Shadows *HF*

By Sabre


Chapter One:

Blink stood quietly as the servants unfastened her gown. She silently waited, impatiently, for them

to finish. As she felt the front grow loose she lifted up her hand in a sign of dismissal. The two

women who had been working at the row of tiny seed pearl buttons stepped back, heads bowed,

and backed out the door. They were quickly followed by the serving girl who had been turning

down the bed, and the girl who had been carrying the tray of sweets, leaving in a similar fashion.

The young girl who had been preparing the silver brushes on the vanity prepared to leave but

stopped upon Blink’s command. "Wait. Stay…. Please…" Blink looked almost pleading. Quickly

the look disappeared behind a mask of complete indifference and Blink continued. "You shall

attend to my hair in a moment. Now draw me a bath." The girl nodded and, head bowed, and

slipped into the adjoining bathroom. Blink silently reprimanded herself to remember her position.

Pulling at the neckline of the dress, she felt the silk as it slid down her body and into a pool of

crimson on the floor. She shivered, goose-bumps appearing on her pale skin. She stepped out of the

discarded dress, reaching down to hang it up, but then she dropped it again. She was a queen now.

And not just any queen, but the Red Queen, she answered only to Ryan… and everyone else,

besides those in the disavowed Black Court, to her.

She sat down on the corner of her bed, unhooking her stalkings from the silk and lace contraption

that Ryan had gifted her with that morning. She felt her stomach roll in disgust over the uselessness

of the teddy. It was not very comfortable, and was really only good to entice a lover. Red silk

covered her skin… very little of it, and black lace covered the red silk. Blink grimaced as she

worked at the intricate laces and hooks until she felt it give. She pulled the thing off and called to

the serving girl who was now awaiting orders. "Burn this." Blink said quietly as she wadded it up

and tossed it to the floor.

Naked, Blink strode across the floor. She entered the bathroom, which was larger than a few of

the apartments she had once lived in. She crossed to the huge round tub and climbed in. The

servant followed her, laying out a crimson silk robe and a large fluffy towel. "Anything else I can do

mum?" "Bath me" Blink said as she relaxed, closing her eyes. She felt her maid’s hands gently

scrubbing her clean. "What’s your name?" she said opening her eyes. The maid looked surprised,

but quickly said "Sara, if it pleases your ladyship." Blink smiled. "My name is Rachel… please…

feel free to call me by that name." Sara’s eyes opened in shock. "I couldn’t mum, Master Ryan

would be sure to have me beaten before he had me thrown out if he ever knew…" Blink shrugged.

"I won’t tell him… and you don’t have to use it when anyone else is around… just when it’s you

and me." Sara nodded shyly, continuing to wash Blink. Sara made quick work of shampooing

Blink’s hair because it only fell to her shoulders. Sara rinsed her hair again and then sat back. "All

done M’la… er… Rachel."

Blink smiled up at her and rose from the water, which cascaded down her body. The flickering light

from the candles reflected off her wet skin, causing it to glow. Sara dried Blink with a towel, and

then held out the robe, which Blink slipped into. With Blink sitting in front of a vanity table, Sara

ran a brush through her hair. She continued with the gentle, soothing strokes until Blink’s hair was

dry, and sparkling in the soft candlelight. "Thank you Sara…" Blink said softly as Sara took the

robe and laid it over the back of a chair. Blink slipped into the large bed, feeling the silken sheets

against her bare flesh. She sighed in contentment and quickly fell asleep.

Blink shivered, deep in sleep, as the covers were pulled down off her body. Warm lips pressed

against her stomach. She moaned and opened her eyes, meeting those of Ryan. She quickly

gulped. She knew he would come to her tonight, he had every right as her King, but she wasn’t any

less scared. She had heard the rumors about him, and they scared her. Was he really that brutal?

Had he killed that girl? Did he really leave scars? She tried not to flinch away from his touch. If she

had learned anything from Nem, she had learned to do what was necessary, until you gained


Blink opened her eyes, and her arms to Ryan. Using every trick she knew to bring him to his

knees. Playing the dominatrix, and not allowing him the opportunity to hurt her… much.

Chapter Two:

Blink examined herself in the mirror. She sighed, shaking her head in disgust. There was a large

bruise on her right breast. Her cheek was also looking slightly discolored, but that wouldn’t be too

noticeable. She opened of a container full of powder and applied it liberally to her damaged skin.

