Mind Games *HF*

By Mystikal

Mind Games
by: Mystikal


Mystikal was dead. That's all the members of the Grey Court knew. She had been found shot in the back, just as she was getting ready to go inside and report to Hawkeye. He had a mission for her, and now it couldn't be done.

"I want to know how the fuck this happened!" screamed Hawkeye. "She was on the front landing when she was shot. Why didn't perimeter patrols pick up anything?"

"No one seems to know, sir. We're having it checked into." Loki, the Grey Knight explained. "We will find out what happenend."

Everyone was tense at the mansion. The Grey Queen, Marvel Girl, was suffering from a headache. She was the one who first found out that Mystikal was dead. When she was shot, all her thoughts were released, causing what felt like explosions going off in her head. Suddenly, Marvel Girl realized that the phone was ringing.

"Will somebody please answer the phone. My head is killing me."

Scrib, The Grey Goddess, unfolded her small frame from the couch she was laying on and got up to answer the phone.


"Yea, it's me. Is Hawkeye around?"

"Hold on just a moment." Scrib reached over and pushed a intercom button. Hawkeye's muffled voice came over the other end.


"DarkWolf is on the other line. Says he needs to talk with you."


Hawkeye depresses the blinking button on his phone and puts Darkwolf on speaker phone.



"What the fuck is going on over there. I called SuerGrover and he has no idea. All the telepaths on our courts just started screaming. They said that they felt explosions going off in there heads. What happenend?"

"Mystikal was shot and killed."

"By who?"

"How the fuck am I suppossed to know? Perimeter patrols didn't go off..nothing."

Chapter 1

"Is your plan working?"


"How long do you think it will take them to destroy themselves?"

"I give them a couple weeks at the most."

"How long before they realize what's happening?"

"You over estimate them, I think."

The other person just shrugs his shoulders. He seems to be searching time and space for something. All the while staring straight ahead.

"She's awake."

"So soon?"

"I told you. The little medicines you gave her would not last long. She's more powerful than you think."

"Little?! I suppose giving her arsenic would have suited you better?"

"No....I want her alive."

"I gave her the strongest seditives we have. Besides her use ended back there. I just want the courts to destroy themselves. Afterwards....we'll pick up the broken pieces."

"I think you over estimate yourself."


"Does Jean have any idea how long the effects will be?" Darkwolf was asking. "I mean....my people are no use to me...with...headaches."

"I have no idea. She is suffering from the same headaches. Anyway's I am more concerned with what happenend here...to worry about your Court. Or SuperGrover's for that matter. If the Red King contacts me...I'll tell him the same thing. Tell them to pop a couple of aspirin."

With that Hawkeye hangs up the phone. He just sits there and stares for awhile at nothing in particular. Loki is getting ready to leave, when Hawkeye stops him.

"Of all the courts....who do you think did it?"

"Are you sure it was any of the Courts?"

"Who else would have done this?"

Loki just shrugs his shoulders and sits back down. Him and Hawkeye begin to go over the different motives the courts might have. Back in the living area of the mansion Marvel Girl was taking some more aspirin.

"How many of those have you taken?"

"As many as I need to. 8."

"8! It's only been 4 hours since Mysty was found. That must be one hell of a headache." "Scrib...you have no idea."

"Jean....who do you think did this."

"My first guess would be one of the courts. But then I ask myself....'what do they have to gain?' I don't know. I'm sure Hawkeye's in there trying to figure it out too. He's pretty pissed."

Scrib and Marvel Girl notice Tyrax and Byron walking in to the room. Both look puzzled. They look at Scrib and Marvel Girl sitting on the couches. Byron was the first to speak up.

"What is going on here? We got a message a couple hours ago from Hawkeye telling us to get our butts over here."

"Mystikal was shot and killed on the front landing of the mansion."

Tyrax and Byron just exchange glances. Tyrax is fingering a knife that he has stuck in his belt.

"That's odd..." Byron says.


"There's no blood on the landing. Did you guys have it cleaned up?"

"No. Hawkeye said we didn't have time for that. He said leave it. Really don't know why though."

"Well don't that seem odd to you? No blood on the landing....yet she was shot. What did you do with the body?"

"Ummm....she downstairs in the med lab."

Everyone suddenly seemed to realize what Byron was saying and Marvel Girl and Scrib both jumped up. They all ran out of the room, heading for the med lab downstairs. When they got there, Marvel Girl went right towards the body that was lying on the table. She began an autopsy on the body.

