Spring Days, Weird Nights *HF*

By Mystikal

Spring Days, Weird Nights

by: Mystikal

Daemon walked into the rec room not really expecting anyone to be there. Everyone was off enjoying the new spring weather. However, when he looked over to the table he saw the familiar silver hair. What on earth is she doing here? He walked up behind the girl. She had one of her legs propped up on a chair. She was in her familiar jeans and and a black tank top. Very rarely did she wear anything besides jeans.

“Mysty, what are you doing here?”

“Playing solitare.” She replied simply. He looked over her shoulder and saw that she had completed two stacks of cards.

“Yes I see that.”

Mysty turned her head to look up at Daemon. She just stared at him for a couple of moments. “Then why’d you ask a stupid question?” Then she turned around and continued with her game. Daemon muttered under his breath. He did not appreciate that too much.

Damn woman. Not even a woman. She’s still a teenager. Smart ass. “Can I speak with you, Mysty.” Mystikal simply nodded her head and indicated the chair in front of her. As if she expected him to go ahead and sit down at the table and talk to her. Oh….no…she did not. “In my office. Ten minutes.” With that said Daemon turned and walked out. Mystikal turned around to watch him leave. When he had walked out she turned back around to finish her game.

12 Minutes Later

Mystikal had finished her game and was walking into Daemon’s office. She knew she was late….but what were two minutes? When she was walked in he was looking over some papers.

He looks pissed…

“You’re late. The next time I say ten…you had better be walking in at 8.” Mystikal simply made a face at him….when he wasn’t looking.

“You wanted to see me, sir?”

Daemon let her stand there without an answer as he finished his paperwork. Finally after about Five minutes he replied to her.

“You hardly ever leave the mansion. You sit in your room reading or in front of that blasted computer. Or I’ll find you in the rec room. You need to get out more often. You’re 19 and have absolutely no life that I know about.”

Mystikal listened to what he had to say and was getting madder by the minute. When he had finished she decided it was time to speak her mind.

“Who are you to tell me to get out? You are here almost as much as I am. Sure you visit Sharon or Kahlid. But otherwise, you’re just as lifeless as I am. And before you mention ‘Well I’m the King I have responsibilities...’ DON’T. It’s just an excuse.”

Daemon listened to her and knew that she was right. Since he had become King he had started to become a sort of hermit in the mansion. But, still, he was nowhere as near as bad as Mysty. Mystikal had crossed her arms underneath her chest and was tapping her foot impatiently.

“You could go out with some friends.”

“Don’t have any.”

“Make some.”

“I’m not a social person.”

“Dammit! TRY! That’s an order. I’ll even follow my own order. Every night or day you go out. I will too. I’ll stay out as long as you do.”

“Oh….really?” Daemon nodded his head, convinced he had won. Then he noticed that she was smiling.

Oh….this can’t be good. She smiles that way….it’s never good. Mystikal suddenly snapped to attention and saluted Daemon. She took two steps backwards, made an about face and marched out. She is such a smart ass.

Mystikal went up to her room. She had decided that if Daemon wanted to make her go out she would make his life hard as well. She knew that her staying out till the wee hours of the morning...hell...longer than that....would eventually make Daemon recind his own order, becuase he would have to be doing the same thing. She decided she would go to a club tonight. Maybe just a nice club, nothing to rowdy. She didn't want to hurt a drunk man or anything.

Scrib, Echo, and CiCi had come back from their shopping and had come up to Mysty's room to ask her why Daemon seemed to be in a foul mood. When they walked in they found clothes spread all over her bed. They found her standing in front of her mirror looking at her reflection. She was in a spaghetti strap dress, it had the sparkly effect to it and come to just above her knees. Mystikal turned around to face the three.

"So.....whatcha think?"

Tracy's jaw dropped. She just couldn't believe that Mysty was in a dress. Sam and Bobbi just smiled.

"We we're beginning to think you didn't even know what a dress was." Echo said.

"Yea...well...normally I don't even look at them."

"We noticed."

Mystikal turned to look back into the mirror. She didn't know if she liked the dress or not. She really doesn't like dresses, but she figured if she was going out tonight she might as well make it a full-fledged dress up doll kinda night.

"Who are you goin' with?" Scrib finally asked.

"Me, myself, and I."

When Mystikal noticed the confused looks on their faces she went on to explain the conversation with Daemon she had had earlier in the day.

"Ohhhh....." Scrib was saying. "That explains why he doesn't look to happy. He shouldn't be making you go out though."

"Tracy," Echo said, her voice sounding like Mysty. "He's right. Mysty, you rarely leave the house."

"I know."


1 Hour Later

(7:00 PM)

Everyone had finished dinner and had gathered in the rec room to watch some television and relax. They had noticed Mysty's absence from the dinner table and no one knew why. Echo had said that she was getting ready for something. But what could cause someone to skip dinner. She was still in the mansion becuase her car had been pulled around to the front door.

