Enemy Within *HF*

By Mystikal

Enemy Within

Written By: Mystikal

A lot had been happening lately that had left Mysty worn out or bored. In some cases she was left with both. She had recently cut her long, curly hair off to the point it was just below her ears. Loki had quit the court because of a stupid arguement between him and Daemon. Her cousin had tracked her down and was visiting. The younger girl was also considering applying for the posistion of assassin. Then recently, the whole incident with Charlotte had set her on edge. The fact that she had literally become two people, one normal everyday Char, the other was Rage; was enough to make anyone cringe. She hadn’t slept much the last few weeks and tried to avoid everyone as much as she could. She rolled over and looked at her clock: two a.m.

I have got to sleep. She closed her eyes and concentrated on making herself fall asleep.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Lizzie sat in the shadows of Mysty’s mind, waiting. Lizzie had thought that after she had been thrown into that black hole of Mysty’s mind, she would be there forever. Then, unexpectantly, Mysty’s shield began to weaken. She had slowly worked her way out, now she waited for her chance. She figured that in Mysty’s current state of mind it was going to be easier to take over, than if Mysty wasn’t stressed. Lizzie smiled to herself. One down, many more to go.

_ _ _ _ _ __

Siren had awakened with a sense of danger. Something was going to happen, but she couldn’t tell what it was. She looked around her dark room and sighed, there was going to be no more sleep tonight. She got out of bed and headed to get a shower. Thirty minutes later she was on her way to her office to go over the security reports. The feeling of dread pursued her.

End Prologue

Begin Chapter 1

Mysty believed in hard work to earn what you wanted, and she wanted to be the best. She had probably logged more hours in the danger room than any of he court members here. She also found that blowing stuff up, destroying things, and general mayhem helped relieve any pent up anger she had. She usually had the settings near maximum and set to random. Lately though, even the randomness had become predictive. She had even faced holographic images of herself and other Hellfire Court members. She had lost a couple of times, but the failsafes always kicked in and she didn’t get hurt to badly. She honestly thought she was the only Inner Court member without the password to turn of the failsafes. The other members probably thought they wouldn’t have a danger room if she were allowed to turn them off.

Maybe I should resign. It’s being a lot less stressful, she thought to herself. She had just borrowed Hawkeye’s power to make multiples of herself when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and stared into a pair of blue eyes similar to her own, but colder.

“Or I could just go ahead and kill you.”

_ _ _ _ _

Lizzie knew what was going through Mysty’s mind. Mainly tactical and thoughts on how to proceed next on the holographic simulations. She had a different way to defeat each image. She also noted how pissed Mysty got whenever she lost. She hated to lose.

Mysty was facing four other holographs, when Lizzie felt her borrowing someone’s power. Who are you borrowing from? she thought to herself. Lizzie focused on Mysty’s power and realized she was borrowing from Hawkeye. Oh, this could be it. She concentrated on one of the dupes and transferred her psyche into it.

Lizzie opened her eyes and looked around the danger room. She saw four other dupes. She opened her mind and found the real Mysty.

…It would be a lot less stressful.

Lizzie smiled and walked towards Mysty, tapping her on the shoulder. Mysty turned around to face her. “Or I could just go ahead and kill you.”

Mysty stared and her a moment not really comprehending what was going on. When she finally did she sent a short telepathic message to anyone who happened to be nearby. She then decided to try and take Lizzie on her own.

“How the hell did you get out?”

“That’s for me to know.” Lizzie replied with a smirk. “Course, it shouldn’t be that hard to figure out.” Lizzie took a swing at Mysty, borrowing Daemon’s abilities. The punch connected and sent Mysty sprawling backwards. Mysty sat up blinking her eyes. She felt as though her head shouldn’t still be attached after that hit, and was shocked to find that it was still there.

“You know,” Mysty started. “You have a bad habit of pissing me off. I mean, I was kind enough to not kill you and let you live, rent-free might I add, in my mind. Do you know how hard it is to find decent living quarters this day and age? Now I’m just going to have to kill you.” By this time, she was flying in the air, dodging the telekinetic blasts Lizzie was throwing at her. Mysty quickly dove down, and knocked Lizzie to the ground.

Lizzie quickly borrowed Scrib’s power and was slowly dropping the air pressure around Mysty. Mysty began to feel the effects from this and tried to counter it by also borrowing Scrib’s power, but raising the pressure around her. This just pissed Lizzie off some more. Her hand began to glow a deep purple and she fired a tight beam at Mysty, hitting her square in the stomach.



Blackfire had been walking into the main entrance of the Citadel, when she received Mystikal’s telepathic message. She was flashed scenes of the situation. She saw two Mysty’s fighting each other.

What the hell…?