"Ok...part one of the mystery is solved. This body has been dead for days. Bullet hole in the back. This body though is NOT Mystikal."

"But what about the explosions? You said it was Mysty's last thoughts...all of her thoughts all at once."

"That's the wierd part...they were."

Chapter 2

Mystikal sat up in the bed she was lying on. Trying hard to remember who she was. She was a little groggy. She had the strangest feeling she wasn't supposed to be here. There's somewhere else she had to be...an appointment?

*Where I am suppossed to be? Better yet...where am I? Even better...who am I?*

The last question scared her the most. Who was she? She just felt so tired. Maybe if she slept, she'd know the answers. Her door was opened she realized. Two people, a man and a woman, were just standing there staring at her.

"Who are you?"

"You don't remember me, honey?"


"I'm your daddy, this is your mommy."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, dear. Don't ya even know who ya are?"

"No'm. I don't" *Oh, no. I made the lady cry. Maybe she is my mommy.* "Don't cry. I'll try to remember."

"It's okay, honey. Mommy's just sad. You had an accident. The doc said this might happen. We just need to adjust your medications, dear."

The man reached over her head and and pushed a button. Mystikal's head began to feel heavy and her eyes started to close.

*So tired* "Daddy, why am I tired?"

"Because, honey. The medicines help you sleep, so you will be all better."

"When will I be better?"

"I don't know, dear. Good night....Elizabeth."


Mystikal feel back into a deep sleep. The man and the woman both walked out of the cell.


"We gotta go tell Hawkeye this" Marvel Girl was saying, "He's not gonna be happy that one of his Court members is M.I.A. But he's gonna be a whole lot happier that she's not dead. Ow!!!"

"What's wrong?"

"The headaches are back."

"They left?"

"NO...what am I saying?"

"I don't know. You brought me and Tyrax here so that we could see Mystikal. Maybe figure out who killed her."

"Did I?"

"You feeling all right, Jean?"

"Yea. I remember now. Just these headaches. So, Tyrax....you have any idea who killed Mysty?"

"No. But I have plans of finding out."


"That was close. We're lucky we gave her the mind inhibitors when we did. She's controlling theirs minds without even realizing it. I..am..a..genius."

"How long will your genius last, you think?"

"As long as I want it to."

"Hmmm...we'll see. For now that problem has been averted. And when we finally decide she should wake up....we will have brainwashed her completely. Shall we go mommy?"

"Yes, let's."

Chapter 3

Psi-shot was trying to get over the headache he had. It wouldn't go away. Darkwolf had just told him what Hawkeye had said.

*Great! If she realeased all her thoughts at once we could be feeling this for days. Damn! This is the worst headache I've ever had.* "Shit!"

Everyone else that was in the room with Psi-shot glanced over at him. They just looked at him in pity. Rune tossed him some more aspirin.

"Here, man. Take a couple more of those."

"If this headache don't kill me, taking all these pills will."

"Who do you think did it. We didn't, and Supergrover was just as surprised as we were when Darkwolf told him what Hawkeye said."

"n'I don't know. I just know that if they don't find out before I do, the person who did this will suffer the same freakin' headaches I've been suffering."

"Don't ya think ya outta leave that for the Grey Court? I mean it was thier page."

"Normally yes, I would. But, dammit, I'm involved now....at least my head is."

Rune, Nate, and TornRain nod their heads. They knew that they wanted none of what Psi-shot would dish out if he ever got his hands on whoever was at fault for his headache.


Mystikal was awake again. She was still groggy...but she remembered were she was. She was in her bed at home. She wondered if mommy and daddy were there. She opened her eyes and sure enough they were. She smiled when she saw them.

"Hi, mommy! Hi, daddy! Am I better yet."

They noticed that she was speaking as a 8 year old would, instead of the 19 year old that she was. They smiled.

"Not yet, Lizzie. We still have a couple days of medication for you...then you should be alright. Then we'll let you go out and play and see your friends. Ok?"

"Ok. Mommy? What's that in your hand?"

"Oh this, honey? Well I wanted to show you why your here in bed."

Mommy walks over to Mystikal and shows her a picture of a group of men and women. We know this to be the Grey Court. She doesn't.

"Who is that man, mommy?"

"That man is the one who hurt you. His name is Hawkeye. Those are his friends. They helped him, Honey. Her name is Marvel Girl, that is Tyrax, Scrib, Echo, Byron, Loki, Daemon, Omen River, Tempest, and Faith. They are very bad people. They hurt you."

