Untitled *HF*

By Mystikal

Ok, so I joined a new court. Got tricked into it though. Stupid Nate. I mean, he tricked me! How fair is that? It's ok here though. It just takes some getting used to. I'm having to learn how everyone here operates after being in the Grey for so long. Monet's cool. Her and Nate go way back apparently, and it's evident in the way they act towards each other. They're the Lord and Lady of the court...heh. That means they're in charge. I just let Nate think I'm gonna listen to him. Like THAT's gonna really happen. He's an unstoppable flirt and doesn't know when to give up. But that's ok, it's amusing. Monet is funny. She shoots him down so many times, but I don't think he notices.

Then there's Strider. He keeps kinda to himself, so I haven't really been able to learn much about him. He is the Count here, my counterpart since I'm the Countess. All those titles mean is that when ever Mo and Nate don't feel like doing something, they have us do it. And trust me, that happens a lot! Lazy bums. Oh well, I'll just pass it off to someone else. I really despise office work. I know this has been mentioned before, but I do. It makes me wanna scream and pull my hair out. Stupid offices. I wanna be out running missions all the time and blowing stuff up. Well, not really. Blowing stuff up can be bad....shyeah right. I always thought it was kinda therapuetic.

That, so far, is our inner court. We have a couple of spots open, but no one to fill them. So that leaves at least three crazy people and possibly one sane person running the court. Scaryness for all involved. Our people in the outer court are interesting and vary greatly in personality. I haven't learned much and Blufire, our shaman. He keeps to himself mostly, so I let him. Then there's our Ranger, Jian. He's...well, he's interesting. He's trained to kill, and he's very good at it. There's just something about him I can't put my finger on. Wish I could though. There's Flashfire, our sentinel. She's interesting. Then there's Wes Grey. I have yet to completely understand his relationship to Nate. And anytime I ask Nate he just gives one of his stupid grins and shrugs. Oh well. I'll find out eventually. I always win. At least, that's what I tell myself.

So, I feel bad for not saying goodbye to everyone at the GHC. But, I look at it this way, I didn't really go far. I'm in Crete for crying out loud. Poor people can't get away from me. Scrib asked me to come by tonight, something about homemade cocktails. Sounds fun! So to finish my work here and I'm off to get plastered. Joy, rapture, happiness!