Everything is Cool *HF* Prologue - Chapter 1

By Mystikal

Nate Grey sat at his desk with a frown on his face. Why the hell he was up and in here at eight in the morning he really had no idea. He had just gone to bed three house ago and had had no intention of waking up until at least two. But, no. The perimeter alarms had gone off around the castle less than an hour ago and he was up trying to figure out why. There had been no detected intruders, no little insects brushing the sensors, nothing. He didn't really think the system went off for no reason though, so here he sat playing back surveillance videos trying to find any clues. After the initial alarm everyone had assembled quickly, and he was satisfied with that. Things had been thoroughly checked and rechecked. He really enjoyed seeing the girls still in their nightclothes. Nate looked up from his screen when he heard a noice at his door, and saw Monet and Mysty both standing there.

"Now, I was just thinking about you two," he said with a smile.

"I'm sure we don't wanna know what you were thinking about," Monet replied. The two girls looked at each other and rolled their eyes. Nate didn't really think it was fair they teamed up against him after only knowing each other a few short weeks.

"Oh come now. We all know you want me," he said.

"Yup, just as much as I'd enjoy a bullet to the head," Mysty replied. "So whatcha doin'?" she said changing the subject.

"Still going over the damn surveillance videos."

"Why? We didn't find anything. I think it was just a glitch in the system," Mo said walking into the office and sitting down. Mysty slowly walked in, but remained standing. "So did ya find anything?" Mo asked after a moment of silence.

"No," Nate sighed.

"Well then, I'm going to back to bed," Mo replied. "If something DOES happen. Wake me." With that Monet stood up and headed back out of the office.

"Well that just leaves us two. Whatever will we do?" Nate asked looking up at Mysty.

"Absolutely nothing."

"Absolutely nothing? So I'll just sit here and you'll do all the work?" he replied mischeivously.

"If the work involves beating the shit outta you, sure."

"I seriously doubt that will happen."

"Yea, anyways. You almost done? I don't think anythings gonna show on the tapes. I mean, we searched everything, and there wasn't anything to be found."

"Well something just doesn't feel right about it," Nate said. "Besides, why would security start messing up now? We've been here almost a month, and nothing."

Mysty shrugged. "I dunno. I don't handle that part. If ya want, I'll get a couple more people and go triple check and stuff though."

"Nah, don't worry about it. I'm just gonna go back to bed. Wanna come with?" he asked with a grin.

"Uh...no," she started. "I'll see ya sometime later today then." Mysty headed out of his office and back down the hall. When she got to her office door, she went in and headed to her computer to pull up the surveillance video.

_ _ _ _ _

He knew they were all on guard now. But while they were out of the castle searching for whatever had set off the alarm it had given him time to get in, find what he needed, and get out. The only one who suspected anything was the "Lord" of the castle, Nate Grey. He had gotten the files he needed. What he hadn't realized was that SHE was here. He had almost let himself be seen when he noticed her. She hadn't changed much since he had last seen her a few months ago. Aaron had helped Mysty escape from his father, Aristidies, at the Asylum.

For some reason he couldn't stop staring at her. She was a very compelling person. But, she would have to wait. He would get her to join him later. Right now, he needed to finish with his plans. He had had enough of the humans thinking they were superior to him, and he was going to change that, one way or another. People like his father made him decide that no human was worth saving. They all had to pay for the crimes against him and his kind. He was sure that after her experiance with his father, she would have no problems joining him. All he had to do was wait. Aaron sighed and using his powers of manipulation slid through the security grid again.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _

The DFC groaned collectively as the security alarms went off again. They all scrambled from their rooms and began scouring the place, wondering what the hell was going on. Mystikal had been in the security office monitoring all the cameras when the alarms went off and had quickly scanned all the monitors. Nothing was showing up. She sighed as she headed out to the grounds. Stupid faulty security system.


