Kyle's Dream Weaver

By ShadowtheBluePrince

He clicked an icon on the computer screen and pressed ‘enter,’ which made him connect to the Internet. He logged onto his screen-name, which was ‘Shadow!’ It took about 8 seconds to load and finally it opened onto the AOL screen. He heard the feminine voice again, and clicked onto the ‘read email’ icon and a screen appeared. He looked on the email screen and it said, as its title ‘Dreams.’ He looked puzzled at this strange email, but as he wanted to know what this particular email said, he opened it up. The email appeared with graphic clouds opening, and as they started to clear, a woman in white appeared. It began to speak, and as Kyle listened to what this women said, she unleashed a magical feeling, which went right through Kyle. She said that ‘Dreams’ are only figments of our imagination but no one escapes a beautiful woman when she can get into them. Kyle knew what she was meaning by this threat, it was saying in a more clear form, that anything that anyone should dream, she could get into them and either ruin or make happier the person she’s got under her ‘spell.’
He left the email running, but as he took out the remote control from his suit pocket again, and opened the air-lock doors, he did not see ending of this email. It had paused for a while, and this made himself feel that it had ended, but s he pressed the button again to close the doors, a flock of tiny, colorful images came out of the computer screen. The doors shut, and Kyle walked in and then out of the closet where he changed into his suit.
The mysterious tiny images coming from the computer, were getting less of a flock now, and becoming less of them. They were making up a person, starting from the legs upwards. The image was taking 2 second for each individual part of the body, when suddenly the face was created. It had made a beautiful woman who had blonde hair and dark red, blue and purple outfit on. The computer then, unleashed a powerful ray, which went into this beautiful woman and made her glow. Her eyes just opened and as the light shone everywhere, she immerged from her frozen figure! She moved very slowly and as she was getting used to be moveable, she began to stretch his thin, tanned body. She cracked her neck, then her fingers and toes, and began to stretched her arms and legs and ran her fingers through her long, blonde hair. She tested her voice and then, when trying to work out where she had been sent, she looked around the metallic, blue carpeted room. She turned towards the computer and as she placed her palm on the screen, she was programmed with all the knowledge in the universe, which had been sent, from her team leader ‘Miss. Emma Frost.’ After she took her hand from the screen, Emma’s face appeared and told the beautiful women her instructions.
She was to get into the mind of Kyle, but as Emma will allow her associate to do this, she had to make him fall in-love with her. She had to wait until their victim was to be struck upon, and that is when she would strike Kyle and try her best to fight over his love for her, in a dream!
Kyle had just been walking around the gardens with his fiancé, Porscha Rushmore, and as they were talking about their lives onwards, they were hugging each other whilst walking. They placed themselves on the gold bench, which over-looked the BLHC lake, and as they watched the swans fly in and glide over the water, they just sat there, watching how beautiful their life had become after they met. They sat there for hours until they found that the sun was setting and as Porscha wanted to hold Kyle forever, they watched the sun set peacefully. Porscha had quietly fallen asleep and rested herself on Kyle’s chest. He knew that she and he needed rest, and so he carried her towards their bedroom and as he opened the door, Steven Booth, his father, called upon him. Steven was just patrolling the West Wing, but as Kyle had to place Porscha safely into bed, he told his father to wait a second. He placed her onto the bed and as he kissed her lips ‘goodnight,’ he walked out of the bedroom and out of the room. Steven just waned to ask his son if everything was going well with Porscha and as Kyle replied everything was going wonderful, Steven looked forward to becoming a grandfather. Steven gave his son a hug and as he walked off, he said goodnight and walked towards his quarters. Kyle smiled and shouted ‘goodnight’ back.
He walked into the bedroom and closed the door behind him. He changed into his night clothing and placed himself into his comfortable bed. He rested his head against the soft, blue cushions and as his eyes were slowly shutting, the beautiful women appeared in the bedroom. She smiled and as Emma Frost entered hers and Kyle’s mind, she made this women vanish. Kyle had just closed his weary eyes and as the women had vanished, Emma’s plan was in motion.
