Back Into The Game *HF+30*

By Mystikal

Back Into The Game

by: Mystikal

12:00 A.M. EST

Winston-Salem, N.C.

Shannon looked in the mirror at her reflection. She found it harder to believe that she was indeed fifty years old. Her once smooth face was now showing the years. Little wrinkles were working themselves onto her face and when she smiled she was very much aware of the little lines. She didnt' really worry about her hair betraying her age, it had been silver for what felt like ages now.

It had been fifteen years since she had left behind who she was before. Since she had left behind Mystikal. She had begun to feel like she was losing her loose grip on sanity and decided to call it quits before it killed her. She had had her run ins with split personalities, people who wanted her dead, people who stalked her. She had had enough. Now, something was wrong and she had to find some of these people again. Someone had kidnapped her fourteen year old daughter. Someone who, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't find.

She had only kept contact with a couple of the people she had once considered freinds. She thought about that a moment. She still considered many of them freinds, she had just let contact fade off. Shannon sighed and sat down in the middle of the bed and closed her eyes. She didn't know where Charlotte was now. She hadn't talked to her in almost five years. So she would have to do this the old-fashioned way.

Charlotte? Mysty heard her unanswered question echo throughout the astral plane. Traveling at the speed of thought towards the person she needed right now.

6:00 AM

London, England

In England, Charlotte sat gazing out the window as the rain steadily poured onto the countryside below her. Shining like a ghost in the mirror was her reflection. She sighed, almost bitterly, at it. A few weeks ago she had tripped and fallen down the staircase and broken her neck. The signs of age she had begun to aquire had all faded away. Her black hair that had begun to show grey was pitch black again. In other words, she appeared nineteen again. She hated her life. She had thought over the years that maybe she could learn to like it, all she had managed to do was tolerate it.

As she looked upon the rain, she heard her name. She closed her eyes and searched for who it was that had called her. As she stepped onto the Astral Plane she saw her freind and walked up to her.

"Shannon! Long time no see punk," she said giving her a hug. When she pulled away she got a good look at her face. She looked nineteen again, here on the Astral Plane. She had feeling that Mysty would look like this everytime. What struck her was her expression though. It was that of great pain and stress. "What's wrong."


"What happened? Is she alright?" Charlotte had never cared for children. They were loud, messy and a hindrance. But, Jaina was Shannon's daughter, so she had decided she would tolerate her and hope she grew up quickly.

"Someone's taken her."

"Who?" Mysty just shrugged. She didnt' know who. She had no idea why anyone would even do this. She hadn't done anything but raise her daughter for the past fifteen years.

"Can you help?"

"Shannon, you know that answer. We'll help in any way possible. I promise."

"I don't want to involve whoever you're with. I just want you and Siren."

"I don't think Steven will let me help without him being able to help as well."

Mysty let a small smile grace her face. "You mean he's still alive and going? My god, he's should be a fossil by now." Charlotte laughed.

"Yea well. The whole immortality thing kinda plays in." Mysty nodded in response. "Look, hon. Get some sleep. Then in the morning get on a plane and come up here. Alright? I'll be waiting for you."

"Alright." With that Mysty left. No goodbyes. Charlotte shook her head slightly then left as well.

9:00 A.M. EST

Winston-Salem, N.C.

Shannon sat calmly in her seat and waited for her plane to take off. She just wanted to get to London and begin the search. She knew with the resources the Courts had to offer she could find her daughter. Right now that was all that mattered to her. She had hired a private jet to take her over to England and was glad when she heard the engines start up and plane began to roll down the run way.

3 hours later

They were halfway to England...more than halfway even. Below her she could see the artificial islands that had been created in the middle of the Atlantic for people who were looking for a quieter place to live. The major continents had become to crowded and it appeared that the artificial islands were quickly joining them. Shannon shook her head and focused on her task that lay ahead of her. That was all she had thought about in the past few days.

Suddenly, the plane jerked violently and began to dive. Shannon quickly unfastened her seat belt and ran towards the cabin, where she found the pilot passed out. His head resting on the steering column. She telekinetically picked him up and gently laid him in the aisle behind her and sat at the controls. When she tried to ease the steering column back, she found that it wouldn't budge. She found that the water below was quickly coming closer and closer. She ran back to the air locked door and pushed the emergency release on it. As soon as it was opened she was sucked out into the sky. After a few moments, she regained her momentum and hung in the air watching the plane nosedive onto one of the artificial islands. She said a silent prayer and quickly flew on her own to England.