Mysty had finished dressing. She had settled on the black dress. She had her long, silvery hair up in a frech twist, with just a few strands hanging down to frame her face. She had 3 inch heels on. She didn't want to wear them, but it was the only pair of dress shoes she had. It increased her height from 5'10 to 6'1. So now she would tower over most people at the club.

That's alright.....I'll just sit down at the bar or something...

Her only jewelry was a silver necklace with a heart-shaped diamond. It was given to her the birthday before all her headaches had started. Before she had been threatend with death. Before she found out she was a mutant. Back when she was still little old 16 year old Shannon Watson.

After she felt that she was presentable, she walked out of her room and started down the stairs. When she got to the bottom of the stairs she turned and started walking towards the rec room where everyone else was assembled. When she walked in she saw Scrib and Echo playing a 'shots' game and Cici reading a book. Daemon, Marvel Girl, and Loki were all watching television. She had no idea were Maul was. The first three looked up at her and smiled the second they noticed her. She smiled back and cleared her throat.

"I'm leaving now. Be back....well...I don't know when I'll be back."

Of the three on the couch, Daemon was the first to turn around and look at Mysty. He was followed closly by Loki then Marvel Girl.

"I didn't know you were going out tonight."

"I know...so I won't hold you too your order tonight."


Mystikal turned around to leave, bumping into Maul; who was just getting ready to come in. Before anyting else could be said Mysty went out towards the front door and out to her waiting car. After Mysty had left most of the people seemed in a state of shock. Maul walked into the rec room, looking slightly confused.

"Was that who I think it was, or am I seeing things?"

Loki and Daemon turned around and looked at Maul. Daemon simply nodded his head and Loki grinned.

"Yea it was! She looked rather nice I thought." Loki said.

"I wouldn't know. She moved to quick for me to notice much."

Loki laughed and stood up. Two seconds later he had transformed into the Mysty they had just seen. Scrib and Echo looked and started laughing, followed closly by Bobbi. Marvel Girl just shook her head. Daemon and Maul, on the other hand, looked sick. Maul was the first to speak up.

"Um..Loki...that's just sick. The thought of you as a girl...I'm sure it looked fine on her and all....but...change the fuck back would ya!"

Loki nodded and switched back to his normal self and sat back down.


Mysty sat on the bar stool watching the intricant patterns the lilghts played on the dance floor. She was just watching everything, trying to enjoy the atmosphere. She didn't drink...often...so she was just sipping on a soda. The bartender had laughed as her when she ordered, but she got what she requested. The club was starting to get emptier, it would be closing soon. Mysty sighed, she had had no fun at all tonight. She had had to dodge a couple of drunk men, her dress had been splattered and now she smelled like whiskey.

Somehow I don't think this night can get any worse. As she was getting up to leave she noticed a man in the shadows of the club, he seemed to be looking right at her. He stared at her as if he knew what she was thinking, who she was, he stared as if he knew everything about her. He continued to stare as she left the club. I think the bartender spiked my drink. I've never seen that man before.

With a shudder at the night's chill, and maybe the thought of that man, she began her walk to the car. She could feel someone behind her and when she reached out her mind to find out who, she was met with a psi baffler. She couldn't read his thoughts at all.

Damn! That can't possibly be a good thing.

Mysty tensed up and prepared to hurt someone if it came to that. She wheeled around to find no one behind her. Mysty cautiously looked around to make sure that no one was nearby, then continued to her car. When she had arrived back at the mansion around 3, she was trying very hard to be quiet. She slipped of her heels so that they wouldn't fall when she flew up to her room. She had decided that flying up there would be the quietest way to do things. She flew up the stairs to her room. When she got there she landed as quietly as she could an opened her door, then she shut it. Only then did she breath a sigh of relief. That changed, though, when she turned on her light to see someone sitting in one of her chairs. She stifled the scream that came to her throat when she saw who it was.

"Loki! What the HELL are you doing in here?!" she whispered vehemently.

"I decided to be the person who acts mad and demands to know where you've been all night," he said laughingly.

Mysty just shook her head at him. He had scared her to death. Ever since she had met him, he was always doing things that surprised her. At first, when she found out who he really was she had distrusted him and hated him for lying to her. It was his fault she had fled her home thinking she had killed someone. Now, she had been around him a bit longer and looked upon him as an overly obnoxious brother. That, too, changed when he volunteered to be demoted to Grey Assassin. There was something completely different about him now, and it scared her sometimes.

"Well, now that you have scared me half to death...would you mind leaving?"

Loki laughed and shrugged his shoulders, his black eyes twinkling in some secret amusement. He stood up and headed towards the door. When he neared Mystikal his nose looked as if it were twitching.