Kyle’s mind was in a beautiful location next to a lovely seaside with a lighthouse next to it. He was dreaming of himself and Porscha walking along a warm and sandy beach, whilst the sun was setting ending color. The light was dimming and as the beautiful woman had just been placed in the path of her victims, Kyle was startled at this, because he was not controlling his dream now. Kyle stopped Porscha and as he saw the mysterious women walking towards them, he made Porscha disappear from his dream. This was not going to happen as he had planned, and as the women shouted at her name, ‘Swift,’ she reached out her right arm and as netting of an unbreakable rope was forming. Porscha was just about disappearing. The rope struck out of her palm and captured Porscha within a Millie-second. Kyle shouted out to make Swift stop, but she was not going to do so until she won Kyle’s love. He ran over to his wife, but as Swift made her quickly levitate off the warm and sandy beach, she made her glide above the ocean. Kyle was pleading with Swift, but she was not going to let Porscha stand in the way of her and Emma’s plan. She suddenly, dropped Porscha into the cold sea, and by the mind of Emma Frost, she froze the water. Kyle let out a horrifying scream and as he slid along the ice to where Porscha as trapped, he saw her, looking up to him, with terror in her small but beautiful eyes. Kyle started to cry and as he was telling her that everything was going to be all right, she was dragged away by the current. He ran along the ice, never losing eye contact with her, but as she was being dragged down by the current, he let out tears, and as he shouted out to her that he loved her always, he body and beautiful face disappeared in the cold waters.
Emma had succeeded in the removal of the woman in Kyle’s life, but now, it was up to Swift to pick up the pieces. Emma made Kyle’s dream move on four years ahead, and as he was now looking for the right person to fall in love with again, he met a beautiful young woman called ‘Stacey Field.’ Now thinking that his dream was reality, Kyle fell in-love with Stacey. Emma made them meet in a shopping mall, where they bumped trolley’s and began to talk from there. They met two years after the death and have been going down the right path for some time now. After another two years, Kyle and Stacey were engaged and as Emma’s plan was going extremely well, his dream was not going to stop now.
Kyle had stayed in his cottage on the beach with his new fiancé, and as he was getting back to work, he had started a new job but as he wanted to be close to his wife, he worked at home. Stacey was doing fine and as she was not a real person, Kyle treated her as if she was one. She came out of her home and as she waved to Kyle, goodbye, she left for work. As this was all a scheme, the illusion saw that Stacey left her home by car but Kyle closed the door, she had just walked out of the dream and was awaiting orders from her boss, Emma Frost. When she was released from the from the dream, a whole set of colors shone around her and as she was falling down a spiral of flashing lights and vibrant colors, she was set in the secret area to where Emma was. When being resembled from the exit of the dream , she was in a dark, black room, which only had light shining from a line around a door. She walked towards the door and as it flew open, Emma was siting down on a black leather seat. Stacey walked in and as Emma began to discuss the next target of the plan, Stacey did as she was told and followed these instructions.
Kyle was working on his art, and as he was doing drawings, paintings and life images, he was not thinking about his fiancé, just doing his best at his gift. During the time Stacey was away, he began to draw a life portrait of Stacey, and as he made her increasingly beautiful, the drawing turned into Porscha, his deceased fiancé. He thought about her, and as tears appeared, Stacey walked into the cottage. Kyle quickly placed the painting into safe closet where he locked it with a key that he had always had in his pocket. She walked in and has he just began to stand up, she gave him a hug. Kyle smiled and as they both hugged each other, Kyle still thought about Porscha. Emma knew about this and as this would get in the way of her plans, she made Stacey pregnant. This now, made Kyle feel more for Stacey and as he forgot about the painting, the time of a new child was about to be brought into this world. Stacey knew about this, but as Emma did not tell her about painting, that would be found out in time. Emma made the dream move on six months and as the baby was nearly due, Kyle and Stacey were thinking up names. Stacey announced that if a girl it would be ‘Ariel’ and if it was a boy it would be called ‘Eric.’ As she loved Disney’s the Little Mermaid, she always loved them names. Kyle thought up a name for boy, and as it was ‘Michael,’ he also thought up a girl’s name, which was ‘Porscha!’ Emma was looking into her screen, and as her mouth opened widely, she slammed her fist down onto the iron table. Stacey liked the name, and as they agreed, if a boy ‘Eric,’ and if a girl, ‘Porscha.’
A few weeks past in the dream and as they had been blessed with a little girl, Porscha had been the name. Stacey and Kyle were know knowing that they had to be married, and as they just had a peaceful wedding on the beach, they were blessed in the eye’s of god to be husband and wife. Kyle was eventually married and as they were to live their lives together. Stacey was feeling love for her victim.
After the wedding and time she had spent with Kyle, she had never felt anything like this before, but as she shared love and affections with him, she began to show signs of emotion. She began to laugh, cry, feel, and smell different things.