8:30 PM

London, England

The rain hadn't stopped yet. Charlotte hadn't heard from Shannon yet either. The last she had heard was that her plane had crash landed. But the only body that had been found was that of the pilot. Mysty's was nowhere. So, Charlotte waited. As she was about to give up, she heard someone knocking on her door. When she opened it she found an older, more tired version of Mysty standing soaking wet in her door.

"Will you get in here before you get sick?" Charlotte said moving aside.

"Thanks," Shannon replied. Shannon shook her head slightly when she looked at Char's youthful face. "Ya know. I really hate you sometimes," she said with a laugh.

"Yea yea. I was actually starting to look old when I tripped and fell down the staircase."

"Graceful as always."

"Bite me," Charlotte responded as she stuck her tounge out at Shannon.

"Don't you know you shouldn't stick your tounge out at yer elders?" Mysty replied with a grin. "God I feel old. Who'da thunk it?" Mysty sat down shaking her head.

"Anyways," Charlotte said interrupting. "Where do you want to begin?"

"I want to begin by finding out who the fuck would want to do this to me and how the fuck they found me and why the fuck they did it."

Charlotte nodded. She could understand her freind's anger. "Well, first thing's first. Let's get to Burnley. We'll get Siren. And we'll see what we can do. Deal?"



PART 2/ Day 2

6:30 AM

Somewhere in North Carolina

Jaina looked around the room she was being held in. It wasn't big and the only furniture in it was the chair she was being kept in. She ceiling was highly domed and made of a metal she couldn't place. The room reminded her more and more of the torture rooms she would see in old movies her mom would watch. Her mom called them B Movies. Yet, there was something else...that made her cringe. She remembered something her mom had told her a couple of years ago, but she couldn't remember where and what was going on. All Jaina remembered was that her mom had been caused a lot of pain.

The bindings on her ankles and wrists were old fashioned and were so tight they cut into her wrist. As Jaina sat there contemplating what was going to happen to her, she constantly thought about the discussions she and her mom had about her mom's past. Jaina always joked that the X-gene had probably skipped over her anyway and that she had no need to worry. Her mom would always have a slight smile...Jaina would actually call it a smirk. Her mom always smiled like she knew more than she let on.

Jaina's head jerked up when she heard the door open behind her. She heard the sound of clicking heels behind her and before she knew it the person connected to the shoes was standing in front of her. The man was tall with dark, curly brown hair. It was sprinkled with grey and cut short. He had dark brown eyes and a cruel smile.

_ _ _ _ _ _

12:34 PM

Burnly, England

Shannon looked up at the big mansion with awe. The headquarters for the Blue Court was a magnificent place and she admired it greatly. She hadn't seen it in, what felt like ages. As she thought about it she remembered the last time she had been here. It was for Charlotte's wedding to Malcolm. She didn't know what kind of help she could get from her old freinds here, but right now she was willing to except help from anyone.

"Shan, you gonna get out of the car?" Charlotte asked, smiling.

"Huh? Oh, yea." Mysty quietly climbed out of the car and walked up the steps to the front landing where in the doorway stood Steven Booth. Shannon smiled to herself when she saw him.

"I can still hear your thoughts loud and clear Mystikal. Ever the immature and cynical one aren't you?" Steven's voice held a tone of humor, though his words appeared sharp. "You do realize it's been almost twenty-five years since you have been to visit any of us," he admonished as he took her arm and led her inside.

"Goddess! It HAS been twenty-five years," Charlotte exclaimed. "I didnt' even realize."

"I called. I checked in with the mommy and daddy," Shannon said sarcastically.

"Yeah. Whatever. After this is taken care of, I expect you to visit...regularly," Charlotte said. "Let's go see if we can find Siren."

As the three walked into the house, Steven suddenly felt tired. That had been happening more often. He slowly unhooked his arm from Shannon's and looked at the two women.

"Before we start. I'm going to go to my study and rest awhile. I'll be down momentarily," Steven said calmly.

"Are you okay?" Charlotte asked. She was concerned for Steven. He hadn't been acting normally for a couple of days now and it worried her. He was her oldest and dearest freind. She wasn't sure what she would do without his guidance.

"Of course," he replied with a smile.

_ _ _ _ _

6: 34 AM

Somewhere in North Carolina

"Do you know who I am?" The man in front of Jaina grinned down at her like a cat stalking it's prey.

"No. But I'm sure you're gonna tell me," she retorted.

"Ah, nice to know the sarcasm runs in the family. I have...fond...memories of you're mother and her mouth."