Hopefully the powder would prevent anyone from seeing the bruises. She reached for the bell-pull

and called for Sara, who quickly came to attend her mistress.

* * *

"My darling…" Nem crooned. "Was it that awful?" She ran her hand along Blink’s cheek. "That

would depend on how you would describe awful… now wouldn’t?" she turned her face in Nem’s

hand and placed a kiss to her palm. "He hurt you my pet?" Nem’s voice was all concern. Blink

smiled sardonically, "Not much." Suddenly all humor was lost from her expression and her tone

became cool as ice, "Nothing compared to my… initiation into Black Hellfire Life." Nem pursed

her lips not saying a thing. Blink’s expression softened, "But come, that’s not here or there. Shall

we take a walk through the gardens? They’re beautiful this time of year." Arm and arm the two

queens exited the room. To any outsider it would look like they were the best of friends, for the

underlying tension was lost to all but the two of them.

"Have you seen Gregor lately…?" Nem asked in a nonchalant tone. Blink was almost convinced

Nem didn’t care, almost. She smiled secretly before replying. "Not since he left. It was quite a

shame, I liked our arrangement. I had grown so used to living in such close range my lover while I

was still the Black Princess, I was hesitant to leave. However, after that frightful display Jon made,

Ryan was more than willing to agree to my wishes that Gregor be given a position in the Red

Court. Too bad Ryan found out about Gregor’s nightly excursions to my room, the results were not

to my liking." She paused, watching Nem try to hide the rage her words had caused. She sighed

dramatically, "Gregor left to spare his own neck, and hasn’t come back. I heard he had hooked up

with some nice young gel from back home. I hope they’re happy." She swallowed a smile of

triumph, beat that Nem. She did. "So what are your feelings about your Grover becoming the

White King?" Blink’s eyes flashed, "I’m more than happy for him. His hunger for power is a near

match for my own." Nem kept twisting the knife, "You know that will, ah, change things between

you two don’t you? Jon is not to keen on sharing anything she has claimed as her own." Blink

smiled sweetly. "Neither am I. And of course things will change, but you taught me better than to

get too attached to a lover, that’s why we must always have more than one." She smiled coolly.

Nem smiled back. "Oh yes, I had almost forgotten about your young Feonix. All that power…

must be exciting. Perhaps when you tire of him…" she paused, waiting for Blink’s response, she

didn’t have to wait long. "Perhaps NOT." Blink said, her voice chilling. Nem smiled a sugary smile,

"I see, perhaps not. Shall we go in? It’s rather cold…" "Actually I should be leaving, I have some

business to attend to. If you’ll excuse me." Once again the masks of love and adoration for each

other fell into place, convincing to everyone but the two wearing them. "Goodbye darling" Nem

said giving Blink the softest of kisses. "Goodbye My Queen," Blink said almost mockingly as she

turned to leave. She could feel Nem’s cool stare following her as she left. Round one tied.

Chapter 3:

"Oh look at them…" cackled a high voice. "So innocent to the evil that’s watching them… oh

my… can’t wait… just can’t wait." He tittered a high and obnoxious laugh.

* * *

Jon, better known as Nytshade to those who had the misfortune to be her enemy, was falling lax in

her Queenly duties. She sat staring out the window of her office at her new White King. He was

sparring with a few of the Hellions, shirtless. Jon licked her lips as he did a flip and landed behind

his opponent, quickly disarming him.

Her smile quickly turned to a scowl as she noticed Blink standing there watching him too. It was

odd, because in her own way she loved Blink, having watched her grow from a baby to the lush

young woman she was now, but she also felt extremely competitive. She had known of Blink and

Grover’s affair when she had selected him to be her king, but she had not known how strong the

attachment was between the two. They had been lovers since their first days as Hellions, and they

were the best of friends. She knew that when Grover became king their affair had ended, but she

also knew that it had been because of some moral belief of Blink’s, and that Grover had not been

to happy about it. That was what made her nervous. She had grown to think of Grover as hers, he

was an excellent lover, and she was not willing to share. Not even with Blink, especially not with

Blink. She shushed the little voice inside that said maybe it was Blink she did not want to share…

Jon got up to go place her claim. As she sauntered out into the training grounds she saw Blink turn

and smile brilliantly at Feonix, the two walked off together. Jon smiled to herself over the small

victory. Then she saw the slight frown marring Grover’s face, and felt a slight burst of anger. She

walked up behind her king and slipped her arms around his waist, leaning over to whisper in his

ear, "I have a few things I’d like to… discuss with you My King, if you can find the time." He

turned and grinned at her "As a matter of fact, I’m free now." With that she turned and sauntered

back into her office, leaving him to follow.

