, landing on top of the burning trenchcoat. Just as he was about to say something, he sensed a ripple on the astral plane… Of what? He didn’t know… but he figured the other telepaths would deal with it. For now, he was needed here.


Hellions Compound - Infirmary

Dr. Angelo Torres stood beside the cot, wiping his hand over Dr. Dei Lu Zhang’s head. It made no sense at all. Every scan he had run indicated that she was just fine. The only thing that was off was the encephaloscan. The readings indicated that brain activity was up… as if she were trapped in REM sleep…

“I found her this morning just like this,” Angelo said. “She didn’t wake up… she didn’t respond… she…” he stopped a moment.

“So, why did you decide to bring her here, Doctor?” Ozymandias asked. “Wouldn’t a hospital be more suited toward…”

“Three reasons, Mr. Xandar,” Angelo said. “The first is that if we are attempting to close the gap between the courts, then no better way than by helping each other.”

“Oh… so you had a date this morning and didn’t want to explain that to the Black King…”

“I hate it when you read my mind… Anyway, the next two reasons. Considering the money the White Court has recently spent increasing my available staff, I figured that we may as well get something started.”

“And the third reason?” Ozymandias asked.

“Try reading her mind.”

With the yellow flash of his eyes that was the trademark of his telepathic powers, Ozymandias did a cursory telepathic scan. “I’m not reading anything. Unbreakable wall.”

Angelo reached his hand down and pulled up Dei Lu’s eyelids revealing two pools of green light. “The lights on, but nobody’s home.”

“It’s not of psionic origin,” Oz answered. “So that means it is probably…”

“Mystical,” came the voice of Khalid Hunter from the hallway.

“So all of a sudden you’re an expert?” Oz sneered.

“Not by any means,” Khalid answered, stepping the rest of the way through. “Never stopped me before, though.” Khalid’s eyes flashed white as he scanned her energy field. “The energy field belongs to someone else,” he answered. “As for whom, I don’t know.”

“Why don’t you just attune your field and find out?” Oz asked, more out of annoyance than in need of an answer.

“Probably because I don’t know how to do it.” Khalid glared back, allowing only half a smirk to spread across his face. “Even if I did, I’d be opening myself up to whatever is happening to her by doing that.”

“What’s wrong… No faith in the almighty protection spells?”

“No… Plenty of faith. Just because I have faith does not mean I’m going to stick my neck under the guillotine. Argument aside, I think the priority should lie with saving Dr. Zhang.” Khalid stood at her bedside, his photon aura flaring to life. “This may or may not work. Keep your fingers crossed.” He reached down to touch her by the wrist. The instant contact was made, a wave of green energy shot out from the unconscious doctor, hurling Khalid across the infirmary. His back crashed into the cabinet cracking the glass on its door. “Ouch.

“Bit off more than you can chew again?” Oz smirked.

Fuck off and go to hell,” Khalid growled, pulling himself back up. Thankfully, his photon aura had taken the brunt of the crash. More than anything else, he just had the wind knocked out of him. “Watch and learn.

Khalid walked up again, this time snapping his hand tightly around her arm. Once again, his photon aura and the green wave of energy from the doctor interacted to cast out a glow of light around the room. Khalid tensed up as well, a roar rumbling out of his throat as his photon aura changed from bright blue to green. Angelo acted immediately to try to sever the contact between Khalid and Dei Lu, but a green photon tail wrapped around him binding him in place. Ozymandias watched the entire event with a smirk on his face. As if on cue, Khalid’s tattoos flared up to cancel out the energy discharge. Khalid ripped his hand off of Dei Lu’s arm, his aura resuming its blue color.

“Nice light show. Good roar. Looks like you have good vocal support.”

Khalid dropped his aura, stumbling backwards into Angelo.

“What the hell was that?” Angelo asked.

“Go figure…” Khalid answered, a little winded. “My energy field attuned to that of the mystery person. Still don’t know who he is, but apparently he knew who I was.”

“What the…”

“He told me to stay out of what doesn’t concern me.”

“Sound advice.” Oz answered. “You should consider taking it,” he said walking out the door. “And leave the real work to us pros.”

“Yeah… I should… but the entire point is to get the work DONE.”

“You walk a fine line, ‘friend.’ You had best pray you don’t fall off.”

“Got a question, Kane,” Khalid said just before Oz left. “When is a lion the most dangerous?”

Oz stopped in the door, both his eyes flashing yellow. “When he is protecting his turf. Is that supposed to be a threat?”

“No,” Khalid answered. “A warning.”

End Chapter One

Mufasa, the White Rook
XMBB Editor
King of Kemet
All that stuff