"Why do you smell like whiskey?"

"Some drunk spilt some on me..."

"Uh-huh. Sure...well..If you don't mind.."

Loki walked around Mysty and opened the door to leave. After laughing silently at her once more he left, shutting the door behind him. Mysty sighed and prepared for bed. She shook down her hair from the twist it was in and got a shower. She set her dress on the counter and reminded herself to either have it thrown away or dry-cleaned. When she got out of the shower she blowed dried her hair, put on her nightgown, and went to bed.


The young girl was terrified. She had been accused of this hideous crime and went to sleep everynight worrying that someone would recognize her from the news stories. She had arrived in Tennesee only a couple of months ago. She couldn't get a job, out of fear of recognition..so she did what she had to to survive.


Mystikal awoke the next morning with tears in her eyes. She had had a dream about her family and freinds. It was the last time that she had seen them. Before she had gone on the walk that changed her life. She absentmindedly fiddled with the necklace that was around her neck. She knew that her parents were probably very upset with all that had happened. They didn't even know if she was still alive. She didn't get to say goodbye or anything. Mysty sighed and wiped away her tears.

Crying is for the weak. Crying gets you nowhere. She had a new life. She needed to try to live it. Besides...Shannon doesn't even really exist anymore, only Mystikal. And somewhere within the depths of my mind...a fucked up Elizabeth.That thought scared her the most. The thought that not only was Shannon slowly dying and being replaced by Mysty....but that Mysty now had to contend with Elizabeth.

She got out of her bed and threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She brushed her hair and pulled back int oa ponytail. After making sure that everything was were it was suppoesed to be she slipped on her sandals and began to head downstairs.


Last night, Loki had noticed something close to fear in her eyes. He was fairly certain it had nothing to do with him. Unless, she had suddenly started fearing him.

Oh, yea. She fears me, but stares Daemon down...makes since to me.

Something had scared her and he wanted to know what it was. He happend to glance over to the open doors of the rec room and saw her passing them by, he supposed she was going to her office. He got up and followed her. He was a naturally silent walker, but somehow or another she had realized that he was there.

"What do you want?"


"Well, I'm not talking to my imaginary freind. We had a fight. So that leaves you."

Mysty turned to face him and he grinned, she just shook her head. She turned to open her office, and motioned for him to come in. As she walked behind her desk and sat down, she looked up at Loki, who was still standing there.

"Ya know, it wouldn't hurt you to sit down."

"Won't hurt me to stand either."

Mysty shrugged her shoulders and stared at him for a little while, and he stared right back, always with that smirk on his face. He had walked right up to her desk and had begun fiddling with the different objects on there. She tried to ignore him.

"Alright...why were you behind me?"

"What? Is it illegal to walk behind you?"

"No...but after the stunt you pulled last...."

Loki interrupted her with a laugh as if he was immensly enjoying himself. Mysty's face turned red and her eyes flashed briefly.

"Ya know...Loki...I'm not in a terribly good mood right now."

"Oh...really? You looked like you were having the time of your life just then. Gee....I've never seen you look so red.."

"Jacob.." she said dangerously, "I would advise you to stop it....now."

Loki smiled and nodded his head. He figured if he was going to get any information out of her about why she had been scared, he'd have to quit harrassing her....for now.

"Ok...I was just going to make sure I didn't piss you off too much last night."

Mysty watched him, she had this feeling that he was not quite telling the truth.

"Somehow I seriously doubt he'd be worried about whether or not he made me mad. Gee..wonder why I would think he's hiding something?* she thought sardonically.

"No...I'm not mad. I was just startled. Wasn't exactly expecting to see you there."

"You sure?" he raised his eyebrows as if expecting her to change her answer. She sighed.

"Yes..I'm sure. Unless you know of a reason why I should be."

He squinted his eyes for a moment and oddly enough did not seem entirely to pleased. But the moment passed and he was grinning again.

Maybe I just imagined that.

"Alright Mysty. Glad I didn't.....frighten...you or anything."

Mysty had finally had enough. He had managed to pick up and examine everything on her desk and now had the one picture she had of her and her family. Loki examined it, then stopped to look at someone in the picture, then looked at Mysty.

"She looks like you." he said...pointing to a girl with light brown hair.

"That's becuase it IS me you doofus."

"But your hair..."

"My hair turned silver shortly after that picture. I was only 16 in that picture."

Loki considered this and put the picture back down where it was. Then he smiled and walked out of her office.


Mysty shook her head at the retreating figure of Loki. She had never let on that he slightly scared her. She didn't fear him though. Somehow she figured he wouln't try to..oh..kill her in her slep or anything. She had no idea what had possesed him to ask such a pointless question. There was no way he could have known about the strange man last night. She hadn't told anyone. Hell, she hadn't even thought about it since it had happend. That had scared her though. One minute she could swear someone was behind her...the next it was gone. She didn't like that one bit.