And he did.

* * *

"How’s my "Rae of Sunshine" today?" Feonix asked in a cheerful tone. "Much better now," Blink

answered with a suggestive wink. Feonix laughed loudly. Like Blink and Grover, these two were

also very close. Then again so were all of the first Hellions.

The two young friends made there way to a secluded grove about quarter of a mile into the woods

on the Hellfire Club’s property. There was a picnic all laid out and ready for them. "Oh yes…

being the Queen does have some advantages," Blink said lightly in response to Feonix’s

questioning look. He gave her a wary glance when he noticed the shadows in her eyes. He knew

she wasn’t happy. He was tempted to dip into her mind and find out exactly what she had been

going through, but he had too much respect for her to do that.

They shared a delicious meal of fresh fruit and turkey sandwiches in companionable silence. Blink

closed her eyes to enjoy the taste of a particularly rip piece of cantaloupe, paying little attention to

the trail of juice that ran down her chin. Her eyes flew open as she felt Feonix’s tongue licking up

the juice. She giggled playfully before she suddenly stiffened and pushed him away. "No we

can’t… not anymore." Feonix would never dream of pressuring her, but he felt anger build up

inside when he saw the flicker of fear in her eyes and noticed how she quickly looked around. He

grabbed her shoulders and shook her slightly, "Why Rachel… why are you so afraid? What is so

wrong with what we share?" She looked almost helpless, "But… Ryan…" she said timidly.

"Damnit he doesn’t own you! Nobody owns you, nobody." He shook her again. Then he pulled

her against him, hugging her tightly. "Oh Rachel… it’s been so long…" He nuzzled her neck. She

sighed her surrender and kissed him with all the pent up passion inside her.

* * *

Feonix Lay back on the picnic blanket, Blink stretched out and sleeping across his chest. He felt

sorry for her… she wasn’t happy. If only she would tell him about it, maybe he could help her. He

thought back over all the fun times the original four Hellions had had together. They were the best

of possible friends, and shared a bond few others would understand. The three boys had been very

protective of Blink, not only was she the only girl, but she was the youngest as well. She had

always been sweet and giving. Trusting the guys like she trusted no one else. She had all faith that

nothing would happen to her if they were around, she could be falling off a cliff, and one of them, if

not all three, would be at the bottom to catch her. It made perfect sense that as she grew into

womanhood she would turn two her three friends in a less platonic way.

Growing up as a child of the Inner Circle Blink was raised around sex and power games. So she in

turn had learned that monogamy was not a sign of true love and devotion, and was in fact quite

stupid to many of her world. However, unlike most of the Inner Circle members, she did not use

her body as a means of controlling people, but more as a way to show love and friendship, and to

offer comfort.

Feonix had been her first, although he had been Kane X at the time. He had been a smart-ass, foul

mouthed, egotistical boy then, but she had been just as eager as he had been. It was hard for him at

first to understand how her mind worked, and he had flown of the handle when he found out about

Case, Cyke to all but his close friends.

He had yelled and screamed, calling Blink all sorts of things he would always regret, but she had

looked at him so innocently and said, "Case needed me. She was dead and only I could give him

the comfort he needed." All of his anger had died away at those few words, spoken without


That’s who she was. That’s who they loved.

Later when he had asked her about her affair with Grover, she had just smiled and said "Why not?

He wanted me. I wanted him. I love him too. I love you all, you are my dearest friends."

He ran his hand through her golden brown hair. It was odd, but he didn’t begrudge her her lovers,

because for each one it was someone she cared about, and she did it with a light heart and the best

of intentions.

He smiled as he thought about the girls he had brought home in an attempt to make her jealous.

She had just smiled and said "If they make you happy, then I am happy for you. All I wanted was

to make you happy." He had felt like an ass, as she had known he would.