"It's there fault I hurt?"


"I don't like them."

Chapter 4

Over the days of semi-consciousness Mystikal mentally aged a year until she was once again 19. Over that time Mommy and Daddy showed her how to use her mutant powers. They also instilled into her a severe hatred for the Grey Court and all other Hellfire Courts. Finally the extent of her powers made her one of the strongest mutants ever to be alive. Her telepathy could kill a person, he telekinises was strong enough to lift a barge and throw it carelessly, and to top it off; she could fly. Always had been able to, it was just an added incentive. The day came when they said she was better. She was so happy to be taken off the medicine.


Slowly, everyone who had telepathy started to lose their headaches. PsiShot and Marvel Girl being the most grateful for that. The Grey Court started to slowly get back to normal. They had a private funeral for Mysty and began the recruitment stage for a new Grey Page. All this occured in a manner of 11 days. Five days after Marvel Girl's headaches went away she felt something wrong. She went to Hawkeye to try and figure it out.

"I don't know what it is, though. My physic connection to everyone in the Grey Court goes away when they are dead. So why isn't Mystikal's gone?"

"We buried her Jean. She can't be alive. Maybe your brain's on the fritz after those massive headaches."

"I seriously doubt that. Besides I 've been receiving images too. I can't make them out, but she's in all of them."

"What would you have me do, Jean? Dig her up?"


"Fine then. If it will make you feel better. Go for it."

So she did. She got some help and dug up the body that had been buried. Echo and Scrib were waiting in the sick room when the body was brought in. They both scrunched up their noses and looked like they were going to be sick. The decomposition had begun yet, but the smell was horrible.

"Ugh.....can ye make the smell go away? I think I'm going to be sick."


Marvel Girl reaches over and pushes a button that lets all of the bad air out of the room, refeshing it. She also leaves it turned on. During their examination of the body they discovered that it had been dead slightly longer than Mystikal would have been. Upon confirmation of the DNA test they knew for sure it wasn't her. Marvel Girl, Echo, and Scrib go up to the Hawkeye's office and tell him this.

"You're sure?"

"You wanna go down yourself and look?"

"NO, thank you."

"What do ya think we should do?" Scrib asked.

"Find her."


PsiShot was starting to receive different images from a powerful telepathic source. He went to Darkwolf and they decided that they should find this mutant and recruit it. Certain member of the Black Court left to find this person. Members of the White and Red Courts were also trying to find this person. They were all going to end up at the same spot.

Chapter 5

The Grey Court assembled a team to go after Mystikal. The team included Loki, Marvel Girl, Scrib, and Tyrax.

"This is supposed to be a simple retrieval operation. Get in and get out, with as little complications as possible."

"What if there's resistance, Hawkeye?"

"Take 'em out."

And so the members of the Grey Court leave to get back their Page. The Black Court was sending a team of their own to the same location. However, theirs was a team of recruitment. With no idea of what they were heading into (they didn't even know it was Mystikal) Darkwolf, Rogue, PsiShot, and TornRain leave the comforts of their mansion. The same was true for the White Court. SuperGrover, Mufasa, and Nebula were the team that left.


Elizabeth knew they were on their way. Mommy and Daddy told her. She was sitting in her room preparing herself physically and mentally. She had brushed her thick, curly hair into a tight pony tail. She was dressed in a black jumpsuit with combat boots on. Everyonce in awhile she would practice her powers to make sure she could do the task she had to do. She would look outside and lift a boulder or she would float in her room. She would read the minds of people nearby. She had been trained for this moment. She wanted so ad to kill the people that had hurt her and made her sick for 11 years. She figured it might be pretty easy to take them out. She knew how to tap into thier powers and use them, without taking them. So it would be a fair fight. She hoped the shapeshifter would be there. She clapped her hands delightfully.

*Oh! That would be fun, so much easier to sneak up on them. Even if the King was there. Imagine Multiple me's.*

She hears someone knocking on the door and reaches out with her mind to open it. It's daddy.

"Honey, I got some bad news and some good news. Not all of the Grey Court is coming. However, two of the other courts sent people. The White Court and the Black Court. Do you think you can handle it?"

Elizabeth nodded her head.

*She had had doubts before*

*No!!! The voice again!*

Elizabeth did a quick psi search of the area and found nothing. This had happened before. It was like she was seeing someone else's thoughts. This person had been freinds with the Grey Court.

*What happened to that person* she wondered.