Blackfire took off at a run, heading for the danger room. She hadn’t been back in the Hellfire Courts for long, but she already felt as if some things never changed. There was always something happening. When she arrived there, Echo and Dreamweaver, the new assassin, were there already. Dreamweaver had the door panel open and was busily trying to override the door so it would open. Mysty had a habit of locking the doors with her passwords. She really didn’t like being disturbed. With a snap hiss the doors opened and the three women ran in. Blackfire saw the two Mystikals. They both had short hair, but the one that seemed to be winning looked somehow different. Blackfire couldn’t explain it.

“We have to stop her.” Blackfire heard Echo say quietly. Blackfire nodded her head, and in response her hands started to glow with her fire. Black fire. Dreamweaver pulled her 9 mm out from its leg holster and started to head in a direction that would take her around Lizzie.

Lizzie had sensed the other three come in, and kept her guard up. Mysty was weakening and she knew it. Lizzie, borrowing from Daemon, threw Mysty halfway across the room. That’s when Dreamy took her shot. Lizzie heard the gun go off and instinctively placed a shield around herself. She wheeled around to face the young assassin.

“Aren’t you a little young to be playing with guns?” Lizzie asked sarcastically. “Ah, America’s youth…”

“Shut up,” Dreamy replied.

“Oh, whatcha gonna do if I don’t.”

“Kill you.”

“Hmm, nice fantasy you have there. Can’t use yer powers on me. I’m just like her,” Lizzie said, pointing to Mysty. Echo was helping Mysty up. Lizzie noticed this and fired a telekinetic bolt at the both of them, knocking them to the ground. She then focused on Dreamy again. Lizzie knew that using powers against Dreamy wouldn’t work.

Except the physical, she thought to herself. With that she reached and telekinetically snatched the gun out of Dreamy’s hand. When she had it safely in her hand, she lowered her telekinetic shield, and aimed the gun at her. Dreamweaver was busily plotting ways of defeating Lizzie. She had numerous knives planted on her and all of them could be accessed quickly. She just wondered if she was quick enough to get to them, before Lizzie killed her. She decided that she was, and in one swift movement pulled a small dagger from the folds of her shirt. Blackfire knew Dreamweaver wouldn’t be quick enough. She focused on Lizzie and fired three small fireballs at Lizzie. The girl screamed as the first two hit her.

Mysty was beginning to stand. I have to stop this madness!! She was helping Echo up, when, for some reason, she felt as if she were on fire. She gasped in pain. Echo focused on her, concern written all over her face.

“You okay?” she asked quietly. Mysty nodded once and turned to see Lizzie with charred clothes. The unmistakable smell of burned flesh filled the room.

Lizzie knew she was going to have to get out of there. She borrowed from the mutant known as Omen River, creating a wormhole. She ran for the hole, Dreamweaver close behind and Blackfire advancing. Before she jumped through the hole she stopped briefly to face everyone, she was glowing a dark, purple color.

Mysty noticed the aura around Lizzie and knew what was coming. She didn’t have to be a telepath to figure that out. She quickly created a telekinetic shield of her own and began to expand it to everyone else. Her shield reached Blackfire, then suddenly the explosion Mysty knew was coming happened. Lizzie emitted a huge blast, creating a crater in the danger room. Mysty’s shield reached Dreamweaver in time to keep her from getting blown apart by the shockwave, but not in enough time to keep her from the flames. Lizzie ran through the wormhole. The last thing Mysty saw before passing out was the opening popping out of existence.



Daemon had contacted the Inner Circles of the other courts to let them know what had transpired and to be on their guard. It was unknown where she had gone, but as soon they knew it would be taken care of. Each of the courts acknowledged this and made plans to intercept Lizzie. No one had any idea where she was heading, and the one person who might have been able to tell them, was in the medlab unconscious.

_ _ _ _ _

Lizzie had opened a wormhole, and landed in an alley in New York City. As soon as the wormhole closed, Lizzie collapsed, hitting her knees. All that power usage had drained her considerably. She hid herself in a corner, and slept…slowly re-building her strength.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Steven Booth say in his office at the BHC mansion in Scarsdale, New York. He was currently in a state of deep meditation. Suddenly he felt the presence of another, powerful, telepath. He recognized the person as Mystikal. Then he noticed something was off about her psi-aura, it seemed almost evil. He shrugged it off slightly, thinking that the young girl was probably in a bad mood again.

_ _ _ _ _ __ _

Next Day

Lizzie woke up, refreshed She had headed to New York, knowing that the BHC was based nearby in Scarsdale. She knew she couldn’t destroy them all in one day, though she wished she could. But the Hellfire Courts were spread throughout this continent, and it’s members…throughout the world. She was good, but not that good. To be a good assassin, soldier or whatever you wanted to call her, you had to know your strengths and weaknesses. Play upon your strengths and avoid your weaknesses. That’s what daddy had always told her. She was going to need the funds, and place to operate from. Lizzie quickly formulated a plan in her head. She would need to find a big enough room in one of the abandoned buildings that New York was notorious for. It wouldn’t really need to be that big, just big enough to fit her and any equipment she felt she was going to need. She stood up and dusted her clothes off. First, she needed some clothes.

