Genesis *UHF* Chapter 5

By Mufasa

He glanced around the room to take it in. The entire wall was blown inward by the blast. Windows were shattered. Some people had been impaled by flying debris. Others had been grabbing at their eyes. The majority of people hadn’t been killed by the blast, though. Rather, what had happened is that the Black Queen herself – overcome by the barrage on so many different levels – had accidentally detonated the minds of everyone in the vicinity. Nearly everyone. As far as Gomurr could tell, only two people at this function survived. Just wait until the Black Pawn Darkwolf returned from his mission with the Hellions. He and Rogue were soon going to find that they were the only members of the Inner Circle still alive.

“Nytshade,” he called out.

“Alive, not that the bitch didn’t try,” she said of her accursed rival. “She killed my snake.”

“And everyone else,” he said, stumbling to his feet. When he reached the former Black Priestess, he could see why she was slow in getting up. Both of her legs were cut off at the knees. The wounds were cauterized by the heat of the blast. “My God… I’m so sorry.”

“You think I need your SYMPATHY, you fool?! I can GROW them back!” she snapped. “I just want to know who did this so I can rip his petty heart out.”

“It’s not Illuminati,” Gomurr said. “I’m not exactly sure… Something feels familiar about this.”

“It was affecting my mystical field,” Nytshade said. “I felt it trying to twist it.”

“HE was in pain,” Gomurr said. “That much I picked up. The light discharge… I’ve seen it before.”

“You have?”

“Yes… and it is continuous. Like… Good lord! A dimensional tear! Is that fool trying to kill us all?!” Gomurr fired a hexbolt through the floor and disappeared through it.

Nytshade glared behind him and shook her head with disgust. “I told Dei Lu earlier that she needed to check him for Alzheimer’s, but she didn’t listen to me. Just as well. I have no time to go cleaning after Nathan’s pet projects.”


“The best thing to do would be to get him to collapse the tear himself,” Daemon said. “It’s already at sixty-five feet.”

“Not likely,” Hotwire said. “I remember bits and pieces from being sucked out of my body. He had no sense of time, place, or self. His mind is…”

“Fucked?” Gene said. “Yes… Dumbass here ripped it apart. That’s his revenge against Khalid. Of course, he didn’t think about Khalid being the only one who can release him from the glass ball! Maybe we should kill him.”

“Do you happen to have any photon/dimension proof arrows lying around?” Daemon asked.

“No, but I could fly up there and break his neck.”

“And what happens when in the moment of death he explodes the tear wide open, vaporizes New England, wrecks the global ecosystem, starts a nuclear war, and destroys the world?”

“No need to go into a worst-case scenario.”

“Actually… that was the best-case scenario.”

Hotwire cringed. “Okay… So, killing him isn’t the answer. What if we get someone to absorb the photons?”

“Do you have anyone in mind?” Daemon asked.

“Okay. There went that idea.”

“Not necessarily,” Daemon said, looking once more toward the tear. “Because I do have someone in mind. How we are going to convince him is another thing altogether.”

“Wait…” Gene said. “You’re thinking about getting Khalid up there to absorb his own photons? Did you miss the part about Shaman shredding it to pieces?”

“He can already absorb them on his own. It’s passive, like my superstrength or advanced senses. That’s why he can exist up there in the middle of his dimensional tear and not be a cloud of ashes. How to convince him to draw them in – that’s going to be the problem.”

“We need a telepath,” Gene said. “Someone who can put enough of him back together so he can do it.”

“You don’t want to send anyone inside that mind,” Hotwire said. “They’ll be burned out… wait… Not exactly a telepath, but…’

“Hold on,” Daemon said. “No.”

“Gabe, I’m perfect for the job. I don’t have to actually ‘enter’ his mind in order to reconstruct it. I won’t have a backlash.”

“Are you aware of what you are dealing with?” Gene asked. “His mind is in pieces. He’s got the spirits of thousands of people – dead and alive – all trying to scream out to him at once. I barely knew enough to rip you two out of him before. I don’t think I can do it again. Unless you find a way to fuck with his powers… Wait a moment. Someone’s coming.”

Gene and Hotwire couldn’t see him in the bright sky as much as they could sense he was approaching. Daemon could make everything out, including the outfit and the white cape and tights. At first, he wondered how SuperGrover could have made it out here without being blinded or blasted away, but then he realized that the White King had altered his telekinetic field so there were photons surrounding it. He had used those photons to reflect the photons Khalid’s dimensional tear was throwing off. That still didn’t explain why Grover hadn’t been ripped out of his body and fallen to his death.

“Just what we needed,” Gene said as Grover landed.

“You know something I don’t?” Daemon asked.

“I should have known you had something to do with this,” Grover snapped at Gene when he landed. A staff of liquid metal formed in his hand as he stalked over. “You have until the time my staff hits your neck to tell me what the hell you did to Khalid and why I shouldn’t…”

“Because I’m the only guy keeping those two from getting ripped out of their bodies.”

“You fucking bastard,” Grover grabbed Gene by the shirt. “I told you after the first time I caught you at Khalid’s concert to leave him the hell alone. What was it… Did Shaman put you up to this?!”

“What?” Daemon said. “You were stalking him?!”

“Only since September 11 when Shaman told me Khalid could solve our problem. Of course, I didn’t know he meant by ripping me out of my body…”

“I warned you I would break your fucking neck if you…”

“Wait… we need him alive.”

“Who the hell are you?!” Grover snapped to Daemon. Then, he blinked. “Wait… Gabriel Strong?!”

Hotwire nudged Daemon in the ribs. “I told you that you needed to change more than the glasses.”

“You’re Daemon?!” Grover said, letting go of Gene. “Fuck… The world is going to hell in a handbasket.”

“We don’t have time for this,” Daemon said.

“No we don’t,” Gomurr said, stumbling out of Grover’s cape. “So put your rivalries aside, because if we are going to take care of this dimensional tear, all of us are going to have to work together.”

End Chapter Five

XMBB Editor
The White King's Bishop
Officially Annoyed by Marvel Girl
No, I'm not jumping to the Grey Court
King of Insane Kemetic Lions
Gene, quit trying to fuck my hair, damn it!