Chapter 6

When the Grey Court arrived at the seaside mansion they noticed the other Courts there. The Courts were embroiled in a fearsome arguement over who had the right to be there.

"What in the name of chickens are they doing here?" Loki inquired.

"I don't know. Let's find out shall we?"

Marvel Girl walked up to the two kings who were, debating over who should be here and who shouldn't. As she got nearer Supergrover suddenly turned around and looked right her. He also looked behind him and noticed the rest of the Court that had come.

"Great. What the hell are you guys doing here? Where's Hawkeye?"

"You can speak with me. I am Queen after all. Hawkeye is taking care of some business back at the mansion. We are here to get someone back. Plain and simple. I don't know why you are here. But you can leave....now."

With that Marvel Girl sent a telepathic message to the rest of the group to proceed as planned and carefully.

*Be careful. We don't know what to expect here. Keep your eyes open. I don't know why the other courts are here. I intend to find out though.*

Loki and Scrib nodded their heads and Tyrax began to walk around the outer edges of the fence. He was looking around noticing the security in place.

"They know we're here."

Loki turned to face Tyrax," How?"

"See those cameras?"

Loki looked towards where he was pointing and smiled. He walked up to where the cameras were and waved.

"Hi!! Uh...since you know we're here...do you think you could go ahead and give us our Page back? If not...I'll understand....but I wouldn't want to come in there and get wicked on your ass."

"Loki! What the hell are you doing."

"What?! They know we're here anyways."


Meanwhile Marvel Girl was having a discussion with Supergrover and Darkwolf. She wanted to find out why they were here...of all places.

*This is far to much, for it to be a coincidence.* "I want answers, and I want them NOW!"

"Look here, Jean. We were here first."

"I don't care. I'm here to get a person out and get home as soon as humanly possible with as little to no damage possible."

"Oh? And who would you need to be getting out of here."

"I don't see how that is any of your business."

"It is when we are here for the same telepath."

"So you do know who is in there."

"Uh...yea. Any psi within hundreds of miles would know." Psishot spoke up. "Huh?" Marvel Girl realized what he was saying and realized that the two courts were here for recruitment.

"Um...hate to break this to you BIG boys. But the telepath in the building is Mysitkal."

"She's dead...you and I know that." Psishot said.

"I thought I knew that. Lately I've been having pyschic impressions from her. We performed an autopsy on the body we thought was her...and..well..it wasn't."

"So you mean to tell me that we are here for no reason?" Mufasa growled.

"Yea...that's about what it boils down to."

All of a sudden telekinetic blasts similar to those Psishot shoot were being aimed at teh members of the Courts. They all ran for cover. Marvel Girl looked up from behind the boulder she was hiding by and saw the young girl with silver, curly hair flying above the Mansion.....and heading straight towards the group.

Chapter 7

Things at the Grey Court Mansion were absolutly quiet. Byron was in Hell taking care of unfinished business and Echo was outside walking in the garden. Hawkeye was in his office...again...reviewing possible admissions into the Grey Court. One of the applicants was a Martin Blank: 21. After he had finished reviewing teh applicants he filed the resumes away and sat gazing at the ceiling in deep thought.

Cici was enjoying one of her few days off. Nothing was required of her today. She could just sit back, relax, and catch up on her reading.
*Ahh,* she thought *This is going to be a good day.*

She was just sitting down in a recliner in the library when the intercom buzzed. She got up out of her chair and pushed the receiving button on the intercom.


"It's me. Sorry to do this to you. But I need you to do something."

"Sure Hawkeye. What is it?"

"I want you to dig up anything you can on the place the others left for. Who owns it...affiliations...everything."

"I'll do what I can."

"Thank you."


Cici sighed as she put her book away, sat down at a computer and began her search.

"Shit! Who is that!?" SuperGrover was yelling over the blasts.
"That is Mystikal!"

"What the hell is she doing shooting at us?"

"I don't know."

As more and more telekinetic blasts started to tear up the ground around them, PsiShot decided he wasn't going to remain a sitting duck.

"We gotta take her out!"

As he was saying this he was running out from behind a boulder shooting his blasts at her. She expertly dodged them almost as if she was expecting them. After one concentrated blast of her own she took down PsiShot. Rogue watched as he went down adn ran out to him as soon as she thought Mystikal wasn't looking.

"Darkwolf! He's alive help me get him."

Darkwolf ran over and picked up PsiShot. He ran back over to their barricades and set him down. SuperGrover looked over to Rogue when she got back.

