A Day of Life *HF*

By Mystikal

What had brought me to this place in time? Well, I couldn't answer that fully. Sometimes I feel as if I was destined to be here. It always seemed to me as if God had wrote this masterpeice of a script called "Humanity", and that somewhere in it's massive bindings was a small section he wrote for my character. I wouldn't know know whether to call it a comedy or a horror though. Maybe a comedy. I dunno. I've got some major drama in there too. Lucky me. He musta been mad at the world or something the day he scripted my character. He made me a loyal, cynical smart ass. What more could the world need?

I guess around my seventeenth birthday he got bored with my section of the script and descided to liven it up a bit. Talk about character change half-way through the movie. Go to sleep with brown hair, wake up with silver. Excuse me?! Did someone have a little too much caffiene?

But enough about the past. Can't change it...well I could, but I just don't think I'd be willing to pay whatever terms Cronos has. Nope. I'll just keep things as they are. I really hate my office. No. Hate isn't a strong enough word. I despise it. I loathe it. I would much rather be outside or in my room. But the plus side is I have a computer. It keeps me occupied....when I should probably be doing my paperwork. Eh...who cares? I adore computers. I'd live on mine if it wasn't for the pesky "save the day" routine I have to follow. Yea, Hawk's plan to destroy terrorism keeps me pretty busy. Keeps everyone here pretty busy. Some more than others.

Daemon for instance. You'd think he was Lord Protector....which...he WAS. A while ago. To actually see him at the Citadel is a shock in a half. Plus two even. I don't know what to make of him sometimes. Lately, he's been more uptight than normal. Pounding procedure into my poor head. Everyone elses, too. Kinda pisses me off. I'm a perfectionist, not really as bad as he is, but...yea. I know my job. Inside and out. Outside and in...you get the point. Everyone knows their jobs. I dunno. I only put up with so much though. According to D, I'm too mouthy for my own good. I just smile and nod. He's royally pissed me off a couple of times though. The biggest was when I caught him and Loki having a freaking testerone contest in his office. Apparently D had told him to stay away from me and Jake hadn't appreciated it. I broke the two boys off. Boy...I was pissed. Loki quit..."died"...came back...and has since departed again. Guess he feels the need to...move on. Heh.

Speaking of moving on. New subject. I usually do what I'm told, if it's by a higher ranking officer. So right now...the people I take orders from are...Umm..Trace, Samantha, Daemon, and Hawkeye. But, there's certain people...I'll give them a hard time about taking orders...or just a hard time period. Brings me back to Daemon. Have I mentioned I love to aggravate him. I think it's in Mysty Rule Book...section 1 point 3-4 dash 5. Yea. "Aggravate Daemon as much as possible. Include anyone else you feel needs a good aggravating." That usually leads to whomever is being a pain in the ass that day. Or...If I'm bored Charlotte, Sharon, and Celeste are as good of targets as any. Especially....when they sleep.

Oh yea. Being a dreamwalker has its kicks. A little twist here and tug there and they suddenly find themselves wishing they had never fallen asleep. I have pulled apart many of their good dreams, only to have them end up in some really embarrassing situation. They wake up the next morning threatening my life, but smiling at the same time. Gotta love people with a sense of humor. God, did I mention I hate my office? What time is it? 9 a.m.? Fuck!

Dammit....ok...time to speed it up. I don't wanna be in here all day. Damn paperwork. The downside to being the Rook. I'm in charge of Domestic/Foreign b.s. Ambassador...shit like that. Luckily...Sharon's also a Rook. So I only get half the paperwork. Half is still too much. Ouch! Damn papercuts. Ok...that's it. I don't care if the work is done or not. Tomarrow is another day. Yea yea...I know. I've seen "Gone With The Wind" too many times. Eh, who cares. I've seen a lot of movies too many times. I could probably quote you endless movies. But, that's life I suppose. Some things we are obnoxiously bad at and make people want to kill us...and other things...well...we won't go there.

Have you ever noticed how the halls here just seem to go on and on? Whoever designed this place is on my shit list. I'm a lazy person by nature...well...that's not exactly true either. I probably log more hours in the danger room than half the court here. I'm always trying to improve myself. My aim...is...atrocious. I couldn't hit the wide side of a barn if I'm using a gun. So...I've been doing a lot of practice with that. I'm actually getting to where I can hit the corner of the barn now! Joking. Not about the bad aim...oh nevermind. I've been called "hopeless optimistic." I suppose I can be. But very rarely does anyone really know what's going on in my head. I don't share my feelings too much with others. None of their business. Sure, there's a couple of people who I can't lie to. Charlotte being one of them. Last time I tried to tell her I was okay and I wasn't....she threatend to use her power on me. That's not something you take lightly with her. Guess I was pissing her off. Have you ever seen her mad? Not a pretty picture. Well...unless you like the colors red. Red eyes suit so few. Fangs...scary. Nope...not a person I want pissed at me.

