Natural Killer *HF* - Chapter 1

By NightCrawler

Chapter 1

I sit in the back seat of a black Mercedes. I can’t see the driver. It’s dark outside.

They gave me this bloody special uniform. Covert Ops. It’s all black.

Not that it matters so much to me, I’m almost invisible in the darkness.

The window next to me opens only to the level of my eyes.

The door is locked.

Funny – They don’t want to try and get away. I wonder why.

I inhale.

Fresh air. It’s been a long time since I’ve breathed fresh air.

It’s been a long time since Dr. Sun was replaced by that fiend.

At least I think his name was Dr. Sun.

Dr. Sun tested my powers to the limit, teaching me to except them, and myself.

I didn’t want to run away, since he told me I would only be haunted out there, by those who fear me. Who hate me. Who think I’m a freak.

And besides, it was considered a home. I knew most of the people there.

A few years ago, on the day he was replaced, I knew there were going to be trouble.

They put me in a cell, and attached this collar to my neck. Started calling me names.

Until that day I studied everything they gave me to study: English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology… Weaponary. It was pretty interesting.

Until that day I had a name.

A name they gave me: Alex Darkholme.

But from that day it was Project 289, or my alias: Crawler of the Night.


I never wanted these powers.

Ever since I was a child I remember being in the lab.

Sleeping there. Eating there. Learning there. Living almost a normal life.

Training for missions to come.

That’s right.

I, like many other mutants, am a living weapon.

On the seat to my left, are the plans for this mission.

I look into them:

“Subject: Project 289.”

I hate that name.

“We believe the Israeli Secret Service, the Mossad has discovered about our operations. They have compiled a disc, which contains our assumed location and several of our agents.

You will soon be dropped next to the mansion of Commander Joseph Rosenberg, a retired agent of the Mossad. When he left the Mossad and moved to England he had copied the disc, and came to us with an offer. He asked for 500,000$ in exchange for it, and that we will meet with today at 2200.”

That’s how he makes his money, by selling secrets. Smart man.

“The suitcase to your left contains the amount of money he requested. If pulls any tricks, you have the permission to use force. When you have finished the job, press the red button on your collar. It will be deactivated so you will be able to use your powers. You will be able to contact us during your mission.

We are watching, so don’t try to escape – You will be dead before you could go anywhere.”

Oh, goodie me. I’m a bloody secret agent man.

Attached to the papers is a picture of the man. An old, balding, bearded man. Looks pretty respectful.

The car stops, and a “click” sound came from the door.

I leave the car and close the door behind me, while holding the briefcase. Immediately when I close the door the driver start driving away. I can still hear the engine, although he’s far away.

“You coward.” I hiss at him.

My attention’s averted from the car when I see the giant gate before me. I press the door-bell, and wait.

No answer. I press it again.

No answer.

“Either somebody made a big mistake…”

Or I’m in deep shit.

Well, time to use that good ol’ mutant powers of mine.

When I teleport, I simply “see” in my mind the place I wanna go to, and everything becomes glowing yellow.

Once, my teleportation made sound, but I’ve learned how to ‘port silently.

I pass through a place Dr. Sun called the “Dark Dimension”. We nicknamed it “DD”. I swear… Sometimes, when I ‘port I can see red glowing eyes looking back at me.

Perhaps they’re family…

When I ‘port back, I bring the smell of brimstone and yellow gas from the DD.

I like that smell. Makes me feel like I’m home.

The gates are behind me. I now stand on a path that leads to Rosenberg’s mansion.

I follow it.

I reach the main doors. They’re smaller than the gate, and are made out of wood. Looks like an oak tree. I knock.

“Hello?” I yell. No relpy.

Where are ya, pricks?

Try the handle.

The door isn’t locked. Let’s check what’s going on.

I enter the mansion. The main hall is huge, and is lighted by several lamps. There are stairs leading to the other floors. Wait…

What’s that smell?

“Oh, fuck!”

-End Chapter 1-