"Let's see how she does with two flyers." He looks over to everyone else. "We have to stop her, one way or another."

Chapter 8

Scrib was the first to notice Mystikal flying towards the general vicinity of where the others were having their little pow-wow. No sooner had she noticed her, then the sounds of fighting began. Loki and Scrib began running towards the sounds of the fighting.

"Oh...this is just luvly." Scrib muttered.

"How is this lovely? She is going to pulverize them....or worse."

"I was being sarcastic."


Tyrax had said that he was going to try to come up behind Mystikal, and when she was brought down out of the air, he would do what was necessary.

*I hope he doesn't do anything....permanent* Scrib thought.


Meanwhile, Rogue and SuperGrover were dodging in and out, trying to avoid Mystikal, while simultaneously trying to take her out. After their first assault failed, because they realized for the first time Mystikal could use their powers against them, they decided to use hit and run tactics. While on the ground the rest of the people were doing what they could.

Inside Mystikal's head there was a different kind of war going on. Her Elizabeth persona was receiving telepathic instructions from "mommy" and at the same time she was hearing the voice of the girl who was a freind to the Grey Court.

*Mommy, they are fighting harder than I thought they would.*

*Yes, dear. I know. We're going to send you help.*

*No. I want to do this.*

*Honey, me and daddy are coming to help.*


A few moments later two people emerged from the mansion doors. They were both armed with simple, yet effective, weapons. Plus their own mutant abilities. "Daddy" was a tall man with salt and pepper colored hair. In his one hand he had a grenade. Motioning for Mystikal to get out of the way he pulled the pin and threw the grenade into the air. "Mommy", using her telekinises, aims the grenade directly at Rogue. It explodes 6 feet away from her, sending her sprawling to the ground. SuperGrover sheilded his face with his hands, instinctivly, then swooped down to catch Rogue.


Loki and Scrib finally made it back to everyone, just in time to see SuperGrover catch Rogue.

"Whoa," Loki said, "nice save."

Scrib, meanwhile, was running towards Marvel Girl.

"What'd I miss?"

Marvel Girl didn't respond. She was completly focused on Mystikal. SuperGrover had made sure that Rogue was indeed okay and set her down on the ground. Only for her to get back up and fly back into the thick of things. PsiShot had woken up and had gotten back into the fight. He had managed to get off one really good shot that incapacitated Mystikal, sending her to the ground.

"Mommy", who was short, with blond hair, was firing the M-16 she had, using her telekinises to actually aim the bullets to wherever she wanted. When she saw Mystikal going down she reached out with her T.K. and slowed her descent.

When she entered her mind to tell her what she should do next, she noticed Marvel Girl's presence, trying to "free" the Mystikal persona. And the Mind Games began.


Cici had finally come up with some answers as to the seaside mansion where, unbeknownst to her, a battle was raging. She had found out that the mansion belonged to a person named Raven Darkholme.

*Raven Darkholme? I know that name. Where have I heard it?*

As she sat pondering this, she pulled up a picture of this person. She was quite striking, with black hair and blue eyes. Cici felt that she had gathered everything she could and headed for Hawkeye's office.


Marvel Girl was now laying on the ground in what appeared to be a comatose state. The same held true for Mystikal and the mysterious blond. PsiShot ahd said that they were fighting on the Astral Plane.

"Oh," Scrib said, "that explains everything."

No sooner than she had said that than more people with guns and other various weapons appeared. "Daddy" was yelling for them to "kill them all"

"Uh...I suggest that we get rid of these gun-toting idiots. They can take someone's eyes out with those." Loki said after a bullet barely missed his head.

"Good idea!" Scrib yelled.

Chapter 9

Hawkeye was tapping his chin thoughtfully.

"Raven Darkholme? Hm...you know who that is don't you?"

Cici considered this for awhile. She knew that she had heard this name before. She just couldn't place where.

Echo had come back from the Gardens and was passing by Hawkeye's office when she overheard the conversation. Before Cici could reply, Echo walked in.

"What's Mystique got to do with this?"

Cici thought about this for a moment longer and then realization was written all over face.


"Question is: If she owns the mansion then is she involved? And if she is involved...why?"


On the Astral Plane Marvel Girl saw what appeared to be two Mystikals. One was dressed as the one that was attacking them, the other as the Mystikal she knew. "Elizabeth" was shooting psibolts at Marvel Girl with the help of her "mommy." The only help Marvel Girl had was Mysty doing what she could from what seemed to be a jail cell.

