"When A Lord Comes Knocking" *HF*

By Mystikal

When A Lord Comes Knocking

by Mystikal

Mysty sighed as she laid back on the couch. The quiet life had its perks, but she also missed the excitement. She had never considered actually missing some of the things she did. Lately, she had taken up a little crime fighting, so to say, in the area just to keep herself occupied. She didn't have a real job, there was no need for her to do so. From the money she had before she joined the Grey, to the money she had saved during her time in the Grey, she wouldn't need to do anything for the rest of her life if she chose.

She looked down at the bruises that were on her legs and sighed. She knew that with the beating she took there would be more elsewhere. The guys she had taken out today were more than she had thought they were, and had turned out to be mutants. One of whom had superstrength. Oh yea, she was positive she would have more bruises elsewhere. She carefully stood up and floated up her stairs to her bathroom. When she reached her bathroom she started some hot water and decided she needed a shower. Fourty minutes later, Mysty walked out of her bathroom dressed in boxers and a tank top, towel drying her mass of silver hair.

"My Mysty, you look good," said a voice to her left. Mysty jumped with a scream of shock to face the person.

"Nate?! What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Just thought I'd check in on the one person who wants me more than anything," he said with a grin.

"Get over yourself," she retorted. "Why are you here? And how did you find me?"

"I am a telepath ya know." Nate smiled then continued. "But yes, I am here for a specific reason. In fact, it's so important that I wrote note cards for it!" Nate began systematically searching his pockets muttering to himself about how he probably left them behind. When he finally found them, he whipped them out and showed them to her. "See! Cards."

"So I see..."

"Shhh. Okay first. Join the Darkfire Court..."

"The wha?" Mysty asked confusedly. She had heard of the Darkfire Court, but from what she had heard it had been defunct since the Millenium Massacre. She didn't really think it would be reformed either. Too many bad memories from that night. Nate continued as if he hadn't heard her.

"Second...no. Wait...no second. Just the first. I just bought the cards cause of the colors! See the colors?!"

"Yes I see them. Go away."

"THE COLORS," he said again. Mysty just sighed and pointed to her door.

"Go away."

"Seriously. I want you to be in the DFC. Is that so hard to ask? With what we've been to each other and everything?!" he asked.

"What we've been to each other?" Mysty asked. "What the hell? Are you suffering from some delusions I should know about. Or did I miss something the first time we met. Besides which. I thought you felt there were enough 'paths."

"Yes, but I also said I'd take as many hot chicks as I could."

"Look. You're in my room. I dont' want you in my house. Go away Nate."

"Aww, but Mysty..." Mysty simply pointed to her door, glaring hard at him. "I mean, I let you in my room, without whining."


"Hmm. This 'go' you speak of. Is it like the 'no' I hear girls tell me?"

"Yes. I'm tired. You're here. Go away."

"Well now! I think I've figured out a compromise," he said taking off his shoes. Nate walked the short distance to her bed and sat down on it, motioning her to come over there. Mysty just stood there with her eyebrows raised. "Sure! We'll sleep on it!"

"Lord. Look sleep all you like. I"m going down to the guest room then," she replied with a sigh.

"Well the idea was together..."

"Sorry to bust your bubble pal," she said as she walked out her bedroom door and headed down the hall to the guest room. She could hear Nate sigh in exasperation as she walked away, and couldn't help but to laugh a little. It was too amusing to her.

As she reached the other room, she heard a noise behind her and turned to face it, when she saw nothing there she turned away again. Only to find Nate standing in front of her. "How the HELL did you do that?!"

"Sorry, secret of the trade. Can't give them all away now can I?" he replied with a smirk.


"You've resorted to name calling! Mystykins, I'm shocked."

"Call me Mystykins again and I'll kill you."

"Doubtful." Nate sighed after a moment then looked back up at her. "So that's a no, huh?"

"You're a quick learner. Wanna a cookie?"

"On the list of thing and people in the house that I want, that actually would not be listed first!"

"Bye Nate. Ta-ta now." Mysty walked around him and into the guest room, locking herself in. As she lay in her bed, she could hear his footsteps going down the stairs. She sighed happily when she heard the door shut. Mysty quickly fell asleep.

_ _ _ _ _ _

The Next Day

Mysty woke up yawning and stretched. When she opened her eyes, she saw Nate peering down at her with a huge grin on his face.

"Dammit! Nate Grey, I'm gonna kick your ass!" When she jumped outta bed and got a good look at her surroundings she almost squealed. "What?! How? NATE!!"

"You're so cute when you're mad."

"Die. Now."

"Sorry. Can't help ya there. So, this is your room. Would you like a tour of the castle?" Mysty glared at him and shook her head no. Nate just laughed and grabbed her by her arm, pulling her outta her room.

"Nate," she hissed. "I'm still in my pajamas!"


"So I don't think it's intelligent to be walking around in my boxers and a tank shirt!"

"Eh, what are they going to say to the new Countess?"

"Countess?" Mysty asked quizzically. "Hey...I never agreed..."

"You're here right? You musta agreed to something!"

"I wasn't drunk last night..."

"Sure ya were! You just don't remember!" Mysty thought about this a couple of times. She kept repeating to herself last nights events, wondering what was going on.


"Here we are! This is the throne room," he said. "And that really big chair...is mine."

"My, I'm sure you're so proud of your chair."

"Yep. No one's allowed to sit in it," he said. Mysty pondered this for a moment then quickly flew over to it and sat down.

"Nice chair," she said laughing.