Natural Killer *HF* - Chapter 2

By NightCrawler

Chapter 2

I teleport into a dark corner in the ceiling, and grab it with the help of my tiny suction cups, placed on my 3 fingered hands and feet. I focus my vision to the floor.

As I thought.

Blood. There’s a trail of blood leading upstairs.

Someone started the party without me.

I ‘port myself outside, near the entrance.

“Where’s that bloody electricty box I saw around here?!”

I stand still, trying to listen to the buzz it made when I enterd the place.

Here we go.

I open it, revealing all the wires inside.

“Let’s play by my rules.”

I rip them all out. The buzzing stops. I leave the briefcase I was holding in it.

I teleport myself inside. Everything’s pitch black. Just like I like it. In the dark, I can see better than in the light. Dr. Sun said it had some relation to the DD as well.

I climb the wall, and then the ceiling, until I’ve reached the next level.

I ‘port to the ceiling again. Nobody here as well. The trail of blood is now being accompanied by several other blood trails, all leading to the next floor. I follow it as well.

The smell of blood floods my mind. The odor increases when I climb to the next floor.

A now I know the reason.

The next floor, which seems to be Rosenberg’s bedroom, is filled with corpses. They’ve been shot dead. Probably the guards. And Rosenberg himself. But that’s not what worries me right now…

What worries me is that the blood is fresh, smoke still rises from the guns they’re holding. They’ve been dead for less then 10 minutes.

Which means… That the party’s VIP is still here somewhere. I wonder if he heard me ringing the bell or knocking the door.

It seems like the guards shot themselves. Who has enough power to do this?

I grab one of the guards’ Uzi. I’ve been trained in one of these. I ‘port to the ceiling again, and crawl to the next room on the floor.

It’s a hidden room. Well, it used to be, until this guy found out about it.

There he is.

Standing there, holding something, and exanining it. It’s the disc. He’s covered in a silver outfit, and he has two sword attached to every side of his belt. Some kind of Samurai?

I have a clear shot…

“You know, I could have killed you 5 times already…”

Damn it! He did know I was here. He has a very confident tone.

I’m sure he really could kill me.

I ‘port myself to the floor.

“Then why didn’t you?”

He turns around, smiling. A silver mask covers his eyes. Probably has night-vision in it, otherwise he couldn’t see me. Still – I can better.

“Too easy. I like a challenge.”

“Why should I shoot you right now?”

“Because I’m a mutant …” He runs behind me and returns to his exact spot in a split second, “…Like you are. You couldn’t possibly hit me. You saw what happened to those guards.”

He puts the disc on the table, takes out his two swords, and throws one of them to me.

“No guns.” He gestures at my Uzi. I throw it behind me.

“You ready?” He asks.

I nod. I look into his eyes, and he looks into mine.

As he approaches, I ‘port behind him, grab another Uzi with my tail, and shoots him in the back, where his heart should be. Another thing I was trained to do at the lab.

He turns around, and strikes me, only to hit my neck collar, penetrating it.

“Cheater…” He says, and drops on the ground.

“At least I survived.” I throw the sword, take the disc and start ‘porting out of there, pushing the red button on the collar. I hope it still works.

I take the suitecase I left in the electricity box, and starts running after the path, blood dripping from me.

A car waits next to the gate. It’s the black Mercedes, and the backseat’s door is open.

I teleport into it. My neck is bleeding, but it’s not so bad.

When I close the door, it automatically locks. I sleep during the drive back.

The car stops, and the door unlocks. We’re inside the lab.

I exit the car, and my abusive doctor stands there.

“Did you get it?” he asks in his annoying tone. I show him the disc.

He looks at my wound.

“Things didn’t go according to plan, eh?” He laughs.

I throw the briefcase at him.

“Temper temper…” He takes out his collar’s remote.

I calm down, and give him the disc.

“Good job, 289. Now, we’ll take you back to your cell.” A few guards surrounded me.

“What? I thought this is it!”

“No, we still have a few other missions for you…”

“Fuck your mission!… I’m not going back to that cell!”

I won’t let him. I try teleporting, but the collar was activated again. I’m electracuted. It’s hurts more, because of the wound, and the blood.

I try again, ignoring the pain. The Dr. realizes it, so he increases the stream.

But something is wrong. The damage dealt to the collar must have done something.
I teleport behind the Doc.


My powers.

“They work!” I scream, and start teleporting until I reach the exit. The alarm starts ringing, but I don’t care. I avoid any guards in the way.


-End Chapter 2-