*Ok, Mysty you're gonna need to help me out here.*

*What do you think I'm doing. This thing is hampering my abilities some ya know.*

Marvel Girl was busy trying to find a way to open the cell and managed to knock out "Elizabeth", if only momentarily. During this time she was able to psionically open the cell. Finally Mystikal was out. Her and Elizabeth came face to face.


Back in the real world Tyrax had been taken out. No one could get close enough to him to find out if he was still alive or not. Scrib had managed to get a hold of a couple of grenades and was throwing them left and right trying hard not to hit the good guys. Loki had managed to take a couple people outby shapeshifting into their uniforms and walking right up to them. Rogue and SuperGrover were flying around doing what they could from the air. SuperGrover finally had enough and landed gently on the ground.

Chapter 10

The first person to notice Mystikal moving was Scrib. She motioned everyone to be quiet. They would need to take her out if Marvel Girl didn't win on the Astral Plane. Then Scrib noticed Marvel Girl moving.

"Ok...don' need ta worry about Mysty. It's really her this time."

Mystikal sat up and looked around her. She saw that a few of the people were bleeding. Loki had somehow or another ended up with a nasty looking cut on his head, Scrib was bruised, and she also noticed that the area around them was practically destroyed. Marvel Girl was sitting up and noticing the same things as Mystikal. SuperGrover acknowledged the two with a breif nod in their direction then continued with what he was doing.

"OK, there isn't that many of them left. If Mufasa and I focus on one area....PsiShot and Scrib on another we should be able to finish them off."

Mystikal listened to what he was saying and nodded her head. Then she flew up into the sky saying that she had a better idea.

"What the hell is she doing? She's going to give our position away. What...does she plan on taking them on by herself?"

Scrib shrugged her shoulders. She didn't know what the girl was up too. Marvel Girl watched as the Grey Page rose into the air. Then just as Mysty reached 25 feet into the air, she telepathically let everyone know just what she was going to do.

*With your consent....I am going to 'borrow' your powers and emotions. This will...well..be redirected into a sort of...well..I guess you would say the biggest damn t.k. bolt you've ever seen.*

The Court members who were not Grey looked amongst each other doubtfully. Had this ever been done? they wondered. But one by one they sent their acknowledgement and their permission. Mystikal then focsed every bit of energy that she had gained from them, all their emotions from the day and charged it into one T.K. blast that leveled everything in front of the group. It took out over half of what was left of the ragtag Army they were fighting.


Conclusion: Part 1

Back at the Grey Mansion.

4 hours later

Mystikal sat on her bed lost in a deep thought. She was in her own mind facing 'Elizabeth'.

"I can't kill you."

"Well duh! I'm you."

"No...not me. Your Elizabeth. You just look like me."

"Well whatever. You're stuck with me either way. You even try to kill me and you'll just be a mental case for the rest of your mortal life."

"I know."

With that Mystikal used her mind to form a concrete barrier around the cage that contained 'Elizabeth.' Leaving slits around the four walls so that she wouldn't 'suffocate'. Mysty could still hear her though.

"Oh chicky....that wasn't very polite of you."

"Who said I was trying to be polite?"

"This won't hold me forever."

"I won't be alive forever anyway."

Mysty returned back to the real world and looked around. She knew that the barrier wouldn't hold forever...but just maybe it could hold until there was a way found to 'eradicate' Elizabeth.


Epilogue: Part 2

Hawkeye's Office.

Everyone but Mystikal was in his office. The three who had gone to get her back were debriefing Hawkeye about what happend. Then he asked if any bodies of shapeshifters were found.

"Nope. As far as I know. I was the only shapeshifter."

Daemon looked curiously over at Hawkeye, knowing that there was more to that question. "We have reason to believe Mystique was a part of this."

Everyone looked over at Echo. She was standing there not looking to happy about that prospect.

"That means if her body wasn't found that she either wasn't apart of this .....or that she is still out there bidingher time. Either way, it leaves questions, and not all questions are best left unanswered."

Epilogue: Part 3
Back at the Seaside Mansion

'Daddy' looked around at the remains of the grounds and of the bodies that scattered the ground and shook his head. Just for once he would like things to go as planned. 'Daddy' began to walk back into the mansion. As he neared the body of "Mommy" he realized that she was still alive. She had a blank look to her eyes. He picked up her M-16 and shot her between the eyes.

*It was a mercy killing really.*

He continues his walk back up to the mansion and went inside. Just as the door closed behind him we see him transform into a female with blue skin and red hair.

The End!