"Thoughts" *HF*

By Mystikal


By: Mystikal

Thoughts on life. Yea. That's what you could call it I suppose. Thoughts about life. That's probably a more accurate statement though. Anything that involves you as a person can be considered thoughts about life. How you live it, how you view it....hell, whether or not you ordered what the special of the day at BK was cause yer cheap even IF you don't like it......compared to spending the same money on something you do like...boils down to life. You have to think about this process. Did that have anything to do at all about what I'll think before this is over? Probably not. Then again...maybe it has everything to do with it.

I liked my job as the rook. Really I did. It's just that if I'm not the one talking....my mind tends to wander where it's not less boring. For instance, when Sharon and I were still on the GHC we were at a small meeting with Grover and some of his IC...I let her to the talking natch. I mean, she IS their former queen. She knows what to say to them. So I just sat there lookin' pretty...and for me that was hard enough! I didn't even realize that someone had talked to me. I was so embarrassed. Needless to say I paid close attention the rest of the meeting.

I found out something kinda odd to me though. People think I look scary at night. Like a ghost. I was at an old theatre the other night, dressed in a black dress...damn things...I really hate dresses. They limit movement and everything else. I mean for crying out loud....what use can they possibly serve in the outside world? They're stupid! Anyways.... It was dark in the theatre cause the show was still going on and someone saw me by myself up in the balcony. They freaked. Apparently.... they thought I was a ghost or something. Silver hair....paleish skin...black dress. Eh...I suppose. Anyway.... I reiterate dresses are evil.

Bobbi Todd is the sweetest person in the world. She's always there and can find anything! Which is great...cause I can lose anything. She has her share of secrets, like anyone I know. Secrets are strange things. I have them, Trace has them, Celeste has them....everyone does. But they take some getting used to. You obviously have them secrets because you don't feel you can trust anyone with them. So how do you look your best friend in the eyes everyday and pretend nothing is there? You realize that they are doing the same things...so it makes it a little easier.

Dating is a strange thing. I never could get the hang of it. Hence the reason I don't do it now. That....and...I don't think anyone likes me. I dunno. Goes back to the ghost thing right? Or not. Just shooting at air there I suppose. That and when people blatantly flirt with me, it throws me off. But I enjoy it sometimes…just throws me off. I think the other person is crazy most the time. In fact…the one person that pops to mind is crazy. At least that’s his excuse. Maybe that’s just it. It’s his excuse. Don’t let anyone get to close and if they do totally throw them off by doing something abnormal. But then again, maybe that’s me shooting out to left field again and he really is fucking sociopath. Who knows? But that doesn’t really matter anymore. He’s gone. Poof! As he’s prone to doing anyways.

Suddenly quitting something you've been doing for a year and a half. That is either stupid or brave...or something. Who knows? I just know that at the same time I feel I should be happy I also feel I should be back doing what I was doing before. Which was...saving the world and having morons with guns take pot shots at my head. Much fun, no? So I do what I can to stop the local morons in my town without causing to much suspicion. I really hate this Burger King. It's the only one in town so I see it ALL the time. I wish it would blow up sometimes.