Chapter 1

"I dunno Si, the stupid system was pissing me off though," Mysty said to her freind Siren. The events with the security system still bothered her for some reason, so she had called Siren. Siren had been in charge of security at the Citadel. When Mystikal was the knight they had worked the security together. They had never had something like this happen though.

"Are you sure it's not just a system glitch?" Siren asked.

"The system's been up for a couple of months now. There's no reason at all for it to start being a fucking idiot now. The system is just as good as the one Daemon has over there. Probably some of the same tech too. Some of it definently better."

"Hmmm...have you checked everything?"

"No, Si. Not at all. I'm just sitting here on my bum talking," Mysty said, the sarcasm evident. "Seriously, I've checked and rechecked. Scanned all the monitors. Nothing shows up."

"Hey, Scrib's here. You wanna ask her? She might have some ideas," Siren suggested. Mysty agreed and proceeded to explain to Scrib last nights events. Scrib asked many of the same questions and went off on Mysty at one point for even suggesting some equipment might be better than the Citadels. There was a moment where Mysty was sure she could hear the Irish woman's wheels turning in her head.

"Have ye got equiptment to check thermal differences? Say around the perimeter and such?"

"Of course," Mysty replied. "Why?"

"Well have ye checked them yet missy?"

"Uhm...actually. No. I didn't even consider it!" Mysty quickly switched her screens over to the thermal monitors and played them from the time the alarms went off. "What the fuck?!"

"What did ye find?"

"There's a figure at the southernmost perimeter. But how the hell did they not show up on the fucking monitors?!" Mysty sat staring hard at the monitors. Wondering what the hell was going on. "Look, I gotta go. I need to go talk to Nate and Mo."

"Okay. Hope everything works out over there." The two women hung up the phones and Mysty quickly ran to Nate's office, not waiting to knock.

"Well, couldn't bear to be away from me dear? It's ok, I understand," Nate said greeting her.

"Oh ha ha. Get over yourself. Something important just came up."


"I just found our 'glitch'."

"And it's not a glitch is it?" Nate asked sitting up. "How did you find it?" Mysty walked around his desk to his computer and quickly pulled up the security system. She placed the two different monitoring systems on split screen, then played back the time the alarm went off the first time. One monitor showed nothing, whereas the thermal monitors clearly showed a figure coming through the fence. "Well..."

"I'm still lost on how the person managed to not show up on the main monitors though," Mysty said.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Aaron finished the final touches on the wiring he was placing in his work, then sat back on his heels with a sigh. He had finished and all that was left was too test it.
Aaron stood up and walked around the console to stare up at the giant cylindrical machine in font of him. He brought his gaze down to the people had strapped in with collors and restraints in various posistions around the tower.They were all mutants and they were all going to help him in his quest for power.

"I hope you are all comfortable," Aaron started with a smile. "We will be conducting an experiment shortly." He knew he wouldn't get a responce, all of the people attached to the machine were unconscious.

Aaron picked up a small circular disk and stuck it into his hear. When he had accomplished that, he depressed a couple of buttons on the console that was behind him and sent out a signal. Suddenly, the disk in his ear, shot little wires out, anchoring itself inside and to the brain. Aaron screamed in pain during the process, clutching the console. When the process had finished, Aaron collapsed to the floor.

When the pain had subsided, he slowly stood back up and began the final test. This would determine whether or not he had succeeded. He flipped a red switch and the tower in front of him hummed to life and all the mutants attached to it woke up. Within moments, Aaron felt so much power coursing through his body that things seemed to explode around him.

End Chapter 1

Dark Countess
Queen on the XMBB
Official XMBB Scribe
Queen of Insanity
Nate's Sex Kitten
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"I've got a funny feelin’ we’re all born to lose
And I've got a funny feelin’ that this life ain’t worth livin’ through
I've been depressed and I get so stressed
Life sucks. I don't wonder why. That's tough.
I just keep on tryin’, so I won’t be the one not havin’ any fun"  - Reel Big Fish, Cheer Up!