Mysty decided to worry about it later and turned on her computer. She logged on to the internet, and decided to check her hometown's local news. It had been so long since she had done that. She really did miss being home. As she was gazing through the articles she found one titled "Local Girl Given Memorial." As she read this article her eyes filled up with tears.

No going home now.


Daemon had a feeling Mystikal planned on going out tonight. So he had to go out tonight also. He didn't get tired often...but hell...even he needed sleep, and he had a feeling she was going to try to push this. He prayed, though, that she wouldn't push it too much.

She really is to mouthy. She needs to learn a little respect.

He decided that when she went out he was going to go wherever it was that she went. He figured this might annoy her and make her quit.

Maybe, just maybe, she would start acting like a normal person and go out of her own free will and not force me to make her go out.


Scrib had needed to ask Mysty a favor and was heading towards her office. When she noticed that Mysty's office door was open she peeked in and noticed that she had her head in her arms almost as if she was asleep. Scrin knocked on the door and Mysty jumped up, hasitly wiping her eyes. When she saw that it was Scrib she stood up since the woman did hold a higher rank than her.


" 'Ello Mysty. I have a small favor to ask you."

"Sure. Whatcha need?"

Mysty noticed the stack of papers Scrib was holding and groaned inwardly. Somehow she knew she just was not going to like Scrib's request.

"I was wonderin' if ye could help me a wee bit. I seem to 'ave fallen behind on me paperwork and need these typed. I would ask Bobbi..but she's busy with something Daemon gave her..but if ye don want to...."

"Ok, Tracy. I'll see how much of a dent I can put into them."

"Ah...yer a wee darlin. Thank ye much."

As Tracy walked towards Mysty's desk to set the papers down she noticed her red eyes. She had never in the short time she had known her, seen her cry. But it appeared that that was exactly what was going on when she had come in.

"Here ya go, Myst."

"Ok, I'll have these to you as soon as I possible can."

"Sure dearie." Scrib paused before continuing, "Is something bothering you? I mean I'm just concerned."

Mysty smiled at Scrib. "Yes..but nothing to worry about. I'll be okay."

"Well if you need someone to talk to...." Scrib trailed off at the smile and nod from Mysty. "Ok..well..I'm going to go see how much damage I can do to me own pile still sitting on me desk."

Scrib walked out and Mysty sighed. She picked up the papers up and turned towards her computer and began the tedious process.


5 hours later (roughly 5:45)

Mysty looked at the clock as she put the final period on the final document. She had decided that she was going to go out tonight. She was going to go to the same club she had been to last night. She wanted to see if that strange man was going to be there again. She got up from her desk and grabbed the printed papers and left her office. She really needed to get these papers back to Scrib, go tell Daemon she was going out tonight, and she needed to eat something.

*God...I haven't eaten anything since breakfast yesterday.*

She felt that getting dressed up tonight was rather pointless. Besides she really didn't want to attract another crowd of drunken morons tonight. She went to Scrib's office first. She knocked at the door and at the weary sounding "Come in," she walked in.

"Just bringing these back to you. All finished."

"Thank ye lass. I'm just about done here too."

"Sure thing, I"ll see you later. I have to go tell D, I'm going out tonight."

Scrib smiled at Mysty and shook her head. Sometimes she wondered if Mystikal was bound and determined to see how far she could annoy the king. She was a smart-ass sure, but she just seemed to enjoy annoying him.

"Just stay out of trouble will ya?"

"Who...me? Trouble? Na...I NEVER get into trouble!"

"It just gets into you. Right?"

Mystikal smiled and nodded. She felt that she did always seem to find trouble where ever she went. She gave one last nod to Scrib then left, heading towards Daemon's office.


When Mystikal arrived at Daemon's office she gave a short knock on the door. She honestly thought about just knocking incessantly...but decided against it.

"Come in."

Mystikal opened the door and saw Daemon looking up at her. He didn't look too intimidating just then she thought to herself.

Smile...let him wonder.. she thought to herself, as she put on her nicest of smiles. "I was just coming to let you know I'm going out tonight."

"Ok...what time?"

"Around 8 I guess..."

"And where, may I ask, are you going?"

"Um...it's called Paradox."

Daemon nodded his head and asked if there was anything else he needed to know. After Mysty responded in a no, he gave a curt nod of dismissal and Mysty left. When she was outside of his doors she headed for the kitchen. She didn't always mean to annoy him so. She just felt that everyone is vulnerable somehow...everyone dies...why shouldn't everyone be treated the same? That's what she did...she treated Daemon the same way she would treat anyone else who everyone seemed to fear. She let him know she did not fear him and would speak her mind if necessary. That, and just everyonce in awhile she just found some strange pleasure in annoying the shit out of him.