_ _ _ _ _

6 hours later

Lizzie had managed to find a place. She had “convinced” some utility workers to turn on electricity and water here. She sighed a happy sigh. She was relishing the stupidity and weak mindedness of Homo sapiens in general. She had managed to sneak into a bank vault, with a couple of bags, and make it out. Some homeless man, who happened to be there, was now sitting in a jail cell wondering why the cops thought he had stolen all that money. She really loved her curse sometimes.

She walked out of her room, dressed all in black. She had resisted the urge to grab a trench coat when she had been out getting clothes. It would’ve gotten in the way. Oh well. At least she was dressed to kill. No pun intended, she thought to herself. She reached on the table behind her and put the black ray bans on her face. Damn. I’m good. She had also decided that the REALLY liked pawn shops. So many nice handguns to choose from. She picked up a 9mm among a couple of others.

She headed towards Central Park now. It was a nice day in New York, but she barely noticed these things.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Waya was enjoying the small concert in Central Park. The band seemed to have the right mix of bass and drums. The band was performing a cover of “Enter Sandman.” She loved it. It was also keeping her mind off of other matters also, and that was good. She had come to New York hoping to find some trace of her parents, but with no luck.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Mufasa has spotted Lizzie walking along one of the paths. He reached over and tapped SuperGrover on the shoulder. The other man looked over to where Mufasa was indicating and nodded. Quietly SuperGrover spoke into his mic, contacting the Black King; Darkwolf.

“We’ve spotted her. She’s heading towards the north petting zoo,” SuperGrover said.

Darkwolf nodded. “Yea, I know. We got her. We must just be opposite of each other. I think we should try and circle her in.”

“Ok. You, Rogue, and Greg be prepared to come out in front of her. Preferable before she reaches the zoo. Mufasa and I will force her towards you. She won’t realize we’re behind her.”



Lizzie made her way towards the music, she was aware of the three people constantly in front of her.

My, my. Wolfboy, Roguey, and Greggy-poo. Gee, guess they want to die early. She pulled out the gun that was in her leg holster without slowing. She opened the cartridge and double checked the bullets. Half of them had diamond tips. She smiled in satisfaction.

Supergrover and Mufasa followed Lizzie, not worrying about her being able to detect them. Supergrover was naturally psi-invisable. He extended his aura to include Khalid, so now they were both undetectable by Lizzie. Now all they really worried about was staying out of sight long enough to catch her off guard. They were going to try and take her alive, at all costs. They had no idea what effect killing Lizzie would have on the Grey Pawn.

As Lizzie neared DW's posistion, Supergrover and Mufasa stepped onto the path, in clear view. Lizzie wheeled around when she heard the two behind her, a slow smile spreading across her face.

"Well, well..." She started. "Would ya lookie here? It's Papa Smurf and his pet kitty cat. I bet you're a well behaved kitty. House trained and everything. Meow."

Mufasa glared at her. "The cat's name was Azreal, bitch. And he was with Gargamel."

"Well, I wouldn't know. In fact...I think a second rate pianist who can't get a decent gig might be the only one who would know," she replied. Mufasa took a step forward, but proceeded no further after a warning look from Supergrover. "Good kitty," Lizzie remarked.

_ _ _ _

The three members from the BHC heard the way Lizzie was egging Mufasa on. They stepped out of the trees and onto the path behind her.

"Ya know, if you weren't a bitch I think we might get along," Darkwolf said.

Lizzie turned sideways so that she could see both groups. Greg had his green forcefield on, and the other twowere in defensive postures. She suddenly realized that she could sense Mufasa. Supergrover had dropped the shield around him. She looked at Darkwolf.

"Not hardly. I tend to stick to my own species Wolfboy." She aimed her gun at him and pulled the trigger. When the bullet hit him, he didn't even flinch. Instead he smiled.

"Ya know, for someone who's supposed to want us dead you sure go about it the wrong way."

Lizzie had a smile of her own. "You really should leave the thinking to professionals." She again fired her gun, this time making the mistake of not aiming. When the bullet connected with his shoulder his face showed that of pain and shock. Lizzie didn't stay around long enough to see everyone else's reactions. She took to the air, flying out of reach. Rogue and Supergrover followed.

_ _ _ _

Rogue was in word, pissed. She just wanted to get this bitch and beat her ass. She hadn't really ever met Mystikal, but she prayed that she was worth this bullshit. Cause if she wasn't, Abby was going to be very, very angry.

