"When It's Time To Say Goodbye" *HF*

By Mystikal

When it's Time to Say Goodbye

by: Mystikal

Mysty finished packing away the rest of her stuff and looked upon the now bare room. She had made her decision to leave only a couple of days before and hadn't told anyone yet. She was going to let everyone know today, then she was going to leave. Simple as that. She didn't know what was propelling her to leave. It's just that lately...things had been to routine for her. Too...well she wasn't sure what. She just felt it was time for a change. And that's exactly what she was going to do.

_ _ _ _

Alexis filed away the last of her papers and sat back with a smile. It had almost been a year since she had tracked down her cousin, Shannon, and had joined the Grey Court. She had come in as the Assassin, which suited her just fine. She liked the excitement and she relished the idea of knocking off some of the world's most annoying people. Lately, though, it had started to become to routine. Her response to that...she started taking jobs outside of the court system. With the money she made from this lucrative business she set up her own. She was very selective of the assassin's she hired. When she hired them, she then ran them through a sort of training session just to see how good they really were.

Alexis was brought out of her thoughts by a loud knock at her door, which kept going on and on. The person on the other end just wouldn't stop knocking.

"C'min Sha-Sha," Alexis said with a smirk on her face. Mysty walked into her cousin's room with a frown on her face. Alexis knew she hated that nickname and insisted upon calling her it, if only to piss her off. Alexis regarded her cousin for just a moment then stood up. "Whatdaya want?"

"Just to let you know I'm quitting. Decided I needed a change." Mysty nodded her head towards Alexis and began to back out the door. Alexis sat back and watched as she left. This had been unexpected.

_ _ _ _

Siren watched as Mysty walked right past her office door without even stopping to say hi. In her hand was a peice of paper and a couple of objects Siren couldn't make out. Celeste quietly stood up and quickly followed Mysty down the hall, curious as to what was going on.

Mysty reached Marvel Girl's office and paused at her door, hand poised to knock. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Siren coming towards her. Mysty lowered her hand and turned to completely face her freind.

"Mysty. What's up?"

"Uhm...eh. Not much," Mysty said hesitantly. She hadn't told Celeste yet. In fact, so far, the only person she had told was Alexis. In fact, her plan had been to just leave. She was bad with good-byes. She had found that, more often than not, good-byes were generally bad. "I just have something to discuss with MG. Shouldn't be to long, then I'll be going about my happy little self."

Siren regarded Mysty. It was times like this she wished she was a telepath. Her silver haired friend had a way of not telling everything or beating around the bush. It made figuring things out rather hard.

"Well. Ok. Meet me in the courtyard when you're done talking to Marvel Girl?"

"Yea. Sure," Mysty replied. She watched as Siren walked away, back down the hall. Mysty let out a silent sight of relief and once again turned to knock on Jean's door. Before she could though, she heard Marvel Girl's voice from inside beckoning her to come in. Mysty shook her head and quietly opened the door leading into the Grey Queen's office.

"What can I do for you Mystikal?" Marvel Girl asked.

"I've come to turn in my resignation." Mysty placed her typed resignation, her GCU, and her Mark V razer on Marvel Girl's desk then turned to leave. Marvel Girl quickly scanned the other telepath's thoughts, trying to figure out the sudden move. When she found the answers she was looking for she simply nodded her head.

Mysty quickly walked to her room all the while searching the Astral Plane for a mutant with teleporting abilities. She found them just as she reached her room. Quickly she reached out and borrowed their power and with a thought teleported her stuff and herself to her home in Tennessee. She felt bad for not telling Siren, but...she was bad with goodbyes. Mysty figured she'd just call her later.

Mysty glanced around her living room, which was now crowded with stuff from the Citadel. She sighed and began the long process of unpacking it all and settling in to a life outside of the courts.