When Mysty arrived at the kitchen she saw Echo in there getting something to drink. Mystikal smiled at her and went to go take a peek at was cooking. Afterwards she decided that she would just eat a sandwhich. She did this and grabbed a soda then sat down at a little table with Echo. Echo looked over at her and seemed to studying her.

"Have you ever considered going home...even for a little while?"

Mysty looked up in surprise at Echo's question. She hadn't expected anyone to voice her thoughts. Then she thought about it....Scrib...

"You've been talking to Tracy haven't you?" After Echo's nod, Mysty sighed. "Yea, I"ve considered it. But there's really nothing for me to go back for." Echo seemed to consider this, and her face became thoughtful.

"There is always something to go back for."

Echo finished her drink and got up to leave. Mysty watched her leave as she pondered her words. She was still thinking about them when she headed for her room to get dressed. Since she had decided not to get dressed up, she picked the simplest..but nice...outfit she had. It was her black jeans and a red shirt that had a little moon shaped out in rhinestones on it. She put on a black headband to pull the hair from her face, then looked at the clock.

Only 6:30, she thought. Guess I'll just go on down to the rec room for a little bit.

She would leave in an hour. When she got down to the room, the only other people in it were Bobbi and Loki. Bobbi was watching a television program about something. Mysty wasn't quite sure. Loki, oddly enough, was sitting in a chair doing nothing. Mystikal decided that she would read a book and just sit in a corner. That way when she got ready to leave she could just slink out unnoticed. She went a picked a book off the shelves and started walking towards the corner she had in mind. She would be able to see everyone from that corner. As she walked past Loki, she was startled when all of a sudden he looked up at her and grinned saying, "Fine! Be anti-social!"

Mysty looked behind her at him and sighed. Then looked over at Bobbi, who had turned around to see what was going on. She wasn't trying to be anti-social. She just wanted to read a damn book! Was that too much to ask?

"I was just going to read. I'm not being anti-social."

Sometimes he really got on her nerves. She continued walking past him, towards the chair she wanted to sit in. When she sat down she saw more of the court members coming in. Mysty was yet again startled when she noticed that Maul was sitting in one of the chairs opposite of her. Maul looked over at her.

He really creeps me out sometimes.

"Nice to know I won't have to see Loki shapeshift into you."

"What?" she asked, confused. Loki had been looking back in that direction and when he heard Maul, he smiled broadly and Mysty understood.

I swear one of the days I'm...I"m going to do something to him. What? I' don't know...but something, she thought. I"m sorry. He probably didn't do me any credit at all."

Mysty got up and began to head out the door. She felt that it was time to leave. On her way out to the garages she saw Daemon, who was dressed rather nicely. She figured he had went ahead and made plans for the night.

Well at least he'll keep his word about going out, she thought. "Hey, I'm going early."

"Okay. What time do you plan on being back?"

"What? Are you my father or something?" she said with a grin, and kept walking.


Mysty surveyed the club. She had been there about an hour now, she was hoping to spot that scary man from the night before. Maybe she could figure out who he was. She didn't like that when she reached out there was no one there. It really bugged her. Now that she was here though...her feelings just got worse, and the man wasn't there.

It's still early though, she thought to herself. Mysty again glanced over the crowd and was surprised to see that somehow or another Daemon had gotten to the back wall booth without her even noticing him come in. Oh...boy. What on earth is he doing here? she thought about this for a moment then decided to have fun with it. She walked over to Daemon's table with a mischeivous grin on her face.

"Hiya! Just couldn't resist my irresitableness could ya?'

Daemon rolled his eyes. Somehow he thought his plan was going to backfire on him..and instead of her getting annoyed, he was going to regret this. He wasn't to pleased with the prospect.

How does she do it. I swear almost nothing fazes her, he thought. "No Mysty, sorry to bust your little bubble there."

Mysty sat down next to him with a smile. She was going to make his life hard, and quite possibly have fun doing it. She figured she was fairly good as far as her duties within the court went, why not have a little fun? Mysty was getting ready to say something when she noticed the person who had frightend her the night before. Daemon had noticed her eyes glaze over to where they had become almost the color of really dark sapphires. He looked in the direction she was looking and saw nothing but am empty booth. When he turned back to face her, she was smiling but her eyes still had the same effect. Something akin to.... fear.

"Mysty...what is going on?"

"Hmm...umm...nothing important."

"Bullshit. You and I both know it. So tell me what the hell scared you!"

"Lower your voice and I will," she said rubbing her temples. She felt an enormous headache coming on. Daemon waited rather impatiently for her to tell him what the hell was going on. She explained the events from the night before. When she had finished, Daemon nodded.


"I know I probably shouldn't be scared...but there was something...wrong with it."

"No...you should always trust your instincts."