It wasn’t until she was appointed into the Black Court that she started to change. She became

somewhat manipulative, using her body to get what she wanted. The guys had thought it was funny,

until she came back crying an apology. She wasn’t fit for court life she had said; she didn’t want to

be heartless and cruel. But she went back, she always did.

She would spend a lot of time alone in her room. Only coming out if she had to. The guys would

worry, they hated the changes she was going through. But then something would happen and she

would be just like her normal self. And they would all but forget about her odd behavior.

Feonix frowned as he thought of the last time he had crept into Blink’s mind. It had been during

one of those times she had hidden herself away in her room. He had been worried, and convinced

it was his duty, so he had slipped quietly into her mind. He’ll never forget the images he found

there, the feelings, and he had never entered her mind since. He wondered if she was reliving those

dreadful memories again with Ryan. God he hoped not.

Blink sighed softly in her sleep, catching his attention. For the first time he noticed the slight

discoloration of her cheek. He ground his teeth. That bastard had hit her. He was going to make

Ryan pay if he so much as-

"Kane?" Blink said, her eyes fluttering open. A satisfied smile slowly curled her lips. She sat up and

stretched. "That was incredible as always…" she said with an impish glint in her eyes. "Oh my

god…" she said as she saw where the sun lay on the horizon. Feonix looked at her confused.

"What? It’s not like you have a curfew dear… it doesn’t matter how late it is… and now that

you’re awake… I think I’ll keep you out even later." He said with a confident smile, his arms

slipping around her waist.

"Kane… I’m sorry…" she said as she pushed away from him, "But Ryan’s going to kill me… I

have to go!" She quickly gathered up her scattered clothing and opened a portal into her private

bathroom. She stepped through, pausing to give him one last apologetic glance, one that was

tainted by more than a small trace of genuine fear.

* * *

"Oh yes my dear… hurry back to him. We wouldn’t want him to be mad now would we?" the

maniacal voice cackled. Doesn’t really matter… not in the long run. But it’s entertaining now.

Better hurry… he’s coming. Creek. Creek. Creek. Can you hear his steps?"

* * *

Blink dropped her clothes in a pile and turned on the shower. God… if Ryan knew. She shuddered

at the thought. If she thought he was violent normally…

She jumped as she felt a hand on her shoulder. Instinctively she formed a displacement dart,

spinning and placing it to Ryan’s neck. Although she hated to, upon discovering it was Ryan she

distinguished the dart.

Ryan had a sadistic smile on his face. "Did I scare you dear?" Blink swallowed quickly. "A little."

Her reply was nearly a whisper. "Good." Ryan said sadistically. He reached for her, but she

backed away. She couldn't let Ryan touch her... not after Feonix. "No, not now... not tonight.

Please let me be." She hated the pleading tone in her voice, but she refused to let Ryan destroy the

one thing that had actually meant anything to her in the longest time, the one thing that made the life

she had been leading tolerable.

She saw a flicker of something in Ryan's eyes... was it understanding and maybe a little regret?

Ryan smiled slightly, "Of course dear, sorry to disturb you." He turned and strode out of the

bathroom. Blink sat there shaking, she jumped as she heard the door to her room slam shut. "Oh

god..." she whispered, sinking to the floor. "What have I done?"

* * *

Ryan watched the amber liquid swirl around his glass before he downed it all. He felt the familiar

burn of the brandy as it slid down his throat. "How very unlike you." A voice said from behind him.

Ryan didn't even jump, he was very used to these sudden visits. "What do you mean?" Ryan's

visitor paused for a moment before he spoke up. "You want her, this young queen of yours, yet

you don't take her." "I have no right," Ryan said, pouring himself another drink. "You have every

right! You are her king, and besides that, were she but some farmer's wife you have the power to

take her at your will. As I was saying... it's very unlike you."

Ryan turned in disgust. "Unlike popular belief has it, I am not the monster you want me to be. And

I would thank you to remember that Hellgoat." The Hellgoat just smirked before turning and

disappearing. Ryan threw his brandy snifter, watching it shatter against the wall in a shimmer of

glass and brandy. "I am not a monster," he said to himself.

Grey Pawn
Official XMBB Scribe
"I hate redundacy and reptition"
"I try to hide my intellectual inadequencies with a bad attitude and big words like intellectual inadequencies."
Hellfire Court Webpage