So this has to do with my mother...Jaina thought to herself. She put on a face on nonchalance as she glared up at the man. She didn't know who he was, but he was pissing her off.

"Yes. I know your mother. We go way back," the man said.

"Great. What this world needs. Another 'path. Look...pal. You obviously don't like my mom cause she kicked your ass the first time around. Kidnapping me just signed your death warrant. She's gonna kick your ass again. Whoever you are."

"Oh, I don't think so little Miss Jaina. I have a trump card." The man paused a moment for effect then knelt down to eye level of Jaina. "You."


Part 3/ Day 3

8:00 AM

Burnley, England

Shannon sighed when she heard the news. No one knew where Siren had disappeared too. The last time she had been seen, her and her watcher, Seven, had been on a mission together. They hadn't come back yet and they didn't know how long they would be gone.

"Well, what do you wanna do?" Charlotte asked.

"I have to start somewhere. I'll do it on my own if necessary."

"Look, hon, there's no reason for you do this alone. Steven's birthday party is in a couple of days. Why don't you hang around here, we'll see what we can do. Then afterwards we'll actually get down to work."

"No," Mysty replied. "I don't have time to wait. I had hoped to keep her out of this mess, and had managed to for fourteen years. But now, someone is fucking with me and my daughter. I have to get her and kill them. Simple." Charlotte nodded her head in acceptance and stood up. She knew there would be no arguing with Shannon. Many times people had encountered the bull-headedness of this person and had found it almost useless to persuade her otherwise.

"Okay. I have to be here for the party. A lot of people will be here."

"I understand."

"But," Charlotte started. "As soon as I can, I will meet with you and we will find Jaina. I promise." Shannon smiled slightly. "Besides. You're getting old, you'll need a younger person..." Charlotte trailed off, but her face held a mischievious smile.

"You know, you're not nice!" Shannon said laughingly.

"Well, you know. Today's rude. So...not nice."

"I seem to recall that being said about me."



"They still say that about you."

_ _ _ _ _

2:00 AM

Somewhere in North Carolina

Jaina, by this time, was more bored than scared. The man didn't do anything to her, just made a lot of threats regarding what he was going to her mother. She seriously doubted he would do anything to her mother. Jaina believed her mom was virtually indestructable. After all, her mother had survived over just over five years within the Courts and came out unscathed. She had only been released from her bindings when necessary. She was even forced to sleep in the chair, which was uncomfortable. She was startled out of her thoughts when she heard the door opening.

"I was wondering when you were gonna grace me with your presence today," she said to the man she knew had just walked in.

"I'm not who you think I am." She straightend up a bit more. She hadn't heard this voice before. As he stepped around she first noticed that he was dressed completely in red and black. She finally looked at his face, and realized she had seen him somewhere before. In a picture. He quickly began to undo her bindings, first her ankles then her ankles.

"Who are you?" she asked. The man beamed a cheshire cat grin at her and bowed.

"The God of Mischief at your service," he said. "However, before we get on with the little details and stuff, I suggest we make like trees and leave."

"That was an astonishingly bad joke..."

"Geeze, everyone's a critic. C'mon we dont have time." He grabbed her arm and quickly led her to the door and out it. Once on the other side of the door she saw her guards lying in a heap on the floor, bullet holes in their respective heads. She glanced up at the thin figure in front of her again, not wanting to see the dead bodies.

"How are we going to get out of here?" Jaina asked as they ran out the door.

"Quickly. Quietly. And hopefully without being found out," was his reply.

"Too late." They both turned quickly around to see her captor standing behind them, with a gun raised and aimed at her.

_ _ _ _ _

11:00 AM

Somewhere over the Atlantic

Shannon was back on her way to the States. She had received a cryptic message only an hour ago from someone claiming they knew where her daughter was being kept. All the message said was to meet him in a small city in North Carolina. She hadn't even waited for Charlotte to get the private jet, she took off to the air on her own, flying as fast as she could for North Carolina.

She hoped it wasn't too late to save her daughter. The last time she had talked to her daughter, before she had left for school, she could feel the youngsters powers bubbling just at the surface. Before long, Jaina would explode forth with her powers. Whether Jaina knew it or not, she had already begun showing her powers bit by bit. She was supposed to meet the guy in Warrenton. It was a small town, but she knew where it was.

From what she could tell she was only about a hundred miles into her trip. She'd probably make a quick stop at one of the artificial islands and rent a plane. It'd been forever since she had used her powers to any extent, except for little things, and she was getting tired.