Mystikal sighed and looked around the club again. She decided it was time to go. She was creeped out as it was. When she suggested this, he agreed. She looked pretty shaken up. When Mystikal got to her room, she laid down on her bed and stared at the ceiling. She really missed her home and now there was a really freaky person...tow nights in a row. It seemed that everytime she went out something went wrong.

Yea...hell, the last time I went out I came back with a fucking mulitple personality. Mysty finally fell asleep.


The next morning things were very quiet around the mansion. Everyone seemed content to just be lazy and do nothing. Echo and Scrib were drinking coffee and Daemon was discussing the possibility of hiring someone back into the court with Maul. Martin Blank.

Martin, Mysty thought, Oh...the little kid who left. Why does he want back?

Mysty decided that she wasn't going to worry about it right now. She just wanted to sit down at a computer. She had had an idea pop into her head last night while she slept. She was going to act on it to. She was rich. Always had been. Her family had set up a savings account for her when she was born and on her birthdays and and holidays money was always put into it. When she had gotten a small job, any money she made she put into her account, since she didn't have to pay for anything becuase her parents bought it all for her. She had some from one of the most prominent family's. So when she had cleared her bank account just before going to California...she was quite pleased that she had well over 2 million dollars to her name. To most rich people...it was pennies..to her it was enough. She logged on to the internet and searched under Tennesee for real estate. She was going to go home. But not in the way she had hoped. She was going to buy a nice little home in the mountains...a getaway. As she was searching she found the perfect home. It was a log house set on a 10 acre peice of land. The best part was that it was in Copper Basin, in Polk County. It was only 15 to 25 mintues away from home. It was set in the mountains. She sighed happily then realized that someone was standing behind her. She reached out with her senses and realized it was Scrib, Echo, and Loki.

"May I help you?"

"We were just wondering what you were up to." Echo said with a smile on her face.

"Ye wouldn't be thinkin' bout leavin' us would ye?"

"No...just a vacation. I need to go home."

"What?! You mean you can stand to be away from us that long! I mean..here we thought you hadn't left yet becuase you just couldn't bear the seperation," Loki said.

Mysty sighed, and people thought that SHE was sarcastic. She explained to them what she was doing and showed them the house. Scrib had called it darling among other things. When they had finally left Mysty clicked the "buy" button. That was taken care of. Now for the hardest part of today. She knew that with all the formal meetings they had she would need more dresses than she cared to own. But she would need them never the less. So she grabbed her little purse and went shopping for the dresses. She would only get three. She hoped that would be enough. After spending almost 4 hours in the dress shop she had finally decided on the dresses. She hadn't wanted anything to frilly or girly. One of the dresses was red with straps that crisscrossed down her back. It was long and flared out a bit. The other two were black. One was long and the other wasnt'. They were fairly simple.

Mysty walked along the plaza looking at other things of interest. That's when she noticed the man again. Somehow he always seemed to be in a shadow. She didn't know how he did it. She could never make out his face.

Ok..this is beginning to seem a little to coincidental.

Mysty looked away from him and began walking the other direction. Mysty felt the urge to get away from that place as quickly as possible, and since Daemon had told her to trust her instincts...that's exactly what she did. She picked up her cellphone from her purse and pretended that she had received an emergency phone call. She then took off running at a break-neck speed. She couldn't very well fly and scare everyone into a panic in the plaza.

People would get hurt.

She was just turning a corner, not looking where she was going, heading towards her car..when she ran straight into Loki, sending both of them to the ground.

"What the HELL!" Mysty yelled.

"Shhh...damn. Kill me next time how 'bout it."

"What are you doing here?" she said through clenched teeth.

"Apparently saving your ass...among other things."

"How did you know I was going to be here?"

"Daemon told me about the last two nights...he told me to watch you today. I followed you here. Gee...for someone who always seems to know when I'm behind you...you sure didn't notice me this whole time..."

"Yea..well...I don't expect to run into you out here! In the mansion yes...here..no."

Loki considered this and decided that she was right about that. He rarely saw her outside of the mansion. But he decided that now was not the time or place to be discussing this. He hadn't seen what it was that made her run like that. When he had looked over to where she was staring..there was nothing. But whatever it was...

"Um..I"m sure we can discuss this later Mysty...but if you're running, don't ya think we should get out of here?"

Mysty nodded. She didn't quite understand how through all of this he always seemed to smile. Not smile really...it was more of a smirk. It really aggravated her sometimes. He always seemed to be off in his own little world. She doubted anyone ever saw a serious side to Jacob. He was always pretending it seemed to her. They began to calmly make their way back to her car when she noticed the strange man again.

Always with a shadow...but... Her thoughts trailed off. There were no shadows for this man to hide in this time..and yet..he appeared to be in shadow. Almost as if he were a shadow himself. She set her face to that of a forced smile and looked up at Loki.

"Um...Loki...tell me...do you see anything in front of us?"