Lizzie had a head start on the two, and knew the other three were following on foot. She was hastily forming a plan in her head. She needed a big group of people. That's when she heard the last chords of a song and the applause. She headed quickly towards the music.

Waya looked up to the sky and saw three people. Well...one of them was blue. Blue? That sounded...familiar. She tried to remember where had heard of a blue person. It had been a few years ago. All over the news. Grover? Supergrover! That's who it was. Him and the woman with the red hair were chasing the girl with silver hair. Silver? Man, she was glad she was a normal looking mutant. The girl with the silver hair had stopped just above the band. By this time everyone else was looking up, wondering what was going to happen. Waya noticed that the silver-haired girl was glowing a faint purple color. Somehow she knew this couldn't possibly be a good thing.



Lizzie wasn't borrowing enough power to drain her considerably, she would need it for later. She stopped mid-flight, above the band. Rogue and Supergrover stopped, just feet from her. "Hey! Blue-boy, how many people do you think you can save in...three seconds?"

Rogue and SG exchanged frantic looks and he looked down at the crowd that was slowly gathering below them. Lizzie smiled and suddenly there was a bright flash. When their vision's cleared the area below was a war zone and Lizzie had disappeared. The blast had destroyed the stage and anything within a thirty yard radius of it. Darkwolf, Mufasa, and Greg entered the clearing just to see the explosion happened. They quickly headed over to help the victims...if there were any left.

"Abby?" Darkwolf asked walking up to the Black Queen.

"Any plans Rexy?"

"Find her. When you do, contact us. Mufasa and I will sniff her out. I don't care what happens, but that bitch needs to die."

"Agreed," Rogue replied. She took to the air, searching for Lizzie. Mufasa and Darkwolf seperated and began their own search for her. As far as Darkwolf was concerned, if he found her first...all the better.

_ _ _ _

Waya had seen the flames from the explosion coming towards her and quickly erected a sheild of fire around her. She calmly, but quickly, hurried away from the majority of what was happening. She saw other people whom she assumed were with Supergrover and the red-head, beginning to help the people. She did what she could to help as well. Not many who were near the blast survived, but those who did she used her Shamanic healing powers on them, and stabilized them the best she could. She was busily pulling some debris off of someone and was sickened to find it was a young boy. Couldn't have been more than 9. She hurriedly walked away.

She sure as hell didn't know what was going on, but her and that silver-haired bitch were gonna talk. not only had she taken innocent lives, she had destroyed any semblance of a calm day that Waya had wanted. Havin body parts thrown at you was something gauranteed to ruin bad days. Using her wind element powers, she floated into the air.

_ _ _ _

Lizzie had safely made it to the northwest corner of Central Park, and was quickly walking along the path. Soon as she got out of the park, she could easily lose her pursuers in the city. But she had to get lost without looking suspicious. So that meant no flying.

She was almost there when suddenly she felt a huge body smash into her, tackling her to the ground. She broke free of the black arms and rolled to her feet to see a demonic looking Mufasa glaring at her. She smiled at him mockingly.

"Awww, how cute. Kitty wants to play." In responce Mufasa growled at her. If Lizzie was at all startled, she didn't show it. "Meow." She reached through the Astral Plane, searching for a paticular person with the power she would need. Found him! Gleefully, she borrowed from Daemon. Running towards Mufasa with her new ability, she tackled him, knocking him backwards. She released Daemon's power and focused on Khalid again. Shefired a low energy T.K. bolt at him. Angered, his blue aura sprang up around him and Lizzie suddenly found herself being swatted like a bug with a photon paw. "Fuck! Don't you know you shouldn't hit a lady?"

"I don't see a lady," he growled. "A second-rate Mystikal wannabee...nope, I wouldn't even rate you at second." He had slowly moved towards her. His orders were to take her alive, if possible. Supergrover hadn't rescinded that order yet, but, personally Mufasa hoped that she forced him to kill her. Lizzie hadn't moved an inch, now he was just within an arm's reach of her. He was a bit perplexed by the fact she hadn't tried to escape. He quickly grabbed for her, but she still wasn't fighting back. She had a thoughtful look on her face, and the barest of smiles. Suddenly, she brought her knee up, connecting with his groin.

"Ya know what the biggest difference between me and her is?" She asked after she used a roundhouse kick to his now bent head. "I don't mind playing dirty pool." She again kicked him in the groin. Mufasa doubled over in pain.

He was beginning to think people had an obsession with his lower extremeties. What with Daemon making him think he had blown it off by accident and now this bitch kicking him...twice. He groaned slightly and lifted his head to look up, he noted that she was looking down at him. He was sure her smile was pure evil. She held him in place with her telekinises, and knelt down in front of him.

"Nice kitty," she said patting his head. "Too bad you couldn't play nice. We coulda had fun. Course, in the end, I'da still had to kill ya...but it woulda been fun." While she talked it became harder for him to understand her. Something wasn't right and he knew it. When she stood back up, something in the way she appeared scared him. She looked like a monster with scaly, green skin, red eyes, and claws for hands.