End Part 3/ Day 3

Begin Part 4/ Day 4

11:35 AM EST

Somewhere in North Carolina

Shannon had finally arrived at Warrenton and all she could do now was wait. The person had given her directions as to what hotel she would stay in and under what name she would assume. What bothered her the most was the name he had told her to go under: Mysty Markus. Whoever she was dealing with knew too much of her past for her to be happy. They also knew what nerve to push by even making her use the last name. She hadn't even uttered anything similar to that name in years because it hurt so much.

When she checked into the hotel, she found that reservations had already been made for her, and she was led up to her room. She walked into the room, quickly opening herself to her powers and getting a feel for the room. She walked into the sleeping area and saw a white envelope sitting on the stand near the bed. She quickly walked over to it and took the letter out.


If you're reading this that means you followed my directions. Bravo, you've learned to follow directions. If you want to see your daughter alive, I suggest you keep doing so. There is a main road that heads out of town, towards the southeast. You will come along what seems to be a vast expanse of woods. Park the car along the side of the road, one mile after the beginning of trees. To your left will be a dirt trail. Follow it. It will lead for one mile until you come to a building surrounded by the remains of another building. You will receive further instructions there.


_ _ _ _ _ _

12:00 PM EST

Outside of Warrenton, NC

Jaina rolled her eyes as she watched the man, her would be rescuer, fighting against the restraints that held him. Included in his restraints was a strange neck collar that inhibited his powers.

"Haven't you figured it out yet? You're not going to get out of those. It's impossible," she stated matter-of-factly.

"Ah, but things are never impossible." The man flashed a huge grin at her and went back to concentrating on getting out.

"Yea, whatever."

"Like mother like daughter I see. Nice to know good things never change." The man grunted as the metal cut into his wrists and drew blood. "Shit."

"Are you gonna tell me who you are?"

"I told you already..."

"Yea yea...the God of Mischief. Do you really expect me to believe that?"

"You wouldn't be the first too!"

Jaina made up her mind to ignore him the rest of her time here. She had no doubts that her mom would be there to rescue her. She groaned as he kept talking. Now he wouldn't shut up. She had a feeling he knew that she wanted him to be quiet and that was the exact reason he kept going. She really hoped her mom got here soon, so she could save her from him.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Shannon approached the beginning of the woods and slowed down a bit. As soon her her odometer showed that she had traveled one mile she stopped and pulled over, concealing her car with an illusion. She walked around the car, and spotted the dirt trail. She quickly approached it and began to jog up the trail, trying to make good time. About twelve minutes later she came to a clearing. In the middle of the clearing was a lone building surrounded by the remains of, what used to be, a giant complex. Many of the bricks that lay scattered on the ground showed signs of burns. They reminded her of blast marks she would see after explosions.

She carefully picked her across the rubble, heading towards the lone building standing the midst of it all. Something about this place seemed vaguely familiar, but what it was that seemed familiar she couldn't place. As she got closer to the building, something flashed in the sun, catching her attention. She quickly walked over to it. As she got closer she could make out a couple of letters, but the rest was covered in dirt and more rubble. She bet down and using her telekinises brushed away all of the dirt that was covering the letters. What she saw made her heart skip and her breath to catch. It was her worse nightmare come back to live. He mind flashed back thirty years and a small cry escaped her lips. Markus Institue and Asylum.

"Hello, Mysty. So nice of you to join me." Shannon quickly stood up, her body glowing purple, to face the intruder.

End Part 4

Begin Part 5

"Hey, kid." Jaina had fallen asleep and Loki had a feeling she really needed to be awake. He didn't know why, he just felt it was important. "Jaina. Wake up." Jaina's body moved slightly and she brought her head up.

"What is so important that you would someone who hasn't slept for almost a week?" Jaina asked with a sigh. "Another mindless ramble you felt the need to share? Or maybe something important this time? Please, please tell me, so I can go ahead and go back to sleep." She sighed and laid her head back against the chair she was in and closed her eyes. Much to her displeasure the psycho she was in the same room with started laughing.

_ _ _ _ _

Shannon glared at the man, ready to blast him with as much power as she could. The man looked exactly like Markus, but it couldn't be true. Everyone had told her how she had killed him, and she had shared their memories since she had had none. Her body trembled and she felt ready to explode. Then suddenly, she felt like her life force was being stripped from her. She collapsed to her knees and had to force her head up. What she saw was the man that looked like Markus glowing a faint green color and his hand was raised. Her last thought before she passed out was, shit.