Loki looked her oddly. He saw nothing but cars. He didn't know what she was talking about and he told her so.

"I'm supposed to be the crazy one here."

Mysty smiled tightly at him and pinched his arm. She was not a happy person right now and he just confirmed that he was not seeing what she was seeing. This really aggravated her. She did not like appearing delusional..when she knew for a fact she wasn't. Or..at least she hoped not.

Damn it! I know what I'm seeing. This is beyond creepy.

When she had looked back at where the man had been there was nothing. She sighed as she neared her car. This was really beginning to frighten her. She had only been scared like this a couple of times before, but she had managed to work her way through them and get over it. This... this was a whole new scheme of things. And she didn't like it. They got into her car and she drove them back to the Citadel. Loki was looking out the window at the scenery as she sped down the road.

"Birdy in the sky, why do you fly ever so high? Wouldn't it be nice to land, you can't go to Neverland."

"What on earth?! What are you talking about?"

Loki looked at her and grinned. He just could not resist annoying her. It was so fun and in her case, to easy. He noticed that her face was a little pale and that she seemed to be concentrating on something faraway. He decided that this was usually not a good face to have on when you were driving. What he didn't know was that she fighting to maintain control of her own mind.

"Um..Shannon? Are you there? Hello?"

"Yes...I'm here. Shut up for a moment."

He ended up being quiet the rest of the drive back to the mansion. She didn't mean to sound rude or anything..she just needed to think, and with him talking it wasn't easy. Elizabeth was talking to her...taunting her. Mysty decided that when they got back to the citadel her and Lizzie were going to have a discussion.

"Why wait that long?" Elizabeth asked evilly. Before Mysty knew what was happening she was being dragged into her own mind, by Elizabeth. They were turning down the long drive to the mansion when Mysty lost control and blacked out.

"Oh..SHIT!" Loki yelled. He tried to grab hold of the wheel and steer them straight, but he still had a problem, Mysty's foot was on the gas and he couldn't reach it. He tried to think of all possible things that could be done and there seemed no real good answer for this dillema. He really didnt' not want to crash into the Citadel...that would hurt a whole lot. He saw an embankment and headed for that. He tightened Mysty's seatbelt.

"Uh...yea...if you can hear me...this is going to hurt."

With that they slammed down the small hill and hit a wall of ground. The car kept going though it should of stopped. There was no front end to the car anymore. The front bumper had been pushed all the way back. When Loki woke up Daemon was standing over him with a look that would have scared the daylights out of a normal person. Loki just smiled.

"Did'ya catch the number of that wall?!"

"Loki...no games right now. I mean it. What the hell happened?"

Loki thought about the events that had happened. He didn't really want to tell Daemon that Mysty was losing it and seeing things...but what other explanation was their for it. Then she passes out in the car...not very cool indeed, he thought. He looked up at Daemon and smiled then told him what had happend. Word for word. Daemon didn't look to happy, that's all he needed was another crazy person on his court.

Like there isn't enough of them, he thought.

Daemon left the room and left Loki to himself. Loki got out of the bed and tried to stand, then realized that his ankle was slightly sprained. He hobbled over to the mirror and saw big knot on his head and he had noticed some bruises earlier. Not to shabby, he thought, coulda been worse. He slowly got dressed and headed downstairs.


Mysty stood in front of the concrete jail that she had constructed for Elizabeth. She now knew that this part of her was responsible for her seeing things. She couldn't understand how someone so basely evil could have been created from her. It made her afraid. She didn't like being afraid. It usually pissed her off. It also made her doubt herself. If this person was created from her...what's to say that one day...Mystikal shuddred and reddened. She would not let this thing win.

"Ohhh...Bitch?! Can you here me?! Just wanna make sure! Here lets have you see me too!" The concrete around the jail melted away to show a mirror image of Mystikal. Only this person seemed darker. She was in a black jumpsuit and had her hair pulled back. Mystikal stared at her dark twin and felt sick. "What the hell have you been up to? Hmmm? You know you really shouldn't mess with my mind. It has a really bad habit of pissing me off!"

Elizabeth shrugged at this. Why should I care what you feel? she sent to Mystikal telepathically.

"Because you dumbass...we are in the same fucking mind. You drive me crazy..you go crazy. Make any sense to you?!"

"Oh..no..I was just going to weaken you...then take over. Not drive you crazy," she replied with an evil smile.

"Over my dead body." Mystikal hissed.

"Let me out...and that can be arranged."

"Sure fine. You want me..." Mystikal let the cage melt away, "Come and get me," she said quietly.