Lizzie had been playing with his mind as she held him in place. She saw what he was seeing and smiled. Without thinking twice shehit him with a psi-bolt, effectively knocking him out. She couldn't be around when he woke up, which was a pity, cause it was going to be interesting.



Steven Booth was in Lancaster, Pennsylvania at the request of his freind, Charlotte Sometimes. He had almost sworn the driver had gotten lost after almost an hour of curves, trees, and the steady ascent up. As the car pulled into a long driveway, he saw up ahead what appeared to be a miniture castle. Miniture only in that it covered only half the ground a real castle would. He shook his head and smiled. This was definently Charlotte's home. He spotted her on the landing, looking as unconventional as ever. She was dressed in a plaid mini-skirt, with a man's button down dress shirt. She shirt was untucked and came down past her waist. To complete her outfit she was wearing knee length boots that had buckles running up the sides of them. As he got out of the car she came running up to meet him.

"I could have saved some time by just teleporting here," he told her as he gave her a hug.

"But that would have ruined the whole effect!" She led him throug the house, showing him everything. He noted that she seemed so much happier since resigning as Queen of the Red Court.

"So how have you been Char?"

"Well...besides losing my head?" She asked, her eyes appearing to look at something far away. He nodded. "Oh, well then I've been just spiffy. Mysty's been trying to get me to accept a posistion with the Grey Court. Considering it too."

The Red Bishop nodded. Mystikal probably started trying to recruit Charlotte the minute Char resigned. He wouldn't have been surprised if she had started recruiting Char as soon as she met her. "So what have you got planned for tonight?" he asked her.

"Well, there's a really good opera being put on tonight. I've reserved balcony seats for us." Steven smiled, they both enjoyed going to operas. He hoped tonight was a good performance. He really despised hearing the songs performed off key or flat. That was usually enough to put him to sleep and ruin the whole show.

_ _ _ _ _ _

Lizzie knew she was going to have to get out of there quickly, especially when they realized what she had done to Mufasa. She gave up the idea of not looking suspicious and took off flying. She could hear sirens all over the city, heading towards Central Park. Cops, she thought. Another hindrance.

She ducked under a tree, barely missing it. She looked above her and saw Rogue flying above her, heading the opposite direction. Rogue spotted her and quickly turned around and took off towards Lizzie. Lizzie stayed as low to the ground as she could and kept dodging around trees, trying to lose Rogue, but to no avail. She shot up and began the process again, but Rogue kept gaining on her. Lizzie rounded another tree and barely avoided running into a woman who was blocking her path.

"Who the fuck are you?" Lizzie asked the young woman.

"I don't really see where that's any of your damn business," Waya replied. Lizzie looked her up and down, noting the dreds and loose fitting clothes. Her jeans had holes and patches all over them. The thing Lizzie noticed the most, though, were her eyes. Lizzie entered her mind, scanning it. When she had finished she glared fiercely at the her.

"You wouldn't stand a fucking snowball's chance in hell Wolfie. Now I'd advise you to stay the fuck outta my way." Lizzie glanced back to see Rogue just yards away. "Fuck." She took off again, but didn't get far when she suddenly felt an iron grip clamp down on her ankle, stopping her completely in mid-flight. Lizzie quickly borrowed Rogue's power and flipped around. Rogue charged at her, tackling her to the ground below.

Lizzie jumped up quickly and hit Rogue as hard as she could, sending the younger girl backwards. Waya came towards the two, determined to get some hits in. Using her ability to control any element, she caused the smallest of earthquakes underneath Lizzie, who fell down hard on the ground. Darkwolf came running into the clearing, charging towards Lizzie. Rogue was already getting back up and was also running towards Lizzie. Waya was slowly walking towards the whole thing.

FUCK!!! Lizze screamed in her mind. She did not like the odds and she knew she wouldn't stand a chance with as weak as she was just then. Too much power borrowning could kill her. She quickly reached into the mind of Mufasa, vowing this would be the last time today that she would borrow. She quickly teleported out of harm's way and out of the park.



Darkwolf had come running into the area to see Lizzie falling to the ground becuase of the earthquake.

Earthquake?! In New York?! He noticed the other woman and descided that she had been the cause of the earth shaking. He ran towards Lizzie focussed on taking her out. He vaguely noticed Rogue getting up and running towards Lizzie as well. Just as he was about to tackle Lizzie, she just seemed to wink out of existence. Rogue and Darkwolf skidded to a stop, barely escaping a collision with each other.