Yea!! Outside at last! Sorry....excuse me. Didn't mean to jump and down like an idiot there. I have a tendancy to over-exxagerate things. Comes part and parcel with my personality. Though...sometimes I wonder if it's really my personality...or if I'm slowly conforming to fit what others view of me. Hard to seperate that line sometimes. It's almost like I'm two seperate people. Note...I said ALMOST. I've been so close to two seperate people it's not funny. The split bitch is dead. That's all I have to say. I love the scenery here. Especially up there. See the top most spire? Yea...that one. I fly up there and just stand up there looking down. I love it. The Mediterranien....very pretty...'specially on a clear night...and all the stars. Ok...enough of that.

Oh! Look it's Tracy! She's cool. She's everyone's drinking buddy. It's the Irish. You have rum....hide it. Unless you plan on sharing. Same goes for....Tequila...bacardi....oh hell. Anything but Gin. You can keep the Gin in plain view if you want. She won't touch it. Neither would I actually. Pine sap tasting junk. Hiya Tracy! I'm fine how are you? Well that's good. You know...I hear they are having an FS marathon on the Sci-Fi channel. Bye Tracy! She's gonna kill me when she finds out I just tricked her. Hiding place number....35 today! You know what that means? I actually have to go back to my office. No one ever thinks to look for me there.

Oh well. The internet awaits. But screw walking through the building again. I'll just fly up to my balcony....YIKES!! Avoid hitting trees....damn things...I swear they move on me. Shit. Celeste's in my office. Hi Celeste! What can I do for ya? No...I'm pretty sure I don't wanna know what Tracy's saying right now. Me? Never! I don't go outta my way to cause trouble. It just...happens. Yea yea...laugh it up.Wha? How is that you know about the damn meetings before I do? Memo? What memo? I didn't get any memo. Ohhh.....THAT memo. Umm....heh. Ok. Yes...I'll be there. Can't garuntee that though. You never know what might come up. No, I'm not just trying to avoid the dress....though...now that you mention it....HEY! Ouch! No need to hit me. Bye!

Celeste. A good friend. Her share of problems. Tried to commit harry carry. She never told me. Found out one night whilst I was visiting her dreams. Haven't mentioned I know. I do that a lot. People would be surprised at what I know. I try to pay attention in class. She's a shapeshifter. But only animals. Or...animal-human hybrids. Like centaurs or mermaids. Yea...she can transform into ANY animal whether it be out of real life of mythology. Who's to say myth isn't real? I've seen my share of weird things that shouldn't be real. Like her demon freinds. Those guys are scary. Word of advice....never shoot TK blasts at them. They have this nasty habit of reproducing on ya. Evil.

I suppose I could go down to the Danger Room. Though...lately it's kinda been same old same old. I could probably beat the sims blindfolded. Unless I'm going up against a real person...I just don't feel challenged. Sharon thinks that after our brief stay in an "asylum" I have become a little more violent. Well, wouldn't you if you had some psycho sadistic fuck trying to kill you and your freinds...and while he's at it...Hey! Let's take out half the world population? Not to mention the other.....stuff. Asshole needed to die...that's all that matters. And...he did. Though...I don't really remember much of it. As in....I remember waking up in a plane and passing back out. Yea. Sharon's cool though. Has a strange past with Loki that I'm sure she has yet to completely figure out. Hell...I've known him about a year...and I'm not sure on anything! Her fire is cool. It's black. Kinda creepy....'specially come Halloween...Her brother tried to kill me. You know...I'm seeing a recurring pattern. People trying to kill me. Maybe I should just stay inside.

But even inside people can kill you. Inside your head. Brings me back to split bitch. Lizzie. She's me...but she's not. Know what I mean. No...I guess you wouldn't. She was created by someone who kidnapped me.....I still don't know who that was....and I was locked within my own mind to create her...the split bitch. She has my sarcasm, but she's pure evil. Or ...was anyway. Tracy killed her. Yea I know. How could she...if she's you? Split bitch got another body. Nuff said.

What time is it? 930? What the fuck?! It's going to be one of those obnoxiously long days. I realized...I use that word a lot. Geez. Ugh. Here comes Alexis. She's my cousin. She's also the Assassin. She's also only 16. Go figure. I don't really trust her though. I would probably do anything for her, she is blood....but...something just throws me off about her. You know what? Time for breakfast I think. Some cereal and orange juice.

I love Captain Crunch. Just the berries though. Yea...I know. Not to healthy. But I don't care dammit! Don't mess with the cereal. No crime-fighting today. Kinda bored actually. I could always go see what pranks I could do. I just don't really feel like it right now. Nothing good pops to mind anyway. Oh well. Guess I'll just mosey on my way.

You know what....sometimes, I find myself thinking about what has brought me here. If I had made certain decisions instead, where would I be today? For instance...what if I hadn't of freaked and ran away when the "mob" was after me? Would I still be in the Grey Court? Actually...no. Don't take that question. I know the answer. Yes. They were looking for me. Oh well. Umm....what if....I never discovered dreamwalking! That's an interesting subject. Then I wouldn't have discovered Markus's plan. But...maybe that wouldn't be so hot. Gave us a little leverage. Oh..bother! Nevermind...it's hopeless. Thinking is for those of us more talented! Go away! I'll just laugh and keep going. That's it. That's all anyone can do I suppose.