Elizabeth was free. She just stared there for a moment. She didn't believe that Mysty would willingly let her out. She didn't expect what happened next. Out of nowehere bolts seemed to appear hitting her from all sides, sending her flying. She rolled up onto one knee, crouching into a fighting position. She imagined a wall behind Mystikal and there it was. Using the TK they both had, she threw Mysty as hard as she could into the wall. Mysty hit the wall with a thud and fell to the ground. When she got back up she saw Elizabeth flying towards her. Mystikal jumped up and shot a blast right at her, sending her flying out of the sky. She ran over to her and before Elizabeth could do anything, Mystikal decked her. Elizabeth went sprawling but got right back up.

"Oh..you wanna play that way bitch?" She then punched Mystikal as hard as she could. Sending her flying. Mysty could feel her eye swelling, and got pissed.

"Oh...that's it."


Scrib was waiting by Mystikal's bed. She felt bad for the girl. She just seemed to have the devil's own luck most times. Daemon had told her what Loki had said, so now they were afraid that she was going off the deep end. Scrib got up to go get a drink. When she had come back she saw that Mysty's eye was swollen and she had a bloody lip.

"What the feck!" Scrib searched the room top to bottom. Trying to findthe person who had done this. She found no one. She ran and pushed the intercom button to Daemon's office.

"Yes." Came his reply.

"Daemon...something funny is happening down here. Get here...now! How could I have been so feckin' stupid? God, Tracy, ye're such a fuckwit, leavin her alone, anyone coulda gotten in..."

When Daemon walked into the medical room, he saw Scrib pacing back and forth, cussing up a storm. As he glanced around the room, he saw bits of broken glass everywhere. Then he saw Mystikal.

"Scrib, what the fuck happened!"


Mystikal had managed to gain the upper hand. She had lifted Elizabeth into the air and was holding her in place. Mystikal concentrated on opening a sort of bottomless pit, then let Elizabeth fall into it. As soon as Elizabeth was in the hole, Mysty sealed it up. She breathed a silent sigh of relief.

Mystikal smiled at sat down on the ground. She had done it. She had faced her fears. She faced Elizabeth. She sat down and started crying. She had won. She didn't really think it possible but she had. She left.

When she woke up the first thing she noticed was the pain. The next thing she noticed was Scrib's highly agitated voice cussing and somewhere she heard her name mentioned. Then she heard Daemon. Mystikal stood up and slowly walked over to the two, and tapped Scrib on the shoulder.

"Holy Mary, mother of GOD! What the fuck!!" she yelled, as she jumped, slightly scared.

Mystikal flinched when Daemon turned to look at her, before he could ask the question she knew was burning in his mind she spoke up. "Let me get cleaned up...and I will explain all."

"No...you can explain all...now!" he replied.

Fine..if you want to be a prick, she thought. Mysty started to open her mouth to retort, when Scrib spoke up.

"Fuck's sake, Daemon, she's had a shit time of it, let her get a chance to collect herself, at least"

Daemon glared at Scrib when she said this but nodded his head. "You have 30 minutes. That's it." Then he walked off. Scrib looked at Mystikal reassuringly and left too.


35 minutes later.

Mysty was late again. She walked into his office with a slightly sheepish grin on her face when he glared at her. She knew she was going to hear about it later. But right now he wanted to hear about what the hell had happened. She looked over at Scrib and Loki who were in the office as well. She took a deep breath and sighed. She began the long explanantion of the past days events. They were clear in her mind, but how to actuallly explain..that was going to be hard.

"Ok...as you know I was being followed by a guy that I could never seem to see fully. You never saw hiim," she looked over at Loki, " and you never saw him. That was my first inclination that something was beyond fucked up. I got really scared for awhile. As we," she indicated her and Loki, "coming home Elizabeth somehow managed to rip me out of the real world and into our mind. How? I have yet to figure this out." Mysty smiled slightly and continued. "While there, we...got into an...altercation. In which, she hit me and I hit back...numerous times. I ended up with the black eye. But trust me, the only way she can do this again is if she finds away to get out of a bottomless pit with no beginning and no ending. The bitch is locked up permenantly."

"Fuck, aye...makes sense... in a really fucked up way," Scrib muttered.

"And it brings us to now." she finished. She waited for Daemon to say something, when she didn't she continued. "So..no..I'm NOT going crazy." She had directed this to Daemon but was looking right at Loki. He just smirked and shrugged his shoulders.


Two Weeks Later

Mysty waited at the airport. Her plane was leaving in fifteen minutes. Scrib and Loki had accompanied her there. As they heard the final boarding call Mysty stood up and looked at the two. She bent down to give Scrib a hug then looked at Loki. She decided to be nice and give him a hug to. He had after all kept them from driving into a building.

She walked through the doors and onto the plane. When the plane touched down in Tennesee she headed straight for the house she had bought. She loved it and tried to make it as much like home as possible. She hung curtains and shopped for it.

Two days later, she got dressed up. She was wearing black jeans, and her faverite black shirt and a spike collor. She was going to a concert in her hometown.

The End.