_ _ _ _ _

Mysty woke up to Echo standing quietly. Mysty looked around her and saw Blackfire and her cousin, Dreamweaver, still lying unconscious. Dreamweaver seemed to have been the one who received the most of the explosion. Half her face had been severely burned, as had most of her body. Blackfire seemed to be okay. Because of her ability, fire couldn’t harm her, but the blast itself had sent her flying into a wall. She had hit the wall so hard, that it knocked her out cold. If Echo had suffered any major injuries, she didn’t show it. Her healing factor had fixed it.

Mysty carefully sat up, testing her body. She was still sore. She mentally kicked herself for not getting the shield around the others quick enough. She swung her legs over the bed and stood up.

“Echo? You okay?” Echo nodded her head. Mysty knew that she was alright, but she asked anyway. “I feel like someone just tried to kill me…” Mysty said sarcastically. “Oh, wait…someone did.”

Bobbi Todd had heard Mysty’s voice and came walking into the room. “Hello Mysty,” she said quietly. “Daemon wanted me to ask you something when you woke up.”

“Should I leave?” Echo asked.

“Actually, he would like to see you. It’s important.” Echo nodded and turned to leave. When she had gone, Mysty looked over at Bobbi.

“What does D want to know?” she asked.

“Who would be first on Lizzie’s list?”

“Well me, presumably,” Mysty said quietly. “After that, anyone who was Grey Court during her creation. That would include you, Hawk, MG, Scrib, Faith, Tyrax, Echo, Daemon, Byron and Loki. I think that was everyone. After that she’d go after those who were present when she lost. Again, some Grey Courters. Then,” Mysty paused, trying to remember who had been there. Events from that day were still fuzzy. “DW, Rogue, Psishot. SG and Mufasa,” she paused. “I think that’s it, but I’m not sure.”

Bobbi nodded. “Is there anything about her we should know?”

“She has all my powers, but she was trained to kill. She has no qualms about blasting apart everybody. She’s very…logical in how she acts though. Tell D I don’t really think she’ll come after me again soon. She might try to knock off the harder people first. She was created to destroy the Courts. She has the knowledge I have as well. She’s witnessed all my sims. If I’ve beaten them, she’ll know how I did it. She’d try to use the same techniques. Hypothetically, she could win.”

“Alright. Thank you Mysty. I’m sure he will find that useful.”

“Yes’m. May I ask what they’re planning.”

It was Bobbi’s turn to sigh, “They are going to try to take her out.” Mysty nodded slightly. Bobbi turned around and went to report to Hawkeye. Mysty hadn’t mentioned the detachment she’d felt since waking up. It was like she was missing something. She was tired and hurting. She felt as if she was ill prepared for this. If it came to it, she wondered if she could kill Lizzie. She laid down and closed her eyes, trying to sleep.



Lizzie had been going through the memories and knowledge she had shared with Mysty. There were two people she’d have to take care of first. They would be the hardest to kill. In fact, the only way to kill them was in the Dream World.

“Oh joy,” she said aloud.


Charlotte had been worried about Mysty when she had heard about what had happened. She had been planning on spending the weekend at her home. She had invited Steven and everything. Tonight, they had had gone to an opera. She was finding it hard to enjoy the music and sighed.

“Steven, I plan on going to Rome tomorrow morning,” she said. Steven nodded. He had expected that of course.

“Yes, you should. She might need you.” Charlotte laughed.

“Me? The only real good I’m for is if someone makes me angry. Then I “rage” and hurt them.”


Lizzie glanced around the dreaming world looking for the two orbs she needed.

“Dammit! They aren’t asleep.” Lizzie sighed. She knew what she was going to do would strain her limits. She focused on their mind signatures, hunting them down. When she found them, she triggered the suggestion to sleep.


Charlotte looked over at Steven, who was yawning. She was tired herself. Though, she didn’t know why. She was about to ask Steven if they should go ahead and call it an evening, when she noticed he was sound asleep.

“How odd,” she said while yawning. Shortly afterwards she, too, was asleep.


Lizzie saw the two colored orbs wink into existence and smiled. She slowly manipulated the spheres until they crossed, the red mixing with the green. The colors swirled and spun together. She walked into the dream cycle, planning her next move.

She knew she would leave them powerless. That was a gimme. She looked at the two “asleep” forms. She imagined the man, Steven, chained to a wall. Next thing she knew he was. She would save him for last. She never did like him. The few times she saw him through Mysty’s eyes he had always come off as an arrogant prick. She walked over to Charlotte’s still form and imagined her standing up. Snapping her fingers in front of her face, she awoke the young woman.

“What the hell?! Mysty? Dammit, you know I hate it when you drag me here!”

“Oh no. I’m not Mysty. Hi. I’m Lizzie. You’re dead.”

Charlotte blinked and took a couple of steps backwards. “Uh no. You’re annoying…and I’m I don’t think so!”

“Obviously you don’t think anyway,” Lizzie said with a sneer.