When she woke up she was in a room with three other people. Her head hurt and her eyes weren't quite focusing, but she was certain one of them was her daughter. She knew that one of them was definently the Markus look alike. But who the other person was completely eluded her.

"Mom?!" Shannon heard her daughter's worried cry and looked over to the voice, forcing her eyes to focus.

"Hey hon. How are you?"

"She's fine. For now." The Markus look alike walked over to Shannon and stared her in the eyes. "Do you know who I am?"

"Well, if you're Markus, you're looking good for a dead man."

"Close. But no cigar," the man said. "My name is Aaron..."

"Bullshit!" Shannon said cutting him off. "I fucking killed you! You're dead!"

"Well, you know the dead Mysty. They have this nasty habit of coming back." She recognized that voice. It was coming from the person on the other side of the room. She slowly turned her head and focused on the figure strapped down to the chair with a collar around his neck.

"Loki? What the HELL are you doing here?"

"Is that the thanks I get? I come here to help your daughter..."


"Well, yea."

"Enough," Aaron interrupted. "I so love little reunions. Back to me." Mysty refocused her gaze on the man. "I"m sure you're wondering just how I got here."

"Well the thought has crossed our minds," Mysty responded. "I mean, when I kill somebody I expect them to stay dead...not play dead like little puppy dogs."

"Do yourself a favor and shut up. Before I'm forced to kill someone," Aaron responded. Mysty swallowed back her retort and sat there, glaring up at him. "Anyways. As far as I know, YES you did Here anyway. But, where I came came nowhere NEAR killing me."


"Here, let me catch you up the quick way." Aaron slowly walked closer to Mysty with his hands out. When he had reached her he placed his hands on either side of her head. Suddenly, Mysty felt herself falling through a hole. When she stopped she was staring at a younger version of herself and Aaron. Standing beside her was her daughter, Jaina when she was two. Laying, in the grass covered in blood was her husband, dead. Mysty realized that what she was seeing was a past she never experianced. The other Mysty's back was too Aaron, and Shannon realized that she didn't realize he was there. He took a step closer and reached his hand out, suddenly grabbing Jaina by the arm and hoisting her into his arms.

End Part 5

Begin Part 6

// A Past //

"Hush little baby don't say a word..."

"Mommy!!" The little girl cried and screamed, kicking Aaron in the chest.

"Jaina! Aaron you son of a bitch! Let her go!"

"Oh, come now. She shoulda been mine. Ours. He was never right for you!"

"And you are? You obsessed motherfucker?! Put her down!" Mysty realized who had killed her husband. Suddenly she found herself shaking from anger and her body was instantly glowing purple. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw Charlotte running towards her. She had never liked the girl. She as a psychotic, blonde wannabee who just happened to be a former cheerleader. She basically pissed her off.

About two years ago the two had been in a fight in which Mysty had severed Charlotte's head from her body. Thinking she had killed her she started to turn away. Before she knows what's happening, someone's hands are across her throat, trying to strangle her. A split second later she was able to breathe again. What she saw so startled her that she passed out.

When she awoke she was faced with a black haired version of the Charlotte she knew. But this person, was the complete opposite of Charlotte. She was gloomy and quiet. Kept to herself and hated cheerleaders. Mysty decided she liked this one a whole lot more. She learned that this person didn't kill Charlotte but had saved her instead.

Now her freind was there to protect her again. Lorlelie, as she called herself, leapt towards Charlotte engaging her in hand to hand combat. As the two fought, Mysty took the chance to chase after Aaron who was quickly running away. As she topped a hill and looked behind her she saw Aaron's forces quickly gaining more ground than her court.

// end //

Shannon blinked as the scenery changed around her. This time they were at the remains of the Citadel. It's shell and remaining tower were lit up by the sunset and reminded her of something she would see in a horror film. Bodies were everywhere.

// A Past //

"Why?!" Mysty screamed into the air.

"How many more will die before you accept my offer?" The cruel man's voice echoed through her head. She didn't know where he was, but she wished he would just end this now. "I have something you want," he replied to her thoughts. "Something you love more than anything. Something that if you don't accept my offer I will rip from you."

Mysty frantically searched around her, looking for this thing. When she didn't find it, she sat down admist the rubble and began to cry. He had her daughter. The only daughter she could ever have, and he had her. She knew that if she wanted her daughter alive, she had no choice but to accept his offer to marry him. Much as it disgusted her to do so. When she made her decision she stood up and looked around. When she looked behind her she saw two figures walking towards her. The last two survivors, her last two freinds.