Kyle and Stacey were thinking, now that they had another person in the house, they should move to a bigger place and as they did so, they had a massive clear up. Whilst cleaning Kyle’s clothes, Stacey uncovered a key in one of his jacket pockets. She wondered what this was for, but as there was only one cupboard in the house that was always locked, she tried the key. It opened the cupboard and as Stacey held her hand to the door, she used some pressure to move it. The door swung back and as there was no light, she combined her hands together to produce a source of light. She moved the light around inside the cupboard, and as she brushed away the cobwebs and dust, she saw, way back in the cupboard, some kind of painting. She could not reach the distance in-order to get a hold of the painting, so she climbed in. As she was crawling on her hands and knee’s, she heard the door open from outside the cupboard. As she tried to go back on herself, the person who she thought was Kyle turned out to be an odd-looking man who was saw Stacey instantly. She was able to climb out but as she hand two very muddy boots in front of her; she could not escape this character. The man reached out his long, hairy arm and as his hand slowly opened, Stacey unleashed a terrifying scream. The man took his other arm and reached into his filthy, dark green coat. Stacey, still looking petrified, looked upon the man. He had short hair, and a shaved beard. He had green eyes and was about in his thirty’s. He then, took out a long, black stick, but it was thick and circular. He raised it above Stacey, and as she let out one last scream, he plunged the stick towards her.
Kyle and his daughter, ‘Porscha,’ were just walking out of an Ice-cream shop, where his daughter, who was now four, was eating a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles. Emma was still controlling Kyle’s dream but as the time length of their daughter had increased to have her at suitable age, the death of Stacey was the end. She was in the duration of the plot; due to the dream had gone into the wrong hands. Kyle and Porscha walked off the hot and quite roads and onto the warm and sandy beach. Kyle picked up his daughter, and as he hugged her, they made there way towards their lovely cottage on the beach.
The man had badly beaten Stacey, and as he had plunged the thick, stick towards her so many times, her face was not able to see. Her body was badly bruised and as she had no means of living, he had badly broken up her skeleton.
Porscha had asked her father if she could play in the sea, he allowed this and as he had a lovely grin on his tanned face, he suddenly saw, a large man wearing a dark green coat, running out of his home. He thought something had happened and as he left his daughter to play, he ran to the door of the house, which had been smashed. His face turned white and as his hands were shaking, he pushed the door open. He saw blood footprints that he followed towards the lounge area. He looked around and as he saw bloodstains on the walls and objects in his home, he walked into the lounge. He could not see the carpet yet, but as he slowly, still shaking, moved forward and there he let out a horrific scream. He could not stand the pain and as he threw up, his tears fled down his pale, white skin.
Porscha was still playing in the ocean, and as she had no parental supervision, she began to see outwards. Still smiling and giggling, she still swam outwards.
Kyle still crying, and as he could not bear the fact of looking upon his battered wife, he fled the cottage. He walked out of the door and as he forgot about his daughter, he walked off. Suddenly, a cry for help rung through his ears, and as he swiftly turned to the ocean, he saw his daughter, screaming and splashing for help. He quickly ran on the warm and soft sand, and as he leapt off the ground, he plunged into the water. The weather was being transformed by the order of Kyle’s mind. His unhappiness had made his dream turn into a nightmare, and as this was all transforming at such a fast speed, he tried and tried to make it to his daughter. Still screaming, the waves began to arise and as she was being hit by so many, the force of the waves did not give her any advantage to live. Kyle, still trying to save her could not make it in time. Porscha was pulled under by the current and was sadly killed due to the high pressure of the waves and the fast flowing current.
Kyle slowly looked upon the waves, and as he felt weak and pale, his body just felt nothing and he slowly drown the death.
The dream had come to a complete close and as there was no one to end it, Kyle was the destruction of the Dream Weaver’s plan.
He violently shuck off the dream and as he remained in his blue, velvet bed, surrounded by his sweat, his fiancé ‘Porscha Rushmore,’ and his father ‘Sir. Steven Booth.’ Steven was able to make him calm down from the dream, and Kyle had been in the dream for a matter of hours, to him, it seemed like a lifetime. The difference made him into a nervous wreck and as Porscha was there to comfort him, Steven walked out of the West-Wing bedroom.
Porscha cuddled her pale fiancé, and as he slowly rested his head against her stomach, he lay there. Falling asleep to what he should always called ‘a nightmare.’