Char had noticed she had her trench coat on and was a little surprised by this. Mysty always arranged it to where she didn’t have it in the dreaming world. Well, at least Lizzie does that much for me. She hoped her katana was in there as well. “Yea, well…thinking was never my strong suit.” She opened her coat and reached in, gripping the hilt to the katana. Oh thank the Goddess, she thought. She yanked it out of her jacket and assumed a defensive pose.

“Oh, bravo you clever girl you,” Lizzie said sarcastically.

“Quit patronizing me.” Lizzie shrugged. “I mean, you’re the one not playing fair. You know there’s no way to kill me otherwise. You’re nothing but a coward!”

“Na…just getting rid of you the easy way,” she replied laughing. She allowed her hand to light up. She focused on Charlotte, and firing a TK blast, knocked the katana out of her hands.

“Well then, don’t you suck,” Char remarked.

_ _ _ _

Mysty wasn’t sleeping peacefully. She had noticed the disturbance in the dreaming world. She didn't know what was going on, but she intended to find out. She entered the world, her defenses up. She saw the red and green orb and frowned. Those were Rage and Steven’s colors. Something was definitely wrong. When she stepped into the dream, she saw Rage go flying past her into a wall, hitting it hard.

Charlotte stood up and laughed at Lizzie. “Oh c’mon! Cantcha do better than that?! I thought you were trying to kill me?!” She took her hand and wiped away the blood that was coming from her mouth. “Do you need tips? I can tell you how!”

Lizzie fired a low blast into Char’s stomach, sending the girl backwards. She was going to make her beg for her life before she killed her. That’s what she wanted and dammit, she would have it her way.

“Ya know something?” Charlotte asked. “I’m suicidal. You don’t tell an immortal who’s suicidal you’re gonna kill them, then not do it. What a freaking tease!”

This had stopped Lizzie a moment. She hadn’t expected that. Mysty saw Lizzie hesitate and attacked her. Mysty fired a deep, purple bolt into Lizzie’s back.

_ _ _ _ _

Daemon had formed a team, consisting of himself, Echo, Scrib, Siren, and Bobbi Todd. Their mission was to find, and eliminate, Lizzie. That was their directive and Daemon was going to make damn sure it happened. This person had severely injured two team members, and two civilians. He was pissed. Bobbi was going to lead the team to Lizzie. They were relieved the find that Lizzie had come back to Rome. They wouldn’t have far to go. As they neared the building she was in, Daemon stopped everybody.

“Alright, she can be in any of those rooms. We’re gonna split up and search. If you find her do not attempt to take her out yourself. She knows all of our weaknesses,” Daemon paused and looked at Bobbi. “You can stay here. Try to keep us updated. If you see her leave the building, use your Mark 5 to try and stop her, then contact us.” Bobbi paled a little and nodded. “Alright, let’s move.”

_ _ _ _

Dreamweaver hurt all over. I’m so gonna kill that bitch, was her first thought. She had entered the dreaming world, after feeling the disturbances. It felt like her skin was prickling. She didn’t have any problems with killing Lizzie. Of course, she wasn’t sure who would by this time. She spotted the red and green orb and stepped in. When she entered it was like a war zone. Mysty and Rage were getting their assess kicked. Rage was torn and bleeding. Dreamweaver shrugged, Rage won’t have any marks when she woke up. Mysty on the other hand, appeared to have a few gashes. How she was still standing, Dreamy had no idea. Mysty was definitely going to be feeling those later. She glanced around and spotted the bloodied katana. She hoped that someone was in the med lab just then. Dreamy ran over towards Mysty and Lizzie, yelling. Lizzie stopped briefly to examine the younger girl.

“Hey bitch!” Dreamy yelled. “Ya don’t fuck wit family! Get out of here!” Dreamy’s powers in the dreaming world were considerably stronger than Lizzie’s. She could drag people in, and cast them out.

_ _ _ _ _

Scrib neared the last door on her hall cautiously, as she had done with all the rooms. She wasn’t sure she wanted to find Lizzie. She quietly put her ear up to the door, and heard nothing. She eased the door open and peered in, taking in everything. She saw Lizzie sound asleep. Quickly, and soundlessly, she took her GCU off of her belt.

“Daemon?” she whispered. Lizzie suddenly shot straight up from her previous position.

“Damn it!” she yelled. Before Scrib stopped to think she dropped the GCU and reached for the 9mm in her hip holster. She aimed for Lizzie’s heart, and fired. Lizzie’s dead body fell back down on the bed. Scrib was breathing heavily, and didn’t hear Daemon come running in behind her.

“What the hell happened?” he asked.

“Uh…well. She was asleep. She woke up screaming, I fired.”