"I'm going," she said simply.

"Mysty, no. He'll kill you," Blackfire said. "Whatever he's holding over your head I'm sure we can help."

"It's her daughter," Jacob said. "He's got Jaina."

"And I plan to keep her too." The three of them jumped to their feet as Aaron materialized behind them.

Aaron quickly fired two deadly bolts at Blackfire and Jacob, killing them instantly. Before, she knew what was happening Mysty was whisked away and teleported to Aaron's home in Greece. Standing in front of a podium was a preist who, as they appeared, stepped forward with a bow in Aaron's direction.

// End //

Shannon was again jolted to just a little while after the marriage. She couldn't help but be sick by the thought of any incarnation of herself married to Aaron. What she saw next though, made her start crying hysterically. She watched as Aaron, happy that he got his way, destroyed the one thing she loved anymore. Shannon watched as Aaron killed the other Jaina, who couldn't have been more than seven. She watched as Mysty was told the news that her daughted had perished and watched as Mysty's eyes became lifeless and cold. She watched as over the years Mysty was more and more despondant and did everything mechanically.

Shannon's body was again thrown forward a couple more years. Suddenly she saw Mysty lunging at Aaron with a knife, hate in her eyes. Then suddenly Aaron was gone. A wormhole had opened around him and he had disappeared. Through the link with Aaron, Shannon saw the date float through her head. It was the same day Jaina exhibited any powers at all.

"So, how was your history lesson," Aaron asked.

"Fuck you," Mysty replied. In response, Aaron reached out and quickly backhanded Mysty.

"Hey!" Jaina yelled. "Leave her alone!"

End Part 6

Begin Part 7

Loki quickly changed his focus from Mysty to Jaina, who was know struggling against her bonds trying to get out of them. Jaina's whole body was surrounded by a faint purple glow, and in Loki's experiances with Mysty that meant that something was about to get blown up. Before anyone knew what was happening, light exploded out and around them, blinding them all. When it was over, Jaina was standing up with a confused look on her face, not believing that she had done that.

Mysty opened her eyes and stared at her daughter who was emanating such power. Mysty couldn't feel it because of the collar around her neck, but she knew it was there. Mysty shifted in her chair and felt a white hot pain race through her body, when she looked down, she saw that the side that was facing was Jaina was burned badly in some places. Aaron looked over to see the body of Aaron lying against a wall, the whole front of his body seared and practily melted to his bones.

Jaina quickly ran over to her mother, fumbling with the catch on the locker to take the collar off her neck. When she had succeeded, Mysty slowly stood up and turned to embrace her daughter.

"Oh how I love family reunions," Loki spoke up. Mysty looked towards him with a slight grin on her face.

"Would it be too stupid of me to ask the most obvious question burning in my head Jake?"

"You know me!" was his responce.

Jaina looked between the two for a moment. Her mother had called him Loki when she first noticed him and then had just called him Jake. As she thought about it more she remembered what her mother had told her about him and a huge grin started to form on her face.

"You're the guy that tortured my mom when you guys were young!" she blurted out. Mysty quickly turned to face her daughter, her face bright red. Loki, on the other hand was laughing like he had heard the funniest joke in the world. Mysty by this time had buried her face in one of her hands and was shaking her head slightly.

"Yea, laugh it up..." she started to say as she raised her head up. She stopped in mid-sentence when she saw Aaron with a gun raised and aimed at her daughter's head. Mysty quickly leaped forward, knocking Jaina out of the way and blasting at Aaron with telekinetic bolt. As Aaron fell back dead, the bullet that was traveling for Jaina, instead hit Mysty square in the chest. Loki and Jaina were both silent as the loud thud of the silver haired woman's body fell sickingly to the ground.

_ _ _ _ _

Two Weeks Later

Jaina stared up at the castle in England and sighed. Charlotte, the Blue Queen, had asked Jaina to come here, so that she could help her with her new abilities. She knew her mother's death was taking a tole on the other woman. They had been freinds for almost thrity years. And she knew it was going to be hard on Charlotte to see Jaina because Jaina's hair had turned silver. Like her mother's. Jaina stepped out of the car and slowly walked up the path to the huge oak doors and knocked with the brass knocker.

"You raaaang," Charlotte said opening the door with a smile.

"Well, Im here! Everyone's worse nightmare! A hyper fifteen year old!! Woot!"

"Oh goddess..." Rage muttered as she shut the door behind their newest hellion. "Mysty. I hope you're laughing your ass off wherever you are," she said looking at the ceiling.