_ _ _ _

Mysty woke up with a start. Her side hurt so bad. When she looked down, her shirt was slowly starting to turn red from blood. She had known the instant Lizzie had died, but wasn’t sure how she had died. All the thoughts and experiances the other girl had had came flowing into Mysty's mind like a raging river. Now she had a fairly good idea of what had happened. Mysty laid back down, slowly closing her eyes. Her hand was over the wound, and blood was slowly trickling out around it.

_ _ _ _ _

15 hours later

Siren was trying to explain to everyone else what the doctors had told her about Mysty’s condition.

“When Lizzie was shot, Mysty felt it and experienced it…sorta.” What had happened still confused Siren, she wasn’t sure she could explain it correctly. “She developed a bullet wound in the vicinity of her heart. Now in Lizzie’s case the bullet lodged into her heart, killing her. Mysty developed an indentation of sorts in the same place the bullet hit Lizzie. It didn’t pierce her heart at all, but it appears the indentation won’t be going away.”

“So other than creating the wee entrance wound, it did nothing else?” Scrib asked concernedly. She felt bad that this had happened, and wished she hadn’t had pulled the trigger.

Siren nodded. “Right. She did lose some blood, the gashes from the fight in the dream world also being major contributors to that. We aren’t sure, though, if she will suffer any other problems from this.”

Everyone nodded their heads in acknowledgement. They hoped nothing serious came of this incident. Some of them even saw this as a good thing; at least Lizzie had been taken care of.



Two Weeks Later

Scrib felt awful about what had happened. She could've unknowingly killed Mysty. Echo had tried reassuring her and reminding her that Mysty was ok. But the what-ifs kept running through Tracy's mind. She stayed in her room or out a bar most of the time, staying plastered. Each time she ran the situation in her head, trying to figure out what could've been done differently she always came to the same conclusion. Lizzie dead. She had tried avoiding Mysty for a little while, but to no avail. The other girl could be downrigh persistent.

_ _ _ _ _

Mystikal, Daemon, and Siren waited patiently for their private jet to land so they could get out. The White Court, or more specifically, Mufasa had asked for Mystikal to come over and make sure that there were no psi-implants left in his mind from Lizzie. When she had, he went back to feeling normal, and didn't see everyone as monsters anymore, but he wanted to be safe. Mufasa would meet them at Strong Towers in New York. Mystikal was a bit nervous about going because she felt horrible about the pain and damage Lizzie had caused. She had been told about the young black woman who had stood up to Lizzie, and she still had Lizzie's memories of that girl Waya....wolf. She was determind to find this girl.

When they walked into the main lobby of the building Daemon immediately ushered them to the office Mufasa would be waiting in. The three of them walked into the office with Daemon in the lead. Mufasa stood up, looking the three over. When his eyes settled on Mystikal he tensed up and appeared ready to pounce on a moment's notice. Mysty calmy stepped towards him.

"Hello, I'm Mystikal." Mufasa nodded slightly.

"Can we just get this over with?" he asked. This time it was Mysty's turn to nod.

So much for pleasantries, she thought to herself. She entered his mind, looking for Lizzie's unique signature. If she had left any suggestions in the man's mind, Mysty would find them. She found the original suggestion and destroyed it. She didn't find anything else though. "All done. You're good to go," she said with a smile.

Mufasa stood up and glanced her over again. "Do me a favor? The next time you let a psycho bitch out, make sure she can't hurt anyone."

Mysty's mouth fell open and she focused a glare at Mufasa. "Asshole much?" she asked. "Look here pal, it's not like I asked for the split bitch. You wouldn't know a thing about other people trying to get out of your head now would you?!" she asked sarcastically. Mysty turned on her heel and left the room quickly, with Siren close behind her.

Daemon watched her leave, a smirk on his face. When she was out the door he turned to face Mufasa. "So I hear you got yer ass kicked by a girl," he said.

"Fuck off."

"It's ok. It happens to the best of us. That's why you were easy."

Mufasa's eyes flashed a bit. "Go away," he said quietly.

"I mean, forget the fact that she called you a second-rate..." Daemon didn't get to finish his sentence, the next thing he knew he was spitting salt water out of his mouth followed by a string of obscenities and what he was going to do to Khalid when he got back. Mufasa had teleported Daemon fifty miles off the coast of Long Island. Where Daemon had been standing was now a pile of clothes. Mufasa walked out of the office and headed towards Mystikal and Siren.

"Where's Daemon?" Siren asked.

"He descided to go for a swim," he replied nonchalantly. Mysty looked up, wondering what on earth had possessed Daemon to go for a swim. She walked back into the office and saw the pile of clothes. She turned around when Mufasa came into the room. "Sorry about giving you a hard time," he said. Mysty nodded and smiled. "You'll find him about 50 miles off coast, that is ...if he hasn't swam back by now." When Mysty heard this she busted out laughing.

"Oh yea, I think you jus became my new best freind," she said still laughing.

The End